This is my template for getting started with a fresh GBDK project using Emulicious in a VSCode workspace on Linux. The Intellisense configuration assumes you've installed GBDK in ~/dev/gbdk
The Emulicious Debugger plugin (emulicious.emulicious-debugger) will need to be installed and configured like so:
- Click the gear icon next to the Emulicious Debugger plugin
- Provide the path to your Java Runtime
- Provide the path to your Emulicious.jar
Additionally, you'll need to launch Emulicious once (java -jar /path/to/emulitious/Emulicious.jar)
, and configure Remote Debugging:
- Tools -> Remote Debugging -> Enabled
This configuration doesn't set a default build task, so when you press Ctrl + Shift + B, you'll have the option to either build the GameBoy ROM for your project, or clean up all build files. If you want to change this behavior, you can change the isDefault option on the build task in tasks.json to true.
To run the resulting ROM in Emulicious Debugger, press F5 and specify the ROM name in the prompt in VSCode and hit Enter. To run the resulting rom in Emulicious without debugging, press Ctrl + F5, enter the ROM name in the prompt and hit Enter.