The goal of this repo is to provide a "Hello World" introduction to pants. A ton of functionality is actually missing from pants as whole, but could be easily added to this base system.
Disclaimer: Part of what is in the repo may be unnecessary. I tried to cull as much as a could from the commons and pants repos, and I may have failed at some parts. If you notice things that could be stripped out of here to make this even more concise, please submit a pull request.
- Running Java Applications
- Running Python Applications
- Running Scala Applications
I used a virtualenv for the pants installation. And I did the following for it:
$ virtualenv somedir --no-site-packages
$ source somedir/bin/activate
$ pip install pip install pantsbuild.pants --allow-external elementtree --allow-unverified elementtree
If you want to run any of the HelloWorld commands you can do the following
pants goal run src/java/com/example:hello-world-java-run
pants goal run src/python/com/example:hello-world-python-run
pants goal run src/scala/com/example:hello-world-scala-run
Perhaps, it was useful for me in terms of teaching me how to get pants running outside of the scope of commons and pants. You may or may not find this useful.
This is hopefully built in such a way that you could remove all the files under src/* and put your own work there and your repo would be all setup for pants. Note: Functionality in this repo is very limited, it may not even be worth it to use this
Yea, it probably doesn't. For any features I plan on adding in the future will either be a separate branch or a fork of this repo. Why? Because it makes it easy for everyone to see what steps are required to add certain functionality, which also means it's easier for people to continue extending functionality of pants for the features they need.
This works with scala version 2.10.1 instead of 2.9.3 (the default). At some point I'd like to actually upgrade it to something even more recent, but figured having something working and public is better than having something broken and private.