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Compiling Nana with Clang 8.0

Jinhao edited this page Dec 18, 2018 · 5 revisions


This article describes how to compile Nana with clang and libc++. The clang version is 8, which currently is a development branch.

Installing Clang and libc++

The provides prebuilt clang for Debian and Ubuntu. My Linux distro is LinuxMint, so I chose the Trusty packages. Refer to for other packages.

Add the repo to the apt sources.list:

sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following line:

deb llvm-toolchain-trusty main

My Linux distro is LinuxMint(Ubuntu), so don't forget to add following line:

deb trusty main

This is a development branch for clang 8.0. Save the modification.

Update the lists:

#Add this PPA to your system if it is Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update

Then install clang 8 and libc++:

sudo apt-get install clang-8 lldb-8 lld-8
sudo apt-get install libc++-8-dev libc++abi-8-dev

Finally, please wait for minutes...After that, you can verify clang in terminal with following command.


Building Nana

Download the Nana from the latest development branch(develop-1.7). This is important, because it includes some fixes for clang 8.

Extract the zip file, open the makefile:

vi <nana-path>/build/makefile/makefile

Modify the following lines for clang 8.0

#GCC= g++
GCC = clang++-8

CXXFLAGS= -g -fexceptions -std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ -Wall -Wextra -Wunused-variable -Wfatal-errors

Save the modifications, then make, libnana.a will be generated.

Using Nana

Create a use-nana.cpp file

vi use-nana.cpp

Then edit the file

#include <nana/gui.hpp>

int main()
	using namespace nana;

	form fm;
	drawing{fm}.draw([](paint::graphics& graph){
		graph.string({10, 10}, "Hello, Nana C++ Library", colors::white);

Compile the program:

clang++-8 use-nana.cpp -o use-nana -std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ -I<nana-path>/include -L<nana-path>/build/bin -lnana -lX11 -lXcursor -lpthread -lrt -lXft -lfontconfig -lc++ -lc++fs

Run the program.
