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294 lines (224 loc) · 16.4 KB

Development notes

For general info check, remembered our ../ rules.

Development Environment

  • The library as in clib its just two files, the config file config/currencylib.php and the class lib library/Currencylib.php, put those in respective places in your codeigniter project and just start to use, it has two methos, getOneCurrencyByApi(<from>, <to>, <amount>) and the getAllCurrencyByApi(<from>, <to>, <date>) the first one just retreive all the converted currency froma base ne, the second just convert from the base to the listed comma separated ones but using unit currency at current date.

  • The manager as in cweb its just a CI manager, just integrate the codeigniter framework and configure the start to use the api and manage your own databases of currencies. This project also is a example of who usefully can be an web interface and also will provide your own apy to gest history currency set by you. Usefully if you dont want to pay the apilayer and wants an internal intranet currency manager.

Deploy in localhost

The application does not used rewrite of the URLs, this for better compatibility, also easy deploy, security its nto based in such stupid index.php url hidding, its based in better deploy of the web application, by example a good deploy of the api later.

To deploy in localhost you only need a running php environment and a directory were the files can be put to be interpreted with the web server.

For further information about how to deploy read

Development framework choice

We choose php and CI2/CI3 due several reasons but two are the most important:

  • Understanding of CI2/CI3 does not need OOP knowledge, so many people just can read and understand the code more faster that using other frameworks.
  • Others frameworks only provide open source DBMS connection and inclusively has limited support for PostgreSQL and SQlite, just the Mysql
  • Check Database compatibility for DBMS related issues about such reasons

Lavarel is not difficult but it requires that the hired employee knows OOP, which translates into a very xpensives salary and money, while CI2/CI3 only requires that you know how to loop and minimal knowledge of conditionals, simple and easy to assimilate.. important key when we talk about money.

Development notes

DB models


This model just retrieve the data of a user, the user credentials are not stored, login are managed agains IMAP or external source..

The table stored the session and will check if are still valid, when time out, will retry the login and refrsh the session into the table.

The permission are simple: if are enabled, can make modifications, either then just can read the currency rates.


The first used method is the readCurrenciesTodayStored that permits to get a list of current currencies with minimal filters, with support for server side:

 // get VES bolivares currencies on assumed date today but using base USD dollar
$currency_list_dbarray = $this->dbcm->readCurrenciesTodayStored('VES', NULL, 'USD');

 // get VES bolivares currencies from the given date string, YYYYMMDD[HH] you can get specific hour optional
$currency_list_dbarray = $this->dbcm->readCurrenciesTodayStored('VES','20230201');

 // get all the currencies from the given date string, YYYYMMDD[HH] you can get specific hour optional
$currency_list_dbarray = $this->dbcm->readCurrenciesTodayStored(NULL,'20230201');

 // send a filter directly over the currency table, filtering by the cod_tasa column value
$currency_list_dbarray = $this->dbcm->getTasas(array('cod_tasa'=>'2023020110'));

The second method is the readCurrenciesHistStored, with support for server side:

		$currency_list_dbarrayhis = array();
		$currency_list_dbarraycou = array();
		$parameters = array();
		// case 1 only count all the history for a specific date, first 100 rows, ordering by cod_tasa ascending
		$parameters['fecha'] = '20230207'
		$howmany = 100;
		$iniciar = 0;
		$ordercol = 'cod_tasa';
		$sorting = 'ASC';
		$countall = TRUE;
		$currency_list_dbarraycou = $this->dbcm->readCurrenciesHistStored($parameters,$howmany,$iniciar,$ordercol,$sorting,$countall);
		// case 2 get all the history for a specific date, first 100 rows, ordering by cod_tasa ascending
		$parameters['fecha'] = '20230207'
		$howmany = 100;
		$iniciar = 0;
		$ordercol = 'cod_tasa';
		$sorting = 'ASC';
		$countall = NULL;
		$currency_list_dbarrayhis = $this->dbcm->readCurrenciesHistStored($parameters,$howmany,$iniciar,$ordercol,$sorting,$countall);

		$totalcount = 0;
			$totalcount = count($currency_list_dbarrayhis);
				$totalcount = $currency_list_dbarraycou[]['cod_tasa'];

views notes

those view have a relationship

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Menu

A mayor detail .. first releases will need that the header opens a general div container:

 <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="row flex-nowrap">

Those will and must be closed at the footer or/and menu:


This will be not necesary in future development of views.

If you uses menu view, dont use footer one

In such cases you must close as:

      <?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 
        echo link_js("[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js", 'integrity="sha384-MrcW6ZMFYlzcLA8Nl+NtUVF0sA7MsXsP1UyJoMp4YLEuNSfAP+JcXn/tWtIaxVXM"  crossorigin="anonymous"');

Database dictionary

Currency manager is compatible with any database engine, that's another reason we choose Codeigniter 3 / Codeigniter 2 as framework for backend, those are the only framework that provides minimal ODBC compatibilty, and permits to customize manual SQL querys.

Others frameworks does not have any compatibilty with mayor database providers, neither have good ODBC compatibilty layer, by example broken aliasing for columns in Sybase ASE.

SQL script DB

The SQL script only creates the tables, so means you should create and setup the DB schema, by example if you will use MySQL/Percona/MariaDB you sould previoously do CREATE SCHEMA elcurrencydb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 ; in the MySQL case, cos PostgreSQL already supports multilang charset.

Database schema desing

we use workbench to produce and desing the schema but the schema is just full compatible with any other DB, if error try to just remove the ENGINE lines (and only in sqlite cases removes the COMMENT part and you will get it).

Tables in general


Column name Type Comment Null AI
cod_banco varchar(40) tres primeros numeros o identificador de sus cuentas No No
cod_pais varchar(40) pais codigo iso 3166 numerico de donde reside el banco Yes No
cod_swif varchar(40) codigo SWIFT internacional Yes No
cod_bic varchar(45) Yes No
nombre_banco varchar(40) nombre natural del banco por el que se le conoce Yes No
estado varchar(40) ACTIVO INACTIVO No
sessionflag varchar(40) quien modifico YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
sessionficha varchar(40) codigo BIC internacional Yes No


Column name Type Comment Null AI
cod_moneda varchar(40) moneda codigo interno No No
iso4217a3 varchar(40) codigo iso 4217-1 de 3 letras No No
simbolo_unicode varchar(40) simbolo unicode de moneda No No
nombre_moneda varchar(40) nombre moneda comun oficial Yes No
estado varchar(40) ACTIVO INACTIVO No
notas_pais varchar(2000) observaciones Yes No
sessionflag varchar(40) quien modifico YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
sessionficha varchar(40) quien lo creo YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
cod_moneda iso4217a3 simbolo_unicode nombre_moneda estado notas_pais sessionflag sessionficha
008 ALL L Lek ACTIVO Albania
012 DZD د.ج Algerian Dinar ACTIVO Algeria
032 ARS $ Argentine Peso ACTIVO Argentina
332 HTG G Gourde ACTIVO Haiti
886 YER Yemeni Rial ACTIVO Yemen
928 VES Bs Bolivar Soberano ACTIVO Venezuela NULL NULL
937 VEF Bs F Bolivar Fuerte INACTI Venezuela
978 EUR Euro ACTIVO Akrotiri and Dhekelia Andorra Austria Belgium


Column name Type Comment Null AI
cod_pais varchar(40) pais codigo iso 3166 numerico No No
nombre_pais varchar(400) nombre comun conocido No No
nombre_iso varchar(400) nombre iso 3166-1 No No
iso3166a2 varchar(40) codigo iso 3166 alfa 2 letras No No
iso3166a3 varchar(40) codigo iso 3166 alfa 3 letras No No
estado varchar(40) ACTIVO INACTIVO Yes
notas_pais varchar(2000) observaciones Yes No
sessionflag varchar(40) quien modifico YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
sessionficha varchar(40) quien lo creo YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
cod_pais nombre_pais nombre_iso iso3166a2 iso3166a3 estado notas_pais sessionflag sessionficha
10 Antártida Antártida AQ ATA NULL Cubre el territorio al sur delparalelo 60º sur.
192 Cuba Cuba CU CUB NULL
8 Albania Albania AL ALB NULL
862 Venezuela Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) VE VEN NULL


Column name Type Comment Null AI
user_id varchar(40) username or user mail No No
user_extra varchar(45) reserved column for extra data Yes No
sessionuser varchar(40) YYYYMMDDHHmmss.ip.XXXXXXXX No No


Column name Type Comment Null AI
cod_tasa varchar(40) YYYYMMDDhhmmss No No
cod_moneda_base varchar(40) cos_iso - moneda en el cual se basa la tasa, base No No
mon_tasa_moneda decimal(40,20) monto: cuanto moneda -destino- vale moneda -base- cada una tiene una x/1 para la inversa No No
cod_moneda_destino varchar(40) cos_iso - moneda el cual esta elmonto equiparado No No
cod_tasa_tipo varchar(40) OFICIAL INTERNA No
sessionflag varchar(40) quien modifico YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
sessionficha varchar(40) quien lo creo YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
cod_tasa cod_moneda_base mon_tasa_moneda cod_moneda_destino cod_tasa_tipo sessionflag sessionficha
20201211080000 928 0.00000092576231029539 840 INTERNA NULL NULL
20201211080001 840 1080190.87500000000000000000 928 INTERNA NULL NULL


Column name Type Comment Null AI
user_id varchar(40) intranet o correo del usuario No No
user_status varchar(40) PASIVO ACTIVO Yes
cur_monedas_base varchar(40) lista separada por comas de monedas preferida base Yes No
cur_monedas_dest varchar(40) lista separada monedas get rates Yes No
sessionflag varchar(40) quien modifico YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
sessionficha varchar(40) quien lo creo YYYYMMDDhhmmss + codger + . + ficha Yes No
user_id user_status cur_monedas_base cur_monedas_dest sessionflag sessionficha
user_new ACTIVO 840 928
