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Google Cloud Projects


All production servers - such as who-mh-prod - are part of the WHO Google Cloud organization and not the developer organization.




Domain: none yet.

v2 backends (not ready yet)

The v2 backend is based on Firebase.



We use many of Firebase's services, including Firestore, Cloud Functions, and Hosting, to serve the backend.

There are two standard Firebase configuration files checked in to the repo:


We use Firestore in Native mode. It has the following top-level collections:

Collection Document contents
Client Client settings

Where possible, we access the database directly (using Firestore's own APIs) rather than write our own APIs. Firebase's Security Rules determine the permitted access. Our security rules are defined in app/server/firestore.rules.

Static Content

Static content is hosted by Firebase Hosting. Everything in the app/server/public folder is hosted. Most notable is the content folder; the contents of that folder are automatically produced at deploy-time.

Static content will be available via a URL like as well as any of our custom domains that we attach to the project (e.g.

Dynamic content, HTTPS APIs, server-side code

Dynamic content, HTTPS-based APIs, and any other server-side code are hosted on Cloud Functions. There are two kinds of Cloud Functions:

  • HTTPS functions are reachable via a URL like
  • Firestore-triggered functions respond to events in the database, they can't be called directly.

Our Cloud Functions code is in app/server/functions/src.

Using a custom domain to invoke HTTPS functions isn't possible for us yet, since we run outside of us-central1, where Firebase Hosting Rewrites aren't supported yet. However, the hostname of our API should be a detail that's invisible to our users and therefore unimportant.

Development and testing

To test your Firebase code (security rules, Cloud Functions) in a local environment, we use Firebase's Emulator Suite.

To manually experiment with the emulator suite, run the following from the functions directory:

npm run serve

To experiment with the HTTPS endpoints you can use the Postman collection of requests in app/server/WHO.postman_collection.json.

Our unit tests (app/server/functions/**_spec.ts) should be the main source of truth however; they use the emulators under the hood.

To run our unit tests, run the following from the server directory:

npm run test


Initial setup

When setting up a new project, follow the instructions in terraform/ to...

  • Obtain Terraform credentials.
  • Create the project resources you'll be working with.

Make sure to also take the steps listed in Manual Setup that create the Firebase resources.

To update existing projects

To update the whole project to the latest version, from the app/server folder, run:

firebase deploy --project=YOUR-PROJECT-ID

If you only want to update static assets, run:

firebase deploy --project=YOUR-PROJECT-ID --only hosting

You should always specify a --project=YOUR-PROJECT-ID. If you'd like you can use one a project alias instead of a project ID.

Using the v2 backend

Currently, the v2 backend isn't ready for use by the client.

v1 (deprecated)

Curl Testing

App Engine:

# App Engine
curl -i \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'Who-Client-ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' \
	-H 'Who-Platform: WEB' \
	-X POST \
	-d '{token: 'test', isoCountryCode: CH}' \

Static Content

Served from Google Cloud Storage:



Building and Deploying

Note: The deployment scripts run the build automatically.

All commands run from the server folder:

cd server

Build Only

gradle build

Local Development Server


Then open http://localhost:8080/.

Gcloud Auth

Either login with the service account or your personal account:

# personal account
gcloud auth

Service Account:

# service account
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file xxxx.json


Deployment is organized by ProjectId.

./bin/ who-mh-staging

Then open for a redirect to the app store.

Static Content

Deployed automatically on push to master by .github/workflows/static-content.yaml (NOTE: old staging server). Or pushed manually with (new staging server):

./tools/ who-mh-staging

Dev Environment

Install Homebrew

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Java

Note: We run on Java 12 but target Java 8.

brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk12

Install Gradle

brew install gradle

Install Google Cloud SDK

Follow the directions here.

Log In

gcloud auth login

And, if you want to be able to manipulate Firebase:

gcloud auth application-default login

Install the most up-to-date App Engine Component

gcloud components install beta app-engine-java && gcloud components update

Install Terraform

Follow the directions here

Install IntelliJ IDE (Optional)

brew cask install intellij-idea-ce

Open the project in IntelliJ:

open -a /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\ .

Install the Firebase CLI

Install the Firebase Command-Line Interface by following the instructions here.