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POC for CLJS support for find-locals
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
as outlined in #195, see specially
#195 (comment)

Take aways:
- one integration test is duplicated for cljs (together with the
source file)
- `cljs.analyzer` used directly instead of `` --
latter errored with latest cljs, did not investigate further
- workarounds needed for
  - no `end-line`, `end-column` info in CLJS AST (also see
  - no `:raw-forms` in cljs AST containing the stages of macro
  expansion including the original form
  - :op = `:binding` nodes in CLJS ASTs seems to be missing
  `:children` entry so the AST can not be walked properly
  • Loading branch information
benedekfazekas committed Apr 25, 2019
1 parent 9e2a0cc commit 8b651a0
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Showing 5 changed files with 222 additions and 26 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,10 +38,12 @@
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]]}
:dev {:plugins [[jonase/eastwood "0.2.0"]]
:global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.946"]
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[cider/piggieback "0.4.0"]
[leiningen-core "2.9.0"]
[commons-io/commons-io "2.6"]]
[commons-io/commons-io "2.6"]
[javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api "2.3.1"]]
:repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]}
:java-source-paths ["test/java"]
:resource-paths ["test/resources"
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126 changes: 115 additions & 11 deletions src/refactor_nrepl/analyzer.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,20 +8,24 @@
[ :as ajutils]
[ :refer [read-ns-decl]]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[config :as config]]
[refactor-nrepl.config :as config]
[refactor-nrepl.ns.tracker :as tracker]
[clojure.string :as str])
[clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.analyzer :as cljs-ana]
[cljs.util :as cljs-util]
[cljs.compiler :as cljs-comp]
[cljs.env :as cljs-env]
[cider.nrepl.middleware.util.cljs :as cljs])

;;; The structure here is {ns {content-hash ast}}
(def ^:private ast-cache (atom {}))

(defn get-alias [as v]
(cond as (first v)
(cond as (first v)
(= (first v) :as) (get-alias true (rest v))
:else (get-alias nil (rest v))))
:else (get-alias nil (rest v))))

(defn parse-ns
"Returns tuples with the ns as the first element and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,6 +84,64 @@
reader/*data-readers* *data-readers*]
(assoc-in (aj/analyze-ns ns (aj/empty-env) opts) [0 :alias-info] aliases)))))

;; integration test: find-used-locals
;; myast is the parsed ast of com.example.five and com.example.five-cljs respectively

;; cljs
(->> (nth myast 3) :init :methods first :body :ret :bindings first :children)
;; returns nil, but ... :init :form) returns (trim p), strangely :init has the same children as in the clj case

;; clj
(->> (nth myast 3) :init :expr :methods first :body :bindings first :children)
;; returns [:init] .. :init :form) returns (trim p)


(defn- repair-binding-children
"Repairs cljs AST by adding `:children` entries to `:binding` AST nodes, see above comment tag."
(fn [env ast opts]
(if (= :let (:op ast))
(fn [bindings]
(mapv #(assoc % :children [:init]) bindings)))

(defn cljs-analyze-ns
"Returns a sequence of abstract syntax trees for each form in
the namespace."
(let [f (cljs-util/ns->relpath ns)
res (if (re-find #"^file://" f) ( f) (io/resource f))]
(assert res (str "Can't find " f " in classpath"))
(binding [cljs-ana/*cljs-ns* 'cljs.user
cljs-ana/*cljs-file* (.getPath ^ res)
cljs-ana/*passes* [cljs-ana/infer-type cljs-ana/check-invoke-arg-types cljs-ana/ns-side-effects (repair-binding-children)]]
(with-open [r (io/reader res)]
(let [env (cljs-ana/empty-env)
pbr (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader. r)
eof (Object.)]
(loop [asts []
r (read pbr false eof false)]
(let [env (assoc env :ns (cljs-ana/get-namespace cljs-ana/*cljs-ns*))]
(if-not (identical? eof r)
(recur (conj asts (cljs-ana/analyze env r)) (read pbr false eof false))

(defn cljs-analyze-form [form]
(binding [cljs-ana/*cljs-ns* 'cljs.user]
(cljs-ana/analyze (cljs-ana/empty-env) form))))

(defn build-cljs-ast
(let [[ns aliases] (parse-ns file-content)]
(assoc-in (cljs-analyze-ns ns) [0 :alias-info] aliases)))

(defn- cachable-ast [file-content]
(let [[ns aliases] (parse-ns file-content)]
(when ns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,16 +195,16 @@
;; The node for ::an-ns-alias/foo, when it appeared as a toplevel form,
;; had nil as position info
(and line end-line column end-column
(and (>= loc-line line)
(<= loc-line end-line)
(>= loc-column column)
(<= loc-column end-column)))))
(<= line loc-line end-line)
(<= column loc-column end-column))))

(defn- normalize-anon-fn-params
(defn normalize-anon-fn-params
"replaces anon fn params in a read form"
(fn [token] (if (re-matches #"p\d+__\d+#" (str token)) 'p token)) form))
(fn [token] (cond (re-matches #"p\d+__\d+#" (str token)) 'p
(instance? java.util.regex.Pattern token) (str token)
:default token)) form))

(defn- read-when-sexp [form]
(let [f-string (str form)]
Expand All @@ -155,13 +217,31 @@
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(let [sexp-sans-comments-and-meta (normalize-anon-fn-params (read-string sexp))
pattern (re-pattern (Pattern/quote (str sexp-sans-comments-and-meta)))]
;; (println "raw-forms" (:raw-forms node))
;; (println "form " (-> (:form node)
;; read-when-sexp
;; normalize-anon-fn-params))
(if-let [forms (:raw-forms node)]
(some #(re-find pattern %)
(map (comp str normalize-anon-fn-params read-when-sexp) forms))
(= sexp-sans-comments-and-meta (-> (:form node)

(defn node-for-sexp-cljs?
"Is NODE the ast node for SEXP for cljs?
As `:raw-forms` (stages of macro expansion, including the original form) is not available in cljs AST it does the comparison the other way around. Eg parses `sexp` with the cljs parser and compares that with the `:form` of the AST node."
[sexp node]
(binding [*read-eval* false]
(let [sexp-sans-comments-and-meta-form (:form (cljs-analyze-form (normalize-anon-fn-params (read-string sexp))))
node-form (-> (:form node)
;; (println "sexp-sans-comments-and-meta" sexp-sans-comments-and-meta-form "types" (map type sexp-sans-comments-and-meta-form))
;; (println "form " node-form "types" (map type node-form))
(= sexp-sans-comments-and-meta-form node-form))))

(defn top-level-form-index
[line column ns-ast]
(->> ns-ast
Expand All @@ -170,3 +250,27 @@
(some (partial node-at-loc? line column)))))
(filter #(second %))

(defn node-at-loc-cljs?
"Works around the fact that cljs AST nodes don't have end-line and end-column info in them. This cheat only works for top level forms because after a `` call we can't expect the nodes in the right order."
[^long loc-line ^long loc-column node next-node]
(let [{:keys [^long line ^long column]} (:env node)
env-next-node (:env next-node)
^long end-column (:column env-next-node)
^long end-line (:line env-next-node)]
;; The node for ::an-ns-alias/foo, when it appeared as a toplevel form,
;; had nil as position info
(and line end-line column end-column
(or (< line loc-line end-line)
(and (or (= line loc-line)
(= end-line loc-line))
(<= column loc-column end-column))))))

(defn top-level-form-index-cljs
[line column ns-ast]
(loop [[top-level-ast & top-level-asts-rest] ns-ast
index 0]
(if (or (node-at-loc-cljs? line column top-level-ast (first top-level-asts-rest))
(not (first top-level-asts-rest)))
(recur top-level-asts-rest (inc index)))))
26 changes: 17 additions & 9 deletions src/refactor_nrepl/find/find_locals.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,33 @@
(ns refactor-nrepl.find.find-locals
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[ :refer [nodes]]
[analyzer :as ana]
[s-expressions :as sexp]
[core :as core]]))
[refactor-nrepl.analyzer :as ana]
[refactor-nrepl.core :as core]
[refactor-nrepl.s-expressions :as sexp]))

(defn find-used-locals [{:keys [file ^long line ^long column]}]
{:pre [(number? line)
(number? column)
(not-empty file)]}
(core/throw-unless-clj-file file)
;(core/throw-unless-clj-file file)
(let [content (slurp file)
ast (ana/ns-ast content)
cljs? (core/cljs-file? file)
;; fork for cljs using `cljs.analyzer` directly
ast (if cljs? (ana/build-cljs-ast content) (ana/ns-ast content))
sexp (sexp/get-enclosing-sexp content (dec line) (dec column))
;; work around for cljs ASTs not having end-line and end-column info
top-level-form-index-fn (if cljs? ana/top-level-form-index-cljs ana/top-level-form-index)
;; work around the fact that cljs ASTs don't have raw-forms in them. the original form before macro expansion can not be reproduced
node-for-sexp-fn (if cljs? ana/node-for-sexp-cljs? ana/node-for-sexp?)
selected-sexp-node (->> ast
(ana/top-level-form-index line column)
(top-level-form-index-fn line column)
(nth ast)
(filter (partial ana/node-at-loc? line column))
(filter (partial ana/node-for-sexp? sexp))
((fn [nds]
(if cljs?
nds; can't use `node-at-loc-cljs?` after `nodes`
(filter (partial ana/node-at-loc? line column) nds))))
(filter (partial node-for-sexp-fn sexp))
sexp-locals (->> selected-sexp-node
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31 changes: 27 additions & 4 deletions test/refactor_nrepl/integration_tests.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -228,12 +228,35 @@
(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 41 :column 4)
'(x y z a b c))))))

(deftest find-unbound-fails-on-cljs
(deftest test-find-used-locals-cljs
(let [cljs-file (str test-project-dir "/tmp/src/com/example/file.cljs")
(let [five-file (str test-project-dir "/src/com/example/five_cljs.cljs")
transport (connect :port 7777)]
(is (:error (find-unbound :transport transport :file cljs-file
:line 12 :column 6))))))
(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 12 :column 6)
;; maybe fails because of a bug in `refactor-nrepl.s-expressions/get-enclosing-sexp`?! which is covered up by the fact that we can prefilter AST nodes with `nodes-at-loc` for clj but for cljs?!
;; (is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 13 :column 13)
;; '(s sep)))

(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 20 :column 16)
(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 27 :column 8)
'(sep strings)))

(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 34 :column 8)

(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 37 :column 5)
(is (= (find-unbound :transport transport :file five-file :line 41 :column 4)
'(x y z a b c))))))

;; (deftest find-unbound-fails-on-cljs
;; (with-testproject-on-classpath
;; (let [cljs-file (str test-project-dir "/tmp/src/com/example/file.cljs")
;; transport (connect :port 7777)]
;; (is (:error (find-unbound :transport transport :file cljs-file
;; :line 12 :column 6))))))

(deftest test-version
(is (= (str (core/version))
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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions test/resources/testproject/src/com/example/five_cljs.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
(ns com.example.five-cljs
(:require [clojure.string :refer [join split blank? trim] :as str]))

;; remove parameters to run the tests
(defn fn-with-unbounds [s sep]
(when-not (blank? s)
(-> s (split #" ")
(join sep)

(defn orig-fn [s]
(let [sep ";"]
(when-not (blank? s)
(-> s
(split #" ")
((partial join sep))

(defn find-in-let [s p]
(let [z (trim p)]
(assoc {:s s
:p p
:z z} :k "foobar")))

(defn threading-macro [strings]
(let [sep ","]
(->> strings
(join sep))))

(defn repeated-sexp []
(map name [:a :b :c])
(let [name #(str "myname" %)]
(map name [:a :b :c])))

(defn sexp-with-anon-fn [n]
(let [g 5]
(#(+ g %) n)))

(defn many-params [x y z a b c]
(* x y z a b c))

(defn fn-with-default-optmap
[{:keys [foo bar] :or {foo "foo"}}]
[:bar :foo]
(count foo))

(defn fn-with-default-optmap-linebreak
[{:keys [foo
:or {foo
[:bar :foo]
(count foo))

(defn fn-with-let-default-optmap []
(let [{:keys [foo bar] :or {foo "foo"}} (hash-map)]
[:bar :foo]
(count foo)))

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