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Getting Started

Building a game with Retro Fever.

Notice LightTable have issues with live evaluating code from this lib. We belive it to be a limitation in LightTable and whether we can work around it remains to be seen. As an alternative we tried to get ClojureScripts REPL up and running but wasn't able to get it working. So for now you will need the good old save (autobuild) refresh (F5) in the browser to test out things. This is subject to change - live eval is key!

Getting off the ground

lein new rf-tut

Include ClojureScript and retro-fever as dependencies in your project, also for convinience add cljsbuild as plugin. After that you will propably have a project.clj in your root of the newly created project directory looking something like this:

(defproject rf-tut "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Getting started with Retro Fever - a 2D game engine for ClojueScript"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2356"]
                 [retro-fever "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.3"]]
  :cljsbuild {
    :builds [{
        :source-paths ["src"]
        :compiler {
          :output-to "resources/rf-tut.js"
          :optimizations :whitespace
          :pretty-print true}}]})

Remove the Clojure (clj) file:

rm src/rf_tut/core.clj

Open LightTable and create a ClojureScript file src/rf_tut/core.cljs with the followin content:

(ns rf-tut.core
  ; This requires all the Retro Fever engine libs we are going to use
  (:require-macros [retro-fever.macros :refer [game]])
  (:require [retro-fever.core :as core]
            [retro-fever.input :as input]
            [retro-fever.sprite :as sprite]
            [retro-fever.asset :as asset]))

;; ^:export ensures that the functions keeps its name after compile to JavaScript
;; thus making it available from the HTML file
(defn ^:export init
  (.log js/console "Ready for take off!"))

Now run:

lein cljsbuild auto
    <script src="rf-tut.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <h1>Retro Fever - Getting started</h1>
    <canvas id="game-canvas"></canvas>

    <script type="text/javascript">

Now open the HTML file in a browser of your choice, to see the message Ready for take off! in the console. Note that Chrome have been used through out this guide (and the console can be opened using F12 and must be open upon initial load for the message to be seen).

Loading assets

Prepare an asset to load:

mkdir -p resources/images/
wget -O dummy_walk.png

If you don't have wget just download the above link manual, name the file dummy_walk.png and put it inside resources/images/.

Add the following inside the init function in core.cljs:

(asset/load-assets {:images [{:id [:dummy] :src "images/dummy_walk.png"}]})

Save the file and cljsbuild will pickup the save and rebuild rf-tut.js. Refresh the browser and look under the Network tab in the Developer Tools to see that the asset dummy_walk.png has been loaded.

To actually put the sprite on the canvas use the following:

(sprite/render-image (.getContext (.getElementById js/document "game-canvas") "2d") (asset/get-image :dummy) 0 0)