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130 lines (84 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (84 loc) · 10.1 KB


  • Updated to .NET 6 RC2
  • Updated to Tailwind 3 alpha 1.
    • Remove mode: jit and change purge to content in tailwind.config.json
    • The JIT CDN is a no-go for now. A) How to include <script> for non-Release builds only ? B) It wouldn't eliminate the need to watch your css: Style changes in .razor files would (presumably) be picked up by the JIT CDN script, but changes to *.css will still need to be plumbed through PostCSS. Not sure it's worth the added complexity.


  • Use new JS Colocation introduced in RC1 for the DarkSwitch component.
  • Add <PageTitle>Home</PageTitle> to Index.razor


  • Upgrade to .NET 6 RC1, yay
  • Bump Tailwind to 2.2.15
  • Move package.json, Tailblazor.sln, etc to Source folder


  • Pin Static Web Apps deploy task to Preview 6. Preview 7 breaks build and will be skipped.
  • Prevent redundant npm msbuild Target runs
  • Add watch powershell watch- scripts to fire up API/Blazor/Tailwind in watch mode similar to the vscode launch configs
    • Prevent redundant tailwind build msbuild Target runs using watch- scripts or VSCode F5
  • Touch up


  • Upgrade to .NET 6 preview 6
  • Remove the runOptions - folderOpen vscode task; add an exception to "unignore" RazorClassLibrary.styles.css to gitignore. This is just a first-build-post-clone experience issue: an initial build of RazorClassLibrary.csproj to generate this file is required before doing a TailwindCSS build. It only manifests if one is using the CLI directly for both npx tailwindcss and dotnet watch run, in that order: tailwindcss fill fail with Error: Failed to find './obj/scopedcss/bundle/RazorClassLibrary.styles.css'.
  • Remove site.min.css from gitignore for similar reasons. Normally i'd ignore these generated files, but as this is a "getting started" sort of repo, having these files on-disk post clone is probably better.


  • Rename the projects, associated npm scripts, and vscode launch configs/tasks - names based on exactly what they are. Shouldn't need a thesaurus to use a reference, right ?
  • Redo launch config groupings to reflect expected use, top-to-bottom.


  • Revert npm scripts to the hacky per-project, wwwroot output. CSS output to /Shared/wwwroot/ wasn't being picked up by msbuild as i'd expect, and csproj Copy tasks aren't picked up by Hot Reload. It was VS Code "F5 friendly" in that Hot Reload and Tailwind --watch would (eventually) sync things up, but VS/vanilla dotnet CLI would fail on first run and have the prior CSS build on subsequent runs.


  • Rearrange CSS structure. See the issue for more info.
  • Revert delay task - npx tailwindcss no longer exited post-debug. Look for that "something better" i guess.


  • Added a workaround for parallel builds "file in use" issue. An initial "build all" followed by a dotnet watch run --no-build would be useless, as no subsequent builds would happen on edit. Workaround being, a manual 2 second delay between run/build of API & Client. Something better exists, surely.
  • Added npm check and npm install Targets to Shared.csproj. These are a "first run only" / UX sort of thing that will slow down subsequent builds and can be removed/commented to speed things up if node & the packages are installed. Similar with the tailwind build target - if you're using VS Code and the launch configs i've set up, that Target is redundant and can be removed/commented.
  • Added in some C# tweaks to .vscode/settings.json. The *EditorConfig and *RoslynAnalyzers settings are particularily important as they bring the C# editing much closer to Visual Studio, are disabled by default, and last i checked they are undocumented.
    • enable full auto-formatting, auto-using, semantic highlighting
    • omnisharp.enableEditorConfigSupport to enable the same "Code Style" enforcement and formatting featured in Visual Studio, but provided by Roslyn. See here, here, and here.
    • omnisharp.enableRoslynAnalyzers to enable the same analyzers, code fixes, and refactorings featured in Visual Studio, but again provided by Roslyn.


  • DarkSwitch.js redone with theming in mind. It defaults to system, matching Tailwind's media mode, toggling dark based user system settings. More work to be done though, upgrading [foo, bar, ..., system, dark] to look like [foo, bar, ...] * [system, dark]. UI work first though.
  • Show use of CSS Variables in tailwind.config.json. Various classes are defined in site.css, each with its own definition of --accent-color. In tailwind.config.js, colors.accent is defined as var(--accent-color). Initially, accent-green is placed on a top-level div, and clicking on the page then changes that class randomly. I went this route for now as a minimal demonstration of how it all works together - the CSS, the Tailwind Config, the Razor, the JS and JS interop. Eventually DarkSwitch will become ThemeSwitch, for a more real world example.


  • Add a no-hover screen to demonstrate custom media queries and stacking variants: Using a device with no "mouse-hover" capability, every other PersonCard will use a serif font, by adding screens: { 'no-hover': { 'raw': '(hover:none)' } } to tailwind.config.js and no-hover:even:font-serif to the <li> surrounding <PersonCard />


  • Upgrade to Tailwind 2.2

    • Remove autoprefixer and postcss-csso dependencies as Tailwind 2.2 takes care of this now.
    • Remove cross-env, postcss, and postcss-cli as the new Tailwind CLI takes care of this.
    • Remove now-redundant transform classes.
  • Upgrade Blazor projects to .NET 6 Preview 5

    • Remove "Content Watch" msbuild workarounds as that issue seems to have been fixed, and the workaround broke Hot Reload, so... yeah.
    • Tiny regression: In 0.2 i added --configuration vscode to launch.json and a build Target to Shared.csproj that would do a one-off Tailwind build when the build configuration is Debug. The end result being, the default dotnet run and Visual Studio 'F5' experience would be as good as i can come up with: a fresh but non-watching CSS build. (Figuring out how to launch the watch-* npm script without blocking the build in those contexts is key to this project, but i am not an msbuild guru.) However, Hot Reload only works in Debug configuration, so i had to remove the vscode configs from launch.json. This results in an initial redundant one-off build in VS Code's 'F5' experience, but near-instant Blazor Hot reload & ~100ms Tailwind JIT builds will be the norm, unless dotnet watch decides you've made a "rude edit", kicking off a full rebuild of the C# & CSS.

Minor Fixes/Improvements:

  • The card animation where the row of cards was almost done scrolling left (with '90vw' to go) the animation would sometimes become sluggish and the remaining '90vw' of cards would be invisible. backface-visibility: hidden; fixes this, somehow.
  • Null guard on PersonCard.
  • Use line-clamp Tailwind plugin on Person.Bio
  • Include API project's local.settings.json - not standard practice but it is required boilerplate info.


  • Fix CVE-2021-23364


Scoped CSS:

  • Removed Build Configuration (Debug/Release/etc) from the intermediate output path in Shared - solving the CSS scoping issue caused by using Debug css in Release builds. No more manually specifying non-random scopes !

CSS Build & Automation:

  • Correct npm scripts: prior build-*** scripts were not blocking the build because they were not running to completion !

  • Release mode Target in csproj to build/minify CSS on Publish/Deploy

  • Debug mode Target in csproj to build CSS via Visual Studio "F5"

  • Use --configuration vscode in launch.json, bypassing default Debug behavior when using VS Code "F5".


| Context | Build Configuration | npm script | behavior | | :--------------------- | :----------------------- | :--------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | VS "F5" | Debug (default) | build | one-off build; does not take advantage of tailwind JIT | | VS Code "F5" | vscode (via launch.json) | watch | tailwind/postcss watches files independent of dotnet watch, stops when done running. | | Static Web Apps deploy | Release (default) | publish | minifies. | | dotnet watch run | Debug (default) | build | also does not take advantage of tailwind JIT: rebuilds css from scratch each time watch rebuilds | |


  • Add <Content Update="@(Content)" Watch="false" /> to csproj files. Without this, relying on dotnet watch + build-*** to output site.min.css (ie, Visual Studio "F5" as described above) would result in an endless build=>rebuild loop. dotnet/aspnetcore#27775

GitHub Workflow / Azure Static Web Apps Deployment:

  • Do a full dotnet publish of the project prior to the Deployment step, feeding it the ready-built app_location. Removes redundant .NET install/build steps.


  • Add changelog, contributing, code of conduct, etc