While this is originally an internal tool, contributions are more than welcome.
Before spending hours on a patch, make sure to open an issue, explaining what the feature you want to add is and how you plan to implement it. We're happy to take feature requests in considerations, but have also some priorities of ours, so don't be offended if we reject it. Keep in mind that:
- There are other projects out there that might already cover your needs (https://www.drupalvm.com/, https://puphpet.com/, https://github.com/wodby/docker4drupal)
- You can fork this project and bend it to your needs.
Please make any pull requests against the major version "dev" branch (4.x-dev currently), not against master directly. The master branch is considered the stable branch and should only contain changes already merged into the major version branch
We try to stick with semantic versioning, (hence the major version branch).
- tag 1.1.1 > 1.1.1 : bugfix, minor amend
- tag 1.1.1 > 1.2.1 : new feature, backward compatible
- tag 1.1.1 > 2.1.1 : any change breaking backward compatibility
Is considered non-backward compatible any change that means the main Vagrantfile from a given major version would stop working with the given changes.
Trivial documentation amends, provided they do apply to current version, do not need to be tagged and can be made directly into the current major branch (NOT directly into master please).