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Name Description Type Default Required
access_log_settings Settings for logging access in this stage. map(string) {} no
api_deployment_description flag to manage description of api deployment string "test" no
api_description the description of the API. string "Manages an Amazon API Gateway Version 2 API." no
api_key_selection_expression An API key selection expression. Valid values: $context.authorizer.usageIdentifierKey, $request.header.x-api-key. string "$request.header.x-api-key" no
api_resources flag to control of resources path map(map(string)) {} no
api_version A version identifier for the API string null no
apigatewayv2_api_mapping_enabled Flag to control the mapping creation. bool true no
authorization Required The type of authorization used for the method (NONE, CUSTOM, AWS_IAM, COGNITO_USER_POOLS) string "NONE" no
authorizer_iam_role Custome IAMRole for Authorizer Credentials. string "" no
authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds TTL of cached authorizer results in seconds. Defaults to 300. number 300 no
authorizer_type The authorizer type. Valid values: JWT, REQUEST. For WebSocket APIs, specify REQUEST for a Lambda function using incoming request parameters. For HTTP APIs, specify JWT to use JSON Web Tokens. string "JWT" no
authorizers Map of API gateway authorizers map(any) {} no
auto_deploy Set this to true to enable stage Auto Deployment bool false no
body An OpenAPI specification that defines the set of routes and integrations to create as part of the HTTP APIs. Supported only for HTTP APIs. string null no
cache_cluster_enabled Whether a cache cluster is enabled for the stage bool false no
cache_cluster_size Size of the cache cluster for the stage, if enabled. Allowed values include 0.5, 1.6, 6.1, 13.5, 28.4, 58.2, 118 and 237. string "0.5" no
cache_key_parameters List of cache key parameters for the integration. list(any) [] no
cache_namespace Integration's cache namespace. string "" no
canary_settings (optional) describe your variable map(any) {} no
client_certificate_id Identifier of a client certificate for the stage. string "" no
connection_id ID of the VpcLink used for the integration. Required if connection_type is VPC_LINK string "" no
connection_rest_api_type Valid values are INTERNET (default for connections through the public routable internet), and VPC_LINK (for private connections between API Gateway and a network load balancer in a VPC). string "INTERNET" no
connection_type Type of the network connection to the integration endpoint. Valid values: INTERNET, VPC_LINK. Default is INTERNET. string "INTERNET" no
content_handling Supported values are CONVERT_TO_BINARY and CONVERT_TO_TEXT. If this property is not defined, the request payload will be passed through from the method request to integration request without modification, provided that the passthroughBehaviors is configured to support payload pass-through. string "CONVERT_TO_TEXT" no
cors_configuration The cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration. Applicable for HTTP APIs. any {} no
create_api_domain_name_enabled Flag to control the domain creation. bool true no
create_default_stage_enabled Flag to control the stage creation. bool true no
create_http_api Flag to control creation of HTTP api. bool false no
create_kms_key Set this to false to provide existing kms key arn in kms_key_arn variable. bool true no
create_rest_api Flag to control the rest api creation. bool false no
create_rest_api_deployment Flag to control the mapping creation. bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_authorizer Flag to control the rest api gateway authorizer creation. bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_integration Flag to control the rest api gateway integration creation. bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_integration_response Flag to control the rest api gateway integration response creation. bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_method Flag to control the rest api gateway method creation. bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_method_response Flag to control the rest api gateway stage creation. bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_resource flag to control the rest api gateway resources creation bool true no
create_rest_api_gateway_stage Flag to control the rest api gateway stage creation. bool true no
create_routes_and_integrations_enabled Whether to create routes and integrations resources bool true no
create_vpc_endpoint VPC endpoint is required to access api gateway url from outside the vpc. Set this to false to prevent vpc endpoint creation. bool true no
create_vpc_link_enabled Whether to create VPC links bool true no
credentials To specify an IAM Role for Amazon API Gateway to assume, use the role's ARN. To require that the caller's identity be passed through from the request, specify the string string "" no
credentials_arn Part of quick create. Specifies any credentials required for the integration. Applicable for HTTP APIs. string null no
default_route_settings Default route settings for the stage. map(string) {} no
default_stage_access_log_destination_arn ARN of the CloudWatch Logs log group to receive access logs. string null no
default_stage_access_log_format Single line format of the access logs of data. Refer to log settings for HTTP or Websocket. string null no
description_gateway_stage (optional) describe your variable string "demo-test" no
documentation_version Version of the associated API documentation string "" no
domain_name The domain name to use for API gateway string null no
domain_name_certificate_arn The ARN of an AWS-managed certificate that will be used by the endpoint for the domain name string "" no
domain_name_ownership_verification_certificate_arn ARN of the AWS-issued certificate used to validate custom domain ownership (when certificate_arn is issued via an ACM Private CA or mutual_tls_authentication is configured with an ACM-imported certificate.) string null no
enable_access_logs flag to manage of cloudwatch log group creation bool true no
enable_key_rotation Specifies whether key rotation is enabled. Defaults to false. bool null no
enabled Set this to false to prevent resource creation by this terraform module. bool true no
environment Environment (e.g. prod, dev, staging). string "test" no
gateway_authorizer flag to control the gateway authorizer name. string "demo" no
gateway_integration_type flag tp control the gatway integration type. string "AWS_PROXY" no
http_method HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTION, ANY) when calling the associated resource. string "ANY" no
identity_source Source of the identity in an incoming request. Defaults to method.request.header.Authorization. For REQUEST type, this may be a comma-separated list of values, including headers, query string parameters and stage variable string "method.request.header.Authorization" no
identity_sources The identity sources for which authorization is requested. list(string)
integration_description Description of the integration. string "Lambda example" no
integration_http_method flag to control the gateway intergration http method. string "POST" no
integration_method Integration's HTTP method. Must be specified if integration_type is not MOCK. string "POST" no
integration_response_parameters Map of response parameters that can be read from the backend response. For example: response_parameters = { method.response.header.X-Some-Header = integration.response.header.X-Some-Other-Header }. map(string) {} no
integration_type Integration type of an integration. Valid values: AWS (supported only for WebSocket APIs), AWS_PROXY, HTTP (supported only for WebSocket APIs), HTTP_PROXY, MOCK (supported only for WebSocket APIs). string "AWS_PROXY" no
integration_uri URI of the Lambda function for a Lambda proxy integration, when integration_type is AWS_PROXY. For an HTTP integration, specify a fully-qualified URL. string "" no
integrations Map of API gateway routes with integrations map(any) {} no
kms_key_arn Pass existing KMS key arn. Only applicable when create_kms_key is set to false. string "" no
label_order Label order, e.g. name,application. list(any)
log_format Formatting and values recorded in the logs. For more information on configuring the log format rules visit the AWS documentation string " {\n\t\"requestTime\": \"$context.requestTime\",\n\t\"requestId\": \"$context.requestId\",\n\t\"httpMethod\": \"$context.httpMethod\",\n\t\"path\": \"$context.path\",\n\t\"resourcePath\": \"$context.resourcePath\",\n\t\"status\": $context.status,\n\t\"responseLatency\": $context.responseLatency,\n \"xrayTraceId\": \"$context.xrayTraceId\",\n \"integrationRequestId\": \"$context.integration.requestId\",\n\t\"functionResponseStatus\": \"$context.integration.status\",\n \"integrationLatency\": \"$context.integration.latency\",\n\t\"integrationServiceStatus\": \"$context.integration.integrationStatus\",\n \"authorizeResultStatus\": \"$context.authorize.status\",\n\t\"authorizerServiceStatus\": \"$context.authorizer.status\",\n\t\"authorizerLatency\": \"$context.authorizer.latency\",\n\t\"authorizerRequestId\": \"$context.authorizer.requestId\",\n \"ip\": \"$context.identity.sourceIp\",\n\t\"userAgent\": \"$context.identity.userAgent\",\n\t\"principalId\": \"$context.authorizer.principalId\",\n\t\"cognitoUser\": \"$context.identity.cognitoIdentityId\",\n \"user\": \"$context.identity.user\"\n}\n" no
log_group_class Specified the log class of the log group. Possible values are: STANDARD or INFREQUENT_ACCESS. string "STANDARD" no
managedby ManagedBy, eg 'CloudDrove' string "[email protected]" no
multi_region ndicates whether the KMS key is a multi-Region (true) or regional (false) key. Defaults to false. bool false no
mutual_tls_authentication An Amazon S3 URL that specifies the truststore for mutual TLS authentication as well as version, keyed at uri and version map(string) {} no
name Name (e.g. app or api). string "" no
passthrough_behavior Pass-through behavior for incoming requests based on the Content-Type header in the request, and the available mapping templates specified as the request_templates attribute. string "WHEN_NO_MATCH" no
private_dns_enabled AWS services and AWS Marketplace partner services only) Whether or not to associate a private hosted zone with the specified VPC. Applicable for endpoints of type Interface. Most users will want this enabled to allow services within the VPC to automatically use the endpoint. Defaults to false. bool false no
protocol_type The API protocol. Valid values: HTTP, WEBSOCKET string "HTTP" no
provider_arns required for type COGNITO_USER_POOLS) List of the Amazon Cognito user pool ARNs. Each element is of this format: arn:aws:cognito-idp:{region}:{account_id}:userpool/{user_pool_id}. set(string) [] no
repository Terraform current module repo string "" no
request_parameters Map of request query string parameters and headers that should be passed to the backend responder map(string) null no
request_templates Map of the integration's request templates. map(string) null no
response_models A map of the API models used for the response's content type map(string)
"application/json": "Empty"
response_parameters Map of response parameters that can be sent to the caller. For example: response_parameters { method.response.header.X-Some-Header = true } would define that the header X-Some-Header can be provided on the response map(bool) {} no
rest_api_assume_role_policy Custome Trust Relationship Policy for Authorizer IAMRole. string "" no
rest_api_base_path Path segment that must be prepended to the path when accessing the API via this mapping. If omitted, the API is exposed at the root of the given domain. string "" no
rest_api_description The description of the REST API string "test" no
rest_api_endpoint_type (Required) List of endpoint types. This resource currently only supports managing a single value. Valid values: EDGE, REGIONAL or PRIVATE. If unspecified, defaults to EDGE. string null no
rest_api_resource_policy (Optional) custom resource policy for private rest api. string "" no
rest_api_stage_name The name of the stage string "" no
rest_variables Map to set on the stage managed by the stage_name argument. map(string) {} no
retention_in_days Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log group. Possible values are: 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1096, 1827, 2192, 2557, 2922, 3288, 3653, and 0. If you select 0, the events in the log group are always retained and never expire. number null no
route_key Part of quick create. Specifies any route key. Applicable for HTTP APIs. string null no
route_selection_expression The route selection expression for the API. string "$request.method $request.path" no
route_settings Settings for default route map(string) {} no
security_group_ids A list of security group IDs to associate with. list(string) [] no
service_name The service name. For AWS services the service name is usually in the form com.amazonaws.. (the SageMaker Notebook service is an exception to this rule, the service name is in the form aws.sagemaker..notebook). string "" no
skip_destroy Set to true if you do not wish the log group (and any logs it may contain) to be deleted at destroy time, and instead just remove the log group from the Terraform state. bool null no
stage_description Description to set on the stage managed by the stage_name argument. string "test" no
stage_name Stage Name to be used, set to $default to use Invoke URL as your default webpage for lambda string null no
stage_variables Map that defines the stage variables map(string) {} no
status_code flag to control the status code string "200" no
subnet_ids A list of VPC Subnet IDs to launch in. list(string) [] no
target Part of quick create. Quick create produces an API with an integration, a default catch-all route, and a default stage which is configured to automatically deploy changes. For HTTP integrations, specify a fully qualified URL. For Lambda integrations, specify a function ARN. The type of the integration will be HTTP_PROXY or AWS_PROXY, respectively. Applicable for HTTP APIs. string null no
timeout_milliseconds Custom timeout between 50 and 29,000 milliseconds. The default value is 29,000 milliseconds. number null no
type Type of the authorizer. Possible values are TOKEN for a Lambda function using a single authorization token submitted in a custom header, REQUEST for a Lambda function using incoming request parameters, or COGNITO_USER_POOLS for using an Amazon Cognito user pool. Defaults to TOKEN. string "TOKEN" no
vpc_endpoint_id ID of the vpc endpoint. Only applicable when string "" no
vpc_endpoint_type The VPC endpoint type, Gateway, GatewayLoadBalancer, or Interface. Defaults to Gateway. string "Gateway" no
vpc_id The ID of the VPC in which the endpoint will be used. string "" no
vpc_links Map of VPC Links details to create map(any) {} no
xray_tracing_enabled A flag to indicate whether to enable X-Ray tracing. bool true no
zone_id The ID of the hosted zone to contain this record. string "" no


Name Description
api_arn The HTTP API ARN.
api_endpoint The URI of the API, of the form {api-id}.execute-api.{region}
api_id The HTTP Api ID.
invoke_url URL to invoke the API pointing to the stage
rest_api_arn The Rest Api Arn.
rest_api_execution_arn Execution arn of rest api gateway.
rest_api_id The ID of the REST API
rest_api_invoke_url The URL to invoke the API pointing to the stage