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Lambda Bash Project

This is a utility designed to deploy a bash script to AWS lambda

It was inspired by the project

Of course the tool was built in bash (though it would have been cleaner in python)


  • - this is the deployment tool that deploys, runs, updates, describes and destroys your lambda. See usage below.
  • - this is an example bash script to deploy as a lambda. The main things to remember are
    1. code must run in a function called handler, event data is passed as a json string to $1
    2. if you want to return data to the caller, send it to stderr (stdout is logged in cloudwatch logs)
    3. you must set -e to ensure that the script aborts on error (the way real programming languages work)
  • assume_role_policy.json - this is the template for the IAM role that is created for the lambda. Should not need editing
  • s3_event.json - this is the event configuration used if you specify -b (s3 bucket event). The LambdaFunctionArn parameter will be updated with the real lambda ARN on deployment
  • s3_event_filter_example.json - an example version of the s3_event.json file that filters on things like prefix and suffix, incase you only want to trigger your lambda for objects in certain directory, or with a certain suffix.


$ ./ -h

Usage: ./ -o [deploy|run|tail|update|describe|destroy] -s [-r aws_region] [-p aws_policy] [-e event_arn] [-b bucket] [-h]

 -o operation. generally "deploy" first, then "run" or "tail", then "update", then "destroy"
 -s script. This is the bash script that you want to turn into a lambda
 -r aws region. (optional) if region is not provided will check AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env variable
 -p aws managed policy to attach to execution role. (optional) if not provided, default is AdministratorAccess
 -e event arn to trigger the lambda (Kinesis, DynamoDB Streams, SQS). (optional) default is None
 -b bucket name to trigger the lambda. (optional) default is None. Details of trigger defined in s3_event.json

	Notes: the bash script must contain a function called "handler"
				 parameters policy (-p) event (-e) & bucket (-b) are only used on deploy operations (not on update)


  • bash
  • awscli 1.16+
  • jq 1.5+
  • an AWS account with API credentials

Example usage

  1. Set up the enviornment
export AWS_PROFILE=myawsprofile
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1
  1. Create a simple s3 bucket that we can use as the trigger
aws s3 mb s3://css-my-bucket
  1. Deploy the example script ( that will respond to s3 events in our bucket
./ -o deploy -s -b css-my-bucket

creating role ex_script_lambdarole
attaching IAM policy arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess to role ex_script_lambdarole
sleeping 20 seconds to allow role to attach
deploying function ex_script
updating s3 event config s3_event.json with FunctionArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:150337127586:function:ex_script
adding permission for s3 to invoke function ex_script
attaching bucket-notification to bucket css-my-bucket for lambda ex_script with config s3_event.json

  1. Invoke the script manually
./ -o run -s

invoking lambda ex_script
---------START RESPONSE------------
START RequestId: 35f0319c-fdbd-11e8-bc93-cf3ea1e65766 Version: $LATEST

list of s3 buckets
2018-12-12 03:19:07 css-my-bucket

listing s3 bucket null that triggered this lambda with null

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: Access Denied
END RequestId: 35f0319c-fdbd-11e8-bc93-cf3ea1e65766
REPORT RequestId: 35f0319c-fdbd-11e8-bc93-cf3ea1e65766 Init Duration: 274.37 ms Duration: 3342.23 ms Billed Duration: 3700 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 86 MB
---------END RESPONSE------------

  1. Update the script to do whatever you want, then update the lambda code
./ -o update -s

Updating function ex_script code

  1. Tail the cloudwatch logs for the lambda in one shell and trigger the lambda in another
./ -o tail -s

Then from another shell, copy a file to s3 to trigger the lambda

aws s3 cp s3://css-my-bucket

Now look at the logs from the tail session.

  1. Undeploy the lambda
./ -o destroy -s

deleting lambda ex_script
detaching POLICY_ARN arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess from Role ex_script_lambdarole
deleting ROLE: ex_script_lambdarole