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react-native wrapper for android BottomSheetBehavior, supports FloatingActionButton.

npm version

Demo (v1.0.0-beta anchor state support)


See the Google Maps gif implementation

v1.0.0-beta 🎉

This major release v1.0.0-beta supports anchor state 🎉, which means that you can have a middle state between collapsed and expanded.

This version now uses a custom BottomSheetBehavior implementation from miguelhincapie/CustomBottomSheetBehavior which is basically a fork from the original design-support, but with anchor state support and colors management, even though is custom implementation, old version should work as before, and you can also disable the anchor state with anchorEnabled prop which is disabled by default.


The following components are included in this package:

  • CoordinatorLayout
  • BottomSheetBehavior
  • FloatingActionButton
  • MergedAppBarLayout
  • ScrollingAppBarLayout
  • BackdropBottomSheet
  • BottomSheetHeader

NOTE We expose some android core components such as CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout, FloatingActionButton, but they are NOT meant to be general purposed, and it may not work out of the context of this library, so use at your own risk.

iOS Alternative

If you are wondering some iOS alternative, i highly recommend react-native-interactable by wix, you can see their google maps approach here, which is very easy to get started.


$ npm install [email protected]

Install with RNPM

$ react-native link react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior

Install Manually

Edit the current files as follows.

+   import com.bottomsheetbehavior.BottomSheetBehaviorPackage;

    public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

      protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
+           new BottomSheetBehaviorPackage()


    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
        compile ""
        compile "com.facebook.react:react-native:+"  // From node_modules
+       compile project(':react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior')


include ':app'

+   include ':react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior'
+   project(':react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior/android')


You will need to wrap your view into a CoordinatorLayout to make it work.

    render() {
      return (
          <CoordinatorLayout style={{flex: 1}}>
            <View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}></View>
              <View style={{backgroundColor: '#4389f2'}}>
                <View style={{padding: 26}}>
                <View style={{height: 200, backgroundColor: '#fff'}} />
            <FloatingActionButton autoAnchor ref="fab" />

NOTE Make sure that your view has a backgroundColor style to prevent some "bugs" when rendering the container.

Components Order

You should follow this component order.

render() {
  return (
        <ToolbarAndroid />
      <View>Main Content</View>
      <BackdropBottomSheet />
      <BottomSheetBehavior />
        <ToolbarAndroid />
      <FloatingActionButton />


In order to get the current bottom sheet state or offset, you can listen to onStateChange or onSlide respectively.

    onSlide={(e) => console.log(e.nativeEvent.offset)}
    onStateChange={(e) => console.log(e.nativeEvent.state)}


We provide some custom AppBars that has custom behaviors, they automatically connects with BottomSheetBehavior in order to connects with ToolbarAndroid and toggle visibility, both AppBars can also manager StatusBar backgrounds.

Currently, AppBars only supports ToolbarAndroid as a child, you may have some troubles trying to render a custom View.


This behavior hides and sets the StatusBar background to transparent when you starting dragging the BottomSheet, and reappears when the BottomSheet backs to the collapsed state, setting back the StatusBar background color with statusBarColor prop.



The MergedAppBarLayout behavior appears when the BottomSheet reaches the anchor state (or expanded state if you're not using anchorEnabled). When the BottomSheet is getting over the MergedAppBar, it will partially sets the height of ToolbarAndroid revealing the mergedColor prop, and when the BottomSheet is fully expanded, it sets the ToolbarAndroid with the toolbarColor prop.

    title='React Native Bar!'



Translucent App Bars

Both AppBars supports translucent status bar, you can enable with translucent prop, which will basically adds top margins and NOT change the translucent itself, you should handle the translucent directely on the react-native StatusBar component.


If you are using FloatingActionButton, the autoAnchor prop will automatically connect to BottomSheetBehavior, in order to follow when it's dragging.

<FloatingActionButton autoAnchor />

You still can do it manually though, by doing this.

  componentDidMount() {

FloatingActionButton's has a custom behavior that hides when closely reaches MergedAppBarLayout.

Support for react-native-vector-icons

You can also use react-native-vector-icons on FloatingActionButton, which will automatically load the icon for you.

  import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'


  render() {
    return (
      <FloatingActionButton icon={"directions"} iconProvider={Icon} />

You can check GoogleMapsView.js example.


This component is rendered behind the BottomSheetBehavior, and behave like a parallax when BottomSheet is dragging. you should pass a fixed height prop that may match with anchorPoint prop from BottomSheet, in order to achieve a full screen view when reaches the anchor state.


This component abstracts color management between BottomSheet states on the native side, it will find all and components recursively and handles everything out the box.


If you are not using the anchor point, and want to add some nested scroll, you will need to install the react-native-nested-scroll-view to allows you to scroll inside bottom sheet continuously.

Note the react-native-nested-scroll-view is only useful when you are NOT using the anchorPoint.


NestedScrollView.js example


BottomSheetBehavior properties

Prop Description Default Value
state The state of the bottom sheet 4 (STATE_COLLAPSED)
peekHeight Peek Height value in DP 50
hideable Allow hide the bottom sheet false
anchorEnabled Enabled anchor point false
anchorPoint Anchor point where the bottom sheet should stay between collapsed and expanded 300
elevation Elevation shadow 0
onStateChange Callback when bottom sheet state changed
onSlide Callback continuously called while the user is dragging the bottom sheet

BottomSheetBehavior States

State Description
BottomSheetBehavior actions
Method Description
setBottomSheetState Sets the bottom sheet state
FloatingActionButton properties
Prop Description Default Value
src Drawable file under the drawable android folder
autoAnchor Attachs the button on bottom sheet automatically false
icon react-native-vector-icons name
iconProvider Icon package provided by react-native-vector-icons
iconColor Icon color
iconColorExpanded Icon expanded color when used by BottomSheetHeader
backgroundColor Background color
backgroundColorExpanded Background expanded color used by BottomSheetHeader
hidden Hides FloatingActionButton false
rippleEffect Enable rippleEffect true
rippleColor Ripple color
elevation Elevation shadow 18
onPress Callback called when touch is released
FloatingActionButton actions
Method Description
show This method will animate the button show if the view has already been laid out
hide This method will animate the button hide if the view has already been laid out
setAnchorId Attachs the button on bottom sheet by passing it as a argument (no needed if autoAnchor is set true)
ScrollingAppBarLayout properties
Prop Description
height Height of ScrollingAppBarLayout
statusBarColor Active status bar color
translucent Adds top margins on the AppBar to not draw behind the status bar
barStyle Status Bar style, (default, light-content, dark-content), used when the ScrollingAppBarLayout is present
barStyleTransparent Status Bar style, (default, light-content, dark-content), used when the ScrollingAppBarLayout is not present and the StatusBar is transparent
MergedAppBarLayout properties
Prop Description
height Height of ScrollingAppBarLayout
mergedColor Merged color when the bottom sheet is overlaying with ToolbarAndroid
toolbarColor The final ToolbarAndroid color when the bottom sheet is fully expanded
statusBarColor Active status bar color when bottom sheet is expanded
translucent Adds top margins on the AppBar to not draw behind the status bar
barStyle Status Bar style, (default, light-content, dark-content), used when the BottomSheet is fully expanded
barStyleTransparent Status Bar style, (default, light-content, dark-content), used when the AppBar is transparent
BottomSheetHeader properties
Prop Description
textColorExpanded The state of the bottom sheet
backgroundColor Background color when collased
backgroundColorExpanded Background color when anchored or expanded
onPress Callback called when header touch is released
