See on how to add a specific revision.
Mirador 3 is not really feature complete, even though it's tagged as a Release Candidate. The following changes need to be applied to make Mirador usable.
- Thumbnails won't be displayed if they're static #3330
- Mirador fails to load Minifests if bundled #3311
- Mirador can't display non-paged viewing hints 3029
These patches are combined in one file in patches
Currently yarn will will pull Mirador directly from GitHub, not NPM. It applies the patches and rebuilds the viewer with these patches applied.
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f scripts/docker/uploader/Dockerfile .
find . -name '*.tif' -depth 1 -print -exec tiff2rgba {} {}-uc.tif \;
find . -name '*-uc.tif' -depth 1 -print -exec convert {} -quality 95 {}.jpg \;
find . -name '*-uc.tif' -print -exec rm "{}" \;
find . -name '*.tif.jpg' -print -exec bash -c 'mv "{}" $(dirname "{}")/$(basename -s .tif-uc.tif.jpg "{}").jpg' \;
find . -path '*/orig/*.tif' -print -exec convert "{}" -define webp:lossless=true "{}.webp" \;
URL_PREFIX=http://localhost:1313/ ./scripts/
find content/post/ -name info.json -exec dirname {} \; | xargs rm -r
This might be needed if there are to many sub directories (with IIIF structures) generated, since watching might not work in this setup. This stopped to work reliably between Hugo 0.79.0 and 0.81.0
hugo serve -F --debug --disableFastRender --disableLiveReload --watch=false --renderToDisk
docker run --name hugo -v `pwd`/docs:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 1313:80 nginx
- Add index to
- Tante Anstand
- Upload Images
- Quenottes et Menottes
- Complete scan
- Naturgeschichte der Vögel