Keeps all precompiled software packages updated, without user intervention.
Updates are automatically postponed under unfavorable conditions:
- 🔋 The battery has less than 90% of charge.
- 💸 networkmanager is installed, and the connection is guessed as metered.
- 🔒 The package database has a lock younger than a day, and older than boot time. Otherwise the lock is automatically removed.
In the application Terminal enter:
curl --silent | bash
After that the software will be automatically enabled, and also it will automatically build and upgrade its own package.
Having this program in the AUR is not possible right now, simply because its moderators disagree with having any kind of method for automatically upgrading the system.
By default it updates hourly.
Edit with:
sudo rnano /usr/lib/systemd/system/pacman-auto-update.timer
Of the service:
systemctl status pacman-auto-update
Of the timer:
systemctl list-timers pacman-auto-update