- russian language
- can be embeded
- title and description
- somewhat of a good quality, both recording and materials
Fork the project
Navigate to the
directoryIf necessary define a new category:
Create a directory for the new category
The directory name is not vital, but it would be nice if you kept it sensible. For instance, drafts/moscowdjango looks like a well named directory.
Inside the new directory create a file named
Describe the category object using the following fields: title, description, date and url.
The only required field is title though.
Suppose we wanted to create a category for Moscow Django (monthly django developers meetup in Moscow). To do so, we would describe the category in
using YAML:title: MoscowDjango description: | Moscow Django Meetup — это ежемесячные встречи разработчиков на Джанго. Несколько человек выступают перед публикой с докладами, так или иначе связанными с веб-разработкой, Python и Django. Не обходится и без самого интересного: общения в кулуарах. Благодаря организаторам, встречи проходят в тёплой компании проектора и вай-фая. Следующий митап пройдёт в офисе Mail.ru Group. Для тех, кто не может приехать, мы будем стараться проводить онлайн-трансляции и выкладывать видео-записи выступлений. Участие во встречах бесплатное, надо только зарегистрироваться на событие. url: http://moscowdjango.ru/
Add files that describe the proposed videos using either of the formats: yaml, json or xml.
The way you name the video files is entirely up to you, but that would be great if the file names were describing their contents.
A video object is described with the following fields:
Field name
Field description
Brief summary
Source URL
Date the video was recorded
List of speaker names
List of tags
The only required fields are title and url.
For instance, if you had to add a video about a new django release you would probably describe the video in
:title: Django 1.6 url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhmjPTrdgGM summary: Обзор нового релиза Django 1.6 description: | Обзор нового релиза Django 1.6 и небольшое превью миграций в 1.7 http://moscowdjango.ru/meetup/15/django-16/ date: 2013-12-12 speakers: - Илья Барышев tags: - moscowdjango - django
Create a pull request.
Now that we are aware of your proposal, it may take some time for us to review it. If everything is well, the proposed videos will appear at the website shortly.