This project provides two things: a library that integrates the api for codeigniter and a currency conversion rate manager in two flavours: for pc (Web interface) and for devices (androit phones or tables).
It is a client-service philosophy, the server side customer side is consumed by the device (phones, tablets) or by the interface (web on pc) as client side.
Note you can just install in same machine both sides of the sistem.
- Server computer:
- Any computer device capable of any Unix based OS no matter if 32 or 64 bit
- Internet connection
- RAM: depends of load, 1G for mostly local intranet with 500 users
- Client device
- PC (any that supports browsing) or Phone (androit for apk app, Iphone must use browser)
- Internet connection
- Server computer:
- OS:
- Debian: 6.0+ with venenux repos enabled
- Alpine: 3.10+
- VenenuX: 0.9 or 9.0+ (Debian based)
- Devuan: 1.0+
- Sqlite 3.0+
- PercodaDB (mariadb or mysql should work but yo will be by your own)
- PostsgreSQL 8.0+
- ODBC (any odbc valid that supports aliasing in queries and transactions)
- PHP: 5.6+
- cURL
- sqlite/mysql/odbc/psql (based on the selected DBMS)
- lighttpd 1.4.32+
- for any other you are on your own but will just work
- wget
- gzip
- coreutils or busybox
- OS:
We will use Debian 9 as example, but will just work for older or newer if you added VenenuX repositories
First of all you need a valid OS as described before, later must setup common programs, later setup the database and finally tune up the webserver for instance.
1 - Instalation of software
apt-get install git lighttpd mysql-server php7.3-cgi php7.3-gd php7.3-mysql php7.3-mcryp php7.3-curl php7.3-odbc lighttpd lighttpd-mod-openssl
2 - preparation of the place
mkdir -p /home/intranet/apps/elcurrency
wget -t0 -O elcurrency.tar.gz
mysql -u root -p -e "CREATE USER 'sysdbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sysdbuser.1';"
nano /home/intranet/apps/elcurrency/elcurrencyweb/config/database.php
mysql -u root -p -D elcurrencydb -e "CREATE DATABASE elcurrencydb;"
mysql -u root -p -D elcurrencydb -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON elcurrency% . * TO 'sysdbuser'@'localhost';"
mysql -u sysdbuser -p -D elcurrencydb < /home/intranet/apps/elcurrency/elcurrencydb/elcurrencydb.sql
ln -s /home/intranet/apps/elcurrency/elcurrencyfiles/99-elcurrency.conf /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/99-elcurrency.conf
lighty-enable-mod alias elcurrency;/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
Next use http://localhost/elcurrency to check
We only used Debian as main OS for development and Geany as oficial editor.
For hardware we recommended as minimal:
- CPU: any x86 based no matter if 32bit or 64bit
- RAM: 4G+
For software we need apart of Debian based system:
- Debian (minimal as Debian 7 based but not Debian 10 or testing)
- git (manejador de repositorio y proyecto)
apt-get install git git-core giggle
- mysql (manejador y servidor DB que hara de pivote)
apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server
- odbc, myodbc, freetds (coneccion DB mysql, ODBC para sybase y mssql)
apt-get install libmyodbc tdsodbc
- geany (editor para manejo php asi como ver el preview)
apt-get install geany geany-plugin-webhelper
- lighttpd/apache2 (webserver localmente para trabajar el webview)
apt-get install lighttpd
- php (interprete) en debians o devuans
apt-get install php-cgi php-mysql php-odbc php-sqlite php-gd php-mcrypt php-curl
- curl (invocar urls)
apt-get install curl
Database management are made by usage or MysqlWorkbench, so you must use apt-get install mysql-workbench
that will be only valid for Debian 6, Debian 7, Debian 8, Debian 9 and Debian 12, or any Debian based on those.
git config --global status.submoduleSummary true
git config --global diff.submodule log
git config --global fetch.recurseSubmodules on-demand
git config --global [email protected]
git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
ln -s ~/Devel ~/public_html
chown -R general:www-data /home/general/Devel
find /home/general/Devel/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} ";"
find /home/general/Devel/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} ";"
apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client mysqlworkbench lighttpd \
php-fpm php-cgi php-gd php-mysql apt-get install geany geany-addons
lighty-enable-mod accesslog cgi dir-listing fastcgi proxy status userdir usertrack php-fastcgi
/usr/sbin/service lighttpd restart
ln -s /home/general/Devel /var/www/Devel
ln -s /home/general/Devel /var/www/html/Devel
mkdir -p ~/Devel
cd Devel
git clone --recursive
cd elcurrency
git pull
git submodule init
git submodule update --rebase
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull
mysql -u root -p -e 'CREATE SCHEMA elcurrencydb'`
mysql -u root -p elcurrencydb < elcurrencydb/elcurrencydb.sql
Example usage
$dbmy = $this->load->database('elcurrencydb', TRUE);
$driverconected = $dbmy->initialize();
if($driverconected != TRUE)
return FALSE;
$queryprovprod = $dbmy->query("SELECT * FROM tabla");
$arreglo_reporte = $queryprovprod->result_array();