Based on cloudfoundry/bosh-community-stemcell-ci-infra
Terraform modules and terragrunt code for Concourse deployment running on Kubernetes on GCP.
You may watch an introductory video to this project and how you can use it to set up Concourse on your infrastructure.
Users who are required to perform operations need to be added in the Role WG CI Manage
via IAM in the Google Cloud console.
To consume the project with our terragrunt code and scripts please create a folder structure in your project with a copy of
git resource
for terraform modules: see terragrunt/concourse-wg-ci-test/config.yaml or copyterraform-modules
folder to your repository, see terragrunt/concourse-wg-ci/config.yaml
. Otherwise, there will be version mismatch errors when you run terragrunt. Alternatively, make use of the file flake.nix
via nix develop
or via direnv-load, see: direnv documentation
Also make sure that your git ssh setup is working: []. The referencing git URLs use ssh, not https.
The project does not automatically create a DNS zone. Either create one manually, or reuse an existing zone.
You should at least look at the following variables:
project / region / zone / secondary_zone
dns_record / dns_zone / dns_domain
Also make sure that the GKE version is not outdated:
The latest stable version can be found at []
If you need to fine-tune the Concourse worker placement strategy, you can configure it with:
gcloud auth login && gcloud auth application-default login
When using asdf instead of Nix, there can be problems with the "gke-gcloud-auth-plugin" if you use asdf as CLI management tool. If the "gcloud" CLI cannot find the plugin, you can copy the plugin into the shims
folder as workaround:
cp ~/.asdf/installs/gcloud/415.0.0/bin/gke-gcloud-auth-plugin ~/.asdf/shims
To set the correct project out of the ones that you have access to (see gcloud projects list
), run gcloud config set project 'app-runtime-interfaces-wg'
This is necessary if you want to be able to authenticate with your GitHub profile.
Create Github OAuth App
Log on to -> Click "New OAuth App"
As "Homepage URL", enter the Concourse's base URL beginning with https://.
As "Authorization callback URL", enter the Concourse URL followed by
callback` also beginning with https://**. -
Create Google Secret
Open terragrunt/scripts/concourse/ and enter your credentials for id** and secret.
cd <folder with config.yaml> ../scripts/
For more information please refer to gcloud documentation.
The following command needs to be run from within your root directory (containing config.yaml
NOTE: it's not possible to plan
for a fresh project due to the fact we can't test kubernetes resources against non-existing cluster
NOTE: terragrunt run-all
commands do not show changes before applying
*NOTE: If you need to update the providers, run terragrunt run-all init -upgrade
terragrunt run-all apply
- Login into the google cloud via
gcloud auth login && gcloud auth application-default login
. - Configure you kubectl, see section How to obtain GKE credentials for your terminal.
Terraform hashicorp provider includes a deletion protection flag however in some cases it's misleading as it's not setting it on Google Cloud. To avoid confusion we do not set it in the code and recommend altering your production SQL Instance to protect from the deletion on the cloud side. -> select instance name -> edit -> Data Protection -> tick: Enable delete protection
Please see end to end testing
Please see developer notes about vendir sync
and developing modules with terragrunt
Credhub credentials are expired if they are older than 30 days. As a result, following error messages are occurs
- Credhub pod:
Get "https://credhub.concourse.svc.cluster.local:9000/info": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-02-27T10:14:45Z is after 2023-02-25T15:05:44Z
- Concourse input resources
x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
Restart the credhub kubernetes deployment in the concourse namespace. It will destroy the old pod and create a new one.
This is workaround. The bug is describe issues#61
From the Cloud Console:
- Go to Google Cloud Console
- Go to managed pods and delete the pods
From local:
- Clone this project and either use nix or asdf to set up you environment.
- Login into the google cloud via
gcloud auth login && gcloud auth application-default login
. - Configure you kubectl, see section How to obtain GKE credentials for your terminal.
- Execute
kubectl delete pods --namespace='concourse' --selector='app=credhub'
If the above solution did not help, it might also be the CA that expires once a year.
Check its age
kubectl get secret -n concourse credhub-root-ca
If it is older than a year, delete it:
kubectl delete secret -n concourse credhub-root-ca
Afterwards restart the secretgen-controller to trigger a recreation:
kubectl scale deploy -n secretgen-controller secretgen-controller --replicas=0
kubectl scale deploy -n secretgen-controller secretgen-controller --replicas=1
kubectl wait deployment -n secretgen-controller secretgen-controller --for=jsonpath='{.spec.replicas}'=1 --timeout=30s
Check that the CA has been recreated:
kubectl get secret -n concourse credhub-root-ca
Restart credhub and concourse:
kubectl delete pods --namespace='concourse' --selector='app=credhub'
kubectl delete pods --namespace='concourse' --selector='release=concourse'
If you have manually set the recommended CloudSQL instance deletion protection please unset it.
Since we protect a backup of CredHub encryption key (stored in GCP Secret Manager) to fully destroy the project it needs to be removed from terraform state first.
cd <folder with config.yaml>/dr_create
terragrunt state rm google_secret_manager_secret_version.credhub_encryption_key
terragrunt state rm google_secret_manager_secret.credhub_encryption_key
WARNING: to complete deletion, remove the secret from GCP Secret manager -- please be aware doing so will permanently prevent DR recovery
gcloud secrets delete <gke_name>-credhub-encryption-key --project=<your project name>
To destroy:
terragrunt run-all destroy
Delete terraform state gcp bucket from GCP console or via gsutil
carvel-dev/terraform-provider-carvel#30 (comment)
To compile the provider locally, clone the repository and run:
go mod tidy
go build -o terraform-provider-carvel ./cmd/main.go
Then copy the binary into the local Terraform "plugins" folder:
cp ./terraform-provider-carvel ~/.terraform.d/plugins/
In case of Terraform checksum mismatches, go to a Terraform module and run "terraform init" to fix the checksums.
cd terragrunt/concourse-<gke_name>/concourse/app
terragrunt plan
terragrunt apply
Terraform code is fetching GKE credentials automatically. In case you need to access the cluster with kubectl
(or other kube clients) or to connect to Credhub instance (via terragrunt/scripts/concourse/
gcloud container clusters list
# Example output:
# wg-ci europe-west3-a 1.23.8-gke.1900 e2-standard-4 1.23.8-gke.1900 3 RUNNING
gcloud container clusters get-credentials wg-ci --zone europe-west3-a
# Example output:
# Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
# kubeconfig entry generated for wg-ci.
kubectl config current-context
# Example output:
# gke_app-runtime-interfaces-wg_europe-west3-a_wg-ci
Please see DR scenario for a fully automated recovery procedure.
Please see Secrets Rotation
Please see Certificate Regeneration