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Gabriel Android Library


Add the lines implementation 'edu.cmu.cs.gabriel:client:2.3.0' and implementation 'edu.cmu.cs.gabriel:protocol:2.0.1' to your app's build.gradle file. Your project must include either the jcenter() repository or the mavenCentral() repository.

Your app must allow cleartext traffic. If your app does not have an Android Network Security Config, you must specify android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" in the application element of your Manifest file. If your app has an Android Network Security Config, you must allow cleartext traffic using this config. See here for more details. Your app must also request the android.permission.INTERNET permission.

Create an instance of edu.cmu.cs.gabriel.client.comm.ServerComm using the static ServerComm#createServerComm method. Example. This method takes one Consumer instance resultConsumer that gets called whenever a new result is available from the server, and a second Consumer instance onDisconnect that gets called when there is a connection problem. This onDisconnect consumer should start the process of presenting an error message to the user, cleaning up the app state, and then bringing the user back to a screen to modify connection settings.

Send messages to the server using ServerComm's send or sendSupplier methods. Example.


This library includes instrumentation to measure the average RTT and FPS. These results can be sent using Log or written to a file. You can also implement your own Consumer<SourceRttFps> that writes results to a database and logs additional information.

I recommend creating a separate product flavor for measurements. Create an instance of MeasurementServerComm instead of ServerComm. Pass an instance of LogMeasurementConsumer as the intervalReporter argument to MeasurementServerComm#createMeasurementServerComm, to send measurements to log output. Use CsvMeasurementConsumer to write measurements to a file. Example


Add the line implementation 'edu.cmu.cs.gabriel:camera:2.3.0' to your app's build.gradle file. Create an instance of CameraCapture. Example

You should also add the following lines to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

<uses-feature android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

Publishing Changes to Maven Central

  1. Update the VERSION_NAME parameter in You can add -SNAPSHOT to the end of the version number to get a snapshot published instead.
  2. Open the Gradle tab in the top right of Android studio.
  3. Open gabriel-android-common/client/Tasks/upload.
  4. Run uploadArchives
  5. Snapshots will be published to
  6. Releases should show up at
    1. Publish a release by first clicking the Close button. Then click the Release button when it becomes available.
    2. Releases will be published to