A flowchart depicting the user invite flow when an org manger is inviting a new member to the org.
flowchart TB
subgraph View my Organization memberships
Shows the list of the organizations that the current user has a User or Member role for
style orgs_page stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
orgs_page --> org_page
subgraph View an Organization's details
Lists Users and Managers for the current organization
style org_page stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
org_page --> email_input
org_page --> role_input
subgraph Add User/Member to this Org
subgraph Invite User Form
email_input["`Email address for new User/Member _(Required) Used to authorize via UAA_`"]
style email_input stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
role_input["`Role for new User/Member _(Required) Can be “User” or “Manager”_`"]
style role_input stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
email_input --> send_api_request
role_input --> send_api_request
subgraph Invite Events
%% Entities
send_api_request["`Send request to Pages API`"]
style send_api_request stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
is_new_user{"`Is this email new to Pages?`"}
style is_new_user stroke:#9740B0,stroke-width:8px
found_user["`Found an existing Pages User with this email address`"]
style found_user stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
is_email_new_uaa{"`Is this email new to UAA/Cloud.gov?`"}
style is_email_new_uaa stroke:#9740B0,stroke-width:8px
found_uaa_email["`Found a Cloud.gov User with this email address (but new to Pages)`"]
style found_uaa_email stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
create_uaa_email["`Create a Cloud.gov UAA user account for this email`"]
style create_uaa_email stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
queue_invite_email["`Generate and queue a Pages invite email`"]
style queue_invite_email stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
generate_auth_link["`Generate Cloud.gov IDP registration link`"]
style generate_auth_link stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
create_user_record["`Create a Pages user record`"]
style create_user_record stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
email_invite["`Email the Pages invite to the new user`"]
style email_invite stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
clicks_invite_link["`User clicks the invite link from their email`"]
style clicks_invite_link stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
is_email_domain_agency_idp{"`Is this email domain using agency IDP?`"}
style is_email_domain_agency_idp stroke:#9740B0,stroke-width:8px
use_cloud_gov_idp["`Offer Cloud.gov IDP UAA to the new user`"]
style use_cloud_gov_idp stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
user_creates_cloud_gov_idp_account["`User creates a Cloud.gov UAA using our IDP`"]
style user_creates_cloud_gov_idp_account stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
use_agency_idp["`Agency IDP authorizes the user via UAA`"]
style use_agency_idp stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
goes_to_cloud_gov_login["`User arrives at the Cloud.gov entry point _(login.fr.cloud.gov)_`"]
style goes_to_cloud_gov_login stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
has_login_past_90{"`Has the user logged in < 90 days?`"}
style has_login_past_90 stroke:#9740B0,stroke-width:8px
is_user_new_to_org{"`Is the User new to this Org?`"}
style is_user_new_to_org stroke:#9740B0,stroke-width:8px
uaa_inactive["`Email matches an inactive Pages/Cloud Account`"]
style uaa_inactive stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
throws_error_uaa_inactive["`An error throws when the user attempts to login.`"]
style throws_error_uaa_inactive stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
existing_org_user["`Email matches an existing Org User`"]
style existing_org_user stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
add_user_to_org["`Add Pages user account to Organization.`"]
style add_user_to_org stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
confirm_user_add["`Confirm User has been added to Org in UI`"]
style confirm_user_add stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
%% Flow
send_api_request --> is_new_user
is_new_user -- "`No`" --> found_user
is_new_user -- "`Yes`" --> is_email_new_uaa
is_email_new_uaa -- "`No`" --> found_uaa_email
found_uaa_email --> create_user_record
is_email_new_uaa -- "`Yes`" --> create_uaa_email
create_uaa_email --> generate_auth_link
generate_auth_link --> queue_invite_email
queue_invite_email --> create_user_record
create_user_record --> add_user_to_org
queue_invite_email --> email_invite
email_invite --> clicks_invite_link
clicks_invite_link --> is_email_domain_agency_idp
is_email_domain_agency_idp -- "`No`" --> use_cloud_gov_idp
use_cloud_gov_idp --> user_creates_cloud_gov_idp_account
user_creates_cloud_gov_idp_account --> goes_to_cloud_gov_login
is_email_domain_agency_idp -- "`Yes`" --> use_agency_idp
use_agency_idp --> goes_to_cloud_gov_login
found_user --> has_login_past_90
has_login_past_90 -- "`No`" --> uaa_inactive
uaa_inactive --> throws_error_uaa_inactive
has_login_past_90 -- "`Yes`" --> is_user_new_to_org
is_user_new_to_org -- "`No`" --> existing_org_user
is_user_new_to_org -- "`Yes`" --> add_user_to_org
add_user_to_org --> confirm_user_add
subgraph Legend
legend_ui["`Client UI`"]
style legend_ui stroke:#167CC5,stroke-width:8px
legend_server["`Server action`"]
style legend_server stroke:#F0BDFF,stroke-width:8px
legend_server_logic["`Server decision`"]
style legend_server_logic stroke:#9740B0,stroke-width:8px
- 2024-01-19: Initial Version by Sarah Rudder