addins %r" % (refx, info)
- assert ref_first_sheetx == 0xFFFE == ref_last_sheetx
- return (-5, -5)
- if ref_recordx != bk._supbook_locals_inx:
- if blah:
- print "/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> external %r" % (refx, info)
- return (-4, -4) # external reference
- if ref_first_sheetx == 0xFFFE == ref_last_sheetx:
- if blah:
- print "/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> unspecified sheet %r" % (refx, info)
- return (-1, -1) # internal reference, any sheet
- if ref_first_sheetx == 0xFFFF == ref_last_sheetx:
- if blah:
- print "/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> deleted sheet(s)" % (refx, )
- return (-2, -2) # internal reference, deleted sheet(s)
- nsheets = len(bk._all_sheets_map)
- if not(0 <= ref_first_sheetx <= ref_last_sheetx < nsheets):
- if blah:
- print "/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> %r" % (refx, info)
- print "--- first/last sheet not in range(%d)" % nsheets
- return (-102, -102) # stuffed up somewhere :-(
- xlrd_sheetx1 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_first_sheetx]
- xlrd_sheetx2 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_last_sheetx]
- if not(0 <= xlrd_sheetx1 <= xlrd_sheetx2):
- return (-3, -3) # internal reference, but to a macro sheet
- return xlrd_sheetx1, xlrd_sheetx2
-def get_externsheet_local_range_b57(
- bk, raw_extshtx, ref_first_sheetx, ref_last_sheetx, blah=0):
- if raw_extshtx > 0:
- if blah:
- print "/// get_externsheet_local_range_b57(raw_extshtx=%d) -> external" % raw_extshtx
- return (-4, -4) # external reference
- if ref_first_sheetx == -1 and ref_last_sheetx == -1:
- return (-2, -2) # internal reference, deleted sheet(s)
- nsheets = len(bk._all_sheets_map)
- if not(0 <= ref_first_sheetx <= ref_last_sheetx < nsheets):
- if blah:
- print "/// get_externsheet_local_range_b57(%d, %d, %d) -> ???" \
- % (raw_extshtx, ref_first_sheetx, ref_last_sheetx)
- print "--- first/last sheet not in range(%d)" % nsheets
- return (-103, -103) # stuffed up somewhere :-(
- xlrd_sheetx1 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_first_sheetx]
- xlrd_sheetx2 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_last_sheetx]
- if not(0 <= xlrd_sheetx1 <= xlrd_sheetx2):
- return (-3, -3) # internal reference, but to a macro sheet
- return xlrd_sheetx1, xlrd_sheetx2
-class FormulaError(Exception):
- pass
-oBOOL = 3
-oERR = 4
-oMSNG = 5 # tMissArg
-oNUM = 2
-oREF = -1
-oREL = -2
-oSTRG = 1
-oUNK = 0
-okind_dict = {
- -2: "oREL",
- -1: "oREF",
- 0 : "oUNK",
- 1 : "oSTRG",
- 2 : "oNUM",
- 3 : "oBOOL",
- 4 : "oERR",
- 5 : "oMSNG",
- }
-listsep = ',' #### probably should depend on locale
-# Used in evaluating formulas.
-# The following table describes the kinds and how their values
-# are represented.
-# Kind symbol |
-# Kind number |
-# Value representation |
-# oBOOL |
-# 3 |
-# integer: 0 => False; 1 => True |
-# oERR |
-# 4 |
-# None, or an int error code (same as XL_CELL_ERROR in the Cell class).
-# |
-# oMSNG |
-# 5 |
-# Used by Excel as a placeholder for a missing (not supplied) function
-# argument. Should *not* appear as a final formula result. Value is None. |
-# oNUM |
-# 2 |
-# A float. Note that there is no way of distinguishing dates. |
-# oREF |
-# -1 |
-# The value is either None or a non-empty list of
-# absolute Ref3D instances.
-# |
-# oREL |
-# -2 |
-# The value is None or a non-empty list of
-# fully or partially relative Ref3D instances.
-# |
-# oSTRG |
-# 1 |
-# A Unicode string. |
-# oUNK |
-# 0 |
-# The kind is unknown or ambiguous. The value is None |
-class Operand(object):
- ##
- # None means that the actual value of the operand is a variable
- # (depends on cell data), not a constant.
- value = None
- ##
- # oUNK means that the kind of operand is not known unambiguously.
- kind = oUNK
- ##
- # The reconstituted text of the original formula. Function names will be
- # in English irrespective of the original language, which doesn't seem
- # to be recorded anywhere. The separator is ",", not ";" or whatever else
- # might be more appropriate for the end-user's locale; patches welcome.
- text = '?'
- def __init__(self, akind=None, avalue=None, arank=0, atext='?'):
- if akind is not None:
- self.kind = akind
- if avalue is not None:
- self.value = avalue
- self.rank = arank
- # rank is an internal gizmo (operator precedence);
- # it's used in reconstructing formula text.
- self.text = atext
- def __repr__(self):
- kind_text = okind_dict.get(self.kind, "?Unknown kind?")
- return "Operand(kind=%s, value=%r, text=%r)" \
- % (kind_text, self.value, self.text)
- _ref3d_base = tuple
- _ref3d_base = object
-# Represents an absolute or relative 3-dimensional reference to a box
-# of one or more cells.
-# -- New in version 0.6.0
-# The coords attribute is a tuple of the form:
-# (shtxlo, shtxhi, rowxlo, rowxhi, colxlo, colxhi)
-# where 0 <= thingxlo <= thingx < thingxhi.
-# Note that it is quite possible to have thingx > nthings; for example
-# Print_Titles could have colxhi == 256 and/or rowxhi == 65536
-# irrespective of how many columns/rows are actually used in the worksheet.
-# The caller will need to decide how to handle this situation.
-# Keyword: IndexError :-)
-# The components of the coords attribute are also available as individual
-# attributes: shtxlo, shtxhi, rowxlo, rowxhi, colxlo, and colxhi.
-# The relflags attribute is a 6-tuple of flags which indicate whether
-# the corresponding (sheet|row|col)(lo|hi) is relative (1) or absolute (0).
-# Note that there is necessarily no information available as to what cell(s)
-# the reference could possibly be relative to. The caller must decide what if
-# any use to make of oREL operands. Note also that a partially relative
-# reference may well be a typo.
-# For example, define name A1Z10 as $a$1:$z10 (missing $ after z)
-# while the cursor is on cell Sheet3!A27.
-# The resulting Ref3D instance will have coords = (2, 3, 0, -16, 0, 26)
-# and relflags = (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0).
-# So far, only one possibility of a sheet-relative component in
-# a reference has been noticed: a 2D reference located in the "current sheet".
This will appear as coords = (0, 1, ...) and relflags = (1, 1, ...).
-class Ref3D(_ref3d_base):
- def __init__(self, atuple):
- self.coords = atuple[0:6]
- self.relflags = atuple[6:12]
- if not self.relflags:
- self.relflags = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- (self.shtxlo, self.shtxhi,
- self.rowxlo, self.rowxhi,
- self.colxlo, self.colxhi) = self.coords
- def __repr__(self):
- if not self.relflags or self.relflags == (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0):
- return "Ref3D(coords=%r)" % (self.coords, )
- else:
- return "Ref3D(coords=%r, relflags=%r)" \
- % (self.coords, self.relflags)
-tAdd = 0x03
-tSub = 0x04
-tMul = 0x05
-tDiv = 0x06
-tPower = 0x07
-tConcat = 0x08
-tLT, tLE, tEQ, tGE, tGT, tNE = range(0x09, 0x0F)
-import operator as opr
-def nop(x):
- return x
-def _opr_pow(x, y): return x ** y
-def _opr_lt(x, y): return x < y
-def _opr_le(x, y): return x <= y
-def _opr_eq(x, y): return x == y
-def _opr_ge(x, y): return x >= y
-def _opr_gt(x, y): return x > y
-def _opr_ne(x, y): return x != y
-def num2strg(num):
- """Attempt to emulate Excel's default conversion
- from number to string.
- """
- s = str(num)
- if s.endswith(".0"):
- s = s[:-2]
- return s
-_arith_argdict = {oNUM: nop, oSTRG: float}
-_cmp_argdict = {oNUM: nop, oSTRG: nop}
-# Seems no conversions done on relops; in Excel, "1" > 9 produces TRUE.
-_strg_argdict = {oNUM:num2strg, oSTRG:nop}
-binop_rules = {
- tAdd: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.add, 30, '+'),
- tSub: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.sub, 30, '-'),
- tMul: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.mul, 40, '*'),
- tDiv: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.div, 40, '/'),
- tPower: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, _opr_pow, 50, '^',),
- tConcat:(_strg_argdict, oSTRG, opr.add, 20, '&'),
- tLT: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_lt, 10, '<'),
- tLE: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_le, 10, '<='),
- tEQ: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_eq, 10, '='),
- tGE: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_ge, 10, '>='),
- tGT: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_gt, 10, '>'),
- tNE: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_ne, 10, '<>'),
- }
-unop_rules = {
- 0x13: (lambda x: -x, 70, '-', ''), # unary minus
- 0x12: (lambda x: x, 70, '+', ''), # unary plus
- 0x14: (lambda x: x / 100.0, 60, '', '%'),# percent
- }
-def evaluate_name_formula(bk, nobj, namex, blah=0, level=0):
- if level > STACK_ALARM_LEVEL:
- blah = 1
- data = nobj.raw_formula
- fmlalen = nobj.basic_formula_len
- bv = bk.biff_version
- reldelta = 1 # All defined name formulas use "Method B" [OOo docs]
- if blah:
- print "::: evaluate_name_formula %r %r %d %d %r level=%d" \
- % (namex,, fmlalen, bv, data, level)
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, fmlalen)
- if level > STACK_PANIC_LEVEL:
- raise XLRDError("Excessive indirect references in NAME formula")
- sztab = szdict[bv]
- pos = 0
- stack = []
- any_rel = 0
- any_err = 0
- any_external = 0
- unk_opnd = Operand(oUNK, None)
- error_opnd = Operand(oERR, None)
- spush = stack.append
- def do_binop(opcd, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 2
- bop = stk.pop()
- aop = stk.pop()
- argdict, result_kind, func, rank, sym = binop_rules[opcd]
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- resop = Operand(result_kind, None, rank, otext)
- try:
- bconv = argdict[bop.kind]
- aconv = argdict[aop.kind]
- except KeyError:
- stk.append(resop)
- return
- if bop.value is None or aop.value is None:
- stk.append(resop)
- return
- bval = bconv(bop.value)
- aval = aconv(aop.value)
- result = func(aval, bval)
- if result_kind == oBOOL:
- result = intbool(result) # -> 1 or 0
- resop.value = result
- stk.append(resop)
- def do_unaryop(opcode, arglist, result_kind, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 1
- aop = stk.pop()
- assert aop.kind in arglist
- val = aop.value
- func, rank, sym1, sym2 = unop_rules[opcode]
- otext = ''.join([
- sym1,
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym2,
- ])
- if val is not None:
- val = func(val)
- stk.append(Operand(result_kind, val, rank, otext))
- def not_in_name_formula(op_arg, oname_arg):
- msg = "ERROR *** Token 0x%02x (%s) found in NAME formula" \
- % (op_arg, oname_arg)
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if fmlalen == 0:
- stack = [unk_opnd]
- while 0 <= pos < fmlalen:
- op = ord(data[pos])
- opcode = op & 0x1f
- optype = (op & 0x60) >> 5
- if optype:
- opx = opcode + 32
- else:
- opx = opcode
- oname = onames[opx] # + [" RVA"][optype]
- sz = sztab[opx]
- if blah:
- print "Pos:%d Op:0x%02x Name:t%s Sz:%d opcode:%02xh optype:%02xh" \
- % (pos, op, oname, sz, opcode, optype)
- print "Stack =", stack
- if sz == -2:
- msg = 'ERROR *** Unexpected token 0x%02x ("%s"); biff_version=%d' \
- % (op, oname, bv)
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if not optype:
- if 0x00 <= opcode <= 0x02: # unk_opnd, tExp, tTbl
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- elif 0x03 <= opcode <= 0x0E:
- # Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Power
- # tConcat
- # tLT, ..., tNE
- do_binop(opcode, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x0F: # tIsect
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tIsect pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ' '
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF)
- res.text = otext
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oUNK or aop.kind == oUNK:
- # This can happen with undefined
- # (go search in the current sheet) labels.
- # For example =Bob Sales
- # Each label gets a NAME record with an empty formula (!)
- # Evaluation of the tName token classifies it as oUNK
- # res.kind = oREF
- pass
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tIsectFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords)]
- elif bop.kind == oREL == aop.kind:
- res.kind = oREL
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tIsectFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- relfa = aop.value[0].relflags
- relfb = bop.value[0].relflags
- if relfa == relfb:
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords + relfa)]
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tIsect post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x10: # tList
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tList pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ','
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind in (oREF, oREL) and aop.kind in (oREF, oREL):
- res.kind = oREF
- if aop.kind == oREL or bop.kind == oREL:
- res.kind = oREL
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) >= 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- res.value = aop.value + bop.value
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tList post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x11: # tRange
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tRange pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ':'
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tRangeFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords)]
- elif bop.kind == oREL == aop.kind:
- res.kind = oREL
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tRangeFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- relfa = aop.value[0].relflags
- relfb = bop.value[0].relflags
- if relfa == relfb:
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords + relfa)]
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tRange post", stack
- elif 0x12 <= opcode <= 0x14: # tUplus, tUminus, tPercent
- do_unaryop(opcode, (oUNK, oNUM,), oNUM, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x15: # tParen
- # source cosmetics
- pass
- elif opcode == 0x16: # tMissArg
- spush(Operand(oMSNG, None, LEAF_RANK, ''))
- elif opcode == 0x17: # tStr
- if bv <= 70:
- strg, newpos = unpack_string_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, bk.encoding, lenlen=1)
- else:
- strg, newpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, lenlen=1)
- sz = newpos - pos
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " sz=%d strg=%r" % (sz, strg)
- text = '"' + strg.replace('"', '""') + '"'
- spush(Operand(oSTRG, strg, LEAF_RANK, text))
- elif opcode == 0x18: # tExtended
- # new with BIFF 8
- assert bv >= 80
- # not in OOo docs
- raise FormulaError("tExtended token not implemented")
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tAttr
- subop, nc = unpack("> bk.logfile, "tAttrSum", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 1
- aop = stack[-1]
- otext = 'SUM(%s)' % aop.text
- stack[-1] = Operand(oNUM, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- else:
- sz = 4
- if blah:
- print " subop=%02xh subname=t%s sz=%d nc=%02xh" \
- % (subop, subname, sz, nc)
- elif 0x1A <= opcode <= 0x1B: # tSheet, tEndSheet
- assert bv < 50
- raise FormulaError("tSheet & tEndsheet tokens not implemented")
- elif 0x1C <= opcode <= 0x1F: # tErr, tBool, tInt, tNum
- inx = opcode - 0x1C
- nb = [1, 1, 2, 8][inx]
- kind = [oERR, oBOOL, oNUM, oNUM][inx]
- value, = unpack("<" + "BBHd"[inx], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])
- if inx == 2: # tInt
- value = float(value)
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 3: # tNum
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 1: # tBool
- text = ('FALSE', 'TRUE')[value]
- else:
- text = '"' +error_text_from_code[value] + '"'
- spush(Operand(kind, value, LEAF_RANK, text))
- else:
- raise FormulaError("Unhandled opcode: 0x%02x" % opcode)
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Size not set for opcode 0x%02x" % opcode)
- pos += sz
- continue
- if opcode == 0x00: # tArray
- spush(unk_opnd)
- elif opcode == 0x01: # tFunc
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- funcx = unpack("<" + " BH"[nb], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])[0]
- func_attrs = func_defs.get(funcx, None)
- if not func_attrs:
- print >> bk.logfile, "*** formula/tFunc unknown FuncID:%d" \
- % funcx
- spush(unk_opnd)
- else:
- func_name, nargs = func_attrs[:2]
- if blah:
- print " FuncID=%d name=%s nargs=%d" \
- % (funcx, func_name, nargs)
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- del stack[-nargs:]
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x02: #tFuncVar
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- nargs, funcx = unpack("> bk.logfile, "*** formula/tFuncVar unknown FuncID:%d" \
- % funcx
- spush(unk_opnd)
- else:
- func_name, minargs, maxargs = func_attrs[:3]
- if blah:
- print " name: %r, min~max args: %d~%d" \
- % (func_name, minargs, maxargs)
- assert minargs <= nargs <= maxargs
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- if funcx == 1: # IF
- testarg = stack[-nargs]
- if testarg.kind not in (oNUM, oBOOL):
- if blah and testarg.kind != oUNK:
- print "IF testarg kind?"
- elif testarg.value not in (0, 1):
- if blah and testarg.value is not None:
- print "IF testarg value?"
- else:
- if nargs == 2 and not testarg.value:
- # IF(FALSE, tv) => FALSE
- res.kind, res.value = oBOOL, 0
- else:
- respos = -nargs + 2 - int(testarg.value)
- chosen = stack[respos]
- if chosen.kind == oMSNG:
- res.kind, res.value = oNUM, 0
- else:
- res.kind, res.value = chosen.kind, chosen.value
- if blah:
- print "$$$$$$ IF => constant"
- elif funcx == 100: # CHOOSE
- testarg = stack[-nargs]
- if testarg.kind == oNUM:
- if 1 <= testarg.value < nargs:
- chosen = stack[-nargs + int(testarg.value)]
- if chosen.kind == oMSNG:
- res.kind, res.value = oNUM, 0
- else:
- res.kind, res.value = chosen.kind, chosen.value
- del stack[-nargs:]
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x03: #tName
- tgtnamex = unpack("> bk.logfile, " tgtnamex=%d" % tgtnamex
- tgtobj = bk.name_obj_list[tgtnamex]
- if not tgtobj.evaluated:
- ### recursive ###
- evaluate_name_formula(bk, tgtobj, tgtnamex, blah, level+1)
- if tgtobj.macro or tgtobj.binary \
- or tgtobj.any_err:
- if blah:
- tgtobj.dump(
- bk.logfile,
- header="!!! tgtobj has problems!!!",
- footer="----------- --------",
- )
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- any_err = any_err or tgtobj.macro or tgtobj.binary or tgtobj.any_err
- any_rel = any_rel or tgtobj.any_rel
- else:
- assert len(tgtobj.stack) == 1
- res = copy.deepcopy(tgtobj.stack[0])
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- if tgtobj.scope == -1:
- res.text =
- else:
- res.text = "%s!%s" \
- % (bk._sheet_names[tgtobj.scope],
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, " tName: setting text to", repr(res.text)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x04: # tRef
- # not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel = res
- shx1 = shx2 = 0 ####### N.B. relative to the CURRENT SHEET
- any_rel = 1
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx, rowx+1, colx, colx+1)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if optype == 1:
- relflags = (1, 1, row_rel, row_rel, col_rel, col_rel)
- res = Operand(oREL, [Ref3D(coords + relflags)])
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x05: # tArea
- # not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- res1, res2 = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res1, res2
- rowx1, colx1, row_rel1, col_rel1 = res1
- rowx2, colx2, row_rel2, col_rel2 = res2
- shx1 = shx2 = 0 ####### N.B. relative to the CURRENT SHEET
- any_rel = 1
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx1, rowx2+1, colx1, colx2+1)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if optype == 1:
- relflags = (1, 1, row_rel1, row_rel2, col_rel1, col_rel2)
- res = Operand(oREL, [Ref3D(coords + relflags)])
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x06: # tMemArea
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- elif opcode == 0x09: # tMemFunc
- nb = unpack("> bk.logfile, " %d bytes of cell ref formula" % nb
- # no effect on stack
- elif opcode == 0x0C: #tRefN
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- # res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # # note *ALL* tRefN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- # any_rel = 1
- # if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- # spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x0D: #tAreaN
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- # res = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # # note *ALL* tAreaN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- # any_rel = 1
- # if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x1A: # tRef3d
- if bv >= 80:
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta)
- refx = unpack("> bk.logfile, "tRef3d", raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range_b57(
- bk, raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2, blah)
- rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel = res
- is_rel = row_rel or col_rel
- any_rel = any_rel or is_rel
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx, rowx+1, colx, colx+1)
- any_err |= shx1 < -1
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if is_rel:
- relflags = (0, 0, row_rel, row_rel, col_rel, col_rel)
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords + relflags)
- res.kind = oREL
- res.text = rangename3drel(bk, ref3d)
- else:
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords)
- res.kind = oREF
- res.text = rangename3d(bk, ref3d)
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- if optype == 1:
- res.value = [ref3d]
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x1B: # tArea3d
- if bv >= 80:
- res1, res2 = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta)
- refx = unpack("> bk.logfile, "tArea3d", raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range_b57(
- bk, raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2, blah)
- any_err |= shx1 < -1
- rowx1, colx1, row_rel1, col_rel1 = res1
- rowx2, colx2, row_rel2, col_rel2 = res2
- is_rel = row_rel1 or col_rel1 or row_rel2 or col_rel2
- any_rel = any_rel or is_rel
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx1, rowx2+1, colx1, colx2+1)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if is_rel:
- relflags = (0, 0, row_rel1, row_rel2, col_rel1, col_rel2)
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords + relflags)
- res.kind = oREL
- res.text = rangename3drel(bk, ref3d)
- else:
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords)
- res.kind = oREF
- res.text = rangename3d(bk, ref3d)
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- if optype == 1:
- res.value = [ref3d]
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tNameX
- dodgy = 0
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if bv >= 80:
- refx, tgtnamex = unpack(" 0:
- refx -= 1
- elif refx < 0:
- refx = -refx - 1
- else:
- dodgy = 1
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, \
- " origrefx=%d refx=%d tgtnamex=%d dodgy=%d" \
- % (origrefx, refx, tgtnamex, dodgy)
- if tgtnamex == namex:
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "!!!! Self-referential !!!!"
- dodgy = any_err = 1
- if not dodgy:
- if bv >= 80:
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range(bk, refx, blah)
- elif origrefx > 0:
- shx1, shx2 = (-4, -4) # external ref
- else:
- exty = bk._externsheet_type_b57[refx]
- if exty == 4: # non-specific sheet in own doc't
- shx1, shx2 = (-1, -1) # internal, any sheet
- else:
- shx1, shx2 = (-666, -666)
- if dodgy or shx1 < -1:
- otext = "<>" \
- % (tgtnamex, origrefx)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- else:
- tgtobj = bk.name_obj_list[tgtnamex]
- if not tgtobj.evaluated:
- ### recursive ###
- evaluate_name_formula(bk, tgtobj, tgtnamex, blah, level+1)
- if tgtobj.macro or tgtobj.binary \
- or tgtobj.any_err:
- if blah:
- tgtobj.dump(
- bk.logfile,
- header="!!! bad tgtobj !!!",
- footer="------------------",
- )
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- any_err = any_err or tgtobj.macro or tgtobj.binary or tgtobj.any_err
- any_rel = any_rel or tgtobj.any_rel
- else:
- assert len(tgtobj.stack) == 1
- res = copy.deepcopy(tgtobj.stack[0])
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- if tgtobj.scope == -1:
- res.text =
- else:
- res.text = "%s!%s" \
- % (bk._sheet_names[tgtobj.scope],
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, " tNameX: setting text to", repr(res.text)
- spush(res)
- elif is_error_opcode(opcode):
- any_err = 1
- spush(error_opnd)
- else:
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, "FORMULA: /// Not handled yet: t" + oname
- any_err = 1
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Fatal: token size is not positive")
- pos += sz
- any_rel = not not any_rel
- if blah:
- print "End of formula. level=%d any_rel=%d any_err=%d stack=%r" % \
- (level, not not any_rel, any_err, stack)
- if len(stack) >= 2:
- print "*** Stack has unprocessed args"
- print
- nobj.stack = stack
- if len(stack) != 1:
- nobj.result = None
- else:
- nobj.result = stack[0]
- nobj.any_rel = any_rel
- nobj.any_err = any_err
- nobj.any_external = any_external
- nobj.evaluated = 1
-#### under construction ####
-def decompile_formula(bk, fmla, fmlalen,
- reldelta, browx=None, bcolx=None,
- # browx & bcolx are required when reldelta == 0
- blah=0, level=0):
- if level > STACK_ALARM_LEVEL:
- blah = 1
- data = fmla
- bv = bk.biff_version
- if blah:
- print "::: decompile_formula len=%d reldelta=%d %r level=%d" \
- % (fmlalen, reldelta, data, level)
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, fmlalen)
- if level > STACK_PANIC_LEVEL:
- raise XLRDError("Excessive indirect references in formula")
- sztab = szdict[bv]
- pos = 0
- stack = []
- any_rel = 0
- any_err = 0
- any_external = 0
- unk_opnd = Operand(oUNK, None)
- error_opnd = Operand(oERR, None)
- spush = stack.append
- def do_binop(opcd, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 2
- bop = stk.pop()
- aop = stk.pop()
- argdict, result_kind, func, rank, sym = binop_rules[opcd]
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- resop = Operand(result_kind, None, rank, otext)
- stk.append(resop)
- def do_unaryop(opcode, arglist, result_kind, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 1
- aop = stk.pop()
- assert aop.kind in arglist
- func, rank, sym1, sym2 = unop_rules[opcode]
- otext = ''.join([
- sym1,
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym2,
- ])
- stk.append(Operand(result_kind, None, rank, otext))
- def not_in_name_formula(op_arg, oname_arg):
- msg = "ERROR *** Unexpected token 0x%02x (%s) found in formula" \
- % (op_arg, oname_arg)
- # print msg
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if fmlalen == 0:
- stack = [unk_opnd]
- while 0 <= pos < fmlalen:
- op = ord(data[pos])
- opcode = op & 0x1f
- optype = (op & 0x60) >> 5
- if optype:
- opx = opcode + 32
- else:
- opx = opcode
- oname = onames[opx] # + [" RVA"][optype]
- sz = sztab[opx]
- if blah:
- print "Pos:%d Op:0x%02x opname:t%s Sz:%d opcode:%02xh optype:%02xh" \
- % (pos, op, oname, sz, opcode, optype)
- print "Stack =", stack
- if sz == -2:
- msg = 'ERROR *** Unexpected token 0x%02x ("%s"); biff_version=%d' \
- % (op, oname, bv)
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if not optype:
- if 0x00 <= opcode <= 0x02: # unk_opnd, tExp, tTbl
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- elif 0x03 <= opcode <= 0x0E:
- # Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Power
- # tConcat
- # tLT, ..., tNE
- do_binop(opcode, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x0F: # tIsect
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tIsect pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ' '
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF)
- res.text = otext
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oUNK or aop.kind == oUNK:
- # This can happen with undefined
- # (go search in the current sheet) labels.
- # For example =Bob Sales
- # Each label gets a NAME record with an empty formula (!)
- # Evaluation of the tName token classifies it as oUNK
- # res.kind = oREF
- pass
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- pass
- elif bop.kind == oREL == aop.kind:
- res.kind = oREL
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tIsect post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x10: # tList
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tList pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ','
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind in (oREF, oREL) and aop.kind in (oREF, oREL):
- res.kind = oREF
- if aop.kind == oREL or bop.kind == oREL:
- res.kind = oREL
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tList post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x11: # tRange
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tRange pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ':'
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- pass
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tRange post", stack
- elif 0x12 <= opcode <= 0x14: # tUplus, tUminus, tPercent
- do_unaryop(opcode, (oUNK, oNUM,), oNUM, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x15: # tParen
- # source cosmetics
- pass
- elif opcode == 0x16: # tMissArg
- spush(Operand(oMSNG, None, LEAF_RANK, ''))
- elif opcode == 0x17: # tStr
- if bv <= 70:
- strg, newpos = unpack_string_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, bk.encoding, lenlen=1)
- else:
- strg, newpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, lenlen=1)
- sz = newpos - pos
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " sz=%d strg=%r" % (sz, strg)
- text = '"' + strg.replace('"', '""') + '"'
- spush(Operand(oSTRG, None, LEAF_RANK, text))
- elif opcode == 0x18: # tExtended
- # new with BIFF 8
- assert bv >= 80
- # not in OOo docs
- raise FormulaError("tExtended token not implemented")
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tAttr
- subop, nc = unpack("> bk.logfile, "tAttrSum", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 1
- aop = stack[-1]
- otext = 'SUM(%s)' % aop.text
- stack[-1] = Operand(oNUM, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- else:
- sz = 4
- if blah:
- print " subop=%02xh subname=t%s sz=%d nc=%02xh" \
- % (subop, subname, sz, nc)
- elif 0x1A <= opcode <= 0x1B: # tSheet, tEndSheet
- assert bv < 50
- raise FormulaError("tSheet & tEndsheet tokens not implemented")
- elif 0x1C <= opcode <= 0x1F: # tErr, tBool, tInt, tNum
- inx = opcode - 0x1C
- nb = [1, 1, 2, 8][inx]
- kind = [oERR, oBOOL, oNUM, oNUM][inx]
- value, = unpack("<" + "BBHd"[inx], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])
- if inx == 2: # tInt
- value = float(value)
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 3: # tNum
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 1: # tBool
- text = ('FALSE', 'TRUE')[value]
- else:
- text = '"' +error_text_from_code[value] + '"'
- spush(Operand(kind, None, LEAF_RANK, text))
- else:
- raise FormulaError("Unhandled opcode: 0x%02x" % opcode)
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Size not set for opcode 0x%02x" % opcode)
- pos += sz
- continue
- if opcode == 0x00: # tArray
- spush(unk_opnd)
- elif opcode == 0x01: # tFunc
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- funcx = unpack("<" + " BH"[nb], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])[0]
- func_attrs = func_defs.get(funcx, None)
- if not func_attrs:
- print >> bk.logfile, "*** formula/tFunc unknown FuncID:%d" % funcx
- spush(unk_opnd)
- else:
- func_name, nargs = func_attrs[:2]
- if blah:
- print " FuncID=%d name=%s nargs=%d" \
- % (funcx, func_name, nargs)
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- del stack[-nargs:]
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x02: #tFuncVar
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- nargs, funcx = unpack("> bk.logfile, "*** formula/tFuncVar unknown FuncID:%d" \
- % funcx
- spush(unk_opnd)
- else:
- func_name, minargs, maxargs = func_attrs[:3]
- if blah:
- print " name: %r, min~max args: %d~%d" \
- % (func_name, minargs, maxargs)
- assert minargs <= nargs <= maxargs
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- del stack[-nargs:]
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x03: #tName
- tgtnamex = unpack("> bk.logfile, " tgtnamex=%d" % tgtnamex
- tgtobj = bk.name_obj_list[tgtnamex]
- if tgtobj.scope == -1:
- otext =
- else:
- otext = "%s!%s" % (bk._sheet_names[tgtobj.scope],
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, " tName: setting text to", repr(otext)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x04: # tRef
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta, browx, bcolx)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel = res
- is_rel = row_rel or col_rel
- if is_rel:
- okind = oREL
- else:
- okind = oREF
- otext = cellnamerel(rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel)
- res = Operand(okind, None, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x05: # tArea
- res1, res2 = get_cell_range_addr(
- data, pos+1, bv, reldelta, browx, bcolx)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res1, res2
- rowx1, colx1, row_rel1, col_rel1 = res1
- rowx2, colx2, row_rel2, col_rel2 = res2
- coords = (rowx1, rowx2+1, colx1, colx2+1)
- relflags = (row_rel1, row_rel2, col_rel1, col_rel2)
- is_rel = intbool(sum(relflags))
- if is_rel:
- okind = oREL
- else:
- okind = oREF
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords, relflags
- otext = rangename2drel(coords, relflags)
- res = Operand(okind, None, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x06: # tMemArea
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- elif opcode == 0x09: # tMemFunc
- nb = unpack("> bk.logfile, " %d bytes of cell ref formula" % nb
- # no effect on stack
- elif opcode == 0x0C: #tRefN
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- # res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # # note *ALL* tRefN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- # any_rel = 1
- # if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- # spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x0D: #tAreaN
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- # res = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # # note *ALL* tAreaN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- # any_rel = 1
- # if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x1A: # tRef3d
- if bv >= 80:
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta, browx, bcolx)
- refx = unpack("> bk.logfile, "tRef3d", raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range_b57(
- bk, raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2, blah)
- rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel = res
- is_rel = row_rel or col_rel
- any_rel = any_rel or is_rel
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx, rowx+1, colx, colx+1)
- any_err |= shx1 < -1
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if is_rel:
- relflags = (0, 0, row_rel, row_rel, col_rel, col_rel)
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords + relflags)
- res.kind = oREL
- res.text = rangename3drel(bk, ref3d)
- else:
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords)
- res.kind = oREF
- res.text = rangename3d(bk, ref3d)
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- res.value = None
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x1B: # tArea3d
- if bv >= 80:
- res1, res2 = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta)
- refx = unpack("> bk.logfile, "tArea3d", raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range_b57(
- bk, raw_extshtx, raw_shx1, raw_shx2, blah)
- any_err |= shx1 < -1
- rowx1, colx1, row_rel1, col_rel1 = res1
- rowx2, colx2, row_rel2, col_rel2 = res2
- is_rel = row_rel1 or col_rel1 or row_rel2 or col_rel2
- any_rel = any_rel or is_rel
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx1, rowx2+1, colx1, colx2+1)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if is_rel:
- relflags = (0, 0, row_rel1, row_rel2, col_rel1, col_rel2)
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords + relflags)
- res.kind = oREL
- res.text = rangename3drel(bk, ref3d)
- else:
- ref3d = Ref3D(coords)
- res.kind = oREF
- res.text = rangename3d(bk, ref3d)
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tNameX
- dodgy = 0
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- if bv >= 80:
- refx, tgtnamex = unpack(" 0:
- refx -= 1
- elif refx < 0:
- refx = -refx - 1
- else:
- dodgy = 1
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, \
- " origrefx=%d refx=%d tgtnamex=%d dodgy=%d" \
- % (origrefx, refx, tgtnamex, dodgy)
- # if tgtnamex == namex:
- # if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "!!!! Self-referential !!!!"
- # dodgy = any_err = 1
- if not dodgy:
- if bv >= 80:
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range(bk, refx, blah)
- elif origrefx > 0:
- shx1, shx2 = (-4, -4) # external ref
- else:
- exty = bk._externsheet_type_b57[refx]
- if exty == 4: # non-specific sheet in own doc't
- shx1, shx2 = (-1, -1) # internal, any sheet
- else:
- shx1, shx2 = (-666, -666)
- okind = oUNK
- ovalue = None
- if shx1 == -5: # addin func name
- okind = oSTRG
- ovalue = bk.addin_func_names[tgtnamex]
- otext = '"' + ovalue.replace('"', '""') + '"'
- elif dodgy or shx1 < -1:
- otext = "<>" \
- % (tgtnamex, origrefx)
- else:
- tgtobj = bk.name_obj_list[tgtnamex]
- if tgtobj.scope == -1:
- otext =
- else:
- otext = "%s!%s" \
- % (bk._sheet_names[tgtobj.scope],
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, " tNameX: setting text to", repr(res.text)
- res = Operand(okind, ovalue, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif is_error_opcode(opcode):
- any_err = 1
- spush(error_opnd)
- else:
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, "FORMULA: /// Not handled yet: t" + oname
- any_err = 1
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Fatal: token size is not positive")
- pos += sz
- any_rel = not not any_rel
- if blah:
- print "End of formula. level=%d any_rel=%d any_err=%d stack=%r" % \
- (level, not not any_rel, any_err, stack)
- if len(stack) >= 2:
- print "*** Stack has unprocessed args"
- print
- if len(stack) != 1:
- result = None
- else:
- result = stack[0].text
- return result
-#### under deconstruction ###
-def dump_formula(bk, data, fmlalen, bv, reldelta, blah=0, isname=0):
- if blah:
- print "dump_formula", fmlalen, bv, len(data)
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, fmlalen)
- assert bv >= 80 #### this function needs updating ####
- sztab = szdict[bv]
- pos = 0
- stack = []
- any_rel = 0
- any_err = 0
- spush = stack.append
- while 0 <= pos < fmlalen:
- op = ord(data[pos])
- opcode = op & 0x1f
- optype = (op & 0x60) >> 5
- if optype:
- opx = opcode + 32
- else:
- opx = opcode
- oname = onames[opx] # + [" RVA"][optype]
- sz = sztab[opx]
- if blah:
- print "Pos:%d Op:0x%02x Name:t%s Sz:%d opcode:%02xh optype:%02xh" \
- % (pos, op, oname, sz, opcode, optype)
- if not optype:
- if 0x01 <= opcode <= 0x02: # tExp, tTbl
- # reference to a shared formula or table record
- rowx, colx = unpack("> bk.logfile, " ", (rowx, colx)
- elif opcode == 0x10: # tList
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tList pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- spush(aop + bop)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tlist post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x11: # tRange
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tRange pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- assert len(aop) == 1
- assert len(bop) == 1
- result = do_box_funcs(tRangeFuncs, aop[0], bop[0])
- spush(result)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tRange post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x0F: # tIsect
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tIsect pre", stack
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- assert len(aop) == 1
- assert len(bop) == 1
- result = do_box_funcs(tIsectFuncs, aop[0], bop[0])
- spush(result)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "tIsect post", stack
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tAttr
- subop, nc = unpack("> bk.logfile, " subop=%02xh subname=t%s sz=%d nc=%02xh" % (subop, subname, sz, nc)
- elif opcode == 0x17: # tStr
- if bv <= 70:
- nc = ord(data[pos+1])
- strg = data[pos+2:pos+2+nc] # left in 8-bit encoding
- sz = nc + 2
- else:
- strg, newpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(data, pos+1, lenlen=1)
- sz = newpos - pos
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " sz=%d strg=%r" % (sz, strg)
- else:
- if sz <= 0:
- print "**** Dud size; exiting ****"
- return
- pos += sz
- continue
- if opcode == 0x00: # tArray
- pass
- elif opcode == 0x01: # tFunc
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- funcx = unpack("<" + " BH"[nb], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " FuncID=%d" % funcx
- elif opcode == 0x02: #tFuncVar
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- nargs, funcx = unpack("> bk.logfile, " FuncID=%d nargs=%d macro=%d prompt=%d" % (funcx, nargs, macro, prompt)
- elif opcode == 0x03: #tName
- namex = unpack("> bk.logfile, " namex=%d" % namex
- elif opcode == 0x04: # tRef
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x05: # tArea
- res = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x09: # tMemFunc
- nb = unpack("> bk.logfile, " %d bytes of cell ref formula" % nb
- elif opcode == 0x0C: #tRefN
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # note *ALL* tRefN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- any_rel = 1
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x0D: #tAreaN
- res = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # note *ALL* tAreaN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- any_rel = 1
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x1A: # tRef3d
- refx = unpack("> bk.logfile, " ", refx, res
- rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel = res
- any_rel = any_rel or row_rel or col_rel
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range(bk, refx, blah)
- any_err |= shx1 < -1
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx, rowx+1, colx, colx+1)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- if optype == 1: spush([coords])
- elif opcode == 0x1B: # tArea3d
- refx = unpack("> bk.logfile, " ", refx, res1, res2
- rowx1, colx1, row_rel1, col_rel1 = res1
- rowx2, colx2, row_rel2, col_rel2 = res2
- any_rel = any_rel or row_rel1 or col_rel1 or row_rel2 or col_rel2
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range(bk, refx, blah)
- any_err |= shx1 < -1
- coords = (shx1, shx2+1, rowx1, rowx2+1, colx1, colx2+1)
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, " ", coords
- if optype == 1: spush([coords])
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tNameX
- refx, namex = unpack("> bk.logfile, " refx=%d namex=%d" % (refx, namex)
- elif is_error_opcode(opcode):
- any_err = 1
- else:
- if blah: print >> bk.logfile, "FORMULA: /// Not handled yet: t" + oname
- any_err = 1
- if sz <= 0:
- print "**** Dud size; exiting ****"
- return
- pos += sz
- if blah:
- print >> bk.logfile, "End of formula. any_rel=%d any_err=%d stack=%r" % \
- (not not any_rel, any_err, stack)
- if len(stack) >= 2:
- print >> bk.logfile, "*** Stack has unprocessed args"
-# === Some helper functions for displaying cell references ===
-# Note that a "non-standard" syntax is used in row and column
-# components in relative references.
-# For example, consider a relative reference: up two rows, right 3 columns.
-# On screen, with cursor in cell D10, this would appear as G8.
-# On screen, with cursor in cell Z100, this would appear as AC98.
-# On screen, with cursor in cell A1, this would appear as D65535.
-# These functions will display such a reference as [@+3,#-2].
-# "@" refers to the unknown base column.
-# "#" refers to the unknown base row.
-# I'm aware of only one possibility of a sheet-relative component in
-# a reference: a 2D reference located in the "current sheet".
-# xlrd stores this internally with bounds of (0, 1, ...) and
-# relative flags of (1, 1, ...). These functions display the
-# sheet component as empty, just like Excel etc.
-def rownamerel(rowx, rowxrel):
- if not rowxrel:
- return "$%d" % rowx
- if rowx > 0:
- return "#+%d" % rowx
- if rowx < 0:
- return "#-%d" % (-rowx)
- return "#"
-def colnamerel(colx, colxrel):
- if not colxrel:
- return "$" + colname(colx)
- if colx > 0:
- return "@+%d" % colx
- if colx < 0:
- return "@-%d" % (-colx)
- return "@"
-# Utility function: (5, 7) => 'H6'
-def cellname(rowx, colx):
- """ (5, 7) => 'H6' """
- return "%s%d" % (colname(colx), rowx+1)
-# Utility function: (5, 7) => '$H$6'
-def cellnameabs(rowx, colx):
- """ (5, 7) => '$H$6' """
- return "$%s$%d" % (colname(colx), rowx+1)
-def cellnamerel(rowx, colx, rowxrel, colxrel):
- if not rowxrel and not colxrel:
- return cellnameabs(rowx, colx)
- return "[%s,%s]" % (
- colnamerel(colx, colxrel),
- rownamerel(rowx, rowxrel))
-# Utility function: 7 => 'H', 27 => 'AB'
-def colname(colx):
- """ 7 => 'H', 27 => 'AB' """
- if colx <= 25:
- return alphabet[colx]
- else:
- xdiv26, xmod26 = divmod(colx, 26)
- return alphabet[xdiv26 - 1] + alphabet[xmod26]
-def rangename2d(rlo, rhi, clo, chi):
- """ (5, 20, 7, 10) => '$H$6:$J$20' """
- if rhi == rlo+1 and chi == clo+1:
- return cellnameabs(rlo, clo)
- return "%s:%s" % (cellnameabs(rlo, clo), cellnameabs(rhi-1, chi-1))
-def rangename2drel((rlo, rhi, clo, chi), (rlorel, rhirel, clorel, chirel)):
- return "%s:%s" % (
- cellnamerel(rlo, clo, rlorel, clorel),
- cellnamerel(rhi-1, chi-1, rhirel, chirel)
- )
-# Utility function:
Ref3D((1, 4, 5, 20, 7, 10)) => 'Sheet2:Sheet3!$H$6:$J$20'
-def rangename3d(book, ref3d):
- """ Ref3D(1, 4, 5, 20, 7, 10) => 'Sheet2:Sheet3!$H$6:$J$20'
- (assuming Excel's default sheetnames) """
- coords = ref3d.coords
- return "%s!%s" % (
- sheetrange(book, *coords[:2]),
- rangename2d(*coords[2:6]))
-# Utility function:
Ref3D(coords=(0, 1, -32, -22, -13, 13), relflags=(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1))
-# => 'Sheet1![@-13,#-32]:[@+12,#-23]'
-# where '@' refers to the current or base column and '#'
-# refers to the current or base row.
-def rangename3drel(book, ref3d):
- coords = ref3d.coords
- relflags = ref3d.relflags
- shdesc = sheetrangerel(book, coords[:2], relflags[:2])
- rngdesc = rangename2drel(coords[2:6], relflags[2:6])
- if not shdesc:
- return rngdesc
- return "%s!%s" % (shdesc, rngdesc)
-def quotedsheetname(shnames, shx):
- if shx >= 0:
- shname = shnames[shx]
- else:
- shname = {
- -1: "?internal; any sheet?",
- -2: "internal; deleted sheet",
- -3: "internal; macro sheet",
- -4: "<>",
- }.get(shx, "?error %d?" % shx)
- if "'" in shname:
- return "'" + shname.replace("'", "''") + "'"
- if " " in shname:
- return "'" + shname + "'"
- return shname
-def sheetrange(book, slo, shi):
- shnames = book.sheet_names()
- shdesc = quotedsheetname(shnames, slo)
- if slo != shi-1:
- shdesc += ":" + quotedsheetname(shnames, shi-1)
- return shdesc
-def sheetrangerel(book, (slo, shi), (slorel, shirel)):
- if not slorel and not shirel:
- return sheetrange(book, slo, shi)
- assert (slo == 0 == shi-1) and slorel and shirel
- return ""
-# ==============================================================
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e262a97..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
-Portions copyright 2005-2009, Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. None of the names of Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd and any
-contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
-software without specific prior written permission.
- * Copyright (c) 2001 David Giffin.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Based on the the Java version: Andrew Khan Copyright (c) 2000.
- *
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
- * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- *
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
- * software must display the following acknowledgment:
- * "This product includes software developed by
- * David Giffin ."
- *
- * 4. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
- * acknowledgment:
- * "This product includes software developed by
- * David Giffin ."
- *
- */
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 70f77797..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1768 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
-# Portions copyright 2005-2009 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd package, which is released under a BSD-style licence.
-# 2009-05-31 SJM Fixed problem with no CODEPAGE record on extremely minimal BIFF2.x 3rd-party file
-# 2009-04-27 SJM Integrated on_demand patch by Armando Serrano Lombillo
-# 2008-02-09 SJM Excel 2.0: build XFs on the fly from cell attributes
-# 2007-12-04 SJM Added support for Excel 2.x (BIFF2) files.
-# 2007-10-11 SJM Added missing entry for blank cell type to ctype_text
-# 2007-07-11 SJM Allow for BIFF2/3-style FORMAT record in BIFF4/8 file
-# 2007-04-22 SJM Remove experimental "trimming" facility.
-from biffh import *
-from timemachine import *
-from struct import unpack
-from formula import dump_formula, decompile_formula, rangename2d
-from formatting import nearest_colour_index, Format
-import time
-DEBUG = 0
-_WINDOW2_options = (
- # Attribute names and initial values to use in case
- # a WINDOW2 record is not written.
- ("show_formulas", 0),
- ("show_grid_lines", 1),
- ("show_sheet_headers", 1),
- ("panes_are_frozen", 0),
- ("show_zero_values", 1),
- ("automatic_grid_line_colour", 1),
- ("columns_from_right_to_left", 0),
- ("show_outline_symbols", 1),
- ("remove_splits_if_pane_freeze_is_removed", 0),
- ("sheet_selected", 0),
- # "sheet_visible" appears to be merely a clone of "sheet_selected".
- # The real thing is the visibility attribute from the BOUNDSHEET record.
- ("sheet_visible", 0),
- ("show_in_page_break_preview", 0),
- )
-# Contains the data for one worksheet.
-# In the cell access functions, "rowx" is a row index, counting from zero, and "colx" is a
-# column index, counting from zero.
-# Negative values for row/column indexes and slice positions are supported in the expected fashion.
-# For information about cell types and cell values, refer to the documentation of the Cell class.
-# WARNING: You don't call this class yourself. You access Sheet objects via the Book object that
-# was returned when you called xlrd.open_workbook("myfile.xls").
-class Sheet(BaseObject):
- ##
- # Name of sheet.
- name = ''
- ##
- # Number of rows in sheet. A row index is in range(thesheet.nrows).
- nrows = 0
- ##
- # Number of columns in sheet. A column index is in range(thesheet.ncols).
- ncols = 0
- ##
- # The map from a column index to a Colinfo object. Often there is an entry
- # in COLINFO records for all column indexes in range(257).
- # Note that xlrd ignores the entry for the non-existent
- # 257th column. On the other hand, there may be no entry for unused columns.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1
- colinfo_map = {}
- ##
- # The map from a row index to a Rowinfo object. Note that it is possible
- # to have missing entries -- at least one source of XLS files doesn't
- # bother writing ROW records.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1
- rowinfo_map = {}
- ##
- # List of address ranges of cells containing column labels.
- # These are set up in Excel by Insert > Name > Labels > Columns.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.0
- #
How to deconstruct the list:
- #
- # for crange in thesheet.col_label_ranges:
- # rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange
- # for rx in xrange(rlo, rhi):
- # for cx in xrange(clo, chi):
- # print "Column label at (rowx=%d, colx=%d) is %r" \
- # (rx, cx, thesheet.cell_value(rx, cx))
- #
- col_label_ranges = []
- ##
- # List of address ranges of cells containing row labels.
- # For more details, see col_label_ranges above.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.0
- row_label_ranges = []
- ##
- # List of address ranges of cells which have been merged.
- # These are set up in Excel by Format > Cells > Alignment, then ticking
- # the "Merge cells" box.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1. Extracted only if open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)
- #
How to deconstruct the list:
- #
- # for crange in thesheet.merged_cells:
- # rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange
- # for rowx in xrange(rlo, rhi):
- # for colx in xrange(clo, chi):
- # # cell (rlo, clo) (the top left one) will carry the data
- # # and formatting info; the remainder will be recorded as
- # # blank cells, but a renderer will apply the formatting info
- # # for the top left cell (e.g. border, pattern) to all cells in
- # # the range.
- #
- merged_cells = []
- ##
- # Default column width from DEFCOLWIDTH record, else None.
- # From the OOo docs:
- # """Column width in characters, using the width of the zero character
- # from default font (first FONT record in the file). Excel adds some
- # extra space to the default width, depending on the default font and
- # default font size. The algorithm how to exactly calculate the resulting
- # column width is not known.
- # Example: The default width of 8 set in this record results in a column
- # width of 8.43 using Arial font with a size of 10 points."""
- # For the default hierarchy, refer to the Colinfo class above.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1
- defcolwidth = None
- ##
- # Default column width from STANDARDWIDTH record, else None.
- # From the OOo docs:
- # """Default width of the columns in 1/256 of the width of the zero
- # character, using default font (first FONT record in the file)."""
- # For the default hierarchy, refer to the Colinfo class above.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1
- standardwidth = None
- ##
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_row_height = None
- ##
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_row_height_mismatch = None
- ##
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_row_hidden = None
- ##
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_additional_space_above = None
- ##
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_additional_space_below = None
- ##
- # Visibility of the sheet. 0 = visible, 1 = hidden (can be unhidden
- # by user -- Format/Sheet/Unhide), 2 = "very hidden" (can be unhidden
- # only by VBA macro).
- visibility = 0
- ##
- # A 256-element tuple corresponding to the contents of the GCW record for this sheet.
- # If no such record, treat as all bits zero.
- # Applies to BIFF4-7 only. See docs of Colinfo class for discussion.
- gcw = (0, ) * 256
- def __init__(self, book, position, name, number):
- = book
- self.biff_version = book.biff_version
- self._position = position
- self.logfile = book.logfile
- self.pickleable = book.pickleable
- self.dont_use_array = not(array_array and (CAN_PICKLE_ARRAY or not book.pickleable))
- = name
- self.number = number
- self.verbosity = book.verbosity
- self.formatting_info = book.formatting_info
- self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map = book._xf_index_to_xl_type_map
- self.nrows = 0 # actual, including possibly empty cells
- self.ncols = 0
- self._maxdatarowx = -1 # highest rowx containing a non-empty cell
- self._maxdatacolx = -1 # highest colx containing a non-empty cell
- self._dimnrows = 0 # as per DIMENSIONS record
- self._dimncols = 0
- self._cell_values = []
- self._cell_types = []
- self._cell_xf_indexes = []
- self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 0
- self.defcolwidth = None
- self.standardwidth = None
- self.default_row_height = None
- self.default_row_height_mismatch = 0
- self.default_row_hidden = 0
- self.default_additional_space_above = 0
- self.default_additional_space_below = 0
- self.colinfo_map = {}
- self.rowinfo_map = {}
- self.col_label_ranges = []
- self.row_label_ranges = []
- self.merged_cells = []
- self._xf_index_stats = [0, 0, 0, 0]
- self.visibility = book._sheet_visibility[number] # from BOUNDSHEET record
- for attr, defval in _WINDOW2_options:
- setattr(self, attr, defval)
- self.first_visible_rowx = 0
- self.first_visible_colx = 0
- self.gridline_colour_index = 0x40
- self.gridline_colour_rgb = None # pre-BIFF8
- self.cached_page_break_preview_mag_factor = 0
- self.cached_normal_view_mag_factor = 0
- self._ixfe = None # BIFF2 only
- self._cell_attr_to_xfx = {} # BIFF2.0 only
- #### Don't initialise this here, use class attribute initialisation.
- #### self.gcw = (0, ) * 256 ####
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- self.utter_max_rows = 65536
- else:
- self.utter_max_rows = 16384
- self.utter_max_cols = 256
- ##
- # Cell object in the given row and column.
- def cell(self, rowx, colx):
- if self.formatting_info:
- xfx = self.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)
- else:
- xfx = None
- return Cell(
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx],
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx],
- xfx,
- )
- ##
- # Value of the cell in the given row and column.
- def cell_value(self, rowx, colx):
- return self._cell_values[rowx][colx]
- ##
- # Type of the cell in the given row and column.
- # Refer to the documentation of the Cell class.
- def cell_type(self, rowx, colx):
- return self._cell_types[rowx][colx]
- ##
- # XF index of the cell in the given row and column.
- # This is an index into Book.xf_list.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1
- def cell_xf_index(self, rowx, colx):
- self.req_fmt_info()
- xfx = self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx]
- if xfx > -1:
- self._xf_index_stats[0] += 1
- return xfx
- # Check for a row xf_index
- try:
- xfx = self.rowinfo_map[rowx].xf_index
- if xfx > -1:
- self._xf_index_stats[1] += 1
- return xfx
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # Check for a column xf_index
- try:
- xfx = self.colinfo_map[colx].xf_index
- assert xfx > -1
- self._xf_index_stats[2] += 1
- return xfx
- except KeyError:
- # If all else fails, 15 is used as hardwired global default xf_index.
- self._xf_index_stats[3] += 1
- return 15
- ##
- # Returns a sequence of the Cell objects in the given row.
- def row(self, rowx):
- return [
- self.cell(rowx, colx)
- for colx in xrange(self.ncols)
- ]
- ##
- # Returns a slice of the types
- # of the cells in the given row.
- def row_types(self, rowx, start_colx=0, end_colx=None):
- if end_colx is None:
- return self._cell_types[rowx][start_colx:]
- return self._cell_types[rowx][start_colx:end_colx]
- ##
- # Returns a slice of the values
- # of the cells in the given row.
- def row_values(self, rowx, start_colx=0, end_colx=None):
- if end_colx is None:
- return self._cell_values[rowx][start_colx:]
- return self._cell_values[rowx][start_colx:end_colx]
- ##
- # Returns a slice of the Cell objects in the given row.
- def row_slice(self, rowx, start_colx=0, end_colx=None):
- nc = self.ncols
- if start_colx < 0:
- start_colx += nc
- if start_colx < 0:
- start_colx = 0
- if end_colx is None or end_colx > nc:
- end_colx = nc
- elif end_colx < 0:
- end_colx += nc
- return [
- self.cell(rowx, colx)
- for colx in xrange(start_colx, end_colx)
- ]
- ##
- # Returns a slice of the Cell objects in the given column.
- def col_slice(self, colx, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None):
- nr = self.nrows
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx += nr
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx = 0
- if end_rowx is None or end_rowx > nr:
- end_rowx = nr
- elif end_rowx < 0:
- end_rowx += nr
- return [
- self.cell(rowx, colx)
- for rowx in xrange(start_rowx, end_rowx)
- ]
- ##
- # Returns a slice of the values of the cells in the given column.
- def col_values(self, colx, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None):
- nr = self.nrows
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx += nr
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx = 0
- if end_rowx is None or end_rowx > nr:
- end_rowx = nr
- elif end_rowx < 0:
- end_rowx += nr
- return [
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx]
- for rowx in xrange(start_rowx, end_rowx)
- ]
- ##
- # Returns a slice of the types of the cells in the given column.
- def col_types(self, colx, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None):
- nr = self.nrows
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx += nr
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx = 0
- if end_rowx is None or end_rowx > nr:
- end_rowx = nr
- elif end_rowx < 0:
- end_rowx += nr
- return [
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx]
- for rowx in xrange(start_rowx, end_rowx)
- ]
- ##
- # Returns a sequence of the Cell objects in the given column.
- def col(self, colx):
- return self.col_slice(colx)
- # Above two lines just for the docs. Here's the real McCoy:
- col = col_slice
- # === Following methods are used in building the worksheet.
- # === They are not part of the API.
- def extend_cells(self, nr, nc):
- # print "extend_cells_2", self.nrows, self.ncols, nr, nc
- assert 1 <= nc <= self.utter_max_cols
- assert 1 <= nr <= self.utter_max_rows
- if nr <= self.nrows:
- # New cell is in an existing row, so extend that row (if necessary).
- # Note that nr < self.nrows means that the cell data
- # is not in ascending row order!!
- self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 1
- nrx = nr - 1
- trow = self._cell_types[nrx]
- tlen = len(trow)
- nextra = max(nc, self.ncols) - tlen
- if nextra > 0:
- if self.dont_use_array:
- trow.extend([xce] * nextra)
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[nrx].extend([-1] * nextra)
- else:
- aa = array_array
- trow.extend(aa('B', [xce]) * nextra)
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[nrx].extend(aa('h', [-1]) * nextra)
- self._cell_values[nrx].extend([''] * nextra)
- if nc > self.ncols:
- self.ncols = nc
- self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 1
- if nr > self.nrows:
- scta = self._cell_types.append
- scva = self._cell_values.append
- scxa = self._cell_xf_indexes.append
- fmt_info = self.formatting_info
- nc = self.ncols
- if self.dont_use_array:
- for _unused in xrange(self.nrows, nr):
- scta([xce] * nc)
- scva([''] * nc)
- if fmt_info:
- scxa([-1] * nc)
- else:
- aa = array_array
- for _unused in xrange(self.nrows, nr):
- scta(aa('B', [xce]) * nc)
- scva([''] * nc)
- if fmt_info:
- scxa(aa('h', [-1]) * nc)
- self.nrows = nr
- def fix_ragged_rows(self):
- t0 = time.time()
- ncols = self.ncols
- aa = array_array
- s_cell_types = self._cell_types
- s_cell_values = self._cell_values
- s_cell_xf_indexes = self._cell_xf_indexes
- s_dont_use_array = self.dont_use_array
- s_fmt_info = self.formatting_info
- totrowlen = 0
- for rowx in xrange(self.nrows):
- trow = s_cell_types[rowx]
- rlen = len(trow)
- totrowlen += rlen
- nextra = ncols - rlen
- if nextra > 0:
- s_cell_values[rowx][rlen:] = [''] * nextra
- if s_dont_use_array:
- trow[rlen:] = [xce] * nextra
- if s_fmt_info:
- s_cell_xf_indexes[rowx][rlen:] = [-1] * nextra
- else:
- trow.extend(aa('B', [xce]) * nextra)
- if s_fmt_info:
- s_cell_xf_indexes[rowx][rlen:] = aa('h', [-1]) * nextra
- self._fix_ragged_rows_time = time.time() - t0
- if 0 and self.nrows:
- avgrowlen = float(totrowlen) / self.nrows
- print >> self.logfile, \
- "sheet %d: avg row len %.1f; max row len %d" \
- % (self.number, avgrowlen, self.ncols)
- def tidy_dimensions(self):
- if self.verbosity >= 3:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "tidy_dimensions: nrows=%d ncols=%d _need_fix_ragged_rows=%d\n",
- self.nrows, self.ncols, self._need_fix_ragged_rows,
- )
- if 1 and self.merged_cells:
- nr = nc = 0
- umaxrows = self.utter_max_rows
- umaxcols = self.utter_max_cols
- for crange in self.merged_cells:
- rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange
- if not (0 <= rlo < rhi <= umaxrows) \
- or not (0 <= clo < chi <= umaxcols):
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** WARNING: sheet #%d (%r), MERGEDCELLS bad range %r\n",
- self.number,, crange)
- if rhi > nr: nr = rhi
- if chi > nc: nc = chi
- self.extend_cells(nr, nc)
- if self.verbosity >= 1 \
- and (self.nrows != self._dimnrows or self.ncols != self._dimncols):
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "NOTE *** sheet %d (%r): DIMENSIONS R,C = %d,%d should be %d,%d\n",
- self.number,
- self._dimnrows,
- self._dimncols,
- self.nrows,
- self.ncols,
- )
- if self._need_fix_ragged_rows:
- self.fix_ragged_rows()
- def put_cell(self, rowx, colx, ctype, value, xf_index):
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except IndexError:
- # print >> self.logfile, "put_cell extending", rowx, colx
- self.extend_cells(rowx+1, colx+1)
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except:
- print >> self.logfile, "put_cell", rowx, colx
- raise
- except:
- print >> self.logfile, "put_cell", rowx, colx
- raise
- def put_blank_cell(self, rowx, colx, xf_index):
- # This is used for cells from BLANK and MULBLANK records
- ctype = XL_CELL_BLANK
- value = ''
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except IndexError:
- # print >> self.logfile, "put_cell extending", rowx, colx
- self.extend_cells(rowx+1, colx+1)
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except:
- print >> self.logfile, "put_cell", rowx, colx
- raise
- except:
- print >> self.logfile, "put_cell", rowx, colx
- raise
- def put_number_cell(self, rowx, colx, value, xf_index):
- ctype = self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map[xf_index]
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except IndexError:
- # print >> self.logfile, "put_number_cell extending", rowx, colx
- self.extend_cells(rowx+1, colx+1)
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except:
- print >> self.logfile, "put_number_cell", rowx, colx
- raise
- except:
- print >> self.logfile, "put_number_cell", rowx, colx
- raise
- # === Methods after this line neither know nor care about how cells are stored.
- def read(self, bk):
- global rc_stats
- DEBUG = 0
- blah = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 2
- blah_rows = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 4
- blah_formulas = 1 and blah
- oldpos = bk._position
- bk._position = self._position
- )
- self_put_number_cell = self.put_number_cell
- self_put_cell = self.put_cell
- self_put_blank_cell = self.put_blank_cell
- local_unpack = unpack
- bk_get_record_parts = bk.get_record_parts
- bv = self.biff_version
- fmt_info = self.formatting_info
- eof_found = 0
- while 1:
- # if DEBUG: print "SHEET.READ: about to read from position %d" % bk._position
- rc, data_len, data = bk_get_record_parts()
- # if rc in rc_stats:
- # rc_stats[rc] += 1
- # else:
- # rc_stats[rc] = 1
- # if DEBUG: print "SHEET.READ: op 0x%04x, %d bytes %r" % (rc, data_len, data)
- if rc == XL_NUMBER:
- rowx, colx, xf_index, d = local_unpack('> self.logfile, \
- "*** NOTE: ROW record has row index %d; " \
- "should have 0 <= rowx < %d -- record ignored!" \
- % (rowx, self.utter_max_rows)
- continue
- r = Rowinfo()
- # Using upkbits() is far too slow on a file
- # with 30 sheets each with 10K rows :-(
- # upkbits(r, bits1, (
- # ( 0, 0x7FFF, 'height'),
- # (15, 0x8000, 'has_default_height'),
- # ))
- # upkbits(r, bits2, (
- # ( 0, 0x00000007, 'outline_level'),
- # ( 4, 0x00000010, 'outline_group_starts_ends'),
- # ( 5, 0x00000020, 'hidden'),
- # ( 6, 0x00000040, 'height_mismatch'),
- # ( 7, 0x00000080, 'has_default_xf_index'),
- # (16, 0x0FFF0000, 'xf_index'),
- # (28, 0x10000000, 'additional_space_above'),
- # (29, 0x20000000, 'additional_space_below'),
- # ))
- # So:
- r.height = bits1 & 0x7fff
- r.has_default_height = (bits1 >> 15) & 1
- r.outline_level = bits2 & 7
- r.outline_group_starts_ends = (bits2 >> 4) & 1
- r.hidden = (bits2 >> 5) & 1
- r.height_mismatch = (bits2 >> 6) & 1
- r.has_default_xf_index = (bits2 >> 7) & 1
- r.xf_index = (bits2 >> 16) & 0xfff
- r.additional_space_above = (bits2 >> 28) & 1
- r.additional_space_below = (bits2 >> 29) & 1
- if not r.has_default_xf_index:
- r.xf_index = -1
- self.rowinfo_map[rowx] = r
- if 0 and r.xf_index > -1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "**ROW %d %d %d\n",
- self.number, rowx, r.xf_index)
- if blah_rows:
- print >> self.logfile, 'ROW', rowx, bits1, bits2
- r.dump(self.logfile,
- header="--- sh #%d, rowx=%d ---" % (self.number, rowx))
- elif rc in XL_FORMULA_OPCODES: # 06, 0206, 0406
- # DEBUG = 1
- # if DEBUG: print "FORMULA: rc: 0x%04x data: %r" % (rc, data)
- if bv >= 50:
- rowx, colx, xf_index, result_str, flags = local_unpack('= 30:
- rowx, colx, xf_index, result_str, flags = local_unpack(' 20))
- else:
- strg = unpack_unicode(data2, 0, lenlen=2)
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_TEXT, strg, xf_index)
- # if DEBUG: print "FORMULA strg %r" % strg
- elif result_str[0] == '\x01':
- # boolean formula result
- value = ord(result_str[2])
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_BOOLEAN, value, xf_index)
- elif result_str[0] == '\x02':
- # Error in cell
- value = ord(result_str[2])
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_ERROR, value, xf_index)
- elif result_str[0] == '\x03':
- # empty ... i.e. empty (zero-length) string, NOT an empty cell.
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_TEXT, u"", xf_index)
- else:
- raise XLRDError("unexpected special case (0x%02x) in FORMULA" % ord(result_str[0]))
- else:
- # it is a number
- d = local_unpack('> self.logfile, \
- "*** NOTE: COLINFO record has first col index %d, last %d; " \
- "should have 0 <= first <= last <= 255 -- record ignored!" \
- % (first_colx, last_colx)
- del c
- continue
- upkbits(c, flags, (
- ( 0, 0x0001, 'hidden'),
- ( 1, 0x0002, 'bit1_flag'),
- # *ALL* colinfos created by Excel in "default" cases are 0x0002!!
- # Maybe it's "locked" by analogy with XFProtection data.
- ( 8, 0x0700, 'outline_level'),
- (12, 0x1000, 'collapsed'),
- ))
- for colx in xrange(first_colx, last_colx+1):
- if colx > 255: break # Excel does 0 to 256 inclusive
- self.colinfo_map[colx] = c
- if 0:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "**COL %d %d %d\n",
- self.number, colx, c.xf_index)
- if blah:
- fprintf(
- self.logfile,
- "COLINFO sheet #%d cols %d-%d: wid=%d xf_index=%d flags=0x%04x\n",
- self.number, first_colx, last_colx, c.width, c.xf_index, flags,
- )
- c.dump(self.logfile, header='===')
- elif rc == XL_DEFCOLWIDTH:
- self.defcolwidth, = local_unpack("> self.logfile, 'DEFCOLWIDTH', self.defcolwidth
- elif rc == XL_STANDARDWIDTH:
- if data_len != 2:
- print >> self.logfile, '*** ERROR *** STANDARDWIDTH', data_len, repr(data)
- self.standardwidth, = local_unpack("> self.logfile, 'STANDARDWIDTH', self.standardwidth
- elif rc == XL_GCW:
- if not fmt_info: continue # useless w/o COLINFO
- assert data_len == 34
- assert data[0:2] == "\x20\x00"
- iguff = unpack("<8i", data[2:34])
- gcw = []
- for bits in iguff:
- for j in xrange(32):
- gcw.append(bits & 1)
- bits >>= 1
- self.gcw = tuple(gcw)
- if 0:
- showgcw = "".join(map(lambda x: "F "[x], gcw)).rstrip().replace(' ', '.')
- print "GCW:", showgcw
- elif rc == XL_BLANK:
- if not fmt_info: continue
- rowx, colx, xf_index = local_unpack('> self.logfile, "BLANK", rowx, colx, xf_index
- self_put_blank_cell(rowx, colx, xf_index)
- elif rc == XL_MULBLANK: # 00BE
- if not fmt_info: continue
- mul_row, mul_first = local_unpack('> self.logfile, "MULBLANK", mul_row, mul_first, mul_last
- pos = 4
- for colx in xrange(mul_first, mul_last+1):
- xf_index, = local_unpack('> self.logfile, "SHEET.READ: EOF"
- eof_found = 1
- break
- elif rc == XL_OBJ:
- # handle SHEET-level objects; note there's a separate Book.handle_obj
- self.handle_obj(data)
- elif rc == XL_MSO_DRAWING:
- self.handle_msodrawingetc(rc, data_len, data)
- elif rc == XL_TXO:
- self.handle_txo(data)
- elif rc == XL_NOTE:
- self.handle_note(data)
- elif rc == XL_FEAT11:
- self.handle_feat11(data)
- elif rc in bofcodes: ##### EMBEDDED BOF #####
- version, boftype = local_unpack('> self.logfile, \
- "*** Unexpected embedded BOF (0x%04x) at offset %d: version=0x%04x type=0x%04x" \
- % (rc, bk._position - data_len - 4, version, boftype)
- while 1:
- code, data_len, data = bk.get_record_parts()
- if code == XL_EOF:
- break
- if DEBUG: print >> self.logfile, "---> found EOF"
- elif rc == XL_COUNTRY:
- bk.handle_country(data)
- elif rc == XL_LABELRANGES:
- pos = 0
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- self.row_label_ranges, data, pos, bv, addr_size=8,
- )
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- self.col_label_ranges, data, pos, bv, addr_size=8,
- )
- assert pos == data_len
- elif rc == XL_ARRAY:
- row1x, rownx, col1x, colnx, array_flags, tokslen = \
- local_unpack("= 80
- num_CFs, needs_recalc, browx1, browx2, bcolx1, bcolx2 = \
- unpack("<6H", data[0:12])
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "\n*** WARNING: Ignoring CONDFMT (conditional formatting) record\n" \
- "*** in Sheet %d (%r).\n" \
- "*** %d CF record(s); needs_recalc_or_redraw = %d\n" \
- "*** Bounding box is %s\n",
- self.number,, num_CFs, needs_recalc,
- rangename2d(browx1, browx2+1, bcolx1, bcolx2+1),
- )
- olist = [] # updated by the function
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- olist, data, 12, bv, addr_size=8)
- # print >> self.logfile, repr(result), len(result)
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** %d individual range(s):\n" \
- "*** %s\n",
- len(olist),
- ", ".join([rangename2d(*coords) for coords in olist]),
- )
- elif rc == XL_CF:
- if not fmt_info: continue
- cf_type, cmp_op, sz1, sz2, flags = unpack("> 26) & 1
- bord_block = (flags >> 28) & 1
- patt_block = (flags >> 29) & 1
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "\n*** WARNING: Ignoring CF (conditional formatting) sub-record.\n" \
- "*** cf_type=%d, cmp_op=%d, sz1=%d, sz2=%d, flags=0x%08x\n" \
- "*** optional data blocks: font=%d, border=%d, pattern=%d\n",
- cf_type, cmp_op, sz1, sz2, flags,
- font_block, bord_block, patt_block,
- )
- # hex_char_dump(data, 0, data_len)
- pos = 12
- if font_block:
- (font_height, font_options, weight, escapement, underline,
- font_colour_index, two_bits, font_esc, font_underl) = \
- unpack("<64x i i H H B 3x i 4x i i i 18x", data[pos:pos+118])
- font_style = (two_bits > 1) & 1
- posture = (font_options > 1) & 1
- font_canc = (two_bits > 7) & 1
- cancellation = (font_options > 7) & 1
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** Font info: height=%d, weight=%d, escapement=%d,\n" \
- "*** underline=%d, colour_index=%d, esc=%d, underl=%d,\n" \
- "*** style=%d, posture=%d, canc=%d, cancellation=%d\n",
- font_height, weight, escapement, underline,
- font_colour_index, font_esc, font_underl,
- font_style, posture, font_canc, cancellation,
- )
- pos += 118
- if bord_block:
- pos += 8
- if patt_block:
- pos += 4
- fmla1 = data[pos:pos+sz1]
- pos += sz1
- if blah and sz1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** formula 1:\n",
- )
- dump_formula(bk, fmla1, sz1, bv, reldelta=0, blah=1)
- fmla2 = data[pos:pos+sz2]
- pos += sz2
- assert pos == data_len
- if blah and sz2:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** formula 2:\n",
- )
- dump_formula(bk, fmla2, sz2, bv, reldelta=0, blah=1)
- if data_len == 4:
- bits, self.default_row_height = unpack("> 1) & 1
- self.default_additional_space_above = (bits >> 2) & 1
- self.default_additional_space_below = (bits >> 3) & 1
- elif rc == XL_MERGEDCELLS:
- if not fmt_info: continue
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- self.merged_cells, data, 0, bv, addr_size=8)
- if blah:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "MERGEDCELLS: %d ranges\n", int_floor_div(pos - 2, 8))
- assert pos == data_len, \
- "MERGEDCELLS: pos=%d data_len=%d" % (pos, data_len)
- elif rc == XL_WINDOW2:
- if bv >= 80:
- (options,
- self.first_visible_rowx, self.first_visible_colx,
- self.gridline_colour_index,
- self.cached_page_break_preview_mag_factor,
- self.cached_normal_view_mag_factor
- ) = unpack(">= 1
- # print "WINDOW2: visible=%d selected=%d" \
- # % (self.sheet_visible, self.sheet_selected)
- #### all of the following are for BIFF <= 4W
- elif bv <= 45:
- if rc == XL_FORMAT or rc == XL_FORMAT2:
- bk.handle_format(data, rc)
- elif rc == XL_FONT or rc == XL_FONT_B3B4:
- bk.handle_font(data)
- elif rc == XL_STYLE:
- if not
- bk.handle_style(data)
- elif rc == XL_PALETTE:
- bk.handle_palette(data)
- bk.handle_builtinfmtcount(data)
- elif rc == XL_XF4 or rc == XL_XF3 or rc == XL_XF2: #### N.B. not XL_XF
- bk.handle_xf(data)
- elif rc == XL_DATEMODE:
- bk.handle_datemode(data)
- elif rc == XL_CODEPAGE:
- bk.handle_codepage(data)
- elif rc == XL_FILEPASS:
- bk.handle_filepass(data)
- elif rc == XL_WRITEACCESS:
- bk.handle_writeaccess(data)
- elif rc == XL_IXFE:
- self._ixfe = local_unpack('> self.logfile, \
- "*** NOTE: ROW_B2 record has row index %d; " \
- "should have 0 <= rowx < %d -- record ignored!" \
- % (rowx, self.utter_max_rows)
- continue
- r = Rowinfo()
- r.height = bits1 & 0x7fff
- r.has_default_height = (bits1 >> 15) & 1
- r.outline_level = 0
- r.outline_group_starts_ends = 0
- r.hidden = 0
- r.height_mismatch = 0
- r.has_default_xf_index = has_defaults & 1
- r.additional_space_above = 0
- r.additional_space_below = 0
- if not r.has_default_xf_index:
- r.xf_index = -1
- elif data_len == 18:
- # Seems the XF index in the cell_attr is dodgy
- xfx = local_unpack(' -1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "**ROW %d %d %d\n",
- self.number, rowx, r.xf_index)
- if blah_rows:
- print >> self.logfile, 'ROW_B2', rowx, bits1, has_defaults
- r.dump(self.logfile,
- header="--- sh #%d, rowx=%d ---" % (self.number, rowx))
- elif rc == XL_COLWIDTH: # BIFF2 only
- if not fmt_info: continue
- first_colx, last_colx, width\
- = local_unpack("> self.logfile, \
- "*** NOTE: COLWIDTH record has first col index %d, last %d; " \
- "should have first <= last -- record ignored!" \
- % (first_colx, last_colx)
- continue
- for colx in xrange(first_colx, last_colx+1):
- if self.colinfo_map.has_key(colx):
- c = self.colinfo_map[colx]
- else:
- c = Colinfo()
- self.colinfo_map[colx] = c
- c.width = width
- if blah:
- fprintf(
- self.logfile,
- "COLWIDTH sheet #%d cols %d-%d: wid=%d\n",
- self.number, first_colx, last_colx, width
- )
- elif rc == XL_COLUMNDEFAULT: # BIFF2 only
- if not fmt_info: continue
- first_colx, last_colx = local_unpack("> self.logfile, \
- "*** NOTE: COLUMNDEFAULT record has first col index %d, last %d; " \
- "should have 0 <= first < last <= 256" \
- % (first_colx, last_colx)
- last_colx = min(last_colx, 256)
- for colx in xrange(first_colx, last_colx):
- offset = 4 + 3 * (colx - first_colx)
- cell_attr = data[offset:offset+3]
- xf_index = self.fixed_BIFF2_xfindex(cell_attr, rowx=-1, colx=colx)
- if self.colinfo_map.has_key(colx):
- c = self.colinfo_map[colx]
- else:
- c = Colinfo()
- self.colinfo_map[colx] = c
- c.xf_index = xf_index
- else:
- # if DEBUG: print "SHEET.READ: Unhandled record type %02x %d bytes %r" % (rc, data_len, data)
- pass
- if not eof_found:
- raise XLRDError("Sheet %d (%r) missing EOF record" \
- % (self.number,
- self.tidy_dimensions()
- bk._position = oldpos
- return 1
- def fixed_BIFF2_xfindex(self, cell_attr, rowx, colx, true_xfx=None):
- DEBUG = 0
- blah = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 2
- if self.biff_version == 21:
- if self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map:
- if true_xfx is not None:
- xfx = true_xfx
- else:
- xfx = ord(cell_attr[0]) & 0x3F
- if xfx == 0x3F:
- if self._ixfe is None:
- raise XLRDError("BIFF2 cell record has XF index 63 but no preceding IXFE record.")
- xfx = self._ixfe
- # OOo docs are capable of interpretation that each
- # cell record is preceded immediately by its own IXFE record.
- # Empirical evidence is that (sensibly) an IXFE record applies to all
- # following cell records until another IXFE comes along.
- return xfx
- # Have either Excel 2.0, or broken 2.1 w/o XF records -- same effect.
- self.biff_version = = 20
- #### check that XF slot in cell_attr is zero
- xfx_slot = ord(cell_attr[0]) & 0x3F
- assert xfx_slot == 0
- xfx = self._cell_attr_to_xfx.get(cell_attr)
- if xfx is not None:
- return xfx
- if blah:
- fprintf(self.logfile, "New cell_attr %r at (%r, %r)\n", cell_attr, rowx, colx)
- book =
- xf = self.fake_XF_from_BIFF20_cell_attr(cell_attr)
- xfx = len(book.xf_list)
- xf.xf_index = xfx
- book.xf_list.append(xf)
- if blah:
- xf.dump(self.logfile, header="=== Faked XF %d ===" % xfx, footer="======")
- if not book.format_map.has_key(xf.format_key):
- msg = "ERROR *** XF[%d] unknown format key (%d, 0x%04x)\n"
- fprintf(self.logfile, msg,
- xf.xf_index, xf.format_key, xf.format_key)
- fmt = Format(xf.format_key, FUN, u"General")
- book.format_map[xf.format_key] = fmt
- while len(book.format_list) <= xf.format_key:
- book.format_list.append(fmt)
- cellty_from_fmtty = {
- FTX: XL_CELL_NUMBER, # Yes, a number can be formatted as text.
- }
- fmt = book.format_map[xf.format_key]
- cellty = cellty_from_fmtty[fmt.type]
- self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map[xf.xf_index] = cellty
- self._cell_attr_to_xfx[cell_attr] = xfx
- return xfx
- def fake_XF_from_BIFF20_cell_attr(self, cell_attr):
- from formatting import XF, XFAlignment, XFBorder, XFBackground, XFProtection
- xf = XF()
- xf.alignment = XFAlignment()
- xf.alignment.indent_level = 0
- xf.alignment.shrink_to_fit = 0
- xf.alignment.text_direction = 0
- xf.border = XFBorder()
- xf.border.diag_up = 0
- xf.border.diag_down = 0
- xf.border.diag_colour_index = 0
- xf.border.diag_line_style = 0 # no line
- xf.background = XFBackground()
- = XFProtection()
- (prot_bits, font_and_format, halign_etc) = unpack('> 6
- upkbits(, prot_bits, (
- (6, 0x40, 'cell_locked'),
- (7, 0x80, 'formula_hidden'),
- ))
- xf.alignment.hor_align = halign_etc & 0x07
- for mask, side in ((0x08, 'left'), (0x10, 'right'), (0x20, 'top'), (0x40, 'bottom')):
- if halign_etc & mask:
- colour_index, line_style = 8, 1 # black, thin
- else:
- colour_index, line_style = 0, 0 # none, none
- setattr(xf.border, side + '_colour_index', colour_index)
- setattr(xf.border, side + '_line_style', line_style)
- bg = xf.background
- if halign_etc & 0x80:
- bg.fill_pattern = 17
- else:
- bg.fill_pattern = 0
- bg.background_colour_index = 9 # white
- bg.pattern_colour_index = 8 # black
- xf.parent_style_index = 0 # ???????????
- xf.alignment.vert_align = 2 # bottom
- xf.alignment.rotation = 0
- for attr_stem in \
- "format font alignment border background protection".split():
- attr = "_" + attr_stem + "_flag"
- setattr(xf, attr, 1)
- return xf
- def req_fmt_info(self):
- if not self.formatting_info:
- raise XLRDError("Feature requires open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)")
- ##
- # Determine column display width.
- #
-- New in version 0.6.1
- #
- # @param colx Index of the queried column, range 0 to 255.
- # Note that it is possible to find out the width that will be used to display
- # columns with no cell information e.g. column IV (colx=255).
- # @return The column width that will be used for displaying
- # the given column by Excel, in units of 1/256th of the width of a
- # standard character (the digit zero in the first font).
- def computed_column_width(self, colx):
- self.req_fmt_info()
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- colinfo = self.colinfo_map.get(colx, None)
- if colinfo is not None:
- return colinfo.width
- if self.standardwidth is not None:
- return self.standardwidth
- elif self.biff_version >= 40:
- if self.gcw[colx]:
- if self.standardwidth is not None:
- return self.standardwidth
- else:
- colinfo = self.colinfo_map.get(colx, None)
- if colinfo is not None:
- return colinfo.width
- elif self.biff_version == 30:
- colinfo = self.colinfo_map.get(colx, None)
- if colinfo is not None:
- return colinfo.width
- # All roads lead to Rome and the DEFCOLWIDTH ...
- if self.defcolwidth is not None:
- return self.defcolwidth * 256
- return 8 * 256 # 8 is what Excel puts in a DEFCOLWIDTH record
- def handle_msodrawingetc(self, recid, data_len, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
- if self.biff_version < 80:
- return
- o = MSODrawing()
- pos = 0
- while pos < data_len:
- tmp, fbt, cb = unpack('> 4) & 0xFFF
- if ver == 0xF:
- ndb = 0 # container
- else:
- ndb = cb
- if DEBUG:
- hex_char_dump(data, pos, ndb + 8, base=0, fout=self.logfile)
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "fbt:0x%04X inst:%d ver:0x%X cb:%d (0x%04X)\n",
- fbt, inst, ver, cb, cb)
- if fbt == 0xF010: # Client Anchor
- assert ndb == 18
- (o.anchor_unk,
- o.anchor_colx_lo, o.anchor_rowx_lo,
- o.anchor_colx_hi, o.anchor_rowx_hi) = unpack('> 1) & 1
- # Docs say NULL [sic] bytes padding between string count and string data
- # to ensure that string is word-aligned. Appears to be nonsense.
- # There also seems to be a random(?) byte after the string (not counted in the
- # string length.
- o.original_author, endpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(data, 8, lenlen=2)
- assert endpos == data_len - 1
- o.last_byte = data[-1]
- if DEBUG:
- o.dump(self.logfile, header="=== MSNote ===", footer= " ")
- def handle_txo(self, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
- if self.biff_version < 80:
- return
- o = MSTxo()
- data_len = len(data)
- option_flags, o.rot, cchText, cbRuns = unpack('>= 2 # div by 4 to drop the 2 flag bits
- if flags & 1:
- return i / 100.0
- return float(i)
- else:
- # It's the most significant 30 bits of an IEEE 754 64-bit FP number
- d, = unpack('Contains the data for one cell.
-# WARNING: You don't call this class yourself. You access Cell objects
-# via methods of the Sheet object(s) that you found in the Book object that
-# was returned when you called xlrd.open_workbook("myfile.xls").
-# Cell objects have three attributes: ctype is an int, value
-# (which depends on ctype) and xf_index.
-# If "formatting_info" is not enabled when the workbook is opened, xf_index will be None.
-# The following table describes the types of cells and how their values
-# are represented in Python.
-# Type symbol |
-# Type number |
-# Python value |
-# 0 |
-# empty string u'' |
-# 1 |
-# a Unicode string |
-# 2 |
-# float |
-# 3 |
-# float |
-# 4 |
-# int; 1 means TRUE, 0 means FALSE |
-# 5 |
-# int representing internal Excel codes; for a text representation,
-# refer to the supplied dictionary error_text_from_code |
-# 6 |
-# empty string u''. Note: this type will appear only when
-# open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True) is used. |
-class Cell(BaseObject):
- __slots__ = ['ctype', 'value', 'xf_index']
- def __init__(self, ctype, value, xf_index=None):
- self.ctype = ctype
- self.value = value
- self.xf_index = xf_index
- def __repr__(self):
- if self.xf_index is None:
- return "%s:%r" % (ctype_text[self.ctype], self.value)
- else:
- return "%s:%r (XF:%r)" % (ctype_text[self.ctype], self.value, self.xf_index)
-# There is one and only one instance of an empty cell -- it's a singleton. This is it.
-# You may use a test like "acell is empty_cell".
-empty_cell = Cell(XL_CELL_EMPTY, '')
-##### =============== Colinfo and Rowinfo ============================== #####
-# Width and default formatting information that applies to one or
-# more columns in a sheet. Derived from COLINFO records.
-# Here is the default hierarchy for width, according to the OOo docs:
"""In BIFF3, if a COLINFO record is missing for a column,
-# the width specified in the record DEFCOLWIDTH is used instead.
In BIFF4-BIFF7, the width set in this [COLINFO] record is only used,
-# if the corresponding bit for this column is cleared in the GCW
-# record, otherwise the column width set in the DEFCOLWIDTH record
-# is used (the STANDARDWIDTH record is always ignored in this case [see footnote!]).
In BIFF8, if a COLINFO record is missing for a column,
-# the width specified in the record STANDARDWIDTH is used.
-# If this [STANDARDWIDTH] record is also missing,
-# the column width of the record DEFCOLWIDTH is used instead."""
-# Footnote: The docs on the GCW record say this:
-# """
-# If a bit is set, the corresponding column uses the width set in the STANDARDWIDTH
-# record. If a bit is cleared, the corresponding column uses the width set in the
-# COLINFO record for this column.
If a bit is set, and the worksheet does not contain the STANDARDWIDTH record, or if
-# the bit is cleared, and the worksheet does not contain the COLINFO record, the DEFCOLWIDTH
-# record of the worksheet will be used instead.
-# At the moment (2007-01-17) xlrd is going with the GCW version of the story.
-# Reference to the source may be useful: see the computed_column_width(colx) method
-# of the Sheet class.
-- New in version 0.6.1
-class Colinfo(BaseObject):
- ##
- # Width of the column in 1/256 of the width of the zero character,
- # using default font (first FONT record in the file).
- width = 0
- ##
- # XF index to be used for formatting empty cells.
- xf_index = -1
- ##
- # 1 = column is hidden
- hidden = 0
- ##
- # Value of a 1-bit flag whose purpose is unknown
- # but is often seen set to 1
- bit1_flag = 0
- ##
- # Outline level of the column, in range(7).
- # (0 = no outline)
- outline_level = 0
- ##
- # 1 = column is collapsed
- collapsed = 0
-# Height and default formatting information that applies to a row in a sheet.
-# Derived from ROW records.
-- New in version 0.6.1
-class Rowinfo(BaseObject):
- ##
- # Height of the row, in twips. One twip == 1/20 of a point
- height = 0
- ##
- # 0 = Row has custom height; 1 = Row has default height
- has_default_height = 0
- ##
- # Outline level of the row
- outline_level = 0
- ##
- # 1 = Outline group starts or ends here (depending on where the
- # outline buttons are located, see WSBOOL record [TODO ??]),
- # and is collapsed
- outline_group_starts_ends = 0
- ##
- # 1 = Row is hidden (manually, or by a filter or outline group)
- hidden = 0
- ##
- # 1 = Row height and default font height do not match
- height_mismatch = 0
- ##
- # 1 = the xf_index attribute is usable; 0 = ignore it
- has_default_xf_index = 0
- ##
- # Index to default XF record for empty cells in this row.
- # Don't use this if has_default_xf_index == 0.
- xf_index = -9999
- ##
- # This flag is set, if the upper border of at least one cell in this row
- # or if the lower border of at least one cell in the row above is
- # formatted with a thick line style. Thin and medium line styles are not
- # taken into account.
- additional_space_above = 0
- ##
- # This flag is set, if the lower border of at least one cell in this row
- # or if the upper border of at least one cell in the row below is
- # formatted with a medium or thick line style. Thin line styles are not
- # taken into account.
- additional_space_below = 0
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1718c037..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
-# Copyright 2006-2008 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd package, which is released under a BSD-style licence.
-# -- adaptation for earlier Pythons e.g. 2.1
-# usage: from timemachine import *
-# 2008-02-08 SJM Generalised method of detecting IronPython
-import sys
-python_version = sys.version_info[:2] # e.g. version 2.4 -> (2, 4)
-CAN_PICKLE_ARRAY = python_version >= (2, 5)
-CAN_SUBCLASS_BUILTIN = python_version >= (2, 2)
-if sys.version.find("IronPython") >= 0:
- array_array = None
- from array import array as array_array
-if python_version < (2, 2):
- class object:
- pass
- False = 0
- True = 1
-def int_floor_div(x, y):
- return divmod(x, y)[0]
-def intbool(x):
- if x:
- return 1
- return 0
-if python_version < (2, 3):
- def sum(sequence, start=0):
- tot = start
- for item in aseq:
- tot += item
- return tot
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5f75916..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
-# No part of the content of this file was derived from the works of David Giffin.
-# Copyright 2005-2008 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd package, which is released under a BSD-style licence.
-# Provides function(s) for dealing with Microsoft Excel dates.
-# 2008-10-18 SJM Fix bug in xldate_from_date_tuple (affected some years after 2099)
-# The conversion from days to (year, month, day) starts with
-# an integral "julian day number" aka JDN.
-# FWIW, JDN 0 corresponds to noon on Monday November 24 in Gregorian year -4713.
-# More importantly:
-# Noon on Gregorian 1900-03-01 (day 61 in the 1900-based system) is JDN 2415080.0
-# Noon on Gregorian 1904-01-02 (day 1 in the 1904-based system) is JDN 2416482.0
-from timemachine import int_floor_div as ifd
-_JDN_delta = (2415080 - 61, 2416482 - 1)
-assert _JDN_delta[1] - _JDN_delta[0] == 1462
-class XLDateError(ValueError): pass
-class XLDateNegative(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateAmbiguous(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateTooLarge(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateBadDatemode(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateBadTuple(XLDateError): pass
-_XLDAYS_TOO_LARGE = (2958466, 2958466 - 1462) # This is equivalent to 10000-01-01
-# Convert an Excel number (presumed to represent a date, a datetime or a time) into
-# a tuple suitable for feeding to datetime or mx.DateTime constructors.
-# @param xldate The Excel number
-# @param datemode 0: 1900-based, 1: 1904-based.
WARNING: when using this function to
-# interpret the contents of a workbook, you should pass in the Book.datemode
-# attribute of that workbook. Whether
-# the workbook has ever been anywhere near a Macintosh is irrelevant.
-# @return Gregorian (year, month, day, hour, minute, nearest_second).
Special case: if 0.0 <= xldate < 1.0, it is assumed to represent a time;
-# (0, 0, 0, hour, minute, second) will be returned.
Note: 1904-01-01 is not regarded as a valid date in the datemode 1 system; its "serial number"
-# is zero.
-# @throws XLDateNegative xldate < 0.00
-# @throws XLDateAmbiguous The 1900 leap-year problem (datemode == 0 and 1.0 <= xldate < 61.0)
-# @throws XLDateTooLarge Gregorian year 10000 or later
-# @throws XLDateBadDatemode datemode arg is neither 0 nor 1
-# @throws XLDateError Covers the 4 specific errors
-def xldate_as_tuple(xldate, datemode):
- if datemode not in (0, 1):
- raise XLDateBadDatemode(datemode)
- if xldate == 0.00:
- return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- if xldate < 0.00:
- raise XLDateNegative(xldate)
- xldays = int(xldate)
- frac = xldate - xldays
- seconds = int(round(frac * 86400.0))
- assert 0 <= seconds <= 86400
- if seconds == 86400:
- hour = minute = second = 0
- xldays += 1
- else:
- # second = seconds % 60; minutes = seconds // 60
- minutes, second = divmod(seconds, 60)
- # minute = minutes % 60; hour = minutes // 60
- hour, minute = divmod(minutes, 60)
- if xldays >= _XLDAYS_TOO_LARGE[datemode]:
- raise XLDateTooLarge(xldate)
- if xldays == 0:
- return (0, 0, 0, hour, minute, second)
- if xldays < 61 and datemode == 0:
- raise XLDateAmbiguous(xldate)
- jdn = xldays + _JDN_delta[datemode]
- yreg = (ifd(ifd(jdn * 4 + 274277, 146097) * 3, 4) + jdn + 1363) * 4 + 3
- mp = ifd(yreg % 1461, 4) * 535 + 333
- d = ifd(mp % 16384, 535) + 1
- # mp /= 16384
- mp >>= 14
- if mp >= 10:
- return (ifd(yreg, 1461) - 4715, mp - 9, d, hour, minute, second)
- else:
- return (ifd(yreg, 1461) - 4716, mp + 3, d, hour, minute, second)
-# === conversions from date/time to xl numbers
-def _leap(y):
- if y % 4: return 0
- if y % 100: return 1
- if y % 400: return 0
- return 1
-_days_in_month = (None, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
-# Convert a date tuple (year, month, day) to an Excel date.
-# @param year Gregorian year.
-# @param month 1 <= month <= 12
-# @param day 1 <= day <= last day of that (year, month)
-# @param datemode 0: 1900-based, 1: 1904-based.
-# @throws XLDateAmbiguous The 1900 leap-year problem (datemode == 0 and 1.0 <= xldate < 61.0)
-# @throws XLDateBadDatemode datemode arg is neither 0 nor 1
-# @throws XLDateBadTuple (year, month, day) is too early/late or has invalid component(s)
-# @throws XLDateError Covers the specific errors
-def xldate_from_date_tuple((year, month, day), datemode):
- if datemode not in (0, 1):
- raise XLDateBadDatemode(datemode)
- if year == 0 and month == 0 and day == 0:
- return 0.00
- if not (1900 <= year <= 9999):
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid year: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- if not (1 <= month <= 12):
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid month: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- if day < 1 \
- or (day > _days_in_month[month] and not(day == 29 and month == 2 and _leap(year))):
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid day: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- Yp = year + 4716
- M = month
- if M <= 2:
- Yp = Yp - 1
- Mp = M + 9
- else:
- Mp = M - 3
- jdn = ifd(1461 * Yp, 4) + ifd(979 * Mp + 16, 32) + \
- day - 1364 - ifd(ifd(Yp + 184, 100) * 3, 4)
- xldays = jdn - _JDN_delta[datemode]
- if xldays <= 0:
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid (year, month, day): %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- if xldays < 61 and datemode == 0:
- raise XLDateAmbiguous("Before 1900-03-01: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- return float(xldays)
-# Convert a time tuple (hour, minute, second) to an Excel "date" value (fraction of a day).
-# @param hour 0 <= hour < 24
-# @param minute 0 <= minute < 60
-# @param second 0 <= second < 60
-# @throws XLDateBadTuple Out-of-range hour, minute, or second
-def xldate_from_time_tuple((hour, minute, second)):
- if 0 <= hour < 24 and 0 <= minute < 60 and 0 <= second < 60:
- return ((second / 60.0 + minute) / 60.0 + hour) / 24.0
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid (hour, minute, second): %r" % ((hour, minute, second),))
-# Convert a datetime tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) to an Excel date value.
-# For more details, refer to other xldate_from_*_tuple functions.
-# @param datetime_tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
-# @param datemode 0: 1900-based, 1: 1904-based.
-def xldate_from_datetime_tuple(datetime_tuple, datemode):
- return (
- xldate_from_date_tuple(datetime_tuple[:3], datemode)
- +
- xldate_from_time_tuple(datetime_tuple[3:])
- )
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f322b7..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1642 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © 2005-2009 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd3 package, which is released under a
-# BSD-style licence.
-# xlrd3, the Python 3 port of xlrd v0.7.1
-# A Python module for extracting data from MS Excel spreadsheet files.
-# General information
-# Acknowledgements
-# Development of this module would not have been possible without the document
-# "'s Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format"
-# ("OOo docs" for short).
-# The latest version is available from in
-# PDF format
-# and
-# ODT format.
-# Small portions of the OOo docs are reproduced in this
-# document. A study of the OOo docs is recommended for those who wish a
-# deeper understanding of the Excel file layout than the xlrd docs can provide.
-# Provision of formatting information in version 0.6.1 was funded by
-# Simplistix Ltd.
-# Unicode
-# This module presents all text strings as Python unicode objects.
-# From Excel 97 onwards, text in Excel spreadsheets has been stored as Unicode.
-# Older files (Excel 95 and earlier) don't keep strings in Unicode;
-# a CODEPAGE record provides a codepage number (for example, 1252) which is
-# used by xlrd to derive the encoding (for same example: "cp1252") which is
-# used to translate to Unicode.
-# If the CODEPAGE record is missing (possible if the file was created
-# by third-party software), xlrd will assume that the encoding is ascii, and keep going.
-# If the actual encoding is not ascii, a UnicodeDecodeError exception will be raised and
-# you will need to determine the encoding yourself, and tell xlrd::
-# book = xlrd.open_workbook(..., encoding_override="cp1252")
-# If the CODEPAGE record exists but is wrong (for example, the codepage
-# number is 1251, but the strings are actually encoded in koi8_r),
-# it can be overridden using the same mechanism.
-# The supplied has a corresponding command-line argument, which
-# may be used for experimentation::
-# -e koi8_r 3rows myfile.xls
-# The first place to look for an encoding ("codec name") is
-# the Python documentation.
-# Dates in Excel spreadsheets
-# In reality, there are no such things. What you have are floating point
-# numbers and pious hope.
-# There are several problems with Excel dates:
-# (1) Dates are not stored as a separate data type; they are stored as
-# floating point numbers and you have to rely on
-# (a) the "number format" applied to them in Excel and/or
-# (b) knowing which cells are supposed to have dates in them.
-# This module helps with (a) by inspecting the
-# format that has been applied to each number cell;
-# if it appears to be a date format, the cell
-# is classified as a date rather than a number. Feedback on this feature,
-# especially from non-English-speaking locales, would be appreciated.
-# (2) Excel for Windows stores dates by default as the number of
-# days (or fraction thereof) since 1899-12-31T00:00:00. Excel for
-# Macintosh uses a default start date of 1904-01-01T00:00:00. The date
-# system can be changed in Excel on a per-workbook basis (for example:
-# Tools -> Options -> Calculation, tick the "1904 date system" box).
-# This is of course a bad idea if there are already dates in the
-# workbook. There is no good reason to change it even if there are no
-# dates in the workbook. Which date system is in use is recorded in the
-# workbook. A workbook transported from Windows to Macintosh (or vice
-# versa) will work correctly with the host Excel. When using this
-# module's xldate_as_tuple function to convert numbers from a workbook,
-# you must use the datemode attribute of the Book object. If you guess,
-# or make a judgement depending on where you believe the workbook was
-# created, you run the risk of being 1462 days out of kilter.
-# Reference:
-# (3) The Excel implementation of the Windows-default 1900-based date system works on the
-# incorrect premise that 1900 was a leap year. It interprets the number 60 as meaning 1900-02-29,
-# which is not a valid date. Consequently any number less than 61 is ambiguous. Example: is 59 the
-# result of 1900-02-28 entered directly, or is it 1900-03-01 minus 2 days? The Calc
-# program "corrects" the Microsoft problem; entering 1900-02-27 causes the number 59 to be stored.
-# Save as an XLS file, then open the file with Excel -- you'll see 1900-02-28 displayed.
-# Reference:;en-us;214326
-# (4) The Macintosh-default 1904-based date system counts 1904-01-02 as day 1 and 1904-01-01 as day zero.
-# Thus any number such that (0.0 <= number < 1.0) is ambiguous. Is 0.625 a time of day (15:00:00),
-# independent of the calendar,
-# or should it be interpreted as an instant on a particular day (1904-01-01T15:00:00)?
-# The xldate_* functions in this module
-# take the view that such a number is a calendar-independent time of day (like Python's datetime.time type) for both
-# date systems. This is consistent with more recent Microsoft documentation
-# (for example, the help file for Excel 2002 which says that the first day
-# in the 1904 date system is 1904-01-02).
-# (5) Usage of the Excel DATE() function may leave strange dates in a spreadsheet. Quoting the help file,
-# in respect of the 1900 date system: "If year is between 0 (zero) and 1899 (inclusive),
-# Excel adds that value to 1900 to calculate the year. For example, DATE(108,1,2) returns January 2, 2008 (1900+108)."
-# This gimmick, semi-defensible only for arguments up to 99 and only in the pre-Y2K-awareness era,
-# means that DATE(1899, 12, 31) is interpreted as 3799-12-31.
-# For further information, please refer to the documentation for the xldate_* functions.
-# Named references, constants, formulas, and macros
-# A name is used to refer to a cell, a group of cells, a constant
-# value, a formula, or a macro. Usually the scope of a name is global
-# across the whole workbook. However it can be local to a worksheet.
-# For example, if the sales figures are in different cells in
-# different sheets, the user may define the name "Sales" in each
-# sheet. There are built-in names, like "Print_Area" and
-# "Print_Titles"; these two are naturally local to a sheet.
-# To inspect the names with a user interface like MS Excel, OOo Calc,
-# or Gnumeric, click on Insert/Names/Define. This will show the global
-# names, plus those local to the currently selected sheet.
-# A Book object provides two dictionaries (name_map and
-# name_and_scope_map) and a list (name_obj_list) which allow various
-# ways of accessing the Name objects. There is one Name object for
-# each NAME record found in the workbook. Name objects have many
-# attributes, several of which are relevant only when obj.macro is 1.
-# In the examples directory you will find namesdemo.xls which
-# showcases the many different ways that names can be used, and
-# which offers 3 different queries for inspecting
-# the names in your files, and shows how to extract whatever a name is
-# referring to. There is currently one "convenience method",
-# Name.cell(), which extracts the value in the case where the name
-# refers to a single cell. More convenience methods are planned. The
-# source code for Name.cell (in is an extra source of
-# information on how the Name attributes hang together.
-# Name information is **not** extracted from files older than
-# Excel 5.0 (Book.biff_version < 50)
-# Formatting
-# Introduction
-# This collection of features, new in xlrd version 0.6.1, is intended
-# to provide the information needed to (1) display/render spreadsheet contents
-# (say) on a screen or in a PDF file, and (2) copy spreadsheet data to another
-# file without losing the ability to display/render it.
-# The Palette; Colour Indexes
-# A colour is represented in Excel as a (red, green, blue) ("RGB") tuple
-# with each component in range(256). However it is not possible to access an
-# unlimited number of colours; each spreadsheet is limited to a palette of 64 different
-# colours (24 in Excel 3.0 and 4.0, 8 in Excel 2.0). Colours are referenced by an index
-# ("colour index") into this palette.
-# Colour indexes 0 to 7 represent 8 fixed built-in colours: black, white, red, green, blue,
-# yellow, magenta, and cyan.
-# The remaining colours in the palette (8 to 63 in Excel 5.0 and later)
-# can be changed by the user. In the Excel 2003 UI, Tools/Options/Color presents a palette
-# of 7 rows of 8 colours. The last two rows are reserved for use in charts.
-# The correspondence between this grid and the assigned
-# colour indexes is NOT left-to-right top-to-bottom.
-# Indexes 8 to 15 correspond to changeable
-# parallels of the 8 fixed colours -- for example, index 7 is forever cyan;
-# index 15 starts off being cyan but can be changed by the user.
-# The default colour for each index depends on the file version; tables of the defaults
-# are available in the source code. If the user changes one or more colours,
-# a PALETTE record appears in the XLS file -- it gives the RGB values for *all* changeable
-# indexes.
-# Note that colours can be used in "number formats": "[CYAN]...." and "[COLOR8]...." refer
-# to colour index 7; "[COLOR16]...." will produce cyan
-# unless the user changes colour index 15 to something else.
-# In addition, there are several "magic" colour indexes used by Excel:
-# 0x18 (BIFF3-BIFF4), 0x40 (BIFF5-BIFF8): System window text colour for border lines
-# (used in XF, CF, and WINDOW2 records)
-# 0x19 (BIFF3-BIFF4), 0x41 (BIFF5-BIFF8): System window background colour for pattern background
-# (used in XF and CF records )
-# 0x43: System face colour (dialogue background colour)
-# 0x4D: System window text colour for chart border lines
-# 0x4E: System window background colour for chart areas
-# 0x4F: Automatic colour for chart border lines (seems to be always Black)
-# 0x50: System ToolTip background colour (used in note objects)
-# 0x51: System ToolTip text colour (used in note objects)
-# 0x7FFF: System window text colour for fonts (used in FONT and CF records)
-# Note 0x7FFF appears to be the *default* colour index. It appears quite often in FONT
-# records.
-# Default Formatting
-# Default formatting is applied to all empty cells (those not described by a cell record).
-# Firstly row default information (ROW record, Rowinfo class) is used if available.
-# Failing that, column default information (COLINFO record, Colinfo class) is used if available.
-# As a last resort the worksheet/workbook default cell format will be used; this
-# should always be present in an Excel file,
-# described by the XF record with the fixed index 15 (0-based). By default, it uses the
-# worksheet/workbook default cell style, described by the very first XF record (index 0).
-# Formatting features not included in xlrd version 0.6.1
-# - Rich text i.e. strings containing partial bold, italic
-# and underlined text, change of font inside a string, etc.
-# See OOo docs s3.4 and s3.2
-# - Asian phonetic text (known as "ruby"), used for Japanese furigana. See OOo docs
-# s3.4.2 (p15)
-# - Conditional formatting. See OOo docs
-# s5.12, s6.21 (CONDFMT record), s6.16 (CF record)
-# - Miscellaneous sheet-level and book-level items e.g. printing layout, screen panes.
-# - Modern Excel file versions don't keep most of the built-in
-# "number formats" in the file; Excel loads formats according to the
-# user's locale. Currently xlrd's emulation of this is limited to
-# a hard-wired table that applies to the US English locale. This may mean
-# that currency symbols, date order, thousands separator, decimals separator, etc
-# are inappropriate. Note that this does not affect users who are copying XLS
-# files, only those who are visually rendering cells.
-# Loading worksheets on demand
-# This feature, new in version 0.7.1, is governed by the on_demand argument
-# to the open_workbook() function and allows saving memory and time by loading
-# only those sheets that the caller is interested in, and releasing sheets
-# when no longer required.
-# on_demand=False (default): No change. open_workbook() loads global data
-# and all sheets, releases resources no longer required (principally the
-# str or mmap object containing the Workbook stream), and returns.
-# on_demand=True and BIFF version < 5.0: A warning message is emitted,
-# on_demand is recorded as False, and the old process is followed.
-# on_demand=True and BIFF version >= 5.0: open_workbook() loads global
-# data and returns without releasing resources. At this stage, the only
-# information available about sheets is Book.nsheets and Book.sheet_names().
-# Book.sheet_by_name() and Book.sheet_by_index() will load the requested
-# sheet if it is not already loaded.
-# Book.sheets() will load all/any unloaded sheets.
-# The caller may save memory by calling
-# Book.unload_sheet(sheet_name_or_index) when finished with the sheet.
-# This applies irrespective of the state of on_demand.
-# The caller may re-load an unloaded sheet by calling Book.sheet_by_xxxx()
-# -- except if those required resources have been released (which will
-# have happened automatically when on_demand is false). This is the only
-# case where an exception will be raised.
-# The caller may query the state of a sheet:
-# Book.sheet_loaded(sheet_name_or_index) -> a bool
-# 2010-12-03 mozman start xlrd3, for changes see NEWS.txt
-# 2009-04-27 SJM Integrated on_demand patch by Armando Serrano Lombillo
-# 2008-11-23 SJM Support dumping FILEPASS and EXTERNNAME records; extra info from SUPBOOK records
-# 2008-11-23 SJM colname utility function now supports more than 256 columns
-# 2008-04-24 SJM Recovery code for file with out-of-order/missing/wrong CODEPAGE record needed to be called for EXTERNSHEET/BOUNDSHEET/NAME/SHEETHDR records.
-# 2008-02-08 SJM Preparation for Excel 2.0 support
-# 2008-02-03 SJM Minor tweaks for IronPython support
-# 2008-02-02 SJM Previous change stopped dump() and count_records() ... fixed
-# 2007-12-25 SJM Decouple Book initialisation & loading -- to allow for multiple loaders.
-# 2007-12-20 SJM Better error message for unsupported file format.
-# 2007-12-04 SJM Added support for Excel 2.x (BIFF2) files.
-# 2007-11-20 SJM Wasn't handling EXTERNSHEET record that needed CONTINUE record(s)
-# 2007-07-07 SJM Version changed to 0.7.0 (alpha 1)
-# 2007-07-07 SJM Logfile arg wasn't being passed from open_workbook to compdoc.CompDoc
-# 2007-05-21 SJM If no CODEPAGE record in pre-8.0 file, assume ascii and keep going.
-# 2007-04-22 SJM Removed antique undocumented Book.get_name_dict method.
-import sys
-import time
-from struct import unpack
-import mmap
-from . import sheet
-from . import compdoc
-from . import formatting
-from .biffh import *
-from .xldate import xldate_as_tuple, XLDateError
-from .formula import *
-from .xfcell import XFCell
-empty_cell = sheet.empty_cell # for exposure to the world ...
-DEBUG = False
-MY_EOF = 0xF00BAAA # not a 16-bit number
-SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = (80, 70, 50, 45, 40, 30, 21, 20)
-code_from_builtin_name = {
- "Consolidate_Area": "\x00",
- "Auto_Open": "\x01",
- "Auto_Close": "\x02",
- "Extract": "\x03",
- "Database": "\x04",
- "Criteria": "\x05",
- "Print_Area": "\x06",
- "Print_Titles": "\x07",
- "Recorder": "\x08",
- "Data_Form": "\x09",
- "Auto_Activate": "\x0A",
- "Auto_Deactivate": "\x0B",
- "Sheet_Title": "\x0C",
- "_FilterDatabase": "\x0D",
- }
-builtin_name_from_code = {}
-for _bin, _bic in code_from_builtin_name.items():
- builtin_name_from_code[_bic] = _bin
-# Open a spreadsheet file for data extraction.
-# @param filename The path to the spreadsheet file to be opened.
-# @param logfile An open file to which messages and diagnostics are written.
-# @param verbosity Increases the volume of trace material written to the logfile.
-# @param pickleable Default is true. In Python 2.4 or earlier, setting to false
-# will cause use of array.array objects which save some memory but can't be pickled.
-# In Python 2.5, array.arrays are used unconditionally. Note: if you have large files that
-# you need to read multiple times, it can be much faster to cPickle.dump() the xlrd.Book object
-# once, and use cPickle.load() multiple times.
-# @param use_mmap Whether to use the mmap module is determined heuristically.
-# Use this arg to override the result. Current heuristic: mmap is used if it exists.
-# @param file_contents ... as a string or an mmap.mmap object or some other behave-alike object.
-# If file_contents is supplied, filename will not be used, except (possibly) in messages.
-# @param encoding_override Used to overcome missing or bad codepage information
-# in older-version files. Refer to discussion in the Unicode section above.
-# - New in version 0.6.0
-# @param formatting_info Governs provision of a reference to an XF (eXtended Format) object
-# for each cell in the worksheet.
-# Default is False. This is backwards compatible and saves memory.
-# "Blank" cells (those with their own formatting information but no data) are treated as empty
-# (by ignoring the file's BLANK and MULBLANK records).
-# It cuts off any bottom "margin" of rows of empty (and blank) cells and
-# any right "margin" of columns of empty (and blank) cells.
-# Only cell_value and cell_type are available.
-# `True` provides all cells, including empty and blank cells.
-# XF information is available for each cell.
-# - New in version 0.6.1
-# @param on_demand Governs whether sheets are all loaded initially or when demanded
-# by the caller. Please refer back to the section "Loading worksheets on demand" for details.
-# - New in version 0.7.1
-# @return An instance of the Book class.
-def open_workbook(filename=None,
- logfile=sys.stdout,
- verbosity=0,
- pickleable=True,
- use_mmap=True,
- file_contents=None,
- encoding_override=None,
- formatting_info=False,
- on_demand=False):
- t0 = time.clock()
- workbook = Book()
- workbook.biff2_8_load(filename=filename,
- file_contents=file_contents,
- logfile=logfile,
- verbosity=verbosity,
- pickleable=pickleable,
- use_mmap=use_mmap,
- encoding_override=encoding_override,
- formatting_info=formatting_info,
- on_demand=on_demand)
- t1 = time.clock()
- workbook.load_time_stage_1 = t1 - t0
- biff_version = workbook.getbof(XL_WORKBOOK_GLOBALS)
- if not biff_version:
- raise XLRDError("Can't determine file's BIFF version")
- if biff_version not in SUPPORTED_VERSIONS:
- raise XLRDError( "BIFF version %s is not supported" % \
- biff_text_from_num[biff_version])
- workbook.biff_version = biff_version
- if biff_version <= 40:
- # no workbook globals, only 1 worksheet
- if on_demand:
- fprintf(workbook.logfile,
- "*** WARNING: on_demand is not supported for this Excel version.\n" \
- "*** Setting on_demand to False.\n")
- workbook.on_demand = on_demand = False
- workbook.fake_globals_get_sheet()
- elif biff_version == 45:
- # worksheet(s) embedded in global stream
- workbook.parse_globals()
- if on_demand:
- fprintf(workbook.logfile,
- "*** WARNING: on_demand is not supported for this Excel version.\n" \
- "*** Setting on_demand to False.\n")
- workbook.on_demand = on_demand = False
- else:
- workbook.parse_globals()
- workbook._sheet_list = [None for sh in workbook._sheet_names]
- if not on_demand:
- workbook.get_sheets()
- workbook.nsheets = len(workbook._sheet_list)
- if biff_version == 45 and workbook.nsheets > 1:
- fprintf(workbook.logfile,
- "*** WARNING: Excel 4.0 workbook (.XLW) file contains %d worksheets.\n" \
- "*** Book-level data will be that of the last worksheet.\n",
- workbook.nsheets)
- if not on_demand:
- workbook.release_resources()
- t2 = time.clock()
- workbook.load_time_stage_2 = t2 - t1
- return workbook
-# For debugging: dump the file's BIFF records in char & hex.
-# @param filename The path to the file to be dumped.
-# @param outfile An open file, to which the dump is written.
-# @param unnumbered If true, omit offsets (for meaningful diffs).
-def dump(filename, outfile=sys.stdout, unnumbered=False):
- workbook = Book()
- workbook.biff2_8_load(filename=filename, logfile=outfile, )
- biff_dump(workbook.mem, workbook.base, workbook.stream_len, 0, outfile, unnumbered)
-# For debugging and analysis: summarise the file's BIFF records.
-# I.e. produce a sorted file of (record_name, count).
-# @param filename The path to the file to be summarised.
-# @param outfile An open file, to which the summary is written.
-def count_records(filename, outfile=sys.stdout):
- workbook = Book()
- workbook.biff2_8_load(filename=filename, logfile=outfile, )
- biff_count_records(workbook.mem, workbook.base, workbook.stream_len, outfile)
-# Information relating to a named reference, formula, macro, etc.
-# - New in version 0.6.0
-# - Name information is **not** extracted from files older than
-# Excel 5.0 (Book.biff_version < 50)
-class Name(BaseObject):
- _repr_these = ['stack']
- book = None # parent
- # 0 = Visible; 1 = Hidden
- hidden = 0
- # 0 = Command macro; 1 = Function macro. Relevant only if macro == 1
- func = 0
- # 0 = Sheet macro; 1 = VisualBasic macro. Relevant only if macro == 1
- vbasic = 0
- # 0 = Standard name; 1 = Macro name
- macro = 0
- # 0 = Simple formula; 1 = Complex formula (array formula or user defined)
- # ´No examples have been sighted.´
- complex = 0
- # 0 = User-defined name; 1 = Built-in name
- # (common examples: Print_Area, Print_Titles; see OOo docs for full list)
- builtin = 0
- # Function group. Relevant only if macro == 1; see OOo docs for values.
- funcgroup = 0
- # 0 = Formula definition; 1 = Binary data ´No examples have been sighted.´
- binary = 0
- # The index of this object in book.name_obj_list
- name_index = 0
- # A Unicode string. If builtin, decoded as per OOo docs.
- name = ""
- # An 8-bit string.
- raw_formula = ""
- # -1: The name is global (visible in all calculation sheets).
- # -2: The name belongs to a macro sheet or VBA sheet.
- # -3: The name is invalid.
- # 0 <= scope < book.nsheets: The name is local to the sheet whose index is scope.
- scope = -1
- # The result of evaluating the formula, if any.
- # If no formula, or evaluation of the formula encountered problems,
- # the result is None. Otherwise the result is a single instance of the
- # Operand class.
- result = None
- # This is a convenience method for the frequent use case where the name
- # refers to a single cell.
- # @return An instance of the Cell class.
- # @throws XLRDError The name is not a constant absolute reference
- # to a single cell.
- def cell(self):
- res = self.result
- if res:
- # result should be an instance of the Operand class
- kind = res.kind
- value = res.value
- if kind == oREF and len(value) == 1:
- ref3d = value[0]
- if (0 <= ref3d.shtxlo == ref3d.shtxhi - 1
- and ref3d.rowxlo == ref3d.rowxhi - 1
- and ref3d.colxlo == ref3d.colxhi - 1):
- sh =
- return sh.cell(ref3d.rowxlo, ref3d.colxlo)
- self.dump(,
- header="=== Dump of Name object ===",
- footer="======= End of dump =======")
- raise XLRDError("Not a constant absolute reference to a single cell")
- # This is a convenience method for the use case where the name
- # refers to one rectangular area in one worksheet.
- # @param clipped If true (the default), the returned rectangle is clipped
- # to fit in (0, sheet.nrows, 0, sheet.ncols) -- it is guaranteed that
- # 0 <= rowxlo <= rowxhi <= sheet.nrows and that the number of usable rows
- # in the area (which may be zero) is rowxhi - rowxlo; likewise for columns.
- # @return a tuple (sheet_object, rowxlo, rowxhi, colxlo, colxhi).
- # @throws XLRDError The name is not a constant absolute reference
- # to a single area in a single sheet.
- def area2d(self, clipped=True):
- res = self.result
- if res:
- # result should be an instance of the Operand class
- kind = res.kind
- value = res.value
- if kind == oREF and len(value) == 1: # only 1 reference
- ref3d = value[0]
- if 0 <= ref3d.shtxlo == ref3d.shtxhi - 1: # only 1 usable sheet
- sh =
- if not clipped:
- return sh, ref3d.rowxlo, ref3d.rowxhi, ref3d.colxlo, ref3d.colxhi
- rowxlo = min(ref3d.rowxlo, sh.nrows)
- rowxhi = max(rowxlo, min(ref3d.rowxhi, sh.nrows))
- colxlo = min(ref3d.colxlo, sh.ncols)
- colxhi = max(colxlo, min(ref3d.colxhi, sh.ncols))
- assert 0 <= rowxlo <= rowxhi <= sh.nrows
- assert 0 <= colxlo <= colxhi <= sh.ncols
- return sh, rowxlo, rowxhi, colxlo, colxhi
- self.dump(,
- header="=== Dump of Name object ===",
- footer="======= End of dump =======",
- )
- raise XLRDError("Not a constant absolute reference to a single area in a single sheet")
-# Contents of a "workbook".
-# WARNING: You don't call this class yourself. You use the Book object that
-# was returned when you called xlrd.open_workbook("myfile.xls").
-class Book(BaseObject):
- # The number of worksheets present in the workbook file.
- # This information is available even when no sheets have yet been loaded.
- nsheets = 0
- # Which date system was in force when this file was last saved.
- # 0 => 1900 system (the Excel for Windows default).
- # 1 => 1904 system (the Excel for Macintosh default).
- datemode = 0 # In case it's not specified in the file.
- # Version of BIFF (Binary Interchange File Format) used to create the file.
- # Latest is 8.0 (represented here as 80), introduced with Excel 97.
- # Earliest supported by this module: 2.0 (represented as 20).
- biff_version = 0
- # List containing a Name object for each NAME record in the workbook.
- # - New in version 0.6.0
- name_obj_list = []
- # An integer denoting the character set used for strings in this file.
- # For BIFF 8 and later, this will be 1200, meaning Unicode; more precisely, UTF_16_LE.
- # For earlier versions, this is used to derive the appropriate Python encoding
- # to be used to convert to Unicode.
- # Examples: 1252 -> 'cp1252', 10000 -> 'mac_roman'
- codepage = None
- # The encoding that was derived from the codepage.
- encoding = None
- # A tuple containing the (telephone system) country code for:
- # [0]: the user-interface setting when the file was created.
- # [1]: the regional settings.
- # Example: (1, 61) meaning (USA, Australia).
- # This information may give a clue to the correct encoding for an unknown codepage.
- # For a long list of observed values, refer to the documentation for
- # the COUNTRY record.
- countries = (0, 0)
- # What (if anything) is recorded as the name of the last user to save the file.
- user_name = ''
- # A list of Font class instances, each corresponding to a FONT record.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- font_list = []
- # A list of XF class instances, each corresponding to an XF record.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- xf_list = []
- # A list of Format objects, each corresponding to a FORMAT record, in
- # the order that they appear in the input file.
- # It does not contain builtin formats.
- # If you are creating an output file using (for example) pyExcelerator,
- # use this list.
- # The collection to be used for all visual rendering purposes is format_map.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- format_list = []
- # The mapping from XF.format_key to Format object.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- format_map = {}
- # This provides access via name to the extended format information for
- # both built-in styles and user-defined styles.
- # It maps name to (built_in, xf_index), where:
- # name is either the name of a user-defined style,
- # or the name of one of the built-in styles. Known built-in names are
- # Normal, RowLevel_1 to RowLevel_7,
- # ColLevel_1 to ColLevel_7, Comma, Currency, Percent, "Comma [0]",
- # "Currency [0]", Hyperlink, and "Followed Hyperlink".
- # ´built_in´ 1 = built-in style, 0 = user-defined
- # ´xf_index´ is an index into Book.xf_list.
- # References: OOo docs s6.99 (STYLE record); Excel UI Format/Style
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- style_name_map = {}
- # This provides definitions for colour indexes. Please refer to the
- # above section "The Palette; Colour Indexes" for an explanation
- # of how colours are represented in Excel.
- # Colour indexes into the palette map into (red, green, blue) tuples.
- # "Magic" indexes e.g. 0x7FFF map to None.
- # ´colour_map´ is what you need if you want to render cells on screen or in a PDF
- # file. If you are writing an output XLS file, use palette_record.
- # - New in version 0.6.1. Extracted only if open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)
- colour_map = {}
- # If the user has changed any of the colours in the standard palette, the XLS
- # file will contain a PALETTE record with 56 (16 for Excel 4.0 and earlier)
- # RGB values in it, and this list will be e.g. [(r0, b0, g0), ..., (r55, b55, g55)].
- # Otherwise this list will be empty. This is what you need if you are
- # writing an output XLS file. If you want to render cells on screen or in a PDF
- # file, use colour_map.
- # - New in version 0.6.1. Extracted only if open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)
- palette_record = []
- # Time in seconds to extract the XLS image as a contiguous string (or mmap equivalent).
- load_time_stage_1 = -1.0
- # Time in seconds to parse the data from the contiguous string (or mmap equivalent).
- load_time_stage_2 = -1.0
- # @return A list of all sheets in the book.
- # All sheets not already loaded will be loaded.
- def sheets(self):
- for sheetx in range(self.nsheets):
- if not self._sheet_list[sheetx]:
- self.get_sheet(sheetx)
- return self._sheet_list[:]
- # @param sheetx Sheet index in range(nsheets)
- # @return An object of the Sheet class
- def sheet_by_index(self, sheetx):
- return self._sheet_list[sheetx] or self.get_sheet(sheetx)
- # @param sheet_name Name of sheet required
- # @return An object of the Sheet class
- def sheet_by_name(self, sheet_name):
- try:
- sheetx = self._sheet_names.index(sheet_name)
- except ValueError:
- raise XLRDError('No sheet named <%r>' % sheet_name)
- return self.sheet_by_index(sheetx)
- # @return A list of the names of all the worksheets in the workbook file.
- # This information is available even when no sheets have yet been loaded.
- def sheet_names(self):
- return self._sheet_names[:]
- # @param sheet_name_or_index Name or index of sheet enquired upon
- # @return true if sheet is loaded, false otherwise
- # -- New in version 0.7.1
- def sheet_loaded(self, sheet_name_or_index):
- # using type(1) because int won't work with Python 2.1
- if isinstance(sheet_name_or_index, type(1)):
- sheetx = sheet_name_or_index
- else:
- try:
- sheetx = self._sheet_names.index(sheet_name_or_index)
- except ValueError:
- raise XLRDError('No sheet named <%r>' % sheet_name_or_index)
- return self._sheet_list[sheetx] and True or False # Python 2.1 again
- # @param sheet_name_or_index Name or index of sheet to be unloaded.
- # - New in version 0.7.1
- def unload_sheet(self, sheet_name_or_index):
- # using type(1) because int won't work with Python 2.1
- if isinstance(sheet_name_or_index, type(1)):
- sheetx = sheet_name_or_index
- else:
- try:
- sheetx = self._sheet_names.index(sheet_name_or_index)
- except ValueError:
- raise XLRDError('No sheet named <%r>' % sheet_name_or_index)
- self._sheet_list[sheetx] = None
- # A mapping from (lower_case_name, scope) to a single Name object.
- # - New in version 0.6.0
- name_and_scope_map = {}
- # A mapping from lower_case_name to a list of Name objects. The list is
- # sorted in scope order. Typically there will be one item (of global scope)
- # in the list.
- # - New in version 0.6.0
- name_map = {}
- def __init__(self):
- self._sheet_list = []
- self._sheet_names = []
- self._sheet_visibility = [] # from BOUNDSHEET record
- self.nsheets = 0
- self._sh_abs_posn = [] # sheet's absolute position in the stream
- self._sharedstrings = []
- self.raw_user_name = False
- self._sheethdr_count = 0 # BIFF 4W only
- self.builtinfmtcount = -1 # unknown as yet. BIFF 3, 4S, 4W
- self.initialise_format_info()
- self._all_sheets_count = 0 # includes macro & VBA sheets
- self._supbook_count = 0
- self._supbook_locals_inx = None
- self._supbook_addins_inx = None
- # maps an all_sheets index to a calc-sheets index (or -1)
- self._all_sheets_map = []
- self._externsheet_info = []
- self._externsheet_type_b57 = []
- self._extnsht_name_from_num = {}
- self._sheet_num_from_name = {}
- self._extnsht_count = 0
- self._supbook_types = []
- self._resources_released = 0
- self.addin_func_names = []
- self.name_obj_list = []
- self.colour_map = {}
- self.palette_record = []
- self.xf_list = []
- self.style_name_map = {}
- def biff2_8_load(self, filename=None,
- file_contents=None,
- logfile=sys.stdout,
- verbosity=0,
- pickleable=True,
- use_mmap=True,
- encoding_override=None,
- formatting_info=False,
- on_demand=False):
- self.logfile = logfile
- self.verbosity = verbosity
- self.pickleable = pickleable
- self.use_mmap = use_mmap
- self.encoding_override = encoding_override
- self.formatting_info = formatting_info
- self.on_demand = on_demand
- need_close_filestr = 0
- if not file_contents:
- if self.use_mmap:
- open_mode = "r+b"
- else:
- open_mode = "rb"
- retry = False
- try:
- f = open(filename, open_mode)
- except IOError:
- e, v = sys.exc_info()[:2]
- if open_mode == "r+b" and \
- (v.errno == 13 or v.strerror == "Permission denied"):
- # Maybe the file is read-only
- retry = True
- self.use_mmap = False
- else:
- raise
- if retry:
- f = open(filename, "rb")
- if self.use_mmap:
-, 2) # EOF
- size = f.tell()
-, 0) # BOF
- filestr = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), size, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
- need_close_filestr = 1
- self.stream_len = size
- else:
- filestr =
- self.stream_len = len(filestr)
- f.close()
- else:
- filestr = file_contents
- self.stream_len = len(file_contents)
- self.base = 0
- if filestr[:8] != compdoc.SIGNATURE:
- # got this one at the antique store
- self.mem = filestr
- else:
- cd = compdoc.CompDoc(filestr, logfile=self.logfile)
- for qname in ['Workbook', 'Book']:
- self.mem, self.base, self.stream_len = cd.locate_named_stream(qname)
- if self.mem: break
- else:
- raise XLRDError("Can't find workbook in OLE2 compound document")
- else:
- for qname in ['Workbook', 'Book']:
- self.mem = cd.get_named_stream(qname)
- if self.mem: break
- else:
- raise XLRDError("Can't find workbook in OLE2 compound document")
- self.stream_len = len(self.mem)
- del cd
- if self.mem is not filestr:
- if need_close_filestr:
- filestr.close()
- del filestr
- self._position = self.base
- if DEBUG:
- print("mem: %s, base: %d, len: %d" % (type(self.mem), self.base, self.stream_len), file=self.logfile)
- def initialise_format_info(self):
- # needs to be done once per sheet for BIFF 4W :-(
- self.format_map = {}
- self.format_list = []
- self.xfcount = 0
- self.actualfmtcount = 0 # number of FORMAT records seen so far
- self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map = {}
- self._xf_epilogue_done = 0
- self.xf_list = []
- self.font_list = []
- def release_resources(self):
- self._resources_released = 1
- del self.mem
- del self._sharedstrings
- def get2bytes(self):
- pos = self._position
- buff_two = self.mem[pos:pos+2]
- lenbuff = len(buff_two)
- self._position += lenbuff
- if lenbuff < 2:
- return MY_EOF
- lo, hi = buff_two
- return (hi << 8) | lo #(to_py3):
- def get_record_parts(self):
- pos = self._position
- mem = self.mem
- code, length = unpack('= 2:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "BOUNDSHEET: inx=%d vis=%r sheet_name=%r abs_posn=%d sheet_type=0x%02x\n",
- self._all_sheets_count, visibility, sheet_name, abs_posn, sheet_type)
- self._all_sheets_count += 1
- if sheet_type != XL_BOUNDSHEET_WORKSHEET:
- self._all_sheets_map.append(-1)
- descr = {
- 1: 'Macro sheet',
- 2: 'Chart',
- 6: 'Visual Basic module',
- }.get(sheet_type, 'UNKNOWN')
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "NOTE *** Ignoring non-worksheet data named %r (type 0x%02x = %s)\n",
- sheet_name, sheet_type, descr)
- else:
- snum = len(self._sheet_names)
- self._all_sheets_map.append(snum)
- self._sheet_names.append(sheet_name)
- self._sh_abs_posn.append(abs_posn)
- self._sheet_visibility.append(visibility)
- self._sheet_num_from_name[sheet_name] = snum
- def handle_builtinfmtcount(self, data):
- # N.B. This count appears to be utterly useless.
- builtinfmtcount = unpack('= 2:
- fprintf(self.logfile, "*** No CODEPAGE record; assuming 1200 (utf_16_le)\n")
- else:
- codepage = self.codepage
- if codepage in encoding_from_codepage:
- encoding = encoding_from_codepage[codepage]
- elif 300 <= codepage <= 1999:
- encoding = 'cp' + str(codepage)
- else:
- encoding = 'unknown_codepage_' + str(codepage)
- if DEBUG or (self.verbosity and encoding != self.encoding) :
- fprintf(self.logfile, "CODEPAGE: codepage %r -> encoding %r\n",
- codepage, encoding)
- self.encoding = encoding
- if self.codepage != 1200: # utf_16_le
- # If we don't have a codec that can decode ASCII into Unicode,
- # we're well & truly stuffed -- let the punter know ASAP.
- try:
- _unused = str(b'trial', self.encoding)
- except:
- ei = sys.exc_info()[:2]
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "ERROR *** codepage %r -> encoding %r -> %s: %s\n",
- self.codepage, self.encoding, ei[0].__name__.split(".")[-1], ei[1])
- raise
- if self.raw_user_name:
- strg = unpack_string(self.user_name, 0, self.encoding, lenlen=1)
- strg = strg.rstrip()
- self.user_name = strg
- self.raw_user_name = False
- return self.encoding
- def handle_codepage(self, data):
- codepage = unpack('= 2
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- option_flags, other_info =unpack("= 1
- verbose2 = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 2
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- num_refs = unpack("= 2:
- logf = self.logfile
- fprintf(logf, "FILEPASS:\n")
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, len(data), base=0, fout=logf)
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- kind1, = unpack('= 2
- if self.biff_version < 50:
- return
- self.derive_encoding()
- # unpack
- (option_flags,
- kb_shortcut,
- name_len,
- fmla_len,
- extsht_index,
- sheet_index,
- menu_text_len,
- description_text_len,
- help_topic_text_len,
- status_bar_text_len) = unpack("> nshift)
- macro_flag = " M"[nobj.macro]
- if self.biff_version < 80:
- internal_name, pos = unpack_string_update_pos(data, 14, self.encoding, known_len=name_len)
- else:
- internal_name, pos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(data, 14, known_len=name_len)
- nobj.extn_sheet_num = extsht_index
- nobj.excel_sheet_index = sheet_index
- nobj.scope = None # patched up in the names_epilogue() method
- if verbose:
- print("NAME[%d]:%s oflags=%d, name_len=%d, fmla_len=%d, extsht_index=%d, sheet_index=%d, name=%r" \
- % (name_index, macro_flag, option_flags, name_len,
- fmla_len, extsht_index, sheet_index, internal_name))
- name = internal_name
- if nobj.builtin:
- name = builtin_name_from_code.get(name, "??Unknown??")
- if verbose: print(" builtin: %s" % name)
- = name
- nobj.raw_formula = data[pos:]
- nobj.basic_formula_len = fmla_len
- nobj.evaluated = 0
- if verbose:
- nobj.dump(self.logfile,
- header="--- handle_name: name[%d] ---" % name_index,
- footer="-------------------")
- def names_epilogue(self):
- verbose = self.verbosity >= 2
- f = self.logfile
- if verbose:
- print("+++++ names_epilogue +++++", file=f)
- print("_all_sheets_map", self._all_sheets_map, file=f)
- print("_extnsht_name_from_num", self._extnsht_name_from_num, file=f)
- print("_sheet_num_from_name", self._sheet_num_from_name, file=f)
- num_names = len(self.name_obj_list)
- for namex in range(num_names):
- nobj = self.name_obj_list[namex]
- # Convert from excel_sheet_index to scope.
- # This is done here because in BIFF7 and earlier, the
- # BOUNDSHEET records (from which _all_sheets_map is derived)
- # come after the NAME records.
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- sheet_index = nobj.excel_sheet_index
- if sheet_index == 0:
- intl_sheet_index = -1 # global
- elif 1 <= sheet_index <= len(self._all_sheets_map):
- intl_sheet_index = self._all_sheets_map[sheet_index-1]
- if intl_sheet_index == -1: # maps to a macro or VBA sheet
- intl_sheet_index = -2 # valid sheet reference but not useful
- else:
- # huh?
- intl_sheet_index = -3 # invalid
- elif 50 <= self.biff_version <= 70:
- sheet_index = nobj.extn_sheet_num
- if sheet_index == 0:
- intl_sheet_index = -1 # global
- else:
- sheet_name = self._extnsht_name_from_num[sheet_index]
- intl_sheet_index = self._sheet_num_from_name.get(sheet_name, -2)
- nobj.scope = intl_sheet_index
- for namex in range(num_names):
- nobj = self.name_obj_list[namex]
- # Parse the formula ...
- if nobj.macro or nobj.binary: continue
- if nobj.evaluated: continue
- evaluate_name_formula(self, nobj, namex, verbose=verbose)
- if self.verbosity >= 2:
- print("---------- name object dump ----------", file=f)
- for namex in range(num_names):
- nobj = self.name_obj_list[namex]
- nobj.dump(f, header="--- name[%d] ---" % namex)
- print("--------------------------------------", file=f)
- #
- # Build some dicts for access to the name objects
- #
- name_and_scope_map = {}
- name_map = {}
- for namex in range(num_names):
- nobj = self.name_obj_list[namex]
- name_lcase =
- key = (name_lcase, nobj.scope)
- if key in name_and_scope_map:
- msg = 'Duplicate entry %r in name_and_scope_map' % (key, )
- if 0:
- raise XLRDError(msg)
- else:
- if self.verbosity:
- print(msg, file=f)
- name_and_scope_map[key] = nobj
- if name_lcase in name_map:
- name_map[name_lcase].append((nobj.scope, nobj))
- else:
- name_map[name_lcase] = [(nobj.scope, nobj)]
- for key in list(name_map.keys()):
- alist = name_map[key]
- alist.sort()
- name_map[key] = [x[1] for x in alist]
- self.name_and_scope_map = name_and_scope_map
- self.name_map = name_map
- def handle_obj(self, data):
- # Not doing much handling at all.
- # Worrying about embedded (BOF ... EOF) substreams is done elsewhere.
- obj_type, obj_id = unpack('= 2
- num_sheets = unpack("= 2:
- fprintf(self.logfile, "SST: unique strings: %d\n", uniquestrings)
- while True:
- code, nb, data = self.get_record_parts_conditional(XL_CONTINUE)
- if code is None:
- break
- nbt += nb
- if DEBUG:
- fprintf(self.logfile, "CONTINUE: adding %d bytes to SST -> %d\n", nb, nbt)
- strlist.append(data)
- self._sharedstrings = unpack_SST_table(strlist, uniquestrings)
- if DEBUG:
- t1 = time.time()
- print("SST processing took %.2f seconds" % (t1 - t0, ), file=self.logfile)
- def handle_writeaccess(self, data):
- if self.biff_version < 80:
- if not self.encoding:
- self.raw_user_name = True
- self.user_name = data
- return
- strg = unpack_string(data, 0, self.encoding, lenlen=1)
- else:
- strg = unpack_unicode(data, 0, lenlen=2)
- if DEBUG:
- print("WRITEACCESS: %d bytes; raw=%d %r" % (len(data), self.raw_user_name, strg), file=self.logfile)
- strg = strg.rstrip()
- self.user_name = strg
- def parse_globals(self):
- # no need to position, just start reading (after the BOF)
- formatting.initialise_book(self)
- while True:
- rc, length, data = self.get_record_parts()
- if DEBUG:
- print("parse_globals: record code is 0x%04x" % rc)
- if rc == XL_SST:
- self.handle_sst(data)
- elif rc == XL_FONT or rc == XL_FONT_B3B4:
- self.handle_font(data)
- elif rc == XL_FORMAT: # XL_FORMAT2 is BIFF <= 3.0, can't appear in globals
- self.handle_format(data)
- elif rc == XL_XF:
- self.handle_xf(data)
- elif rc == XL_BOUNDSHEET:
- self.handle_boundsheet(data)
- elif rc == XL_DATEMODE:
- self.handle_datemode(data)
- elif rc == XL_CODEPAGE:
- self.handle_codepage(data)
- elif rc == XL_COUNTRY:
- self.handle_country(data)
- elif rc == XL_EXTERNNAME:
- self.handle_externname(data)
- elif rc == XL_EXTERNSHEET:
- self.handle_externsheet(data)
- elif rc == XL_FILEPASS:
- self.handle_filepass(data)
- elif rc == XL_WRITEACCESS:
- self.handle_writeaccess(data)
- elif rc == XL_SHEETSOFFSET:
- self.handle_sheetsoffset(data)
- elif rc == XL_SHEETHDR:
- self.handle_sheethdr(data)
- elif rc == XL_SUPBOOK:
- self.handle_supbook(data)
- elif rc == XL_NAME:
- self.handle_name(data)
- elif rc == XL_PALETTE:
- self.handle_palette(data)
- elif rc == XL_STYLE:
- self.handle_style(data)
- elif rc & 0xff == 9:
- print("*** Unexpected BOF at posn %d: 0x%04x len=%d data=%r" \
- % (self._position - length - 4, rc, length, data), file=self.logfile)
- elif rc == XL_EOF:
- self.xf_epilogue()
- self.names_epilogue()
- self.palette_epilogue()
- if not self.encoding:
- self.derive_encoding()
- if self.biff_version == 45:
- if DEBUG:
- print("global EOF: position", self._position)
- return
- def read(self, pos, length):
- data = self.mem[pos:pos+length]
- self._position = pos + len(data)
- return data
- def getbof(self, rqd_stream):
- def bof_error(msg):
- raise XLRDError('Unsupported format, or corrupt file: ' + msg)
- if DEBUG:
- print("reqd: 0x%04x" % rqd_stream, file=self.logfile)
- savpos = self._position
- opcode = self.get2bytes()
- if opcode == MY_EOF:
- bof_error('Expected BOF record; met end of file')
- if opcode not in bofcodes:
- bof_error('Expected BOF record; found %r' % self.mem[savpos:savpos+8])
- length = self.get2bytes()
- if length == MY_EOF:
- bof_error('Incomplete BOF record[1]; met end of file')
- if length < boflen[opcode] or length > 20:
- bof_error('Invalid length (%d) for BOF record type 0x%04x' % (length, opcode))
- data =, length);
- if DEBUG: print("\ngetbof(): data=%r" % data, file=self.logfile)
- if len(data) < length:
- bof_error('Incomplete BOF record[2]; met end of file')
- version1 = opcode >> 8
- version2, streamtype = unpack('= 2:
- print("BOF: op=0x%04x vers=0x%04x stream=0x%04x buildid=%d buildyr=%d -> BIFF%d" \
- % (opcode, version2, streamtype, build, year, version), file=self.logfile)
- got_globals = streamtype == XL_WORKBOOK_GLOBALS or (
- version == 45 and streamtype == XL_WORKBOOK_GLOBALS_4W)
- if (rqd_stream == XL_WORKBOOK_GLOBALS and got_globals) or streamtype == rqd_stream:
- return version
- if version < 50 and streamtype == XL_WORKSHEET:
- return version
- if version >= 50 and streamtype == 0x0100:
- bof_error("Workspace file -- no spreadsheet data")
- bof_error(
- 'BOF not workbook/worksheet: op=0x%04x vers=0x%04x strm=0x%04x build=%d year=%d -> BIFF%d' \
- % (opcode, version2, streamtype, build, year, version))
-# === helper functions
-def expand_cell_address(inrow, incol):
- # Ref : OOo docs, "4.3.4 Cell Addresses in BIFF8"
- outrow = inrow
- if incol & 0x8000:
- if outrow >= 32768:
- outrow -= 65536
- relrow = 1
- else:
- relrow = 0
- outcol = incol & 0xFF
- if incol & 0x4000:
- if outcol >= 128:
- outcol -= 256
- relcol = 1
- else:
- relcol = 0
- return outrow, outcol, relrow, relcol
- assert colx >= 0
- name = ''
- while True:
- quot, rem = divmod(colx, 26)
- name = _A2Z[rem] + name
- if not quot:
- return name
- colx = quot - 1
-def display_cell_address(rowx, colx, relrow, relcol):
- if relrow:
- rowpart = "(*%s%d)" % ("+-"[rowx < 0], abs(rowx))
- else:
- rowpart = "$%d" % (rowx+1,)
- if relcol:
- colpart = "(*%s%d)" % ("+-"[colx < 0], abs(colx))
- else:
- colpart = "$" + colname(colx)
- return colpart + rowpart
-def unpack_SST_table(datatab, nstrings):
- """ Return list of strings """
- datainx = 0
- ndatas = len(datatab)
- data = datatab[0]
- datalen = len(data)
- pos = 8
- strings = []
- strappend = strings.append
- local_unpack = unpack
- local_min = min
- #(to_py3): local_ord = ord
- latin_1 = "latin_1"
- for _unused_i in range(nstrings):
- nchars = local_unpack('> 1, charsneed)
- rawstrg = data[pos:pos+2*charsavail]
- try:
- #(to_py3) accstrg += unicode(rawstrg, "utf_16_le")
- accstrg += str(rawstrg, "utf_16_le")
- except:
- # print "SST U16: nchars=%d pos=%d rawstrg=%r" % (nchars, pos, rawstrg)
- # Probable cause: dodgy data e.g. unfinished surrogate pair.
- # E.g. file unicode2.xls in pyExcelerator's examples has cells containing
- # unichr(i) for i in range(0x100000)
- # so this will include 0xD800 etc
- raise
- pos += (2 * charsavail)
- else:
- # Note: this is COMPRESSED (not ASCII!) encoding!!!
- charsavail = local_min(datalen - pos, charsneed)
- rawstrg = data[pos:pos+charsavail]
- #(to_py3) accstrg += unicode(rawstrg, latin_1)
- accstrg += str(rawstrg, latin_1)
- pos += charsavail
- charsgot += charsavail
- if charsgot == nchars:
- break
- datainx += 1
- data = datatab[datainx]
- datalen = len(data)
- #(to_py3): options = local_ord(data[0])
- options = data[0]
- pos = 1
- pos += rtsz # size of richtext & phonetic stuff to skip
- # also allow for the rich text etc being split ...
- if pos >= datalen:
- # adjust to correct position in next record
- pos = pos - datalen
- datainx += 1
- if datainx < ndatas:
- data = datatab[datainx]
- datalen = len(data)
- else:
- assert _unused_i == nstrings - 1
- strappend(accstrg)
- return strings
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
deleted file mode 100644
index d99e3a37..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-# Support module for the xlrd3 package.
-# Portions copyright (c) 2005-2008 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd package, which is released under a
-# BSD-style licence.
-# 2010-12-08 mozman refactoring for python 3
-# 2008-02-10 SJM BIFF2 BLANK record
-# 2008-02-08 SJM Preparation for Excel 2.0 support
-# 2008-02-02 SJM Added suffixes (_B2, _B2_ONLY, etc) on record names for
-# biff_dump & biff_count
-# 2007-12-04 SJM Added support for Excel 2.x (BIFF2) files.
-# 2007-09-08 SJM Avoid crash when zero-length Unicode string missing options byte.
-# 2007-04-22 SJM Remove experimental "trimming" facility.
-import sys
-from struct import unpack
-encoding_from_codepage = {
- 1200 : 'utf_16_le',
- 10000: 'mac_roman',
- 10006: 'mac_greek', # guess
- 10007: 'mac_cyrillic', # guess
- 10029: 'mac_latin2', # guess
- 10079: 'mac_iceland', # guess
- 10081: 'mac_turkish', # guess
- 32768: 'mac_roman',
- 32769: 'cp1252',
- }
-# some more guessing, for Indic scripts
-# codepage 57000 range:
-# 2 Devanagari [0]
-# 3 Bengali [1]
-# 4 Tamil [5]
-# 5 Telegu [6]
-# 6 Assamese [1] c.f. Bengali
-# 7 Oriya [4]
-# 8 Kannada [7]
-# 9 Malayalam [8]
-# 10 Gujarati [3]
-# 11 Gurmukhi [2]
-FUN = 0 # unknown
-FDT = 1 # date
-FNU = 2 # number
-FGE = 3 # general
-FTX = 4 # text
-XL_CELL_BLANK = 6 # for use in debugging, gathering stats, etc
-biff_text_from_num = {
- 0: "(not BIFF)",
- 20: "2.0",
- 21: "2.1",
- 30: "3",
- 40: "4S",
- 45: "4W",
- 50: "5",
- 70: "7",
- 80: "8",
- 85: "8X",
-# This dictionary can be used to produce a text version of the internal codes
-# that Excel uses for error cells. Here are its contents:
-error_text_from_code = {
- 0x00: '#NULL!', # Intersection of two cell ranges is empty
- 0x07: '#DIV/0!', # Division by zero
- 0x0F: '#VALUE!', # Wrong type of operand
- 0x17: '#REF!', # Illegal or deleted cell reference
- 0x1D: '#NAME?', # Wrong function or range name
- 0x24: '#NUM!', # Value range overflow
- 0x2A: '#N/A!', # Argument or function not available
-# XL_RK2 = 0x7e
-XL_ARRAY = 0x0221
-XL_ARRAY2 = 0x0021
-XL_BLANK = 0x0201
-XL_BLANK_B2 = 0x01
-XL_BOF = 0x809
-XL_BOOLERR = 0x205
-XL_BOOLERR_B2 = 0x5
-XL_CF = 0x01B1
-XL_COLWIDTH = 0x24 # BIFF2 only
-XL_CONDFMT = 0x01B0
-XL_EFONT = 0x45
-XL_EOF = 0x0a
-XL_EXTSST = 0xff
-XL_FEAT11 = 0x872
-XL_FONT = 0x31
-XL_FONT_B3B4 = 0x231
-XL_FORMAT = 0x41e
-XL_FORMULA3 = 0x206
-XL_FORMULA4 = 0x406
-XL_GCW = 0xab
-XL_INDEX = 0x20b
-XL_INTEGER = 0x2 # BIFF2 only
-XL_IXFE = 0x44 # BIFF2 only
-XL_LABEL = 0x204
-XL_LABEL_B2 = 0x04
-XL_MULRK = 0xbd
-XL_NAME = 0x18
-XL_NOTE = 0x1c
-XL_NUMBER = 0x203
-XL_NUMBER_B2 = 0x3
-XL_OBJ = 0x5D
-XL_PALETTE = 0x92
-XL_RK = 0x27e
-XL_ROW = 0x208
-XL_ROW_B2 = 0x08
-XL_RSTRING = 0xd6
-XL_SHEETHDR = 0x8F # BIFF4W only
-XL_SHRFMLA = 0x04bc
-XL_SST = 0xfc
-XL_STRING = 0x207
-XL_STRING_B2 = 0x7
-XL_STYLE = 0x293
-XL_TABLEOP = 0x236
-XL_TABLEOP2 = 0x37
-XL_TABLEOP_B2 = 0x36
-XL_TXO = 0x1b6
-XL_UNKNOWN = 0xffff
-XL_WINDOW2 = 0x023E
-XL_XF = 0xe0
-XL_XF2 = 0x0043 # BIFF2 version of XF record
-XL_XF3 = 0x0243 # BIFF3 version of XF record
-XL_XF4 = 0x0443 # BIFF4 version of XF record
-boflen = {
- 0x0809: 8,
- 0x0409: 6,
- 0x0209: 6,
- 0x0009: 4,
-bofcodes = (0x0809, 0x0409, 0x0209, 0x0009)
-XL_FORMULA_OPCODES = (0x0006, 0x0406, 0x0206)
-_cell_opcode_list = (
- XL_RK,
-biff_rec_name_dict = {
- 0x0000: 'DIMENSIONS_B2',
- 0x0001: 'BLANK_B2',
- 0x0002: 'INTEGER_B2_ONLY',
- 0x0003: 'NUMBER_B2',
- 0x0004: 'LABEL_B2',
- 0x0005: 'BOOLERR_B2',
- 0x0006: 'FORMULA',
- 0x0007: 'STRING_B2',
- 0x0008: 'ROW_B2',
- 0x0009: 'BOF_B2',
- 0x000A: 'EOF',
- 0x000B: 'INDEX_B2_ONLY',
- 0x000C: 'CALCCOUNT',
- 0x000D: 'CALCMODE',
- 0x000E: 'PRECISION',
- 0x000F: 'REFMODE',
- 0x0010: 'DELTA',
- 0x0011: 'ITERATION',
- 0x0012: 'PROTECT',
- 0x0013: 'PASSWORD',
- 0x0014: 'HEADER',
- 0x0015: 'FOOTER',
- 0x0016: 'EXTERNCOUNT',
- 0x0017: 'EXTERNSHEET',
- 0x0018: 'NAME_B2,5+',
- 0x0019: 'WINDOWPROTECT',
- 0x001C: 'NOTE',
- 0x001D: 'SELECTION',
- 0x001E: 'FORMAT_B2-3',
- 0x0021: 'ARRAY_B2_ONLY',
- 0x0022: 'DATEMODE',
- 0x0023: 'EXTERNNAME',
- 0x0024: 'COLWIDTH_B2_ONLY',
- 0x0026: 'LEFTMARGIN',
- 0x0027: 'RIGHTMARGIN',
- 0x0028: 'TOPMARGIN',
- 0x0029: 'BOTTOMMARGIN',
- 0x002F: 'FILEPASS',
- 0x0031: 'FONT',
- 0x0032: 'FONT2_B2_ONLY',
- 0x0036: 'TABLEOP_B2',
- 0x0037: 'TABLEOP2_B2',
- 0x003C: 'CONTINUE',
- 0x003D: 'WINDOW1',
- 0x003E: 'WINDOW2_B2',
- 0x0040: 'BACKUP',
- 0x0041: 'PANE',
- 0x0042: 'CODEPAGE',
- 0x0043: 'XF_B2',
- 0x0044: 'IXFE_B2_ONLY',
- 0x0045: 'EFONT_B2_ONLY',
- 0x004D: 'PLS',
- 0x0051: 'DCONREF',
- 0x0055: 'DEFCOLWIDTH',
- 0x0056: 'BUILTINFMTCOUNT_B3-4',
- 0x0059: 'XCT',
- 0x005A: 'CRN',
- 0x005B: 'FILESHARING',
- 0x005C: 'WRITEACCESS',
- 0x005D: 'OBJECT',
- 0x005E: 'UNCALCED',
- 0x005F: 'SAVERECALC',
- 0x0063: 'OBJECTPROTECT',
- 0x007D: 'COLINFO',
- 0x007E: 'RK2_mythical_?',
- 0x0080: 'GUTS',
- 0x0081: 'WSBOOL',
- 0x0082: 'GRIDSET',
- 0x0083: 'HCENTER',
- 0x0084: 'VCENTER',
- 0x0085: 'BOUNDSHEET',
- 0x0086: 'WRITEPROT',
- 0x008C: 'COUNTRY',
- 0x008D: 'HIDEOBJ',
- 0x008F: 'SHEETHDR',
- 0x0090: 'SORT',
- 0x0092: 'PALETTE',
- 0x0099: 'STANDARDWIDTH',
- 0x009B: 'FILTERMODE',
- 0x009E: 'AUTOFILTER',
- 0x00A0: 'SCL',
- 0x00A1: 'SETUP',
- 0x00AB: 'GCW',
- 0x00BD: 'MULRK',
- 0x00BE: 'MULBLANK',
- 0x00C1: 'MMS',
- 0x00D6: 'RSTRING',
- 0x00D7: 'DBCELL',
- 0x00DA: 'BOOKBOOL',
- 0x00E0: 'XF',
- 0x00E5: 'MERGEDCELLS',
- 0x00E9: 'BITMAP',
- 0x00EC: 'MSO_DRAWING',
- 0x00EF: 'PHONETIC',
- 0x00FC: 'SST',
- 0x00FD: 'LABELSST',
- 0x00FF: 'EXTSST',
- 0x013D: 'TABID',
- 0x015F: 'LABELRANGES',
- 0x0160: 'USESELFS',
- 0x0161: 'DSF',
- 0x01AE: 'SUPBOOK',
- 0x01B0: 'CONDFMT',
- 0x01B1: 'CF',
- 0x01B2: 'DVAL',
- 0x01B6: 'TXO',
- 0x01B7: 'REFRESHALL',
- 0x01B8: 'HLINK',
- 0x01BE: 'DV',
- 0x01C0: 'XL9FILE',
- 0x01C1: 'RECALCID',
- 0x0200: 'DIMENSIONS',
- 0x0201: 'BLANK',
- 0x0203: 'NUMBER',
- 0x0204: 'LABEL',
- 0x0205: 'BOOLERR',
- 0x0206: 'FORMULA_B3',
- 0x0207: 'STRING',
- 0x0208: 'ROW',
- 0x0209: 'BOF',
- 0x020B: 'INDEX_B3+',
- 0x0218: 'NAME',
- 0x0221: 'ARRAY',
- 0x0223: 'EXTERNNAME_B3-4',
- 0x0231: 'FONT_B3B4',
- 0x0236: 'TABLEOP',
- 0x023E: 'WINDOW2',
- 0x0243: 'XF_B3',
- 0x027E: 'RK',
- 0x0293: 'STYLE',
- 0x0406: 'FORMULA_B4',
- 0x0409: 'BOF',
- 0x041E: 'FORMAT',
- 0x0443: 'XF_B4',
- 0x04BC: 'SHRFMLA',
- 0x0800: 'QUICKTIP',
- 0x0809: 'BOF',
- 0x0862: 'SHEETLAYOUT',
-class XLRDError(Exception):
- pass
-class BaseObject:
- """
- Parent of almost all other classes in the package. Defines a common
- 'dump' method for debugging.
- """
- _repr_these = []
- def dump(self, f=None, header=None, footer=None, indent=0):
- """
- :param f: open file object, to which the dump is written
- :param header: text to write before the dump
- :param footer: text to write after the dump
- :param indent: number of leading spaces (for recursive calls)
- """
- if f is None:
- f = sys.stderr
- pad = " " * indent
- if header is not None:
- print(header, file=f)
- for attr, value in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
- if getattr(value, 'dump', None) and attr != 'book':
- value.dump(f,
- header="%s%s (%s object):" % (pad, attr, value.__class__.__name__),
- indent=indent+4)
- elif attr not in self._repr_these and \
- (isinstance(value, list) or
- isinstance(value, dict)):
- print("%s%s: %s, len = %d" % (pad, attr, type(value), len(value)), file=f)
- else:
- print("%s%s: %r" % (pad, attr, value), file=f)
- if footer is not None:
- print(footer, file=f)
-def fprintf(f, fmt, *vargs):
- print(fmt.rstrip('\n') % vargs, file=f)
-def upkbits(tgt_obj, src, manifest, local_setattr=setattr):
- for n, mask, attr in manifest:
- local_setattr(tgt_obj, attr, (src & mask) >> n)
-def upkbitsL(tgt_obj, src, manifest, local_setattr=setattr, local_int=int):
- for n, mask, attr in manifest:
- local_setattr(tgt_obj, attr, local_int((src & mask) >> n))
-def unpack_string(data, pos, encoding, lenlen=1):
- nchars = unpack('<' + 'BH'[lenlen-1], data[pos:pos+lenlen])[0]
- pos += lenlen
- return str(data[pos:pos+nchars], encoding)
-def unpack_string_update_pos(data, pos, encoding, lenlen=1, known_len=None):
- if known_len is not None:
- # On a NAME record, the length byte is detached from the front of the string.
- nchars = known_len
- else:
- nchars = unpack('<' + 'BH'[lenlen-1], data[pos:pos+lenlen])[0]
- pos += lenlen
- newpos = pos + nchars
- return (str(data[pos:newpos], encoding), newpos)
-def unpack_unicode(data, pos, lenlen=2):
- """ Return unicode_strg """
- nchars = unpack('<' + 'BH'[lenlen-1], data[pos:pos+lenlen])[0]
- if not nchars:
- # Ambiguous whether 0-length string should have an "options" byte.
- # Avoid crash if missing.
- return ""
- pos += lenlen
- options = data[pos]
- pos += 1
- if options & 0x08: # richtext
- pos += 2
- if options & 0x04: # phonetic
- pos += 4
- if options & 0x01:
- # Uncompressed UTF-16-LE
- rawstrg = data[pos:pos+2*nchars]
- strg = str(rawstrg, 'utf_16_le')
- else:
- # Note: this is COMPRESSED (not ASCII!) encoding!!!
- # Merely returning the raw bytes would work OK 99.99% of the time
- # if the local codepage was cp1252 -- however this would rapidly go pear-shaped
- # for other codepages so we grit our Anglocentric teeth and return Unicode :-)
- strg = str(data[pos:pos+nchars], "latin_1")
- return strg
-def unpack_unicode_update_pos(data, pos, lenlen=2, known_len=None):
- """ Return (unicode_strg, updated value of pos) """
- if known_len is not None:
- # On a NAME record, the length byte is detached from the front of the string.
- nchars = known_len
- else:
- nchars = unpack('<' + 'BH'[lenlen-1], data[pos:pos+lenlen])[0]
- pos += lenlen
- if not nchars and not data[pos:]:
- # Zero-length string with no options byte
- return ("", pos)
- options = data[pos]
- pos += 1
- phonetic = options & 0x04
- richtext = options & 0x08
- if richtext:
- rt = unpack(' endpos=%d pos=%d endsub=%d substrg=%r\n',
- ofs, dlen, base, endpos, pos, endsub, substrg)
- break
- hexd = ''.join(["%02x " % c for c in substrg])
- chard = ''
- for c in substrg:
- if c == ord('\0'):
- c = '~'
- elif not (' ' <= chr(c) <= '~'):
- c = '?'
- if isinstance(c, int):
- c = chr(c)
- chard += c
- if numbered:
- num_prefix = "%5d: " % (base+pos-ofs)
- fprintf(fout, "%s %-48s %s\n", num_prefix, hexd, chard)
- pos = endsub
-def biff_dump(mem, stream_offset, stream_len, base=0, fout=sys.stdout,
- unnumbered=False):
- pos = stream_offset
- stream_end = stream_offset + stream_len
- adj = base - stream_offset
- dummies = 0
- numbered = not unnumbered
- num_prefix = ''
- while stream_end - pos >= 4:
- rc, length = unpack('')
- if numbered:
- num_prefix = "%5d: " % (adj + pos)
- fprintf(fout, "%s%04x %s len = %04x (%d)\n",
- num_prefix, rc, recname, length, length)
- pos += 4
- hex_char_dump(mem, pos, length, adj+pos, fout, unnumbered)
- pos += length
- if dummies:
- if numbered:
- num_prefix = "%5d: " % (adj + savpos)
- fprintf(fout, "%s---- %d zero bytes skipped ----\n", num_prefix, dummies)
- if pos < stream_end:
- if numbered:
- num_prefix = "%5d: " % (adj + pos)
- fprintf(fout, "%s---- Misc bytes at end ----\n", num_prefix)
- hex_char_dump(mem, pos, stream_end-pos, adj + pos, fout, unnumbered)
- elif pos > stream_end:
- fprintf(fout, "Last dumped record has length (%d) that is too large\n", length)
-def biff_count_records(mem, stream_offset, stream_len, fout=sys.stdout):
- pos = stream_offset
- stream_end = stream_offset + stream_len
- tally = {}
- while stream_end - pos >= 4:
- rc, length = unpack(' can't open files on bigendian platforms.
-import sys
-from struct import unpack
-# Magic cookie that should appear in the first 8 bytes of the file.
-SIGNATURE = b"\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1"
-EOCSID = -2
-SATSID = -3
-def int_floor_div(x, y):
- return divmod(x, y)[0]
-class CompDocError(Exception):
- pass
-class DirNode(object):
- def __init__(self, DID, dent, DEBUG=0):
- # dent is the 128-byte directory entry
- self.DID = DID
- # (cbufsize, self.etype, self.colour, self.left_DID, self.right_DID,
- # self.root_DID,
- # self.first_SID,
- # self.tot_size) = \
- # unpack(' 20: # allows for 2**20 bytes i.e. 1MB
- print("WARNING: sector size (2**%d) is preposterous; assuming 512 and continuing ..." \
- % ssz, file=logfile)
- ssz = 9
- if sssz > ssz:
- print("WARNING: short stream sector size (2**%d) is preposterous; assuming 64 and continuing ..." \
- % sssz, file=logfile)
- sssz = 6
- self.sec_size = sec_size = 1 << ssz
- self.short_sec_size = 1 << sssz
- (
- SAT_tot_secs, self.dir_first_sec_sid, _unused, self.min_size_std_stream,
- SSAT_first_sec_sid, SSAT_tot_secs,
- MSAT_first_sec_sid, MSAT_tot_secs,
- # ) = unpack('= 0:
- if sid >= mem_data_secs:
- raise CompDocError(
- "MSAT extension: accessing sector %d but only %d in file" % (sid, mem_data_secs)
- )
- offset = 512 + sec_size * sid
- news = list(unpack(fmt, mem[offset:offset+sec_size]))
- sid = news.pop()
- MSAT.extend(news)
- if DEBUG:
- print("MSAT: len =", len(MSAT), file=logfile)
- print(MSAT, file=logfile)
- #
- # === build the SAT ===
- #
- self.SAT = []
- for msid in MSAT:
- if msid == FREESID: continue
- if msid >= mem_data_secs:
- if not trunc_warned:
- print("WARNING *** File is truncated, or OLE2 MSAT is corrupt!!", file=logfile)
- print("INFO: Trying to access sector %d but only %d available" \
- % (msid, mem_data_secs), file=logfile)
- trunc_warned = 1
- continue
- offset = 512 + sec_size * msid
- news = list(unpack(fmt, mem[offset:offset+sec_size]))
- self.SAT.extend(news)
- if DEBUG:
- print("SAT: len =", len(self.SAT), file=logfile)
- print(self.SAT, file=logfile)
- # print >> logfile, "SAT ",
- # for i, s in enumerate(self.SAT):
- # print >> logfile, "entry: %4d offset: %6d, next entry: %4d" % (i, 512 + sec_size * i, s)
- # print >> logfile, "%d:%d " % (i, s),
- print()
- # === build the directory ===
- #
- dbytes = self._get_stream(
- self.mem, 512, self.SAT, self.sec_size, self.dir_first_sec_sid,
- name="directory")
- dirlist = []
- did = -1
- for pos in range(0, len(dbytes), 128):
- did += 1
- dirlist.append(DirNode(did, dbytes[pos:pos+128], 0))
- self.dirlist = dirlist
- _build_family_tree(dirlist, 0, dirlist[0].root_DID) # and stand well back ...
- if DEBUG:
- for d in dirlist:
- d.dump(DEBUG)
- #
- # === get the SSCS ===
- #
- sscs_dir = self.dirlist[0]
- assert sscs_dir.etype == 5 # root entry
- if sscs_dir.first_SID < 0 and sscs_dir.tot_size == 0:
- # Problem reported by Frank Hoffsuemmer: some software was
- # writing -1 instead of -2 (EOCSID) for the first_SID
- # when the SCCS was empty. Not having EOCSID caused assertion
- # failure in _get_stream.
- # Solution: avoid calling _get_stream in any case when the
- # SCSS appears to be empty.
- self.SSCS = ""
- else:
- self.SSCS = self._get_stream(
- self.mem, 512, self.SAT, sec_size, sscs_dir.first_SID,
- sscs_dir.tot_size, name="SSCS")
- # if DEBUG: print >> logfile, "SSCS", repr(self.SSCS)
- #
- # === build the SSAT ===
- #
- self.SSAT = []
- if SSAT_tot_secs > 0 and sscs_dir.tot_size == 0:
- print("WARNING *** OLE2 inconsistency: SSCS size is 0 but SSAT size is non-zero", file=logfile)
- if sscs_dir.tot_size > 0:
- sid = SSAT_first_sec_sid
- nsecs = SSAT_tot_secs
- while sid >= 0 and nsecs > 0:
- nsecs -= 1
- start_pos = 512 + sid * sec_size
- news = list(unpack(fmt, mem[start_pos:start_pos+sec_size]))
- self.SSAT.extend(news)
- sid = self.SAT[sid]
- # assert SSAT_tot_secs == 0 or sid == EOCSID
- if DEBUG: print("SSAT last sid %d; remaining sectors %d" % (sid, nsecs), file=logfile)
- assert nsecs == 0 and sid == EOCSID
- if DEBUG: print("SSAT", self.SSAT, file=logfile)
- def _get_stream(self, mem, base, sat, sec_size, start_sid, size=None, name=''):
- # print >> self.logfile, "_get_stream", base, sec_size, start_sid, size
- sectors = []
- s = start_sid
- if size is None:
- # nothing to check against
- while s >= 0:
- start_pos = base + s * sec_size
- sectors.append(mem[start_pos:start_pos+sec_size])
- try:
- s = sat[s]
- except IndexError:
- raise CompDocError(
- "OLE2 stream %r: sector allocation table invalid entry (%d)" %
- (name, s)
- )
- assert s == EOCSID
- else:
- todo = size
- while s >= 0:
- start_pos = base + s * sec_size
- grab = sec_size
- if grab > todo:
- grab = todo
- todo -= grab
- sectors.append(mem[start_pos:start_pos+grab])
- try:
- s = sat[s]
- except IndexError:
- raise CompDocError(
- "OLE2 stream %r: sector allocation table invalid entry (%d)" %
- (name, s)
- )
- assert s == EOCSID
- if todo != 0:
- print("WARNING *** OLE2 stream %r: expected size %d, actual size %d" \
- % (name, size, size - todo), file=self.logfile)
- return b''.join(sectors)
- def _dir_search(self, path, storage_DID=0):
- # Return matching DirNode instance, or None
- head = path[0]
- tail = path[1:]
- dl = self.dirlist
- for child in dl[storage_DID].children:
- if dl[child].name.lower() == head.lower():
- et = dl[child].etype
- if et == 2:
- return dl[child]
- if et == 1:
- if not tail:
- raise CompDocError("Requested component is a 'storage'")
- return self._dir_search(tail, child)
- dl[child].dump(1)
- raise CompDocError("Requested stream is not a 'user stream'")
- return None
- ##
- # Interrogate the compound document's directory; return the stream as a string if found, otherwise
- # return None.
- # @param qname Name of the desired stream e.g. u'Workbook'. Should be in Unicode or convertible thereto.
- def get_named_stream(self, qname):
- d = self._dir_search(qname.split("/"))
- if d is None:
- return None
- if d.tot_size >= self.min_size_std_stream:
- return self._get_stream(
- self.mem, 512, self.SAT, self.sec_size, d.first_SID,
- d.tot_size, name=qname)
- else:
- return self._get_stream(
- self.SSCS, 0, self.SSAT, self.short_sec_size, d.first_SID,
- d.tot_size, name=qname + " (from SSCS)")
- # Interrogate the compound document's directory.
- # If the named stream is not found, (None, 0, 0) will be returned.
- # If the named stream is found and is contiguous within the original byte sequence ("mem")
- # used when the document was opened,
- # then (mem, offset_to_start_of_stream, length_of_stream) is returned.
- # Otherwise a new string is built from the fragments and (new_string, 0, length_of_stream) is returned.
- # @param qname Name of the desired stream e.g. u'Workbook'. Should be in Unicode or convertible thereto.
- def locate_named_stream(self, qname):
- d = self._dir_search(qname.split("/"))
- if d is None:
- return (None, 0, 0)
- if d.tot_size >= self.min_size_std_stream:
- return self._locate_stream(self.mem, 512, self.SAT, self.sec_size, d.first_SID, d.tot_size)
- else:
- return (
- self._get_stream(
- self.SSCS, 0, self.SSAT, self.short_sec_size, d.first_SID,
- d.tot_size, qname + " (from SSCS)"),
- 0,
- d.tot_size
- )
- return (None, 0, 0) # not found
- def _locate_stream(self, mem, base, sat, sec_size, start_sid, size):
- # print >> self.logfile, "_locate_stream", base, sec_size, start_sid, size
- s = start_sid
- if s < 0:
- raise CompDocError("_locate_stream: start_sid (%d) is -ve" % start_sid)
- p = -99 # dummy previous SID
- start_pos = -9999
- end_pos = -8888
- slices = []
- while s >= 0:
- if s == p+1:
- # contiguous sectors
- end_pos += sec_size
- else:
- # start new slice
- if p >= 0:
- # not first time
- slices.append((start_pos, end_pos))
- start_pos = base + s * sec_size
- end_pos = start_pos + sec_size
- p = s
- s = sat[s]
- assert s == EOCSID
- # print >> self.logfile, len(slices) + 1, "slices"
- if not slices:
- # The stream is contiguous ... just what we like!
- return (mem, start_pos, size)
- slices.append((start_pos, end_pos))
- return (b''.join([mem[start_pos:end_pos] for start_pos, end_pos in slices]), 0, size)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85484da1..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1186 +0,0 @@
-# Module for formatting information.
-# Copyright © 2005-2008 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# Copyright © 2005-2009 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd3 package, which is released under
-# a BSD-style licence.
-# No part of the content of this file was derived from the works of David Giffin.
-# 2009-05-31 SJM Fixed problem with non-zero reserved bits in some STYLE records in Mac Excel files
-# 2008-08-03 SJM Ignore PALETTE record when Book.formatting_info is false
-# 2008-08-03 SJM Tolerate up to 4 bytes trailing junk on PALETTE record
-# 2008-05-10 SJM Do some XF checks only when Book.formatting_info is true
-# 2008-02-08 SJM Preparation for Excel 2.0 support
-# 2008-02-03 SJM Another tweak to is_date_format_string()
-# 2007-12-04 SJM Added support for Excel 2.x (BIFF2) files.
-# 2007-10-13 SJM Warning: style XF whose parent XF index != 0xFFF
-# 2007-09-08 SJM Work around corrupt STYLE record
-# 2007-07-11 SJM Allow for BIFF2/3-style FORMAT record in BIFF4/8 file
-DEBUG = False
-import copy
-import re
-from struct import unpack
-from .biffh import BaseObject, unpack_unicode, unpack_string, \
- upkbits, upkbitsL, fprintf, \
- XLRDError
-excel_default_palette_b5 = (
- ( 0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), ( 0, 255, 0),
- ( 0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 0, 255), ( 0, 255, 255),
- (128, 0, 0), ( 0, 128, 0), ( 0, 0, 128), (128, 128, 0),
- (128, 0, 128), ( 0, 128, 128), (192, 192, 192), (128, 128, 128),
- (153, 153, 255), (153, 51, 102), (255, 255, 204), (204, 255, 255),
- (102, 0, 102), (255, 128, 128), ( 0, 102, 204), (204, 204, 255),
- ( 0, 0, 128), (255, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), ( 0, 255, 255),
- (128, 0, 128), (128, 0, 0), ( 0, 128, 128), ( 0, 0, 255),
- ( 0, 204, 255), (204, 255, 255), (204, 255, 204), (255, 255, 153),
- (153, 204, 255), (255, 153, 204), (204, 153, 255), (227, 227, 227),
- ( 51, 102, 255), ( 51, 204, 204), (153, 204, 0), (255, 204, 0),
- (255, 153, 0), (255, 102, 0), (102, 102, 153), (150, 150, 150),
- ( 0, 51, 102), ( 51, 153, 102), ( 0, 51, 0), ( 51, 51, 0),
- (153, 51, 0), (153, 51, 102), ( 51, 51, 153), ( 51, 51, 51),
- )
-excel_default_palette_b2 = excel_default_palette_b5[:16]
-# Following two tables borrowed from Gnumeric 1.4 source.
-excel_default_palette_b5_gnumeric_14 = (
- #### dodgy; didn't match Excel results
- ( 0, 0, 0), (255,255,255), (255, 0, 0), ( 0,255, 0),
- ( 0, 0,255), (255,255, 0), (255, 0,255), ( 0,255,255),
- (128, 0, 0), ( 0,128, 0), ( 0, 0,128), (128,128, 0),
- (128, 0,128), ( 0,128,128), (192,192,192), (128,128,128),
- (128,128,255), (128, 32, 96), (255,255,192), (160,224,224),
- ( 96, 0,128), (255,128,128), ( 0,128,192), (192,192,255),
- ( 0, 0,128), (255, 0,255), (255,255, 0), ( 0,255,255),
- (128, 0,128), (128, 0, 0), ( 0,128,128), ( 0, 0,255),
- ( 0,204,255), (105,255,255), (204,255,204), (255,255,153),
- (166,202,240), (204,156,204), (204,153,255), (227,227,227),
- ( 51,102,255), ( 51,204,204), ( 51,153, 51), (153,153, 51),
- (153,102, 51), (153,102,102), (102,102,153), (150,150,150),
- ( 51, 51,204), ( 51,102,102), ( 0, 51, 0), ( 51, 51, 0),
- (102, 51, 0), (153, 51,102), ( 51, 51,153), ( 66, 66, 66),
- )
-excel_default_palette_b8 = ( # (red, green, blue)
- ( 0, 0, 0), (255,255,255), (255, 0, 0), ( 0,255, 0),
- ( 0, 0,255), (255,255, 0), (255, 0,255), ( 0,255,255),
- (128, 0, 0), ( 0,128, 0), ( 0, 0,128), (128,128, 0),
- (128, 0,128), ( 0,128,128), (192,192,192), (128,128,128),
- (153,153,255), (153, 51,102), (255,255,204), (204,255,255),
- (102, 0,102), (255,128,128), ( 0,102,204), (204,204,255),
- ( 0, 0,128), (255, 0,255), (255,255, 0), ( 0,255,255),
- (128, 0,128), (128, 0, 0), ( 0,128,128), ( 0, 0,255),
- ( 0,204,255), (204,255,255), (204,255,204), (255,255,153),
- (153,204,255), (255,153,204), (204,153,255), (255,204,153),
- ( 51,102,255), ( 51,204,204), (153,204, 0), (255,204, 0),
- (255,153, 0), (255,102, 0), (102,102,153), (150,150,150),
- ( 0, 51,102), ( 51,153,102), ( 0, 51, 0), ( 51, 51, 0),
- (153, 51, 0), (153, 51,102), ( 51, 51,153), ( 51, 51, 51),
- )
-default_palette = {
- 80: excel_default_palette_b8,
- 70: excel_default_palette_b5,
- 50: excel_default_palette_b5,
- 45: excel_default_palette_b2,
- 40: excel_default_palette_b2,
- 30: excel_default_palette_b2,
- 21: excel_default_palette_b2,
- 20: excel_default_palette_b2,
- }
-00H = Normal
-01H = RowLevel_lv (see next field)
-02H = ColLevel_lv (see next field)
-03H = Comma
-04H = Currency
-05H = Percent
-06H = Comma [0] (BIFF4-BIFF8)
-07H = Currency [0] (BIFF4-BIFF8)
-08H = Hyperlink (BIFF8)
-09H = Followed Hyperlink (BIFF8)
-built_in_style_names = [
- "Normal",
- "RowLevel_",
- "ColLevel_",
- "Comma",
- "Currency",
- "Percent",
- "Comma [0]",
- "Currency [0]",
- "Hyperlink",
- "Followed Hyperlink",
- ]
-def initialise_colour_map(book):
- book.colour_map = {}
- book.colour_indexes_used = {}
- if not book.formatting_info:
- return
- # Add the 8 invariant colours
- for i in range(8):
- book.colour_map[i] = excel_default_palette_b8[i]
- # Add the default palette depending on the version
- dpal = default_palette[book.biff_version]
- ndpal = len(dpal)
- for i in range(ndpal):
- book.colour_map[i+8] = dpal[i]
- # Add the specials -- None means the RGB value is not known
- # System window text colour for border lines
- book.colour_map[ndpal+8] = None
- # System window background colour for pattern background
- book.colour_map[ndpal+8+1] = None #
- for ci in (
- 0x51, # System ToolTip text colour (used in note objects)
- 0x7FFF, # 32767, system window text colour for fonts
- ):
- book.colour_map[ci] = None
-def nearest_colour_index(colour_map, rgb, debug=0):
- # General purpose function. Uses Euclidean distance.
- # So far used only for pre-BIFF8 WINDOW2 record.
- # Doesn't have to be fast.
- # Doesn't have to be fancy.
- best_metric = 3 * 256 * 256
- best_colourx = 0
- for colourx, cand_rgb in list(colour_map.items()):
- if cand_rgb is None:
- continue
- metric = 0
- for v1, v2 in zip(rgb, cand_rgb):
- metric += (v1 - v2) * (v1 - v2)
- if metric < best_metric:
- best_metric = metric
- best_colourx = colourx
- if metric == 0:
- break
- if debug:
- print("nearest_colour_index for %r is %r -> %r; best_metric is %d" \
- % (rgb, best_colourx, colour_map[best_colourx], best_metric))
- return best_colourx
-# This mixin class exists solely so that Format, Font, and XF.... objects
-# can be compared by value of their attributes.
-class EqNeAttrs(object):
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return self.__dict__ != other.__dict__
-# An Excel "font" contains the details of not only what is normally
-# considered a font, but also several other display attributes.
-# Items correspond to those in the Excel UI's Format/Cells/Font tab.
-# - New in version 0.6.1
-class Font(BaseObject, EqNeAttrs):
- # 1 = Characters are bold. Redundant; see "weight" attribute.
- bold = 0
- # Values: 0 = ANSI Latin, 1 = System default, 2 = Symbol,
- # 77 = Apple Roman,
- # 128 = ANSI Japanese Shift-JIS,
- # 129 = ANSI Korean (Hangul),
- # 130 = ANSI Korean (Johab),
- # 134 = ANSI Chinese Simplified GBK,
- # 136 = ANSI Chinese Traditional BIG5,
- # 161 = ANSI Greek,
- # 162 = ANSI Turkish,
- # 163 = ANSI Vietnamese,
- # 177 = ANSI Hebrew,
- # 178 = ANSI Arabic,
- # 186 = ANSI Baltic,
- # 204 = ANSI Cyrillic,
- # 222 = ANSI Thai,
- # 238 = ANSI Latin II (Central European),
- # 255 = OEM Latin I
- character_set = 0
- # An explanation of "colour index" is given in the Formatting
- # section at the start of this document.
- colour_index = 0
- # 1 = Superscript, 2 = Subscript.
- escapement = 0
- # 0 = None (unknown or don't care)
- # 1 = Roman (variable width, serifed)
- # 2 = Swiss (variable width, sans-serifed)
- # 3 = Modern (fixed width, serifed or sans-serifed)
- # 4 = Script (cursive)
- # 5 = Decorative (specialised, for example Old English, Fraktur)
- family = 0
- # The 0-based index used to refer to this Font() instance.
- # Note that index 4 is never used; xlrd supplies a dummy place-holder.
- font_index = 0
- # Height of the font (in twips). A twip = 1/20 of a point.
- height = 0
- # 1 = Characters are italic.
- italic = 0
- # The name of the font. Example: u"Arial"
- name = ""
- # 1 = Characters are struck out.
- struck_out = 0
- # 0 = None
- # 1 = Single; 0x21 (33) = Single accounting
- # 2 = Double; 0x22 (34) = Double accounting
- underline_type = 0
- # 1 = Characters are underlined. Redundant; see "underline_type" attribute.
- underlined = 0
- # Font weight (100-1000). Standard values are 400 for normal text
- # and 700 for bold text.
- weight = 400
- # 1 = Font is outline style (Macintosh only)
- outline = 0
- # 1 = Font is shadow style (Macintosh only)
- shadow = 0
- # No methods ...
-def handle_efont(book, data): # BIFF2 only
- if not book.formatting_info:
- return
- book.font_list[-1].colour_index = unpack('= 2
- bv = book.biff_version
- k = len(book.font_list)
- if k == 4:
- f = Font()
- = 'Dummy Font'
- f.font_index = k
- book.font_list.append(f)
- k += 1
- f = Font()
- f.font_index = k
- book.font_list.append(f)
- if bv >= 50:
- (
- f.height, option_flags, f.colour_index, f.weight,
- f.escapement_type, f.underline_type,,
- f.character_set,
- ) = unpack('> 1
- f.underlined = (option_flags & 4) >> 2
- f.struck_out = (option_flags & 8) >> 3
- f.outline = (option_flags & 16) >> 4
- f.shadow = (option_flags & 32) >> 5
- if bv >= 80:
- = unpack_unicode(data, 14, lenlen=1)
- else:
- = unpack_string(data, 14, book.encoding, lenlen=1)
- elif bv >= 30:
- f.height, option_flags, f.colour_index = unpack('> 1
- f.underlined = (option_flags & 4) >> 2
- f.struck_out = (option_flags & 8) >> 3
- f.outline = (option_flags & 16) >> 4
- f.shadow = (option_flags & 32) >> 5
- = unpack_string(data, 6, book.encoding, lenlen=1)
- # Now cook up the remaining attributes ...
- f.weight = [400, 700][f.bold]
- f.escapement_type = 0 # None
- f.underline_type = f.underlined # None or Single
- = 0 # Unknown / don't care
- f.character_set = 1 # System default (0 means "ANSI Latin")
- else: # BIFF2
- f.height, option_flags = unpack('> 1
- f.underlined = (option_flags & 4) >> 2
- f.struck_out = (option_flags & 8) >> 3
- f.outline = 0
- f.shadow = 0
- = unpack_string(data, 4, book.encoding, lenlen=1)
- # Now cook up the remaining attributes ...
- f.weight = [400, 700][f.bold]
- f.escapement_type = 0 # None
- f.underline_type = f.underlined # None or Single
- = 0 # Unknown / don't care
- f.character_set = 1 # System default (0 means "ANSI Latin")
- if verbose:
- f.dump(
- book.logfile,
- header="--- handle_font: font[%d] ---" % f.font_index,
- footer="-------------------",
- )
-# === "Number formats" ===
-# "Number format" information from a FORMAT record.
-# - New in version 0.6.1
-class Format(BaseObject, EqNeAttrs):
- # The key into Book.format_map
- format_key = 0
- # A classification that has been inferred from the format string.
- # Currently, this is used only to distinguish between numbers and dates.
- # Values:
- # FUN = 0 # unknown
- # FDT = 1 # date
- # FNU = 2 # number
- # FGE = 3 # general
- # FTX = 4 # text
- type = FUN
- # The format string
- format_str = ''
- def __init__(self, format_key, ty, format_str):
- self.format_key = format_key
- self.type = ty
- self.format_str = format_str
-std_format_strings = {
- # "std" == "standard for US English locale"
- # #### TODO ... a lot of work to tailor these to the user's locale.
- # See e.g. gnumeric-1.x.y/src/formats.c
- 0x00: "General",
- 0x01: "0",
- 0x02: "0.00",
- 0x03: "#,##0",
- 0x04: "#,##0.00",
- 0x05: "$#,##0_);($#,##0)",
- 0x06: "$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)",
- 0x07: "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)",
- 0x08: "$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)",
- 0x09: "0%",
- 0x0a: "0.00%",
- 0x0b: "0.00E+00",
- 0x0c: "# ?/?",
- 0x0d: "# ??/??",
- 0x0e: "m/d/yy",
- 0x0f: "d-mmm-yy",
- 0x10: "d-mmm",
- 0x11: "mmm-yy",
- 0x12: "h:mm AM/PM",
- 0x13: "h:mm:ss AM/PM",
- 0x14: "h:mm",
- 0x15: "h:mm:ss",
- 0x16: "m/d/yy h:mm",
- 0x25: "#,##0_);(#,##0)",
- 0x26: "#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)",
- 0x27: "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)",
- 0x28: "#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)",
- 0x29: "_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* \"-\"_);_(@_)",
- 0x2a: "_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* \"-\"_);_(@_)",
- 0x2b: "_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* \"-\"??_);_(@_)",
- 0x2c: "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* \"-\"??_);_(@_)",
- 0x2d: "mm:ss",
- 0x2e: "[h]:mm:ss",
- 0x2f: "mm:ss.0",
- 0x30: "##0.0E+0",
- 0x31: "@",
- }
-fmt_code_ranges = [ # both-inclusive ranges of "standard" format codes
- # Source: the doc't
- ( 0, 0, FGE),
- ( 1, 13, FNU),
- (14, 22, FDT),
- #### (27, 36, FDT), # Japanese dates -- not sure of reliability of this
- (37, 44, FNU),
- (45, 47, FDT),
- (48, 48, FNU),
- (49, 49, FTX),
- ####(50, 58, FDT), # Japanese dates -- but Gnumeric assumes
- # built-in formats finish at 49, not at 163
- ]
-std_format_code_types = {}
-for lo, hi, ty in fmt_code_ranges:
- for x in range(lo, hi+1):
- std_format_code_types[x] = ty
-del lo, hi, ty, x
-date_chars = 'ymdhs' # year, month/minute, day, hour, second
-date_char_dict = {}
-for _c in date_chars + date_chars.upper():
- date_char_dict[_c] = 5
-del _c, date_chars
-skip_char_dict = frozenset('$-+/(): ')
-num_char_dict = {
- '0': 5,
- '#': 5,
- '?': 5,
- }
-non_date_formats = {
- '0.00E+00':1,
- '##0.0E+0':1,
- 'General' :1,
- 'GENERAL' :1, # OOo Calc 1.1.4 does this.
- 'general' :1, # pyExcelerator 0.6.3 does this.
- '@' :1,
- }
-fmt_bracketed_sub = re.compile(r'\[[^]]*\]').sub
-# Boolean format strings (actual cases)
-# u'"Yes";"Yes";"No"'
-# u'"True";"True";"False"'
-# u'"On";"On";"Off"'
-def is_date_format_string(book, fmt):
- # Heuristics:
- # Ignore "text" and [stuff in square brackets (aarrgghh -- see below)].
- # Handle backslashed-escaped chars properly.
- # E.g. hh\hmm\mss\s should produce a display like 23h59m59s
- # Date formats have one or more of ymdhs (caseless) in them.
- # Numeric formats have # and 0.
- # N.B. u'General"."' hence get rid of "text" first.
- # TODO: Find where formats are interpreted in Gnumeric
- # TODO: u'[h]\\ \\h\\o\\u\\r\\s' ([h] means don't care about hours > 23)
- state = 0
- s = ''
- # (to_py3): ignorable = skip_char_dict.has_key
- for c in fmt:
- if state == 0:
- if c == '"':
- state = 1
- elif c in r"\_*":
- state = 2
- elif c in skip_char_dict: # (to_py3):
- pass
- else:
- s += c
- elif state == 1:
- if c == '"':
- state = 0
- elif state == 2:
- # Ignore char after backslash, underscore or asterisk
- state = 0
- assert 0 <= state <= 2
- if book.verbosity >= 4:
- print("is_date_format_string: reduced format is %r" % s)
- s = fmt_bracketed_sub('', s)
- if s in non_date_formats:
- return False
- state = 0
- separator = ";"
- got_sep = 0
- date_count = num_count = 0
- for c in s:
- if c in date_char_dict:
- date_count += date_char_dict[c]
- elif c in num_char_dict:
- num_count += num_char_dict[c]
- elif c == separator:
- got_sep = 1
- # print num_count, date_count, repr(fmt)
- if date_count and not num_count:
- return True
- if num_count and not date_count:
- return False
- if date_count:
- fprintf(book.logfile,
- 'WARNING *** is_date_format: ambiguous d=%d n=%d fmt=%r\n',
- date_count, num_count, fmt)
- elif not got_sep:
- fprintf(book.logfile,
- "WARNING *** format %r produces constant result\n",
- fmt)
- return date_count > num_count
-def handle_format(self, data, rectype=XL_FORMAT):
- DEBUG = 0
- bv = self.biff_version
- if rectype == XL_FORMAT2:
- bv = min(bv, 30)
- if not self.encoding:
- self.derive_encoding()
- strpos = 2
- if bv >= 50:
- fmtkey = unpack('= 80:
- unistrg = unpack_unicode(data, 2)
- else:
- unistrg = unpack_string(data, strpos, self.encoding, lenlen=1)
- verbose = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 3
- if verbose:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "FORMAT: count=%d fmtkey=0x%04x (%d) s=%r\n",
- self.actualfmtcount, fmtkey, fmtkey, unistrg)
- is_date_s = self.is_date_format_string(unistrg)
- ty = [FGE, FDT][is_date_s]
- if not(fmtkey > 163 or bv < 50):
- # user_defined if fmtkey > 163
- # N.B. Gnumeric incorrectly starts these at 50 instead of 164 :-(
- # if earlier than BIFF 5, standard info is useless
- std_ty = std_format_code_types.get(fmtkey, FUN)
- # print "std ty", std_ty
- is_date_c = std_ty == FDT
- if 0 < fmtkey < 50 and (is_date_c ^ is_date_s):
- DEBUG = 2
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "WARNING *** Conflict between "
- "std format key %d and its format string %r\n",
- fmtkey, unistrg)
- if DEBUG == 2:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "ty: %d; is_date_c: %r; is_date_s: %r; fmt_strg: %r",
- ty, is_date_c, is_date_s, unistrg)
- fmtobj = Format(fmtkey, ty, unistrg)
- if verbose:
- fmtobj.dump(self.logfile,
- header="--- handle_format [%d] ---" % (self.actualfmtcount-1, ))
- self.format_map[fmtkey] = fmtobj
- self.format_list.append(fmtobj)
-# =============================================================================
-def handle_palette(book, data):
- if not book.formatting_info:
- return
- verbose = DEBUG or book.verbosity >= 2
- n_colours, = unpack('= 50]
- if ((DEBUG or book.verbosity >= 1)
- and n_colours != expected_n_colours):
- fprintf(book.logfile,
- "NOTE *** Expected %d colours in PALETTE record, found %d\n",
- expected_n_colours, n_colours)
- elif verbose:
- fprintf(book.logfile,
- "PALETTE record with %d colours\n", n_colours)
- fmt = '> 8) & 0xff
- blue = (c >> 16) & 0xff
- old_rgb = book.colour_map[8+i]
- new_rgb = (red, green, blue)
- book.palette_record.append(new_rgb)
- book.colour_map[8+i] = new_rgb
- if verbose:
- if new_rgb != old_rgb:
- print("%2d: %r -> %r" % (i, old_rgb, new_rgb), file=book.logfile)
-def palette_epilogue(book):
- # Check colour indexes in fonts etc.
- # This must be done here as FONT records
- # come *before* the PALETTE record :-(
- for font in book.font_list:
- if font.font_index == 4: # the missing font record
- continue
- cx = font.colour_index
- if cx == 0x7fff: # system window text colour
- continue
- if cx in book.colour_map:
- book.colour_indexes_used[cx] = 1
- else:
- print("Size of colour table:", len(book.colour_map))
- print("*** Font #%d (%r): colour index 0x%04x is unknown" \
- % (font.font_index,, cx), file=book.logfile)
- if book.verbosity >= 1:
- used = list(book.colour_indexes_used.keys())
- used.sort()
- print("\nColour indexes used:\n%r\n" % used, file=book.logfile)
-def handle_style(book, data):
- verbose = DEBUG or book.verbosity >= 2
- bv = book.biff_version
- flag_and_xfx, built_in_id, level = unpack('= 80:
- name = unpack_unicode(data, 2, lenlen=2)
- else:
- name = unpack_string(data, 2, book.encoding, lenlen=1)
- if verbose and not name:
- print("WARNING *** A user-defined style has a zero-length name", file=book.logfile)
- built_in = 0
- built_in_id = 0
- level = 0
- book.style_name_map[name] = (built_in, xf_index)
- if verbose:
- print("STYLE: built_in=%d xf_index=%d built_in_id=%d level=%d name=%r" \
- % (built_in, xf_index, built_in_id, level, name), file=book.logfile)
-def check_colour_indexes_in_obj(book, obj, orig_index):
- alist = list(obj.__dict__.items())
- alist.sort()
- for attr, nobj in alist:
- if hasattr(nobj, 'dump'):
- check_colour_indexes_in_obj(book, nobj, orig_index)
- elif attr.find('colour_index') >= 0:
- if nobj in book.colour_map:
- book.colour_indexes_used[nobj] = 1
- continue
- oname = obj.__class__.__name__
- print("*** xf #%d : %s.%s = 0x%04x (unknown)" \
- % (orig_index, oname, attr, nobj), file=book.logfile)
-def handle_xf(self, data):
- ### self is a Book instance
- # DEBUG = 0
- verbose = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 3
- bv = self.biff_version
- xf = XF()
- xf.alignment = XFAlignment()
- xf.alignment.indent_level = 0
- xf.alignment.shrink_to_fit = 0
- xf.alignment.text_direction = 0
- xf.border = XFBorder()
- xf.border.diag_up = 0
- xf.border.diag_down = 0
- xf.border.diag_colour_index = 0
- xf.border.diag_line_style = 0 # no line
- xf.background = XFBackground()
- = XFProtection()
- # fill in the known standard formats
- if bv >= 50 and not self.xfcount:
- # i.e. do this once before we process the first XF record
- for x in list(std_format_code_types.keys()):
- if x not in self.format_map:
- ty = std_format_code_types[x]
- fmt_str = std_format_strings[x]
- fmtobj = Format(x, ty, fmt_str)
- self.format_map[x] = fmtobj
- if bv >= 80:
- unpack_fmt = '> 2
- for attr_stem in \
- "format font alignment border background protection".split():
- attr = "_" + attr_stem + "_flag"
- setattr(xf, attr, reg & 1)
- reg >>= 1
- upkbitsL(xf.border, pkd_brdbkg1, (
- (0, 0x0000000f, 'left_line_style'),
- (4, 0x000000f0, 'right_line_style'),
- (8, 0x00000f00, 'top_line_style'),
- (12, 0x0000f000, 'bottom_line_style'),
- (16, 0x007f0000, 'left_colour_index'),
- (23, 0x3f800000, 'right_colour_index'),
- (30, 0x40000000, 'diag_down'),
- (31, 0x80000000, 'diag_up'),
- ))
- upkbits(xf.border, pkd_brdbkg2, (
- (0, 0x0000007F, 'top_colour_index'),
- (7, 0x00003F80, 'bottom_colour_index'),
- (14, 0x001FC000, 'diag_colour_index'),
- (21, 0x01E00000, 'diag_line_style'),
- ))
- upkbitsL(xf.background, pkd_brdbkg2, (
- (26, 0xFC000000, 'fill_pattern'),
- ))
- upkbits(xf.background, pkd_brdbkg3, (
- (0, 0x007F, 'pattern_colour_index'),
- (7, 0x3F80, 'background_colour_index'),
- ))
- elif bv >= 50:
- unpack_fmt = '> 2
- for attr_stem in \
- "format font alignment border background protection".split():
- attr = "_" + attr_stem + "_flag"
- setattr(xf, attr, reg & 1)
- reg >>= 1
- upkbitsL(xf.background, pkd_brdbkg1, (
- ( 0, 0x0000007F, 'pattern_colour_index'),
- ( 7, 0x00003F80, 'background_colour_index'),
- (16, 0x003F0000, 'fill_pattern'),
- ))
- upkbitsL(xf.border, pkd_brdbkg1, (
- (22, 0x01C00000, 'bottom_line_style'),
- (25, 0xFE000000, 'bottom_colour_index'),
- ))
- upkbits(xf.border, pkd_brdbkg2, (
- ( 0, 0x00000007, 'top_line_style'),
- ( 3, 0x00000038, 'left_line_style'),
- ( 6, 0x000001C0, 'right_line_style'),
- ( 9, 0x0000FE00, 'top_colour_index'),
- (16, 0x007F0000, 'left_colour_index'),
- (23, 0x3F800000, 'right_colour_index'),
- ))
- elif bv >= 40:
- unpack_fmt = '> 6
- xf.alignment.rotation = [0, 255, 90, 180][orientation]
- reg = pkd_used >> 2
- for attr_stem in \
- "format font alignment border background protection".split():
- attr = "_" + attr_stem + "_flag"
- setattr(xf, attr, reg & 1)
- reg >>= 1
- upkbits(xf.background, pkd_bkg_34, (
- ( 0, 0x003F, 'fill_pattern'),
- ( 6, 0x07C0, 'pattern_colour_index'),
- (11, 0xF800, 'background_colour_index'),
- ))
- upkbitsL(xf.border, pkd_brd_34, (
- ( 0, 0x00000007, 'top_line_style'),
- ( 3, 0x000000F8, 'top_colour_index'),
- ( 8, 0x00000700, 'left_line_style'),
- (11, 0x0000F800, 'left_colour_index'),
- (16, 0x00070000, 'bottom_line_style'),
- (19, 0x00F80000, 'bottom_colour_index'),
- (24, 0x07000000, 'right_line_style'),
- (27, 0xF8000000, 'right_colour_index'),
- ))
- elif bv == 30:
- unpack_fmt = '> 2
- for attr_stem in \
- "format font alignment border background protection".split():
- attr = "_" + attr_stem + "_flag"
- setattr(xf, attr, reg & 1)
- reg >>= 1
- upkbits(xf.background, pkd_bkg_34, (
- ( 0, 0x003F, 'fill_pattern'),
- ( 6, 0x07C0, 'pattern_colour_index'),
- (11, 0xF800, 'background_colour_index'),
- ))
- upkbitsL(xf.border, pkd_brd_34, (
- ( 0, 0x00000007, 'top_line_style'),
- ( 3, 0x000000F8, 'top_colour_index'),
- ( 8, 0x00000700, 'left_line_style'),
- (11, 0x0000F800, 'left_colour_index'),
- (16, 0x00070000, 'bottom_line_style'),
- (19, 0x00F80000, 'bottom_colour_index'),
- (24, 0x07000000, 'right_line_style'),
- (27, 0xF8000000, 'right_colour_index'),
- ))
- xf.alignment.vert_align = 2 # bottom
- xf.alignment.rotation = 0
- elif bv == 21:
- #### Warning: incomplete treatment; formatting_info not fully supported.
- #### Probably need to offset incoming BIFF2 XF[n] to BIFF8-like XF[n+16],
- #### and create XF[0:16] like the standard ones in BIFF8
- #### *AND* add 16 to all XF references in cell records :-(
- (xf.font_index, format_etc, halign_etc) = unpack('= 3
- verbose1 = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 1
- if verbose:
- fprintf(self.logfile, "xf_epilogue called ...\n")
- def check_same(book_arg, xf_arg, parent_arg, attr):
- # the _arg caper is to avoid a Warning msg from Python 2.1 :-(
- if getattr(xf_arg, attr) != getattr(parent_arg, attr):
- fprintf(book_arg.logfile,
- "NOTE !!! XF[%d] parent[%d] %s different\n",
- xf_arg.xf_index, parent_arg.xf_index, attr)
- for xfx in range(num_xfs):
- xf = self.xf_list[xfx]
- if xf.format_key not in self.format_map:
- msg = "ERROR *** XF[%d] unknown format key (%d, 0x%04x)\n"
- fprintf(self.logfile, msg,
- xf.xf_index, xf.format_key, xf.format_key)
- xf.format_key = 0
- cellty_from_fmtty = {
- FTX: XL_CELL_NUMBER, # Yes, a number can be formatted as text.
- }
- fmt = self.format_map[xf.format_key]
- cellty = cellty_from_fmtty[fmt.type]
- self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map[xf.xf_index] = cellty
- # Now for some assertions etc
- if not self.formatting_info:
- continue
- if xf.is_style:
- continue
- if not(0 <= xf.parent_style_index < num_xfs):
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "WARNING *** XF[%d]: is_style=%d but parent_style_index=%d\n",
- xf.xf_index, xf.is_style, xf.parent_style_index)
- # make it conform
- xf.parent_style_index = 0
- if self.biff_version >= 30:
- assert xf.parent_style_index != xf.xf_index
- assert self.xf_list[xf.parent_style_index].is_style
- if verbose1 and xf.parent_style_index > xf.xf_index:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "NOTE !!! XF[%d]: parent_style_index is %d; out of order?\n",
- xf.xf_index, xf.parent_style_index)
- parent = self.xf_list[xf.parent_style_index]
- if not xf._alignment_flag and not parent._alignment_flag:
- if verbose1: check_same(self, xf, parent, 'alignment')
- if not xf._background_flag and not parent._background_flag:
- if verbose1: check_same(self, xf, parent, 'background')
- if not xf._border_flag and not parent._border_flag:
- if verbose1: check_same(self, xf, parent, 'border')
- if not xf._protection_flag and not parent._protection_flag:
- if verbose1: check_same(self, xf, parent, 'protection')
- if not xf._format_flag and not parent._format_flag:
- if verbose1 and xf.format_key != parent.format_key:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "NOTE !!! XF[%d] fmtk=%d, parent[%d] fmtk=%r\n%r / %r\n",
- xf.xf_index, xf.format_key, parent.xf_index, parent.format_key,
- self.format_map[xf.format_key].format_str,
- self.format_map[parent.format_key].format_str)
- if not xf._font_flag and not parent._font_flag:
- if verbose1 and xf.font_index != parent.font_index:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "NOTE !!! XF[%d] fontx=%d, parent[%d] fontx=%r\n",
- xf.xf_index, xf.font_index, parent.xf_index, parent.font_index)
-def initialise_book(book):
- initialise_colour_map(book)
- book._xf_epilogue_done = 0
- methods = (
- handle_font,
- handle_efont,
- handle_format,
- is_date_format_string,
- handle_palette,
- palette_epilogue,
- handle_style,
- handle_xf,
- xf_epilogue,
- )
- for method in methods:
- setattr(book.__class__, method.__name__, method)
-class XFBorder(BaseObject, EqNeAttrs):
- """ A collection of the border-related attributes of an XF record.
- Items correspond to those in the Excel UI's Format/Cells/Border tab.
- An explanations of "colour index" is given in the Formatting
- section at the start of this document.
- There are five line style attributes; possible values and the
- associated meanings are:
- 0 = No line,
- 1 = Thin,
- 2 = Medium,
- 3 = Dashed,
- 4 = Dotted,
- 5 = Thick,
- 6 = Double,
- 7 = Hair,
- 8 = Medium dashed,
- 9 = Thin dash-dotted,
- 10 = Medium dash-dotted,
- 11 = Thin dash-dot-dotted,
- 12 = Medium dash-dot-dotted,
- 13 = Slanted medium dash-dotted.
- The line styles 8 to 13 appear in BIFF8 files (Excel 97 and later) only.
- For pictures of the line styles, refer to OOo docs s3.10 (p22)
- "Line Styles for Cell Borders (BIFF3-BIFF8)".
- - New in version 0.6.1
- """
- # The colour index for the cell's top line
- top_colour_index = 0
- # The colour index for the cell's bottom line
- bottom_colour_index = 0
- # The colour index for the cell's left line
- left_colour_index = 0
- # The colour index for the cell's right line
- right_colour_index = 0
- # The colour index for the cell's diagonal lines, if any
- diag_colour_index = 0
- # The line style for the cell's top line
- top_line_style = 0
- # The line style for the cell's bottom line
- bottom_line_style = 0
- # The line style for the cell's left line
- left_line_style = 0
- # The line style for the cell's right line
- right_line_style = 0
- # The line style for the cell's diagonal lines, if any
- diag_line_style = 0
- # 1 = draw a diagonal from top left to bottom right
- diag_down = 0
- # 1 = draw a diagonal from bottom left to top right
- diag_up = 0
-# New in version 0.6.1
-class XFBackground(BaseObject, EqNeAttrs):
- """ A collection of the background-related attributes of an XF record.
- Items correspond to those in the Excel UI's Format/Cells/Patterns tab.
- An explanation of "colour index" is given in the Formatting
- section at the start of this document.
- """
- # See section 3.11 of the OOo docs.
- fill_pattern = 0
- # See section 3.11 of the OOo docs.
- background_colour_index = 0
- # See section 3.11 of the OOo docs.
- pattern_colour_index = 0
-# New in version 0.6.1
-class XFAlignment(BaseObject, EqNeAttrs):
- """ A collection of the alignment and similar attributes of an XF record.
- Items correspond to those in the Excel UI's Format/Cells/Alignment tab.
- """
- # Values: section 5.115 (p 219) of OOo docs
- hor_align = 0
- # Values: section 5.115 (p 220) of OOo docs
- vert_align = 0
- # Values: section 5.115 (p 220) of OOo docs.
- # Note: file versions BIFF7 and earlier use the documented
- # "orientation" attribute; this will be mapped (without loss)
- # into "rotation".
- rotation = 0
- # 1 = text is wrapped at right margin
- text_wrapped = 0
- # A number in range(15).
- indent_level = 0
- # 1 = shrink font size to fit text into cell.
- shrink_to_fit = 0
- # 0 = according to context; 1 = left-to-right; 2 = right-to-left
- text_direction = 0
-# New in version 0.6.1
-class XFProtection(BaseObject, EqNeAttrs):
- """ A collection of the protection-related attributes of an XF record.
- Items correspond to those in the Excel UI's Format/Cells/Protection tab.
- Note the OOo docs include the "cell or style" bit
- in this bundle of attributes.
- This is incorrect; the bit is used in determining which bundles to use.
- """
- # 1 = Cell is prevented from being changed, moved, resized, or deleted
- # (only if the sheet is protected).
- cell_locked = 0
- # 1 = Hide formula so that it doesn't appear in the formula bar when
- # the cell is selected (only if the sheet is protected).
- formula_hidden = 0
-# New in version 0.6.1
-class XF(BaseObject):
- """ eXtended Formatting information for cells, rows, columns and styles.
- Each of the 6 flags below describes the validity of
- a specific group of attributes.
- In cell XFs, flag==0 means the attributes of the parent style XF are used,
- (but only if the attributes are valid there); flag==1 means the attributes
- of this XF are used.
- In style XFs, flag==0 means the attribute setting is valid; flag==1 means
- the attribute should be ignored.
- Note that the API
- provides both "raw" XFs and "computed" XFs -- in the latter case, cell XFs
- have had the above inheritance mechanism applied.
- """
- # 0 = cell XF, 1 = style XF
- is_style = 0
- # cell XF: Index into Book.xf_list
- # of this XF's style XF
- # style XF: 0xFFF
- parent_style_index = 0
- _format_flag = 0
- _font_flag = 0
- _alignment_flag = 0
- _border_flag = 0
- _background_flag = 0
- _protection_flag = 0
- # Index into Book.xf_list
- xf_index = 0
- # Index into Book.font_list
- font_index = 0
- # Key into Book.format_map
- #
- # Warning: OOo docs on the XF record call this "Index to FORMAT record".
- # It is not an index in the Python sense. It is a key to a map.
- # It is true **only** for Excel 4.0 and earlier files
- # that the key into format_map from an XF instance
- # is the same as the index into format_list, and **only**
- # if the index is less than 164.
- #
- format_key = 0
- # An instance of an XFProtection object.
- protection = None
- # An instance of an XFBackground object.
- background = None
- # An instance of an XFAlignment object.
- alignment = None
- # An instance of an XFBorder object.
- border = None
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 445d7611..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2083 +0,0 @@
-# Module for parsing/evaluating Microsoft Excel formulas.
-# Copyright © 2005-2009 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd3 package, which is released under
-# a BSD-style licence.
-# No part of the content of this file was derived from the works of David Giffin.
-import copy
-from struct import unpack
-from .biffh import unpack_unicode_update_pos, unpack_string_update_pos, \
- XLRDError, hex_char_dump, error_text_from_code, BaseObject
-__all__ = [
- 'oBOOL', 'oERR', 'oNUM', 'oREF', 'oREL', 'oSTRG', 'oUNK',
- 'decompile_formula',
- 'dump_formula',
- 'evaluate_name_formula',
- 'okind_dict',
- 'rangename3d', 'rangename3drel', 'cellname', 'cellnameabs', 'colname',
- ]
-# sztabN[opcode] -> the number of bytes to consume.
-# -1 means variable
-# -2 means this opcode not implemented in this version.
-# Which N to use? Depends on biff_version; see szdict.
-sztab0 = [-2, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -2, -1, 8, 4, 2, 2, 3, 9, 8, 2, 3, 8, 4, 7, 5, 5, 5, 2, 4, 7, 4, 7, 2, 2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2]
-sztab1 = [-2, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -2, -1, 11, 5, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9, 2, 3, 11, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 7, 4, 7, 3, 3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2]
-sztab2 = [-2, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -2, -1, 11, 5, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9, 3, 4, 11, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 7, 4, 7, 3, 3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2]
-sztab3 = [-2, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -2, -1, -2, -2, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9, 3, 4, 15, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 4, 7, 4, 7, 3, 3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 25, 18, 21, 18, 21, -2, -2]
-sztab4 = [-2, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9, 7, 7, 7, 3, 5, 9, 5, 9, 3, 3, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 7, 7, 11, 7, 11, -2, -2]
-szdict = {
- 20 : sztab0,
- 21 : sztab0, # Suppose 21 is same as 20....
- 30 : sztab1,
- 40 : sztab2,
- 45 : sztab2,
- 50 : sztab3,
- 70 : sztab3,
- 80 : sztab4,
- }
-# For debugging purposes ... the name for each opcode
-# (without the prefix "t" used on OOo docs)
-onames = ['Unk00', 'Exp', 'Tbl', 'Add', 'Sub', 'Mul', 'Div', 'Power', 'Concat', 'LT', 'LE', 'EQ', 'GE', 'GT', 'NE', 'Isect', 'List', 'Range', 'Uplus', 'Uminus', 'Percent', 'Paren', 'MissArg', 'Str', 'Extended', 'Attr', 'Sheet', 'EndSheet', 'Err', 'Bool', 'Int', 'Num', 'Array', 'Func', 'FuncVar', 'Name', 'Ref', 'Area', 'MemArea', 'MemErr', 'MemNoMem', 'MemFunc', 'RefErr', 'AreaErr', 'RefN', 'AreaN', 'MemAreaN', 'MemNoMemN', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'FuncCE', 'NameX', 'Ref3d', 'Area3d', 'RefErr3d', 'AreaErr3d', '', '']
-func_defs = {
- # index: (name, min#args, max#args, flags, #known_args, return_type, kargs)
- 0 : ('COUNT', 0, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 1 : ('IF', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VRR'),
- 2 : ('ISNA', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 3 : ('ISERROR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 4 : ('SUM', 0, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 5 : ('AVERAGE', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 6 : ('MIN', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 7 : ('MAX', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 8 : ('ROW', 0, 1, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 9 : ('COLUMN', 0, 1, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 10 : ('NA', 0, 0, 0x02, 0, 'V', ''),
- 11 : ('NPV', 2, 30, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 12 : ('STDEV', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 13 : ('DOLLAR', 1, 2, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 14 : ('FIXED', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 15 : ('SIN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 16 : ('COS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 17 : ('TAN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 18 : ('ATAN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 19 : ('PI', 0, 0, 0x02, 0, 'V', ''),
- 20 : ('SQRT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 21 : ('EXP', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 22 : ('LN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 23 : ('LOG10', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 24 : ('ABS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 25 : ('INT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 26 : ('SIGN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 27 : ('ROUND', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 28 : ('LOOKUP', 2, 3, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 29 : ('INDEX', 2, 4, 0x0c, 4, 'R', 'RVVV'),
- 30 : ('REPT', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 31 : ('MID', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 32 : ('LEN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 33 : ('VALUE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 34 : ('TRUE', 0, 0, 0x02, 0, 'V', ''),
- 35 : ('FALSE', 0, 0, 0x02, 0, 'V', ''),
- 36 : ('AND', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 37 : ('OR', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 38 : ('NOT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 39 : ('MOD', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 40 : ('DCOUNT', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 41 : ('DSUM', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 42 : ('DAVERAGE', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 43 : ('DMIN', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 44 : ('DMAX', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 45 : ('DSTDEV', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 46 : ('VAR', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 47 : ('DVAR', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 48 : ('TEXT', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 49 : ('LINEST', 1, 4, 0x04, 4, 'A', 'RRVV'),
- 50 : ('TREND', 1, 4, 0x04, 4, 'A', 'RRRV'),
- 51 : ('LOGEST', 1, 4, 0x04, 4, 'A', 'RRVV'),
- 52 : ('GROWTH', 1, 4, 0x04, 4, 'A', 'RRRV'),
- 56 : ('PV', 3, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 57 : ('FV', 3, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 58 : ('NPER', 3, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 59 : ('PMT', 3, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 60 : ('RATE', 3, 6, 0x04, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 61 : ('MIRR', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- 62 : ('IRR', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 63 : ('RAND', 0, 0, 0x0a, 0, 'V', ''),
- 64 : ('MATCH', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VRR'),
- 65 : ('DATE', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 66 : ('TIME', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 67 : ('DAY', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 68 : ('MONTH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 69 : ('YEAR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 70 : ('WEEKDAY', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 71 : ('HOUR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 72 : ('MINUTE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 73 : ('SECOND', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 74 : ('NOW', 0, 0, 0x0a, 0, 'V', ''),
- 75 : ('AREAS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 76 : ('ROWS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 77 : ('COLUMNS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 78 : ('OFFSET', 3, 5, 0x04, 5, 'R', 'RVVVV'),
- 82 : ('SEARCH', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 83 : ('TRANSPOSE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'A', 'A'),
- 86 : ('TYPE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 92 : ('SERIESSUM', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVA'),
- 97 : ('ATAN2', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 98 : ('ASIN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 99 : ('ACOS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 100: ('CHOOSE', 2, 30, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 101: ('HLOOKUP', 3, 4, 0x04, 4, 'V', 'VRRV'),
- 102: ('VLOOKUP', 3, 4, 0x04, 4, 'V', 'VRRV'),
- 105: ('ISREF', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 109: ('LOG', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 111: ('CHAR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 112: ('LOWER', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 113: ('UPPER', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 114: ('PROPER', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 115: ('LEFT', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 116: ('RIGHT', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 117: ('EXACT', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 118: ('TRIM', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 119: ('REPLACE', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 120: ('SUBSTITUTE', 3, 4, 0x04, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 121: ('CODE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 124: ('FIND', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 125: ('CELL', 1, 2, 0x0c, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 126: ('ISERR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 127: ('ISTEXT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 128: ('ISNUMBER', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 129: ('ISBLANK', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 130: ('T', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 131: ('N', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 140: ('DATEVALUE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 141: ('TIMEVALUE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 142: ('SLN', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 143: ('SYD', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 144: ('DDB', 4, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 148: ('INDIRECT', 1, 2, 0x0c, 2, 'R', 'VV'),
- 162: ('CLEAN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 163: ('MDETERM', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'A'),
- 164: ('MINVERSE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'A', 'A'),
- 165: ('MMULT', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'A', 'AA'),
- 167: ('IPMT', 4, 6, 0x04, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 168: ('PPMT', 4, 6, 0x04, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 169: ('COUNTA', 0, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 183: ('PRODUCT', 0, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 184: ('FACT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 189: ('DPRODUCT', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 190: ('ISNONTEXT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 193: ('STDEVP', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 194: ('VARP', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 195: ('DSTDEVP', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 196: ('DVARP', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 197: ('TRUNC', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 198: ('ISLOGICAL', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 199: ('DCOUNTA', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 204: ('USDOLLAR', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 205: ('FINDB', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 206: ('SEARCHB', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 207: ('REPLACEB', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 208: ('LEFTB', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 209: ('RIGHTB', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 210: ('MIDB', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 211: ('LENB', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 212: ('ROUNDUP', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 213: ('ROUNDDOWN', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 214: ('ASC', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 215: ('DBCS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 216: ('RANK', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VRV'),
- 219: ('ADDRESS', 2, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 220: ('DAYS360', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 221: ('TODAY', 0, 0, 0x0a, 0, 'V', ''),
- 222: ('VDB', 5, 7, 0x04, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 227: ('MEDIAN', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 228: ('SUMPRODUCT', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'A'),
- 229: ('SINH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 230: ('COSH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 231: ('TANH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 232: ('ASINH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 233: ('ACOSH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 234: ('ATANH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 235: ('DGET', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 244: ('INFO', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 247: ('DB', 4, 5, 0x04, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 252: ('FREQUENCY', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'A', 'RR'),
- 261: ('ERROR.TYPE', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 269: ('AVEDEV', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 270: ('BETADIST', 3, 5, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 271: ('GAMMALN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 272: ('BETAINV', 3, 5, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 273: ('BINOMDIST', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 274: ('CHIDIST', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 275: ('CHIINV', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 276: ('COMBIN', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 277: ('CONFIDENCE', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 278: ('CRITBINOM', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 279: ('EVEN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 280: ('EXPONDIST', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 281: ('FDIST', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 282: ('FINV', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 283: ('FISHER', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 284: ('FISHERINV', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 285: ('FLOOR', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 286: ('GAMMADIST', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 287: ('GAMMAINV', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 288: ('CEILING', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 289: ('HYPGEOMDIST', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 290: ('LOGNORMDIST', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 291: ('LOGINV', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 292: ('NEGBINOMDIST', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 293: ('NORMDIST', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 294: ('NORMSDIST', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 295: ('NORMINV', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 296: ('NORMSINV', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 297: ('STANDARDIZE', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 298: ('ODD', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 299: ('PERMUT', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 300: ('POISSON', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 301: ('TDIST', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 302: ('WEIBULL', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 303: ('SUMXMY2', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 304: ('SUMX2MY2', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 305: ('SUMX2PY2', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 306: ('CHITEST', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 307: ('CORREL', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 308: ('COVAR', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 309: ('FORECAST', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VAA'),
- 310: ('FTEST', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 311: ('INTERCEPT', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 312: ('PEARSON', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 313: ('RSQ', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 314: ('STEYX', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 315: ('SLOPE', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 316: ('TTEST', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'AAVV'),
- 317: ('PROB', 3, 4, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'AAV'),
- 318: ('DEVSQ', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 319: ('GEOMEAN', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 320: ('HARMEAN', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 321: ('SUMSQ', 0, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 322: ('KURT', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 323: ('SKEW', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 324: ('ZTEST', 2, 3, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 325: ('LARGE', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 326: ('SMALL', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 327: ('QUARTILE', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 328: ('PERCENTILE', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 329: ('PERCENTRANK', 2, 3, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 330: ('MODE', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'A'),
- 331: ('TRIMMEAN', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 332: ('TINV', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 336: ('CONCATENATE', 0, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 337: ('POWER', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 342: ('RADIANS', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 343: ('DEGREES', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 344: ('SUBTOTAL', 2, 30, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 345: ('SUMIF', 2, 3, 0x04, 3, 'V', 'RVR'),
- 346: ('COUNTIF', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 347: ('COUNTBLANK', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 350: ('ISPMT', 4, 4, 0x02, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 351: ('DATEDIF', 3, 3, 0x02, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 352: ('DATESTRING', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 353: ('NUMBERSTRING', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 354: ('ROMAN', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 358: ('GETPIVOTDATA', 2, 2, 0x02, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 359: ('HYPERLINK', 1, 2, 0x04, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 360: ('PHONETIC', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 361: ('AVERAGEA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 362: ('MAXA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 363: ('MINA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 364: ('STDEVPA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 365: ('VARPA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 366: ('STDEVA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 367: ('VARA', 1, 30, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 368: ('BAHTTEXT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 369: ('THAIDAYOFWEEK', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 370: ('THAIDIGIT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 371: ('THAIMONTHOFYEAR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 372: ('THAINUMSOUND', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 373: ('THAINUMSTRING', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 374: ('THAISTRINGLENGTH', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 375: ('ISTHAIDIGIT', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 376: ('ROUNDBAHTDOWN', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 377: ('ROUNDBAHTUP', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 378: ('THAIYEAR', 1, 1, 0x02, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 379: ('RTD', 2, 5, 0x04, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- }
-tAttrNames = {
- 0x00: "Skip??", # seen in SAMPLES.XLS which shipped with Excel 5.0
- 0x01: "Volatile",
- 0x02: "If",
- 0x04: "Choose",
- 0x08: "Skip",
- 0x10: "Sum",
- 0x20: "Assign",
- 0x40: "Space",
- 0x41: "SpaceVolatile",
- }
-_error_opcodes = frozenset([0x07, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x2F])
-tRangeFuncs = (min, max, min, max, min, max)
-tIsectFuncs = (max, min, max, min, max, min)
-def do_box_funcs(box_funcs, boxa, boxb):
- return tuple([
- func(numa, numb)
- for func, numa, numb in zip(box_funcs, boxa.coords, boxb.coords)
- ])
-def adjust_cell_addr_biff8(rowval, colval, reldelta, browx=None, bcolx=None):
- row_rel = (colval >> 15) & 1
- col_rel = (colval >> 14) & 1
- rowx = rowval
- colx = colval & 0xff
- if reldelta:
- if row_rel and rowx >= 32768:
- rowx -= 65536
- if col_rel and colx >= 128:
- colx -= 256
- else:
- if row_rel:
- rowx -= browx
- if col_rel:
- colx -= bcolx
- return rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel
-def adjust_cell_addr_biff_le7(
- rowval, colval, reldelta, browx=None, bcolx=None):
- row_rel = (rowval >> 15) & 1
- col_rel = (rowval >> 14) & 1
- rowx = rowval & 0x3fff
- colx = colval
- if reldelta:
- if row_rel and rowx >= 8192:
- rowx -= 16384
- if col_rel and colx >= 128:
- colx -= 256
- else:
- if row_rel:
- rowx -= browx
- if col_rel:
- colx -= bcolx
- return rowx, colx, row_rel, col_rel
-def get_cell_addr(data, pos, bv, reldelta, browx=None, bcolx=None):
- if bv >= 80:
- rowval, colval = unpack("= 80:
- row1val, row2val, col1val, col2val = unpack(" addins %r" % (refx, info))
- assert ref_first_sheetx == 0xFFFE == ref_last_sheetx
- return (-5, -5)
- if ref_recordx != bk._supbook_locals_inx:
- if verbose:
- print("/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> external %r" % (refx, info))
- return (-4, -4) # external reference
- if ref_first_sheetx == 0xFFFE == ref_last_sheetx:
- if verbose:
- print("/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> unspecified sheet %r" % (refx, info))
- return (-1, -1) # internal reference, any sheet
- if ref_first_sheetx == 0xFFFF == ref_last_sheetx:
- if verbose:
- print("/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> deleted sheet(s)" % (refx, ))
- return (-2, -2) # internal reference, deleted sheet(s)
- nsheets = len(bk._all_sheets_map)
- if not(0 <= ref_first_sheetx <= ref_last_sheetx < nsheets):
- if verbose:
- print("/// get_externsheet_local_range(refx=%d) -> %r" % (refx, info))
- print("--- first/last sheet not in range(%d)" % nsheets)
- return (-102, -102) # stuffed up somewhere :-(
- xlrd_sheetx1 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_first_sheetx]
- xlrd_sheetx2 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_last_sheetx]
- if not(0 <= xlrd_sheetx1 <= xlrd_sheetx2):
- return (-3, -3) # internal reference, but to a macro sheet
- return xlrd_sheetx1, xlrd_sheetx2
-def get_externsheet_local_range_b57(
- bk, raw_extshtx, ref_first_sheetx, ref_last_sheetx, verbose=0):
- if raw_extshtx > 0:
- if verbose:
- print("/// get_externsheet_local_range_b57(raw_extshtx=%d) -> external" % raw_extshtx)
- return (-4, -4) # external reference
- if ref_first_sheetx == -1 and ref_last_sheetx == -1:
- return (-2, -2) # internal reference, deleted sheet(s)
- nsheets = len(bk._all_sheets_map)
- if not(0 <= ref_first_sheetx <= ref_last_sheetx < nsheets):
- if verbose:
- print("/// get_externsheet_local_range_b57(%d, %d, %d) -> ???" \
- % (raw_extshtx, ref_first_sheetx, ref_last_sheetx))
- print("--- first/last sheet not in range(%d)" % nsheets)
- return (-103, -103) # stuffed up somewhere :-(
- xlrd_sheetx1 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_first_sheetx]
- xlrd_sheetx2 = bk._all_sheets_map[ref_last_sheetx]
- if not(0 <= xlrd_sheetx1 <= xlrd_sheetx2):
- return (-3, -3) # internal reference, but to a macro sheet
- return xlrd_sheetx1, xlrd_sheetx2
-class FormulaError(Exception):
- pass
-oBOOL = 3
-oERR = 4
-oMSNG = 5 # tMissArg
-oNUM = 2
-oREF = -1
-oREL = -2
-oSTRG = 1
-oUNK = 0
-okind_dict = {
- -2: "oREL",
- -1: "oREF",
- 0 : "oUNK",
- 1 : "oSTRG",
- 2 : "oNUM",
- 3 : "oBOOL",
- 4 : "oERR",
- 5 : "oMSNG",
- }
-listsep = ',' #### probably should depend on locale
-# Used in evaluating formulas.
-# The following table describes the kinds and how their values
-# are represented.
-# Kind symbol |
-# Kind number |
-# Value representation |
-# oBOOL |
-# 3 |
-# integer: 0 => False; 1 => True |
-# oERR |
-# 4 |
-# None, or an int error code (same as XL_CELL_ERROR in the Cell class).
-# |
-# oMSNG |
-# 5 |
-# Used by Excel as a placeholder for a missing (not supplied) function
-# argument. Should *not* appear as a final formula result. Value is None. |
-# oNUM |
-# 2 |
-# A float. Note that there is no way of distinguishing dates. |
-# oREF |
-# -1 |
-# The value is either None or a non-empty list of
-# absolute Ref3D instances.
-# |
-# oREL |
-# -2 |
-# The value is None or a non-empty list of
-# fully or partially relative Ref3D instances.
-# |
-# oSTRG |
-# 1 |
-# A Unicode string. |
-# oUNK |
-# 0 |
-# The kind is unknown or ambiguous. The value is None |
-class Operand(object):
- ##
- # None means that the actual value of the operand is a variable
- # (depends on cell data), not a constant.
- value = None
- ##
- # oUNK means that the kind of operand is not known unambiguously.
- kind = oUNK
- ##
- # The reconstituted text of the original formula. Function names will be
- # in English irrespective of the original language, which doesn't seem
- # to be recorded anywhere. The separator is ",", not ";" or whatever else
- # might be more appropriate for the end-user's locale; patches welcome.
- text = '?'
- def __init__(self, akind=None, avalue=None, arank=0, atext='?'):
- if akind is not None:
- self.kind = akind
- if avalue is not None:
- self.value = avalue
- self.rank = arank
- # rank is an internal gizmo (operator precedence);
- # it's used in reconstructing formula text.
- self.text = atext
- def __repr__(self):
- kind_text = okind_dict.get(self.kind, "?Unknown kind?")
- return "Operand(kind=%s, value=%r, text=%r)" \
- % (kind_text, self.value, self.text)
-# _ref3d_base = tuple
-# Represents an absolute or relative 3-dimensional reference to a box
-# of one or more cells.
-# - New in version 0.6.0
-# The `coords` attribute is a tuple of the form:
-# (shtxlo, shtxhi, rowxlo, rowxhi, colxlo, colxhi)
-# where 0 <= thingxlo <= thingx < thingxhi.
-# Note that it is quite possible to have thingx > nthings; for example
-# Print_Titles could have colxhi == 256 and/or rowxhi == 65536
-# irrespective of how many columns/rows are actually used in the worksheet.
-# The caller will need to decide how to handle this situation.
-# Keyword: IndexError :-)
-# The components of the coords attribute are also available as individual
-# attributes: shtxlo, shtxhi, rowxlo, rowxhi, colxlo, and colxhi.
-# The `relflags` attribute is a 6-tuple of flags which indicate whether
-# the corresponding (sheet|row|col)(lo|hi) is relative (1) or absolute (0).
-# Note that there is necessarily no information available as to what cell(s)
-# the reference could possibly be relative to. The caller must decide what if
-# any use to make of oREL operands. Note also that a partially relative
-# reference may well be a typo.
-# For example, define name A1Z10 as $a$1:$z10 (missing $ after z)
-# while the cursor is on cell Sheet3!A27.
-# The resulting Ref3D instance will have coords = (2, 3, 0, -16, 0, 26)
-# and relflags = (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0).
-# So far, only one possibility of a sheet-relative component in
-# a reference has been noticed: a 2D reference located in the "current sheet".
-# This will appear as coords = (0, 1, ...) and relflags = (1, 1, ...).
-class Ref3D(tuple):
- def __init__(self, atuple):
- self.coords = atuple[0:6]
- self.relflags = atuple[6:12]
- if not self.relflags:
- self.relflags = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- (self.shtxlo, self.shtxhi,
- self.rowxlo, self.rowxhi,
- self.colxlo, self.colxhi) = self.coords
- def __repr__(self):
- if not self.relflags or self.relflags == (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0):
- return "Ref3D(coords=%r)" % (self.coords, )
- else:
- return "Ref3D(coords=%r, relflags=%r)" \
- % (self.coords, self.relflags)
-tAdd = 0x03
-tSub = 0x04
-tMul = 0x05
-tDiv = 0x06
-tPower = 0x07
-tConcat = 0x08
-tLT, tLE, tEQ, tGE, tGT, tNE = list(range(0x09, 0x0F))
-import operator as opr
-def nop(x):
- return x
-def _opr_pow(x, y): return x ** y
-def _opr_lt(x, y): return x < y
-def _opr_le(x, y): return x <= y
-def _opr_eq(x, y): return x == y
-def _opr_ge(x, y): return x >= y
-def _opr_gt(x, y): return x > y
-def _opr_ne(x, y): return x != y
-def num2strg(num):
- """Attempt to emulate Excel's default conversion
- from number to string.
- """
- s = str(num)
- if s.endswith(".0"):
- s = s[:-2]
- return s
-_arith_argdict = {oNUM: nop, oSTRG: float}
-_cmp_argdict = {oNUM: nop, oSTRG: nop}
-# Seems no conversions done on relops; in Excel, "1" > 9 produces TRUE.
-_strg_argdict = {oNUM:num2strg, oSTRG:nop}
-binop_rules = {
- tAdd: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.add, 30, '+'),
- tSub: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.sub, 30, '-'),
- tMul: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.mul, 40, '*'),
- tDiv: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, opr.truediv, 40, '/'),
- tPower: (_arith_argdict, oNUM, _opr_pow, 50, '^',),
- tConcat:(_strg_argdict, oSTRG, opr.add, 20, '&'),
- tLT: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_lt, 10, '<'),
- tLE: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_le, 10, '<='),
- tEQ: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_eq, 10, '='),
- tGE: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_ge, 10, '>='),
- tGT: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_gt, 10, '>'),
- tNE: (_cmp_argdict, oBOOL, _opr_ne, 10, '<>'),
- }
-unop_rules = {
- 0x13: (lambda x: -x, 70, '-', ''), # unary minus
- 0x12: (lambda x: x, 70, '+', ''), # unary plus
- 0x14: (lambda x: x / 100.0, 60, '', '%'),# percent
- }
-def evaluate_name_formula(bk, nobj, namex, verbose=0, level=0):
- if level > STACK_ALARM_LEVEL:
- verbose = 1
- data = nobj.raw_formula
- fmlalen = nobj.basic_formula_len
- bv = bk.biff_version
- reldelta = 1 # All defined name formulas use "Method B" [OOo docs]
- if verbose:
- print("::: evaluate_name_formula %r %r %d %d %r level=%d" \
- % (namex,, fmlalen, bv, data, level))
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, fmlalen)
- if level > STACK_PANIC_LEVEL:
- raise XLRDError("Excessive indirect references in NAME formula")
- sztab = szdict[bv]
- pos = 0
- stack = []
- any_rel = 0
- any_err = 0
- any_external = 0
- unk_opnd = Operand(oUNK, None)
- error_opnd = Operand(oERR, None)
- spush = stack.append
- def do_binop(opcd, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 2
- bop = stk.pop()
- aop = stk.pop()
- argdict, result_kind, func, rank, sym = binop_rules[opcd]
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- resop = Operand(result_kind, None, rank, otext)
- try:
- bconv = argdict[bop.kind]
- aconv = argdict[aop.kind]
- except KeyError:
- stk.append(resop)
- return
- if bop.value is None or aop.value is None:
- stk.append(resop)
- return
- bval = bconv(bop.value)
- aval = aconv(aop.value)
- result = func(aval, bval)
- if result_kind == oBOOL:
- result = 1 if result else 0 # (to_py3)
- resop.value = result
- stk.append(resop)
- def do_unaryop(opcode, arglist, result_kind, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 1
- aop = stk.pop()
- assert aop.kind in arglist
- val = aop.value
- func, rank, sym1, sym2 = unop_rules[opcode]
- otext = ''.join([
- sym1,
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym2,
- ])
- if val is not None:
- val = func(val)
- stk.append(Operand(result_kind, val, rank, otext))
- def not_in_name_formula(op_arg, oname_arg):
- msg = "ERROR *** Token 0x%02x (%s) found in NAME formula" \
- % (op_arg, oname_arg)
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if fmlalen == 0:
- stack = [unk_opnd]
- while 0 <= pos < fmlalen:
- op = data[pos]
- opcode = op & 0x1f
- optype = (op & 0x60) >> 5
- if optype:
- opx = opcode + 32
- else:
- opx = opcode
- oname = onames[opx] # + [" RVA"][optype]
- sz = sztab[opx]
- if verbose:
- print("Pos:%d Op:0x%02x Name:t%s Sz:%d opcode:%02xh optype:%02xh" \
- % (pos, op, oname, sz, opcode, optype))
- print("Stack =", stack)
- if sz == -2:
- msg = 'ERROR *** Unexpected token 0x%02x ("%s"); biff_version=%d' \
- % (op, oname, bv)
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if not optype:
- if 0x00 <= opcode <= 0x02: # unk_opnd, tExp, tTbl
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- elif 0x03 <= opcode <= 0x0E:
- # Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Power
- # tConcat
- # tLT, ..., tNE
- do_binop(opcode, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x0F: # tIsect
- if verbose: print("tIsect pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ' '
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF)
- res.text = otext
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oUNK or aop.kind == oUNK:
- # This can happen with undefined
- # (go search in the current sheet) labels.
- # For example =Bob Sales
- # Each label gets a NAME record with an empty formula (!)
- # Evaluation of the tName token classifies it as oUNK
- # res.kind = oREF
- pass
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tIsectFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords)]
- elif bop.kind == oREL == aop.kind:
- res.kind = oREL
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tIsectFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- relfa = aop.value[0].relflags
- relfb = bop.value[0].relflags
- if relfa == relfb:
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords + relfa)]
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if verbose: print("tIsect post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x10: # tList
- if verbose: print("tList pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ','
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind in (oREF, oREL) and aop.kind in (oREF, oREL):
- res.kind = oREF
- if aop.kind == oREL or bop.kind == oREL:
- res.kind = oREL
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) >= 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- res.value = aop.value + bop.value
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if verbose: print("tList post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x11: # tRange
- if verbose: print("tRange pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ':'
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tRangeFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords)]
- elif bop.kind == oREL == aop.kind:
- res.kind = oREL
- if aop.value is not None and bop.value is not None:
- assert len(aop.value) == 1
- assert len(bop.value) == 1
- coords = do_box_funcs(
- tRangeFuncs, aop.value[0], bop.value[0])
- relfa = aop.value[0].relflags
- relfb = bop.value[0].relflags
- if relfa == relfb:
- res.value = [Ref3D(coords + relfa)]
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if verbose: print("tRange post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif 0x12 <= opcode <= 0x14: # tUplus, tUminus, tPercent
- do_unaryop(opcode, (oUNK, oNUM,), oNUM, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x15: # tParen
- # source cosmetics
- pass
- elif opcode == 0x16: # tMissArg
- spush(Operand(oMSNG, None, LEAF_RANK, ''))
- elif opcode == 0x17: # tStr
- if bv <= 70:
- strg, newpos = unpack_string_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, bk.encoding, lenlen=1)
- else:
- strg, newpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, lenlen=1)
- sz = newpos - pos
- if verbose: print(" sz=%d strg=%r" % (sz, strg), file=bk.logfile)
- text = '"' + strg.replace('"', '""') + '"'
- spush(Operand(oSTRG, strg, LEAF_RANK, text))
- elif opcode == 0x18: # tExtended
- # new with BIFF 8
- assert bv >= 80
- # not in OOo docs
- raise FormulaError("tExtended token not implemented")
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tAttr
- subop, nc = unpack("= 1
- aop = stack[-1]
- otext = 'SUM(%s)' % aop.text
- stack[-1] = Operand(oNUM, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- else:
- sz = 4
- if verbose:
- print(" subop=%02xh subname=t%s sz=%d nc=%02xh" \
- % (subop, subname, sz, nc))
- elif 0x1A <= opcode <= 0x1B: # tSheet, tEndSheet
- assert bv < 50
- raise FormulaError("tSheet & tEndsheet tokens not implemented")
- elif 0x1C <= opcode <= 0x1F: # tErr, tBool, tInt, tNum
- inx = opcode - 0x1C
- nb = [1, 1, 2, 8][inx]
- kind = [oERR, oBOOL, oNUM, oNUM][inx]
- value, = unpack("<" + "BBHd"[inx], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])
- if inx == 2: # tInt
- value = float(value)
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 3: # tNum
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 1: # tBool
- text = ('FALSE', 'TRUE')[value]
- else:
- text = '"' +error_text_from_code[value] + '"'
- spush(Operand(kind, value, LEAF_RANK, text))
- else:
- raise FormulaError("Unhandled opcode: 0x%02x" % opcode)
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Size not set for opcode 0x%02x" % opcode)
- pos += sz
- continue
- if opcode == 0x00: # tArray
- spush(unk_opnd)
- elif opcode == 0x01: # tFunc
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- funcx = unpack("<" + " BH"[nb], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])[0]
- func_attrs = func_defs.get(funcx, None)
- if not func_attrs:
- print("*** formula/tFunc unknown FuncID:%d" \
- % funcx, file=bk.logfile)
- spush(unk_opnd)
- else:
- func_name, nargs = func_attrs[:2]
- if verbose:
- print(" FuncID=%d name=%s nargs=%d" \
- % (funcx, func_name, nargs))
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- del stack[-nargs:]
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x02: #tFuncVar
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- nargs, funcx = unpack("= nargs
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- if funcx == 1: # IF
- testarg = stack[-nargs]
- if testarg.kind not in (oNUM, oBOOL):
- if verbose and testarg.kind != oUNK:
- print("IF testarg kind?")
- elif testarg.value not in (0, 1):
- if verbose and testarg.value is not None:
- print("IF testarg value?")
- else:
- if nargs == 2 and not testarg.value:
- # IF(FALSE, tv) => FALSE
- res.kind, res.value = oBOOL, 0
- else:
- respos = -nargs + 2 - int(testarg.value)
- chosen = stack[respos]
- if chosen.kind == oMSNG:
- res.kind, res.value = oNUM, 0
- else:
- res.kind, res.value = chosen.kind, chosen.value
- if verbose:
- print("$$$$$$ IF => constant")
- elif funcx == 100: # CHOOSE
- testarg = stack[-nargs]
- if testarg.kind == oNUM:
- if 1 <= testarg.value < nargs:
- chosen = stack[-nargs + int(testarg.value)]
- if chosen.kind == oMSNG:
- res.kind, res.value = oNUM, 0
- else:
- res.kind, res.value = chosen.kind, chosen.value
- del stack[-nargs:]
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x03: #tName
- tgtnamex = unpack("> bk.logfile, " ", res
- # spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x0D: #tAreaN
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- # res = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # # note *ALL* tAreaN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- # any_rel = 1
- # if verbose: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x1A: # tRef3d
- if bv >= 80:
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta)
- refx = unpack("= 80:
- res1, res2 = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta)
- refx = unpack("= 80:
- refx, tgtnamex = unpack(" 0:
- refx -= 1
- elif refx < 0:
- refx = -refx - 1
- else:
- dodgy = 1
- if verbose:
- print(" origrefx=%d refx=%d tgtnamex=%d dodgy=%d" \
- % (origrefx, refx, tgtnamex, dodgy), file=bk.logfile)
- if tgtnamex == namex:
- if verbose: print("!!!! Self-referential !!!!", file=bk.logfile)
- dodgy = any_err = 1
- if not dodgy:
- if bv >= 80:
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range(bk, refx, verbose)
- elif origrefx > 0:
- shx1, shx2 = (-4, -4) # external ref
- else:
- exty = bk._externsheet_type_b57[refx]
- if exty == 4: # non-specific sheet in own doc't
- shx1, shx2 = (-1, -1) # internal, any sheet
- else:
- shx1, shx2 = (-666, -666)
- if dodgy or shx1 < -1:
- otext = "<>" \
- % (tgtnamex, origrefx)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- else:
- tgtobj = bk.name_obj_list[tgtnamex]
- if not tgtobj.evaluated:
- ### recursive ###
- evaluate_name_formula(bk, tgtobj, tgtnamex, verbose, level+1)
- if tgtobj.macro or tgtobj.binary \
- or tgtobj.any_err:
- if verbose:
- tgtobj.dump(
- bk.logfile,
- header="!!! bad tgtobj !!!",
- footer="------------------",
- )
- res = Operand(oUNK, None)
- any_err = any_err or tgtobj.macro or tgtobj.binary or tgtobj.any_err
- any_rel = any_rel or tgtobj.any_rel
- else:
- assert len(tgtobj.stack) == 1
- res = copy.deepcopy(tgtobj.stack[0])
- res.rank = LEAF_RANK
- if tgtobj.scope == -1:
- res.text =
- else:
- res.text = "%s!%s" \
- % (bk._sheet_names[tgtobj.scope],
- if verbose:
- print(" tNameX: setting text to", repr(res.text), file=bk.logfile)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode in _error_opcodes:
- any_err = 1
- spush(error_opnd)
- else:
- if verbose:
- print("FORMULA: /// Not handled yet: t" + oname, file=bk.logfile)
- any_err = 1
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Fatal: token size is not positive")
- pos += sz
- any_rel = not not any_rel
- if verbose:
- print("End of formula. level=%d any_rel=%d any_err=%d stack=%r" % \
- (level, not not any_rel, any_err, stack))
- if len(stack) >= 2:
- print("*** Stack has unprocessed args")
- print()
- nobj.stack = stack
- if len(stack) != 1:
- nobj.result = None
- else:
- nobj.result = stack[0]
- nobj.any_rel = any_rel
- nobj.any_err = any_err
- nobj.any_external = any_external
- nobj.evaluated = 1
-#### under construction ####
-def decompile_formula(bk, fmla, fmlalen,
- reldelta, browx=None, bcolx=None,
- # browx & bcolx are required when reldelta == 0
- verbose=0, level=0):
- if level > STACK_ALARM_LEVEL:
- verbose = 1
- data = fmla
- bv = bk.biff_version
- if verbose:
- print("::: decompile_formula len=%d reldelta=%d %r level=%d" \
- % (fmlalen, reldelta, data, level))
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, fmlalen)
- if level > STACK_PANIC_LEVEL:
- raise XLRDError("Excessive indirect references in formula")
- sztab = szdict[bv]
- pos = 0
- stack = []
- any_rel = 0
- any_err = 0
- any_external = 0
- unk_opnd = Operand(oUNK, None)
- error_opnd = Operand(oERR, None)
- spush = stack.append
- def do_binop(opcd, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 2
- bop = stk.pop()
- aop = stk.pop()
- argdict, result_kind, func, rank, sym = binop_rules[opcd]
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- resop = Operand(result_kind, None, rank, otext)
- stk.append(resop)
- def do_unaryop(opcode, arglist, result_kind, stk):
- assert len(stk) >= 1
- aop = stk.pop()
- assert aop.kind in arglist
- func, rank, sym1, sym2 = unop_rules[opcode]
- otext = ''.join([
- sym1,
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym2,
- ])
- stk.append(Operand(result_kind, None, rank, otext))
- def not_in_name_formula(op_arg, oname_arg):
- msg = "ERROR *** Unexpected token 0x%02x (%s) found in formula" \
- % (op_arg, oname_arg)
- # print msg
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if fmlalen == 0:
- stack = [unk_opnd]
- while 0 <= pos < fmlalen:
- op = data[pos]
- opcode = op & 0x1f
- optype = (op & 0x60) >> 5
- if optype:
- opx = opcode + 32
- else:
- opx = opcode
- oname = onames[opx] # + [" RVA"][optype]
- sz = sztab[opx]
- if verbose:
- print("Pos:%d Op:0x%02x opname:t%s Sz:%d opcode:%02xh optype:%02xh" \
- % (pos, op, oname, sz, opcode, optype))
- print("Stack =", stack)
- if sz == -2:
- msg = 'ERROR *** Unexpected token 0x%02x ("%s"); biff_version=%d' \
- % (op, oname, bv)
- raise FormulaError(msg)
- if not optype:
- if 0x00 <= opcode <= 0x02: # unk_opnd, tExp, tTbl
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- elif 0x03 <= opcode <= 0x0E:
- # Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Power
- # tConcat
- # tLT, ..., tNE
- do_binop(opcode, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x0F: # tIsect
- if verbose: print("tIsect pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ' '
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF)
- res.text = otext
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oUNK or aop.kind == oUNK:
- # This can happen with undefined
- # (go search in the current sheet) labels.
- # For example =Bob Sales
- # Each label gets a NAME record with an empty formula (!)
- # Evaluation of the tName token classifies it as oUNK
- # res.kind = oREF
- pass
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- pass
- elif bop.kind == oREL == aop.kind:
- res.kind = oREL
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if verbose: print("tIsect post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x10: # tList
- if verbose: print("tList pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ','
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res.kind = oERR
- elif bop.kind in (oREF, oREL) and aop.kind in (oREF, oREL):
- res.kind = oREF
- if aop.kind == oREL or bop.kind == oREL:
- res.kind = oREL
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if verbose: print("tList post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x11: # tRange
- if verbose: print("tRange pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- sym = ':'
- rank = 80 ########## check #######
- otext = ''.join([
- '('[:aop.rank < rank],
- aop.text,
- ')'[:aop.rank < rank],
- sym,
- '('[:bop.rank < rank],
- bop.text,
- ')'[:bop.rank < rank],
- ])
- res = Operand(oREF, None, rank, otext)
- if bop.kind == oERR or aop.kind == oERR:
- res = oERR
- elif bop.kind == oREF == aop.kind:
- pass
- else:
- pass
- spush(res)
- if verbose: print("tRange post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif 0x12 <= opcode <= 0x14: # tUplus, tUminus, tPercent
- do_unaryop(opcode, (oUNK, oNUM,), oNUM, stack)
- elif opcode == 0x15: # tParen
- # source cosmetics
- pass
- elif opcode == 0x16: # tMissArg
- spush(Operand(oMSNG, None, LEAF_RANK, ''))
- elif opcode == 0x17: # tStr
- if bv <= 70:
- strg, newpos = unpack_string_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, bk.encoding, lenlen=1)
- else:
- strg, newpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(
- data, pos+1, lenlen=1)
- sz = newpos - pos
- if verbose: print(" sz=%d strg=%r" % (sz, strg), file=bk.logfile)
- text = '"' + strg.replace('"', '""') + '"'
- spush(Operand(oSTRG, None, LEAF_RANK, text))
- elif opcode == 0x18: # tExtended
- # new with BIFF 8
- assert bv >= 80
- # not in OOo docs
- raise FormulaError("tExtended token not implemented")
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tAttr
- subop, nc = unpack("= 1
- aop = stack[-1]
- otext = 'SUM(%s)' % aop.text
- stack[-1] = Operand(oNUM, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- else:
- sz = 4
- if verbose:
- print(" subop=%02xh subname=t%s sz=%d nc=%02xh" \
- % (subop, subname, sz, nc))
- elif 0x1A <= opcode <= 0x1B: # tSheet, tEndSheet
- assert bv < 50
- raise FormulaError("tSheet & tEndsheet tokens not implemented")
- elif 0x1C <= opcode <= 0x1F: # tErr, tBool, tInt, tNum
- inx = opcode - 0x1C
- nb = [1, 1, 2, 8][inx]
- kind = [oERR, oBOOL, oNUM, oNUM][inx]
- value, = unpack("<" + "BBHd"[inx], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])
- if inx == 2: # tInt
- value = float(value)
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 3: # tNum
- text = str(value)
- elif inx == 1: # tBool
- text = ('FALSE', 'TRUE')[value]
- else:
- text = '"' +error_text_from_code[value] + '"'
- spush(Operand(kind, None, LEAF_RANK, text))
- else:
- raise FormulaError("Unhandled opcode: 0x%02x" % opcode)
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Size not set for opcode 0x%02x" % opcode)
- pos += sz
- continue
- if opcode == 0x00: # tArray
- spush(unk_opnd)
- elif opcode == 0x01: # tFunc
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- funcx = unpack("<" + " BH"[nb], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])[0]
- func_attrs = func_defs.get(funcx, None)
- if not func_attrs:
- print("*** formula/tFunc unknown FuncID:%d" % funcx, file=bk.logfile)
- spush(unk_opnd)
- else:
- func_name, nargs = func_attrs[:2]
- if verbose:
- print(" FuncID=%d name=%s nargs=%d" \
- % (funcx, func_name, nargs))
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- del stack[-nargs:]
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x02: #tFuncVar
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- nargs, funcx = unpack("= nargs
- assert len(stack) >= nargs
- argtext = listsep.join([arg.text for arg in stack[-nargs:]])
- otext = "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argtext)
- res = Operand(oUNK, None, FUNC_RANK, otext)
- del stack[-nargs:]
- spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x03: #tName
- tgtnamex = unpack("> bk.logfile, " ", res
- # spush(res)
- elif opcode == 0x0D: #tAreaN
- not_in_name_formula(op, oname)
- # res = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+1, bv, reldelta=1)
- # # note *ALL* tAreaN usage has signed offset for relative addresses
- # any_rel = 1
- # if verbose: print >> bk.logfile, " ", res
- elif opcode == 0x1A: # tRef3d
- if bv >= 80:
- res = get_cell_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta, browx, bcolx)
- refx = unpack("= 80:
- res1, res2 = get_cell_range_addr(data, pos+3, bv, reldelta)
- refx = unpack("= 80:
- refx, tgtnamex = unpack(" 0:
- refx -= 1
- elif refx < 0:
- refx = -refx - 1
- else:
- dodgy = 1
- if verbose:
- print(" origrefx=%d refx=%d tgtnamex=%d dodgy=%d" \
- % (origrefx, refx, tgtnamex, dodgy), file=bk.logfile)
- # if tgtnamex == namex:
- # if verbose: print >> bk.logfile, "!!!! Self-referential !!!!"
- # dodgy = any_err = 1
- if not dodgy:
- if bv >= 80:
- shx1, shx2 = get_externsheet_local_range(bk, refx, verbose)
- elif origrefx > 0:
- shx1, shx2 = (-4, -4) # external ref
- else:
- exty = bk._externsheet_type_b57[refx]
- if exty == 4: # non-specific sheet in own doc't
- shx1, shx2 = (-1, -1) # internal, any sheet
- else:
- shx1, shx2 = (-666, -666)
- okind = oUNK
- ovalue = None
- if shx1 == -5: # addin func name
- okind = oSTRG
- ovalue = bk.addin_func_names[tgtnamex]
- otext = '"' + ovalue.replace('"', '""') + '"'
- elif dodgy or shx1 < -1:
- otext = "<>" \
- % (tgtnamex, origrefx)
- else:
- tgtobj = bk.name_obj_list[tgtnamex]
- if tgtobj.scope == -1:
- otext =
- else:
- otext = "%s!%s" \
- % (bk._sheet_names[tgtobj.scope],
- if verbose:
- print(" tNameX: setting text to", repr(res.text), file=bk.logfile)
- res = Operand(okind, ovalue, LEAF_RANK, otext)
- spush(res)
- elif opcode in _error_opcodes:
- any_err = 1
- spush(error_opnd)
- else:
- if verbose:
- print("FORMULA: /// Not handled yet: t" + oname, file=bk.logfile)
- any_err = 1
- if sz <= 0:
- raise FormulaError("Fatal: token size is not positive")
- pos += sz
- any_rel = not not any_rel
- if verbose:
- print("End of formula. level=%d any_rel=%d any_err=%d stack=%r" % \
- (level, not not any_rel, any_err, stack))
- if len(stack) >= 2:
- print("*** Stack has unprocessed args")
- print()
- if len(stack) != 1:
- result = None
- else:
- result = stack[0].text
- return result
-#### under deconstruction ###
-def dump_formula(bk, data, fmlalen, bv, reldelta, verbose=0, isname=0):
- if verbose:
- print("dump_formula", fmlalen, bv, len(data))
- hex_char_dump(data, 0, fmlalen)
- assert bv >= 80 #### this function needs updating ####
- sztab = szdict[bv]
- pos = 0
- stack = []
- any_rel = 0
- any_err = 0
- spush = stack.append
- while 0 <= pos < fmlalen:
- op = data[pos]
- opcode = op & 0x1f
- optype = (op & 0x60) >> 5
- if optype:
- opx = opcode + 32
- else:
- opx = opcode
- oname = onames[opx] # + [" RVA"][optype]
- sz = sztab[opx]
- if verbose:
- print("Pos:%d Op:0x%02x Name:t%s Sz:%d opcode:%02xh optype:%02xh" \
- % (pos, op, oname, sz, opcode, optype))
- if not optype:
- if 0x01 <= opcode <= 0x02: # tExp, tTbl
- # reference to a shared formula or table record
- rowx, colx = unpack("= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- spush(aop + bop)
- if verbose: print("tlist post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x11: # tRange
- if verbose: print("tRange pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- assert len(aop) == 1
- assert len(bop) == 1
- result = do_box_funcs(tRangeFuncs, aop[0], bop[0])
- spush(result)
- if verbose: print("tRange post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x0F: # tIsect
- if verbose: print("tIsect pre", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- assert len(stack) >= 2
- bop = stack.pop()
- aop = stack.pop()
- assert len(aop) == 1
- assert len(bop) == 1
- result = do_box_funcs(tIsectFuncs, aop[0], bop[0])
- spush(result)
- if verbose: print("tIsect post", stack, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x19: # tAttr
- subop, nc = unpack("= 40)
- funcx = unpack("<" + " BH"[nb], data[pos+1:pos+1+nb])
- if verbose: print(" FuncID=%d" % funcx, file=bk.logfile)
- elif opcode == 0x02: #tFuncVar
- nb = 1 + int(bv >= 40)
- nargs, funcx = unpack("= 2:
- print("*** Stack has unprocessed args", file=bk.logfile)
-# === Some helper functions for displaying cell references ===
-# Note that a "non-standard" syntax is used in row and column
-# components in relative references.
-# For example, consider a relative reference: up two rows, right 3 columns.
-# On screen, with cursor in cell D10, this would appear as G8.
-# On screen, with cursor in cell Z100, this would appear as AC98.
-# On screen, with cursor in cell A1, this would appear as D65535.
-# These functions will display such a reference as [@+3,#-2].
-# "@" refers to the unknown base column.
-# "#" refers to the unknown base row.
-# I'm aware of only one possibility of a sheet-relative component in
-# a reference: a 2D reference located in the "current sheet".
-# xlrd stores this internally with bounds of (0, 1, ...) and
-# relative flags of (1, 1, ...). These functions display the
-# sheet component as empty, just like Excel etc.
-def rownamerel(rowx, rowxrel):
- if not rowxrel:
- return "$%d" % rowx
- if rowx > 0:
- return "#+%d" % rowx
- if rowx < 0:
- return "#-%d" % (-rowx)
- return "#"
-def colnamerel(colx, colxrel):
- if not colxrel:
- return "$" + colname(colx)
- if colx > 0:
- return "@+%d" % colx
- if colx < 0:
- return "@-%d" % (-colx)
- return "@"
-# Utility function: (5, 7) => 'H6'
-def cellname(rowx, colx):
- """ (5, 7) => 'H6' """
- return "%s%d" % (colname(colx), rowx+1)
-# Utility function: (5, 7) => '$H$6'
-def cellnameabs(rowx, colx):
- """ (5, 7) => '$H$6' """
- return "$%s$%d" % (colname(colx), rowx+1)
-def cellnamerel(rowx, colx, rowxrel, colxrel):
- if not rowxrel and not colxrel:
- return cellnameabs(rowx, colx)
- return "[%s,%s]" % (
- colnamerel(colx, colxrel),
- rownamerel(rowx, rowxrel))
-# Utility function: 7 => 'H', 27 => 'AB'
-def colname(colx):
- """ 7 => 'H', 27 => 'AB' """
- if colx <= 25:
- return alphabet[colx]
- else:
- xdiv26, xmod26 = divmod(colx, 26)
- return alphabet[xdiv26 - 1] + alphabet[xmod26]
-def rangename2d(rlo, rhi, clo, chi):
- """ (5, 20, 7, 10) => '$H$6:$J$20' """
- if rhi == rlo+1 and chi == clo+1:
- return cellnameabs(rlo, clo)
- return "%s:%s" % (cellnameabs(rlo, clo), cellnameabs(rhi-1, chi-1))
-def rangename2drel(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1):
- (rlo, rhi, clo, chi) = xxx_todo_changeme
- (rlorel, rhirel, clorel, chirel) = xxx_todo_changeme1
- return "%s:%s" % (
- cellnamerel(rlo, clo, rlorel, clorel),
- cellnamerel(rhi-1, chi-1, rhirel, chirel)
- )
-# Utility function:
Ref3D((1, 4, 5, 20, 7, 10)) => 'Sheet2:Sheet3!$H$6:$J$20'
-def rangename3d(book, ref3d):
- """ Ref3D(1, 4, 5, 20, 7, 10) => 'Sheet2:Sheet3!$H$6:$J$20'
- (assuming Excel's default sheetnames) """
- coords = ref3d.coords
- return "%s!%s" % (
- sheetrange(book, *coords[:2]),
- rangename2d(*coords[2:6]))
-# Utility function:
Ref3D(coords=(0, 1, -32, -22, -13, 13), relflags=(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1))
-# => 'Sheet1![@-13,#-32]:[@+12,#-23]'
-# where '@' refers to the current or base column and '#'
-# refers to the current or base row.
-def rangename3drel(book, ref3d):
- coords = ref3d.coords
- relflags = ref3d.relflags
- shdesc = sheetrangerel(book, coords[:2], relflags[:2])
- rngdesc = rangename2drel(coords[2:6], relflags[2:6])
- if not shdesc:
- return rngdesc
- return "%s!%s" % (shdesc, rngdesc)
-def quotedsheetname(shnames, shx):
- if shx >= 0:
- shname = shnames[shx]
- else:
- shname = {
- -1: "?internal; any sheet?",
- -2: "internal; deleted sheet",
- -3: "internal; macro sheet",
- -4: "<>",
- }.get(shx, "?error %d?" % shx)
- if "'" in shname:
- return "'" + shname.replace("'", "''") + "'"
- if " " in shname:
- return "'" + shname + "'"
- return shname
-def sheetrange(book, slo, shi):
- shnames = book.sheet_names()
- shdesc = quotedsheetname(shnames, slo)
- if slo != shi-1:
- shdesc += ":" + quotedsheetname(shnames, shi-1)
- return shdesc
-def sheetrangerel(book, xxx_todo_changeme2, xxx_todo_changeme3):
- (slo, shi) = xxx_todo_changeme2
- (slorel, shirel) = xxx_todo_changeme3
- if not slorel and not shirel:
- return sheetrange(book, slo, shi)
- assert (slo == 0 == shi-1) and slorel and shirel
- return ""
-# ==============================================================
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5911fb0b..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1611 +0,0 @@
-# Portions copyright © 2005-2009 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd3 package, which is released under a
-# BSD-style licence.
-# 2009-05-31 SJM Fixed problem with no CODEPAGE record on extremely minimal BIFF2.x 3rd-party file
-# 2009-04-27 SJM Integrated on_demand patch by Armando Serrano Lombillo
-# 2008-02-09 SJM Excel 2.0: build XFs on the fly from cell attributes
-# 2007-12-04 SJM Added support for Excel 2.x (BIFF2) files.
-# 2007-10-11 SJM Added missing entry for blank cell type to ctype_text
-# 2007-07-11 SJM Allow for BIFF2/3-style FORMAT record in BIFF4/8 file
-# 2007-04-22 SJM Remove experimental "trimming" facility.
-#for debugging only
-from math import isnan
-import time
-from struct import unpack
-from array import array
-from .biffh import *
-from .formula import dump_formula, decompile_formula, rangename2d
-from .formatting import nearest_colour_index, Format
-from .xfcell import XFCell
-DEBUG = 0
-_WINDOW2_options = (
- # Attribute names and initial values to use in case
- # a WINDOW2 record is not written.
- ("show_formulas", 0),
- ("show_grid_lines", 1),
- ("show_sheet_headers", 1),
- ("panes_are_frozen", 0),
- ("show_zero_values", 1),
- ("automatic_grid_line_colour", 1),
- ("columns_from_right_to_left", 0),
- ("show_outline_symbols", 1),
- ("remove_splits_if_pane_freeze_is_removed", 0),
- ("sheet_selected", 0),
- # "sheet_visible" appears to be merely a clone of "sheet_selected".
- # The real thing is the visibility attribute from the BOUNDSHEET record.
- ("sheet_visible", 0),
- ("show_in_page_break_preview", 0),
- )
-def int_floor_div(x, y):
- return divmod(x, y)[0]
-class Sheet(BaseObject):
- """Contains the data for one worksheet.
- In the cell access functions, "rowx" is a row index, counting from zero,
- and "colx" is a column index, counting from zero.
- Negative values for row/column indexes and slice positions are supported in
- the expected fashion.
- For information about cell types and cell values, refer to the documentation
- of the Cell class.
- WARNING: You don't call this class yourself. You access Sheet objects via
- the Book object that was returned when you called xlrd.open_workbook("myfile.xls").
- """
- # Name of sheet.
- name = ''
- # Number of rows in sheet. A row index is in range(thesheet.nrows).
- nrows = 0
- # Number of columns in sheet. A column index is in range(thesheet.ncols).
- ncols = 0
- # The map from a column index to a Colinfo object. Often there is an entry
- # in COLINFO records for all column indexes in range(257).
- # Note that xlrd ignores the entry for the non-existent
- # 257th column. On the other hand, there may be no entry for unused columns.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- colinfo_map = {}
- # The map from a row index to a Rowinfo object. Note that it is possible
- # to have missing entries -- at least one source of XLS files doesn't
- # bother writing ROW records.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- rowinfo_map = {}
- # List of address ranges of cells containing column labels.
- # These are set up in Excel by Insert > Name > Labels > Columns.
- # - New in version 0.6.0
- # How to deconstruct the list::
- #
- # for crange in thesheet.col_label_ranges:
- # rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange
- # for rx in xrange(rlo, rhi):
- # for cx in xrange(clo, chi):
- # print "Column label at (rowx=%d, colx=%d) is %r" \
- # (rx, cx, thesheet.cell_value(rx, cx))
- #
- col_label_ranges = []
- # List of address ranges of cells containing row labels.
- # For more details, see col_label_ranges above.
- # - New in version 0.6.0
- row_label_ranges = []
- # List of address ranges of cells which have been merged.
- # These are set up in Excel by Format > Cells > Alignment, then ticking
- # the "Merge cells" box.
- # - New in version 0.6.1. Extracted only if open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)
- # How to deconstruct the list::
- #
- # for crange in thesheet.merged_cells:
- # rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange
- # for rowx in xrange(rlo, rhi):
- # for colx in xrange(clo, chi):
- # # cell (rlo, clo) (the top left one) will carry the data
- # # and formatting info; the remainder will be recorded as
- # # blank cells, but a renderer will apply the formatting info
- # # for the top left cell (e.g. border, pattern) to all cells in
- # # the range.
- #
- merged_cells = []
- # Default column width from DEFCOLWIDTH record, else None.
- # From the OOo docs:
- # """Column width in characters, using the width of the zero character
- # from default font (first FONT record in the file). Excel adds some
- # extra space to the default width, depending on the default font and
- # default font size. The algorithm how to exactly calculate the resulting
- # column width is not known.
- # Example: The default width of 8 set in this record results in a column
- # width of 8.43 using Arial font with a size of 10 points."""
- # For the default hierarchy, refer to the Colinfo class above.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- defcolwidth = None
- # Default column width from STANDARDWIDTH record, else None.
- # From the OOo docs:
- # """Default width of the columns in 1/256 of the width of the zero
- # character, using default font (first FONT record in the file)."""
- # For the default hierarchy, refer to the Colinfo class above.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- standardwidth = None
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_row_height = None
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the ´optional´ DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_row_height_mismatch = None
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the ´optional´ DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_row_hidden = None
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_additional_space_above = None
- # Default value to be used for a row if there is
- # no ROW record for that row.
- # From the optional DEFAULTROWHEIGHT record.
- default_additional_space_below = None
- # Visibility of the sheet. 0 = visible, 1 = hidden (can be unhidden
- # by user -- Format/Sheet/Unhide), 2 = "very hidden" (can be unhidden
- # only by VBA macro).
- visibility = 0
- # A 256-element tuple corresponding to the contents of the GCW record for this sheet.
- # If no such record, treat as all bits zero.
- # Applies to BIFF4-7 only. See docs of Colinfo class for discussion.
- gcw = (0, ) * 256
- def __init__(self, book, position, name, number):
- = book
- self.biff_version = book.biff_version
- self._position = position
- self.logfile = book.logfile
- self.pickleable = book.pickleable
- # (to_py3) self.dont_use_array = not(array_array and (CAN_PICKLE_ARRAY or not book.pickleable))
- = name
- self.number = number
- self.verbosity = book.verbosity
- self.formatting_info = book.formatting_info
- self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map = book._xf_index_to_xl_type_map
- self.nrows = 0 # actual, including possibly empty cells
- self.ncols = 0
- self._maxdatarowx = -1 # highest rowx containing a non-empty cell
- self._maxdatacolx = -1 # highest colx containing a non-empty cell
- self._dimnrows = 0 # as per DIMENSIONS record
- self._dimncols = 0
- self._cell_values = []
- self._cell_types = []
- self._cell_xf_indexes = []
- self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 0
- self.defcolwidth = None
- self.standardwidth = None
- self.default_row_height = None
- self.default_row_height_mismatch = 0
- self.default_row_hidden = 0
- self.default_additional_space_above = 0
- self.default_additional_space_below = 0
- self.colinfo_map = {}
- self.rowinfo_map = {}
- self.col_label_ranges = []
- self.row_label_ranges = []
- self.merged_cells = []
- self._xf_index_stats = [0, 0, 0, 0]
- self.visibility = book._sheet_visibility[number] # from BOUNDSHEET record
- for attr, defval in _WINDOW2_options:
- setattr(self, attr, defval)
- self.first_visible_rowx = 0
- self.first_visible_colx = 0
- self.gridline_colour_index = 0x40
- self.gridline_colour_rgb = None # pre-BIFF8
- self.cached_page_break_preview_mag_factor = 0
- self.cached_normal_view_mag_factor = 0
- self._ixfe = None # BIFF2 only
- self._cell_attr_to_xfx = {} # BIFF2.0 only
- #### Don't initialise this here, use class attribute initialisation.
- #### self.gcw = (0, ) * 256 ####
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- self.utter_max_rows = 65536
- else:
- self.utter_max_rows = 16384
- self.utter_max_cols = 256
- def cell(self, rowx, colx):
- """ Get the XFCell() object in the given row and column. """
- if self.formatting_info:
- xf_index = self.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)
- else:
- xf_index = None
- ctype = self.cell_type(rowx, colx)
- value = self.cell_value(rowx, colx)
- return Cell(ctype, value, xf_index, self)
- def cell_value(self, rowx, colx):
- """ Value of the cell in the given row and column. """
- return self._cell_values[rowx][colx]
- def cell_type(self, rowx, colx):
- """ Type of the cell in the given row and column.
- Refer to the documentation of the Cell class.
- """
- return self._cell_types[rowx][colx]
- # New in version 0.6.1
- def cell_xf_index(self, rowx, colx):
- """ XF index of the cell in the given row and column.
- This is an index into Book.xf_list.
- """
- self.req_fmt_info()
- xfx = self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx]
- if xfx > -1:
- self._xf_index_stats[0] += 1
- return xfx
- # Check for a row xf_index
- try:
- xfx = self.rowinfo_map[rowx].xf_index
- if xfx > -1:
- self._xf_index_stats[1] += 1
- return xfx
- except KeyError:
- pass
- # Check for a column xf_index
- try:
- xfx = self.colinfo_map[colx].xf_index
- assert xfx > -1
- self._xf_index_stats[2] += 1
- return xfx
- except KeyError:
- # If all else fails, 15 is used as hardwired global default xf_index.
- self._xf_index_stats[3] += 1
- return 15
- def row(self, rowx):
- """ Returns a sequence of the Cell objects in the given row. """
- return [self.cell(rowx, colx) for colx in range(self.ncols)]
- def row_types(self, rowx, start_colx=0, end_colx=None):
- """ Returns a slice of the types of the cells in the given row. """
- if end_colx is None:
- return self._cell_types[rowx][start_colx:]
- return self._cell_types[rowx][start_colx:end_colx]
- def row_values(self, rowx, start_colx=0, end_colx=None):
- """ Returns a slice of the values of the cells in the given row. """
- if end_colx is None:
- return self._cell_values[rowx][start_colx:]
- return self._cell_values[rowx][start_colx:end_colx]
- def row_slice(self, rowx, start_colx=0, end_colx=None):
- """ Returns a slice of the Cell objects in the given row. """
- nc = self.ncols
- if start_colx < 0:
- start_colx += nc
- if start_colx < 0:
- start_colx = 0
- if end_colx is None or end_colx > nc:
- end_colx = nc
- elif end_colx < 0:
- end_colx += nc
- return [self.cell(rowx, colx) for colx in range(start_colx, end_colx)]
- def col_slice(self, colx, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None):
- """ Returns a slice of the Cell objects in the given column. """
- nr = self.nrows
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx += nr
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx = 0
- if end_rowx is None or end_rowx > nr:
- end_rowx = nr
- elif end_rowx < 0:
- end_rowx += nr
- return [self.cell(rowx, colx) for rowx in range(start_rowx, end_rowx)]
- col = col_slice
- """ Returns a sequence of the Cell objects in the given column. """
- def col_values(self, colx, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None):
- """ Returns a slice of the values of the cells in the given column. """
- nr = self.nrows
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx += nr
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx = 0
- if end_rowx is None or end_rowx > nr:
- end_rowx = nr
- elif end_rowx < 0:
- end_rowx += nr
- return [self._cell_values[rowx][colx] for rowx in range(start_rowx, end_rowx)]
- def col_types(self, colx, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None):
- """ Returns a slice of the types of the cells in the given column. """
- nr = self.nrows
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx += nr
- if start_rowx < 0:
- start_rowx = 0
- if end_rowx is None or end_rowx > nr:
- end_rowx = nr
- elif end_rowx < 0:
- end_rowx += nr
- return [self._cell_types[rowx][colx] for rowx in range(start_rowx, end_rowx)]
- # Following methods are used in building the worksheet.
- # They are not part of the API.
- def extend_cells(self, nr, nc):
- assert 1 <= nc <= self.utter_max_cols
- assert 1 <= nr <= self.utter_max_rows
- if nr <= self.nrows:
- # New cell is in an existing row, so extend that row (if necessary).
- # Note that nr < self.nrows means that the cell data
- # is not in ascending row order!!
- self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 1
- nrx = nr - 1
- trow = self._cell_types[nrx]
- tlen = len(trow)
- nextra = max(nc, self.ncols) - tlen
- if nextra > 0:
- #(to_py3) if self.dont_use_array: ... removed
- trow.extend(array('B', [xce]) * nextra)
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[nrx].extend(array('h', [-1]) * nextra)
- self._cell_values[nrx].extend([''] * nextra)
- if nc > self.ncols:
- self.ncols = nc
- self._need_fix_ragged_rows = 1
- if nr > self.nrows:
- scta = self._cell_types.append
- scva = self._cell_values.append
- scxa = self._cell_xf_indexes.append
- fmt_info = self.formatting_info
- nc = self.ncols
- #(to_py3) if self.dont_use_array: ... removed
- for _unused in range(self.nrows, nr):
- scta(array('B', [xce]) * nc)
- scva([''] * nc)
- if fmt_info:
- scxa(array('h', [-1]) * nc)
- self.nrows = nr
- def fix_ragged_rows(self):
- t0 = time.time()
- ncols = self.ncols
- s_cell_types = self._cell_types
- s_cell_values = self._cell_values
- s_cell_xf_indexes = self._cell_xf_indexes
- s_fmt_info = self.formatting_info
- totrowlen = 0
- for rowx in range(self.nrows):
- trow = s_cell_types[rowx]
- rlen = len(trow)
- totrowlen += rlen
- nextra = ncols - rlen
- if nextra > 0:
- s_cell_values[rowx][rlen:] = [''] * nextra
- trow.extend(array('B', [xce]) * nextra)
- if s_fmt_info:
- s_cell_xf_indexes[rowx][rlen:] = array('h', [-1]) * nextra
- self._fix_ragged_rows_time = time.time() - t0
- def tidy_dimensions(self):
- if self.verbosity >= 3:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "tidy_dimensions: nrows=%d ncols=%d _need_fix_ragged_rows=%d\n",
- self.nrows, self.ncols, self._need_fix_ragged_rows)
- if self.merged_cells:
- nr = nc = 0
- umaxrows = self.utter_max_rows
- umaxcols = self.utter_max_cols
- for crange in self.merged_cells:
- rlo, rhi, clo, chi = crange
- if not (0 <= rlo < rhi <= umaxrows) \
- or not (0 <= clo < chi <= umaxcols):
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** WARNING: sheet #%d (%r), MERGEDCELLS bad range %r\n",
- self.number,, crange)
- if rhi > nr: nr = rhi
- if chi > nc: nc = chi
- self.extend_cells(nr, nc)
- if self.verbosity >= 1 and \
- (self.nrows != self._dimnrows or self.ncols != self._dimncols):
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "NOTE *** sheet %d (%r): DIMENSIONS R,C = %d,%d should be %d,%d\n",
- self.number,
- self._dimnrows,
- self._dimncols,
- self.nrows,
- self.ncols,
- )
- if self._need_fix_ragged_rows:
- self.fix_ragged_rows()
- def put_cell(self, rowx, colx, ctype, value, xf_index):
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except IndexError:
- self.extend_cells(rowx+1, colx+1)
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except:
- print("put_cell", rowx, colx, file=self.logfile)
- raise
- except:
- print("put_cell", rowx, colx, file=self.logfile)
- raise
- def put_blank_cell(self, rowx, colx, xf_index):
- # This is used for cells from BLANK and MULBLANK records
- ctype = XL_CELL_BLANK
- value = ''
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except IndexError:
- self.extend_cells(rowx+1, colx+1)
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except:
- print("put_cell", rowx, colx, file=self.logfile)
- raise
- except:
- print("put_cell", rowx, colx, file=self.logfile)
- raise
- def put_number_cell(self, rowx, colx, value, xf_index):
- # for debugging
- if type(value) == float and isnan(value):
- pass
- ctype = self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map[xf_index]
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except IndexError:
- self.extend_cells(rowx+1, colx+1)
- try:
- self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
- self._cell_values[rowx][colx] = value
- if self.formatting_info:
- self._cell_xf_indexes[rowx][colx] = xf_index
- except:
- print("put_number_cell", rowx, colx, file=self.logfile)
- raise
- except:
- print("put_number_cell", rowx, colx, file=self.logfile)
- raise
- # === Methods after this line neither know nor care about how cells are stored.
- def read(self, bk):
- global rc_stats
- DEBUG = 0
- verbose = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 2
- verbose_rows = DEBUG or self.verbosity >= 4
- verbose_formulas = 1 and verbose
- oldpos = bk._position
- bk._position = self._position
- )
- self_put_number_cell = self.put_number_cell
- self_put_cell = self.put_cell
- self_put_blank_cell = self.put_blank_cell
- local_unpack = unpack
- bk_get_record_parts = bk.get_record_parts
- bv = self.biff_version
- fmt_info = self.formatting_info
- eof_found = 0
- while 1:
- rc, data_len, data = bk_get_record_parts()
- if rc == XL_NUMBER:
- rowx, colx, xf_index, d = local_unpack('> 15) & 1
- r.outline_level = bits2 & 7
- r.outline_group_starts_ends = (bits2 >> 4) & 1
- r.hidden = (bits2 >> 5) & 1
- r.height_mismatch = (bits2 >> 6) & 1
- r.has_default_xf_index = (bits2 >> 7) & 1
- r.xf_index = (bits2 >> 16) & 0xfff
- r.additional_space_above = (bits2 >> 28) & 1
- r.additional_space_below = (bits2 >> 29) & 1
- if not r.has_default_xf_index:
- r.xf_index = -1
- self.rowinfo_map[rowx] = r
- if 0 and r.xf_index > -1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "**ROW %d %d %d\n",
- self.number, rowx, r.xf_index)
- if verbose_rows:
- print('ROW', rowx, bits1, bits2, file=self.logfile)
- r.dump(self.logfile,
- header="--- sh #%d, rowx=%d ---" % (self.number, rowx))
- elif rc in XL_FORMULA_OPCODES: # 06, 0206, 0406
- if bv >= 50:
- # IMPORTANT result_str is bytes
- rowx, colx, xf_index, result_str, flags = local_unpack('= 30:
- rowx, colx, xf_index, result_str, flags = local_unpack(' 20))
- else:
- strg = unpack_unicode(data2, 0, lenlen=2)
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_TEXT, strg, xf_index)
- # if DEBUG: print "FORMULA strg %r" % strg
- elif result_str[0] == 1: #b'\x01':
- # boolean formula result
- value = result_str[2]
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_BOOLEAN, value, xf_index)
- elif result_str[0] == 2: #b'\x02':
- # Error in cell
- value = result_str[2]
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_ERROR, value, xf_index)
- elif result_str[0] == 3:#b'\x03':
- # empty ... i.e. empty (zero-length) string, NOT an empty cell.
- self.put_cell(rowx, colx, XL_CELL_TEXT, "", xf_index)
- else:
- raise XLRDError("unexpected special case (0x%02x) in FORMULA" % result_str[0])
- else:
- # it is a number
- d = local_unpack(' 255: break # Excel does 0 to 256 inclusive
- self.colinfo_map[colx] = c
- if 0:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "**COL %d %d %d\n",
- self.number, colx, c.xf_index)
- if verbose:
- fprintf(
- self.logfile,
- "COLINFO sheet #%d cols %d-%d: wid=%d xf_index=%d flags=0x%04x\n",
- self.number, first_colx, last_colx, c.width, c.xf_index, flags,
- )
- c.dump(self.logfile, header='===')
- elif rc == XL_DEFCOLWIDTH:
- self.defcolwidth, = local_unpack(">= 1
- self.gcw = tuple(gcw)
- if 0:
- showgcw = "".join(["F "[x] for x in gcw]).rstrip().replace(' ', '.')
- print("GCW:", showgcw)
- elif rc == XL_BLANK:
- if not fmt_info: continue
- rowx, colx, xf_index = local_unpack(' found EOF", file=self.logfile)
- elif rc == XL_COUNTRY:
- bk.handle_country(data)
- elif rc == XL_LABELRANGES:
- pos = 0
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- self.row_label_ranges, data, pos, bv, addr_size=8,
- )
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- self.col_label_ranges, data, pos, bv, addr_size=8,
- )
- assert pos == data_len
- elif rc == XL_ARRAY:
- row1x, rownx, col1x, colnx, array_flags, tokslen = \
- local_unpack("= 80
- num_CFs, needs_recalc, browx1, browx2, bcolx1, bcolx2 = \
- unpack("<6H", data[0:12])
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "\n*** WARNING: Ignoring CONDFMT (conditional formatting) record\n" \
- "*** in Sheet %d (%r).\n" \
- "*** %d CF record(s); needs_recalc_or_redraw = %d\n" \
- "*** Bounding box is %s\n",
- self.number,, num_CFs, needs_recalc,
- rangename2d(browx1, browx2+1, bcolx1, bcolx2+1),
- )
- olist = [] # updated by the function
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- olist, data, 12, bv, addr_size=8)
- # print >> self.logfile, repr(result), len(result)
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** %d individual range(s):\n" \
- "*** %s\n",
- len(olist),
- ", ".join([rangename2d(*coords) for coords in olist]),
- )
- elif rc == XL_CF:
- if not fmt_info: continue
- cf_type, cmp_op, sz1, sz2, flags = unpack("> 26) & 1
- bord_block = (flags >> 28) & 1
- patt_block = (flags >> 29) & 1
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "\n*** WARNING: Ignoring CF (conditional formatting) sub-record.\n" \
- "*** cf_type=%d, cmp_op=%d, sz1=%d, sz2=%d, flags=0x%08x\n" \
- "*** optional data blocks: font=%d, border=%d, pattern=%d\n",
- cf_type, cmp_op, sz1, sz2, flags,
- font_block, bord_block, patt_block,
- )
- # hex_char_dump(data, 0, data_len)
- pos = 12
- if font_block:
- (font_height, font_options, weight, escapement, underline,
- font_colour_index, two_bits, font_esc, font_underl) = \
- unpack("<64x i i H H B 3x i 4x i i i 18x", data[pos:pos+118])
- font_style = (two_bits > 1) & 1
- posture = (font_options > 1) & 1
- font_canc = (two_bits > 7) & 1
- cancellation = (font_options > 7) & 1
- if self.verbosity >= 1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** Font info: height=%d, weight=%d, escapement=%d,\n" \
- "*** underline=%d, colour_index=%d, esc=%d, underl=%d,\n" \
- "*** style=%d, posture=%d, canc=%d, cancellation=%d\n",
- font_height, weight, escapement, underline,
- font_colour_index, font_esc, font_underl,
- font_style, posture, font_canc, cancellation,
- )
- pos += 118
- if bord_block:
- pos += 8
- if patt_block:
- pos += 4
- fmla1 = data[pos:pos+sz1]
- pos += sz1
- if verbose and sz1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** formula 1:\n",
- )
- dump_formula(bk, fmla1, sz1, bv, reldelta=0, verbose=1)
- fmla2 = data[pos:pos+sz2]
- pos += sz2
- assert pos == data_len
- if verbose and sz2:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "*** formula 2:\n",
- )
- dump_formula(bk, fmla2, sz2, bv, reldelta=0, verbose=1)
- if data_len == 4:
- bits, self.default_row_height = unpack("> 1) & 1
- self.default_additional_space_above = (bits >> 2) & 1
- self.default_additional_space_below = (bits >> 3) & 1
- elif rc == XL_MERGEDCELLS:
- if not fmt_info: continue
- pos = unpack_cell_range_address_list_update_pos(
- self.merged_cells, data, 0, bv, addr_size=8)
- if verbose:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "MERGEDCELLS: %d ranges\n", int_floor_div(pos - 2, 8))
- assert pos == data_len, \
- "MERGEDCELLS: pos=%d data_len=%d" % (pos, data_len)
- elif rc == XL_WINDOW2:
- if bv >= 80:
- (options,
- self.first_visible_rowx, self.first_visible_colx,
- self.gridline_colour_index,
- self.cached_page_break_preview_mag_factor,
- self.cached_normal_view_mag_factor
- ) = unpack(">= 1
- # print "WINDOW2: visible=%d selected=%d" \
- # % (self.sheet_visible, self.sheet_selected)
- #### all of the following are for BIFF <= 4W
- elif bv <= 45:
- if rc == XL_FORMAT or rc == XL_FORMAT2:
- bk.handle_format(data, rc)
- elif rc == XL_FONT or rc == XL_FONT_B3B4:
- bk.handle_font(data)
- elif rc == XL_STYLE:
- if not
- bk.handle_style(data)
- elif rc == XL_PALETTE:
- bk.handle_palette(data)
- bk.handle_builtinfmtcount(data)
- elif rc == XL_XF4 or rc == XL_XF3 or rc == XL_XF2: #### N.B. not XL_XF
- bk.handle_xf(data)
- elif rc == XL_DATEMODE:
- bk.handle_datemode(data)
- elif rc == XL_CODEPAGE:
- bk.handle_codepage(data)
- elif rc == XL_FILEPASS:
- bk.handle_filepass(data)
- elif rc == XL_WRITEACCESS:
- bk.handle_writeaccess(data)
- elif rc == XL_IXFE:
- self._ixfe = local_unpack('> 15) & 1
- r.outline_level = 0
- r.outline_group_starts_ends = 0
- r.hidden = 0
- r.height_mismatch = 0
- r.has_default_xf_index = has_defaults & 1
- r.additional_space_above = 0
- r.additional_space_below = 0
- if not r.has_default_xf_index:
- r.xf_index = -1
- elif data_len == 18:
- # Seems the XF index in the cell_attr is dodgy
- xfx = local_unpack(' -1:
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "**ROW %d %d %d\n",
- self.number, rowx, r.xf_index)
- if verbose_rows:
- print('ROW_B2', rowx, bits1, has_defaults, file=self.logfile)
- r.dump(self.logfile,
- header="--- sh #%d, rowx=%d ---" % (self.number, rowx))
- elif rc == XL_COLWIDTH: # BIFF2 only
- if not fmt_info: continue
- first_colx, last_colx, width\
- = local_unpack("= 2
- if self.biff_version == 21:
- if self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map:
- if true_xfx is not None:
- xfx = true_xfx
- else:
- xfx = cell_attr[0] & 0x3F
- if xfx == 0x3F:
- if self._ixfe is None:
- raise XLRDError("BIFF2 cell record has XF index 63 but no preceding IXFE record.")
- xfx = self._ixfe
- # OOo docs are capable of interpretation that each
- # cell record is preceded immediately by its own IXFE record.
- # Empirical evidence is that (sensibly) an IXFE record applies to all
- # following cell records until another IXFE comes along.
- return xfx
- # Have either Excel 2.0, or broken 2.1 w/o XF records -- same effect.
- self.biff_version = = 20
- #### check that XF slot in cell_attr is zero
- xfx_slot = cell_attr[0] & 0x3F
- assert xfx_slot == 0
- xfx = self._cell_attr_to_xfx.get(cell_attr)
- if xfx is not None:
- return xfx
- if verbose:
- fprintf(self.logfile, "New cell_attr %r at (%r, %r)\n", cell_attr, rowx, colx)
- book =
- xf = self.fake_XF_from_BIFF20_cell_attr(cell_attr)
- xfx = len(book.xf_list)
- xf.xf_index = xfx
- book.xf_list.append(xf)
- if verbose:
- xf.dump(self.logfile, header="=== Faked XF %d ===" % xfx, footer="======")
- if xf.format_key not in book.format_map:
- msg = "ERROR *** XF[%d] unknown format key (%d, 0x%04x)\n"
- fprintf(self.logfile, msg,
- xf.xf_index, xf.format_key, xf.format_key)
- fmt = Format(xf.format_key, FUN, "General")
- book.format_map[xf.format_key] = fmt
- while len(book.format_list) <= xf.format_key:
- book.format_list.append(fmt)
- cellty_from_fmtty = {
- FTX: XL_CELL_NUMBER, # Yes, a number can be formatted as text.
- }
- fmt = book.format_map[xf.format_key]
- cellty = cellty_from_fmtty[fmt.type]
- self._xf_index_to_xl_type_map[xf.xf_index] = cellty
- self._cell_attr_to_xfx[cell_attr] = xfx
- return xfx
- def fake_XF_from_BIFF20_cell_attr(self, cell_attr):
- from .formatting import XF, XFAlignment, XFBorder, XFBackground, XFProtection
- xf = XF()
- xf.alignment = XFAlignment()
- xf.alignment.indent_level = 0
- xf.alignment.shrink_to_fit = 0
- xf.alignment.text_direction = 0
- xf.border = XFBorder()
- xf.border.diag_up = 0
- xf.border.diag_down = 0
- xf.border.diag_colour_index = 0
- xf.border.diag_line_style = 0 # no line
- xf.background = XFBackground()
- = XFProtection()
- (prot_bits, font_and_format, halign_etc) = unpack('> 6
- upkbits(, prot_bits, (
- (6, 0x40, 'cell_locked'),
- (7, 0x80, 'formula_hidden'),
- ))
- xf.alignment.hor_align = halign_etc & 0x07
- for mask, side in ((0x08, 'left'), (0x10, 'right'), (0x20, 'top'), (0x40, 'bottom')):
- if halign_etc & mask:
- colour_index, line_style = 8, 1 # black, thin
- else:
- colour_index, line_style = 0, 0 # none, none
- setattr(xf.border, side + '_colour_index', colour_index)
- setattr(xf.border, side + '_line_style', line_style)
- bg = xf.background
- if halign_etc & 0x80:
- bg.fill_pattern = 17
- else:
- bg.fill_pattern = 0
- bg.background_colour_index = 9 # white
- bg.pattern_colour_index = 8 # black
- xf.parent_style_index = 0 # ???????????
- xf.alignment.vert_align = 2 # bottom
- xf.alignment.rotation = 0
- for attr_stem in ("format", "font", "alignment", "border", \
- "background", "protection"):
- attr = "_%s_flag" % attr_stem
- setattr(xf, attr, 1)
- return xf
- def req_fmt_info(self):
- if not self.formatting_info:
- raise XLRDError("Feature requires open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)")
- # Determine column display width.
- # - New in version 0.6.1
- #
- # @param colx Index of the queried column, range 0 to 255.
- # Note that it is possible to find out the width that will be used to display
- # columns with no cell information e.g. column IV (colx=255).
- # @return The column width that will be used for displaying
- # the given column by Excel, in units of 1/256th of the width of a
- # standard character (the digit zero in the first font).
- def computed_column_width(self, colx):
- self.req_fmt_info()
- if self.biff_version >= 80:
- colinfo = self.colinfo_map.get(colx, None)
- if colinfo is not None:
- return colinfo.width
- if self.standardwidth is not None:
- return self.standardwidth
- elif self.biff_version >= 40:
- if self.gcw[colx]:
- if self.standardwidth is not None:
- return self.standardwidth
- else:
- colinfo = self.colinfo_map.get(colx, None)
- if colinfo is not None:
- return colinfo.width
- elif self.biff_version == 30:
- colinfo = self.colinfo_map.get(colx, None)
- if colinfo is not None:
- return colinfo.width
- # All roads lead to Rome and the DEFCOLWIDTH ...
- if self.defcolwidth is not None:
- return self.defcolwidth * 256
- return 8 * 256 # 8 is what Excel puts in a DEFCOLWIDTH record
- def handle_msodrawingetc(self, recid, data_len, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
- if self.biff_version < 80:
- return
- o = MSODrawing()
- pos = 0
- while pos < data_len:
- tmp, fbt, cb = unpack('> 4) & 0xFFF
- if ver == 0xF:
- ndb = 0 # container
- else:
- ndb = cb
- if DEBUG:
- hex_char_dump(data, pos, ndb + 8, base=0, fout=self.logfile)
- fprintf(self.logfile,
- "fbt:0x%04X inst:%d ver:0x%X cb:%d (0x%04X)\n",
- fbt, inst, ver, cb, cb)
- if fbt == 0xF010: # Client Anchor
- assert ndb == 18
- (o.anchor_unk,
- o.anchor_colx_lo, o.anchor_rowx_lo,
- o.anchor_colx_hi, o.anchor_rowx_hi) = unpack('> 1) & 1
- # Docs say NULL [sic] bytes padding between string count and string data
- # to ensure that string is word-aligned. Appears to be nonsense.
- # There also seems to be a random(?) byte after the string (not counted in the
- # string length.
- o.original_author, endpos = unpack_unicode_update_pos(data, 8, lenlen=2)
- assert endpos == data_len - 1
- o.last_byte = data[-1]
- if DEBUG:
- o.dump(self.logfile, header="=== MSNote ===", footer= " ")
- def handle_txo(self, data):
- if not OBJ_MSO_DEBUG:
- return
- DEBUG = 1
- if self.biff_version < 80:
- return
- o = MSTxo()
- data_len = len(data)
- option_flags, o.rot, cchText, cbRuns = unpack('>= 2 # div by 4 to drop the 2 flag bits
- if flags & 1:
- return i / 100.0
- return float(i)
- else:
- # It's the most significant 30 bits of an IEEE 754 64-bit FP number
- # (to_py3): replaced b'\0\0\0\0' + chr(flags & 252) + rk_str[1:4]
- _bytes = array('B', b'\0\0\0\0')
- _bytes.append(flags & 252)
- _bytes.extend(rk_str[1:4])
- d, = unpack(' see XFCell() class in the xfcell module.
-class Cell(XFCell):
- def __repr__(self):
- if not self.has_xf:
- return "%s:%r" % (ctype_text[self.ctype], self.value)
- else:
- return "%s:%r (XF:%r)" % (ctype_text[self.ctype], self.value, self.xf_index)
-# There is one and only one instance of an empty cell -- it's a singleton. This is it.
-# You may use a test like "acell is empty_cell".
-empty_cell = Cell(XL_CELL_EMPTY, '')
-##### =============== Colinfo and Rowinfo ============================== #####
-# Width and default formatting information that applies to one or
-# more columns in a sheet. Derived from COLINFO records.
-# Here is the default hierarchy for width, according to the OOo docs:
-# In BIFF3, if a COLINFO record is missing for a column,
-# the width specified in the record DEFCOLWIDTH is used instead.
-# In BIFF4-BIFF7, the width set in this [COLINFO] record is only used,
-# if the corresponding bit for this column is cleared in the GCW
-# record, otherwise the column width set in the DEFCOLWIDTH record
-# is used (the STANDARDWIDTH record is always ignored in this case [see footnote!]).
-# In BIFF8, if a COLINFO record is missing for a column,
-# the width specified in the record STANDARDWIDTH is used.
-# If this [STANDARDWIDTH] record is also missing,
-# the column width of the record DEFCOLWIDTH is used instead.
-# Footnote: The docs on the GCW record say this:
-# If a bit is set, the corresponding column uses the width set in the STANDARDWIDTH
-# record. If a bit is cleared, the corresponding column uses the width set in the
-# COLINFO record for this column.
-# If a bit is set, and the worksheet does not contain the STANDARDWIDTH record, or if
-# the bit is cleared, and the worksheet does not contain the COLINFO record, the DEFCOLWIDTH
-# record of the worksheet will be used instead.
-# At the moment (2007-01-17) xlrd is going with the GCW version of the story.
-# Reference to the source may be useful: see the computed_column_width(colx) method
-# of the Sheet class.
-# - New in version 0.6.1
-class Colinfo(BaseObject):
- # Width of the column in 1/256 of the width of the zero character,
- # using default font (first FONT record in the file).
- width = 0
- # XF index to be used for formatting empty cells.
- xf_index = -1
- # 1 = column is hidden
- hidden = 0
- # Value of a 1-bit flag whose purpose is unknown
- # but is often seen set to 1
- bit1_flag = 0
- # Outline level of the column, in range(7).
- # (0 = no outline)
- outline_level = 0
- # 1 = column is collapsed
- collapsed = 0
-# Height and default formatting information that applies to a row in a sheet.
-# Derived from ROW records.
-# - New in version 0.6.1
-class Rowinfo(BaseObject):
- ##
- # Height of the row, in twips. One twip == 1/20 of a point
- height = 0
- ##
- # 0 = Row has custom height; 1 = Row has default height
- has_default_height = 0
- ##
- # Outline level of the row
- outline_level = 0
- ##
- # 1 = Outline group starts or ends here (depending on where the
- # outline buttons are located, see WSBOOL record [TODO ??]),
- # and is collapsed
- outline_group_starts_ends = 0
- ##
- # 1 = Row is hidden (manually, or by a filter or outline group)
- hidden = 0
- ##
- # 1 = Row height and default font height do not match
- height_mismatch = 0
- ##
- # 1 = the xf_index attribute is usable; 0 = ignore it
- has_default_xf_index = 0
- ##
- # Index to default XF record for empty cells in this row.
- # Don't use this if has_default_xf_index == 0.
- xf_index = -9999
- ##
- # This flag is set, if the upper border of at least one cell in this row
- # or if the lower border of at least one cell in the row above is
- # formatted with a thick line style. Thin and medium line styles are not
- # taken into account.
- additional_space_above = 0
- ##
- # This flag is set, if the lower border of at least one cell in this row
- # or if the upper border of at least one cell in the row below is
- # formatted with a medium or thick line style. Thin line styles are not
- # taken into account.
- additional_space_below = 0
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/ b/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 213b4bd2..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlrd3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-# Author: mozman
-# Purpose: xfcell -- cell with convenient xf function
-# Created: 04.12.2010
-# Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi
-# License: BSD-style licence
-The XFCell() object contains the data for one cell.
-WARNING: You don't call this class yourself. You access Cell objects
-via methods of the Sheet object(s) that you found in the Book object that
-was returned when you called xlrd.open_workbook("myfile.xls").
-Cell objects have four attributes: `ctype` is an int, `value` (which depends
-on `ctype`), `xf_index` and `sheet`, a reference to the containing sheet. If
-**formatting_info** is not enabled when the workbook is opened, xf_index will
-be **None**.
-The following table describes the types of cells and how their values
-are represented in Python.
-=============== ===== ============ ==========================================
-Type symbol Const Python value Note
-=============== ===== ============ ==========================================
-XL_CELL_DATE 3 float
-XL_CELL_BOOLEAN 4 int 1 means TRUE, 0 means FALSE
-XL_CELL_ERROR 5 int representing internal Excel codes; for a
- text representation, refer to the supplied
- dictionary error_text_from_code
-XL_CELL_BLANK 6 "" this type will appear only when
- open_workbook(..., formatting_info=True)
- is used.
-=============== ===== ============ ==========================================
-import datetime
-from .xldate import xldate_as_tuple
-from .biffh import XL_CELL_DATE, BaseObject
-class XFCell(BaseObject):
- """ Extended Cell() class with convenient methods for easy access of cell
- properties.
- """
- __slots__ = ['sheet', 'ctype', 'value', 'xf']
- def __init__(self, ctype, value, xf_index=None, sheet=None):
- self.sheet = sheet
- self.ctype = ctype
- self.value = value
- if xf_index is not None:
- self.xf =[xf_index]
- else:
- self.xf = None
- @property
- def book(self):
- return
- @property
- def has_xf(self):
- return (self.xf is not None)
- @property
- def xf_index(self):
- if self.has_xf:
- return self.xf.xf_index
- else:
- return None
- @property
- def parent_style(self):
- return[self.xf.parent_style_index]
- @property
- def is_datetime(self):
- return self.ctype == XL_CELL_DATE
- @property
- def has_date(self):
- if self.is_datetime:
- return self.value > 1.
- return False
- def get_color(self, index):
- return[index]
- def datetime(self):
- """ Returns a datetime.datetime object if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE
- else raises a TypeError, and raises ValueError if the the cell has
- not date value (only time value is present).
- """
- if self.is_datetime:
- if self.has_date:
- date = xldate_as_tuple(self.value,
- return datetime.datetime(*date)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Cell has no date value.")
- else:
- raise TypeError("Cell is not a XL_CELL_DATE.")
- def date(self):
- """ Returns a object if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE
- else raises a **TypeError**. Raises **ValueError** if the cell
- doesn't have a date value (only time value is present).
- """
- dt = self.datetime()
- return
- def time(self):
- """ Returns a datetime.time object if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE else
- raises a TypeError.
- """
- if self.is_datetime:
- date = xldate_as_tuple(self.value,
- return datetime.time(date[3], date[4], date[5])
- else:
- raise TypeError("Cell is not a XL_CELL_DATE.")
- #
- # access the XFBackground() class
- #
- @property
- def background(self):
- if self.xf.is_style and \
- self.xf._background_flag == 0:
- return self.xf.background
- elif self.xf._background_flag:
- return self.xf.background
- else:
- return self.parent_style.background
- def background_color(self):
- """ Get cell background-color as 3-tuple. """
- color_index = self.xf.background.background_colour_index
- return self.get_color(color_index)
- def fill_pattern(self):
- return self.xf.background.fill_pattern
- def pattern_color(self):
- color_index = self.xf.background.pattern_colour_index
- return self.get_color(color_index)
- #
- # access the Font() class
- #
- @property
- def font_index(self):
- if self.xf.is_style and \
- self.xf._font_flag == 0:
- return self.xf.font_index
- elif self.xf._font_flag:
- return self.xf.font_index
- else:
- return self.parent_style.font_index
- @property
- def font(self):
- """ Get the Font() class. """
- return[self.xf.font_index]
- def font_color(self):
- """ Get cell foreground-color as 3-tuple. """
- return self.get_color(self.font.colour_index)
- #
- # access the Format() class
- #
- @property
- def format_key(self):
- if self.xf.is_style and \
- self.xf._format_flag == 0:
- return self.xf.format_key
- elif self.xf._format_flag:
- return self.xf.format_key
- else:
- return self.parent_style.format_key
- @property
- def format(self):
- """ Get the Format() class. """
- return[self.format_key]
- def format_str(self):
- """ Get the associated 'format_str'. """
- return self.format.format_str
- #
- # access the XFAligment() class
- #
- @property
- def alignment(self):
- if self.xf.is_style and \
- self.xf._alignment_flag == 0:
- return self.xf.alignment
- elif self.xf._alignment_flag:
- return self.xf.alignment
- else:
- return self.parent_style.alignment
- #
- # access the XFBorder() class
- #
- @property
- def border(self):
- if self.xf.is_style and \
- self.xf._border_flag == 0:
- return self.xf.border
- elif self.xf._border_flag:
- return self.xf.border
- else:
- return self.parent_style.border
- def bordercolors(self):
- """ Get border color as dict of rgb-color-tuples. """
- border = self.border
- return {
- 'top': self.get_color(border.top_colour_index),
- 'bottom': self.get_color(border.bottom_colour_index),
- 'left': self.get_color(border.left_colour_index),
- 'right': self.get_color(border.right_colour_index),
- 'diag': self.get_color(border.diag_colour_index),
- }
- def borderstyles(self):
- """ Get border styles as dict of ints. """
- border = self.border
- return {
- 'top': border.top_line_style,
- 'bottom': border.bottom_line_style,
- 'left': border.left_line_style,
- 'right': border.right_line_style,
- 'diag': border.diag_line_style,
- }
- @property
- def has_up_diag(self):
- """ Draw a line across the cell from bottom left to top right. """
- return bool(self.border.diag_up)
- @property
- def has_down_diag(self):
- """ Draw a line across the cell from top left to bottom right. """
- return bool(self.border.diag_down)
- #
- # access the XFProtection() class
- #
- @property
- def protection(self):
- if self.xf.is_style and \
- self.xf._protection_flag == 0:
- return
- elif self.xf._protection_flag:
- return
- else:
- return
- @property
- def is_cell_locked(self):
- return bool(
- @property
- def is_formula_hidden(self):
- return bool(
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deleted file mode 100644
index 24f65332..00000000
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@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Author: mozman
-# Purpose: xfconst -- xf constants
-# Created: 05.12.2010
-# Copyright (C) 2010, Manfred Moitzi
-# License: BSD-style licence
-# excelfileformat section 5.115.1 pg. 219
-# excelfileformat section 5.115.1 pg. 220
-# excelfileformat section 5.115.1 pg. 220
-# excelfileformat section 5.115.1 pg. 220
-# other values:
-# Value Description
-# ======= =================================
-# 1-90 1 to 90 degrees counterclockwise
-# 91-180 1 to 90 degrees clockwise
-# excelfileformat section 2.5.11 Line Styles for Cell Borders pg. 24
-# solid line
-LS_THIN = 1
-# solid line
-# - - - - - - - - -
-# .................
-# solid line
-# =================
-# very thin dotted
-LS_HAIR = 7
-# - - - - - - - - -
-# - . - . - . - . -
-# - . - . - . - . -
-# - .. - .. - .. - .. -
-# - .. - .. - .. - .. -
-# \\\ . \\\ . \\\ . \\\ . \\\
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-# No part of the content of this file was derived from the works of David Giffin.
-# Copyright © 2005-2008 Stephen John Machin, Lingfo Pty Ltd
-# This module is part of the xlrd3 package, which is released under a
-# BSD-style licence.
-# Provides function(s) for dealing with Microsoft Excel ™ dates.
-# 2008-10-18 SJM Fix bug in xldate_from_date_tuple (affected some years after 2099)
-# The conversion from days to (year, month, day) starts with
-# an integral "julian day number" aka JDN.
-# FWIW, JDN 0 corresponds to noon on Monday November 24 in Gregorian year -4713.
-# More importantly:
-# Noon on Gregorian 1900-03-01 (day 61 in the 1900-based system) is JDN 2415080.0
-# Noon on Gregorian 1904-01-02 (day 1 in the 1904-based system) is JDN 2416482.0
-def ifd(x, y):
- return divmod(x, y)[0]
-_JDN_delta = (2415080 - 61, 2416482 - 1)
-assert _JDN_delta[1] - _JDN_delta[0] == 1462
-class XLDateError(ValueError): pass
-class XLDateNegative(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateAmbiguous(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateTooLarge(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateBadDatemode(XLDateError): pass
-class XLDateBadTuple(XLDateError): pass
-_XLDAYS_TOO_LARGE = (2958466, 2958466 - 1462) # This is equivalent to 10000-01-01
-# Convert an Excel number (presumed to represent a date, a datetime or a time) into
-# a tuple suitable for feeding to datetime or mx.DateTime constructors.
-# @param xldate The Excel number
-# @param datemode 0: 1900-based, 1: 1904-based.
WARNING: when using this function to
-# interpret the contents of a workbook, you should pass in the Book.datemode
-# attribute of that workbook. Whether
-# the workbook has ever been anywhere near a Macintosh is irrelevant.
-# @return Gregorian (year, month, day, hour, minute, nearest_second).
Special case: if 0.0 <= xldate < 1.0, it is assumed to represent a time;
-# (0, 0, 0, hour, minute, second) will be returned.
Note: 1904-01-01 is not regarded as a valid date in the datemode 1 system; its "serial number"
-# is zero.
-# @throws XLDateNegative xldate < 0.00
-# @throws XLDateAmbiguous The 1900 leap-year problem (datemode == 0 and 1.0 <= xldate < 61.0)
-# @throws XLDateTooLarge Gregorian year 10000 or later
-# @throws XLDateBadDatemode datemode arg is neither 0 nor 1
-# @throws XLDateError Covers the 4 specific errors
-def xldate_as_tuple(xldate, datemode):
- if datemode not in (0, 1):
- raise XLDateBadDatemode(datemode)
- if xldate == 0.00:
- return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- if xldate < 0.00:
- raise XLDateNegative(xldate)
- xldays = int(xldate)
- frac = xldate - xldays
- seconds = int(round(frac * 86400.0))
- assert 0 <= seconds <= 86400
- if seconds == 86400:
- hour = minute = second = 0
- xldays += 1
- else:
- # second = seconds % 60; minutes = seconds // 60
- minutes, second = divmod(seconds, 60)
- # minute = minutes % 60; hour = minutes // 60
- hour, minute = divmod(minutes, 60)
- if xldays >= _XLDAYS_TOO_LARGE[datemode]:
- raise XLDateTooLarge(xldate)
- if xldays == 0:
- return (0, 0, 0, hour, minute, second)
- if xldays < 61 and datemode == 0:
- raise XLDateAmbiguous(xldate)
- jdn = xldays + _JDN_delta[datemode]
- yreg = (ifd(ifd(jdn * 4 + 274277, 146097) * 3, 4) + jdn + 1363) * 4 + 3
- mp = ifd(yreg % 1461, 4) * 535 + 333
- d = ifd(mp % 16384, 535) + 1
- # mp /= 16384
- mp >>= 14
- if mp >= 10:
- return (ifd(yreg, 1461) - 4715, mp - 9, d, hour, minute, second)
- else:
- return (ifd(yreg, 1461) - 4716, mp + 3, d, hour, minute, second)
-# === conversions from date/time to xl numbers
-def _leap(y):
- if y % 4: return 0
- if y % 100: return 1
- if y % 400: return 0
- return 1
-_days_in_month = (None, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
-# Convert a date tuple (year, month, day) to an Excel date.
-# @param year Gregorian year.
-# @param month 1 <= month <= 12
-# @param day 1 <= day <= last day of that (year, month)
-# @param datemode 0: 1900-based, 1: 1904-based.
-# @throws XLDateAmbiguous The 1900 leap-year problem (datemode == 0 and 1.0 <= xldate < 61.0)
-# @throws XLDateBadDatemode datemode arg is neither 0 nor 1
-# @throws XLDateBadTuple (year, month, day) is too early/late or has invalid component(s)
-# @throws XLDateError Covers the specific errors
-def xldate_from_date_tuple(datetuple, datemode):
- (year, month, day) = datetuple
- if datemode not in (0, 1):
- raise XLDateBadDatemode(datemode)
- if year == 0 and month == 0 and day == 0:
- return 0.00
- if not (1900 <= year <= 9999):
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid year: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- if not (1 <= month <= 12):
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid month: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- if day < 1 \
- or (day > _days_in_month[month] and not(day == 29 and month == 2 and _leap(year))):
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid day: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- Yp = year + 4716
- M = month
- if M <= 2:
- Yp = Yp - 1
- Mp = M + 9
- else:
- Mp = M - 3
- jdn = ifd(1461 * Yp, 4) + ifd(979 * Mp + 16, 32) + \
- day - 1364 - ifd(ifd(Yp + 184, 100) * 3, 4)
- xldays = jdn - _JDN_delta[datemode]
- if xldays <= 0:
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid (year, month, day): %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- if xldays < 61 and datemode == 0:
- raise XLDateAmbiguous("Before 1900-03-01: %r" % ((year, month, day),))
- return float(xldays)
-# Convert a time tuple (hour, minute, second) to an Excel "date" value (fraction of a day).
-# @param hour 0 <= hour < 24
-# @param minute 0 <= minute < 60
-# @param second 0 <= second < 60
-# @throws XLDateBadTuple Out-of-range hour, minute, or second
-def xldate_from_time_tuple(timetuple):
- (hour, minute, second) = timetuple
- if 0 <= hour < 24 and 0 <= minute < 60 and 0 <= second < 60:
- return ((second / 60.0 + minute) / 60.0 + hour) / 24.0
- raise XLDateBadTuple("Invalid (hour, minute, second): %r" % ((hour, minute, second),))
-# Convert a datetime tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) to an Excel date value.
-# For more details, refer to other xldate_from_*_tuple functions.
-# @param datetime_tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
-# @param datemode 0: 1900-based, 1: 1904-based.
-def xldate_from_datetime_tuple(datetime_tuple, datemode):
- return (
- xldate_from_date_tuple(datetime_tuple[:3], datemode)
- +
- xldate_from_time_tuple(datetime_tuple[3:])
- )
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@@ -1,2393 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
-from struct import pack
-from UnicodeUtils import upack1, upack2
-import sys
-class SharedStringTable(object):
- _SST_ID = 0x00FC
- _CONTINUE_ID = 0x003C
- def __init__(self, encoding):
- self.encoding = encoding
- self._str_indexes = {}
- self._tally = []
- self._add_calls = 0
- # Following 3 attrs are used for temporary storage in the
- # get_biff_record() method and methods called by it. The pseudo-
- # initialisation here is for documentation purposes only.
- self._sst_record = None
- self._continues = None
- self._current_piece = None
- def add_str(self, s):
- if self.encoding != 'ascii' and not isinstance(s, unicode):
- s = unicode(s, self.encoding)
- self._add_calls += 1
- if s not in self._str_indexes:
- idx = len(self._str_indexes)
- self._str_indexes[s] = idx
- self._tally.append(1)
- else:
- idx = self._str_indexes[s]
- self._tally[idx] += 1
- return idx
- def del_str(self, idx):
- # This is called when we are replacing the contents of a string cell.
- assert self._tally[idx] > 0
- self._tally[idx] -= 1
- self._add_calls -= 1
- def str_index(self, s):
- return self._str_indexes[s]
- def get_biff_record(self):
- self._sst_record = ''
- self._continues = [None, None]
- self._current_piece = pack(' 0x2020: # limit for BIFF7/8
- chunks = []
- pos = 0
- while pos < len(data):
- chunk_pos = pos + 0x2020
- chunk = data[pos:chunk_pos]
- chunks.append(chunk)
- pos = chunk_pos
- continues = pack('<2H', self._REC_ID, len(chunks[0])) + chunks[0]
- for chunk in chunks[1:]:
- continues += pack('<2H%ds'%len(chunk), 0x003C, len(chunk), chunk)
- # 0x003C -- CONTINUE record id
- return continues
- else:
- return self.get_rec_header() + data
-class Biff8BOFRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Version, contains 0600H for BIFF8 and BIFF8X
- 2 2 Type of the following data:
- 0005H = Workbook globals
- 0006H = Visual Basic module
- 0010H = Worksheet
- 0020H = Chart
- 0040H = Macro sheet
- 0100H = Workspace file
- 4 2 Build identifier
- 6 2 Build year
- 8 4 File history flags
- 12 4 Lowest Excel version that can read all records in this file
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0809
- # stream types
- BOOK_GLOBAL = 0x0005
- VB_MODULE = 0x0006
- WORKSHEET = 0x0010
- CHART = 0x0020
- MACROSHEET = 0x0040
- WORKSPACE = 0x0100
- def __init__(self, rec_type):
- version = 0x0600
- build = 0x0DBB
- year = 0x07CC
- file_hist_flags = 0x00L
- ver_can_read = 0x06L
- self._rec_data = pack('<4H2I', version, rec_type, build, year, file_hist_flags, ver_can_read)
-class InteraceHdrRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x00E1
- def __init__(self):
- self._rec_data = pack('BB', 0xB0, 0x04)
-class InteraceEndRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x00E2
- def __init__(self):
- self._rec_data = ''
-class MMSRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x00C1
- def __init__(self):
- self._rec_data = pack('> 15
- c = low_15 | high_15
- passwd_hash ^= c
- passwd_hash ^= len(plaintext)
- passwd_hash ^= 0xCE4B
- return passwd_hash
- def __init__(self, passwd = ""):
- self._rec_data = pack('=8
- 2 var. List of OFFSET structures for all portions. Each OFFSET contains the following data:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 4 Absolute stream position of first string of the portion
- 4 2 Position of first string of the portion inside of current record,
- including record header. This counter restarts at zero, if the SST
- record is continued with a CONTINUE record.
- 6 2 Not used
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00FF
- def __init__(self, sst_stream_pos, str_placement, portions_len):
- extsst = {}
- abs_stream_pos = sst_stream_pos
- str_counter = 0
- portion_counter = 0
- while str_counter < len(str_placement):
- str_chunk_num, pos_in_chunk = str_placement[str_counter]
- if str_chunk_num <> portion_counter:
- portion_counter = str_chunk_num
- abs_stream_pos += portions_len[portion_counter-1]
- #print hex(abs_stream_pos)
- str_stream_pos = abs_stream_pos + pos_in_chunk + 4 # header
- extsst[str_counter] = (pos_in_chunk, str_stream_pos)
- str_counter += 1
- exsst_str_count_delta = max(8, len(str_placement)*8/0x2000) # maybe smth else?
- self._rec_data = pack(' last_used_row or first_used_col > last_used_col:
- # Special case: empty worksheet
- first_used_row = first_used_col = 0
- last_used_row = last_used_col = -1
- self._rec_data = pack('<2L3H',
- first_used_row, last_used_row + 1,
- first_used_col, last_used_col + 1,
- 0x00)
-class Window2Record(BiffRecord):
- """
- Record WINDOW2, BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Option flags (see below)
- 2 2 Index to first visible row
- 4 2 Index to first visible column
- 6 2 Colour index of grid line colour. Note that in BIFF2-BIFF7 an RGB colour is
- written instead.
- 8 2 Not used
- 10 2 Cached magnification factor in page break preview (in percent); 0 = Default (60%)
- 12 2 Cached magnification factor in normal view (in percent); 0 = Default (100%)
- 14 4 Not used
- In BIFF8 this record stores used magnification factors for page break
- preview and normal view. These values are used to restore the
- magnification, when the view is changed. The real magnification of the
- currently active view is stored in the SCL record. The type of the
- active view is stored in the option flags field (see below).
- 0 0001H 0 = Show formula results 1 = Show formulas
- 1 0002H 0 = Do not show grid lines 1 = Show grid lines
- 2 0004H 0 = Do not show sheet headers 1 = Show sheet headers
- 3 0008H 0 = Panes are not frozen 1 = Panes are frozen (freeze)
- 4 0010H 0 = Show zero values as empty cells 1 = Show zero values
- 5 0020H 0 = Manual grid line colour 1 = Automatic grid line colour
- 6 0040H 0 = Columns from left to right 1 = Columns from right to left
- 7 0080H 0 = Do not show outline symbols 1 = Show outline symbols
- 8 0100H 0 = Keep splits if pane freeze is removed 1 = Remove splits if pane freeze is removed
- 9 0200H 0 = Sheet not selected 1 = Sheet selected (BIFF5-BIFF8)
- 10 0400H 0 = Sheet not visible 1 = Sheet visible (BIFF5-BIFF8)
- 11 0800H 0 = Show in normal view 1 = Show in page break preview (BIFF8)
- The freeze flag specifies, if a following PANE record describes unfrozen or frozen panes.
- *** This class appends the optional SCL record ***
- Record SCL, BIFF4-BIFF8:
- This record stores the magnification of the active view of the current worksheet.
- In BIFF8 this can be either the normal view or the page break preview.
- This is determined in the WINDOW2 record. The SCL record is part of the
- Sheet View Settings Block.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Numerator of the view magnification fraction (num)
- 2 2 Denumerator [denominator] of the view magnification fraction (den)
- The magnification is stored as reduced fraction. The magnification results from num/den.
- SJM note: Excel expresses (e.g.) 25% in reduced form i.e. 1/4. Reason unknown. This code
- writes 25/100, and Excel is happy with that.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x023E
- def __init__(self, options, first_visible_row, first_visible_col,
- grid_colour, preview_magn, normal_magn, scl_magn):
- self._rec_data = pack('<7HL', options,
- first_visible_row, first_visible_col,
- grid_colour,
- 0x00,
- preview_magn, normal_magn,
- 0x00L)
- if scl_magn:
- self._scl_rec = pack('<4H', 0x00A0, 4, scl_magn, 100)
- else:
- self._scl_rec = ''
- def get(self):
- return self.get_rec_header() + self._rec_data + self._scl_rec
-class PanesRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record stores the position of window panes. It is part of the Sheet
- View Settings Block. If the sheet does not contain any splits, this
- record will not occur.
- A sheet can be split in two different ways, with unfrozen panes or with
- frozen panes. A flag in the WINDOW2 record specifies, if the panes are
- frozen, which affects the contents of this record.
- Record PANE, BIFF2-BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Position of the vertical split
- (px, 0 = No vertical split):
- Unfrozen pane: Width of the left pane(s)
- (in twips = 1/20 of a point)
- Frozen pane: Number of visible
- columns in left pane(s)
- 2 2 Position of the horizontal split
- (py, 0 = No horizontal split):
- Unfrozen pane: Height of the top pane(s)
- (in twips = 1/20 of a point)
- Frozen pane: Number of visible
- rows in top pane(s)
- 4 2 Index to first visible row
- in bottom pane(s)
- 6 2 Index to first visible column
- in right pane(s)
- 8 1 Identifier of pane with active
- cell cursor
- [9] 1 Not used (BIFF5-BIFF8 only, not written
- in BIFF2-BIFF4)
- If the panes are frozen, pane0 is always active, regardless
- of the cursor position. The correct identifiers for all possible
- combinations of visible panes are shown in the following pictures.
- px = 0, py = 0 px = 0, py > 0
- -------------------------- ------------|-------------
- | | | |
- | | | 3 |
- | | | |
- - 3 - --------------------------
- | | | |
- | | | 2 |
- | | | |
- -------------------------- ------------|-------------
- px > 0, py = 0 px > 0, py > 0
- ------------|------------- ------------|-------------
- | | | | | |
- | | | | 3 | 2 |
- | | | | | |
- - 3 | 1 - --------------------------
- | | | | | |
- | | | | 1 | 0 |
- | | | | | |
- ------------|------------- ------------|-------------
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0041
- def __init__(self, px, py, first_row_bottom, first_col_right, active_pane):
- self._rec_data = pack('<5H',
- px, py,
- first_row_bottom, first_col_right,
- active_pane)
-class RowRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record contains the properties of a single row in a sheet. Rows
- and cells in a sheet are divided into blocks of 32 rows.
- Record ROW, BIFF3-BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Index of this row
- 2 2 Index to column of the first cell which is described by a cell record
- 4 2 Index to column of the last cell which is described by a cell record,
- increased by 1
- 6 2 Bit Mask Contents
- 14-0 7FFFH Height of the row, in twips = 1/20 of a point
- 15 8000H 0 = Row has custom height; 1 = Row has default height
- 8 2 Not used
- 10 2 In BIFF3-BIFF4 this field contains a relative offset
- to calculate stream position of the first cell record
- for this row. In BIFF5-BIFF8 this field is not used
- anymore, but the DBCELL record instead.
- 12 4 Option flags and default row formatting:
- Bit Mask Contents
- 2-0 00000007H Outline level of the row
- 4 00000010H 1 = Outline group starts or ends here (depending
- on where the outline buttons are located,
- see WSBOOL record), and is collapsed
- 5 00000020H 1 = Row is hidden (manually, or by a filter or outline group)
- 6 00000040H 1 = Row height and default font height do not match
- 7 00000080H 1 = Row has explicit default format (fl)
- 8 00000100H Always 1
- 27-16 0FFF0000H If fl=1: Index to default XF record
- 28 10000000H 1 = Additional space above the row. This flag is set,
- if the upper border of at least one cell in this row
- or if the lower border of at least one cell in the row
- above is formatted with a thick line style.
- Thin and medium line styles are not taken into account.
- 29 20000000H 1 = Additional space below the row. This flag is set,
- if the lower border of at least one cell in this row
- or if the upper border of at least one cell in the row
- below is formatted with a medium or thick line style.
- Thin line styles are not taken into account.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0208
- def __init__(self, index, first_col, last_col, height_options, options):
- self._rec_data = pack('<6HL', index, first_col, last_col + 1,
- height_options,
- 0x00, 0x00,
- options)
-class LabelSSTRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record represents a cell that contains a string. It replaces the
- LABEL record and RSTRING record used in BIFF2-BIFF7.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00FD
- def __init__(self, row, col, xf_idx, sst_idx):
- self._rec_data = pack('<3HL', row, col, xf_idx, sst_idx)
-class MergedCellsRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record contains all merged cell ranges of the current sheet.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 var. Cell range address list with all merged ranges
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- A cell range address list consists of a field with the number of ranges
- and the list of the range addresses.
- Cell range address list, BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Number of following cell range addresses (nm)
- 2 8*nm List of nm cell range addresses
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cell range address, BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Index to first row
- 2 2 Index to last row
- 4 2 Index to first column
- 6 2 Index to last column
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00E5
- def __init__(self, merged_list):
- i = len(merged_list) - 1
- while i >= 0:
- j = 0
- merged = ''
- while (i >= 0) and (j < 0x403):
- r1, r2, c1, c2 = merged_list[i]
- merged += pack('<4H', r1, r2, c1, c2)
- i -= 1
- j += 1
- self._rec_data += pack('<3H', self._REC_ID, len(merged) + 2, j) + \
- merged
- # for some reason Excel doesn't use CONTINUE
- def get(self):
- return self._rec_data
-class MulBlankRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record represents a cell range of empty cells. All cells are
- located in the same row.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Index to row
- 2 2 Index to first column (fc)
- 4 2*nc List of nc=lc-fc+1 16-bit indexes to XF records
- 4+2*nc 2 Index to last column (lc)
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00BE
- def __init__(self, row, first_col, last_col, xf_index):
- blanks_count = last_col-first_col+1
- self._rec_data = pack('%dH' % blanks_count, *([xf_index]*blanks_count))
- self._rec_data = pack('<2H', row, first_col) + self._rec_data + pack('" Set new font
- &","
- Set new font with specified style .
- The style is in most cases one of
- "Regular", "Bold", "Italic", or "Bold Italic".
- But this setting is dependent on the used font,
- it may differ (localised style names, or "Standard",
- "Oblique", ...). (BIFF5-BIFF8)
- & Set font height in points ( is a decimal value).
- If this command is followed by a plain number to be printed
- in the header, it will be separated from the font height
- with a space character.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0014
- def __init__(self, header_str):
- self._rec_data = upack2(header_str)
-class FooterRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- Semantic is equal to HEADER record
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0015
- def __init__(self, footer_str):
- self._rec_data = upack2(footer_str)
-class HCenterRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record is part of the Page Settings Block. It specifies if the
- sheet is centred horizontally when printed.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 0 = Print sheet left aligned
- 1 = Print sheet centred horizontally
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0083
- def __init__(self, is_horz_center):
- self._rec_data = pack(' 0) Menu text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- [var.] var. (optional, only if ld > 0) Description text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- [var.] var. (optional, only if lh > 0) Help topic text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- [var.] var. (optional, only if ls > 0) Status bar text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0018
- def __init__(self, options, keyboard_shortcut, name, sheet_index, rpn, menu_text='', desc_text='', help_text='', status_text=''):
- if type(name) == int:
- uname = chr(name)
- else:
- uname = upack1(name)[1:]
- uname_len = len(uname)
- #~ self._rec_data = pack('", see 3.9.1)
- """
- def __init__(self, num_sheets):
- self._rec_data = pack('
-# Portions are Copyright (c) 2002-2004 John McNamara (Perl Spreadsheet::WriteExcel)
-from BIFFRecords import BiffRecord
-from struct import *
-def _size_col(sheet, col):
- return sheet.col_width(col)
-def _size_row(sheet, row):
- return sheet.row_height(row)
-def _position_image(sheet, row_start, col_start, x1, y1, width, height):
- """Calculate the vertices that define the position of the image as required by
- the OBJ record.
- +------------+------------+
- | A | B |
- +-----+------------+------------+
- | |(x1,y1) | |
- | 1 |(A1)._______|______ |
- | | | | |
- | | | | |
- +-----+----| BITMAP |-----+
- | | | | |
- | 2 | |______________. |
- | | | (B2)|
- | | | (x2,y2)|
- +---- +------------+------------+
- Example of a bitmap that covers some of the area from cell A1 to cell B2.
- Based on the width and height of the bitmap we need to calculate 8 vars:
- col_start, row_start, col_end, row_end, x1, y1, x2, y2.
- The width and height of the cells are also variable and have to be taken into
- account.
- The values of col_start and row_start are passed in from the calling
- function. The values of col_end and row_end are calculated by subtracting
- the width and height of the bitmap from the width and height of the
- underlying cells.
- The vertices are expressed as a percentage of the underlying cell width as
- follows (rhs values are in pixels):
- x1 = X / W *1024
- y1 = Y / H *256
- x2 = (X-1) / W *1024
- y2 = (Y-1) / H *256
- Where: X is distance from the left side of the underlying cell
- Y is distance from the top of the underlying cell
- W is the width of the cell
- H is the height of the cell
- Note: the SDK incorrectly states that the height should be expressed as a
- percentage of 1024.
- col_start - Col containing upper left corner of object
- row_start - Row containing top left corner of object
- x1 - Distance to left side of object
- y1 - Distance to top of object
- width - Width of image frame
- height - Height of image frame
- """
- # Adjust start column for offsets that are greater than the col width
- while x1 >= _size_col(sheet, col_start):
- x1 -= _size_col(sheet, col_start)
- col_start += 1
- # Adjust start row for offsets that are greater than the row height
- while y1 >= _size_row(sheet, row_start):
- y1 -= _size_row(sheet, row_start)
- row_start += 1
- # Initialise end cell to the same as the start cell
- row_end = row_start # Row containing bottom right corner of object
- col_end = col_start # Col containing lower right corner of object
- width = width + x1 - 1
- height = height + y1 - 1
- # Subtract the underlying cell widths to find the end cell of the image
- while (width >= _size_col(sheet, col_end)):
- width -= _size_col(sheet, col_end)
- col_end += 1
- # Subtract the underlying cell heights to find the end cell of the image
- while (height >= _size_row(sheet, row_end)):
- height -= _size_row(sheet, row_end)
- row_end += 1
- # Bitmap isn't allowed to start or finish in a hidden cell, i.e. a cell
- # with zero height or width.
- if ((_size_col(sheet, col_start) == 0) or (_size_col(sheet, col_end) == 0)
- or (_size_row(sheet, row_start) == 0) or (_size_row(sheet, row_end) == 0)):
- return
- # Convert the pixel values to the percentage value expected by Excel
- x1 = int(float(x1) / _size_col(sheet, col_start) * 1024)
- y1 = int(float(y1) / _size_row(sheet, row_start) * 256)
- # Distance to right side of object
- x2 = int(float(width) / _size_col(sheet, col_end) * 1024)
- # Distance to bottom of object
- y2 = int(float(height) / _size_row(sheet, row_end) * 256)
- return (col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end, y2)
-class ObjBmpRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x005D # Record identifier
- def __init__(self, row, col, sheet, im_data_bmp, x, y, scale_x, scale_y):
- # Scale the frame of the image.
- width = im_data_bmp.width * scale_x
- height = im_data_bmp.height * scale_y
- # Calculate the vertices of the image and write the OBJ record
- coordinates = _position_image(sheet, row, col, x, y, width, height)
- # print coordinates
- col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end, y2 = coordinates
- """Store the OBJ record that precedes an IMDATA record. This could be generalise
- to support other Excel objects.
- """
- cObj = 0x0001 # Count of objects in file (set to 1)
- OT = 0x0008 # Object type. 8 = Picture
- id = 0x0001 # Object ID
- grbit = 0x0614 # Option flags
- colL = col_start # Col containing upper left corner of object
- dxL = x1 # Distance from left side of cell
- rwT = row_start # Row containing top left corner of object
- dyT = y1 # Distance from top of cell
- colR = col_end # Col containing lower right corner of object
- dxR = x2 # Distance from right of cell
- rwB = row_end # Row containing bottom right corner of object
- dyB = y2 # Distance from bottom of cell
- cbMacro = 0x0000 # Length of FMLA structure
- Reserved1 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- Reserved2 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- icvBack = 0x09 # Background colour
- icvFore = 0x09 # Foreground colour
- fls = 0x00 # Fill pattern
- fAuto = 0x00 # Automatic fill
- icv = 0x08 # Line colour
- lns = 0xff # Line style
- lnw = 0x01 # Line weight
- fAutoB = 0x00 # Automatic border
- frs = 0x0000 # Frame style
- cf = 0x0009 # Image format, 9 = bitmap
- Reserved3 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- cbPictFmla = 0x0000 # Length of FMLA structure
- Reserved4 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- grbit2 = 0x0001 # Option flags
- Reserved5 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- data = pack(" 0xFFFF):
- raise Exception("bitmap: largest image width supported is 65k.")
- if (height > 0xFFFF):
- raise Exception("bitmap: largest image height supported is 65k.")
- # Read and remove the bitmap planes and bpp data. Verify them.
- planes, bitcount = unpack(" 0:
- self.__build_SSAT()
- else:
- if self.dump and (self.total_ssat_sectors != 0 or self.ssat_start_sid != -2):
- print 'NOTE: header says that must be', self.total_ssat_sectors, 'short sectors'
- print 'NOTE: starting at', self.ssat_start_sid, 'sector'
- print 'NOTE: but file does not contains data in short sectors'
- self.ssat_start_sid = -2
- self.total_ssat_sectors = 0
- self.SSAT = [-2]
- for dentry in self.dir_entry_list[1:]:
- (did,
- sz, name,
- t, c,
- did_left, did_right, did_root,
- dentry_start_sid,
- stream_size
- ) = dentry
- stream_data = ''
- if stream_size > 0:
- if stream_size >= self.min_stream_size:
- args = (, self.SAT, dentry_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- else:
- args = (self.short_sectors_data, self.SSAT, dentry_start_sid, self.short_sect_size)
- stream_data = self.get_stream_data(*args)
- if name != '':
- # BAD IDEA: names may be equal. NEED use full paths...
- self.STREAMS[name] = stream_data
- def __build_header(self):
- self.doc_magic = self.header[0:8]
- if self.doc_magic != '\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1':
- raise Exception, 'Not an OLE file.'
- self.file_uid = self.header[8:24]
- self.rev_num = self.header[24:26]
- self.ver_num = self.header[26:28]
- self.byte_order = self.header[28:30]
- self.log2_sect_size, = struct.unpack(' 0:
- msat_sector = struct.unpack('<128l',[next*self.sect_size:(next+1)*self.sect_size])
- self.MSAT.extend(msat_sector[:127])
- next = msat_sector[-1]
- if self.dump:
- print 'MSAT (header part): \n', self.MSAT[:109]
- print 'additional MSAT sectors: \n', self.MSAT[109:]
- def __build_SAT(self):
- sat_stream = ''.join([[i*self.sect_size:(i+1)*self.sect_size] for i in self.MSAT if i >= 0])
- sat_sids_count = len(sat_stream) >> 2
- self.SAT = struct.unpack('<%dl' % sat_sids_count, sat_stream) # SIDs tuple
- if self.dump:
- print 'SAT sid count:\n', sat_sids_count
- print 'SAT content:\n', self.SAT
- def __build_SSAT(self):
- ssat_stream = self.get_stream_data(, self.SAT, self.ssat_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- ssids_count = len(ssat_stream) >> 2
- self.SSAT = struct.unpack('<%dl' % ssids_count, ssat_stream)
- if self.dump:
- print 'SSID count:', ssids_count
- print 'SSAT content:\n', self.SSAT
- def __build_directory(self):
- dir_stream = self.get_stream_data(, self.SAT, self.dir_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- self.dir_entry_list = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(dir_stream):
- dentry = dir_stream[i:i+128] # 128 -- dir entry size
- i += 128
- did = len(self.dir_entry_list)
- sz, = struct.unpack(' 0 :
- name = dentry[0:sz-2].decode('utf_16_le', 'replace')
- else:
- name = u''
- t, = struct.unpack('B', dentry[66])
- c, = struct.unpack('B', dentry[67])
- did_left , = struct.unpack('= self.min_stream_size:
- print 'stream stored as normal stream'
- else:
- print 'stream stored as short-stream'
- def __build_short_sectors_data(self):
- (did, sz, name, t, c,
- did_left, did_right, did_root,
- dentry_start_sid, stream_size) = self.dir_entry_list[0]
- assert t == 0x05 # Short-Stream Container Stream (SSCS) resides in Root Storage
- if stream_size == 0:
- self.short_sectors_data = ''
- else:
- self.short_sectors_data = self.get_stream_data(, self.SAT, dentry_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- def get_stream_data(self, data, SAT, start_sid, sect_size):
- sid = start_sid
- chunks = [(sid, sid)]
- stream_data = ''
- while SAT[sid] >= 0:
- next_in_chain = SAT[sid]
- last_chunk_start, last_chunk_finish = chunks[-1]
- if next_in_chain == last_chunk_finish + 1:
- chunks[-1] = last_chunk_start, next_in_chain
- else:
- chunks.extend([(next_in_chain, next_in_chain)])
- sid = next_in_chain
- for s, f in chunks:
- stream_data += data[s*sect_size:(f+1)*sect_size]
- #print chunks
- return stream_data
-def print_bin_data(data):
- i = 0
- while i < len(data):
- j = 0
- while (i < len(data)) and (j < 16):
- c = '0x%02X' % ord(data[i])
- sys.stdout.write(c)
- sys.stdout.write(' ')
- i += 1
- j += 1
- print
- if i == 0:
- print ''
-# This implementation writes only 'Root Entry', 'Workbook' streams
-# and 2 empty streams for aligning directory stream on sector boundary
-# 0 header
-# 76 MSAT (1st part: 109 SID)
-# 512 workbook stream
-# ... additional MSAT sectors if streams' size > about 7 Mb == (109*512 * 128)
-# ... SAT
-# ... directory stream
-# NOTE: this layout is "ad hoc". It can be more general. RTFM
-class XlsDoc:
- SECTOR_SIZE = 0x0200
- MIN_LIMIT = 0x1000
- def __init__(self):
- #self.book_stream = '' # padded
- self.book_stream_sect = []
- self.dir_stream = ''
- self.dir_stream_sect = []
- self.packed_SAT = ''
- self.SAT_sect = []
- self.packed_MSAT_1st = ''
- self.packed_MSAT_2nd = ''
- self.MSAT_sect_2nd = []
- self.header = ''
- def __build_directory(self): # align on sector boundary
- self.dir_stream = ''
- dentry_name = '\x00'.join('Root Entry\x00') + '\x00'
- dentry_name_sz = len(dentry_name)
- dentry_name_pad = '\x00'*(64 - dentry_name_sz)
- dentry_type = 0x05 # root storage
- dentry_colour = 0x01 # black
- dentry_did_left = -1
- dentry_did_right = -1
- dentry_did_root = 1
- dentry_start_sid = -2
- dentry_stream_sz = 0
- self.dir_stream += struct.pack('<64s H 2B 3l 9L l L L',
- dentry_name + dentry_name_pad,
- dentry_name_sz,
- dentry_type,
- dentry_colour,
- dentry_did_left,
- dentry_did_right,
- dentry_did_root,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dentry_start_sid,
- dentry_stream_sz,
- 0
- )
- dentry_name = '\x00'.join('Workbook\x00') + '\x00'
- dentry_name_sz = len(dentry_name)
- dentry_name_pad = '\x00'*(64 - dentry_name_sz)
- dentry_type = 0x02 # user stream
- dentry_colour = 0x01 # black
- dentry_did_left = -1
- dentry_did_right = -1
- dentry_did_root = -1
- dentry_start_sid = 0
- dentry_stream_sz = self.book_stream_len
- self.dir_stream += struct.pack('<64s H 2B 3l 9L l L L',
- dentry_name + dentry_name_pad,
- dentry_name_sz,
- dentry_type,
- dentry_colour,
- dentry_did_left,
- dentry_did_right,
- dentry_did_root,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dentry_start_sid,
- dentry_stream_sz,
- 0
- )
- # padding
- dentry_name = ''
- dentry_name_sz = len(dentry_name)
- dentry_name_pad = '\x00'*(64 - dentry_name_sz)
- dentry_type = 0x00 # empty
- dentry_colour = 0x01 # black
- dentry_did_left = -1
- dentry_did_right = -1
- dentry_did_root = -1
- dentry_start_sid = -2
- dentry_stream_sz = 0
- self.dir_stream += struct.pack('<64s H 2B 3l 9L l L L',
- dentry_name + dentry_name_pad,
- dentry_name_sz,
- dentry_type,
- dentry_colour,
- dentry_did_left,
- dentry_did_right,
- dentry_did_root,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dentry_start_sid,
- dentry_stream_sz,
- 0
- ) * 2
- def __build_sat(self):
- # Build SAT
- book_sect_count = self.book_stream_len >> 9
- dir_sect_count = len(self.dir_stream) >> 9
- total_sect_count = book_sect_count + dir_sect_count
- SAT_sect_count = 0
- MSAT_sect_count = 0
- SAT_sect_count_limit = 109
- while total_sect_count > 128*SAT_sect_count or SAT_sect_count > SAT_sect_count_limit:
- SAT_sect_count += 1
- total_sect_count += 1
- if SAT_sect_count > SAT_sect_count_limit:
- MSAT_sect_count += 1
- total_sect_count += 1
- SAT_sect_count_limit += 127
- SAT = [self.SID_FREE_SECTOR]*128*SAT_sect_count
- sect = 0
- while sect < book_sect_count - 1:
- self.book_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = sect + 1
- sect += 1
- self.book_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_END_OF_CHAIN
- sect += 1
- while sect < book_sect_count + MSAT_sect_count:
- self.MSAT_sect_2nd.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_USED_BY_MSAT
- sect += 1
- while sect < book_sect_count + MSAT_sect_count + SAT_sect_count:
- self.SAT_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_USED_BY_SAT
- sect += 1
- while sect < book_sect_count + MSAT_sect_count + SAT_sect_count + dir_sect_count - 1:
- self.dir_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = sect + 1
- sect += 1
- self.dir_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_END_OF_CHAIN
- sect += 1
- self.packed_SAT = struct.pack('<%dl' % (SAT_sect_count*128), *SAT)
- MSAT_1st = [self.SID_FREE_SECTOR]*109
- for i, SAT_sect_num in zip(range(0, 109), self.SAT_sect):
- MSAT_1st[i] = SAT_sect_num
- self.packed_MSAT_1st = struct.pack('<109l', *MSAT_1st)
- MSAT_2nd = [self.SID_FREE_SECTOR]*128*MSAT_sect_count
- if MSAT_sect_count > 0:
- MSAT_2nd[- 1] = self.SID_END_OF_CHAIN
- i = 109
- msat_sect = 0
- sid_num = 0
- while i < SAT_sect_count:
- if (sid_num + 1) % 128 == 0:
- #print 'link: ',
- msat_sect += 1
- if msat_sect < len(self.MSAT_sect_2nd):
- MSAT_2nd[sid_num] = self.MSAT_sect_2nd[msat_sect]
- else:
- #print 'sid: ',
- MSAT_2nd[sid_num] = self.SAT_sect[i]
- i += 1
- #print sid_num, MSAT_2nd[sid_num]
- sid_num += 1
- self.packed_MSAT_2nd = struct.pack('<%dl' % (MSAT_sect_count*128), *MSAT_2nd)
- #print vars()
- #print zip(range(0, sect), SAT)
- #print self.book_stream_sect
- #print self.MSAT_sect_2nd
- #print MSAT_2nd
- #print self.SAT_sect
- #print self.dir_stream_sect
- def __build_header(self):
- doc_magic = '\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'
- file_uid = '\x00'*16
- rev_num = '\x3E\x00'
- ver_num = '\x03\x00'
- byte_order = '\xFE\xFF'
- log_sect_size = struct.pack('"
-ge_pattern = r">="
-le_pattern = r"<="
-pattern_type_tuples = (
- (flt_const_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.NUM_CONST),
- (int_const_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.INT_CONST),
- (str_const_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.STR_CONST),
-# (range2d_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.RANGE2D),
- (ref2d_r1c1_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.REF2D_R1C1),
- (ref2d_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.REF2D),
- (true_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.TRUE_CONST),
- (false_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.FALSE_CONST),
- (if_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.FUNC_IF),
- (choose_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.FUNC_CHOOSE),
- (name_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.NAME),
- (quotename_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.QUOTENAME),
- (ne_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.NE),
- (ge_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.GE),
- (le_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.LE),
-_re = recompile(
- '(' + ')|('.join([i[0] for i in pattern_type_tuples]) + ')',
-_toktype = [None] + [i[1] for i in pattern_type_tuples]
-# need dummy at start because re.MatchObject.lastindex counts from 1
-single_char_lookup = {
- '=': ExcelFormulaParser.EQ,
- '<': ExcelFormulaParser.LT,
- '>': ExcelFormulaParser.GT,
- '+': ExcelFormulaParser.ADD,
- '-': ExcelFormulaParser.SUB,
- '*': ExcelFormulaParser.MUL,
- '/': ExcelFormulaParser.DIV,
- ':': ExcelFormulaParser.COLON,
- ';': ExcelFormulaParser.SEMICOLON,
- ',': ExcelFormulaParser.COMMA,
- '(': ExcelFormulaParser.LP,
- ')': ExcelFormulaParser.RP,
- '&': ExcelFormulaParser.CONCAT,
- '%': ExcelFormulaParser.PERCENT,
- '^': ExcelFormulaParser.POWER,
- '!': ExcelFormulaParser.BANG,
- }
-class Lexer(TokenStream):
- def __init__(self, text):
- self._text = text[:]
- self._pos = 0
- self._line = 0
- def isEOF(self):
- return len(self._text) <= self._pos
- def curr_ch(self):
- return self._text[self._pos]
- def next_ch(self, n = 1):
- self._pos += n
- def is_whitespace(self):
- return self.curr_ch() in " \t\n\r\f\v"
- def match_pattern(self):
- m = _re.match(self._text, self._pos)
- if not m:
- return None
- self._pos = m.end(0)
- return Tok(type = _toktype[m.lastindex], text =, col = m.start(0) + 1)
- def nextToken(self):
- # skip whitespace
- while not self.isEOF() and self.is_whitespace():
- self.next_ch()
- if self.isEOF():
- return Tok(type = EOF)
- # first, try to match token with 2 or more chars
- t = self.match_pattern()
- if t:
- return t
- # second, we want 1-char tokens
- te = self.curr_ch()
- try:
- ty = single_char_lookup[te]
- except KeyError:
- raise TokenStreamException(
- "Unexpected char %r in column %u." % (self.curr_ch(), self._pos))
- self.next_ch()
- return Tok(type=ty, text=te, col=self._pos)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- for t in Lexer(""" 1.23 456 "abcd" R2C2 a1 iv65536 true false if choose a_name 'qname' <> >= <= """):
- print t
- except TokenStreamException, e:
- print "error:", e
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 000a8a06..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
-### $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060930): "xlwt/excel-formula.g" -> ""$
-### import antlr and other modules ..
-import sys
-import antlr
-version = sys.version.split()[0]
-if version < '2.2.1':
- False = 0
-if version < '2.3':
- True = not False
-### header action >>>
-import struct
-import Utils
-from UnicodeUtils import upack1
-from ExcelMagic import *
-_RVAdelta = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40}
-_RVAdeltaRef = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40, "D": 0x20}
-_RVAdeltaArea = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40, "D": 0}
-class FormulaParseException(Exception):
- """
- An exception indicating that a Formula could not be successfully parsed.
- """
-### header action <<<
-### preamble action>>>
-### preamble action <<<
-### import antlr.Token
-from antlr import Token
-### >>>The Known Token Types <<<
-SKIP = antlr.SKIP
-EOF = antlr.EOF
-FUNC_IF = 9
-NAME = 11
-EQ = 13
-NE = 14
-GT = 15
-LT = 16
-GE = 17
-LE = 18
-ADD = 19
-SUB = 20
-MUL = 21
-DIV = 22
-POWER = 23
-LP = 25
-RP = 26
-LB = 27
-RB = 28
-COLON = 29
-COMMA = 30
-REF2D = 32
-REF2D_R1C1 = 33
-BANG = 34
-CONCAT = 35
-class Parser(antlr.LLkParser):
- ### user action >>>
- ### user action <<<
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- antlr.LLkParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.tokenNames = _tokenNames
- ### __init__ header action >>>
- self.rpn = ""
- self.sheet_references = []
- self.xcall_references = []
- ### __init__ header action <<<
- def formula(self):
- pass
- self.expr("V")
- def expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec0_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if ((self.LA(1) >= EQ and self.LA(1) <= LE)):
- pass
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [EQ]:
- pass
- self.match(EQ)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgEQ)
- elif la1 and la1 in [NE]:
- pass
- self.match(NE)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgNE)
- elif la1 and la1 in [GT]:
- pass
- self.match(GT)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgGT)
- elif la1 and la1 in [LT]:
- pass
- self.match(LT)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgLT)
- elif la1 and la1 in [GE]:
- pass
- self.match(GE)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgGE)
- elif la1 and la1 in [LE]:
- pass
- self.match(LE)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgLE)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- self.prec0_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec0_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec1_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==CONCAT):
- pass
- pass
- self.match(CONCAT)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgConcat)
- self.prec1_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec1_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec2_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==ADD or self.LA(1)==SUB):
- pass
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [ADD]:
- pass
- self.match(ADD)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgAdd)
- elif la1 and la1 in [SUB]:
- pass
- self.match(SUB)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgSub)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- self.prec2_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op;
- # print "**prec1_expr4 %s" % arg_type
- else:
- break
- def prec2_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec3_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==MUL or self.LA(1)==DIV):
- pass
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [MUL]:
- pass
- self.match(MUL)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgMul)
- elif la1 and la1 in [DIV]:
- pass
- self.match(DIV)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgDiv)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- self.prec3_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec3_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec4_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==POWER):
- pass
- pass
- self.match(POWER)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgPower)
- self.prec4_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec4_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec5_expr(arg_type)
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [PERCENT]:
- pass
- self.match(PERCENT)
- self.rpn += struct.pack('B', ptgPercent)
- pass
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- def prec5_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- pass
- self.primary(arg_type)
- elif la1 and la1 in [SUB]:
- pass
- self.match(SUB)
- self.primary(arg_type)
- self.rpn += struct.pack('B', ptgUminus)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- def primary(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- str_tok = None
- int_tok = None
- num_tok = None
- ref2d_tok = None
- ref2d1_tok = None
- ref2d2_tok = None
- ref3d_ref2d = None
- ref3d_ref2d2 = None
- name_tok = None
- func_tok = None
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [TRUE_CONST]:
- pass
- self.match(TRUE_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack("2B", ptgBool, 1)
- elif la1 and la1 in [FALSE_CONST]:
- pass
- self.match(FALSE_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack("2B", ptgBool, 0)
- elif la1 and la1 in [STR_CONST]:
- pass
- str_tok = self.LT(1)
- self.match(STR_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack("B", ptgStr) + upack1(str_tok.text[1:-1].replace("\"\"", "\""))
- elif la1 and la1 in [NUM_CONST]:
- pass
- num_tok = self.LT(1)
- self.match(NUM_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack(" max_argc or arg_count < min_argc:
- raise Exception, "%d parameters for function: %s" % (arg_count, func_tok.text)
- if xcall:
- func_ptg = ptgFuncVarR + _RVAdelta[func_type]
- self.rpn += struct.pack("<2BH", func_ptg, arg_count + 1, 255) # 255 is magic XCALL function
- elif min_argc == max_argc:
- func_ptg = ptgFuncR + _RVAdelta[func_type]
- self.rpn += struct.pack("",
- "EOF",
- "<2>",
- "FUNC_IF",
- "NAME",
- "EQ",
- "NE",
- "GT",
- "LT",
- "GE",
- "LE",
- "ADD",
- "SUB",
- "MUL",
- "DIV",
- "POWER",
- "LP",
- "RP",
- "LB",
- "RB",
- "COLON",
- "COMMA",
- "REF2D",
- "REF2D_R1C1",
- "BANG",
-### generate bit set
-def mk_tokenSet_0():
- ### var1
- data = [ 37681618946L, 0L]
- return data
-_tokenSet_0 = antlr.BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0())
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index a49ae1f0..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,862 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: ascii -*-
-lots of Excel Magic Numbers
-# Boundaries BIFF8+
-MAX_ROW = 65536
-MAX_COL = 256
-biff_records = {
- 0x0000: "DIMENSIONS",
- 0x0001: "BLANK",
- 0x0002: "INTEGER",
- 0x0003: "NUMBER",
- 0x0004: "LABEL",
- 0x0005: "BOOLERR",
- 0x0006: "FORMULA",
- 0x0007: "STRING",
- 0x0008: "ROW",
- 0x0009: "BOF",
- 0x000A: "EOF",
- 0x000B: "INDEX",
- 0x000C: "CALCCOUNT",
- 0x000D: "CALCMODE",
- 0x000E: "PRECISION",
- 0x000F: "REFMODE",
- 0x0010: "DELTA",
- 0x0011: "ITERATION",
- 0x0012: "PROTECT",
- 0x0013: "PASSWORD",
- 0x0014: "HEADER",
- 0x0015: "FOOTER",
- 0x0016: "EXTERNCOUNT",
- 0x0017: "EXTERNSHEET",
- 0x0018: "NAME",
- 0x0019: "WINDOWPROTECT",
- 0x001C: "NOTE",
- 0x001D: "SELECTION",
- 0x001E: "FORMAT",
- 0x001F: "FORMATCOUNT",
- 0x0020: "COLUMNDEFAULT",
- 0x0021: "ARRAY",
- 0x0022: "1904",
- 0x0023: "EXTERNNAME",
- 0x0024: "COLWIDTH",
- 0x0026: "LEFTMARGIN",
- 0x0027: "RIGHTMARGIN",
- 0x0028: "TOPMARGIN",
- 0x0029: "BOTTOMMARGIN",
- 0x002F: "FILEPASS",
- 0x0031: "FONT",
- 0x0036: "TABLE",
- 0x003C: "CONTINUE",
- 0x003D: "WINDOW1",
- 0x003E: "WINDOW2",
- 0x0040: "BACKUP",
- 0x0041: "PANE",
- 0x0042: "CODEPAGE",
- 0x0043: "XF",
- 0x0044: "IXFE",
- 0x0045: "EFONT",
- 0x004D: "PLS",
- 0x0050: "DCON",
- 0x0051: "DCONREF",
- 0x0053: "DCONNAME",
- 0x0055: "DEFCOLWIDTH",
- 0x0056: "BUILTINFMTCNT",
- 0x0059: "XCT",
- 0x005A: "CRN",
- 0x005B: "FILESHARING",
- 0x005C: "WRITEACCESS",
- 0x005D: "OBJ",
- 0x005E: "UNCALCED",
- 0x005F: "SAFERECALC",
- 0x0060: "TEMPLATE",
- 0x0063: "OBJPROTECT",
- 0x007D: "COLINFO",
- 0x007E: "RK",
- 0x007F: "IMDATA",
- 0x0080: "GUTS",
- 0x0081: "WSBOOL",
- 0x0082: "GRIDSET",
- 0x0083: "HCENTER",
- 0x0084: "VCENTER",
- 0x0085: "BOUNDSHEET",
- 0x0086: "WRITEPROT",
- 0x0087: "ADDIN",
- 0x0088: "EDG",
- 0x0089: "PUB",
- 0x008C: "COUNTRY",
- 0x008D: "HIDEOBJ",
- 0x0090: "SORT",
- 0x0091: "SUB",
- 0x0092: "PALETTE",
- 0x0093: "STYLE",
- 0x0094: "LHRECORD",
- 0x0095: "LHNGRAPH",
- 0x0096: "SOUND",
- 0x0098: "LPR",
- 0x0099: "STANDARDWIDTH",
- 0x009A: "FNGROUPNAME",
- 0x009B: "FILTERMODE",
- 0x009E: "AUTOFILTER",
- 0x00A0: "SCL",
- 0x00A1: "SETUP",
- 0x00A9: "COORDLIST",
- 0x00AB: "GCW",
- 0x00AE: "SCENMAN",
- 0x00AF: "SCENARIO",
- 0x00B0: "SXVIEW",
- 0x00B1: "SXVD",
- 0x00B2: "SXVI",
- 0x00B4: "SXIVD",
- 0x00B5: "SXLI",
- 0x00B6: "SXPI",
- 0x00B8: "DOCROUTE",
- 0x00B9: "RECIPNAME",
- 0x00BC: "SHRFMLA",
- 0x00BD: "MULRK",
- 0x00BE: "MULBLANK",
- 0x00C1: "MMS",
- 0x00C2: "ADDMENU",
- 0x00C3: "DELMENU",
- 0x00C5: "SXDI",
- 0x00C6: "SXDB",
- 0x00C7: "SXFIELD",
- 0x00C8: "SXINDEXLIST",
- 0x00C9: "SXDOUBLE",
- 0x00CD: "SXSTRING",
- 0x00D0: "SXTBL",
- 0x00D1: "SXTBRGITEM",
- 0x00D2: "SXTBPG",
- 0x00D3: "OBPROJ",
- 0x00D5: "SXIDSTM",
- 0x00D6: "RSTRING",
- 0x00D7: "DBCELL",
- 0x00DA: "BOOKBOOL",
- 0x00DE: "OLESIZE",
- 0x00DF: "UDDESC",
- 0x00E0: "XF",
- 0x00E3: "SXVS",
- 0x00E5: "MERGEDCELLS",
- 0x00E9: "BITMAP",
- 0x00F0: "SXRULE",
- 0x00F1: "SXEX",
- 0x00F2: "SXFILT",
- 0x00F6: "SXNAME",
- 0x00F7: "SXSELECT",
- 0x00F8: "SXPAIR",
- 0x00F9: "SXFMLA",
- 0x00FB: "SXFORMAT",
- 0x00FC: "SST",
- 0x00FD: "LABELSST",
- 0x00FF: "EXTSST",
- 0x0100: "SXVDEX",
- 0x0103: "SXFORMULA",
- 0x0122: "SXDBEX",
- 0x0137: "CHTRINSERT",
- 0x0138: "CHTRINFO",
- 0x013D: "TABID",
- 0x0140: "CHTRMOVERANGE",
- 0x015F: "LABELRANGES",
- 0x0160: "USESELFS",
- 0x0161: "DSF",
- 0x0162: "XL5MODIFY",
- 0x0196: "CHTRHEADER",
- 0x01A9: "USERBVIEW",
- 0x01AD: "QSI",
- 0x01AE: "SUPBOOK",
- 0x01AF: "PROT4REV",
- 0x01B0: "CONDFMT",
- 0x01B1: "CF",
- 0x01B2: "DVAL",
- 0x01B5: "DCONBIN",
- 0x01B6: "TXO",
- 0x01B7: "REFRESHALL",
- 0x01B8: "HLINK",
- 0x01BA: "CODENAME",
- 0x01BB: "SXFDBTYPE",
- 0x01BE: "DV",
- 0x01C0: "XL9FILE",
- 0x01C1: "RECALCID",
- 0x0200: "DIMENSIONS",
- 0x0201: "BLANK",
- 0x0203: "NUMBER",
- 0x0204: "LABEL",
- 0x0205: "BOOLERR",
- 0x0206: "FORMULA",
- 0x0207: "STRING",
- 0x0208: "ROW",
- 0x0209: "BOF",
- 0x020B: "INDEX",
- 0x0218: "NAME",
- 0x0221: "ARRAY",
- 0x0223: "EXTERNNAME",
- 0x0231: "FONT",
- 0x0236: "TABLE",
- 0x023E: "WINDOW2",
- 0x0243: "XF",
- 0x027E: "RK",
- 0x0293: "STYLE",
- 0x0406: "FORMULA",
- 0x0409: "BOF",
- 0x041E: "FORMAT",
- 0x0443: "XF",
- 0x04BC: "SHRFMLA",
- 0x0800: "SCREENTIP",
- 0x0804: "WEBQRYTABLES",
- 0x0809: "BOF",
- 0x0862: "SHEETLAYOUT",
- 0x1001: "UNITS",
- 0x1002: "ChartChart",
- 0x1003: "ChartSeries",
- 0x1006: "ChartDataformat",
- 0x1007: "ChartLineformat",
- 0x1009: "ChartMarkerformat",
- 0x100A: "ChartAreaformat",
- 0x100B: "ChartPieformat",
- 0x100C: "ChartAttachedlabel",
- 0x100D: "ChartSeriestext",
- 0x1014: "ChartChartformat",
- 0x1015: "ChartLegend",
- 0x1016: "ChartSerieslist",
- 0x1017: "ChartBar",
- 0x1018: "ChartLine",
- 0x1019: "ChartPie",
- 0x101A: "ChartArea",
- 0x101B: "ChartScatter",
- 0x101C: "ChartChartline",
- 0x101D: "ChartAxis",
- 0x101E: "ChartTick",
- 0x101F: "ChartValuerange",
- 0x1020: "ChartCatserrange",
- 0x1021: "ChartAxislineformat",
- 0x1022: "ChartFormatlink",
- 0x1024: "ChartDefaulttext",
- 0x1025: "ChartText",
- 0x1026: "ChartFontx",
- 0x1027: "ChartObjectLink",
- 0x1032: "ChartFrame",
- 0x1033: "BEGIN",
- 0x1034: "END",
- 0x1035: "ChartPlotarea",
- 0x103A: "Chart3D",
- 0x103C: "ChartPicf",
- 0x103D: "ChartDropbar",
- 0x103E: "ChartRadar",
- 0x103F: "ChartSurface",
- 0x1040: "ChartRadararea",
- 0x1041: "ChartAxisparent",
- 0x1043: "ChartLegendxn",
- 0x1044: "ChartShtprops",
- 0x1045: "ChartSertocrt",
- 0x1046: "ChartAxesused",
- 0x1048: "ChartSbaseref",
- 0x104A: "ChartSerparent",
- 0x104B: "ChartSerauxtrend",
- 0x104E: "ChartIfmt",
- 0x104F: "ChartPos",
- 0x1050: "ChartAlruns",
- 0x1051: "ChartAI",
- 0x105B: "ChartSerauxerrbar",
- 0x105D: "ChartSerfmt",
- 0x105F: "Chart3DDataFormat",
- 0x1060: "ChartFbi",
- 0x1061: "ChartBoppop",
- 0x1062: "ChartAxcext",
- 0x1063: "ChartDat",
- 0x1064: "ChartPlotgrowth",
- 0x1065: "ChartSiindex",
- 0x1066: "ChartGelframe",
- 0x1067: "ChartBoppcustom",
- 0xFFFF: ""
-all_funcs_by_name = {
- # Includes Analysis ToolPak aka ATP aka add-in aka xcall functions,
- # distinguished by -ve opcode.
- # name: (opcode, min # args, max # args, func return type, func arg types)
- # + in func arg types means more of the same.
- 'ABS' : ( 24, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ACCRINT' : ( -1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'ACCRINTM' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'ACOS' : ( 99, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ACOSH' : (233, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ADDRESS' : (219, 2, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'AMORDEGRC' : ( -1, 7, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'AMORLINC' : ( -1, 7, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'AND' : ( 36, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'AREAS' : ( 75, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'ASC' : (214, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ASIN' : ( 98, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ASINH' : (232, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ATAN' : ( 18, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ATAN2' : ( 97, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ATANH' : (234, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'AVEDEV' : (269, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'AVERAGE' : ( 5, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'AVERAGEA' : (361, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'BAHTTEXT' : (368, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'BESSELI' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BESSELJ' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BESSELK' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BESSELY' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BETADIST' : (270, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'BETAINV' : (272, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'BIN2DEC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'BIN2HEX' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BIN2OCT' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BINOMDIST' : (273, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'CEILING' : (288, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'CELL' : (125, 1, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 'CHAR' : (111, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'CHIDIST' : (274, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'CHIINV' : (275, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'CHITEST' : (306, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'CHOOSE' : (100, 2, 30, 'R', 'VR+'),
- 'CLEAN' : (162, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'CODE' : (121, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'COLUMN' : ( 9, 0, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'COLUMNS' : ( 77, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'COMBIN' : (276, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'COMPLEX' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CONCATENATE' : (336, 1, 30, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'CONFIDENCE' : (277, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CONVERT' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CORREL' : (307, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'COS' : ( 16, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'COSH' : (230, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'COUNT' : ( 0, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'COUNTA' : (169, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'COUNTBLANK' : (347, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'COUNTIF' : (346, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'COUPDAYBS' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPDAYS' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPDAYSNC' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPNCD' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPNUM' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPPCD' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COVAR' : (308, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'CRITBINOM' : (278, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CUMIPMT' : ( -1, 6, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'CUMPRINC' : ( -1, 6, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'DATE' : ( 65, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'DATEDIF' : (351, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'DATEVALUE' : (140, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DAVERAGE' : ( 42, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DAY' : ( 67, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DAYS360' : (220, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'DB' : (247, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'DBCS' : (215, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DCOUNT' : ( 40, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DCOUNTA' : (199, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DDB' : (144, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'DEC2BIN' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEC2HEX' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEC2OCT' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEGREES' : (343, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DELTA' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEVSQ' : (318, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'DGET' : (235, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DISC' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'DMAX' : ( 44, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DMIN' : ( 43, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DOLLAR' : ( 13, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DOLLARDE' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DOLLARFR' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DPRODUCT' : (189, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DSTDEV' : ( 45, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DSTDEVP' : (195, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DSUM' : ( 41, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DURATION' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'DVAR' : ( 47, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DVARP' : (196, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'EDATE' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'EFFECT' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'EOMONTH' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ERF' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ERFC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ERROR.TYPE' : (261, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'EVEN' : (279, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'EXACT' : (117, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'EXP' : ( 21, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'EXPONDIST' : (280, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FACT' : (184, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FACTDOUBLE' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FALSE' : ( 35, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'FDIST' : (281, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FIND' : (124, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FINDB' : (205, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FINV' : (282, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FISHER' : (283, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FISHERINV' : (284, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FIXED' : ( 14, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FLOOR' : (285, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'FORECAST' : (309, 3, 3, 'V', 'VAA'),
- 'FREQUENCY' : (252, 2, 2, 'A', 'RR'),
- 'FTEST' : (310, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'FV' : ( 57, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'FVSCHEDULE' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VA'),
- 'GAMMADIST' : (286, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'GAMMAINV' : (287, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'GAMMALN' : (271, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'GCD' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'GEOMEAN' : (319, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'GESTEP' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'GETPIVOTDATA': (358, 2, 30, 'A', 'VAV+'),
- 'GROWTH' : ( 52, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRRV'),
- 'HARMEAN' : (320, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'HEX2BIN' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'HEX2DEC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'HEX2OCT' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'HLOOKUP' : (101, 3, 4, 'V', 'VRRV'),
- 'HOUR' : ( 71, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'HYPERLINK' : (359, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'HYPGEOMDIST' : (289, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'IF' : ( 1, 2, 3, 'R', 'VRR'),
- 'IMABS' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMAGINARY' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMARGUMENT' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMCONJUGATE' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMCOS' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMDIV' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMEXP' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMLN' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMLOG10' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMLOG2' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMPOWER' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMPRODUCT' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMREAL' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMSIN' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMSQRT' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMSUB' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMSUM' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'INDEX' : ( 29, 2, 4, 'R', 'RVVV'),
- 'INDIRECT' : (148, 1, 2, 'R', 'VV'),
- 'INFO' : (244, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'INT' : ( 25, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'INTERCEPT' : (311, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'INTRATE' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'IPMT' : (167, 4, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'IRR' : ( 62, 1, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'ISBLANK' : (129, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISERR' : (126, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISERROR' : ( 3, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISEVEN' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISLOGICAL' : (198, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISNA' : ( 2, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISNONTEXT' : (190, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISNUMBER' : (128, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISODD' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISPMT' : (350, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'ISREF' : (105, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'ISTEXT' : (127, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'KURT' : (322, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'LARGE' : (325, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'LCM' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'LEFT' : (115, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'LEFTB' : (208, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'LEN' : ( 32, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LENB' : (211, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LINEST' : ( 49, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRVV'),
- 'LN' : ( 22, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LOG' : (109, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'LOG10' : ( 23, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LOGEST' : ( 51, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRVV'),
- 'LOGINV' : (291, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'LOGNORMDIST' : (290, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'LOOKUP' : ( 28, 2, 3, 'V', 'VRR'),
- 'LOWER' : (112, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'MATCH' : ( 64, 2, 3, 'V', 'VRR'),
- 'MAX' : ( 7, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MAXA' : (362, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MDETERM' : (163, 1, 1, 'V', 'A'),
- 'MDURATION' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'MEDIAN' : (227, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MID' : ( 31, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'MIDB' : (210, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'MIN' : ( 6, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MINA' : (363, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MINUTE' : ( 72, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'MINVERSE' : (164, 1, 1, 'A', 'A'),
- 'MIRR' : ( 61, 3, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- 'MMULT' : (165, 2, 2, 'A', 'AA'),
- 'MOD' : ( 39, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'MODE' : (330, 1, 30, 'V', 'A+'), ################ weird #################
- 'MONTH' : ( 68, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'MROUND' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'MULTINOMIAL' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'N' : (131, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'NA' : ( 10, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'NEGBINOMDIST': (292, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'NETWORKDAYS' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVR'),
- 'NOMINAL' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'NORMDIST' : (293, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'NORMINV' : (295, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'NORMSDIST' : (294, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'NORMSINV' : (296, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'NOT' : ( 38, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'NOW' : ( 74, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'NPER' : ( 58, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'NPV' : ( 11, 2, 30, 'V', 'VD+'),
- 'OCT2BIN' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'OCT2DEC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'OCT2HEX' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ODD' : (298, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ODDFPRICE' : ( -1, 9, 9, 'V', 'VVVVVVVVV'),
- 'ODDFYIELD' : ( -1, 9, 9, 'V', 'VVVVVVVVV'),
- 'ODDLPRICE' : ( -1, 8, 8, 'V', 'VVVVVVVV'),
- 'ODDLYIELD' : ( -1, 8, 8, 'V', 'VVVVVVVV'),
- 'OFFSET' : ( 78, 3, 5, 'R', 'RVVVV'),
- 'OR' : ( 37, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'PEARSON' : (312, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'PERCENTILE' : (328, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'PERCENTRANK' : (329, 2, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- 'PERMUT' : (299, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'PHONETIC' : (360, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'PI' : ( 19, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'PMT' : ( 59, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'POISSON' : (300, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'POWER' : (337, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'PPMT' : (168, 4, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'PRICE' : ( -1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'PRICEDISC' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'PRICEMAT' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'PROB' : (317, 3, 4, 'V', 'AAVV'),
- 'PRODUCT' : (183, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'PROPER' : (114, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'PV' : ( 56, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'QUARTILE' : (327, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'QUOTIENT' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RADIANS' : (342, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'RAND' : ( 63, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'RANDBETWEEN' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RANK' : (216, 2, 3, 'V', 'VRV'),
- 'RATE' : ( 60, 3, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'RECEIVED' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'REPLACE' : (119, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'REPLACEB' : (207, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'REPT' : ( 30, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RIGHT' : (116, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RIGHTB' : (209, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROMAN' : (354, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROUND' : ( 27, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROUNDDOWN' : (213, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROUNDUP' : (212, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROW' : ( 8, 0, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'ROWS' : ( 76, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'RSQ' : (313, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'RTD' : (379, 3, 30, 'A', 'VVV+'),
- 'SEARCH' : ( 82, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'SEARCHB' : (206, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'SECOND' : ( 73, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SERIESSUM' : ( -1, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVA'),
- 'SIGN' : ( 26, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SIN' : ( 15, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SINH' : (229, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SKEW' : (323, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'SLN' : (142, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'SLOPE' : (315, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SMALL' : (326, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'SQRT' : ( 20, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SQRTPI' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'STANDARDIZE' : (297, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'STDEV' : ( 12, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STDEVA' : (366, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STDEVP' : (193, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STDEVPA' : (364, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STEYX' : (314, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SUBSTITUTE' : (120, 3, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'SUBTOTAL' : (344, 2, 30, 'V', 'VR+'),
- 'SUM' : ( 4, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'SUMIF' : (345, 2, 3, 'V', 'RVR'),
- 'SUMPRODUCT' : (228, 1, 30, 'V', 'A+'),
- 'SUMSQ' : (321, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'SUMX2MY2' : (304, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SUMX2PY2' : (305, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SUMXMY2' : (303, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SYD' : (143, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'T' : (130, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'TAN' : ( 17, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TANH' : (231, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TBILLEQ' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TBILLPRICE' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TBILLYIELD' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TDIST' : (301, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TEXT' : ( 48, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'TIME' : ( 66, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TIMEVALUE' : (141, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TINV' : (332, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'TODAY' : (221, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'TRANSPOSE' : ( 83, 1, 1, 'A', 'A'),
- 'TREND' : ( 50, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRRV'),
- 'TRIM' : (118, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TRIMMEAN' : (331, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'TRUE' : ( 34, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'TRUNC' : (197, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'TTEST' : (316, 4, 4, 'V', 'AAVV'),
- 'TYPE' : ( 86, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'UPPER' : (113, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'USDOLLAR' : (204, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'VALUE' : ( 33, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'VAR' : ( 46, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VARA' : (367, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VARP' : (194, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VARPA' : (365, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VDB' : (222, 5, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'VLOOKUP' : (102, 3, 4, 'V', 'VRRV'),
- 'WEEKDAY' : ( 70, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'WEEKNUM' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'WEIBULL' : (302, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'WORKDAY' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVR'),
- 'XIRR' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'AAV'),
- 'XNPV' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VAA'),
- 'YEAR' : ( 69, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'YEARFRAC' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'YIELD' : ( -1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'YIELDDISC' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'YIELDMAT' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'ZTEST' : (324, 2, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- }
-# Formulas Parse things
-ptgExp = 0x01
-ptgTbl = 0x02
-ptgAdd = 0x03
-ptgSub = 0x04
-ptgMul = 0x05
-ptgDiv = 0x06
-ptgPower = 0x07
-ptgConcat = 0x08
-ptgLT = 0x09
-ptgLE = 0x0a
-ptgEQ = 0x0b
-ptgGE = 0x0c
-ptgGT = 0x0d
-ptgNE = 0x0e
-ptgIsect = 0x0f
-ptgUnion = 0x10
-ptgRange = 0x11
-ptgUplus = 0x12
-ptgUminus = 0x13
-ptgPercent = 0x14
-ptgParen = 0x15
-ptgMissArg = 0x16
-ptgStr = 0x17
-ptgExtend = 0x18
-ptgAttr = 0x19
-ptgSheet = 0x1a
-ptgEndSheet = 0x1b
-ptgErr = 0x1c
-ptgBool = 0x1d
-ptgInt = 0x1e
-ptgNum = 0x1f
-ptgArrayR = 0x20
-ptgFuncR = 0x21
-ptgFuncVarR = 0x22
-ptgNameR = 0x23
-ptgRefR = 0x24
-ptgAreaR = 0x25
-ptgMemAreaR = 0x26
-ptgMemErrR = 0x27
-ptgMemNoMemR = 0x28
-ptgMemFuncR = 0x29
-ptgRefErrR = 0x2a
-ptgAreaErrR = 0x2b
-ptgRefNR = 0x2c
-ptgAreaNR = 0x2d
-ptgMemAreaNR = 0x2e
-ptgMemNoMemNR = 0x2f
-ptgNameXR = 0x39
-ptgRef3dR = 0x3a
-ptgArea3dR = 0x3b
-ptgRefErr3dR = 0x3c
-ptgAreaErr3dR = 0x3d
-ptgArrayV = 0x40
-ptgFuncV = 0x41
-ptgFuncVarV = 0x42
-ptgNameV = 0x43
-ptgRefV = 0x44
-ptgAreaV = 0x45
-ptgMemAreaV = 0x46
-ptgMemErrV = 0x47
-ptgMemNoMemV = 0x48
-ptgMemFuncV = 0x49
-ptgRefErrV = 0x4a
-ptgAreaErrV = 0x4b
-ptgRefNV = 0x4c
-ptgAreaNV = 0x4d
-ptgMemAreaNV = 0x4e
-ptgMemNoMemNV = 0x4f
-ptgFuncCEV = 0x58
-ptgNameXV = 0x59
-ptgRef3dV = 0x5a
-ptgArea3dV = 0x5b
-ptgRefErr3dV = 0x5c
-ptgAreaErr3dV = 0x5d
-ptgArrayA = 0x60
-ptgFuncA = 0x61
-ptgFuncVarA = 0x62
-ptgNameA = 0x63
-ptgRefA = 0x64
-ptgAreaA = 0x65
-ptgMemAreaA = 0x66
-ptgMemErrA = 0x67
-ptgMemNoMemA = 0x68
-ptgMemFuncA = 0x69
-ptgRefErrA = 0x6a
-ptgAreaErrA = 0x6b
-ptgRefNA = 0x6c
-ptgAreaNA = 0x6d
-ptgMemAreaNA = 0x6e
-ptgMemNoMemNA = 0x6f
-ptgFuncCEA = 0x78
-ptgNameXA = 0x79
-ptgRef3dA = 0x7a
-ptgArea3dA = 0x7b
-ptgRefErr3dA = 0x7c
-ptgAreaErr3dA = 0x7d
-PtgNames = {
- ptgExp : "ptgExp",
- ptgTbl : "ptgTbl",
- ptgAdd : "ptgAdd",
- ptgSub : "ptgSub",
- ptgMul : "ptgMul",
- ptgDiv : "ptgDiv",
- ptgPower : "ptgPower",
- ptgConcat : "ptgConcat",
- ptgLT : "ptgLT",
- ptgLE : "ptgLE",
- ptgEQ : "ptgEQ",
- ptgGE : "ptgGE",
- ptgGT : "ptgGT",
- ptgNE : "ptgNE",
- ptgIsect : "ptgIsect",
- ptgUnion : "ptgUnion",
- ptgRange : "ptgRange",
- ptgUplus : "ptgUplus",
- ptgUminus : "ptgUminus",
- ptgPercent : "ptgPercent",
- ptgParen : "ptgParen",
- ptgMissArg : "ptgMissArg",
- ptgStr : "ptgStr",
- ptgExtend : "ptgExtend",
- ptgAttr : "ptgAttr",
- ptgSheet : "ptgSheet",
- ptgEndSheet : "ptgEndSheet",
- ptgErr : "ptgErr",
- ptgBool : "ptgBool",
- ptgInt : "ptgInt",
- ptgNum : "ptgNum",
- ptgArrayR : "ptgArrayR",
- ptgFuncR : "ptgFuncR",
- ptgFuncVarR : "ptgFuncVarR",
- ptgNameR : "ptgNameR",
- ptgRefR : "ptgRefR",
- ptgAreaR : "ptgAreaR",
- ptgMemAreaR : "ptgMemAreaR",
- ptgMemErrR : "ptgMemErrR",
- ptgMemNoMemR : "ptgMemNoMemR",
- ptgMemFuncR : "ptgMemFuncR",
- ptgRefErrR : "ptgRefErrR",
- ptgAreaErrR : "ptgAreaErrR",
- ptgRefNR : "ptgRefNR",
- ptgAreaNR : "ptgAreaNR",
- ptgMemAreaNR : "ptgMemAreaNR",
- ptgMemNoMemNR : "ptgMemNoMemNR",
- ptgNameXR : "ptgNameXR",
- ptgRef3dR : "ptgRef3dR",
- ptgArea3dR : "ptgArea3dR",
- ptgRefErr3dR : "ptgRefErr3dR",
- ptgAreaErr3dR : "ptgAreaErr3dR",
- ptgArrayV : "ptgArrayV",
- ptgFuncV : "ptgFuncV",
- ptgFuncVarV : "ptgFuncVarV",
- ptgNameV : "ptgNameV",
- ptgRefV : "ptgRefV",
- ptgAreaV : "ptgAreaV",
- ptgMemAreaV : "ptgMemAreaV",
- ptgMemErrV : "ptgMemErrV",
- ptgMemNoMemV : "ptgMemNoMemV",
- ptgMemFuncV : "ptgMemFuncV",
- ptgRefErrV : "ptgRefErrV",
- ptgAreaErrV : "ptgAreaErrV",
- ptgRefNV : "ptgRefNV",
- ptgAreaNV : "ptgAreaNV",
- ptgMemAreaNV : "ptgMemAreaNV",
- ptgMemNoMemNV : "ptgMemNoMemNV",
- ptgFuncCEV : "ptgFuncCEV",
- ptgNameXV : "ptgNameXV",
- ptgRef3dV : "ptgRef3dV",
- ptgArea3dV : "ptgArea3dV",
- ptgRefErr3dV : "ptgRefErr3dV",
- ptgAreaErr3dV : "ptgAreaErr3dV",
- ptgArrayA : "ptgArrayA",
- ptgFuncA : "ptgFuncA",
- ptgFuncVarA : "ptgFuncVarA",
- ptgNameA : "ptgNameA",
- ptgRefA : "ptgRefA",
- ptgAreaA : "ptgAreaA",
- ptgMemAreaA : "ptgMemAreaA",
- ptgMemErrA : "ptgMemErrA",
- ptgMemNoMemA : "ptgMemNoMemA",
- ptgMemFuncA : "ptgMemFuncA",
- ptgRefErrA : "ptgRefErrA",
- ptgAreaErrA : "ptgAreaErrA",
- ptgRefNA : "ptgRefNA",
- ptgAreaNA : "ptgAreaNA",
- ptgMemAreaNA : "ptgMemAreaNA",
- ptgMemNoMemNA : "ptgMemNoMemNA",
- ptgFuncCEA : "ptgFuncCEA",
- ptgNameXA : "ptgNameXA",
- ptgRef3dA : "ptgRef3dA",
- ptgArea3dA : "ptgArea3dA",
- ptgRefErr3dA : "ptgRefErr3dA",
- ptgAreaErr3dA : "ptgAreaErr3dA"
-error_msg_by_code = {
- 0x00: u"#NULL!", # intersection of two cell ranges is empty
- 0x07: u"#DIV/0!", # division by zero
- 0x0F: u"#VALUE!", # wrong type of operand
- 0x17: u"#REF!", # illegal or deleted cell reference
- 0x1D: u"#NAME?", # wrong function or range name
- 0x24: u"#NUM!", # value range overflow
- 0x2A: u"#N/A!" # argument or function not available
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deleted file mode 100644
index 76b8e8ff..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-The XF record is able to store explicit cell formatting attributes or the
-attributes of a cell style. Explicit formatting includes the reference to
-a cell style XF record. This allows to extend a defined cell style with
-some explicit attributes. The formatting attributes are divided into
-6 groups:
-Group Attributes
-Number format Number format index (index to FORMAT record)
-Font Font index (index to FONT record)
-Alignment Horizontal and vertical alignment, text wrap, indentation,
- orientation/rotation, text direction
-Border Border line styles and colours
-Background Background area style and colours
-Protection Cell locked, formula hidden
-For each group a flag in the cell XF record specifies whether to use the
-attributes contained in that XF record or in the referenced style
-XF record. In style XF records, these flags specify whether the attributes
-will overwrite explicit cell formatting when the style is applied to
-a cell. Changing a cell style (without applying this style to a cell) will
-change all cells which already use that style and do not contain explicit
-cell attributes for the changed style attributes. If a cell XF record does
-not contain explicit attributes in a group (if the attribute group flag
-is not set), it repeats the attributes of its style XF record.
-import BIFFRecords
-class Font(object):
- FAMILY_NONE = 0x00
- def __init__(self):
- # twip = 1/20 of a point = 1/1440 of a inch
- # usually resolution == 96 pixels per 1 inch
- # (rarely 120 pixels per 1 inch or another one)
- self.height = 0x00C8 # 200: this is font with height 10 points
- self.italic = False
- self.struck_out = False
- self.outline = False
- self.shadow = False
- self.colour_index = 0x7FFF
- self.bold = False
- self._weight = 0x0190 # 0x02BC gives bold font
- self.escapement = self.ESCAPEMENT_NONE
- self.underline = self.UNDERLINE_NONE
- = self.FAMILY_NONE
- self.charset = self.CHARSET_SYS_DEFAULT
- = 'Arial'
- def get_biff_record(self):
- height = self.height
- options = 0x00
- if self.bold:
- options |= 0x01
- self._weight = 0x02BC
- if self.italic:
- options |= 0x02
- if self.underline != self.UNDERLINE_NONE:
- options |= 0x04
- if self.struck_out:
- options |= 0x08
- if self.outline:
- options |= 0x010
- if self.shadow:
- options |= 0x020
- colour_index = self.colour_index
- weight = self._weight
- escapement = self.escapement
- underline = self.underline
- family =
- charset = self.charset
- name =
- return BIFFRecords.FontRecord(height, options, colour_index, weight, escapement,
- underline, family, charset,
- name)
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.height,
- self.italic,
- self.struck_out,
- self.outline,
- self.shadow,
- self.colour_index,
- self.bold,
- self._weight,
- self.escapement,
- self.underline,
- self.charset,
- )
-class Alignment(object):
- HORZ_LEFT = 0x01
- HORZ_CENTER = 0x02
- HORZ_RIGHT = 0x03
- HORZ_FILLED = 0x04
- HORZ_CENTER_ACROSS_SEL = 0x06 # Centred across selection (BIFF4-BIFF8X)
- HORZ_DISTRIBUTED = 0x07 # Distributed (BIFF8X)
- VERT_TOP = 0x00
- VERT_CENTER = 0x01
- VERT_BOTTOM = 0x02
- VERT_JUSTIFIED = 0x03 # Justified (BIFF5-BIFF8X)
- VERT_DISTRIBUTED = 0x04 # Distributed (BIFF8X)
- ORIENTATION_90_CC = 0x02
- ORIENTATION_90_CW = 0x03
- WRAP_AT_RIGHT = 0x01
- SHRINK_TO_FIT = 0x01
- def __init__(self):
- self.horz = self.HORZ_GENERAL
- self.vert = self.VERT_BOTTOM
- self.dire = self.DIRECTION_GENERAL
- self.orie = self.ORIENTATION_NOT_ROTATED
- self.rota = self.ROTATION_0_ANGLE
- self.wrap = self.NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT
- self.shri = self.NOT_SHRINK_TO_FIT
- self.inde = 0
- self.merg = 0
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.horz, self.vert, self.dire, self.orie, self.rota,
- self.wrap, self.shri, self.inde, self.merg,
- )
-class Borders(object):
- NO_LINE = 0x00
- THIN = 0x01
- MEDIUM = 0x02
- DASHED = 0x03
- DOTTED = 0x04
- THICK = 0x05
- DOUBLE = 0x06
- HAIR = 0x07
- #The following for BIFF8
- NEED_DIAG1 = 0x01
- NEED_DIAG2 = 0x01
- NO_NEED_DIAG1 = 0x00
- NO_NEED_DIAG2 = 0x00
- def __init__(self):
- self.left = self.NO_LINE
- self.right = self.NO_LINE
- = self.NO_LINE
- self.bottom = self.NO_LINE
- self.diag = self.NO_LINE
- self.left_colour = 0x40
- self.right_colour = 0x40
- self.top_colour = 0x40
- self.bottom_colour = 0x40
- self.diag_colour = 0x40
- self.need_diag1 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG1
- self.need_diag2 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG2
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.left, self.right,, self.bottom, self.diag,
- self.left_colour, self.right_colour, self.top_colour,
- self.bottom_colour, self.diag_colour,
- self.need_diag1, self.need_diag2,
- )
-class Pattern(object):
- # patterns 0x00 - 0x12
- NO_PATTERN = 0x00
- def __init__(self):
- self.pattern = self.NO_PATTERN
- self.pattern_fore_colour = 0x40
- self.pattern_back_colour = 0x41
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.pattern,
- self.pattern_fore_colour,
- self.pattern_back_colour,
- )
-class Protection(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.cell_locked = 1
- self.formula_hidden = 0
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.cell_locked,
- self.formula_hidden,
- )
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deleted file mode 100644
index a834ea1b..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-import BIFFRecords
-import Style
-from Cell import StrCell, BlankCell, NumberCell, FormulaCell, MulBlankCell, BooleanCell, ErrorCell, \
- _get_cells_biff_data_mul
-import ExcelFormula
-import datetime as dt
- from decimal import Decimal
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.3: decimal not supported; create dummy Decimal class
- class Decimal(object):
- pass
-class Row(object):
- __slots__ = [# private variables
- "__idx",
- "__parent",
- "__parent_wb",
- "__cells",
- "__min_col_idx",
- "__max_col_idx",
- "__xf_index",
- "__has_default_xf_index",
- "__height_in_pixels",
- # public variables
- "height",
- "has_default_height",
- "height_mismatch",
- "level",
- "collapse",
- "hidden",
- "space_above",
- "space_below"]
- def __init__(self, rowx, parent_sheet):
- if not (isinstance(rowx, int) and 0 <= rowx <= 65535):
- raise ValueError("row index (%r) not an int in range(65536)" % rowx)
- self.__idx = rowx
- self.__parent = parent_sheet
- self.__parent_wb = parent_sheet.get_parent()
- self.__cells = {}
- self.__min_col_idx = 0
- self.__max_col_idx = 0
- self.__xf_index = 0x0F
- self.__has_default_xf_index = 0
- self.__height_in_pixels = 0x11
- self.height = 0x00FF
- self.has_default_height = 0x00
- self.height_mismatch = 0
- self.level = 0
- self.collapse = 0
- self.hidden = 0
- self.space_above = 0
- self.space_below = 0
- def __adjust_height(self, style):
- twips = style.font.height
- points = float(twips)/20.0
- # Cell height in pixels can be calcuted by following approx. formula:
- # cell height in pixels = font height in points * 83/50 + 2/5
- # It works when screen resolution is 96 dpi
- pix = int(round(points*83.0/50.0 + 2.0/5.0))
- if pix > self.__height_in_pixels:
- self.__height_in_pixels = pix
- def __adjust_bound_col_idx(self, *args):
- for arg in args:
- iarg = int(arg)
- if not ((0 <= iarg <= 255) and arg == iarg):
- raise ValueError("column index (%r) not an int in range(256)" % arg)
- sheet = self.__parent
- if iarg < self.__min_col_idx:
- self.__min_col_idx = iarg
- if iarg > self.__max_col_idx:
- self.__max_col_idx = iarg
- if iarg < sheet.first_used_col:
- sheet.first_used_col = iarg
- if iarg > sheet.last_used_col:
- sheet.last_used_col = iarg
- def __excel_date_dt(self, date):
- if isinstance(date, and (not isinstance(date, dt.datetime)):
- epoch =, 12, 31)
- elif isinstance(date, dt.time):
- date = dt.datetime.combine(dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1), date)
- epoch = dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
- else:
- epoch = dt.datetime(1899, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0)
- delta = date - epoch
- xldate = delta.days + float(delta.seconds) / (24*60*60)
- # Add a day for Excel's missing leap day in 1900
- if xldate > 59:
- xldate += 1
- return xldate
- def get_height_in_pixels(self):
- return self.__height_in_pixels
- def set_style(self, style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.__has_default_xf_index = 1
- def get_xf_index(self):
- return self.__xf_index
- def get_cells_count(self):
- return len(self.__cells)
- def get_min_col(self):
- return self.__min_col_idx
- def get_max_col(self):
- return self.__max_col_idx
- def get_row_biff_data(self):
- height_options = (self.height & 0x07FFF)
- height_options |= (self.has_default_height & 0x01) << 15
- options = (self.level & 0x07) << 0
- options |= (self.collapse & 0x01) << 4
- options |= (self.hidden & 0x01) << 5
- options |= (self.height_mismatch & 0x01) << 6
- options |= (self.__has_default_xf_index & 0x01) << 7
- options |= (0x01 & 0x01) << 8
- options |= (self.__xf_index & 0x0FFF) << 16
- options |= (self.space_above & 1) << 28
- options |= (self.space_below & 1) << 29
- return BIFFRecords.RowRecord(self.__idx, self.__min_col_idx,
- self.__max_col_idx, height_options, options).get()
- def insert_cell(self, col_index, cell_obj):
- if col_index in self.__cells:
- if not self.__parent._cell_overwrite_ok:
- msg = "Attempt to overwrite cell: sheetname=%r rowx=%d colx=%d" \
- % (, self.__idx, col_index)
- raise Exception(msg)
- prev_cell_obj = self.__cells[col_index]
- sst_idx = getattr(prev_cell_obj, 'sst_idx', None)
- if sst_idx is not None:
- self.__parent_wb.del_str(sst_idx)
- self.__cells[col_index] = cell_obj
- def insert_mulcells(self, colx1, colx2, cell_obj):
- self.insert_cell(colx1, cell_obj)
- for col_index in xrange(colx1+1, colx2+1):
- self.insert_cell(col_index, None)
- def get_cells_biff_data(self):
- cell_items = [item for item in self.__cells.iteritems() if item[1] is not None]
- cell_items.sort() # in column order
- return _get_cells_biff_data_mul(self.__idx, cell_items)
- # previously:
- # return ''.join([cell.get_biff_data() for colx, cell in cell_items])
- def get_index(self):
- return self.__idx
- def set_cell_text(self, colx, value, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, StrCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, self.__parent_wb.add_str(value)))
- def set_cell_blank(self, colx, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, BlankCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index))
- def set_cell_mulblanks(self, first_colx, last_colx, style=Style.default_style):
- assert 0 <= first_colx <= last_colx <= 255
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(first_colx, last_colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- # ncols = last_colx - first_colx + 1
- self.insert_mulcells(first_colx, last_colx, MulBlankCell(self.__idx, first_colx, last_colx, xf_index))
- def set_cell_number(self, colx, number, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, NumberCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, number))
- def set_cell_date(self, colx, datetime_obj, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx,
- NumberCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, self.__excel_date_dt(datetime_obj)))
- def set_cell_formula(self, colx, formula, style=Style.default_style, calc_flags=0):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.__parent_wb.add_sheet_reference(formula)
- self.insert_cell(colx, FormulaCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, formula, calc_flags=0))
- def set_cell_boolean(self, colx, value, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, BooleanCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, bool(value)))
- def set_cell_error(self, colx, error_string_or_code, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, ErrorCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, error_string_or_code))
- def write(self, col, label, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(col)
- style_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- if isinstance(label, basestring):
- if len(label) > 0:
- self.insert_cell(col,
- StrCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, self.__parent_wb.add_str(label))
- )
- else:
- self.insert_cell(col, BlankCell(self.__idx, col, style_index))
- elif isinstance(label, bool): # bool is subclass of int; test bool first
- self.insert_cell(col, BooleanCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, label))
- elif isinstance(label, (float, int, long, Decimal)):
- self.insert_cell(col, NumberCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, label))
- elif isinstance(label, (dt.datetime,, dt.time)):
- date_number = self.__excel_date_dt(label)
- self.insert_cell(col, NumberCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, date_number))
- elif label is None:
- self.insert_cell(col, BlankCell(self.__idx, col, style_index))
- elif isinstance(label, ExcelFormula.Formula):
- self.__parent_wb.add_sheet_reference(label)
- self.insert_cell(col, FormulaCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, label))
- else:
- raise Exception("Unexpected data type %r" % type(label))
- write_blanks = set_cell_mulblanks
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index bf5fb4ce..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
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@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-import Formatting
-from BIFFRecords import *
-class XFStyle(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.num_format_str = 'General'
- self.font = Formatting.Font()
- self.alignment = Formatting.Alignment()
- self.borders = Formatting.Borders()
- self.pattern = Formatting.Pattern()
- = Formatting.Protection()
-default_style = XFStyle()
-class StyleCollection(object):
- _std_num_fmt_list = [
- 'general',
- '0',
- '0.00',
- '#,##0',
- '#,##0.00',
- '"$"#,##0_);("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0_);[Red]("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0.00_);("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]("$"#,##',
- '0%',
- '0.00%',
- '0.00E+00',
- '# ?/?',
- '# ??/??',
- 'M/D/YY',
- 'D-MMM-YY',
- 'D-MMM',
- 'MMM-YY',
- 'h:mm AM/PM',
- 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
- 'h:mm',
- 'h:mm:ss',
- 'M/D/YY h:mm',
- '_(#,##0_);(#,##0)',
- '_(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)',
- '_(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)',
- '_(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)',
- '_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* (#,##0);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)',
- '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)',
- '_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* (#,##0.00);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)',
- '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
- 'mm:ss',
- '[h]:mm:ss',
- 'mm:ss.0',
- '##0.0E+0',
- '@'
- ]
- def __init__(self, style_compression=0):
- self.style_compression = style_compression
- self.stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- self._font_id2x = {}
- self._font_x2id = {}
- self._font_val2x = {}
- for x in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5): # The font with index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions
- font = Formatting.Font()
- search_key = font._search_key()
- self._font_id2x[font] = x
- self._font_x2id[x] = font
- self._font_val2x[search_key] = x
- self._xf_id2x = {}
- self._xf_x2id = {}
- self._xf_val2x = {}
- self._num_formats = {}
- for fmtidx, fmtstr in zip(range(0, 23), StyleCollection._std_num_fmt_list[0:23]):
- self._num_formats[fmtstr] = fmtidx
- for fmtidx, fmtstr in zip(range(37, 50), StyleCollection._std_num_fmt_list[23:]):
- self._num_formats[fmtstr] = fmtidx
- self.default_style = XFStyle()
- self._default_xf = self._add_style(self.default_style)[0]
- def add(self, style):
- if style == None:
- return 0x10
- return self._add_style(style)[1]
- def _add_style(self, style):
- num_format_str = style.num_format_str
- if num_format_str in self._num_formats:
- num_format_idx = self._num_formats[num_format_str]
- else:
- num_format_idx = (
- + len(self._num_formats)
- - len(StyleCollection._std_num_fmt_list)
- )
- self._num_formats[num_format_str] = num_format_idx
- font = style.font
- if font in self._font_id2x:
- font_idx = self._font_id2x[font]
- self.stats[0] += 1
- elif self.style_compression:
- search_key = font._search_key()
- font_idx = self._font_val2x.get(search_key)
- if font_idx is not None:
- self._font_id2x[font] = font_idx
- self.stats[1] += 1
- else:
- font_idx = len(self._font_x2id) + 1 # Why plus 1? Font 4 is missing
- self._font_id2x[font] = font_idx
- self._font_val2x[search_key] = font_idx
- self._font_x2id[font_idx] = font
- self.stats[2] += 1
- else:
- font_idx = len(self._font_id2x) + 1
- self._font_id2x[font] = font_idx
- self.stats[2] += 1
- gof = (style.alignment, style.borders, style.pattern,
- xf = (font_idx, num_format_idx) + gof
- if xf in self._xf_id2x:
- xf_index = self._xf_id2x[xf]
- self.stats[3] += 1
- elif self.style_compression == 2:
- xf_key = (font_idx, num_format_idx) + tuple([obj._search_key() for obj in gof])
- xf_index = self._xf_val2x.get(xf_key)
- if xf_index is not None:
- self._xf_id2x[xf] = xf_index
- self.stats[4] += 1
- else:
- xf_index = 0x10 + len(self._xf_x2id)
- self._xf_id2x[xf] = xf_index
- self._xf_val2x[xf_key] = xf_index
- self._xf_x2id[xf_index] = xf
- self.stats[5] += 1
- else:
- xf_index = 0x10 + len(self._xf_id2x)
- self._xf_id2x[xf] = xf_index
- self.stats[5] += 1
- if xf_index >= 0xFFF:
- # 12 bits allowed, 0xFFF is a sentinel value
- raise ValueError("More than 4094 XFs (styles)")
- return xf, xf_index
- def get_biff_data(self):
- result = ''
- result += self._all_fonts()
- result += self._all_num_formats()
- result += self._all_cell_styles()
- result += self._all_styles()
- return result
- def _all_fonts(self):
- result = ''
- if self.style_compression:
- alist = self._font_x2id.items()
- else:
- alist = [(x, o) for o, x in self._font_id2x.items()]
- alist.sort()
- for font_idx, font in alist:
- result += font.get_biff_record().get()
- return result
- def _all_num_formats(self):
- result = ''
- alist = [
- (v, k)
- for k, v in self._num_formats.items()
- ]
- alist.sort()
- for fmtidx, fmtstr in alist:
- result += NumberFormatRecord(fmtidx, fmtstr).get()
- return result
- def _all_cell_styles(self):
- result = ''
- for i in range(0, 16):
- result += XFRecord(self._default_xf, 'style').get()
- if self.style_compression == 2:
- alist = self._xf_x2id.items()
- else:
- alist = [(x, o) for o, x in self._xf_id2x.items()]
- alist.sort()
- for xf_idx, xf in alist:
- result += XFRecord(xf).get()
- return result
- def _all_styles(self):
- return StyleRecord().get()
-# easyxf and its supporting objects ###################################
-class EasyXFException(Exception):
- pass
-class EasyXFCallerError(EasyXFException):
- pass
-class EasyXFAuthorError(EasyXFException):
- pass
-class IntULim(object):
- # If astring represents a valid unsigned integer ('123', '0xabcd', etc)
- # and it is <= limit, return the int value; otherwise return None.
- def __init__(self, limit):
- self.limit = limit
- def __call__(self, astring):
- try:
- value = int(astring, 0)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if not 0 <= value <= self.limit:
- return None
- return value
-bool_map = {
- # Text values for all Boolean attributes
- '1': 1, 'yes': 1, 'true': 1, 'on': 1,
- '0': 0, 'no': 0, 'false': 0, 'off': 0,
- }
-border_line_map = {
- # Text values for these borders attributes:
- # left, right, top, bottom and diag
- 'no_line': 0x00,
- 'thin': 0x01,
- 'medium': 0x02,
- 'dashed': 0x03,
- 'dotted': 0x04,
- 'thick': 0x05,
- 'double': 0x06,
- 'hair': 0x07,
- 'medium_dashed': 0x08,
- 'thin_dash_dotted': 0x09,
- 'medium_dash_dotted': 0x0a,
- 'thin_dash_dot_dotted': 0x0b,
- 'medium_dash_dot_dotted': 0x0c,
- 'slanted_medium_dash_dotted': 0x0d,
- }
-charset_map = {
- # Text values for font.charset
- 'ansi_latin': 0x00,
- 'sys_default': 0x01,
- 'symbol': 0x02,
- 'apple_roman': 0x4d,
- 'ansi_jap_shift_jis': 0x80,
- 'ansi_kor_hangul': 0x81,
- 'ansi_kor_johab': 0x82,
- 'ansi_chinese_gbk': 0x86,
- 'ansi_chinese_big5': 0x88,
- 'ansi_greek': 0xa1,
- 'ansi_turkish': 0xa2,
- 'ansi_vietnamese': 0xa3,
- 'ansi_hebrew': 0xb1,
- 'ansi_arabic': 0xb2,
- 'ansi_baltic': 0xba,
- 'ansi_cyrillic': 0xcc,
- 'ansi_thai': 0xde,
- 'ansi_latin_ii': 0xee,
- 'oem_latin_i': 0xff,
- }
-# Text values for colour indices. "grey" is a synonym of "gray".
-# The names are those given by Microsoft Excel 2003 to the colours
-# in the default palette. There is no great correspondence with
-# any W3C name-to-RGB mapping.
-_colour_map_text = """\
-aqua 0x31
-black 0x08
-blue 0x0C
-blue_gray 0x36
-bright_green 0x0B
-brown 0x3C
-coral 0x1D
-cyan_ega 0x0F
-dark_blue 0x12
-dark_blue_ega 0x12
-dark_green 0x3A
-dark_green_ega 0x11
-dark_purple 0x1C
-dark_red 0x10
-dark_red_ega 0x10
-dark_teal 0x38
-dark_yellow 0x13
-gold 0x33
-gray_ega 0x17
-gray25 0x16
-gray40 0x37
-gray50 0x17
-gray80 0x3F
-green 0x11
-ice_blue 0x1F
-indigo 0x3E
-ivory 0x1A
-lavender 0x2E
-light_blue 0x30
-light_green 0x2A
-light_orange 0x34
-light_turquoise 0x29
-light_yellow 0x2B
-lime 0x32
-magenta_ega 0x0E
-ocean_blue 0x1E
-olive_ega 0x13
-olive_green 0x3B
-orange 0x35
-pale_blue 0x2C
-periwinkle 0x18
-pink 0x0E
-plum 0x3D
-purple_ega 0x14
-red 0x0A
-rose 0x2D
-sea_green 0x39
-silver_ega 0x16
-sky_blue 0x28
-tan 0x2F
-teal 0x15
-teal_ega 0x15
-turquoise 0x0F
-violet 0x14
-white 0x09
-yellow 0x0D"""
-colour_map = {}
-for _line in _colour_map_text.splitlines():
- _name, _num = _line.split()
- _num = int(_num, 0)
- colour_map[_name] = _num
- if 'gray' in _name:
- colour_map[_name.replace('gray', 'grey')] = _num
-del _colour_map_text, _line, _name, _num
-pattern_map = {
- # Text values for pattern.pattern
- # xlwt/doc/pattern_examples.xls showcases all of these patterns.
- 'no_fill': 0,
- 'none': 0,
- 'solid': 1,
- 'solid_fill': 1,
- 'solid_pattern': 1,
- 'fine_dots': 2,
- 'alt_bars': 3,
- 'sparse_dots': 4,
- 'thick_horz_bands': 5,
- 'thick_vert_bands': 6,
- 'thick_backward_diag': 7,
- 'thick_forward_diag': 8,
- 'big_spots': 9,
- 'bricks': 10,
- 'thin_horz_bands': 11,
- 'thin_vert_bands': 12,
- 'thin_backward_diag': 13,
- 'thin_forward_diag': 14,
- 'squares': 15,
- 'diamonds': 16,
- }
-def any_str_func(s):
- return s.strip()
-def colour_index_func(s, maxval=0x7F):
- try:
- value = int(s, 0)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if not (0 <= value <= maxval):
- return None
- return value
-colour_index_func_7 = colour_index_func
-def colour_index_func_15(s):
- return colour_index_func(s, maxval=0x7FFF)
-def rotation_func(s):
- try:
- value = int(s, 0)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if not (-90 <= value <= 90):
- raise EasyXFCallerError("rotation %d: should be -90 to +90 degrees" % value)
- if value < 0:
- value = 90 - value # encode as 91 to 180 (clockwise)
- return value
-xf_dict = {
- 'align': 'alignment', # synonym
- 'alignment': {
- 'dire': {
- 'general': 0,
- 'lr': 1,
- 'rl': 2,
- },
- 'direction': 'dire',
- 'horiz': 'horz',
- 'horizontal': 'horz',
- 'horz': {
- 'general': 0,
- 'left': 1,
- 'center': 2,
- 'centre': 2, # "align: horiz centre" means xf.alignment.horz is set to 2
- 'right': 3,
- 'filled': 4,
- 'justified': 5,
- 'center_across_selection': 6,
- 'centre_across_selection': 6,
- 'distributed': 7,
- },
- 'inde': IntULim(15), # restriction: 0 <= value <= 15
- 'indent': 'inde',
- 'rota': [{'stacked': 255, 'none': 0, }, rotation_func],
- 'rotation': 'rota',
- 'shri': bool_map,
- 'shrink': 'shri',
- 'shrink_to_fit': 'shri',
- 'vert': {
- 'top': 0,
- 'center': 1,
- 'centre': 1,
- 'bottom': 2,
- 'justified': 3,
- 'distributed': 4,
- },
- 'vertical': 'vert',
- 'wrap': bool_map,
- },
- 'border': 'borders',
- 'borders': {
- 'left': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'right': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'top': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'bottom': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'diag': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'top_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'bottom_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'left_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'right_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'diag_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'top_color': 'top_colour',
- 'bottom_color': 'bottom_colour',
- 'left_color': 'left_colour',
- 'right_color': 'right_colour',
- 'diag_color': 'diag-colour',
- 'need_diag_1': bool_map,
- 'need_diag_2': bool_map,
- },
- 'font': {
- 'bold': bool_map,
- 'charset': charset_map,
- 'color': 'colour_index',
- 'color_index': 'colour_index',
- 'colour': 'colour_index',
- 'colour_index': [colour_map, colour_index_func_15],
- 'escapement': {'none': 0, 'superscript': 1, 'subscript': 2},
- 'family': {'none': 0, 'roman': 1, 'swiss': 2, 'modern': 3, 'script': 4, 'decorative': 5, },
- 'height': IntULim(0xFFFF), # practical limits are much narrower e.g. 160 to 1440 (8pt to 72pt)
- 'italic': bool_map,
- 'name': any_str_func,
- 'outline': bool_map,
- 'shadow': bool_map,
- 'struck_out': bool_map,
- 'underline': [bool_map, {'none': 0, 'single': 1, 'single_acc': 0x21, 'double': 2, 'double_acc': 0x22, }],
- },
- 'pattern': {
- 'back_color': 'pattern_back_colour',
- 'back_colour': 'pattern_back_colour',
- 'fore_color': 'pattern_fore_colour',
- 'fore_colour': 'pattern_fore_colour',
- 'pattern': [pattern_map, IntULim(16)],
- 'pattern_back_color': 'pattern_back_colour',
- 'pattern_back_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'pattern_fore_color': 'pattern_fore_colour',
- 'pattern_fore_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- },
- 'protection': {
- 'cell_locked' : bool_map,
- 'formula_hidden': bool_map,
- },
- }
-def _esplit(s, split_char, esc_char="\\"):
- escaped = False
- olist = ['']
- for c in s:
- if escaped:
- olist[-1] += c
- escaped = False
- elif c == esc_char:
- escaped = True
- elif c == split_char:
- olist.append('')
- else:
- olist[-1] += c
- return olist
-def _parse_strg_to_obj(strg, obj, parse_dict,
- field_sep=",", line_sep=";", intro_sep=":", esc_char="\\", debug=False):
- for line in _esplit(strg, line_sep, esc_char):
- line = line.strip()
- if not line:
- break
- split_line = _esplit(line, intro_sep, esc_char)
- if len(split_line) != 2:
- raise EasyXFCallerError('line %r should have exactly 1 "%c"' % (line, intro_sep))
- section, item_str = split_line
- section = section.strip().lower()
- for counter in range(2):
- result = parse_dict.get(section)
- if result is None:
- raise EasyXFCallerError('section %r is unknown' % section)
- if isinstance(result, dict):
- break
- if not isinstance(result, str):
- raise EasyXFAuthorError(
- 'section %r should map to dict or str object; found %r' % (section, type(result)))
- # synonym
- old_section = section
- section = result
- else:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('Attempt to define synonym of synonym (%r: %r)' % (old_section, result))
- section_dict = result
- section_obj = getattr(obj, section, None)
- if section_obj is None:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('instance of %s class has no attribute named %s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, section))
- for kv_str in _esplit(item_str, field_sep, esc_char):
- guff = kv_str.split()
- if not guff:
- continue
- k = guff[0].lower().replace('-', '_')
- v = ' '.join(guff[1:])
- if not v:
- raise EasyXFCallerError("no value supplied for %s.%s" % (section, k))
- for counter in xrange(2):
- result = section_dict.get(k)
- if result is None:
- raise EasyXFCallerError('%s.%s is not a known attribute' % (section, k))
- if not isinstance(result, basestring):
- break
- # synonym
- old_k = k
- k = result
- else:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('Attempt to define synonym of synonym (%r: %r)' % (old_k, result))
- value_info = result
- if not isinstance(value_info, list):
- value_info = [value_info]
- for value_rule in value_info:
- if isinstance(value_rule, dict):
- # dict maps strings to integer field values
- vl = v.lower().replace('-', '_')
- if vl in value_rule:
- value = value_rule[vl]
- break
- elif callable(value_rule):
- value = value_rule(v)
- if value is not None:
- break
- else:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError("unknown value rule for attribute %r: %r" % (k, value_rule))
- else:
- raise EasyXFCallerError("unexpected value %r for %s.%s" % (v, section, k))
- try:
- orig = getattr(section_obj, k)
- except AttributeError:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('%s.%s in dictionary but not in supplied object' % (section, k))
- if debug: print "+++ %s.%s = %r # %s; was %r" % (section, k, value, v, orig)
- setattr(section_obj, k, value)
-def easyxf(strg_to_parse="", num_format_str=None,
- field_sep=",", line_sep=";", intro_sep=":", esc_char="\\", debug=False):
- xfobj = XFStyle()
- if num_format_str is not None:
- xfobj.num_format_str = num_format_str
- if strg_to_parse:
- _parse_strg_to_obj(strg_to_parse, xfobj, xf_dict,
- field_sep=field_sep, line_sep=line_sep, intro_sep=intro_sep, esc_char=esc_char, debug=debug)
- return xfobj
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index 630c2593..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-From BIFF8 on, strings are always stored using UTF-16LE text encoding. The
-character array is a sequence of 16-bit values4. Additionally it is
-possible to use a compressed format, which omits the high bytes of all
-characters, if they are all zero.
-The following tables describe the standard format of the entire string, but
-in many records the strings differ from this format. This will be mentioned
-separately. It is possible (but not required) to store Rich-Text formatting
-information and Asian phonetic information inside a Unicode string. This
-results in four different ways to store a string. The character array
-is not zero-terminated.
-The string consists of the character count (as usual an 8-bit value or
-a 16-bit value), option flags, the character array and optional formatting
-information. If the string is empty, sometimes the option flags field will
-not occur. This is mentioned at the respective place.
-Offset Size Contents
-0 1 or 2 Length of the string (character count, ln)
-1 or 2 1 Option flags:
- Bit Mask Contents
- 0 01H Character compression (ccompr):
- 0 = Compressed (8-bit characters)
- 1 = Uncompressed (16-bit characters)
- 2 04H Asian phonetic settings (phonetic):
- 0 = Does not contain Asian phonetic settings
- 1 = Contains Asian phonetic settings
- 3 08H Rich-Text settings (richtext):
- 0 = Does not contain Rich-Text settings
- 1 = Contains Rich-Text settings
-[2 or 3] 2 (optional, only if richtext=1) Number of Rich-Text formatting runs (rt)
-[var.] 4 (optional, only if phonetic=1) Size of Asian phonetic settings block (in bytes, sz)
-var. ln or
- 2ln Character array (8-bit characters or 16-bit characters, dependent on ccompr)
-[var.] 4rt (optional, only if richtext=1) List of rt formatting runs
-[var.] sz (optional, only if phonetic=1) Asian Phonetic Settings Block
-from struct import pack
-def upack2(s, encoding='ascii'):
- # If not unicode, make it so.
- if isinstance(s, unicode):
- us = s
- else:
- us = unicode(s, encoding)
- # Limit is based on number of content characters
- # (not on number of bytes in packed result)
- len_us = len(us)
- if len_us > 65535:
- raise Exception('String longer than 65535 characters')
- try:
- encs = us.encode('latin1')
- # Success here means all chars are in U+0000 to U+00FF
- # inclusive, meaning that we can use "compressed format".
- flag = 0
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- encs = us.encode('utf_16_le')
- flag = 1
- return pack(' 255:
- raise Exception('String longer than 255 characters')
- try:
- encs = us.encode('latin1')
- flag = 0
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- encs = us.encode('utf_16_le')
- flag = 1
- return pack('
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 John McNamara (Perl Spreadsheet::WriteExcel)
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# This module was written/ported from PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module
-# The author of the PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
-# See the README.txt distributed with pyXLWriter for more details.
-# Portions are (C) Roman V. Kiseliov, 2005
-# Utilities for work with reference to cells and with sheetnames
-__rev_id__ = """$Id: 3844 2009-05-20 01:02:54Z sjmachin $"""
-import re
-from struct import pack
-from ExcelMagic import MAX_ROW, MAX_COL
-_re_cell_ex = re.compile(r"(\$?)([A-I]?[A-Z])(\$?)(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
-_re_row_range = re.compile(r"\$?(\d+):\$?(\d+)")
-_re_col_range = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z])", re.IGNORECASE)
-_re_cell_range = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
-_re_cell_ref = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
-def col_by_name(colname):
- """
- """
- col = 0
- pow = 1
- for i in xrange(len(colname)-1, -1, -1):
- ch = colname[i]
- col += (ord(ch) - ord('A') + 1) * pow
- pow *= 26
- return col - 1
-def cell_to_rowcol(cell):
- """Convert an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation
- to numeric row/col notation.
- Returns: row, col, row_abs, col_abs
- """
- m = _re_cell_ex.match(cell)
- if not m:
- raise Exception("Ill-formed single_cell reference: %s" % cell)
- col_abs, col, row_abs, row = m.groups()
- row_abs = bool(row_abs)
- col_abs = bool(col_abs)
- row = int(row) - 1
- col = col_by_name(col.upper())
- return row, col, row_abs, col_abs
-def cell_to_rowcol2(cell):
- """Convert an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation
- to numeric row/col notation.
- Returns: row, col
- """
- m = _re_cell_ex.match(cell)
- if not m:
- raise Exception("Error in cell format")
- col_abs, col, row_abs, row = m.groups()
- # Convert base26 column string to number
- # All your Base are belong to us.
- row = int(row) - 1
- col = col_by_name(col.upper())
- return row, col
-def rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False):
- """Convert numeric row/col notation to an Excel cell reference string in
- A1 notation.
- """
- assert 0 <= row < MAX_ROW # MAX_ROW counts from 1
- assert 0 <= col < MAX_COL # MAX_COL counts from 1
- d = col // 26
- m = col % 26
- chr1 = "" # Most significant character in AA1
- if row_abs:
- row_abs = '$'
- else:
- row_abs = ''
- if col_abs:
- col_abs = '$'
- else:
- col_abs = ''
- if d > 0:
- chr1 = chr(ord('A') + d - 1)
- chr2 = chr(ord('A') + m)
- # Zero index to 1-index
- return col_abs + chr1 + chr2 + row_abs + str(row + 1)
-def rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1, col1, row2, col2,
- row1_abs=False, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False, col2_abs=False):
- """Convert two (row,column) pairs
- into a cell range string in A1:B2 notation.
- Returns: cell range string
- """
- assert row1 <= row2
- assert col1 <= col2
- return (
- rowcol_to_cell(row1, col1, row1_abs, col1_abs)
- + ":"
- + rowcol_to_cell(row2, col2, row2_abs, col2_abs)
- )
-def cellrange_to_rowcol_pair(cellrange):
- """Convert cell range string in A1 notation to numeric row/col
- pair.
- Returns: row1, col1, row2, col2
- """
- cellrange = cellrange.upper()
- # Convert a row range: '1:3'
- res = _re_row_range.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- row1 = int( - 1
- col1 = 0
- row2 = int( - 1
- col2 = -1
- return row1, col1, row2, col2
- # Convert a column range: 'A:A' or 'B:G'.
- # A range such as A:A is equivalent to A1:A16384, so add rows as required
- res = _re_col_range.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- col1 = col_by_name(
- row1 = 0
- col2 = col_by_name(
- row2 = -1
- return row1, col1, row2, col2
- # Convert a cell range: 'A1:B7'
- res = _re_cell_range.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- row1, col1 = cell_to_rowcol2(
- row2, col2 = cell_to_rowcol2(
- return row1, col1, row2, col2
- # Convert a cell reference: 'A1' or 'AD2000'
- res = _re_cell_ref.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- row1, col1 = cell_to_rowcol2(
- return row1, col1, row1, col1
- raise Exception("Unknown cell reference %s" % (cell))
-def cell_to_packed_rowcol(cell):
- """ pack row and column into the required 4 byte format """
- row, col, row_abs, col_abs = cell_to_rowcol(cell)
- if col >= MAX_COL:
- raise Exception("Column %s greater than IV in formula" % cell)
- if row >= MAX_ROW: # this for BIFF8. for BIFF7 available 2^14
- raise Exception("Row %s greater than %d in formula" % (cell, MAX_ROW))
- col |= int(not row_abs) << 15
- col |= int(not col_abs) << 14
- return row, col
-# === sheetname functions ===
-def valid_sheet_name(sheet_name):
- if sheet_name == u"" or sheet_name[0] == u"'" or len(sheet_name) > 31:
- return False
- for c in sheet_name:
- if c in u"[]:\\?/*\x00":
- return False
- return True
-def quote_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name):
- if not valid_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name):
- raise Exception(
- 'attempt to quote an invalid worksheet name %r' % unquoted_sheet_name)
- return u"'" + unquoted_sheet_name.replace(u"'", u"''") + u"'"
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index b24282b3..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-Record Order in BIFF8
- Workbook Globals Substream
- BOF Type = workbook globals
- Interface Header
- Interface End
- Workbook Protection Block
- FONT +
- XF +
- ? Link Table
- ExtSST
-import BIFFRecords
-import Style
-class Workbook(object):
- #################################################################
- ## Constructor
- #################################################################
- def __init__(self, encoding='ascii', style_compression=0):
- self.encoding = encoding
- self.__owner = 'None'
- self.__country_code = None # 0x07 is Russia :-)
- self.__wnd_protect = 0
- self.__obj_protect = 0
- self.__protect = 0
- self.__backup_on_save = 0
- # for WINDOW1 record
- self.__hpos_twips = 0x01E0
- self.__vpos_twips = 0x005A
- self.__width_twips = 0x3FCF
- self.__height_twips = 0x2A4E
- self.__active_sheet = 0
- self.__first_tab_index = 0
- self.__selected_tabs = 0x01
- self.__tab_width_twips = 0x0258
- self.__wnd_hidden = 0
- self.__wnd_mini = 0
- self.__hscroll_visible = 1
- self.__vscroll_visible = 1
- self.__tabs_visible = 1
- self.__styles = Style.StyleCollection(style_compression)
- self.__dates_1904 = 0
- self.__use_cell_values = 1
- self.__sst = BIFFRecords.SharedStringTable(self.encoding)
- self.__worksheets = []
- self.__worksheet_idx_from_name = {}
- self.__sheet_refs = {}
- self._supbook_xref = {}
- self._xcall_xref = {}
- self._ownbook_supbookx = None
- self._ownbook_supbook_ref = None
- self._xcall_supbookx = None
- self._xcall_supbook_ref = None
- #################################################################
- ## Properties, "getters", "setters"
- #################################################################
- def get_style_stats(self):
- return self.__styles.stats[:]
- def set_owner(self, value):
- self.__owner = value
- def get_owner(self):
- return self.__owner
- owner = property(get_owner, set_owner)
- #################################################################
- def set_country_code(self, value):
- self.__country_code = value
- def get_country_code(self):
- return self.__country_code
- country_code = property(get_country_code, set_country_code)
- #################################################################
- def set_wnd_protect(self, value):
- self.__wnd_protect = int(value)
- def get_wnd_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__wnd_protect)
- wnd_protect = property(get_wnd_protect, set_wnd_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_obj_protect(self, value):
- self.__obj_protect = int(value)
- def get_obj_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__obj_protect)
- obj_protect = property(get_obj_protect, set_obj_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_protect(self, value):
- self.__protect = int(value)
- def get_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__protect)
- protect = property(get_protect, set_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_backup_on_save(self, value):
- self.__backup_on_save = int(value)
- def get_backup_on_save(self):
- return bool(self.__backup_on_save)
- backup_on_save = property(get_backup_on_save, set_backup_on_save)
- #################################################################
- def set_hpos(self, value):
- self.__hpos_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_hpos(self):
- return self.__hpos_twips
- hpos = property(get_hpos, set_hpos)
- #################################################################
- def set_vpos(self, value):
- self.__vpos_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_vpos(self):
- return self.__vpos_twips
- vpos = property(get_vpos, set_vpos)
- #################################################################
- def set_width(self, value):
- self.__width_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_width(self):
- return self.__width_twips
- width = property(get_width, set_width)
- #################################################################
- def set_height(self, value):
- self.__height_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_height(self):
- return self.__height_twips
- height = property(get_height, set_height)
- #################################################################
- def set_active_sheet(self, value):
- self.__active_sheet = value & 0xFFFF
- self.__first_tab_index = self.__active_sheet
- def get_active_sheet(self):
- return self.__active_sheet
- active_sheet = property(get_active_sheet, set_active_sheet)
- #################################################################
- def set_tab_width(self, value):
- self.__tab_width_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_tab_width(self):
- return self.__tab_width_twips
- tab_width = property(get_tab_width, set_tab_width)
- #################################################################
- def set_wnd_visible(self, value):
- self.__wnd_hidden = int(not value)
- def get_wnd_visible(self):
- return not bool(self.__wnd_hidden)
- wnd_visible = property(get_wnd_visible, set_wnd_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_wnd_mini(self, value):
- self.__wnd_mini = int(value)
- def get_wnd_mini(self):
- return bool(self.__wnd_mini)
- wnd_mini = property(get_wnd_mini, set_wnd_mini)
- #################################################################
- def set_hscroll_visible(self, value):
- self.__hscroll_visible = int(value)
- def get_hscroll_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__hscroll_visible)
- hscroll_visible = property(get_hscroll_visible, set_hscroll_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_vscroll_visible(self, value):
- self.__vscroll_visible = int(value)
- def get_vscroll_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__vscroll_visible)
- vscroll_visible = property(get_vscroll_visible, set_vscroll_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_tabs_visible(self, value):
- self.__tabs_visible = int(value)
- def get_tabs_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__tabs_visible)
- tabs_visible = property(get_tabs_visible, set_tabs_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_dates_1904(self, value):
- self.__dates_1904 = int(value)
- def get_dates_1904(self):
- return bool(self.__dates_1904)
- dates_1904 = property(get_dates_1904, set_dates_1904)
- #################################################################
- def set_use_cell_values(self, value):
- self.__use_cell_values = int(value)
- def get_use_cell_values(self):
- return bool(self.__use_cell_values)
- use_cell_values = property(get_use_cell_values, set_use_cell_values)
- #################################################################
- def get_default_style(self):
- return self.__styles.default_style
- default_style = property(get_default_style)
- ##################################################################
- ## Methods
- ##################################################################
- def add_style(self, style):
- return self.__styles.add(style)
- def add_str(self, s):
- return self.__sst.add_str(s)
- def del_str(self, sst_idx):
- self.__sst.del_str(sst_idx)
- def str_index(self, s):
- return self.__sst.str_index(s)
- def add_sheet(self, sheetname, cell_overwrite_ok=False):
- import Worksheet, Utils
- if not isinstance(sheetname, unicode):
- sheetname = sheetname.decode(self.encoding)
- if not Utils.valid_sheet_name(sheetname):
- raise Exception("invalid worksheet name %r" % sheetname)
- lower_name = sheetname.lower()
- if lower_name in self.__worksheet_idx_from_name:
- raise Exception("duplicate worksheet name %r" % sheetname)
- self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[lower_name] = len(self.__worksheets)
- self.__worksheets.append(Worksheet.Worksheet(sheetname, self, cell_overwrite_ok))
- return self.__worksheets[-1]
- def get_sheet(self, sheetnum):
- return self.__worksheets[sheetnum]
- def raise_bad_sheetname(self, sheetname):
- raise Exception("Formula: unknown sheet name %s" % sheetname)
- def convert_sheetindex(self, strg_ref, n_sheets):
- idx = int(strg_ref)
- if 0 <= idx < n_sheets:
- return idx
- msg = "Formula: sheet index (%s) >= number of sheets (%d)" % (strg_ref, n_sheets)
- raise Exception(msg)
- def _get_supbook_index(self, tag):
- if tag in self._supbook_xref:
- return self._supbook_xref[tag]
- self._supbook_xref[tag] = idx = len(self._supbook_xref)
- return idx
- def setup_ownbook(self):
- self._ownbook_supbookx = self._get_supbook_index(('ownbook', 0))
- self._ownbook_supbook_ref = None
- reference = (self._ownbook_supbookx, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE)
- if reference in self.__sheet_refs:
- raise Exception("can't happen")
- self.__sheet_refs[reference] = self._ownbook_supbook_ref = len(self.__sheet_refs)
- def setup_xcall(self):
- self._xcall_supbookx = self._get_supbook_index(('xcall', 0))
- self._xcall_supbook_ref = None
- reference = (self._xcall_supbookx, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE)
- if reference in self.__sheet_refs:
- raise Exception("can't happen")
- self.__sheet_refs[reference] = self._xcall_supbook_ref = len(self.__sheet_refs)
- def add_sheet_reference(self, formula):
- patches = []
- n_sheets = len(self.__worksheets)
- sheet_refs, xcall_refs = formula.get_references()
- for ref0, ref1, offset in sheet_refs:
- if not ref0.isdigit():
- try:
- ref0n = self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[ref0.lower()]
- except KeyError:
- self.raise_bad_sheetname(ref0)
- else:
- ref0n = self.convert_sheetindex(ref0, n_sheets)
- if ref1 == ref0:
- ref1n = ref0n
- elif not ref1.isdigit():
- try:
- ref1n = self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[ref1.lower()]
- except KeyError:
- self.raise_bad_sheetname(ref1)
- else:
- ref1n = self.convert_sheetindex(ref1, n_sheets)
- if ref1n < ref0n:
- msg = "Formula: sheets out of order; %r:%r -> (%d, %d)" \
- % (ref0, ref1, ref0n, ref1n)
- raise Exception(msg)
- if self._ownbook_supbookx is None:
- self.setup_ownbook()
- reference = (self._ownbook_supbookx, ref0n, ref1n)
- if reference in self.__sheet_refs:
- patches.append((offset, self.__sheet_refs[reference]))
- else:
- nrefs = len(self.__sheet_refs)
- if nrefs > 65535:
- raise Exception('More than 65536 inter-sheet references')
- self.__sheet_refs[reference] = nrefs
- patches.append((offset, nrefs))
- for funcname, offset in xcall_refs:
- if self._ownbook_supbookx is None:
- self.setup_ownbook()
- if self._xcall_supbookx is None:
- self.setup_xcall()
- # print funcname, self._supbook_xref
- patches.append((offset, self._xcall_supbook_ref))
- if not isinstance(funcname, unicode):
- funcname = funcname.decode(self.encoding)
- if funcname in self._xcall_xref:
- idx = self._xcall_xref[funcname]
- else:
- self._xcall_xref[funcname] = idx = len(self._xcall_xref)
- patches.append((offset + 2, idx + 1))
- formula.patch_references(patches)
- ##################################################################
- ## BIFF records generation
- ##################################################################
- def __bof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord(BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord.BOOK_GLOBAL).get()
- def __eof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.EOFRecord().get()
- def __intf_hdr_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.InteraceHdrRecord().get()
- def __intf_end_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.InteraceEndRecord().get()
- def __intf_mms_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.MMSRecord().get()
- def __write_access_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.WriteAccessRecord(self.__owner).get()
- def __wnd_protect_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord(self.__wnd_protect).get()
- def __obj_protect_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord(self.__obj_protect).get()
- def __protect_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord(self.__protect).get()
- def __password_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord().get()
- def __prot4rev_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Prot4RevRecord().get()
- def __prot4rev_pass_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Prot4RevPassRecord().get()
- def __backup_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.BackupRecord(self.__backup_on_save).get()
- def __hide_obj_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.HideObjRecord().get()
- def __window1_rec(self):
- flags = 0
- flags |= (self.__wnd_hidden) << 0
- flags |= (self.__wnd_mini) << 1
- flags |= (self.__hscroll_visible) << 3
- flags |= (self.__vscroll_visible) << 4
- flags |= (self.__tabs_visible) << 5
- return BIFFRecords.Window1Record(self.__hpos_twips, self.__vpos_twips,
- self.__width_twips, self.__height_twips,
- flags,
- self.__active_sheet, self.__first_tab_index,
- self.__selected_tabs, self.__tab_width_twips).get()
- def __codepage_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.CodepageBiff8Record().get()
- def __country_rec(self):
- if not self.__country_code:
- return ''
- return BIFFRecords.CountryRecord(self.__country_code, self.__country_code).get()
- def __dsf_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.DSFRecord().get()
- def __tabid_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.TabIDRecord(len(self.__worksheets)).get()
- def __fngroupcount_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.FnGroupCountRecord().get()
- def __datemode_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.DateModeRecord(self.__dates_1904).get()
- def __precision_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.PrecisionRecord(self.__use_cell_values).get()
- def __refresh_all_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.RefreshAllRecord().get()
- def __bookbool_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.BookBoolRecord().get()
- def __all_fonts_num_formats_xf_styles_rec(self):
- return self.__styles.get_biff_data()
- def __palette_rec(self):
- result = ''
- return result
- def __useselfs_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.UseSelfsRecord().get()
- def __boundsheets_rec(self, data_len_before, data_len_after, sheet_biff_lens):
- # .................................
- # ..................................
- boundsheets_len = 0
- for sheet in self.__worksheets:
- boundsheets_len += len(BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord(
- 0x00L, sheet.visibility,, self.encoding
- ).get())
- start = data_len_before + boundsheets_len + data_len_after
- result = ''
- for sheet_biff_len, sheet in zip(sheet_biff_lens, self.__worksheets):
- result += BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord(
- start, sheet.visibility,, self.encoding
- ).get()
- start += sheet_biff_len
- return result
- def __all_links_rec(self):
- pieces = []
- temp = [(idx, tag) for tag, idx in self._supbook_xref.items()]
- temp.sort()
- for idx, tag in temp:
- stype, snum = tag
- if stype == 'ownbook':
- rec = BIFFRecords.InternalReferenceSupBookRecord(len(self.__worksheets)).get()
- pieces.append(rec)
- elif stype == 'xcall':
- rec = BIFFRecords.XcallSupBookRecord().get()
- pieces.append(rec)
- temp = [(idx, name) for name, idx in self._xcall_xref.items()]
- temp.sort()
- for idx, name in temp:
- rec = BIFFRecords.ExternnameRecord(
- options=0, index=0, name=name, fmla='\x02\x00\x1c\x17').get()
- pieces.append(rec)
- else:
- raise Exception('unknown supbook stype %r' % stype)
- if len(self.__sheet_refs) > 0:
- # get references in index order
- temp = [(idx, ref) for ref, idx in self.__sheet_refs.items()]
- temp.sort()
- temp = [ref for idx, ref in temp]
- externsheet_record = BIFFRecords.ExternSheetRecord(temp).get()
- pieces.append(externsheet_record)
- return ''.join(pieces)
- def __sst_rec(self):
- return self.__sst.get_biff_record()
- def __ext_sst_rec(self, abs_stream_pos):
- return ''
- #return BIFFRecords.ExtSSTRecord(abs_stream_pos, self.sst_record.str_placement,
- #self.sst_record.portions_len).get()
- def get_biff_data(self):
- before = ''
- before += self.__bof_rec()
- before += self.__intf_hdr_rec()
- before += self.__intf_mms_rec()
- before += self.__intf_end_rec()
- before += self.__write_access_rec()
- before += self.__codepage_rec()
- before += self.__dsf_rec()
- before += self.__tabid_rec()
- before += self.__fngroupcount_rec()
- before += self.__wnd_protect_rec()
- before += self.__protect_rec()
- before += self.__obj_protect_rec()
- before += self.__password_rec()
- before += self.__prot4rev_rec()
- before += self.__prot4rev_pass_rec()
- before += self.__backup_rec()
- before += self.__hide_obj_rec()
- before += self.__window1_rec()
- before += self.__datemode_rec()
- before += self.__precision_rec()
- before += self.__refresh_all_rec()
- before += self.__bookbool_rec()
- before += self.__all_fonts_num_formats_xf_styles_rec()
- before += self.__palette_rec()
- before += self.__useselfs_rec()
- country = self.__country_rec()
- all_links = self.__all_links_rec()
- shared_str_table = self.__sst_rec()
- after = country + all_links + shared_str_table
- ext_sst = self.__ext_sst_rec(0) # need fake cause we need calc stream pos
- eof = self.__eof_rec()
- self.__worksheets[self.__active_sheet].selected = True
- sheets = ''
- sheet_biff_lens = []
- for sheet in self.__worksheets:
- data = sheet.get_biff_data()
- sheets += data
- sheet_biff_lens.append(len(data))
- bundlesheets = self.__boundsheets_rec(len(before), len(after)+len(ext_sst)+len(eof), sheet_biff_lens)
- sst_stream_pos = len(before) + len(bundlesheets) + len(country) + len(all_links)
- ext_sst = self.__ext_sst_rec(sst_stream_pos)
- return before + bundlesheets + after + ext_sst + eof + sheets
- def save(self, filename):
- import CompoundDoc
- doc = CompoundDoc.XlsDoc()
-, self.get_biff_data())
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff36f1d7..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
- Calculation Settings Block
- Page Settings Block
- Worksheet Protection Block
- Row Blocks
- Conditional Formatting Table
- Hyperlink Table
- Data Validity Table
-import BIFFRecords
-import Bitmap
-import Formatting
-import Style
-import tempfile
-class Worksheet(object):
- from Workbook import Workbook
- #################################################################
- ## Constructor
- #################################################################
- def __init__(self, sheetname, parent_book, cell_overwrite_ok=False):
- import Row
- self.Row = Row.Row
- import Column
- self.Column = Column.Column
- self.__name = sheetname
- self.__parent = parent_book
- self._cell_overwrite_ok = cell_overwrite_ok
- self.__rows = {}
- self.__cols = {}
- self.__merged_ranges = []
- self.__bmp_rec = ''
- self.__show_formulas = 0
- self.__show_grid = 1
- self.__show_headers = 1
- self.__panes_frozen = 0
- ### self.__show_empty_as_zero = 1 ### deprecated with extreme prejudice 2009-05-19
- self.show_zero_values = 1
- self.__auto_colour_grid = 1
- self.__cols_right_to_left = 0
- self.__show_outline = 1
- self.__remove_splits = 0
- self.__selected = 0
- # RED HERRING ALERT: "sheet_visible" is a clone of the "selected" attribute.
- # Typically a workbook created by the Excel UI will have one sheet
- # (the sheet that was selected when the user saved it)
- # with both bits set to 1, and all other sheets will have both
- # bits set to 0. The true visibility of the sheet is found in the "visibility"
- # attribute obtained from the BOUNDSHEET record.
- self.__sheet_visible = 0
- self.__page_preview = 0
- self.__first_visible_row = 0
- self.__first_visible_col = 0
- self.__grid_colour = 0x40
- self.__preview_magn = 60 # percent
- self.__normal_magn = 100 # percent
- self.visibility = 0 # from/to BOUNDSHEET record.
- self.__vert_split_pos = None
- self.__horz_split_pos = None
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = None
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = None
- self.__split_active_pane = None
- self.__row_gut_width = 0
- self.__col_gut_height = 0
- self.__show_auto_page_breaks = 1
- self.__dialogue_sheet = 0
- self.__auto_style_outline = 0
- self.__outline_below = 0
- self.__outline_right = 0
- self.__fit_num_pages = 0
- self.__show_row_outline = 1
- self.__show_col_outline = 1
- self.__alt_expr_eval = 0
- self.__alt_formula_entries = 0
- self.__row_default_height = 0x00FF
- self.row_default_height_mismatch = 0
- self.row_default_hidden = 0
- self.row_default_space_above = 0
- self.row_default_space_below = 0
- self.__col_default_width = 0x0008
- self.__calc_mode = 1
- self.__calc_count = 0x0064
- self.__RC_ref_mode = 1
- self.__iterations_on = 0
- self.__delta = 0.001
- self.__save_recalc = 0
- self.__print_headers = 0
- self.__print_grid = 0
- self.__grid_set = 1
- self.__vert_page_breaks = []
- self.__horz_page_breaks = []
- self.__header_str = '&P'
- self.__footer_str = '&F'
- self.__print_centered_vert = 0
- self.__print_centered_horz = 1
- self.__left_margin = 0.3 #0.5
- self.__right_margin = 0.3 #0.5
- self.__top_margin = 0.61 #1.0
- self.__bottom_margin = 0.37 #1.0
- self.__paper_size_code = 9 # A4
- self.__print_scaling = 100
- self.__start_page_number = 1
- self.__fit_width_to_pages = 1
- self.__fit_height_to_pages = 1
- self.__print_in_rows = 1
- self.__portrait = 1
- self.__print_not_colour = 0
- self.__print_draft = 0
- self.__print_notes = 0
- self.__print_notes_at_end = 0
- self.__print_omit_errors = 0
- self.__print_hres = 0x012C # 300 dpi
- self.__print_vres = 0x012C # 300 dpi
- self.__header_margin = 0.1
- self.__footer_margin = 0.1
- self.__copies_num = 1
- self.__wnd_protect = 0
- self.__obj_protect = 0
- self.__protect = 0
- self.__scen_protect = 0
- self.__password = ''
- self.last_used_row = 0
- self.first_used_row = 65535
- self.last_used_col = 0
- self.first_used_col = 255
- self.row_tempfile = None
- self.__flushed_rows = {}
- self.__row_visible_levels = 0
- #################################################################
- ## Properties, "getters", "setters"
- #################################################################
- def set_name(self, value):
- self.__name = value
- def get_name(self):
- return self.__name
- name = property(get_name, set_name)
- #################################################################
- def get_parent(self):
- return self.__parent
- parent = property(get_parent)
- #################################################################
- def get_rows(self):
- return self.__rows
- rows = property(get_rows)
- #################################################################
- def get_cols(self):
- return self.__cols
- cols = property(get_cols)
- #################################################################
- def get_merged_ranges(self):
- return self.__merged_ranges
- merged_ranges = property(get_merged_ranges)
- #################################################################
- def get_bmp_rec(self):
- return self.__bmp_rec
- bmp_rec = property(get_bmp_rec)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_formulas(self, value):
- self.__show_formulas = int(value)
- def get_show_formulas(self):
- return bool(self.__show_formulas)
- show_formulas = property(get_show_formulas, set_show_formulas)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_grid(self, value):
- self.__show_grid = int(value)
- def get_show_grid(self):
- return bool(self.__show_grid)
- show_grid = property(get_show_grid, set_show_grid)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_headers(self, value):
- self.__show_headers = int(value)
- def get_show_headers(self):
- return bool(self.__show_headers)
- show_headers = property(get_show_headers, set_show_headers)
- #################################################################
- def set_panes_frozen(self, value):
- self.__panes_frozen = int(value)
- def get_panes_frozen(self):
- return bool(self.__panes_frozen)
- panes_frozen = property(get_panes_frozen, set_panes_frozen)
- #################################################################
- ### def set_show_empty_as_zero(self, value):
- ### self.__show_empty_as_zero = int(value)
- ### def get_show_empty_as_zero(self):
- ### return bool(self.__show_empty_as_zero)
- ### show_empty_as_zero = property(get_show_empty_as_zero, set_show_empty_as_zero)
- #################################################################
- def set_auto_colour_grid(self, value):
- self.__auto_colour_grid = int(value)
- def get_auto_colour_grid(self):
- return bool(self.__auto_colour_grid)
- auto_colour_grid = property(get_auto_colour_grid, set_auto_colour_grid)
- #################################################################
- def set_cols_right_to_left(self, value):
- self.__cols_right_to_left = int(value)
- def get_cols_right_to_left(self):
- return bool(self.__cols_right_to_left)
- cols_right_to_left = property(get_cols_right_to_left, set_cols_right_to_left)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_outline(self, value):
- self.__show_outline = int(value)
- def get_show_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__show_outline)
- show_outline = property(get_show_outline, set_show_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_remove_splits(self, value):
- self.__remove_splits = int(value)
- def get_remove_splits(self):
- return bool(self.__remove_splits)
- remove_splits = property(get_remove_splits, set_remove_splits)
- #################################################################
- def set_selected(self, value):
- self.__selected = int(value)
- def get_selected(self):
- return bool(self.__selected)
- selected = property(get_selected, set_selected)
- #################################################################
- def set_sheet_visible(self, value):
- self.__sheet_visible = int(value)
- def get_sheet_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__sheet_visible)
- sheet_visible = property(get_sheet_visible, set_sheet_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_page_preview(self, value):
- self.__page_preview = int(value)
- def get_page_preview(self):
- return bool(self.__page_preview)
- page_preview = property(get_page_preview, set_page_preview)
- #################################################################
- def set_first_visible_row(self, value):
- self.__first_visible_row = value
- def get_first_visible_row(self):
- return self.__first_visible_row
- first_visible_row = property(get_first_visible_row, set_first_visible_row)
- #################################################################
- def set_first_visible_col(self, value):
- self.__first_visible_col = value
- def get_first_visible_col(self):
- return self.__first_visible_col
- first_visible_col = property(get_first_visible_col, set_first_visible_col)
- #################################################################
- def set_grid_colour(self, value):
- self.__grid_colour = value
- def get_grid_colour(self):
- return self.__grid_colour
- grid_colour = property(get_grid_colour, set_grid_colour)
- #################################################################
- def set_preview_magn(self, value):
- self.__preview_magn = value
- def get_preview_magn(self):
- return self.__preview_magn
- preview_magn = property(get_preview_magn, set_preview_magn)
- #################################################################
- def set_normal_magn(self, value):
- self.__normal_magn = value
- def get_normal_magn(self):
- return self.__normal_magn
- normal_magn = property(get_normal_magn, set_normal_magn)
- #################################################################
- def set_vert_split_pos(self, value):
- self.__vert_split_pos = abs(value)
- def get_vert_split_pos(self):
- return self.__vert_split_pos
- vert_split_pos = property(get_vert_split_pos, set_vert_split_pos)
- #################################################################
- def set_horz_split_pos(self, value):
- self.__horz_split_pos = abs(value)
- def get_horz_split_pos(self):
- return self.__horz_split_pos
- horz_split_pos = property(get_horz_split_pos, set_horz_split_pos)
- #################################################################
- def set_vert_split_first_visible(self, value):
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = abs(value)
- def get_vert_split_first_visible(self):
- return self.__vert_split_first_visible
- vert_split_first_visible = property(get_vert_split_first_visible, set_vert_split_first_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_horz_split_first_visible(self, value):
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = abs(value)
- def get_horz_split_first_visible(self):
- return self.__horz_split_first_visible
- horz_split_first_visible = property(get_horz_split_first_visible, set_horz_split_first_visible)
- #################################################################
- #def set_split_active_pane(self, value):
- # self.__split_active_pane = abs(value) & 0x03
- #
- #def get_split_active_pane(self):
- # return self.__split_active_pane
- #
- #split_active_pane = property(get_split_active_pane, set_split_active_pane)
- #################################################################
- #def set_row_gut_width(self, value):
- # self.__row_gut_width = value
- #
- #def get_row_gut_width(self):
- # return self.__row_gut_width
- #
- #row_gut_width = property(get_row_gut_width, set_row_gut_width)
- #
- #################################################################
- #
- #def set_col_gut_height(self, value):
- # self.__col_gut_height = value
- #
- #def get_col_gut_height(self):
- # return self.__col_gut_height
- #
- #col_gut_height = property(get_col_gut_height, set_col_gut_height)
- #
- #################################################################
- def set_show_auto_page_breaks(self, value):
- self.__show_auto_page_breaks = int(value)
- def get_show_auto_page_breaks(self):
- return bool(self.__show_auto_page_breaks)
- show_auto_page_breaks = property(get_show_auto_page_breaks, set_show_auto_page_breaks)
- #################################################################
- def set_dialogue_sheet(self, value):
- self.__dialogue_sheet = int(value)
- def get_dialogue_sheet(self):
- return bool(self.__dialogue_sheet)
- dialogue_sheet = property(get_dialogue_sheet, set_dialogue_sheet)
- #################################################################
- def set_auto_style_outline(self, value):
- self.__auto_style_outline = int(value)
- def get_auto_style_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__auto_style_outline)
- auto_style_outline = property(get_auto_style_outline, set_auto_style_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_outline_below(self, value):
- self.__outline_below = int(value)
- def get_outline_below(self):
- return bool(self.__outline_below)
- outline_below = property(get_outline_below, set_outline_below)
- #################################################################
- def set_outline_right(self, value):
- self.__outline_right = int(value)
- def get_outline_right(self):
- return bool(self.__outline_right)
- outline_right = property(get_outline_right, set_outline_right)
- #################################################################
- def set_fit_num_pages(self, value):
- self.__fit_num_pages = value
- def get_fit_num_pages(self):
- return self.__fit_num_pages
- fit_num_pages = property(get_fit_num_pages, set_fit_num_pages)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_row_outline(self, value):
- self.__show_row_outline = int(value)
- def get_show_row_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__show_row_outline)
- show_row_outline = property(get_show_row_outline, set_show_row_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_col_outline(self, value):
- self.__show_col_outline = int(value)
- def get_show_col_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__show_col_outline)
- show_col_outline = property(get_show_col_outline, set_show_col_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_alt_expr_eval(self, value):
- self.__alt_expr_eval = int(value)
- def get_alt_expr_eval(self):
- return bool(self.__alt_expr_eval)
- alt_expr_eval = property(get_alt_expr_eval, set_alt_expr_eval)
- #################################################################
- def set_alt_formula_entries(self, value):
- self.__alt_formula_entries = int(value)
- def get_alt_formula_entries(self):
- return bool(self.__alt_formula_entries)
- alt_formula_entries = property(get_alt_formula_entries, set_alt_formula_entries)
- #################################################################
- def set_row_default_height(self, value):
- self.__row_default_height = value
- def get_row_default_height(self):
- return self.__row_default_height
- row_default_height = property(get_row_default_height, set_row_default_height)
- #################################################################
- def set_col_default_width(self, value):
- self.__col_default_width = value
- def get_col_default_width(self):
- return self.__col_default_width
- col_default_width = property(get_col_default_width, set_col_default_width)
- #################################################################
- def set_calc_mode(self, value):
- self.__calc_mode = value & 0x03
- def get_calc_mode(self):
- return self.__calc_mode
- calc_mode = property(get_calc_mode, set_calc_mode)
- #################################################################
- def set_calc_count(self, value):
- self.__calc_count = value
- def get_calc_count(self):
- return self.__calc_count
- calc_count = property(get_calc_count, set_calc_count)
- #################################################################
- def set_RC_ref_mode(self, value):
- self.__RC_ref_mode = int(value)
- def get_RC_ref_mode(self):
- return bool(self.__RC_ref_mode)
- RC_ref_mode = property(get_RC_ref_mode, set_RC_ref_mode)
- #################################################################
- def set_iterations_on(self, value):
- self.__iterations_on = int(value)
- def get_iterations_on(self):
- return bool(self.__iterations_on)
- iterations_on = property(get_iterations_on, set_iterations_on)
- #################################################################
- def set_delta(self, value):
- self.__delta = value
- def get_delta(self):
- return self.__delta
- delta = property(get_delta, set_delta)
- #################################################################
- def set_save_recalc(self, value):
- self.__save_recalc = int(value)
- def get_save_recalc(self):
- return bool(self.__save_recalc)
- save_recalc = property(get_save_recalc, set_save_recalc)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_headers(self, value):
- self.__print_headers = int(value)
- def get_print_headers(self):
- return bool(self.__print_headers)
- print_headers = property(get_print_headers, set_print_headers)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_grid(self, value):
- self.__print_grid = int(value)
- def get_print_grid(self):
- return bool(self.__print_grid)
- print_grid = property(get_print_grid, set_print_grid)
- #################################################################
- #
- #def set_grid_set(self, value):
- # self.__grid_set = int(value)
- #
- #def get_grid_set(self):
- # return bool(self.__grid_set)
- #
- #grid_set = property(get_grid_set, set_grid_set)
- #
- #################################################################
- def set_vert_page_breaks(self, value):
- self.__vert_page_breaks = value
- def get_vert_page_breaks(self):
- return self.__vert_page_breaks
- vert_page_breaks = property(get_vert_page_breaks, set_vert_page_breaks)
- #################################################################
- def set_horz_page_breaks(self, value):
- self.__horz_page_breaks = value
- def get_horz_page_breaks(self):
- return self.__horz_page_breaks
- horz_page_breaks = property(get_horz_page_breaks, set_horz_page_breaks)
- #################################################################
- def set_header_str(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- value = unicode(value, self.__parent.encoding)
- self.__header_str = value
- def get_header_str(self):
- return self.__header_str
- header_str = property(get_header_str, set_header_str)
- #################################################################
- def set_footer_str(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- value = unicode(value, self.__parent.encoding)
- self.__footer_str = value
- def get_footer_str(self):
- return self.__footer_str
- footer_str = property(get_footer_str, set_footer_str)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_centered_vert(self, value):
- self.__print_centered_vert = int(value)
- def get_print_centered_vert(self):
- return bool(self.__print_centered_vert)
- print_centered_vert = property(get_print_centered_vert, set_print_centered_vert)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_centered_horz(self, value):
- self.__print_centered_horz = int(value)
- def get_print_centered_horz(self):
- return bool(self.__print_centered_horz)
- print_centered_horz = property(get_print_centered_horz, set_print_centered_horz)
- #################################################################
- def set_left_margin(self, value):
- self.__left_margin = value
- def get_left_margin(self):
- return self.__left_margin
- left_margin = property(get_left_margin, set_left_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_right_margin(self, value):
- self.__right_margin = value
- def get_right_margin(self):
- return self.__right_margin
- right_margin = property(get_right_margin, set_right_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_top_margin(self, value):
- self.__top_margin = value
- def get_top_margin(self):
- return self.__top_margin
- top_margin = property(get_top_margin, set_top_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_bottom_margin(self, value):
- self.__bottom_margin = value
- def get_bottom_margin(self):
- return self.__bottom_margin
- bottom_margin = property(get_bottom_margin, set_bottom_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_paper_size_code(self, value):
- self.__paper_size_code = value
- def get_paper_size_code(self):
- return self.__paper_size_code
- paper_size_code = property(get_paper_size_code, set_paper_size_code)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_scaling(self, value):
- self.__print_scaling = value
- def get_print_scaling(self):
- return self.__print_scaling
- print_scaling = property(get_print_scaling, set_print_scaling)
- #################################################################
- def set_start_page_number(self, value):
- self.__start_page_number = value
- def get_start_page_number(self):
- return self.__start_page_number
- start_page_number = property(get_start_page_number, set_start_page_number)
- #################################################################
- def set_fit_width_to_pages(self, value):
- self.__fit_width_to_pages = value
- def get_fit_width_to_pages(self):
- return self.__fit_width_to_pages
- fit_width_to_pages = property(get_fit_width_to_pages, set_fit_width_to_pages)
- #################################################################
- def set_fit_height_to_pages(self, value):
- self.__fit_height_to_pages = value
- def get_fit_height_to_pages(self):
- return self.__fit_height_to_pages
- fit_height_to_pages = property(get_fit_height_to_pages, set_fit_height_to_pages)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_in_rows(self, value):
- self.__print_in_rows = int(value)
- def get_print_in_rows(self):
- return bool(self.__print_in_rows)
- print_in_rows = property(get_print_in_rows, set_print_in_rows)
- #################################################################
- def set_portrait(self, value):
- self.__portrait = int(value)
- def get_portrait(self):
- return bool(self.__portrait)
- portrait = property(get_portrait, set_portrait)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_colour(self, value):
- self.__print_not_colour = int(not value)
- def get_print_colour(self):
- return not bool(self.__print_not_colour)
- print_colour = property(get_print_colour, set_print_colour)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_draft(self, value):
- self.__print_draft = int(value)
- def get_print_draft(self):
- return bool(self.__print_draft)
- print_draft = property(get_print_draft, set_print_draft)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_notes(self, value):
- self.__print_notes = int(value)
- def get_print_notes(self):
- return bool(self.__print_notes)
- print_notes = property(get_print_notes, set_print_notes)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_notes_at_end(self, value):
- self.__print_notes_at_end = int(value)
- def get_print_notes_at_end(self):
- return bool(self.__print_notes_at_end)
- print_notes_at_end = property(get_print_notes_at_end, set_print_notes_at_end)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_omit_errors(self, value):
- self.__print_omit_errors = int(value)
- def get_print_omit_errors(self):
- return bool(self.__print_omit_errors)
- print_omit_errors = property(get_print_omit_errors, set_print_omit_errors)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_hres(self, value):
- self.__print_hres = value
- def get_print_hres(self):
- return self.__print_hres
- print_hres = property(get_print_hres, set_print_hres)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_vres(self, value):
- self.__print_vres = value
- def get_print_vres(self):
- return self.__print_vres
- print_vres = property(get_print_vres, set_print_vres)
- #################################################################
- def set_header_margin(self, value):
- self.__header_margin = value
- def get_header_margin(self):
- return self.__header_margin
- header_margin = property(get_header_margin, set_header_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_footer_margin(self, value):
- self.__footer_margin = value
- def get_footer_margin(self):
- return self.__footer_margin
- footer_margin = property(get_footer_margin, set_footer_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_copies_num(self, value):
- self.__copies_num = value
- def get_copies_num(self):
- return self.__copies_num
- copies_num = property(get_copies_num, set_copies_num)
- ##################################################################
- def set_wnd_protect(self, value):
- self.__wnd_protect = int(value)
- def get_wnd_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__wnd_protect)
- wnd_protect = property(get_wnd_protect, set_wnd_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_obj_protect(self, value):
- self.__obj_protect = int(value)
- def get_obj_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__obj_protect)
- obj_protect = property(get_obj_protect, set_obj_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_protect(self, value):
- self.__protect = int(value)
- def get_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__protect)
- protect = property(get_protect, set_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_scen_protect(self, value):
- self.__scen_protect = int(value)
- def get_scen_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__scen_protect)
- scen_protect = property(get_scen_protect, set_scen_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_password(self, value):
- self.__password = value
- def get_password(self):
- return self.__password
- password = property(get_password, set_password)
- ##################################################################
- ## Methods
- ##################################################################
- def get_parent(self):
- return self.__parent
- def write(self, r, c, label="", style=Style.default_style):
- self.row(r).write(c, label, style)
- def merge(self, r1, r2, c1, c2, style=Style.default_style):
- # Stand-alone merge of previously written cells.
- # Problems: (1) style to be used should be existing style of
- # the top-left cell, not an arg.
- # (2) should ensure that any previous data value in
- # non-top-left cells is nobbled.
- # Note: if a cell is set by a data record then later
- # is referenced by a [MUL]BLANK record, Excel will blank
- # out the cell on the screen, but OOo & Gnu will not
- # blank it out. Need to do something better than writing
- # multiple records. In the meantime, avoid this method and use
- # write_merge() instead.
- if c2 > c1:
- self.row(r1).write_blanks(c1 + 1, c2, style)
- for r in range(r1+1, r2+1):
- self.row(r).write_blanks(c1, c2, style)
- self.__merged_ranges.append((r1, r2, c1, c2))
- def write_merge(self, r1, r2, c1, c2, label="", style=Style.default_style):
- assert 0 <= c1 <= c2 <= 255
- assert 0 <= r1 <= r2 <= 65535
- self.write(r1, c1, label, style)
- if c2 > c1:
- self.row(r1).write_blanks(c1 + 1, c2, style) # skip (r1, c1)
- for r in range(r1+1, r2+1):
- self.row(r).write_blanks(c1, c2, style)
- self.__merged_ranges.append((r1, r2, c1, c2))
- def insert_bitmap(self, filename, row, col, x = 0, y = 0, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1):
- bmp = Bitmap.ImDataBmpRecord(filename)
- obj = Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord(row, col, self, bmp, x, y, scale_x, scale_y)
- self.__bmp_rec += obj.get() + bmp.get()
- def col(self, indx):
- if indx not in self.__cols:
- self.__cols[indx] = self.Column(indx, self)
- return self.__cols[indx]
- def row(self, indx):
- if indx not in self.__rows:
- if indx in self.__flushed_rows:
- raise Exception("Attempt to reuse row index %d of sheet %r after flushing" % (indx, self.__name))
- self.__rows[indx] = self.Row(indx, self)
- if indx > self.last_used_row:
- self.last_used_row = indx
- if indx < self.first_used_row:
- self.first_used_row = indx
- return self.__rows[indx]
- def row_height(self, row): # in pixels
- if row in self.__rows:
- return self.__rows[row].get_height_in_pixels()
- else:
- return 17
- def col_width(self, col): # in pixels
- if col in self.__cols:
- return self.__cols[col].width_in_pixels()
- else:
- return 64
- ##################################################################
- ## BIFF records generation
- ##################################################################
- def __bof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord(BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord.WORKSHEET).get()
- def __update_row_visible_levels(self):
- if self.__rows:
- temp = max([self.__rows[r].level for r in self.__rows]) + 1
- self.__row_visible_levels = max(temp, self.__row_visible_levels)
- def __guts_rec(self):
- self.__update_row_visible_levels()
- col_visible_levels = 0
- if len(self.__cols) != 0:
- col_visible_levels = max([self.__cols[c].level for c in self.__cols]) + 1
- return BIFFRecords.GutsRecord(
- self.__row_gut_width, self.__col_gut_height, self.__row_visible_levels, col_visible_levels).get()
- def __defaultrowheight_rec(self):
- options = 0x0000
- options |= (self.row_default_height_mismatch & 1) << 0
- options |= (self.row_default_hidden & 1) << 1
- options |= (self.row_default_space_above & 1) << 2
- options |= (self.row_default_space_below & 1) << 3
- defht = self.__row_default_height
- return BIFFRecords.DefaultRowHeightRecord(options, defht).get()
- def __wsbool_rec(self):
- options = 0x00
- options |= (self.__show_auto_page_breaks & 0x01) << 0
- options |= (self.__dialogue_sheet & 0x01) << 4
- options |= (self.__auto_style_outline & 0x01) << 5
- options |= (self.__outline_below & 0x01) << 6
- options |= (self.__outline_right & 0x01) << 7
- options |= (self.__fit_num_pages & 0x01) << 8
- options |= (self.__show_row_outline & 0x01) << 10
- options |= (self.__show_col_outline & 0x01) << 11
- options |= (self.__alt_expr_eval & 0x01) << 14
- options |= (self.__alt_formula_entries & 0x01) << 15
- return BIFFRecords.WSBoolRecord(options).get()
- def __eof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.EOFRecord().get()
- def __colinfo_rec(self):
- result = ''
- for col in self.__cols:
- result += self.__cols[col].get_biff_record()
- return result
- def __dimensions_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.DimensionsRecord(
- self.first_used_row, self.last_used_row,
- self.first_used_col, self.last_used_col
- ).get()
- def __window2_rec(self):
- # Appends SCL record.
- options = 0
- options |= (self.__show_formulas & 0x01) << 0
- options |= (self.__show_grid & 0x01) << 1
- options |= (self.__show_headers & 0x01) << 2
- options |= (self.__panes_frozen & 0x01) << 3
- options |= (self.show_zero_values & 0x01) << 4
- options |= (self.__auto_colour_grid & 0x01) << 5
- options |= (self.__cols_right_to_left & 0x01) << 6
- options |= (self.__show_outline & 0x01) << 7
- options |= (self.__remove_splits & 0x01) << 8
- options |= (self.__selected & 0x01) << 9
- options |= (self.__sheet_visible & 0x01) << 10
- options |= (self.__page_preview & 0x01) << 11
- if self.__page_preview:
- scl_magn = self.__preview_magn
- else:
- scl_magn = self.__normal_magn
- return BIFFRecords.Window2Record(
- options, self.__first_visible_row, self.__first_visible_col,
- self.__grid_colour,
- self.__preview_magn, self.__normal_magn, scl_magn).get()
- def __panes_rec(self):
- if self.__vert_split_pos is None and self.__horz_split_pos is None:
- return ""
- if self.__vert_split_pos is None:
- self.__vert_split_pos = 0
- if self.__horz_split_pos is None:
- self.__horz_split_pos = 0
- if self.__panes_frozen:
- if self.__vert_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = self.__vert_split_pos
- if self.__horz_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = self.__horz_split_pos
- else:
- if self.__vert_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = 0
- if self.__horz_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = 0
- # inspired by pyXLWriter
- self.__horz_split_pos = 20*self.__horz_split_pos + 255
- self.__vert_split_pos = 113.879*self.__vert_split_pos + 390
- if self.__vert_split_pos > 0 and self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
- self.__split_active_pane = 0
- elif self.__vert_split_pos > 0 and self.__horz_split_pos == 0:
- self.__split_active_pane = 1
- elif self.__vert_split_pos == 0 and self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
- self.__split_active_pane = 2
- else:
- self.__split_active_pane = 3
- result = BIFFRecords.PanesRecord(self.__vert_split_pos,
- self.__horz_split_pos,
- self.__horz_split_first_visible,
- self.__vert_split_first_visible,
- self.__split_active_pane).get()
- return result
- def __row_blocks_rec(self):
- result = []
- for row in self.__rows.itervalues():
- result.append(row.get_row_biff_data())
- result.append(row.get_cells_biff_data())
- return ''.join(result)
- def __merged_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.MergedCellsRecord(self.__merged_ranges).get()
- def __bitmaps_rec(self):
- return self.__bmp_rec
- def __calc_settings_rec(self):
- result = ''
- result += BIFFRecords.CalcModeRecord(self.__calc_mode & 0x01).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.CalcCountRecord(self.__calc_count & 0xFFFF).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.RefModeRecord(self.__RC_ref_mode & 0x01).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.IterationRecord(self.__iterations_on & 0x01).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.DeltaRecord(self.__delta).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.SaveRecalcRecord(self.__save_recalc & 0x01).get()
- return result
- def __print_settings_rec(self):
- result = ''
- result += BIFFRecords.PrintHeadersRecord(self.__print_headers).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.PrintGridLinesRecord(self.__print_grid).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.GridSetRecord(self.__grid_set).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.HorizontalPageBreaksRecord(self.__horz_page_breaks).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.VerticalPageBreaksRecord(self.__vert_page_breaks).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.HeaderRecord(self.__header_str).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.FooterRecord(self.__footer_str).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.HCenterRecord(self.__print_centered_horz).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.VCenterRecord(self.__print_centered_vert).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.LeftMarginRecord(self.__left_margin).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.RightMarginRecord(self.__right_margin).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.TopMarginRecord(self.__top_margin).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.BottomMarginRecord(self.__bottom_margin).get()
- setup_page_options = (self.__print_in_rows & 0x01) << 0
- setup_page_options |= (self.__portrait & 0x01) << 1
- setup_page_options |= (0x00 & 0x01) << 2
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_not_colour & 0x01) << 3
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_draft & 0x01) << 4
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_notes & 0x01) << 5
- setup_page_options |= (0x00 & 0x01) << 6
- setup_page_options |= (0x01 & 0x01) << 7
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_notes_at_end & 0x01) << 9
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_omit_errors & 0x03) << 10
- result += BIFFRecords.SetupPageRecord(self.__paper_size_code,
- self.__print_scaling,
- self.__start_page_number,
- self.__fit_width_to_pages,
- self.__fit_height_to_pages,
- setup_page_options,
- self.__print_hres,
- self.__print_vres,
- self.__header_margin,
- self.__footer_margin,
- self.__copies_num).get()
- return result
- def __protection_rec(self):
- result = ''
- result += BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord(self.__protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.ScenProtectRecord(self.__scen_protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord(self.__wnd_protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord(self.__obj_protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord(self.__password).get()
- return result
- def get_biff_data(self):
- result = [
- self.__bof_rec(),
- self.__calc_settings_rec(),
- self.__guts_rec(),
- self.__defaultrowheight_rec(),
- self.__wsbool_rec(),
- self.__colinfo_rec(),
- self.__dimensions_rec(),
- self.__print_settings_rec(),
- self.__protection_rec(),
- ]
- if self.row_tempfile:
- self.row_tempfile.flush()
- result.append(
- result.extend([
- self.__row_blocks_rec(),
- self.__merged_rec(),
- self.__bitmaps_rec(),
- self.__window2_rec(),
- self.__panes_rec(),
- self.__eof_rec(),
- ])
- return ''.join(result)
- def flush_row_data(self):
- if self.row_tempfile is None:
- self.row_tempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- self.row_tempfile.write(self.__row_blocks_rec())
- for rowx in self.__rows:
- self.__flushed_rows[rowx] = 1
- self.__update_row_visible_levels()
- self.__rows = {}
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb656872..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-__VERSION__ = '0.7.2'
-import sys
-from Workbook import Workbook
-from Worksheet import Worksheet
-from Row import Row
-from Column import Column
-from Formatting import Font, Alignment, Borders, Pattern, Protection
-from Style import XFStyle, easyxf
-from ExcelFormula import *
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/
deleted file mode 100644
index aaad4475..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2874 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of PyANTLR. See LICENSE.txt for license
-## details..........Copyright (C) Wolfgang Haefelinger, 2004.
-## This file was copied for use with xlwt from the 2.7.7 ANTLR distribution. Yes, it
-## says 2.7.5 below. The 2.7.5 distribution version didn't have a
-## version in it.
-## Here is the contents of the ANTLR 2.7.7 LICENSE.txt referred to above.
-# ANTLR 1989-2006 Developed by Terence Parr
-# Partially supported by University of San Francisco &
-# We reserve no legal rights to the ANTLR--it is fully in the
-# public domain. An individual or company may do whatever
-# they wish with source code distributed with ANTLR or the
-# code generated by ANTLR, including the incorporation of
-# ANTLR, or its output, into commerical software.
-# We encourage users to develop software with ANTLR. However,
-# we do ask that credit is given to us for developing
-# ANTLR. By "credit", we mean that if you use ANTLR or
-# incorporate any source code into one of your programs
-# (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that
-# you acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation,
-# research report, etc... If you like ANTLR and have
-# developed a nice tool with the output, please mention that
-# you developed it using ANTLR. In addition, we ask that the
-# headers remain intact in our source code. As long as these
-# guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing this
-# system and expect to make other tools available as they are
-# completed.
-# The primary ANTLR guy:
-# Terence Parr
-## End of contents of the ANTLR 2.7.7 LICENSE.txt ########################
-## get sys module
-import sys
-version = sys.version.split()[0]
-if version < '2.2.1':
- False = 0
-if version < '2.3':
- True = not False
-### global symbols ###
-### ANTLR Standard Tokens
-SKIP = -1
-EOF = 1
-### ANTLR's EOF Symbol
-EOF_CHAR = ''
-### general functions ###
-## Version should be automatically derived from For now,
-## we need to bump it ourselfs. Don't remove the tags.
-def version():
- r = {
- 'major' : '2',
- 'minor' : '7',
- 'micro' : '5',
- 'patch' : '' ,
- 'version': '2.7.5'
- }
- return r
-def error(fmt,*args):
- if fmt:
- print "error: ", fmt % tuple(args)
-def ifelse(cond,_then,_else):
- if cond :
- r = _then
- else:
- r = _else
- return r
-def is_string_type(x):
- # return (isinstance(x,str) or isinstance(x,unicode))
- # Simplify; xlwt doesn't support Python < 2.3
- return isinstance(basestring)
-def assert_string_type(x):
- assert is_string_type(x)
- pass
-### ANTLR Exceptions ###
-class ANTLRException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- Exception.__init__(self, *args)
-class RecognitionException(ANTLRException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args)
- self.fileName = None
- self.line = -1
- self.column = -1
- if len(args) >= 2:
- self.fileName = args[1]
- if len(args) >= 3:
- self.line = args[2]
- if len(args) >= 4:
- self.column = args[3]
- def __str__(self):
- buf = ['']
- if self.fileName:
- buf.append(self.fileName + ":")
- if self.line != -1:
- if not self.fileName:
- buf.append("line ")
- buf.append(str(self.line))
- if self.column != -1:
- buf.append(":" + str(self.column))
- buf.append(":")
- buf.append(" ")
- return str('').join(buf)
- __repr__ = __str__
-class NoViableAltException(RecognitionException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, *args)
- self.token = None
- self.node = None
- if isinstance(args[0],AST):
- self.node = args[0]
- elif isinstance(args[0],Token):
- self.token = args[0]
- else:
- raise TypeError("NoViableAltException requires Token or AST argument")
- def __str__(self):
- if self.token:
- line = self.token.getLine()
- col = self.token.getColumn()
- text = self.token.getText()
- return "unexpected symbol at line %s (column %s): \"%s\"" % (line,col,text)
- if self.node == ASTNULL:
- return "unexpected end of subtree"
- assert self.node
- ### hackish, we assume that an AST contains method getText
- return "unexpected node: %s" % (self.node.getText())
- __repr__ = __str__
-class NoViableAltForCharException(RecognitionException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.foundChar = None
- if len(args) == 2:
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- scanner = args[1]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt",
- scanner.getFilename(),
- scanner.getLine(),
- scanner.getColumn())
- elif len(args) == 4:
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- fileName = args[1]
- line = args[2]
- column = args[3]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt",
- fileName, line, column)
- else:
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt",
- '', -1, -1)
- def __str__(self):
- mesg = "unexpected char: "
- if self.foundChar >= ' ' and self.foundChar <= '~':
- mesg += "'" + self.foundChar + "'"
- elif self.foundChar:
- mesg += "0x" + hex(ord(self.foundChar)).upper()[2:]
- else:
- mesg += ""
- return mesg
- __repr__ = __str__
-class SemanticException(RecognitionException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, *args)
-class MismatchedCharException(RecognitionException):
- NONE = 0
- CHAR = 1
- NOT_CHAR = 2
- RANGE = 3
- SET = 5
- NOT_SET = 6
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.args = args
- if len(args) == 5:
- # Expected range / not range
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.RANGE
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[1]
- self.upper = args[2]
- self.scanner = args[4]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char range",
- self.scanner.getFilename(),
- self.scanner.getLine(),
- self.scanner.getColumn())
- elif len(args) == 4 and is_string_type(args[1]):
- # Expected char / not char
- if args[2]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_CHAR
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.CHAR
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[1]
- self.scanner = args[3]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char",
- self.scanner.getFilename(),
- self.scanner.getLine(),
- self.scanner.getColumn())
- elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[1], BitSet):
- # Expected BitSet / not BitSet
- if args[2]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.SET
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- self.set = args[1]
- self.scanner = args[3]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char set",
- self.scanner.getFilename(),
- self.scanner.getLine(),
- self.scanner.getColumn())
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NONE
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char")
- ## Append a char to the msg buffer. If special,
- # then show escaped version
- #
- def appendCharName(self, sb, c):
- if not c or c == 65535:
- # 65535 = (char) -1 = EOF
- sb.append("''")
- elif c == '\n':
- sb.append("'\\n'")
- elif c == '\r':
- sb.append("'\\r'");
- elif c == '\t':
- sb.append("'\\t'")
- else:
- sb.append('\'' + c + '\'')
- ##
- # Returns an error message with line number/column information
- #
- def __str__(self):
- sb = ['']
- sb.append(RecognitionException.__str__(self))
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.CHAR:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append(", found ")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar)
- elif self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_CHAR:
- sb.append("expecting anything but '")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("'; got it anyway")
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedCharException.RANGE, MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE]:
- sb.append("expecting char ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("in range: ")
- appendCharName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("..")
- appendCharName(sb, self.upper)
- sb.append(", found ")
- appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar)
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedCharException.SET, MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET]:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("one of (")
- for i in range(len(self.set)):
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.set[i])
- sb.append("), found ")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar)
- return str().join(sb).strip()
- __repr__ = __str__
-class MismatchedTokenException(RecognitionException):
- NONE = 0
- TOKEN = 1
- RANGE = 3
- SET = 5
- NOT_SET = 6
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.args = args
- self.tokenNames = []
- self.token = None
- self.tokenText = ''
- self.node = None
- if len(args) == 6:
- # Expected range / not range
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.RANGE
- self.tokenNames = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[2]
- self.upper = args[3]
- self.fileName = args[5]
- elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[2], int):
- # Expected token / not token
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_TOKEN
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.TOKEN
- self.tokenNames = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[2]
- elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[2], BitSet):
- # Expected BitSet / not BitSet
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.SET
- self.tokenNames = args[0]
- self.set = args[2]
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NONE
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token: expecting any AST node", "", -1, -1)
- if len(args) >= 2:
- if isinstance(args[1],Token):
- self.token = args[1]
- self.tokenText = self.token.getText()
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token",
- self.fileName,
- self.token.getLine(),
- self.token.getColumn())
- elif isinstance(args[1],AST):
- self.node = args[1]
- self.tokenText = str(self.node)
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token",
- "",
- self.node.getLine(),
- self.node.getColumn())
- else:
- self.tokenText = ""
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token",
- "", -1, -1)
- def appendTokenName(self, sb, tokenType):
- if tokenType == INVALID_TYPE:
- sb.append("")
- elif tokenType < 0 or tokenType >= len(self.tokenNames):
- sb.append("<" + str(tokenType) + ">")
- else:
- sb.append(self.tokenNames[tokenType])
- ##
- # Returns an error message with line number/column information
- #
- def __str__(self):
- sb = ['']
- sb.append(RecognitionException.__str__(self))
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.TOKEN:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append(", found " + self.tokenText)
- elif self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_TOKEN:
- sb.append("expecting anything but '")
- self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("'; got it anyway")
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedTokenException.RANGE, MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE]:
- sb.append("expecting token ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("in range: ")
- appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("..")
- appendTokenName(sb, self.upper)
- sb.append(", found " + self.tokenText)
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedTokenException.SET, MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET]:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("one of (")
- for i in range(len(self.set)):
- self.appendTokenName(sb, self.set[i])
- sb.append("), found " + self.tokenText)
- return str().join(sb).strip()
- __repr__ = __str__
-class TokenStreamException(ANTLRException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args)
-# Wraps an Exception in a TokenStreamException
-class TokenStreamIOException(TokenStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception):
- io = args[0]
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, str(io))
- = io
- else:
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, *args)
- = self
-# Wraps a RecognitionException in a TokenStreamException
-class TokenStreamRecognitionException(TokenStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], RecognitionException):
- recog = args[0]
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, str(recog))
- self.recog = recog
- else:
- raise TypeError("TokenStreamRecognitionException requires RecognitionException argument")
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.recog)
- __repr__ = __str__
-class TokenStreamRetryException(TokenStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, *args)
-class CharStreamException(ANTLRException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args)
-# Wraps an Exception in a CharStreamException
-class CharStreamIOException(CharStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception):
- io = args[0]
- CharStreamException.__init__(self, str(io))
- = io
- else:
- CharStreamException.__init__(self, *args)
- = self
-class TryAgain(Exception):
- pass
-### Token ###
-class Token(object):
- SKIP = -1
- EOF_TYPE = 1
- EOF = 1
- def __init__(self,**argv):
- try:
- self.type = argv['type']
- except:
- self.type = INVALID_TYPE
- try:
- self.text = argv['text']
- except:
- self.text = ""
- def isEOF(self):
- return (self.type == EOF_TYPE)
- def getColumn(self):
- return 0
- def getLine(self):
- return 0
- def getFilename(self):
- return None
- def setFilename(self,name):
- return self
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- def setText(self,text):
- if is_string_type(text):
- pass
- else:
- raise TypeError("Token.setText requires string argument")
- return self
- def setColumn(self,column):
- return self
- def setLine(self,line):
- return self
- def getType(self):
- return self.type
- def setType(self,type):
- if isinstance(type,int):
- self.type = type
- else:
- raise TypeError("Token.setType requires integer argument")
- return self
- def toString(self):
- ## not optimal
- type_ = self.type
- if type_ == 3:
- elif type_ == 1:
- tval = 'EOF_TYPE'
- elif type_ == 0:
- tval = 'INVALID_TYPE'
- elif type_ == -1:
- tval = 'SKIP'
- else:
- tval = type_
- return '["%s",<%s>]' % (self.getText(),tval)
- __str__ = toString
- __repr__ = toString
-### static attribute ..
-Token.badToken = Token( type=INVALID_TYPE, text="")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- print "testing .."
- T = Token.badToken
- print T
-### CommonToken ###
-class CommonToken(Token):
- def __init__(self,**argv):
- Token.__init__(self,**argv)
- self.line = 0
- self.col = 0
- try:
- self.line = argv['line']
- except:
- pass
- try:
- self.col = argv['col']
- except:
- pass
- def getLine(self):
- return self.line
- def getText(self):
- return self.text
- def getColumn(self):
- return self.col
- def setLine(self,line):
- self.line = line
- return self
- def setText(self,text):
- self.text = text
- return self
- def setColumn(self,col):
- self.col = col
- return self
- def toString(self):
- ## not optimal
- type_ = self.type
- if type_ == 3:
- elif type_ == 1:
- tval = 'EOF_TYPE'
- elif type_ == 0:
- tval = 'INVALID_TYPE'
- elif type_ == -1:
- tval = 'SKIP'
- else:
- tval = type_
- d = {
- 'text' : self.text,
- 'type' : tval,
- 'line' : self.line,
- 'colm' : self.col
- }
- fmt = '["%(text)s",<%(type)s>,line=%(line)s,col=%(colm)s]'
- return fmt % d
- __str__ = toString
- __repr__ = toString
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
- T = CommonToken()
- print T
- T = CommonToken(col=15,line=1,text="some text", type=5)
- print T
- T = CommonToken()
- T.setLine(1).setColumn(15).setText("some text").setType(5)
- print T
- print T.getLine()
- print T.getColumn()
- print T.getText()
- print T.getType()
-### CommonHiddenStreamToken ###
-class CommonHiddenStreamToken(CommonToken):
- def __init__(self,*args):
- CommonToken.__init__(self,*args)
- self.hiddenBefore = None
- self.hiddenAfter = None
- def getHiddenAfter(self):
- return self.hiddenAfter
- def getHiddenBefore(self):
- return self.hiddenBefore
- def setHiddenAfter(self,t):
- self.hiddenAfter = t
- def setHiddenBefore(self, t):
- self.hiddenBefore = t
-### Queue ###
-## Shall be a circular buffer on tokens ..
-class Queue(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.buffer = [] # empty list
- def append(self,item):
- self.buffer.append(item)
- def elementAt(self,index):
- return self.buffer[index]
- def reset(self):
- self.buffer = []
- def removeFirst(self):
- self.buffer.pop(0)
- def length(self):
- return len(self.buffer)
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.buffer)
-### InputBuffer ###
-class InputBuffer(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.nMarkers = 0
- self.markerOffset = 0
- self.numToConsume = 0
- self.queue = Queue()
- def __str__(self):
- return "(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (
- self.nMarkers,
- self.markerOffset,
- self.numToConsume,
- self.queue)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- def commit(self):
- self.nMarkers -= 1
- def consume(self) :
- self.numToConsume += 1
- ## probably better to return a list of items
- ## because of unicode. Or return a unicode
- ## string ..
- def getLAChars(self) :
- i = self.markerOffset
- n = self.queue.length()
- s = ''
- while i 0:
- if self.nMarkers > 0:
- # guess mode -- leave leading characters and bump offset.
- self.markerOffset += 1
- else:
- # normal mode -- remove first character
- self.queue.removeFirst()
- self.numToConsume -= 1
-### CharBuffer ###
-class CharBuffer(InputBuffer):
- def __init__(self,reader):
- ##assert isinstance(reader,file)
- super(CharBuffer,self).__init__()
- ## a reader is supposed to be anything that has
- ## a method 'read(int)'.
- self.input = reader
- def __str__(self):
- base = super(CharBuffer,self).__str__()
- return "CharBuffer{%s,%s" % (base,str(input))
- def fill(self,amount):
- try:
- self.syncConsume()
- while self.queue.length() < (amount + self.markerOffset) :
- ## retrieve just one char - what happend at end
- ## of input?
- c =
- ### python's behaviour is to return the empty string on
- ### EOF, ie. no exception whatsoever is thrown. An empty
- ### python string has the nice feature that it is of
- ### type 'str' and "not ''" would return true. Contrary,
- ### one can't do this: '' in 'abc'. This should return
- ### false, but all we get is then a TypeError as an
- ### empty string is not a character.
- ### Let's assure then that we have either seen a
- ### character or an empty string (EOF).
- assert len(c) == 0 or len(c) == 1
- ### And it shall be of type string (ASCII or UNICODE).
- assert is_string_type(c)
- ### Just append EOF char to buffer. Note that buffer may
- ### contain then just more than one EOF char ..
- ### use unicode chars instead of ASCII ..
- self.queue.append(c)
- except Exception,e:
- raise CharStreamIOException(e)
- ##except: # (mk) Cannot happen ...
- ##error ("unexpected exception caught ..")
- ##assert 0
-### LexerSharedInputState ###
-class LexerSharedInputState(object):
- def __init__(self,ibuf):
- assert isinstance(ibuf,InputBuffer)
- self.input = ibuf
- self.column = 1
- self.line = 1
- self.tokenStartColumn = 1
- self.tokenStartLine = 1
- self.guessing = 0
- self.filename = None
- def reset(self):
- self.column = 1
- self.line = 1
- self.tokenStartColumn = 1
- self.tokenStartLine = 1
- self.guessing = 0
- self.filename = None
- self.input.reset()
- def LA(self,k):
- return self.input.LA(k)
-### TokenStream ###
-class TokenStream(object):
- def nextToken(self):
- pass
- def __iter__(self):
- return TokenStreamIterator(self)
-### TokenStreamIterator ###
-class TokenStreamIterator(object):
- def __init__(self,inst):
- if isinstance(inst,TokenStream):
- self.inst = inst
- return
- raise TypeError("TokenStreamIterator requires TokenStream object")
- def next(self):
- assert self.inst
- item = self.inst.nextToken()
- if not item or item.isEOF():
- raise StopIteration()
- return item
-### TokenStreamSelector ###
-class TokenStreamSelector(TokenStream):
- def __init__(self):
- self._input = None
- self._stmap = {}
- self._stack = []
- def addInputStream(self,stream,key):
- self._stmap[key] = stream
- def getCurrentStream(self):
- return self._input
- def getStream(self,sname):
- try:
- stream = self._stmap[sname]
- except:
- raise ValueError("TokenStream " + sname + " not found");
- return stream;
- def nextToken(self):
- while 1:
- try:
- return self._input.nextToken()
- except TokenStreamRetryException,r:
- ### just retry "forever"
- pass
- def pop(self):
- stream = self._stack.pop();
- return stream;
- def push(self,arg):
- self._stack.append(self._input);
- def retry(self):
- raise TokenStreamRetryException()
- def select(self,arg):
- if isinstance(arg,TokenStream):
- self._input = arg
- return
- if is_string_type(arg):
- self._input = self.getStream(arg)
- return
- raise TypeError(" requires " +
- "TokenStream or string argument")
-### TokenStreamBasicFilter ###
-class TokenStreamBasicFilter(TokenStream):
- def __init__(self,input):
- self.input = input;
- self.discardMask = BitSet()
- def discard(self,arg):
- if isinstance(arg,int):
- self.discardMask.add(arg)
- return
- if isinstance(arg,BitSet):
- self.discardMark = arg
- return
- raise TypeError("TokenStreamBasicFilter.discard requires" +
- "integer or BitSet argument")
- def nextToken(self):
- tok = self.input.nextToken()
- while tok and self.discardMask.member(tok.getType()):
- tok = self.input.nextToken()
- return tok
-### TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter ###
-class TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter(TokenStreamBasicFilter):
- def __init__(self,input):
- TokenStreamBasicFilter.__init__(self,input)
- self.hideMask = BitSet()
- self.nextMonitoredToken = None
- self.lastHiddenToken = None
- self.firstHidden = None
- def consume(self):
- self.nextMonitoredToken = self.input.nextToken()
- def consumeFirst(self):
- self.consume()
- p = None;
- while self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()) or \
- self.discardMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- if self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- if not p:
- p = self.LA(1)
- else:
- p.setHiddenAfter(self.LA(1))
- self.LA(1).setHiddenBefore(p)
- p = self.LA(1)
- self.lastHiddenToken = p
- if not self.firstHidden:
- self.firstHidden = p
- self.consume()
- def getDiscardMask(self):
- return self.discardMask
- def getHiddenAfter(self,t):
- return t.getHiddenAfter()
- def getHiddenBefore(self,t):
- return t.getHiddenBefore()
- def getHideMask(self):
- return self.hideMask
- def getInitialHiddenToken(self):
- return self.firstHidden
- def hide(self,m):
- if isinstance(m,int):
- self.hideMask.add(m)
- return
- if isinstance(m.BitMask):
- self.hideMask = m
- return
- def LA(self,i):
- return self.nextMonitoredToken
- def nextToken(self):
- if not self.LA(1):
- self.consumeFirst()
- monitored = self.LA(1)
- monitored.setHiddenBefore(self.lastHiddenToken)
- self.lastHiddenToken = None
- self.consume()
- p = monitored
- while self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()) or \
- self.discardMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- if self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- p.setHiddenAfter(self.LA(1))
- if p != monitored:
- self.LA(1).setHiddenBefore(p)
- p = self.lastHiddenToken = self.LA(1)
- self.consume()
- return monitored
-### StringBuffer ###
-class StringBuffer:
- def __init__(self,string=None):
- if string:
- self.text = list(string)
- else:
- self.text = []
- def setLength(self,sz):
- if not sz :
- self.text = []
- return
- assert sz>0
- if sz >= self.length():
- return
- ### just reset to empty buffer
- self.text = self.text[0:sz]
- def length(self):
- return len(self.text)
- def append(self,c):
- self.text.append(c)
- ### return buffer as string. Arg 'a' is used as index
- ## into the buffer and 2nd argument shall be the length.
- ## If 2nd args is absent, we return chars till end of
- ## buffer starting with 'a'.
- def getString(self,a=None,length=None):
- if not a :
- a = 0
- assert a>=0
- if a>= len(self.text) :
- return ""
- if not length:
- ## no second argument
- L = self.text[a:]
- else:
- assert (a+length) <= len(self.text)
- b = a + length
- L = self.text[a:b]
- s = ""
- for x in L : s += x
- return s
- toString = getString ## alias
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.text)
-### Reader ###
-## When reading Japanese chars, it happens that a stream returns a
-## 'char' of length 2. This looks like a bug in the appropriate
-## codecs - but I'm rather unsure about this. Anyway, if this is
-## the case, I'm going to split this string into a list of chars
-## and put them on hold, ie. on a buffer. Next time when called
-## we read from buffer until buffer is empty.
-## wh: nov, 25th -> problem does not appear in Python 2.4.0.c1.
-class Reader(object):
- def __init__(self,stream):
- self.cin = stream
- self.buf = []
- def read(self,num):
- assert num==1
- if len(self.buf):
- return self.buf.pop()
- ## Read a char - this may return a string.
- ## Is this a bug in codecs/Python?
- c =
- if not c or len(c)==1:
- return c
- L = list(c)
- L.reverse()
- for x in L:
- self.buf.append(x)
- ## read one char ..
- return
-### CharScanner ###
-class CharScanner(TokenStream):
- ## class members
- NO_CHAR = 0
- EOF_CHAR = '' ### EOF shall be the empty string.
- def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs):
- super(CharScanner, self).__init__()
- self.saveConsumedInput = True
- self.tokenClass = None
- self.caseSensitive = True
- self.caseSensitiveLiterals = True
- self.literals = None
- self.tabsize = 8
- self._returnToken = None
- self.commitToPath = False
- self.traceDepth = 0
- self.text = StringBuffer()
- self.hashString = hash(self)
- self.setTokenObjectClass(CommonToken)
- self.setInput(*argv)
- def __iter__(self):
- return CharScannerIterator(self)
- def setInput(self,*argv):
- ## case 1:
- ## if there's no arg we default to read from
- ## standard input
- if not argv:
- import sys
- self.setInput(sys.stdin)
- return
- ## get 1st argument
- arg1 = argv[0]
- ## case 2:
- ## if arg1 is a string, we assume it's a file name
- ## and open a stream using 2nd argument as open
- ## mode. If there's no 2nd argument we fall back to
- ## mode '+rb'.
- if is_string_type(arg1):
- f = open(arg1,"rb")
- self.setInput(f)
- self.setFilename(arg1)
- return
- ## case 3:
- ## if arg1 is a file we wrap it by a char buffer (
- ## some additional checks?? No, can't do this in
- ## general).
- if isinstance(arg1,file):
- self.setInput(CharBuffer(arg1))
- return
- ## case 4:
- ## if arg1 is of type SharedLexerInputState we use
- ## argument as is.
- if isinstance(arg1,LexerSharedInputState):
- self.inputState = arg1
- return
- ## case 5:
- ## check whether argument type is of type input
- ## buffer. If so create a SharedLexerInputState and
- ## go ahead.
- if isinstance(arg1,InputBuffer):
- self.setInput(LexerSharedInputState(arg1))
- return
- ## case 6:
- ## check whether argument type has a method read(int)
- ## If so create CharBuffer ...
- try:
- if
- rd = Reader(arg1)
- cb = CharBuffer(rd)
- ss = LexerSharedInputState(cb)
- self.inputState = ss
- return
- except:
- pass
- ## case 7:
- ## raise wrong argument exception
- raise TypeError(argv)
- def setTabSize(self,size) :
- self.tabsize = size
- def getTabSize(self) :
- return self.tabsize
- def setCaseSensitive(self,t) :
- self.caseSensitive = t
- def setCommitToPath(self,commit) :
- self.commitToPath = commit
- def setFilename(self,f) :
- self.inputState.filename = f
- def setLine(self,line) :
- self.inputState.line = line
- def setText(self,s) :
- self.resetText()
- self.text.append(s)
- def getCaseSensitive(self) :
- return self.caseSensitive
- def getCaseSensitiveLiterals(self) :
- return self.caseSensitiveLiterals
- def getColumn(self) :
- return self.inputState.column
- def setColumn(self,c) :
- self.inputState.column = c
- def getCommitToPath(self) :
- return self.commitToPath
- def getFilename(self) :
- return self.inputState.filename
- def getInputBuffer(self) :
- return self.inputState.input
- def getInputState(self) :
- return self.inputState
- def setInputState(self,state) :
- assert isinstance(state,LexerSharedInputState)
- self.inputState = state
- def getLine(self) :
- return self.inputState.line
- def getText(self) :
- return str(self.text)
- def getTokenObject(self) :
- return self._returnToken
- def LA(self,i) :
- c = self.inputState.input.LA(i)
- if not self.caseSensitive:
- ### E0006
- c = c.__class__.lower(c)
- return c
- def makeToken(self,type) :
- try:
- ## dynamically load a class
- assert self.tokenClass
- tok = self.tokenClass()
- tok.setType(type)
- tok.setColumn(self.inputState.tokenStartColumn)
- tok.setLine(self.inputState.tokenStartLine)
- return tok
- except:
- self.panic("unable to create new token")
- return Token.badToken
- def mark(self) :
- return self.inputState.input.mark()
- def _match_bitset(self,b) :
- if b.member(self.LA(1)):
- self.consume()
- else:
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), b, False, self)
- def _match_string(self,s) :
- for c in s:
- if self.LA(1) == c:
- self.consume()
- else:
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c, False, self)
- def match(self,item):
- if is_string_type(item):
- return self._match_string(item)
- else:
- return self._match_bitset(item)
- def matchNot(self,c) :
- if self.LA(1) != c:
- self.consume()
- else:
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c, True, self)
- def matchRange(self,c1,c2) :
- if self.LA(1) < c1 or self.LA(1) > c2 :
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c1, c2, False, self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- def newline(self) :
- self.inputState.line += 1
- self.inputState.column = 1
- def tab(self) :
- c = self.getColumn()
- nc = ( ((c-1)/self.tabsize) + 1) * self.tabsize + 1
- self.setColumn(nc)
- def panic(self,s='') :
- print "CharScanner: panic: " + s
- sys.exit(1)
- def reportError(self,ex) :
- print ex
- def reportError(self,s) :
- if not self.getFilename():
- print "error: " + str(s)
- else:
- print self.getFilename() + ": error: " + str(s)
- def reportWarning(self,s) :
- if not self.getFilename():
- print "warning: " + str(s)
- else:
- print self.getFilename() + ": warning: " + str(s)
- def resetText(self) :
- self.text.setLength(0)
- self.inputState.tokenStartColumn = self.inputState.column
- self.inputState.tokenStartLine = self.inputState.line
- def rewind(self,pos) :
- self.inputState.input.rewind(pos)
- def setTokenObjectClass(self,cl):
- self.tokenClass = cl
- def testForLiteral(self,token):
- if not token:
- return
- assert isinstance(token,Token)
- _type = token.getType()
- ## special tokens can't be literals
- return
- _text = token.getText()
- if not _text:
- return
- assert is_string_type(_text)
- _type = self.testLiteralsTable(_text,_type)
- token.setType(_type)
- return _type
- def testLiteralsTable(self,*args):
- if is_string_type(args[0]):
- s = args[0]
- i = args[1]
- else:
- s = self.text.getString()
- i = args[0]
- ## check whether integer has been given
- if not isinstance(i,int):
- assert isinstance(i,int)
- ## check whether we have a dict
- assert isinstance(self.literals,dict)
- try:
- ## E0010
- if not self.caseSensitiveLiterals:
- s = s.__class__.lower(s)
- i = self.literals[s]
- except:
- pass
- return i
- def toLower(self,c):
- return c.__class__.lower()
- def traceIndent(self):
- print ' ' * self.traceDepth
- def traceIn(self,rname):
- self.traceDepth += 1
- self.traceIndent()
- print "> lexer %s c== %s" % (rname,self.LA(1))
- def traceOut(self,rname):
- self.traceIndent()
- print "< lexer %s c== %s" % (rname,self.LA(1))
- self.traceDepth -= 1
- def uponEOF(self):
- pass
- def append(self,c):
- if self.saveConsumedInput :
- self.text.append(c)
- def commit(self):
- self.inputState.input.commit()
- def consume(self):
- if not self.inputState.guessing:
- c = self.LA(1)
- if self.caseSensitive:
- self.append(c)
- else:
- # use input.LA(), not LA(), to get original case
- # CharScanner.LA() would toLower it.
- c = self.inputState.input.LA(1)
- self.append(c)
- if c and c in "\t":
- else:
- self.inputState.column += 1
- self.inputState.input.consume()
- ## Consume chars until one matches the given char
- def consumeUntil_char(self,c):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_CHAR and self.LA(1) != c:
- self.consume()
- ## Consume chars until one matches the given set
- def consumeUntil_bitset(self,bitset):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_CHAR and not self.set.member(self.LA(1)):
- self.consume()
- ### If symbol seen is EOF then generate and set token, otherwise
- ### throw exception.
- def default(self,la1):
- if not la1 :
- self.uponEOF()
- self._returnToken = self.makeToken(EOF_TYPE)
- else:
- self.raise_NoViableAlt(la1)
- def filterdefault(self,la1,*args):
- if not la1:
- self.uponEOF()
- self._returnToken = self.makeToken(EOF_TYPE)
- return
- if not args:
- self.consume()
- raise TryAgain()
- else:
- ### apply filter object
- self.commit();
- try:
- func=args[0]
- args=args[1:]
- apply(func,args)
- except RecognitionException, e:
- ## catastrophic failure
- self.reportError(e);
- self.consume();
- raise TryAgain()
- def raise_NoViableAlt(self,la1=None):
- if not la1: la1 = self.LA(1)
- fname = self.getFilename()
- line = self.getLine()
- col = self.getColumn()
- raise NoViableAltForCharException(la1,fname,line,col)
- def set_return_token(self,_create,_token,_ttype,_offset):
- if _create and not _token and (not _ttype == SKIP):
- string = self.text.getString(_offset)
- _token = self.makeToken(_ttype)
- _token.setText(string)
- self._returnToken = _token
- return _token
-### CharScannerIterator ###
-class CharScannerIterator:
- def __init__(self,inst):
- if isinstance(inst,CharScanner):
- self.inst = inst
- return
- raise TypeError("CharScannerIterator requires CharScanner object")
- def next(self):
- assert self.inst
- item = self.inst.nextToken()
- if not item or item.isEOF():
- raise StopIteration()
- return item
-### BitSet ###
-### I'm assuming here that a long is 64bits. It appears however, that
-### a long is of any size. That means we can use a single long as the
-### bitset (!), ie. Python would do almost all the work (TBD).
-class BitSet(object):
- BITS = 64
- NIBBLE = 4
- LOG_BITS = 6
- def __init__(self,data=None):
- if not data:
- BitSet.__init__(self,[long(0)])
- return
- if isinstance(data,int):
- BitSet.__init__(self,[long(data)])
- return
- if isinstance(data,long):
- BitSet.__init__(self,[data])
- return
- if not isinstance(data,list):
- raise TypeError("BitSet requires integer, long, or " +
- "list argument")
- for x in data:
- if not isinstance(x,long):
- raise TypeError(self,"List argument item is " +
- "not a long: %s" % (x))
- = data
- def __str__(self):
- bits = len( * BitSet.BITS
- s = ""
- for i in xrange(0,bits):
- if
- s += "1"
- else:
- s += "o"
- if not ((i+1) % 10):
- s += '|%s|' % (i+1)
- return s
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- def member(self,item):
- if not item:
- return False
- if isinstance(item,int):
- return
- if not is_string_type(item):
- raise TypeError(self,"char or unichar expected: %s" % (item))
- ## char is a (unicode) string with at most lenght 1, ie.
- ## a char.
- if len(item) != 1:
- raise TypeError(self,"char expected: %s" % (item))
- ### handle ASCII/UNICODE char
- num = ord(item)
- ### check whether position num is in bitset
- return
- def wordNumber(self,bit):
- return bit >> BitSet.LOG_BITS
- def bitMask(self,bit):
- pos = bit & BitSet.MOD_MASK ## bit mod BITS
- return (1L << pos)
- def set(self,bit,on=True):
- # grow bitset as required (use with care!)
- i = self.wordNumber(bit)
- mask = self.bitMask(bit)
- if i>=len(
- d = i - len( + 1
- for x in xrange(0,d):
- assert len( == i+1
- if on:
-[i] |= mask
- else:
-[i] &= (~mask)
- ### make add an alias for set
- add = set
- def off(self,bit,off=True):
- self.set(bit,not off)
- def at(self,bit):
- i = self.wordNumber(bit)
- v =[i]
- m = self.bitMask(bit)
- return v & m
-### some further funcs ###
-def illegalarg_ex(func):
- raise ValueError(
- "%s is only valid if parser is built for debugging" %
- (func.func_name))
-def runtime_ex(func):
- raise RuntimeException(
- "%s is only valid if parser is built for debugging" %
- (func.func_name))
-### TokenBuffer ###
-class TokenBuffer(object):
- def __init__(self,stream):
- self.input = stream
- self.nMarkers = 0
- self.markerOffset = 0
- self.numToConsume = 0
- self.queue = Queue()
- def reset(self) :
- self.nMarkers = 0
- self.markerOffset = 0
- self.numToConsume = 0
- self.queue.reset()
- def consume(self) :
- self.numToConsume += 1
- def fill(self, amount):
- self.syncConsume()
- while self.queue.length() < (amount + self.markerOffset):
- self.queue.append(self.input.nextToken())
- def getInput(self):
- return self.input
- def LA(self,k) :
- self.fill(k)
- return self.queue.elementAt(self.markerOffset + k - 1).type
- def LT(self,k) :
- self.fill(k)
- return self.queue.elementAt(self.markerOffset + k - 1)
- def mark(self) :
- self.syncConsume()
- self.nMarkers += 1
- return self.markerOffset
- def rewind(self,mark) :
- self.syncConsume()
- self.markerOffset = mark
- self.nMarkers -= 1
- def syncConsume(self) :
- while self.numToConsume > 0:
- if self.nMarkers > 0:
- # guess mode -- leave leading characters and bump offset.
- self.markerOffset += 1
- else:
- # normal mode -- remove first character
- self.queue.removeFirst()
- self.numToConsume -= 1
- def __str__(self):
- return "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (
- self.input,
- self.nMarkers,
- self.markerOffset,
- self.numToConsume,
- self.queue)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
-### ParserSharedInputState ###
-class ParserSharedInputState(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.input = None
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- self.guessing = 0
- self.filename = None
- if self.input:
- self.input.reset()
-### Parser ###
-class Parser(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.tokenNames = None
- self.returnAST = None
- self.astFactory = None
- self.tokenTypeToASTClassMap = {}
- self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls = False
- self.traceDepth = 0
- if not args:
- self.inputState = ParserSharedInputState()
- return
- arg0 = args[0]
- assert isinstance(arg0,ParserSharedInputState)
- self.inputState = arg0
- return
- def getTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self):
- return self.tokenTypeToASTClassMap
- def addMessageListener(self, l):
- if not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls:
- illegalarg_ex(addMessageListener)
- def addParserListener(self,l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls) :
- illegalarg_ex(addParserListener)
- def addParserMatchListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls) :
- illegalarg_ex(addParserMatchListener)
- def addParserTokenListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addParserTokenListener)
- def addSemanticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addSemanticPredicateListener)
- def addSyntacticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addSyntacticPredicateListener)
- def addTraceListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addTraceListener)
- def consume(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _consumeUntil_type(self,tokenType):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_TYPE and self.LA(1) != tokenType:
- self.consume()
- def _consumeUntil_bitset(self, set):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_TYPE and not set.member(self.LA(1)):
- self.consume()
- def consumeUntil(self,arg):
- if isinstance(arg,int):
- self._consumeUntil_type(arg)
- else:
- self._consumeUntil_bitset(arg)
- def defaultDebuggingSetup(self):
- pass
- def getAST(self) :
- return self.returnAST
- def getASTFactory(self) :
- return self.astFactory
- def getFilename(self) :
- return self.inputState.filename
- def getInputState(self) :
- return self.inputState
- def setInputState(self, state) :
- self.inputState = state
- def getTokenName(self,num) :
- return self.tokenNames[num]
- def getTokenNames(self) :
- return self.tokenNames
- def isDebugMode(self) :
- return self.false
- def LA(self, i):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def LT(self, i):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def mark(self):
- return self.inputState.input.mark()
- def _match_int(self,t):
- if (self.LA(1) != t):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(
- self.tokenNames, self.LT(1), t, False, self.getFilename())
- else:
- self.consume()
- def _match_set(self, b):
- if (not b.member(self.LA(1))):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(
- self.tokenNames,self.LT(1), b, False, self.getFilename())
- else:
- self.consume()
- def match(self,set) :
- if isinstance(set,int):
- self._match_int(set)
- return
- if isinstance(set,BitSet):
- self._match_set(set)
- return
- raise TypeError("Parser.match requires integer ot BitSet argument")
- def matchNot(self,t):
- if self.LA(1) == t:
- raise MismatchedTokenException(
- tokenNames, self.LT(1), t, True, self.getFilename())
- else:
- self.consume()
- def removeMessageListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeMessageListener)
- def removeParserListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeParserListener)
- def removeParserMatchListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeParserMatchListener)
- def removeParserTokenListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeParserTokenListener)
- def removeSemanticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeSemanticPredicateListener)
- def removeSyntacticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeSyntacticPredicateListener)
- def removeTraceListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeTraceListener)
- def reportError(self,x) :
- fmt = "syntax error:"
- f = self.getFilename()
- if f:
- fmt = ("%s:" % f) + fmt
- if isinstance(x,Token):
- line = x.getColumn()
- col = x.getLine()
- text = x.getText()
- fmt = fmt + 'unexpected symbol at line %s (column %s) : "%s"'
- print >>sys.stderr, fmt % (line,col,text)
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, fmt,str(x)
- def reportWarning(self,s):
- f = self.getFilename()
- if f:
- print "%s:warning: %s" % (f,str(x))
- else:
- print "warning: %s" % (str(x))
- def rewind(self, pos) :
- self.inputState.input.rewind(pos)
- def setASTFactory(self, f) :
- self.astFactory = f
- def setASTNodeClass(self, cl) :
- self.astFactory.setASTNodeType(cl)
- def setASTNodeType(self, nodeType) :
- self.setASTNodeClass(nodeType)
- def setDebugMode(self, debugMode) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(setDebugMode)
- def setFilename(self, f) :
- self.inputState.filename = f
- def setIgnoreInvalidDebugCalls(self, value) :
- self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls = value
- def setTokenBuffer(self, t) :
- self.inputState.input = t
- def traceIndent(self):
- print " " * self.traceDepth
- def traceIn(self,rname):
- self.traceDepth += 1
- self.trace("> ", rname)
- def traceOut(self,rname):
- self.trace("< ", rname)
- self.traceDepth -= 1
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to Parser
- def addASTChild(self,currentAST, child):
- if not child:
- return
- if not currentAST.root:
- currentAST.root = child
- elif not currentAST.child:
- currentAST.root.setFirstChild(child)
- else:
- currentAST.child.setNextSibling(child)
- currentAST.child = child
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to Parser
- def makeASTRoot(self,currentAST,root) :
- if root:
- ### Add the current root as a child of new root
- root.addChild(currentAST.root)
- ### The new current child is the last sibling of the old root
- currentAST.child = currentAST.root
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### Set the new root
- currentAST.root = root
-### LLkParser ###
-class LLkParser(Parser):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- arg1 = args[0]
- except:
- arg1 = 1
- if isinstance(arg1,int):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__()
- self.k = arg1
- return
- if isinstance(arg1,ParserSharedInputState):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__(arg1)
- self.set_k(1,*args)
- return
- if isinstance(arg1,TokenBuffer):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__()
- self.setTokenBuffer(arg1)
- self.set_k(1,*args)
- return
- if isinstance(arg1,TokenStream):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__()
- tokenBuf = TokenBuffer(arg1)
- self.setTokenBuffer(tokenBuf)
- self.set_k(1,*args)
- return
- ### unknown argument
- raise TypeError("LLkParser requires integer, " +
- "ParserSharedInputStream or TokenStream argument")
- def consume(self):
- self.inputState.input.consume()
- def LA(self,i):
- return self.inputState.input.LA(i)
- def LT(self,i):
- return self.inputState.input.LT(i)
- def set_k(self,index,*args):
- try:
- self.k = args[index]
- except:
- self.k = 1
- def trace(self,ee,rname):
- print type(self)
- self.traceIndent()
- guess = ""
- if self.inputState.guessing > 0:
- guess = " [guessing]"
- print(ee + rname + guess)
- for i in xrange(1,self.k+1):
- if i != 1:
- print(", ")
- if self.LT(i) :
- v = self.LT(i).getText()
- else:
- v = "null"
- print "LA(%s) == %s" % (i,v)
- print("\n")
- def traceIn(self,rname):
- self.traceDepth += 1;
- self.trace("> ", rname);
- def traceOut(self,rname):
- self.trace("< ", rname);
- self.traceDepth -= 1;
-### TreeParserSharedInputState ###
-class TreeParserSharedInputState(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.guessing = 0
-### TreeParser ###
-class TreeParser(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.inputState = TreeParserSharedInputState()
- self._retTree = None
- self.tokenNames = []
- self.returnAST = None
- self.astFactory = ASTFactory()
- self.traceDepth = 0
- def getAST(self):
- return self.returnAST
- def getASTFactory(self):
- return self.astFactory
- def getTokenName(self,num) :
- return self.tokenNames[num]
- def getTokenNames(self):
- return self.tokenNames
- def match(self,t,set) :
- assert isinstance(set,int) or isinstance(set,BitSet)
- if not t or t == ASTNULL:
- raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False)
- if isinstance(set,int) and t.getType() != set:
- raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False)
- if isinstance(set,BitSet) and not set.member(t.getType):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False)
- def matchNot(self,t, ttype) :
- if not t or (t == ASTNULL) or (t.getType() == ttype):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(getTokenNames(), t, ttype, True)
- def reportError(self,ex):
- print >>sys.stderr,"error:",ex
- def reportWarning(self, s):
- print "warning:",s
- def setASTFactory(self,f):
- self.astFactory = f
- def setASTNodeType(self,nodeType):
- self.setASTNodeClass(nodeType)
- def setASTNodeClass(self,nodeType):
- self.astFactory.setASTNodeType(nodeType)
- def traceIndent(self):
- print " " * self.traceDepth
- def traceIn(self,rname,t):
- self.traceDepth += 1
- self.traceIndent()
- print("> " + rname + "(" +
- ifelse(t,str(t),"null") + ")" +
- ifelse(self.inputState.guessing>0,"[guessing]",""))
- def traceOut(self,rname,t):
- self.traceIndent()
- print("< " + rname + "(" +
- ifelse(t,str(t),"null") + ")" +
- ifelse(self.inputState.guessing>0,"[guessing]",""))
- self.traceDepth -= 1
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to TreeParser
- def addASTChild(self,currentAST, child):
- if not child:
- return
- if not currentAST.root:
- currentAST.root = child
- elif not currentAST.child:
- currentAST.root.setFirstChild(child)
- else:
- currentAST.child.setNextSibling(child)
- currentAST.child = child
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to TreeParser
- def makeASTRoot(self,currentAST,root):
- if root:
- ### Add the current root as a child of new root
- root.addChild(currentAST.root)
- ### The new current child is the last sibling of the old root
- currentAST.child = currentAST.root
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### Set the new root
- currentAST.root = root
-### funcs to work on trees ###
-def rightmost(ast):
- if ast:
- while(ast.right):
- ast = ast.right
- return ast
-def cmptree(s,t,partial):
- while(s and t):
- ### as a quick optimization, check roots first.
- if not s.equals(t):
- return False
- ### if roots match, do full list match test on children.
- if not cmptree(s.getFirstChild(),t.getFirstChild(),partial):
- return False
- s = s.getNextSibling()
- t = t.getNextSibling()
- r = ifelse(partial,not t,not s and not t)
- return r
-### AST ###
-class AST(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def addChild(self, c):
- pass
- def equals(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsList(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsListPartial(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsTree(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsTreePartial(self, t):
- return False
- def findAll(self, tree):
- return None
- def findAllPartial(self, subtree):
- return None
- def getFirstChild(self):
- return self
- def getNextSibling(self):
- return self
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- def getType(self):
- def getLine(self):
- return 0
- def getColumn(self):
- return 0
- def getNumberOfChildren(self):
- return 0
- def initialize(self, t, txt):
- pass
- def initialize(self, t):
- pass
- def setFirstChild(self, c):
- pass
- def setNextSibling(self, n):
- pass
- def setText(self, text):
- pass
- def setType(self, ttype):
- pass
- def toString(self):
- self.getText()
- __str__ = toString
- def toStringList(self):
- return self.getText()
- def toStringTree(self):
- return self.getText()
-### ASTNULLType ###
-### There is only one instance of this class **/
-class ASTNULLType(AST):
- def __init__(self):
- AST.__init__(self)
- pass
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- def getType(self):
-### BaseAST ###
-class BaseAST(AST):
- verboseStringConversion = False
- tokenNames = None
- def __init__(self):
- self.down = None ## kid
- self.right = None ## sibling
- def addChild(self,node):
- if node:
- t = rightmost(self.down)
- if t:
- t.right = node
- else:
- assert not self.down
- self.down = node
- def getNumberOfChildren(self):
- t = self.down
- n = 0
- while t:
- n += 1
- t = t.right
- return n
- def doWorkForFindAll(self,v,target,partialMatch):
- sibling = self
- while sibling:
- c1 = partialMatch and sibling.equalsTreePartial(target)
- if c1:
- v.append(sibling)
- else:
- c2 = not partialMatch and sibling.equalsTree(target)
- if c2:
- v.append(sibling)
- ### regardless of match or not, check any children for matches
- if sibling.getFirstChild():
- sibling.getFirstChild().doWorkForFindAll(v,target,partialMatch)
- sibling = sibling.getNextSibling()
- ### Is node t equal to 'self' in terms of token type and text?
- def equals(self,t):
- if not t:
- return False
- return self.getText() == t.getText() and self.getType() == t.getType()
- ### Is t an exact structural and equals() match of this tree. The
- ### 'self' reference is considered the start of a sibling list.
- ###
- def equalsList(self, t):
- return cmptree(self, t, partial=False)
- ### Is 't' a subtree of this list?
- ### The siblings of the root are NOT ignored.
- ###
- def equalsListPartial(self,t):
- return cmptree(self,t,partial=True)
- ### Is tree rooted at 'self' equal to 't'? The siblings
- ### of 'self' are ignored.
- ###
- def equalsTree(self, t):
- return self.equals(t) and \
- cmptree(self.getFirstChild(), t.getFirstChild(), partial=False)
- ### Is 't' a subtree of the tree rooted at 'self'? The siblings
- ### of 'self' are ignored.
- ###
- def equalsTreePartial(self, t):
- if not t:
- return True
- return self.equals(t) and cmptree(
- self.getFirstChild(), t.getFirstChild(), partial=True)
- ### Walk the tree looking for all exact subtree matches. Return
- ### an ASTEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list
- ### of subtree roots found herein.
- def findAll(self,target):
- roots = []
- ### the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration
- if not target:
- return None
- # find all matches recursively
- self.doWorkForFindAll(roots, target, False)
- return roots
- ### Walk the tree looking for all subtrees. Return
- ### an ASTEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list
- ### of subtree roots found herein.
- def findAllPartial(self,sub):
- roots = []
- ### the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration
- if not sub:
- return None
- self.doWorkForFindAll(roots, sub, True) ### find all matches recursively
- return roots
- ### Get the first child of this node None if not children
- def getFirstChild(self):
- return self.down
- ### Get the next sibling in line after this one
- def getNextSibling(self):
- return self.right
- ### Get the token text for this node
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- ### Get the token type for this node
- def getType(self):
- return 0
- def getLine(self):
- return 0
- def getColumn(self):
- return 0
- ### Remove all children */
- def removeChildren(self):
- self.down = None
- def setFirstChild(self,c):
- self.down = c
- def setNextSibling(self, n):
- self.right = n
- ### Set the token text for this node
- def setText(self, text):
- pass
- ### Set the token type for this node
- def setType(self, ttype):
- pass
- ### static
- def setVerboseStringConversion(verbose,names):
- verboseStringConversion = verbose
- tokenNames = names
- setVerboseStringConversion = staticmethod(setVerboseStringConversion)
- ### Return an array of strings that maps token ID to it's text.
- ## @since 2.7.3
- def getTokenNames():
- return tokenNames
- def toString(self):
- return self.getText()
- ### return tree as lisp string - sibling included
- def toStringList(self):
- ts = self.toStringTree()
- sib = self.getNextSibling()
- if sib:
- ts += sib.toStringList()
- return ts
- __str__ = toStringList
- ### return tree as string - siblings ignored
- def toStringTree(self):
- ts = ""
- kid = self.getFirstChild()
- if kid:
- ts += " ("
- ts += " " + self.toString()
- if kid:
- ts += kid.toStringList()
- ts += " )"
- return ts
-### CommonAST ###
-### Common AST node implementation
-class CommonAST(BaseAST):
- def __init__(self,token=None):
- super(CommonAST,self).__init__()
- self.ttype = INVALID_TYPE
- self.text = ""
- self.line = 0
- self.column= 0
- self.initialize(token)
- #assert self.text
- ### Get the token text for this node
- def getText(self):
- return self.text
- ### Get the token type for this node
- def getType(self):
- return self.ttype
- ### Get the line for this node
- def getLine(self):
- return self.line
- ### Get the column for this node
- def getColumn(self):
- return self.column
- def initialize(self,*args):
- if not args:
- return
- arg0 = args[0]
- if isinstance(arg0,int):
- arg1 = args[1]
- self.setType(arg0)
- self.setText(arg1)
- return
- if isinstance(arg0,AST) or isinstance(arg0,Token):
- self.setText(arg0.getText())
- self.setType(arg0.getType())
- self.line = arg0.getLine()
- self.column = arg0.getColumn()
- return
- ### Set the token text for this node
- def setText(self,text_):
- assert is_string_type(text_)
- self.text = text_
- ### Set the token type for this node
- def setType(self,ttype_):
- assert isinstance(ttype_,int)
- self.ttype = ttype_
-### CommonASTWithHiddenTokens ###
-class CommonASTWithHiddenTokens(CommonAST):
- def __init__(self,*args):
- CommonAST.__init__(self,*args)
- self.hiddenBefore = None
- self.hiddenAfter = None
- def getHiddenAfter(self):
- return self.hiddenAfter
- def getHiddenBefore(self):
- return self.hiddenBefore
- def initialize(self,*args):
- CommonAST.initialize(self,*args)
- if args and isinstance(args[0],Token):
- assert isinstance(args[0],CommonHiddenStreamToken)
- self.hiddenBefore = args[0].getHiddenBefore()
- self.hiddenAfter = args[0].getHiddenAfter()
-### ASTPair ###
-class ASTPair(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.root = None ### current root of tree
- self.child = None ### current child to which siblings are added
- ### Make sure that child is the last sibling */
- def advanceChildToEnd(self):
- if self.child:
- while self.child.getNextSibling():
- self.child = self.child.getNextSibling()
- ### Copy an ASTPair. Don't call it clone() because we want type-safety */
- def copy(self):
- tmp = ASTPair()
- tmp.root = self.root
- tmp.child = self.child
- return tmp
- def toString(self):
- r = ifelse(not root,"null",self.root.getText())
- c = ifelse(not child,"null",self.child.getText())
- return "[%s,%s]" % (r,c)
- __str__ = toString
- __repr__ = toString
-### ASTFactory ###
-class ASTFactory(object):
- def __init__(self,table=None):
- self._class = None
- self._classmap = ifelse(table,table,None)
- def create(self,*args):
- if not args:
- return self.create(INVALID_TYPE)
- arg0 = args[0]
- arg1 = None
- arg2 = None
- try:
- arg1 = args[1]
- arg2 = args[2]
- except:
- pass
- # ctor(int)
- if isinstance(arg0,int) and not arg2:
- ### get class for 'self' type
- c = self.getASTNodeType(arg0)
- t = self.create(c)
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0, ifelse(arg1,arg1,""))
- return t
- # ctor(int,something)
- if isinstance(arg0,int) and arg2:
- t = self.create(arg2)
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0,arg1)
- return t
- # ctor(AST)
- if isinstance(arg0,AST):
- t = self.create(arg0.getType())
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0)
- return t
- # ctor(token)
- if isinstance(arg0,Token) and not arg1:
- ttype = arg0.getType()
- assert isinstance(ttype,int)
- t = self.create(ttype)
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0)
- return t
- # ctor(token,class)
- if isinstance(arg0,Token) and arg1:
- assert isinstance(arg1,type)
- assert issubclass(arg1,AST)
- # this creates instance of 'arg1' using 'arg0' as
- # argument. Wow, that's magic!
- t = arg1(arg0)
- assert t and isinstance(t,AST)
- return t
- # ctor(class)
- if isinstance(arg0,type):
- ### next statement creates instance of type (!)
- t = arg0()
- assert isinstance(t,AST)
- return t
- def setASTNodeClass(self,className=None):
- if not className:
- return
- assert isinstance(className,type)
- assert issubclass(className,AST)
- self._class = className
- ### kind of misnomer - use setASTNodeClass instead.
- setASTNodeType = setASTNodeClass
- def getASTNodeClass(self):
- return self._class
- def getTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self):
- return self._classmap
- def setTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self,amap):
- self._classmap = amap
- def error(self, e):
- import sys
- print >> sys.stderr, e
- def setTokenTypeASTNodeType(self, tokenType, className):
- """
- Specify a mapping between a token type and a (AST) class.
- """
- if not self._classmap:
- self._classmap = {}
- if not className:
- try:
- del self._classmap[tokenType]
- except:
- pass
- else:
- ### here we should also perform actions to ensure that
- ### a. class can be loaded
- ### b. class is a subclass of AST
- ###
- assert isinstance(className,type)
- assert issubclass(className,AST) ## a & b
- ### enter the class
- self._classmap[tokenType] = className
- def getASTNodeType(self,tokenType):
- """
- For a given token type return the AST node type. First we
- lookup a mapping table, second we try _class
- and finally we resolve to "antlr.CommonAST".
- """
- # first
- if self._classmap:
- try:
- c = self._classmap[tokenType]
- if c:
- return c
- except:
- pass
- # second
- if self._class:
- return self._class
- # default
- return CommonAST
- ### methods that have been moved to file scope - just listed
- ### here to be somewhat consistent with original API
- def dup(self,t):
- return antlr.dup(t,self)
- def dupList(self,t):
- return antlr.dupList(t,self)
- def dupTree(self,t):
- return antlr.dupTree(t,self)
- ### methods moved to other classes
- ### 1. makeASTRoot -> Parser
- ### 2. addASTChild -> Parser
- ### non-standard: create alias for longish method name
- maptype = setTokenTypeASTNodeType
-### ASTVisitor ###
-class ASTVisitor(object):
- def __init__(self,*args):
- pass
- def visit(self,ast):
- pass
-### static methods and variables ###
-### wh: moved from ASTFactory as there's nothing ASTFactory-specific
-### in this method.
-def make(*nodes):
- if not nodes:
- return None
- for i in xrange(0,len(nodes)):
- node = nodes[i]
- if node:
- assert isinstance(node,AST)
- root = nodes[0]
- tail = None
- if root:
- root.setFirstChild(None)
- for i in xrange(1,len(nodes)):
- if not nodes[i]:
- continue
- if not root:
- root = tail = nodes[i]
- elif not tail:
- root.setFirstChild(nodes[i])
- tail = root.getFirstChild()
- else:
- tail.setNextSibling(nodes[i])
- tail = tail.getNextSibling()
- ### Chase tail to last sibling
- while tail.getNextSibling():
- tail = tail.getNextSibling()
- return root
-def dup(t,factory):
- if not t:
- return None
- if factory:
- dup_t = factory.create(t.__class__)
- else:
- raise TypeError("dup function requires ASTFactory argument")
- dup_t.initialize(t)
- return dup_t
-def dupList(t,factory):
- result = dupTree(t,factory)
- nt = result
- while t:
- ## for each sibling of the root
- t = t.getNextSibling()
- nt.setNextSibling(dupTree(t,factory))
- nt = nt.getNextSibling()
- return result
-def dupTree(t,factory):
- result = dup(t,factory)
- if t:
- result.setFirstChild(dupList(t.getFirstChild(),factory))
- return result
-### $Id: 3750 2009-02-13 00:13:04Z sjmachin $
-# Local Variables: ***
-# mode: python ***
-# py-indent-offset: 4 ***
-# End: ***
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/doc/xlwt.html b/tablib/packages/xlwt/doc/xlwt.html
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index 6efb6988..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/doc/xlwt.html
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@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-The xlwt Module
-The xlwt Module
-A Python package for generating Microsoft Excel ™ spreadsheet files.
-General information
-State of Documentation
-This documentation is currently incomplete. There may be methods and
-classes not included and any item marked with a [NC] is not complete and may have further
-parameters, methods, attributes and functionality that are not
-documented. In these cases, you'll have to refer to the source if the
-documentation provided is insufficient.
-Module Contents [NC]
- - easyxf (function)
- -
- This function is used to create and configure XFStyle objects
- for use with (for example) the Worksheet.write method.
- - strg_to_parse
- -
- A string to be parsed to obtain attribute values for Alignment, Borders, Font,
- Pattern and Protection objects. Refer to the examples
- in the file .../examples/ and to the xf_dict
- dictionary in Various synonyms including color/colour, center/centre and gray/grey
- are allowed. Case is irrelevant (except maybe in font names). '-' may be used instead
- of '_'.
- Example: "font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center"
- - num_format_str
- -
- To get the "number format string" of an existing cell whose format you want to reproduce,
- select the cell and click on Format/Cells/Number/Custom. Otherwise, refer to Excel help.
- Examples: "#,##0.00", "dd/mm/yyyy"
- - Returns:
- -
- An object of the XFstyle class
- - Workbook (class) [#]
- -
The class to instantiate to create a workbook
- For more information about this class, see The Workbook Class.
- - Worksheet (class) [#]
- -
A class to represent the contents of a sheet in a workbook.
- For more information about this class, see The Worksheet Class.
-- Workbook(encoding='ascii',style_compression=0) (class) [#]
- This is a class representing a workbook and all its contents.
- When creating Excel files with xlwt, you will normally start by
- instantiating an object of this class.
- - encoding
- -
- [NC]
- - style_compression
- -
- [NC]
- - Returns:
- -
- An object of the Workbook class
-- add_sheet(sheetname) [#]
- This method is used to create Worksheets in a Workbook.
- - sheetname
- -
- The name to use for this sheet, as it will appear in the tabs at
- the bottom of the Excel application.
- - Returns:
- -
- An object of the Worksheet class
-- save(filename_or_stream) [#]
- This method is used to save Workbook to a file in native Excel format.
- - filename_or_stream
- -
- This can be a string containing a filename of the file, in which case
- the excel file is saved to disk using the name provided.
- It can also be a stream object with a write method, such as a
- StringIO, in which case the data for the excel file is written
- to the stream.
-- Worksheet(sheetname, parent_book) (class) [#]
- This is a class representing the contents of a sheet in a workbook.
- WARNING: You don't normally create instances of this class
- yourself. They are returned from calls to Workbook.add_sheet
-- write(r, c, label="", style=Style.default_style) [#]
- This method is used to write a cell to a Worksheet..
- - r
- -
- The zero-relative number of the row in the worksheet to which the cell should be written.
- - c
- -
- The zero-relative number of the column in the worksheet to which the cell should be written.
- - label
- -
- The data value to be written.
- An int, long, or decimal.Decimal instance is converted to float.
- A unicode instance is written as is.
- A str instance is converted to unicode using the encoding (default: 'ascii') specified
- when the Workbook instance was created.
- A datetime.datetime,, or datetime.time instance is converted into Excel date format
- (a float representing the number of days since (typically) 1899-12-31T00:00:00,
- under the pretence that 1900 was a leap year).
- A bool instance will show up as TRUE or FALSE in Excel.
- None causes the cell to be blank -- no data, only formatting.
- An xlwt.Formula instance causes an Excel formula to be written.
- [NC]
- - style
- -
- A style -- also known as an XF (extended format) -- is an XFStyle object, which encapsulates
- the formatting applied to the cell and its contents. XFStyle objects are best set up using the
- easyxf function. They may also be set up by setting attributes in
- Alignment, Borders, Pattern, Font and Protection objects
- then setting those objects and a format string as attributes of an XFStyle object.
- [NC]
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 91db1234..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# tries stress SST, SAT and MSAT
-from time import *
-from xlwt.Workbook import *
-from xlwt.Style import *
-style = XFStyle()
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0')
-colcount = 200 + 1
-rowcount = 6000 + 1
-t0 = time()
-print "\nstart: %s" % ctime(t0)
-print "Filling..."
-for col in xrange(colcount):
- print "[%d]" % col,
- for row in xrange(rowcount):
- #ws0.write(row, col, "BIG(%d, %d)" % (row, col))
- ws0.write(row, col, "BIG")
-t1 = time() - t0
-print "\nsince starting elapsed %.2f s" % (t1)
-print "Storing..."'big-16Mb.xls')
-t2 = time() - t0
-print "since starting elapsed %.2f s" % (t2)
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index 74be5a77..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# tries stress SST, SAT and MSAT
-from time import *
-from xlwt import *
-style = XFStyle()
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0')
-colcount = 200 + 1
-rowcount = 6000 + 1
-t0 = time()
-print "\nstart: %s" % ctime(t0)
-print "Filling..."
-for col in xrange(colcount):
- print "[%d]" % col,
- for row in xrange(rowcount):
- ws0.write(row, col, "BIG(%d, %d)" % (row, col))
- #ws0.write(row, col, "BIG")
-t1 = time() - t0
-print "\nsince starting elapsed %.2f s" % (t1)
-print "Storing..."'big-35Mb.xls')
-t2 = time() - t0
-print "since starting elapsed %.2f s" % (t2)
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index 056a3ec9..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-font0 = Font() = 'Times New Roman'
-font0.struck_out = True
-font0.bold = True
-style0 = XFStyle()
-style0.font = font0
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0')
-ws0.write(1, 1, 'Test', style0)
-for i in range(0, 0x53):
- borders = Borders()
- borders.left = i
- borders.right = i
- = i
- borders.bottom = i
- style = XFStyle()
- style.borders = borders
- ws0.write(i, 2, '', style)
- ws0.write(i, 3, hex(i), style0)
-ws0.write_merge(5, 8, 6, 10, "")
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index 6e6cb337..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-__rev_id__ = """$Id: 3315 2008-03-14 14:44:52Z chris $"""
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
-for i in range(6, 80):
- fnt = Font()
- fnt.height = i*20
- style = XFStyle()
- style.font = fnt
- ws.write(1, i, 'Test')
- ws.col(i).width = 0x0d00 + i'col_width.xls')
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index cb26e294..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2007 John Machin
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-w.country_code = 61
-ws = w.add_sheet('AU')'country.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 389b93b9..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-from datetime import datetime
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
-fmts = [
- 'M/D/YY',
- 'D-MMM-YY',
- 'D-MMM',
- 'MMM-YY',
- 'h:mm AM/PM',
- 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
- 'h:mm',
- 'h:mm:ss',
- 'M/D/YY h:mm',
- 'mm:ss',
- '[h]:mm:ss',
- 'mm:ss.0',
-i = 0
-for fmt in fmts:
- ws.write(i, 0, fmt)
- style = XFStyle()
- style.num_format_str = fmt
- ws.write(i, 4,, style)
- i += 1
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index fd49e0a6..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-font0 = Font() = 'Times New Roman'
-font0.struck_out = True
-font0.bold = True
-style0 = XFStyle()
-style0.font = font0
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0')
-ws0.write(1, 1, 'Test', style0)
-for i in range(0, 0x53):
- fnt = Font()
- = 'Arial'
- fnt.colour_index = i
- fnt.outline = True
- borders = Borders()
- borders.left = i
- style = XFStyle()
- style.font = fnt
- style.borders = borders
- ws0.write(i, 2, 'colour', style)
- ws0.write(i, 3, hex(i), style0)
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index f0354bc4..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-from xlwt.ExcelFormulaParser import FormulaParseException
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('F')
-## This example is a little silly since the formula building is
-## so simplistic that it often fails because the generated text
-## has the wrong number of parameters for the function being
-## tested.
-i = 0
-succeed_count = 0
-fail_count = 0
-for n in sorted(ExcelMagic.std_func_by_name):
- ws.write(i, 0, n)
- text = n + "($A$1)"
- try:
- formula = Formula(text)
- except FormulaParseException,e:
- print "Could not parse %r: %s" % (text,e.args[0])
- fail_count += 1
- else:
- ws.write(i, 3, formula)
- succeed_count += 1
- i += 1
-print "succeeded with %i functions, failed with %i" % (succeed_count,fail_count)
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index b89f5f5e..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('F')
-ws.write(0, 0, Formula("-(1+1)"))
-ws.write(1, 0, Formula("-(1+1)/(-2-2)"))
-ws.write(2, 0, Formula("-(134.8780789+1)"))
-ws.write(3, 0, Formula("-(134.8780789e-10+1)"))
-ws.write(4, 0, Formula("-1/(1+1)+9344"))
-ws.write(0, 1, Formula("-(1+1)"))
-ws.write(1, 1, Formula("-(1+1)/(-2-2)"))
-ws.write(2, 1, Formula("-(134.8780789+1)"))
-ws.write(3, 1, Formula("-(134.8780789e-10+1)"))
-ws.write(4, 1, Formula("-1/(1+1)+9344"))
-ws.write(0, 2, Formula("A1*B1"))
-ws.write(1, 2, Formula("A2*B2"))
-ws.write(2, 2, Formula("A3*B3"))
-ws.write(3, 2, Formula("A4*B4*sin(pi()/4)"))
-ws.write(4, 2, Formula("A5%*B5*pi()/1000"))
-## NOTE: parameters are separated by semicolon!!!
-ws.write(5, 2, Formula("C1+C2+C3+C4+C5/(C1+C2+C3+C4/(C1+C2+C3+C4/(C1+C2+C3+C4)+C5)+C5)-20.3e-2"))
-ws.write(5, 3, Formula("C1^2"))
-ws.write(6, 2, Formula("SUM(C1;C2;;;;;C3;;;C4)"))
-ws.write(6, 3, Formula("SUM($A$1:$C$5)"))
-ws.write(7, 0, Formula('"lkjljllkllkl"'))
-ws.write(7, 1, Formula('"yuyiyiyiyi"'))
-ws.write(7, 2, Formula('A8 & B8 & A8'))
-ws.write(8, 2, Formula('now()'))
-ws.write(10, 2, Formula('TRUE'))
-ws.write(11, 2, Formula('FALSE'))
-ws.write(12, 3, Formula('IF(A1>A2;3;"hkjhjkhk")'))
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index 8de611bb..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-f = Font()
-f.height = 20*72 = 'Verdana'
-f.bold = True
-f.underline = Font.UNDERLINE_DOUBLE
-f.colour_index = 4
-h_style = XFStyle()
-h_style.font = f
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('F')
-## NOTE: parameters are separated by semicolon!!!
-ws.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 10, Formula(n + '("";"f1000.pdf")'), h_style)
-ws.write_merge(2, 2, 2, 25, Formula(n + '(",%20Roman!";"pyExcelerator-feedback")'), h_style)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
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index f926b8d3..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Image')
-ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 2, 2)
-ws.insert_bitmap('python.bmp', 10, 2)
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index f7f9c57d..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
-fnt.colour_index = 4
-fnt.bold = True
-borders = Borders()
-borders.left = 6
-borders.right = 6 = 6
-borders.bottom = 6
-al = Alignment()
-al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
-al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
-style = XFStyle()
-style.font = fnt
-style.borders = borders
-style.alignment = al
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('sheet0')
-ws1 = wb.add_sheet('sheet1')
-ws2 = wb.add_sheet('sheet2')
-for i in range(0, 0x200, 2):
- ws0.write_merge(i, i+1, 1, 5, 'test %d' % i, style)
- ws1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 7, 'test %d' % i, style)
- ws2.write_merge(i, i+1, 1, 7 + (i%10), 'test %d' % i, style)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93496c66..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('sheet0')
-fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
-fnt.colour_index = 4
-fnt.bold = True
-borders = Borders()
-borders.left = 6
-borders.right = 6 = 6
-borders.bottom = 6
-style = XFStyle()
-style.font = fnt
-style.borders = borders
-ws0.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 5, 'test1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(4, 10, 1, 5, 'test2', style)
-ws0.col(1).width = 0x0d00
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 813530bb..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('sheet0')
-fnt1 = Font() = 'Verdana'
-fnt1.bold = True
-fnt1.height = 18*0x14
-pat1 = Pattern()
-pat1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
-pat1.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
-brd1 = Borders()
-brd1.left = 0x06
-brd1.right = 0x06 = 0x06
-brd1.bottom = 0x06
-fnt2 = Font() = 'Verdana'
-fnt2.bold = True
-fnt2.height = 14*0x14
-brd2 = Borders()
-brd2.left = 0x01
-brd2.right = 0x01 = 0x01
-brd2.bottom = 0x01
-pat2 = Pattern()
-pat2.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
-pat2.pattern_fore_colour = 0x01F
-fnt3 = Font() = 'Verdana'
-fnt3.bold = True
-fnt3.italic = True
-fnt3.height = 12*0x14
-brd3 = Borders()
-brd3.left = 0x07
-brd3.right = 0x07 = 0x07
-brd3.bottom = 0x07
-fnt4 = Font()
-al1 = Alignment()
-al1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
-al1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
-al2 = Alignment()
-al2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
-al2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
-al3 = Alignment()
-al3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
-al3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
-style1 = XFStyle()
-style1.font = fnt1
-style1.alignment = al1
-style1.pattern = pat1
-style1.borders = brd1
-style2 = XFStyle()
-style2.font = fnt2
-style2.alignment = al1
-style2.pattern = pat2
-style2.borders = brd2
-style3 = XFStyle()
-style3.font = fnt3
-style3.alignment = al1
-style3.pattern = pat2
-style3.borders = brd3
-price_style = XFStyle()
-price_style.font = fnt4
-price_style.alignment = al2
-price_style.borders = brd3
-price_style.num_format_str = '_(#,##0.00_) "money"'
-ware_style = XFStyle()
-ware_style.font = fnt4
-ware_style.alignment = al3
-ware_style.borders = brd3
-ws0.merge(3, 3, 1, 5, style1)
-ws0.merge(4, 10, 1, 6, style2)
-ws0.merge(14, 16, 1, 7, style3)
-ws0.col(1).width = 0x0d00
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 61bb30cf..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('xlwt was here')'mini.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a56f6cf..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
-fmts = [
- 'general',
- '0',
- '0.00',
- '#,##0',
- '#,##0.00',
- '"$"#,##0_);("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0_);[Red]("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0.00_);("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]("$"#,##',
- '0%',
- '0.00%',
- '0.00E+00',
- '# ?/?',
- '# ??/??',
- 'M/D/YY',
- 'D-MMM-YY',
- 'D-MMM',
- 'MMM-YY',
- 'h:mm AM/PM',
- 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
- 'h:mm',
- 'h:mm:ss',
- 'M/D/YY h:mm',
- '_(#,##0_);(#,##0)',
- '_(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)',
- '_(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)',
- '_(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)',
- '_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* (#,##0);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)',
- '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)',
- '_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* (#,##0.00);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)',
- '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
- 'mm:ss',
- '[h]:mm:ss',
- 'mm:ss.0',
- '##0.0E+0',
- '@'
-i = 0
-for fmt in fmts:
- ws.write(i, 0, fmt)
- style = XFStyle()
- style.num_format_str = fmt
- ws.write(i, 4, -1278.9078, style)
- i += 1
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 524d9fc1..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
-ws.write(0, 0, 1)
-ws.write(1, 0, 1.23)
-ws.write(2, 0, 12345678)
-ws.write(3, 0, 123456.78)
-ws.write(0, 1, -1)
-ws.write(1, 1, -1.23)
-ws.write(2, 1, -12345678)
-ws.write(3, 1, -123456.78)
-ws.write(0, 2, -17867868678687.0)
-ws.write(1, 2, -1.23e-5)
-ws.write(2, 2, -12345678.90780980)
-ws.write(3, 2, -123456.78)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45b8df9a..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
-fnt.colour_index = 4
-fnt.bold = True
-borders = Borders()
-borders.left = 6
-borders.right = 6 = 6
-borders.bottom = 6
-style = XFStyle()
-style.font = fnt
-style.borders = borders
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('Rows Outline')
-ws0.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws0.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws0.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws0.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws0.row(1).level = 1
-ws0.row(2).level = 1
-ws0.row(3).level = 2
-ws0.row(4).level = 2
-ws0.row(5).level = 2
-ws0.row(6).level = 2
-ws0.row(7).level = 2
-ws0.row(8).level = 1
-ws0.row(9).level = 1
-ws1 = wb.add_sheet('Columns Outline')
-ws1.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws1.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws1.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws1.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws1.col(1).level = 1
-ws1.col(2).level = 1
-ws1.col(3).level = 2
-ws1.col(4).level = 2
-ws1.col(5).level = 2
-ws1.col(6).level = 2
-ws1.col(7).level = 2
-ws1.col(8).level = 1
-ws1.col(9).level = 1
-ws2 = wb.add_sheet('Rows and Columns Outline')
-ws2.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws2.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws2.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws2.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws2.row(1).level = 1
-ws2.row(2).level = 1
-ws2.row(3).level = 2
-ws2.row(4).level = 2
-ws2.row(5).level = 2
-ws2.row(6).level = 2
-ws2.row(7).level = 2
-ws2.row(8).level = 1
-ws2.row(9).level = 1
-ws2.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws2.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws2.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws2.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws2.col(1).level = 1
-ws2.col(2).level = 1
-ws2.col(3).level = 2
-ws2.col(4).level = 2
-ws2.col(5).level = 2
-ws2.col(6).level = 2
-ws2.col(7).level = 2
-ws2.col(8).level = 1
-ws2.col(9).level = 1
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fd83b0a..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws1 = w.add_sheet('sheet 1')
-ws2 = w.add_sheet('sheet 2')
-ws3 = w.add_sheet('sheet 3')
-ws4 = w.add_sheet('sheet 4')
-ws5 = w.add_sheet('sheet 5')
-ws6 = w.add_sheet('sheet 6')
-for i in range(0x100):
- ws1.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, i)
-for i in range(0x100):
- ws2.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, i)
-for i in range(0x100):
- ws3.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, i)
-for i in range(0x100):
- ws4.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, i)
-for i in range(0x100):
- ws5.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, i)
-for i in range(0x100):
- ws6.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, i)
-ws1.panes_frozen = True
-ws1.horz_split_pos = 2
-ws2.panes_frozen = True
-ws2.vert_split_pos = 2
-ws3.panes_frozen = True
-ws3.horz_split_pos = 1
-ws3.vert_split_pos = 1
-ws4.panes_frozen = False
-ws4.horz_split_pos = 12
-ws4.horz_split_first_visible = 2
-ws5.panes_frozen = False
-ws5.vert_split_pos = 40
-ws4.vert_split_first_visible = 2
-ws6.panes_frozen = False
-ws6.horz_split_pos = 12
-ws4.horz_split_first_visible = 2
-ws6.vert_split_pos = 40
-ws4.vert_split_first_visible = 2
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06f68eb2..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from xlwt import ExcelFormulaParser, ExcelFormula
-import sys
-f = ExcelFormula.Formula(
-""" -((1.80 + 2.898 * 1)/(1.80 + 2.898))*
-AVERAGE((1.80 + 2.898 * 1)/(1.80 + 2.898);
- (1.80 + 2.898 * 1)/(1.80 + 2.898);
- (1.80 + 2.898 * 1)/(1.80 + 2.898)) +
-#for t in f.rpn():
-# print "%15s %15s" % (ExcelFormulaParser.PtgNames[t[0]], t[1])
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index db54cb01..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-fnt = Font() = 'Arial'
-fnt.colour_index = 4
-fnt.bold = True
-borders = Borders()
-borders.left = 6
-borders.right = 6 = 6
-borders.bottom = 6
-style = XFStyle()
-style.font = fnt
-style.borders = borders
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('Rows Outline')
-ws0.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws0.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws0.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws0.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws0.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws0.row(1).level = 1
-ws0.row(2).level = 1
-ws0.row(3).level = 2
-ws0.row(4).level = 2
-ws0.row(5).level = 2
-ws0.row(6).level = 2
-ws0.row(7).level = 2
-ws0.row(8).level = 1
-ws0.row(9).level = 1
-ws1 = wb.add_sheet('Columns Outline')
-ws1.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws1.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws1.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws1.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws1.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws1.col(1).level = 1
-ws1.col(2).level = 1
-ws1.col(3).level = 2
-ws1.col(4).level = 2
-ws1.col(5).level = 2
-ws1.col(6).level = 2
-ws1.col(7).level = 2
-ws1.col(8).level = 1
-ws1.col(9).level = 1
-ws2 = wb.add_sheet('Rows and Columns Outline')
-ws2.write_merge(1, 1, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(3, 3, 1, 3, 'test 2', style)
-ws2.write_merge(4, 4, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(5, 5, 1, 4, 'test 3', style)
-ws2.write_merge(6, 6, 1, 5, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(7, 7, 1, 5, 'test 4', style)
-ws2.write_merge(8, 8, 1, 4, 'test 1', style)
-ws2.write_merge(9, 9, 1, 3, 'test 5', style)
-ws2.row(1).level = 1
-ws2.row(2).level = 1
-ws2.row(3).level = 2
-ws2.row(4).level = 2
-ws2.row(5).level = 2
-ws2.row(6).level = 2
-ws2.row(7).level = 2
-ws2.row(8).level = 1
-ws2.row(9).level = 1
-ws2.col(1).level = 1
-ws2.col(2).level = 1
-ws2.col(3).level = 2
-ws2.col(4).level = 2
-ws2.col(5).level = 2
-ws2.col(6).level = 2
-ws2.col(7).level = 2
-ws2.col(8).level = 1
-ws2.col(9).level = 1
-ws0.protect = True
-ws0.wnd_protect = True
-ws0.obj_protect = True
-ws0.scen_protect = True
-ws0.password = "123456"
-ws1.protect = True
-ws1.wnd_protect = True
-ws1.obj_protect = True
-ws1.scen_protect = True
-ws1.password = "abcdefghij"
-ws2.protect = True
-ws2.wnd_protect = True
-ws2.obj_protect = True
-ws2.scen_protect = True
-ws2.password = "ok"
-wb.protect = True
-wb.wnd_protect = True
-wb.obj_protect = True'protection.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/python.bmp b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/python.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1ba3fb..00000000
Binary files a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/python.bmp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6d4949..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
-for i in range(6, 80):
- fnt = Font()
- fnt.height = i*20
- style = XFStyle()
- style.font = fnt
- ws.write(i, 1, 'Test')
- ws.row(i).set_style(style)'row_styles.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf6a65c2..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-__rev_id__ = """$Id: 3309 2008-03-14 11:04:30Z chris $"""
-from pyExcelerator import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws = w.add_sheet('Hey, Dude')
-for i in range(6, 80):
- fnt = Font()
- fnt.height = i*20
- style = XFStyle()
- style.font = fnt
- ws.row(i).set_style(style)'row_styles_empty.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44f7622d..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import xlwt
-from datetime import datetime
-font0 = xlwt.Font() = 'Times New Roman'
-font0.colour_index = 2
-font0.bold = True
-style0 = xlwt.XFStyle()
-style0.font = font0
-style1 = xlwt.XFStyle()
-style1.num_format_str = 'D-MMM-YY'
-wb = xlwt.Workbook()
-ws = wb.add_sheet('A Test Sheet')
-ws.write(0, 0, 'Test', style0)
-ws.write(1, 0,, style1)
-ws.write(2, 0, 1)
-ws.write(2, 1, 1)
-ws.write(2, 2, xlwt.Formula("A3+B3"))
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index b91c2f5e..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-font0 = Formatting.Font() = 'Arial'
-font1 = Formatting.Font() = 'Arial Cyr'
-font2 = Formatting.Font() = 'Times New Roman'
-font3 = Formatting.Font() = 'Courier New Cyr'
-num_format0 = '0.00000'
-num_format1 = '0.000000'
-num_format2 = '0.0000000'
-num_format3 = '0.00000000'
-st0 = XFStyle()
-st1 = XFStyle()
-st2 = XFStyle()
-st3 = XFStyle()
-st4 = XFStyle()
-st0.font = font0
-st0.num_format = num_format0
-st1.font = font1
-st1.num_format = num_format1
-st2.font = font2
-st2.num_format = num_format2
-st3.font = font3
-st3.num_format = num_format3
-wb = Workbook()
-ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0')
-ws0.write(0, 0, 'Olya'*0x4000, st0)
-#for i in range(0, 0x10):
-# ws0.write(i, 2, ('%d'%i)*0x4000, st1)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3651ec9e..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import xlwt
-# Strings passed to (for example) Worksheet.write can be unicode objects,
-# or str (8-bit) objects, which are then decoded into unicode.
-# The encoding to be used defaults to 'ascii'. This can be overridden
-# when the Workbook instance is created:
-book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='cp1251')
-sheet = book.add_sheet('cp1251-demo')
-sheet.write(0, 0, '\xce\xeb\xff')'unicode0.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e99cc2..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws1.write(2,0, u'A\u2262\u0391.') # RFC2152 example
-ws1.write(3,0, u'Hi Mom -\u263a-!') # RFC2152 example
-ws1.write(4,0, u'\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E') # RFC2152 example
-ws1.write(5,0, u'Item 3 is \u00a31.') # RFC2152 example
-ws1.write(8,0, u'\N{INTEGRAL}') # RFC2152 example
-w.add_sheet(u'A\u2262\u0391.') # RFC2152 example
-w.add_sheet(u'Hi Mom -\u263a-!') # RFC2152 example
-one_more_ws = w.add_sheet(u'\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E') # RFC2152 example
-w.add_sheet(u'Item 3 is \u00a31.') # RFC2152 example
-one_more_ws.write(0, 0, u'\u2665\u2665')
-w.add_sheet(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH TONOS}')'unicode1.xls')
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18904b00..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: windows-1251 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Kiseliov Roman
-from xlwt import *
-w = Workbook()
-ws1 = w.add_sheet(u'\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA}\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA}\u2665\u041e\u041b\u042f\u2665')
-fnt = Font()
-fnt.height = 26*20
-style = XFStyle()
-style.font = fnt
-for i in range(0x10000):
- ws1.write(i/0x10, i%0x10, unichr(i), style)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index adc5a049..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-props = \
- 'name',
- 'parent',
- 'rows',
- 'cols',
- 'merged_ranges',
- 'bmp_rec',
- 'show_formulas',
- 'show_grid',
- 'show_headers',
- 'panes_frozen',
- 'show_empty_as_zero',
- 'auto_colour_grid',
- 'cols_right_to_left',
- 'show_outline',
- 'remove_splits',
- 'selected',
- 'hidden',
- 'page_preview',
- 'first_visible_row',
- 'first_visible_col',
- 'grid_colour',
- 'preview_magn',
- 'normal_magn',
- 'row_gut_width',
- 'col_gut_height',
- 'show_auto_page_breaks',
- 'dialogue_sheet',
- 'auto_style_outline',
- 'outline_below',
- 'outline_right',
- 'fit_num_pages',
- 'show_row_outline',
- 'show_col_outline',
- 'alt_expr_eval',
- 'alt_formula_entries',
- 'row_default_height',
- 'col_default_width',
- 'calc_mode',
- 'calc_count',
- 'RC_ref_mode',
- 'iterations_on',
- 'delta',
- 'save_recalc',
- 'print_headers',
- 'print_grid',
- 'grid_set',
- 'vert_page_breaks',
- 'horz_page_breaks',
- 'header_str',
- 'footer_str',
- 'print_centered_vert',
- 'print_centered_horz',
- 'left_margin',
- 'right_margin',
- 'top_margin',
- 'bottom_margin',
- 'paper_size_code',
- 'print_scaling',
- 'start_page_number',
- 'fit_width_to_pages',
- 'fit_height_to_pages',
- 'print_in_rows',
- 'portrait',
- 'print_not_colour',
- 'print_draft',
- 'print_notes',
- 'print_notes_at_end',
- 'print_omit_errors',
- 'print_hres',
- 'print_vres',
- 'header_margin',
- 'footer_margin',
- 'copies_num',
-from xlwt import *
-wb = Workbook()
-ws = wb.add_sheet('sheet')
-print ws.parent
-print ws.rows
-print ws.cols
-print ws.merged_ranges
-print ws.bmp_rec
-print ws.show_formulas
-print ws.show_grid
-print ws.show_headers
-print ws.panes_frozen
-print ws.show_empty_as_zero
-print ws.auto_colour_grid
-print ws.cols_right_to_left
-print ws.show_outline
-print ws.remove_splits
-print ws.selected
-# print ws.hidden
-print ws.page_preview
-print ws.first_visible_row
-print ws.first_visible_col
-print ws.grid_colour
-print ws.preview_magn
-print ws.normal_magn
-#print ws.row_gut_width
-#print ws.col_gut_height
-print ws.show_auto_page_breaks
-print ws.dialogue_sheet
-print ws.auto_style_outline
-print ws.outline_below
-print ws.outline_right
-print ws.fit_num_pages
-print ws.show_row_outline
-print ws.show_col_outline
-print ws.alt_expr_eval
-print ws.alt_formula_entries
-print ws.row_default_height
-print ws.col_default_width
-print ws.calc_mode
-print ws.calc_count
-print ws.RC_ref_mode
-print ws.iterations_on
-print ws.save_recalc
-print ws.print_headers
-print ws.print_grid
-#print ws.grid_set
-print ws.vert_page_breaks
-print ws.horz_page_breaks
-print ws.header_str
-print ws.footer_str
-print ws.print_centered_vert
-print ws.print_centered_horz
-print ws.left_margin
-print ws.right_margin
-print ws.top_margin
-print ws.bottom_margin
-print ws.paper_size_code
-print ws.print_scaling
-print ws.start_page_number
-print ws.fit_width_to_pages
-print ws.fit_height_to_pages
-print ws.print_in_rows
-print ws.portrait
-print ws.print_colour
-print ws.print_draft
-print ws.print_notes
-print ws.print_notes_at_end
-print ws.print_omit_errors
-print ws.print_hres
-print ws.print_vres
-print ws.header_margin
-print ws.footer_margin
-print ws.copies_num
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2afa69f3..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Write an XLS file with a single worksheet, containing
-# a heading row and some rows of data.
-import xlwt
-import datetime
-ezxf = xlwt.easyxf
-def write_xls(file_name, sheet_name, headings, data, heading_xf, data_xfs):
- book = xlwt.Workbook()
- sheet = book.add_sheet(sheet_name)
- rowx = 0
- for colx, value in enumerate(headings):
- sheet.write(rowx, colx, value, heading_xf)
- sheet.set_panes_frozen(True) # frozen headings instead of split panes
- sheet.set_horz_split_pos(rowx+1) # in general, freeze after last heading row
- sheet.set_remove_splits(True) # if user does unfreeze, don't leave a split there
- for row in data:
- rowx += 1
- for colx, value in enumerate(row):
- sheet.write(rowx, colx, value, data_xfs[colx])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- mkd =
- hdngs = ['Date', 'Stock Code', 'Quantity', 'Unit Price', 'Value', 'Message']
- kinds = 'date text int price money text'.split()
- data = [
- [mkd(2007, 7, 1), 'ABC', 1000, 1.234567, 1234.57, ''],
- [mkd(2007, 12, 31), 'XYZ', -100, 4.654321, -465.43, 'Goods returned'],
- ] + [
- [mkd(2008, 6, 30), 'PQRCD', 100, 2.345678, 234.57, ''],
- ] * 100
- heading_xf = ezxf('font: bold on; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center')
- kind_to_xf_map = {
- 'date': ezxf(num_format_str='yyyy-mm-dd'),
- 'int': ezxf(num_format_str='#,##0'),
- 'money': ezxf('font: italic on; pattern: pattern solid, fore-colour grey25',
- num_format_str='$#,##0.00'),
- 'price': ezxf(num_format_str='#0.000000'),
- 'text': ezxf(),
- }
- data_xfs = [kind_to_xf_map[k] for k in kinds]
- write_xls('xlwt_easyxf_simple_demo.xls', 'Demo', hdngs, data, heading_xf, data_xfs)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt/excel-formula.g b/tablib/packages/xlwt/excel-formula.g
deleted file mode 100644
index d98d9b90..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt/excel-formula.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-header {
- import struct
- import Utils
- from UnicodeUtils import upack1
- from ExcelMagic import *
- _RVAdelta = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40}
- _RVAdeltaRef = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40, "D": 0x20}
- _RVAdeltaArea = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40, "D": 0}
- class FormulaParseException(Exception):
- """
- An exception indicating that a Formula could not be successfully parsed.
- """
-header "ExcelFormulaParser.__init__" {
- self.rpn = ""
- self.sheet_references = []
- self.xcall_references = []
-options {
- language = "Python";
-class ExcelFormulaParser extends Parser;
-options {
- k = 2;
- defaultErrorHandler = false;
- buildAST = false;
-tokens {
- EQ;
- NE;
- GT;
- LT;
- GE;
- LE;
- ADD;
- SUB;
- MUL;
- DIV;
- LP;
- RP;
- LB;
- RB;
- REF2D;
- REF2D_R1C1;
- : expr["V"]
- ;
- : // {print "\n**expr %s" % arg_type}
- prec0_expr[arg_type]
- (
- (
- EQ { op = struct.pack('B', ptgEQ) }
- | NE { op = struct.pack('B', ptgNE) }
- | GT { op = struct.pack('B', ptgGT) }
- | LT { op = struct.pack('B', ptgLT) }
- | GE { op = struct.pack('B', ptgGE) }
- | LE { op = struct.pack('B', ptgLE) }
- )
- prec0_expr[arg_type] { self.rpn += op }
- )*
- ;
- : prec1_expr[arg_type]
- (
- (
- CONCAT { op = struct.pack('B', ptgConcat) }
- )
- prec1_expr[arg_type] { self.rpn += op }
- )*
- ;
- : // {print "**prec1_expr1 %s" % arg_type}
- prec2_expr[arg_type]
- // {print "**prec1_expr2 %s" % arg_type}
- (
- (
- ADD { op = struct.pack('B', ptgAdd) }
- | SUB { op = struct.pack('B', ptgSub) }
- )
- // {print "**prec1_expr3 %s" % arg_type}
- prec2_expr[arg_type]
- { self.rpn += op;
- // print "**prec1_expr4 %s" % arg_type
- }
- )*
- ;
- : prec3_expr[arg_type]
- (
- (
- MUL { op = struct.pack('B', ptgMul) }
- | DIV { op = struct.pack('B', ptgDiv) }
- )
- prec3_expr[arg_type] { self.rpn += op }
- )*
- ;
- : prec4_expr[arg_type]
- (
- (
- POWER { op = struct.pack('B', ptgPower) }
- )
- prec4_expr[arg_type] { self.rpn += op }
- )*
- ;
- : prec5_expr[arg_type]
- (
- PERCENT { self.rpn += struct.pack('B', ptgPercent) }
- )?
- ;
- : primary[arg_type]
- | SUB primary[arg_type] { self.rpn += struct.pack('B', ptgUminus) }
- ;
- {
- self.rpn += struct.pack("2B", ptgBool, 1)
- }
- {
- self.rpn += struct.pack("2B", ptgBool, 0)
- }
- | str_tok:STR_CONST
- {
- self.rpn += struct.pack("B", ptgStr) + upack1(str_tok.text[1:-1].replace("\"\"", "\""))
- }
- | int_tok:INT_CONST
- {
- // print "**int_const", int_tok.text
- int_value = int(int_tok.text)
- if int_value <= 65535:
- self.rpn += struct.pack(" max_argc or arg_count < min_argc:
- raise Exception, "%d parameters for function: %s" % (arg_count, func_tok.text)
- if xcall:
- func_ptg = ptgFuncVarR + _RVAdelta[func_type]
- self.rpn += struct.pack("<2BH", func_ptg, arg_count + 1, 255) // 255 is magic XCALL function
- elif min_argc == max_argc:
- func_ptg = ptgFuncR + _RVAdelta[func_type]
- self.rpn += struct.pack(" 0
- self._tally[idx] -= 1
- self._add_calls -= 1
- def str_index(self, s):
- return self._str_indexes[s]
- def get_biff_record(self):
- self._sst_record = b''
- self._continues = [None, None]
- self._current_piece = pack(' 0x2020: # limit for BIFF7/8
- chunks = []
- pos = 0
- while pos < len(data):
- chunk_pos = pos + 0x2020
- chunk = data[pos:chunk_pos]
- chunks.append(chunk)
- pos = chunk_pos
- continues = pack('<2H', self._REC_ID, len(chunks[0])) + chunks[0]
- for chunk in chunks[1:]:
- continues += pack('<2H%ds'%len(chunk), 0x003C, len(chunk), chunk)
- # 0x003C -- CONTINUE record id
- return continues
- else:
- return self.get_rec_header() + data
-class Biff8BOFRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Version, contains 0600H for BIFF8 and BIFF8X
- 2 2 Type of the following data:
- 0005H = Workbook globals
- 0006H = Visual Basic module
- 0010H = Worksheet
- 0020H = Chart
- 0040H = Macro sheet
- 0100H = Workspace file
- 4 2 Build identifier
- 6 2 Build year
- 8 4 File history flags
- 12 4 Lowest Excel version that can read all records in this file
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0809
- # stream types
- BOOK_GLOBAL = 0x0005
- VB_MODULE = 0x0006
- WORKSHEET = 0x0010
- CHART = 0x0020
- MACROSHEET = 0x0040
- WORKSPACE = 0x0100
- def __init__(self, rec_type):
- version = 0x0600
- build = 0x0DBB
- year = 0x07CC
- file_hist_flags = 0x00
- ver_can_read = 0x06
- self._rec_data = pack('<4H2I', version, rec_type, build, year, file_hist_flags, ver_can_read)
-class InteraceHdrRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x00E1
- def __init__(self):
- self._rec_data = pack('BB', 0xB0, 0x04)
-class InteraceEndRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x00E2
- def __init__(self):
- self._rec_data = b''
-class MMSRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x00C1
- def __init__(self):
- self._rec_data = pack('> 15
- c = low_15 | high_15
- passwd_hash ^= c
- passwd_hash ^= len(plaintext)
- passwd_hash ^= 0xCE4B
- return passwd_hash
- def __init__(self, passwd = b""):
- self._rec_data = pack('=8
- 2 var. List of OFFSET structures for all portions. Each OFFSET contains the following data:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 4 Absolute stream position of first string of the portion
- 4 2 Position of first string of the portion inside of current record,
- including record header. This counter restarts at zero, if the SST
- record is continued with a CONTINUE record.
- 6 2 Not used
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00FF
- def __init__(self, sst_stream_pos, str_placement, portions_len):
- extsst = {}
- abs_stream_pos = sst_stream_pos
- str_counter = 0
- portion_counter = 0
- while str_counter < len(str_placement):
- str_chunk_num, pos_in_chunk = str_placement[str_counter]
- if str_chunk_num != portion_counter:
- portion_counter = str_chunk_num
- abs_stream_pos += portions_len[portion_counter-1]
- #print hex(abs_stream_pos)
- str_stream_pos = abs_stream_pos + pos_in_chunk + 4 # header
- extsst[str_counter] = (pos_in_chunk, str_stream_pos)
- str_counter += 1
- exsst_str_count_delta = max(8, len(str_placement)*8/0x2000) # maybe smth else?
- self._rec_data = pack(' last_used_row or first_used_col > last_used_col:
- # Special case: empty worksheet
- first_used_row = first_used_col = 0
- last_used_row = last_used_col = -1
- self._rec_data = pack('<2L3H',
- first_used_row, last_used_row + 1,
- first_used_col, last_used_col + 1,
- 0x00)
-class Window2Record(BiffRecord):
- """
- Record WINDOW2, BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Option flags (see below)
- 2 2 Index to first visible row
- 4 2 Index to first visible column
- 6 2 Colour index of grid line colour. Note that in BIFF2-BIFF7 an RGB colour is
- written instead.
- 8 2 Not used
- 10 2 Cached magnification factor in page break preview (in percent); 0 = Default (60%)
- 12 2 Cached magnification factor in normal view (in percent); 0 = Default (100%)
- 14 4 Not used
- In BIFF8 this record stores used magnification factors for page break
- preview and normal view. These values are used to restore the
- magnification, when the view is changed. The real magnification of the
- currently active view is stored in the SCL record. The type of the
- active view is stored in the option flags field (see below).
- 0 0001H 0 = Show formula results 1 = Show formulas
- 1 0002H 0 = Do not show grid lines 1 = Show grid lines
- 2 0004H 0 = Do not show sheet headers 1 = Show sheet headers
- 3 0008H 0 = Panes are not frozen 1 = Panes are frozen (freeze)
- 4 0010H 0 = Show zero values as empty cells 1 = Show zero values
- 5 0020H 0 = Manual grid line colour 1 = Automatic grid line colour
- 6 0040H 0 = Columns from left to right 1 = Columns from right to left
- 7 0080H 0 = Do not show outline symbols 1 = Show outline symbols
- 8 0100H 0 = Keep splits if pane freeze is removed 1 = Remove splits if pane freeze is removed
- 9 0200H 0 = Sheet not selected 1 = Sheet selected (BIFF5-BIFF8)
- 10 0400H 0 = Sheet not visible 1 = Sheet visible (BIFF5-BIFF8)
- 11 0800H 0 = Show in normal view 1 = Show in page break preview (BIFF8)
- The freeze flag specifies, if a following PANE record describes unfrozen or frozen panes.
- *** This class appends the optional SCL record ***
- Record SCL, BIFF4-BIFF8:
- This record stores the magnification of the active view of the current worksheet.
- In BIFF8 this can be either the normal view or the page break preview.
- This is determined in the WINDOW2 record. The SCL record is part of the
- Sheet View Settings Block.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Numerator of the view magnification fraction (num)
- 2 2 Denumerator [denominator] of the view magnification fraction (den)
- The magnification is stored as reduced fraction. The magnification results from num/den.
- SJM note: Excel expresses (e.g.) 25% in reduced form i.e. 1/4. Reason unknown. This code
- writes 25/100, and Excel is happy with that.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x023E
- def __init__(self, options, first_visible_row, first_visible_col,
- grid_colour, preview_magn, normal_magn, scl_magn):
- self._rec_data = pack('<7HL', options,
- first_visible_row, first_visible_col,
- grid_colour,
- 0x00,
- preview_magn, normal_magn,
- 0x00)
- if scl_magn:
- self._scl_rec = pack('<4H', 0x00A0, 4, scl_magn, 100)
- else:
- self._scl_rec = b''
- def get(self):
- return self.get_rec_header() + self._rec_data + self._scl_rec
-class PanesRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record stores the position of window panes. It is part of the Sheet
- View Settings Block. If the sheet does not contain any splits, this
- record will not occur.
- A sheet can be split in two different ways, with unfrozen panes or with
- frozen panes. A flag in the WINDOW2 record specifies, if the panes are
- frozen, which affects the contents of this record.
- Record PANE, BIFF2-BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Position of the vertical split
- (px, 0 = No vertical split):
- Unfrozen pane: Width of the left pane(s)
- (in twips = 1/20 of a point)
- Frozen pane: Number of visible
- columns in left pane(s)
- 2 2 Position of the horizontal split
- (py, 0 = No horizontal split):
- Unfrozen pane: Height of the top pane(s)
- (in twips = 1/20 of a point)
- Frozen pane: Number of visible
- rows in top pane(s)
- 4 2 Index to first visible row
- in bottom pane(s)
- 6 2 Index to first visible column
- in right pane(s)
- 8 1 Identifier of pane with active
- cell cursor
- [9] 1 Not used (BIFF5-BIFF8 only, not written
- in BIFF2-BIFF4)
- If the panes are frozen, pane 0 is always active, regardless
- of the cursor position. The correct identifiers for all possible
- combinations of visible panes are shown in the following pictures.
- px = 0, py = 0 px = 0, py > 0
- -------------------------- ------------|-------------
- | | | |
- | | | 3 |
- | | | |
- - 3 - --------------------------
- | | | |
- | | | 2 |
- | | | |
- -------------------------- ------------|-------------
- px > 0, py = 0 px > 0, py > 0
- ------------|------------- ------------|-------------
- | | | | | |
- | | | | 3 | 2 |
- | | | | | |
- - 3 | 1 - --------------------------
- | | | | | |
- | | | | 1 | 0 |
- | | | | | |
- ------------|------------- ------------|-------------
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0041
- def __init__(self, px, py, first_row_bottom, first_col_right, active_pane):
- self._rec_data = pack('<5H', int(px), int(py), int(first_row_bottom),
- int(first_col_right), int(active_pane))
-class RowRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record contains the properties of a single row in a sheet. Rows
- and cells in a sheet are divided into blocks of 32 rows.
- Record ROW, BIFF3-BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Index of this row
- 2 2 Index to column of the first cell which is described by a cell record
- 4 2 Index to column of the last cell which is described by a cell record,
- increased by 1
- 6 2 Bit Mask Contents
- 14-0 7FFFH Height of the row, in twips = 1/20 of a point
- 15 8000H 0 = Row has custom height; 1 = Row has default height
- 8 2 Not used
- 10 2 In BIFF3-BIFF4 this field contains a relative offset
- to calculate stream position of the first cell record
- for this row. In BIFF5-BIFF8 this field is not used
- anymore, but the DBCELL record instead.
- 12 4 Option flags and default row formatting:
- Bit Mask Contents
- 2-0 00000007H Outline level of the row
- 4 00000010H 1 = Outline group starts or ends here (depending
- on where the outline buttons are located,
- see WSBOOL record), and is collapsed
- 5 00000020H 1 = Row is hidden (manually, or by a filter or outline group)
- 6 00000040H 1 = Row height and default font height do not match
- 7 00000080H 1 = Row has explicit default format (fl)
- 8 00000100H Always 1
- 27-16 0FFF0000H If fl=1: Index to default XF record
- 28 10000000H 1 = Additional space above the row. This flag is set,
- if the upper border of at least one cell in this row
- or if the lower border of at least one cell in the row
- above is formatted with a thick line style.
- Thin and medium line styles are not taken into account.
- 29 20000000H 1 = Additional space below the row. This flag is set,
- if the lower border of at least one cell in this row
- or if the upper border of at least one cell in the row
- below is formatted with a medium or thick line style.
- Thin line styles are not taken into account.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0208
- def __init__(self, index, first_col, last_col, height_options, options):
- self._rec_data = pack('<6HL', index, first_col, last_col + 1,
- height_options,
- 0x00, 0x00,
- options)
-class LabelSSTRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record represents a cell that contains a string. It replaces the
- LABEL record and RSTRING record used in BIFF2-BIFF7.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00FD
- def __init__(self, row, col, xf_idx, sst_idx):
- self._rec_data = pack('<3HL', row, col, xf_idx, sst_idx)
-class MergedCellsRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record contains all merged cell ranges of the current sheet.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 var. Cell range address list with all merged ranges
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- A cell range address list consists of a field with the number of ranges
- and the list of the range addresses.
- Cell range address list, BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Number of following cell range addresses (nm)
- 2 8*nm List of nm cell range addresses
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cell range address, BIFF8:
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Index to first row
- 2 2 Index to last row
- 4 2 Index to first column
- 6 2 Index to last column
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00E5
- def __init__(self, merged_list):
- i = len(merged_list) - 1
- while i >= 0:
- j = 0
- merged = b''
- while (i >= 0) and (j < 0x403):
- r1, r2, c1, c2 = merged_list[i]
- merged += pack('<4H', r1, r2, c1, c2)
- i -= 1
- j += 1
- self._rec_data += pack('<3H', self._REC_ID, len(merged) + 2, j) + \
- merged
- # for some reason Excel doesn't use CONTINUE
- def get(self):
- return self._rec_data
-class MulBlankRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record represents a cell range of empty cells. All cells are
- located in the same row.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 Index to row
- 2 2 Index to first column (fc)
- 4 2*nc List of nc=lc-fc+1 16-bit indexes to XF records
- 4+2*nc 2 Index to last column (lc)
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x00BE
- def __init__(self, row, first_col, last_col, xf_index):
- blanks_count = last_col-first_col+1
- self._rec_data = pack('%dH' % blanks_count, *([xf_index]*blanks_count))
- self._rec_data = pack('<2H', row, first_col) + self._rec_data + pack('" Set new font
- &","
- Set new font with specified style .
- The style is in most cases one of
- "Regular", "Bold", "Italic", or "Bold Italic".
- But this setting is dependent on the used font,
- it may differ (localised style names, or "Standard",
- "Oblique", ...). (BIFF5-BIFF8)
- & Set font height in points ( is a decimal value).
- If this command is followed by a plain number to be printed
- in the header, it will be separated from the font height
- with a space character.
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0014
- def __init__(self, header_str):
- self._rec_data = upack2(header_str)
-class FooterRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- Semantic is equal to HEADER record
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0015
- def __init__(self, footer_str):
- self._rec_data = upack2(footer_str)
-class HCenterRecord(BiffRecord):
- """
- This record is part of the Page Settings Block. It specifies if the
- sheet is centred horizontally when printed.
- Offset Size Contents
- 0 2 0 = Print sheet left aligned
- 1 = Print sheet centred horizontally
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0083
- def __init__(self, is_horz_center):
- self._rec_data = pack(' 0) Menu text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- [var.] var. (optional, only if ld > 0) Description text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- [var.] var. (optional, only if lh > 0) Help topic text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- [var.] var. (optional, only if ls > 0) Status bar text (Unicode string without length field, 3.4)
- """
- _REC_ID = 0x0018
- def __init__(self, options, keyboard_shortcut, name, sheet_index, rpn,
- menu_text=b'', desc_text=b'', help_text=b'', status_text=b''):
- if type(name) == int:
- uname = chr(name)
- else:
- uname = upack1(name)[1:]
- uname_len = len(uname)
- #~ self._rec_data = pack('", see 3.9.1)
- """
- def __init__(self, num_sheets):
- self._rec_data = pack('
-# Portions are Copyright (c) 2002-2004 John McNamara (Perl Spreadsheet::WriteExcel)
-from .BIFFRecords import BiffRecord
-from struct import *
-def _size_col(sheet, col):
- return sheet.col_width(col)
-def _size_row(sheet, row):
- return sheet.row_height(row)
-def _position_image(sheet, row_start, col_start, x1, y1, width, height):
- """Calculate the vertices that define the position of the image as required by
- the OBJ record.
- +------------+------------+
- | A | B |
- +-----+------------+------------+
- | |(x1,y1) | |
- | 1 |(A1)._______|______ |
- | | | | |
- | | | | |
- +-----+----| BITMAP |-----+
- | | | | |
- | 2 | |______________. |
- | | | (B2)|
- | | | (x2,y2)|
- +---- +------------+------------+
- Example of a bitmap that covers some of the area from cell A1 to cell B2.
- Based on the width and height of the bitmap we need to calculate 8 vars:
- col_start, row_start, col_end, row_end, x1, y1, x2, y2.
- The width and height of the cells are also variable and have to be taken into
- account.
- The values of col_start and row_start are passed in from the calling
- function. The values of col_end and row_end are calculated by subtracting
- the width and height of the bitmap from the width and height of the
- underlying cells.
- The vertices are expressed as a percentage of the underlying cell width as
- follows (rhs values are in pixels):
- x1 = X / W *1024
- y1 = Y / H *256
- x2 = (X-1) / W *1024
- y2 = (Y-1) / H *256
- Where: X is distance from the left side of the underlying cell
- Y is distance from the top of the underlying cell
- W is the width of the cell
- H is the height of the cell
- Note: the SDK incorrectly states that the height should be expressed as a
- percentage of 1024.
- col_start - Col containing upper left corner of object
- row_start - Row containing top left corner of object
- x1 - Distance to left side of object
- y1 - Distance to top of object
- width - Width of image frame
- height - Height of image frame
- """
- # Adjust start column for offsets that are greater than the col width
- while x1 >= _size_col(sheet, col_start):
- x1 -= _size_col(sheet, col_start)
- col_start += 1
- # Adjust start row for offsets that are greater than the row height
- while y1 >= _size_row(sheet, row_start):
- y1 -= _size_row(sheet, row_start)
- row_start += 1
- # Initialise end cell to the same as the start cell
- row_end = row_start # Row containing bottom right corner of object
- col_end = col_start # Col containing lower right corner of object
- width = width + x1 - 1
- height = height + y1 - 1
- # Subtract the underlying cell widths to find the end cell of the image
- while (width >= _size_col(sheet, col_end)):
- width -= _size_col(sheet, col_end)
- col_end += 1
- # Subtract the underlying cell heights to find the end cell of the image
- while (height >= _size_row(sheet, row_end)):
- height -= _size_row(sheet, row_end)
- row_end += 1
- # Bitmap isn't allowed to start or finish in a hidden cell, i.e. a cell
- # with zero height or width.
- if ((_size_col(sheet, col_start) == 0) or (_size_col(sheet, col_end) == 0)
- or (_size_row(sheet, row_start) == 0) or (_size_row(sheet, row_end) == 0)):
- return
- # Convert the pixel values to the percentage value expected by Excel
- x1 = int(float(x1) / _size_col(sheet, col_start) * 1024)
- y1 = int(float(y1) / _size_row(sheet, row_start) * 256)
- # Distance to right side of object
- x2 = int(float(width) / _size_col(sheet, col_end) * 1024)
- # Distance to bottom of object
- y2 = int(float(height) / _size_row(sheet, row_end) * 256)
- return (col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end, y2)
-class ObjBmpRecord(BiffRecord):
- _REC_ID = 0x005D # Record identifier
- def __init__(self, row, col, sheet, im_data_bmp, x, y, scale_x, scale_y):
- # Scale the frame of the image.
- width = im_data_bmp.width * scale_x
- height = im_data_bmp.height * scale_y
- # Calculate the vertices of the image and write the OBJ record
- coordinates = _position_image(sheet, row, col, x, y, width, height)
- # print coordinates
- col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end, y2 = coordinates
- """Store the OBJ record that precedes an IMDATA record. This could be generalise
- to support other Excel objects.
- """
- cObj = 0x0001 # Count of objects in file (set to 1)
- OT = 0x0008 # Object type. 8 = Picture
- id = 0x0001 # Object ID
- grbit = 0x0614 # Option flags
- colL = col_start # Col containing upper left corner of object
- dxL = x1 # Distance from left side of cell
- rwT = row_start # Row containing top left corner of object
- dyT = y1 # Distance from top of cell
- colR = col_end # Col containing lower right corner of object
- dxR = x2 # Distance from right of cell
- rwB = row_end # Row containing bottom right corner of object
- dyB = y2 # Distance from bottom of cell
- cbMacro = 0x0000 # Length of FMLA structure
- Reserved1 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- Reserved2 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- icvBack = 0x09 # Background colour
- icvFore = 0x09 # Foreground colour
- fls = 0x00 # Fill pattern
- fAuto = 0x00 # Automatic fill
- icv = 0x08 # Line colour
- lns = 0xff # Line style
- lnw = 0x01 # Line weight
- fAutoB = 0x00 # Automatic border
- frs = 0x0000 # Frame style
- cf = 0x0009 # Image format, 9 = bitmap
- Reserved3 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- cbPictFmla = 0x0000 # Length of FMLA structure
- Reserved4 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- grbit2 = 0x0001 # Option flags
- Reserved5 = 0x0000 # Reserved
- data = pack(" 0xFFFF):
- raise Exception("bitmap: largest image width supported is 65k.")
- if (height > 0xFFFF):
- raise Exception("bitmap: largest image height supported is 65k.")
- # Read and remove the bitmap planes and bpp data. Verify them.
- planes, bitcount = unpack(" 0:
- self.__build_SSAT()
- else:
- if self.dump and (self.total_ssat_sectors != 0 or self.ssat_start_sid != -2):
- print('NOTE: header says that must be', self.total_ssat_sectors, 'short sectors')
- print('NOTE: starting at', self.ssat_start_sid, 'sector')
- print('NOTE: but file does not contains data in short sectors')
- self.ssat_start_sid = -2
- self.total_ssat_sectors = 0
- self.SSAT = [-2]
- for dentry in self.dir_entry_list[1:]:
- (did,
- sz, name,
- t, c,
- did_left, did_right, did_root,
- dentry_start_sid,
- stream_size
- ) = dentry
- stream_data = b''
- if stream_size > 0:
- if stream_size >= self.min_stream_size:
- args = (, self.SAT, dentry_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- else:
- args = (self.short_sectors_data, self.SSAT, dentry_start_sid, self.short_sect_size)
- stream_data = self.get_stream_data(*args)
- if name != b'':
- # BAD IDEA: names may be equal. NEED use full paths...
- self.STREAMS[name] = stream_data
- def __build_header(self):
- self.doc_magic = self.header[0:8]
- if self.doc_magic != b'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1':
- raise Exception('Not an OLE file.')
- self.file_uid = self.header[8:24]
- self.rev_num = self.header[24:26]
- self.ver_num = self.header[26:28]
- self.byte_order = self.header[28:30]
- self.log2_sect_size, = struct.unpack(' 0:
- msat_sector = struct.unpack('<128l',[next*self.sect_size:(next+1)*self.sect_size])
- self.MSAT.extend(msat_sector[:127])
- next = msat_sector[-1]
- if self.dump:
- print('MSAT (header part): \n', self.MSAT[:109])
- print('additional MSAT sectors: \n', self.MSAT[109:])
- def __build_SAT(self):
- sat_stream = b''.join([[i*self.sect_size:(i+1)*self.sect_size] for i in self.MSAT if i >= 0])
- sat_sids_count = len(sat_stream) >> 2
- self.SAT = struct.unpack('<%dl' % sat_sids_count, sat_stream) # SIDs tuple
- if self.dump:
- print('SAT sid count:\n', sat_sids_count)
- print('SAT content:\n', self.SAT)
- def __build_SSAT(self):
- ssat_stream = self.get_stream_data(, self.SAT, self.ssat_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- ssids_count = len(ssat_stream) >> 2
- self.SSAT = struct.unpack('<%dl' % ssids_count, ssat_stream)
- if self.dump:
- print('SSID count:', ssids_count)
- print('SSAT content:\n', self.SSAT)
- def __build_directory(self):
- dir_stream = self.get_stream_data(, self.SAT, self.dir_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- self.dir_entry_list = []
- i = 0
- while i < len(dir_stream):
- dentry = dir_stream[i:i+128] # 128 -- dir entry size
- i += 128
- did = len(self.dir_entry_list)
- sz, = struct.unpack(' 0 :
- name = dentry[0:sz-2].decode('utf_16_le', 'replace')
- else:
- name = b''
- t, = struct.unpack('B', dentry[66])
- c, = struct.unpack('B', dentry[67])
- did_left , = struct.unpack('= self.min_stream_size:
- print('stream stored as normal stream')
- else:
- print('stream stored as short-stream')
- def __build_short_sectors_data(self):
- (did, sz, name, t, c,
- did_left, did_right, did_root,
- dentry_start_sid, stream_size) = self.dir_entry_list[0]
- assert t == 0x05 # Short-Stream Container Stream (SSCS) resides in Root Storage
- if stream_size == 0:
- self.short_sectors_data = b''
- else:
- self.short_sectors_data = self.get_stream_data(, self.SAT, dentry_start_sid, self.sect_size)
- def get_stream_data(self, data, SAT, start_sid, sect_size):
- sid = start_sid
- chunks = [(sid, sid)]
- stream_data = b''
- while SAT[sid] >= 0:
- next_in_chain = SAT[sid]
- last_chunk_start, last_chunk_finish = chunks[-1]
- if next_in_chain == last_chunk_finish + 1:
- chunks[-1] = last_chunk_start, next_in_chain
- else:
- chunks.extend([(next_in_chain, next_in_chain)])
- sid = next_in_chain
- for s, f in chunks:
- stream_data += data[s*sect_size:(f+1)*sect_size]
- #print chunks
- return stream_data
-def print_bin_data(data):
- i = 0
- while i < len(data):
- j = 0
- while (i < len(data)) and (j < 16):
- c = b'0x%02X' % ord(data[i])
- sys.stdout.write(c)
- sys.stdout.write(' ')
- i += 1
- j += 1
- print()
- if i == 0:
- print('')
-# This implementation writes only 'Root Entry', 'Workbook' streams
-# and 2 empty streams for aligning directory stream on sector boundary
-# 0 header
-# 76 MSAT (1st part: 109 SID)
-# 512 workbook stream
-# ... additional MSAT sectors if streams' size > about 7 Mb == (109*512 * 128)
-# ... SAT
-# ... directory stream
-# NOTE: this layout is "ad hoc". It can be more general. RTFM
-class XlsDoc:
- SECTOR_SIZE = 0x0200
- MIN_LIMIT = 0x1000
- def __init__(self):
- self.book_stream_sect = []
- self.dir_stream = b''
- self.dir_stream_sect = []
- self.packed_SAT = b''
- self.SAT_sect = []
- self.packed_MSAT_1st = b''
- self.packed_MSAT_2nd = b''
- self.MSAT_sect_2nd = []
- self.header = b''
- def __build_directory(self): # align on sector boundary
- self.dir_stream = b''
- #(to_py3): replaced = b'\x00'.join(b'Root Entry\x00') + b'\x00'
- dentry_name = 'Root Entry\x00'.encode(ENCODING)
- dentry_name_sz = len(dentry_name)
- dentry_name_pad = b'\x00'*(64 - dentry_name_sz)
- dentry_type = 0x05 # root storage
- dentry_colour = 0x01 # black
- dentry_did_left = -1
- dentry_did_right = -1
- dentry_did_root = 1
- dentry_start_sid = -2
- dentry_stream_sz = 0
- self.dir_stream += struct.pack('<64s H 2B 3l 9L l L L',
- dentry_name + dentry_name_pad,
- dentry_name_sz,
- dentry_type,
- dentry_colour,
- dentry_did_left,
- dentry_did_right,
- dentry_did_root,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dentry_start_sid,
- dentry_stream_sz,
- 0
- )
- # (to_py3): replaced = b'\x00'.join(b'Workbook\x00') + b'\x00'
- dentry_name = 'Workbook\x00'.encode(ENCODING)
- dentry_name_sz = len(dentry_name)
- dentry_name_pad = b'\x00'*(64 - dentry_name_sz)
- dentry_type = 0x02 # user stream
- dentry_colour = 0x01 # black
- dentry_did_left = -1
- dentry_did_right = -1
- dentry_did_root = -1
- dentry_start_sid = 0
- dentry_stream_sz = self.book_stream_len
- self.dir_stream += struct.pack('<64s H 2B 3l 9L l L L',
- dentry_name + dentry_name_pad,
- dentry_name_sz,
- dentry_type,
- dentry_colour,
- dentry_did_left,
- dentry_did_right,
- dentry_did_root,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dentry_start_sid,
- dentry_stream_sz,
- 0
- )
- # padding
- dentry_name = b''
- dentry_name_sz = len(dentry_name)
- dentry_name_pad = b'\x00'*(64 - dentry_name_sz)
- dentry_type = 0x00 # empty
- dentry_colour = 0x01 # black
- dentry_did_left = -1
- dentry_did_right = -1
- dentry_did_root = -1
- dentry_start_sid = -2
- dentry_stream_sz = 0
- self.dir_stream += struct.pack('<64s H 2B 3l 9L l L L',
- dentry_name + dentry_name_pad,
- dentry_name_sz,
- dentry_type,
- dentry_colour,
- dentry_did_left,
- dentry_did_right,
- dentry_did_root,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dentry_start_sid,
- dentry_stream_sz,
- 0
- ) * 2
- def __build_sat(self):
- # Build SAT
- book_sect_count = self.book_stream_len >> 9
- dir_sect_count = len(self.dir_stream) >> 9
- total_sect_count = book_sect_count + dir_sect_count
- SAT_sect_count = 0
- MSAT_sect_count = 0
- SAT_sect_count_limit = 109
- while total_sect_count > 128*SAT_sect_count or SAT_sect_count > SAT_sect_count_limit:
- SAT_sect_count += 1
- total_sect_count += 1
- if SAT_sect_count > SAT_sect_count_limit:
- MSAT_sect_count += 1
- total_sect_count += 1
- SAT_sect_count_limit += 127
- SAT = [self.SID_FREE_SECTOR]*128*SAT_sect_count
- sect = 0
- while sect < book_sect_count - 1:
- self.book_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = sect + 1
- sect += 1
- self.book_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_END_OF_CHAIN
- sect += 1
- while sect < book_sect_count + MSAT_sect_count:
- self.MSAT_sect_2nd.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_USED_BY_MSAT
- sect += 1
- while sect < book_sect_count + MSAT_sect_count + SAT_sect_count:
- self.SAT_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_USED_BY_SAT
- sect += 1
- while sect < book_sect_count + MSAT_sect_count + SAT_sect_count + dir_sect_count - 1:
- self.dir_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = sect + 1
- sect += 1
- self.dir_stream_sect.append(sect)
- SAT[sect] = self.SID_END_OF_CHAIN
- sect += 1
- self.packed_SAT = struct.pack('<%dl' % (SAT_sect_count*128), *SAT)
- MSAT_1st = [self.SID_FREE_SECTOR]*109
- for i, SAT_sect_num in zip(list(range(0, 109)), self.SAT_sect):
- MSAT_1st[i] = SAT_sect_num
- self.packed_MSAT_1st = struct.pack('<109l', *MSAT_1st)
- MSAT_2nd = [self.SID_FREE_SECTOR]*128*MSAT_sect_count
- if MSAT_sect_count > 0:
- MSAT_2nd[- 1] = self.SID_END_OF_CHAIN
- i = 109
- msat_sect = 0
- sid_num = 0
- while i < SAT_sect_count:
- if (sid_num + 1) % 128 == 0:
- #print 'link: ',
- msat_sect += 1
- if msat_sect < len(self.MSAT_sect_2nd):
- MSAT_2nd[sid_num] = self.MSAT_sect_2nd[msat_sect]
- else:
- #print 'sid: ',
- MSAT_2nd[sid_num] = self.SAT_sect[i]
- i += 1
- #print sid_num, MSAT_2nd[sid_num]
- sid_num += 1
- self.packed_MSAT_2nd = struct.pack('<%dl' % (MSAT_sect_count*128), *MSAT_2nd)
- #print vars()
- #print zip(range(0, sect), SAT)
- #print self.book_stream_sect
- #print self.MSAT_sect_2nd
- #print MSAT_2nd
- #print self.SAT_sect
- #print self.dir_stream_sect
- def __build_header(self):
- doc_magic = b'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'
- file_uid = b'\x00'*16
- rev_num = b'\x3E\x00'
- ver_num = b'\x03\x00'
- byte_order = b'\xFE\xFF'
- log_sect_size = struct.pack('"
-ge_pattern = r">="
-le_pattern = r"<="
-pattern_type_tuples = (
- (flt_const_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.NUM_CONST),
- (int_const_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.INT_CONST),
- (str_const_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.STR_CONST),
-# (range2d_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.RANGE2D),
- (ref2d_r1c1_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.REF2D_R1C1),
- (ref2d_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.REF2D),
- (true_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.TRUE_CONST),
- (false_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.FALSE_CONST),
- (if_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.FUNC_IF),
- (choose_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.FUNC_CHOOSE),
- (name_pattern , ExcelFormulaParser.NAME),
- (quotename_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.QUOTENAME),
- (ne_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.NE),
- (ge_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.GE),
- (le_pattern, ExcelFormulaParser.LE),
-_re = recompile(
- '(' + ')|('.join([i[0] for i in pattern_type_tuples]) + ')',
-_toktype = [None] + [i[1] for i in pattern_type_tuples]
-# need dummy at start because re.MatchObject.lastindex counts from 1
-single_char_lookup = {
- '=': ExcelFormulaParser.EQ,
- '<': ExcelFormulaParser.LT,
- '>': ExcelFormulaParser.GT,
- '+': ExcelFormulaParser.ADD,
- '-': ExcelFormulaParser.SUB,
- '*': ExcelFormulaParser.MUL,
- '/': ExcelFormulaParser.DIV,
- ':': ExcelFormulaParser.COLON,
- ';': ExcelFormulaParser.SEMICOLON,
- ',': ExcelFormulaParser.COMMA,
- '(': ExcelFormulaParser.LP,
- ')': ExcelFormulaParser.RP,
- '&': ExcelFormulaParser.CONCAT,
- '%': ExcelFormulaParser.PERCENT,
- '^': ExcelFormulaParser.POWER,
- '!': ExcelFormulaParser.BANG,
- }
-class Lexer(TokenStream):
- def __init__(self, text):
- self._text = text[:]
- self._pos = 0
- self._line = 0
- def isEOF(self):
- return len(self._text) <= self._pos
- def curr_ch(self):
- return self._text[self._pos]
- def next_ch(self, n = 1):
- self._pos += n
- def is_whitespace(self):
- return self.curr_ch() in " \t\n\r\f\v"
- def match_pattern(self):
- m = _re.match(self._text, self._pos)
- if not m:
- return None
- self._pos = m.end(0)
- return Tok(type = _toktype[m.lastindex], text =, col = m.start(0) + 1)
- def nextToken(self):
- # skip whitespace
- while not self.isEOF() and self.is_whitespace():
- self.next_ch()
- if self.isEOF():
- return Tok(type = EOF)
- # first, try to match token with 2 or more chars
- t = self.match_pattern()
- if t:
- return t
- # second, we want 1-char tokens
- te = self.curr_ch()
- try:
- ty = single_char_lookup[te]
- except KeyError:
- raise TokenStreamException(
- "Unexpected char %r in column %u." % (self.curr_ch(), self._pos))
- self.next_ch()
- return Tok(type=ty, text=te, col=self._pos)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- for t in Lexer(""" 1.23 456 "abcd" R2C2 a1 iv65536 true false if choose a_name 'qname' <> >= <= """):
- print(t)
- except TokenStreamException as e:
- print("error:", e)
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e73934e..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,659 +0,0 @@
-### $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20060930): "xlwt/excel-formula.g" -> ""$
-### import antlr and other modules ..
-import sys
-from . import antlr
-### header action >>>
-import struct
-from . import Utils
-from .UnicodeUtils import upack1
-from .ExcelMagic import *
-_RVAdelta = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40}
-_RVAdeltaRef = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40, "D": 0x20}
-_RVAdeltaArea = {"R": 0, "V": 0x20, "A": 0x40, "D": 0}
-class FormulaParseException(Exception):
- """
- An exception indicating that a Formula could not be successfully parsed.
- """
-### header action <<<
-### preamble action>>>
-### preamble action <<<
-### import antlr.Token
-from .antlr import Token
-### >>>The Known Token Types <<<
-SKIP = antlr.SKIP
-EOF = antlr.EOF
-FUNC_IF = 9
-NAME = 11
-EQ = 13
-NE = 14
-GT = 15
-LT = 16
-GE = 17
-LE = 18
-ADD = 19
-SUB = 20
-MUL = 21
-DIV = 22
-POWER = 23
-LP = 25
-RP = 26
-LB = 27
-RB = 28
-COLON = 29
-COMMA = 30
-REF2D = 32
-REF2D_R1C1 = 33
-BANG = 34
-CONCAT = 35
-class Parser(antlr.LLkParser):
- ### user action >>>
- ### user action <<<
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- antlr.LLkParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.tokenNames = _tokenNames
- ### __init__ header action >>>
- self.rpn = b""
- self.sheet_references = []
- self.xcall_references = []
- ### __init__ header action <<<
- def formula(self):
- self.expr("V")
- def expr(self, arg_type):
- self.prec0_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if ((self.LA(1) >= EQ and self.LA(1) <= LE)):
- pass
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [EQ]:
- pass
- self.match(EQ)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgEQ)
- elif la1 and la1 in [NE]:
- pass
- self.match(NE)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgNE)
- elif la1 and la1 in [GT]:
- pass
- self.match(GT)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgGT)
- elif la1 and la1 in [LT]:
- pass
- self.match(LT)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgLT)
- elif la1 and la1 in [GE]:
- pass
- self.match(GE)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgGE)
- elif la1 and la1 in [LE]:
- pass
- self.match(LE)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgLE)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- self.prec0_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec0_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec1_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==CONCAT):
- pass
- pass
- self.match(CONCAT)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgConcat)
- self.prec1_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec1_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec2_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==ADD or self.LA(1)==SUB):
- pass
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [ADD]:
- pass
- self.match(ADD)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgAdd)
- elif la1 and la1 in [SUB]:
- pass
- self.match(SUB)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgSub)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- self.prec2_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op;
- # print "**prec1_expr4 %s" % arg_type
- else:
- break
- def prec2_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec3_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==MUL or self.LA(1)==DIV):
- pass
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [MUL]:
- pass
- self.match(MUL)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgMul)
- elif la1 and la1 in [DIV]:
- pass
- self.match(DIV)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgDiv)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- self.prec3_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec3_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec4_expr(arg_type)
- while True:
- if (self.LA(1)==POWER):
- pass
- pass
- self.match(POWER)
- op = struct.pack('B', ptgPower)
- self.prec4_expr(arg_type)
- self.rpn += op
- else:
- break
- def prec4_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- pass
- self.prec5_expr(arg_type)
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [PERCENT]:
- pass
- self.match(PERCENT)
- self.rpn += struct.pack('B', ptgPercent)
- pass
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- def prec5_expr(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- pass
- self.primary(arg_type)
- elif la1 and la1 in [SUB]:
- pass
- self.match(SUB)
- self.primary(arg_type)
- self.rpn += struct.pack('B', ptgUminus)
- else:
- raise antlr.NoViableAltException(self.LT(1), self.getFilename())
- def primary(self,
- arg_type
- ):
- str_tok = None
- int_tok = None
- num_tok = None
- ref2d_tok = None
- ref2d1_tok = None
- ref2d2_tok = None
- ref3d_ref2d = None
- ref3d_ref2d2 = None
- name_tok = None
- func_tok = None
- la1 = self.LA(1)
- if False:
- pass
- elif la1 and la1 in [TRUE_CONST]:
- pass
- self.match(TRUE_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack("2B", ptgBool, 1)
- elif la1 and la1 in [FALSE_CONST]:
- pass
- self.match(FALSE_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack("2B", ptgBool, 0)
- elif la1 and la1 in [STR_CONST]:
- pass
- str_tok = self.LT(1)
- self.match(STR_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack("B", ptgStr) + upack1(str_tok.text[1:-1].replace("\"\"", "\""))
- elif la1 and la1 in [NUM_CONST]:
- pass
- num_tok = self.LT(1)
- self.match(NUM_CONST)
- self.rpn += struct.pack(" max_argc or arg_count < min_argc:
- raise Exception("%d parameters for function: %s" % (arg_count, func_tok.text))
- if xcall:
- func_ptg = ptgFuncVarR + _RVAdelta[func_type]
- self.rpn += struct.pack("<2BH", func_ptg, arg_count + 1, 255) # 255 is magic XCALL function
- elif min_argc == max_argc:
- func_ptg = ptgFuncR + _RVAdelta[func_type]
- self.rpn += struct.pack("",
- "EOF",
- "<2>",
- "FUNC_IF",
- "NAME",
- "EQ",
- "NE",
- "GT",
- "LT",
- "GE",
- "LE",
- "ADD",
- "SUB",
- "MUL",
- "DIV",
- "POWER",
- "LP",
- "RP",
- "LB",
- "RB",
- "COLON",
- "COMMA",
- "REF2D",
- "REF2D_R1C1",
- "BANG",
-### generate bit set
-def mk_tokenSet_0():
- ### var1
- data = [ 37681618946, 0]
- return data
-_tokenSet_0 = antlr.BitSet(mk_tokenSet_0())
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90372b41..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,859 +0,0 @@
-""" lots of Excel Magic Numbers """
-# Boundaries BIFF8+
-MAX_ROW = 65536
-MAX_COL = 256
-biff_records = {
- 0x0000: "DIMENSIONS",
- 0x0001: "BLANK",
- 0x0002: "INTEGER",
- 0x0003: "NUMBER",
- 0x0004: "LABEL",
- 0x0005: "BOOLERR",
- 0x0006: "FORMULA",
- 0x0007: "STRING",
- 0x0008: "ROW",
- 0x0009: "BOF",
- 0x000A: "EOF",
- 0x000B: "INDEX",
- 0x000C: "CALCCOUNT",
- 0x000D: "CALCMODE",
- 0x000E: "PRECISION",
- 0x000F: "REFMODE",
- 0x0010: "DELTA",
- 0x0011: "ITERATION",
- 0x0012: "PROTECT",
- 0x0013: "PASSWORD",
- 0x0014: "HEADER",
- 0x0015: "FOOTER",
- 0x0016: "EXTERNCOUNT",
- 0x0017: "EXTERNSHEET",
- 0x0018: "NAME",
- 0x0019: "WINDOWPROTECT",
- 0x001C: "NOTE",
- 0x001D: "SELECTION",
- 0x001E: "FORMAT",
- 0x001F: "FORMATCOUNT",
- 0x0020: "COLUMNDEFAULT",
- 0x0021: "ARRAY",
- 0x0022: "1904",
- 0x0023: "EXTERNNAME",
- 0x0024: "COLWIDTH",
- 0x0026: "LEFTMARGIN",
- 0x0027: "RIGHTMARGIN",
- 0x0028: "TOPMARGIN",
- 0x0029: "BOTTOMMARGIN",
- 0x002F: "FILEPASS",
- 0x0031: "FONT",
- 0x0036: "TABLE",
- 0x003C: "CONTINUE",
- 0x003D: "WINDOW1",
- 0x003E: "WINDOW2",
- 0x0040: "BACKUP",
- 0x0041: "PANE",
- 0x0042: "CODEPAGE",
- 0x0043: "XF",
- 0x0044: "IXFE",
- 0x0045: "EFONT",
- 0x004D: "PLS",
- 0x0050: "DCON",
- 0x0051: "DCONREF",
- 0x0053: "DCONNAME",
- 0x0055: "DEFCOLWIDTH",
- 0x0056: "BUILTINFMTCNT",
- 0x0059: "XCT",
- 0x005A: "CRN",
- 0x005B: "FILESHARING",
- 0x005C: "WRITEACCESS",
- 0x005D: "OBJ",
- 0x005E: "UNCALCED",
- 0x005F: "SAFERECALC",
- 0x0060: "TEMPLATE",
- 0x0063: "OBJPROTECT",
- 0x007D: "COLINFO",
- 0x007E: "RK",
- 0x007F: "IMDATA",
- 0x0080: "GUTS",
- 0x0081: "WSBOOL",
- 0x0082: "GRIDSET",
- 0x0083: "HCENTER",
- 0x0084: "VCENTER",
- 0x0085: "BOUNDSHEET",
- 0x0086: "WRITEPROT",
- 0x0087: "ADDIN",
- 0x0088: "EDG",
- 0x0089: "PUB",
- 0x008C: "COUNTRY",
- 0x008D: "HIDEOBJ",
- 0x0090: "SORT",
- 0x0091: "SUB",
- 0x0092: "PALETTE",
- 0x0093: "STYLE",
- 0x0094: "LHRECORD",
- 0x0095: "LHNGRAPH",
- 0x0096: "SOUND",
- 0x0098: "LPR",
- 0x0099: "STANDARDWIDTH",
- 0x009A: "FNGROUPNAME",
- 0x009B: "FILTERMODE",
- 0x009E: "AUTOFILTER",
- 0x00A0: "SCL",
- 0x00A1: "SETUP",
- 0x00A9: "COORDLIST",
- 0x00AB: "GCW",
- 0x00AE: "SCENMAN",
- 0x00AF: "SCENARIO",
- 0x00B0: "SXVIEW",
- 0x00B1: "SXVD",
- 0x00B2: "SXVI",
- 0x00B4: "SXIVD",
- 0x00B5: "SXLI",
- 0x00B6: "SXPI",
- 0x00B8: "DOCROUTE",
- 0x00B9: "RECIPNAME",
- 0x00BC: "SHRFMLA",
- 0x00BD: "MULRK",
- 0x00BE: "MULBLANK",
- 0x00C1: "MMS",
- 0x00C2: "ADDMENU",
- 0x00C3: "DELMENU",
- 0x00C5: "SXDI",
- 0x00C6: "SXDB",
- 0x00C7: "SXFIELD",
- 0x00C8: "SXINDEXLIST",
- 0x00C9: "SXDOUBLE",
- 0x00CD: "SXSTRING",
- 0x00D0: "SXTBL",
- 0x00D1: "SXTBRGITEM",
- 0x00D2: "SXTBPG",
- 0x00D3: "OBPROJ",
- 0x00D5: "SXIDSTM",
- 0x00D6: "RSTRING",
- 0x00D7: "DBCELL",
- 0x00DA: "BOOKBOOL",
- 0x00DE: "OLESIZE",
- 0x00DF: "UDDESC",
- 0x00E0: "XF",
- 0x00E3: "SXVS",
- 0x00E5: "MERGEDCELLS",
- 0x00E9: "BITMAP",
- 0x00F0: "SXRULE",
- 0x00F1: "SXEX",
- 0x00F2: "SXFILT",
- 0x00F6: "SXNAME",
- 0x00F7: "SXSELECT",
- 0x00F8: "SXPAIR",
- 0x00F9: "SXFMLA",
- 0x00FB: "SXFORMAT",
- 0x00FC: "SST",
- 0x00FD: "LABELSST",
- 0x00FF: "EXTSST",
- 0x0100: "SXVDEX",
- 0x0103: "SXFORMULA",
- 0x0122: "SXDBEX",
- 0x0137: "CHTRINSERT",
- 0x0138: "CHTRINFO",
- 0x013D: "TABID",
- 0x0140: "CHTRMOVERANGE",
- 0x015F: "LABELRANGES",
- 0x0160: "USESELFS",
- 0x0161: "DSF",
- 0x0162: "XL5MODIFY",
- 0x0196: "CHTRHEADER",
- 0x01A9: "USERBVIEW",
- 0x01AD: "QSI",
- 0x01AE: "SUPBOOK",
- 0x01AF: "PROT4REV",
- 0x01B0: "CONDFMT",
- 0x01B1: "CF",
- 0x01B2: "DVAL",
- 0x01B5: "DCONBIN",
- 0x01B6: "TXO",
- 0x01B7: "REFRESHALL",
- 0x01B8: "HLINK",
- 0x01BA: "CODENAME",
- 0x01BB: "SXFDBTYPE",
- 0x01BE: "DV",
- 0x01C0: "XL9FILE",
- 0x01C1: "RECALCID",
- 0x0200: "DIMENSIONS",
- 0x0201: "BLANK",
- 0x0203: "NUMBER",
- 0x0204: "LABEL",
- 0x0205: "BOOLERR",
- 0x0206: "FORMULA",
- 0x0207: "STRING",
- 0x0208: "ROW",
- 0x0209: "BOF",
- 0x020B: "INDEX",
- 0x0218: "NAME",
- 0x0221: "ARRAY",
- 0x0223: "EXTERNNAME",
- 0x0231: "FONT",
- 0x0236: "TABLE",
- 0x023E: "WINDOW2",
- 0x0243: "XF",
- 0x027E: "RK",
- 0x0293: "STYLE",
- 0x0406: "FORMULA",
- 0x0409: "BOF",
- 0x041E: "FORMAT",
- 0x0443: "XF",
- 0x04BC: "SHRFMLA",
- 0x0800: "SCREENTIP",
- 0x0804: "WEBQRYTABLES",
- 0x0809: "BOF",
- 0x0862: "SHEETLAYOUT",
- 0x1001: "UNITS",
- 0x1002: "ChartChart",
- 0x1003: "ChartSeries",
- 0x1006: "ChartDataformat",
- 0x1007: "ChartLineformat",
- 0x1009: "ChartMarkerformat",
- 0x100A: "ChartAreaformat",
- 0x100B: "ChartPieformat",
- 0x100C: "ChartAttachedlabel",
- 0x100D: "ChartSeriestext",
- 0x1014: "ChartChartformat",
- 0x1015: "ChartLegend",
- 0x1016: "ChartSerieslist",
- 0x1017: "ChartBar",
- 0x1018: "ChartLine",
- 0x1019: "ChartPie",
- 0x101A: "ChartArea",
- 0x101B: "ChartScatter",
- 0x101C: "ChartChartline",
- 0x101D: "ChartAxis",
- 0x101E: "ChartTick",
- 0x101F: "ChartValuerange",
- 0x1020: "ChartCatserrange",
- 0x1021: "ChartAxislineformat",
- 0x1022: "ChartFormatlink",
- 0x1024: "ChartDefaulttext",
- 0x1025: "ChartText",
- 0x1026: "ChartFontx",
- 0x1027: "ChartObjectLink",
- 0x1032: "ChartFrame",
- 0x1033: "BEGIN",
- 0x1034: "END",
- 0x1035: "ChartPlotarea",
- 0x103A: "Chart3D",
- 0x103C: "ChartPicf",
- 0x103D: "ChartDropbar",
- 0x103E: "ChartRadar",
- 0x103F: "ChartSurface",
- 0x1040: "ChartRadararea",
- 0x1041: "ChartAxisparent",
- 0x1043: "ChartLegendxn",
- 0x1044: "ChartShtprops",
- 0x1045: "ChartSertocrt",
- 0x1046: "ChartAxesused",
- 0x1048: "ChartSbaseref",
- 0x104A: "ChartSerparent",
- 0x104B: "ChartSerauxtrend",
- 0x104E: "ChartIfmt",
- 0x104F: "ChartPos",
- 0x1050: "ChartAlruns",
- 0x1051: "ChartAI",
- 0x105B: "ChartSerauxerrbar",
- 0x105D: "ChartSerfmt",
- 0x105F: "Chart3DDataFormat",
- 0x1060: "ChartFbi",
- 0x1061: "ChartBoppop",
- 0x1062: "ChartAxcext",
- 0x1063: "ChartDat",
- 0x1064: "ChartPlotgrowth",
- 0x1065: "ChartSiindex",
- 0x1066: "ChartGelframe",
- 0x1067: "ChartBoppcustom",
- 0xFFFF: ""
-all_funcs_by_name = {
- # Includes Analysis ToolPak aka ATP aka add-in aka xcall functions,
- # distinguished by -ve opcode.
- # name: (opcode, min # args, max # args, func return type, func arg types)
- # + in func arg types means more of the same.
- 'ABS' : ( 24, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ACCRINT' : ( -1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'ACCRINTM' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'ACOS' : ( 99, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ACOSH' : (233, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ADDRESS' : (219, 2, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'AMORDEGRC' : ( -1, 7, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'AMORLINC' : ( -1, 7, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'AND' : ( 36, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'AREAS' : ( 75, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'ASC' : (214, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ASIN' : ( 98, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ASINH' : (232, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ATAN' : ( 18, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ATAN2' : ( 97, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ATANH' : (234, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'AVEDEV' : (269, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'AVERAGE' : ( 5, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'AVERAGEA' : (361, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'BAHTTEXT' : (368, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'BESSELI' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BESSELJ' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BESSELK' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BESSELY' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BETADIST' : (270, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'BETAINV' : (272, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'BIN2DEC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'BIN2HEX' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BIN2OCT' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'BINOMDIST' : (273, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'CEILING' : (288, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'CELL' : (125, 1, 2, 'V', 'VR'),
- 'CHAR' : (111, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'CHIDIST' : (274, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'CHIINV' : (275, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'CHITEST' : (306, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'CHOOSE' : (100, 2, 30, 'R', 'VR+'),
- 'CLEAN' : (162, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'CODE' : (121, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'COLUMN' : ( 9, 0, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'COLUMNS' : ( 77, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'COMBIN' : (276, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'COMPLEX' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CONCATENATE' : (336, 1, 30, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'CONFIDENCE' : (277, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CONVERT' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CORREL' : (307, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'COS' : ( 16, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'COSH' : (230, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'COUNT' : ( 0, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'COUNTA' : (169, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'COUNTBLANK' : (347, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'COUNTIF' : (346, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'COUPDAYBS' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPDAYS' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPDAYSNC' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPNCD' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPNUM' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COUPPCD' : ( -1, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'COVAR' : (308, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'CRITBINOM' : (278, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'CUMIPMT' : ( -1, 6, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'CUMPRINC' : ( -1, 6, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'DATE' : ( 65, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'DATEDIF' : (351, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'DATEVALUE' : (140, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DAVERAGE' : ( 42, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DAY' : ( 67, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DAYS360' : (220, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'DB' : (247, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'DBCS' : (215, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DCOUNT' : ( 40, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DCOUNTA' : (199, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DDB' : (144, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'DEC2BIN' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEC2HEX' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEC2OCT' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEGREES' : (343, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'DELTA' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DEVSQ' : (318, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'DGET' : (235, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DISC' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'DMAX' : ( 44, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DMIN' : ( 43, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DOLLAR' : ( 13, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DOLLARDE' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DOLLARFR' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'DPRODUCT' : (189, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DSTDEV' : ( 45, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DSTDEVP' : (195, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DSUM' : ( 41, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DURATION' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'DVAR' : ( 47, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'DVARP' : (196, 3, 3, 'V', 'RRR'),
- 'EDATE' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'EFFECT' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'EOMONTH' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ERF' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ERFC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ERROR.TYPE' : (261, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'EVEN' : (279, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'EXACT' : (117, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'EXP' : ( 21, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'EXPONDIST' : (280, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FACT' : (184, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FACTDOUBLE' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FALSE' : ( 35, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'FDIST' : (281, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FIND' : (124, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FINDB' : (205, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FINV' : (282, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FISHER' : (283, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FISHERINV' : (284, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'FIXED' : ( 14, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'FLOOR' : (285, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'FORECAST' : (309, 3, 3, 'V', 'VAA'),
- 'FREQUENCY' : (252, 2, 2, 'A', 'RR'),
- 'FTEST' : (310, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'FV' : ( 57, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'FVSCHEDULE' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VA'),
- 'GAMMADIST' : (286, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'GAMMAINV' : (287, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'GAMMALN' : (271, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'GCD' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'GEOMEAN' : (319, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'GESTEP' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'GETPIVOTDATA': (358, 2, 30, 'A', 'VAV+'),
- 'GROWTH' : ( 52, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRRV'),
- 'HARMEAN' : (320, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'HEX2BIN' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'HEX2DEC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'HEX2OCT' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'HLOOKUP' : (101, 3, 4, 'V', 'VRRV'),
- 'HOUR' : ( 71, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'HYPERLINK' : (359, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'HYPGEOMDIST' : (289, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'IF' : ( 1, 2, 3, 'R', 'VRR'),
- 'IMABS' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMAGINARY' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMARGUMENT' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMCONJUGATE' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMCOS' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMDIV' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMEXP' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMLN' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMLOG10' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMLOG2' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMPOWER' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMPRODUCT' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMREAL' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMSIN' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMSQRT' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'IMSUB' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'IMSUM' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'INDEX' : ( 29, 2, 4, 'R', 'RVVV'),
- 'INDIRECT' : (148, 1, 2, 'R', 'VV'),
- 'INFO' : (244, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'INT' : ( 25, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'INTERCEPT' : (311, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'INTRATE' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'IPMT' : (167, 4, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'IRR' : ( 62, 1, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'ISBLANK' : (129, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISERR' : (126, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISERROR' : ( 3, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISEVEN' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISLOGICAL' : (198, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISNA' : ( 2, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISNONTEXT' : (190, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISNUMBER' : (128, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISODD' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ISPMT' : (350, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'ISREF' : (105, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'ISTEXT' : (127, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'KURT' : (322, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'LARGE' : (325, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'LCM' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'LEFT' : (115, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'LEFTB' : (208, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'LEN' : ( 32, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LENB' : (211, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LINEST' : ( 49, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRVV'),
- 'LN' : ( 22, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LOG' : (109, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'LOG10' : ( 23, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'LOGEST' : ( 51, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRVV'),
- 'LOGINV' : (291, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'LOGNORMDIST' : (290, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'LOOKUP' : ( 28, 2, 3, 'V', 'VRR'),
- 'LOWER' : (112, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'MATCH' : ( 64, 2, 3, 'V', 'VRR'),
- 'MAX' : ( 7, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MAXA' : (362, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MDETERM' : (163, 1, 1, 'V', 'A'),
- 'MDURATION' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'MEDIAN' : (227, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MID' : ( 31, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'MIDB' : (210, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'MIN' : ( 6, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MINA' : (363, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'MINUTE' : ( 72, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'MINVERSE' : (164, 1, 1, 'A', 'A'),
- 'MIRR' : ( 61, 3, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- 'MMULT' : (165, 2, 2, 'A', 'AA'),
- 'MOD' : ( 39, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'MODE' : (330, 1, 30, 'V', 'A+'), ################ weird #################
- 'MONTH' : ( 68, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'MROUND' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'MULTINOMIAL' : ( -1, 1, 29, 'V', 'V+'),
- 'N' : (131, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'NA' : ( 10, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'NEGBINOMDIST': (292, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'NETWORKDAYS' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVR'),
- 'NOMINAL' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'NORMDIST' : (293, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'NORMINV' : (295, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'NORMSDIST' : (294, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'NORMSINV' : (296, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'NOT' : ( 38, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'NOW' : ( 74, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'NPER' : ( 58, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'NPV' : ( 11, 2, 30, 'V', 'VD+'),
- 'OCT2BIN' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'OCT2DEC' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'OCT2HEX' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ODD' : (298, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'ODDFPRICE' : ( -1, 9, 9, 'V', 'VVVVVVVVV'),
- 'ODDFYIELD' : ( -1, 9, 9, 'V', 'VVVVVVVVV'),
- 'ODDLPRICE' : ( -1, 8, 8, 'V', 'VVVVVVVV'),
- 'ODDLYIELD' : ( -1, 8, 8, 'V', 'VVVVVVVV'),
- 'OFFSET' : ( 78, 3, 5, 'R', 'RVVVV'),
- 'OR' : ( 37, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'PEARSON' : (312, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'PERCENTILE' : (328, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'PERCENTRANK' : (329, 2, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- 'PERMUT' : (299, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'PHONETIC' : (360, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'PI' : ( 19, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'PMT' : ( 59, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'POISSON' : (300, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'POWER' : (337, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'PPMT' : (168, 4, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'PRICE' : ( -1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'PRICEDISC' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'PRICEMAT' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'PROB' : (317, 3, 4, 'V', 'AAVV'),
- 'PRODUCT' : (183, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'PROPER' : (114, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'PV' : ( 56, 3, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'QUARTILE' : (327, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'QUOTIENT' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RADIANS' : (342, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'RAND' : ( 63, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'RANDBETWEEN' : ( -1, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RANK' : (216, 2, 3, 'V', 'VRV'),
- 'RATE' : ( 60, 3, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'RECEIVED' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'REPLACE' : (119, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'REPLACEB' : (207, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'REPT' : ( 30, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RIGHT' : (116, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'RIGHTB' : (209, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROMAN' : (354, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROUND' : ( 27, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROUNDDOWN' : (213, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROUNDUP' : (212, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'ROW' : ( 8, 0, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'ROWS' : ( 76, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'RSQ' : (313, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'RTD' : (379, 3, 30, 'A', 'VVV+'),
- 'SEARCH' : ( 82, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'SEARCHB' : (206, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'SECOND' : ( 73, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SERIESSUM' : ( -1, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVA'),
- 'SIGN' : ( 26, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SIN' : ( 15, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SINH' : (229, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SKEW' : (323, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'SLN' : (142, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'SLOPE' : (315, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SMALL' : (326, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'SQRT' : ( 20, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'SQRTPI' : ( -1, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'STANDARDIZE' : (297, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'STDEV' : ( 12, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STDEVA' : (366, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STDEVP' : (193, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STDEVPA' : (364, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'STEYX' : (314, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SUBSTITUTE' : (120, 3, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'SUBTOTAL' : (344, 2, 30, 'V', 'VR+'),
- 'SUM' : ( 4, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'SUMIF' : (345, 2, 3, 'V', 'RVR'),
- 'SUMPRODUCT' : (228, 1, 30, 'V', 'A+'),
- 'SUMSQ' : (321, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'SUMX2MY2' : (304, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SUMX2PY2' : (305, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SUMXMY2' : (303, 2, 2, 'V', 'AA'),
- 'SYD' : (143, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'T' : (130, 1, 1, 'V', 'R'),
- 'TAN' : ( 17, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TANH' : (231, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TBILLEQ' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TBILLPRICE' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TBILLYIELD' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TDIST' : (301, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TEXT' : ( 48, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'TIME' : ( 66, 3, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'TIMEVALUE' : (141, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TINV' : (332, 2, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'TODAY' : (221, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'TRANSPOSE' : ( 83, 1, 1, 'A', 'A'),
- 'TREND' : ( 50, 1, 4, 'A', 'RRRV'),
- 'TRIM' : (118, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'TRIMMEAN' : (331, 2, 2, 'V', 'RV'),
- 'TRUE' : ( 34, 0, 0, 'V', '-'),
- 'TRUNC' : (197, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'TTEST' : (316, 4, 4, 'V', 'AAVV'),
- 'TYPE' : ( 86, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'UPPER' : (113, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'USDOLLAR' : (204, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'VALUE' : ( 33, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'VAR' : ( 46, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VARA' : (367, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VARP' : (194, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VARPA' : (365, 1, 30, 'V', 'D+'),
- 'VDB' : (222, 5, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'VLOOKUP' : (102, 3, 4, 'V', 'VRRV'),
- 'WEEKDAY' : ( 70, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'WEEKNUM' : ( -1, 1, 2, 'V', 'VV'),
- 'WEIBULL' : (302, 4, 4, 'V', 'VVVV'),
- 'WORKDAY' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVR'),
- 'XIRR' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'AAV'),
- 'XNPV' : ( -1, 3, 3, 'V', 'VAA'),
- 'YEAR' : ( 69, 1, 1, 'V', 'V'),
- 'YEARFRAC' : ( -1, 2, 3, 'V', 'VVV'),
- 'YIELD' : ( -1, 6, 7, 'V', 'VVVVVVV'),
- 'YIELDDISC' : ( -1, 4, 5, 'V', 'VVVVV'),
- 'YIELDMAT' : ( -1, 5, 6, 'V', 'VVVVVV'),
- 'ZTEST' : (324, 2, 3, 'V', 'RVV'),
- }
-# Formulas Parse things
-ptgExp = 0x01
-ptgTbl = 0x02
-ptgAdd = 0x03
-ptgSub = 0x04
-ptgMul = 0x05
-ptgDiv = 0x06
-ptgPower = 0x07
-ptgConcat = 0x08
-ptgLT = 0x09
-ptgLE = 0x0a
-ptgEQ = 0x0b
-ptgGE = 0x0c
-ptgGT = 0x0d
-ptgNE = 0x0e
-ptgIsect = 0x0f
-ptgUnion = 0x10
-ptgRange = 0x11
-ptgUplus = 0x12
-ptgUminus = 0x13
-ptgPercent = 0x14
-ptgParen = 0x15
-ptgMissArg = 0x16
-ptgStr = 0x17
-ptgExtend = 0x18
-ptgAttr = 0x19
-ptgSheet = 0x1a
-ptgEndSheet = 0x1b
-ptgErr = 0x1c
-ptgBool = 0x1d
-ptgInt = 0x1e
-ptgNum = 0x1f
-ptgArrayR = 0x20
-ptgFuncR = 0x21
-ptgFuncVarR = 0x22
-ptgNameR = 0x23
-ptgRefR = 0x24
-ptgAreaR = 0x25
-ptgMemAreaR = 0x26
-ptgMemErrR = 0x27
-ptgMemNoMemR = 0x28
-ptgMemFuncR = 0x29
-ptgRefErrR = 0x2a
-ptgAreaErrR = 0x2b
-ptgRefNR = 0x2c
-ptgAreaNR = 0x2d
-ptgMemAreaNR = 0x2e
-ptgMemNoMemNR = 0x2f
-ptgNameXR = 0x39
-ptgRef3dR = 0x3a
-ptgArea3dR = 0x3b
-ptgRefErr3dR = 0x3c
-ptgAreaErr3dR = 0x3d
-ptgArrayV = 0x40
-ptgFuncV = 0x41
-ptgFuncVarV = 0x42
-ptgNameV = 0x43
-ptgRefV = 0x44
-ptgAreaV = 0x45
-ptgMemAreaV = 0x46
-ptgMemErrV = 0x47
-ptgMemNoMemV = 0x48
-ptgMemFuncV = 0x49
-ptgRefErrV = 0x4a
-ptgAreaErrV = 0x4b
-ptgRefNV = 0x4c
-ptgAreaNV = 0x4d
-ptgMemAreaNV = 0x4e
-ptgMemNoMemNV = 0x4f
-ptgFuncCEV = 0x58
-ptgNameXV = 0x59
-ptgRef3dV = 0x5a
-ptgArea3dV = 0x5b
-ptgRefErr3dV = 0x5c
-ptgAreaErr3dV = 0x5d
-ptgArrayA = 0x60
-ptgFuncA = 0x61
-ptgFuncVarA = 0x62
-ptgNameA = 0x63
-ptgRefA = 0x64
-ptgAreaA = 0x65
-ptgMemAreaA = 0x66
-ptgMemErrA = 0x67
-ptgMemNoMemA = 0x68
-ptgMemFuncA = 0x69
-ptgRefErrA = 0x6a
-ptgAreaErrA = 0x6b
-ptgRefNA = 0x6c
-ptgAreaNA = 0x6d
-ptgMemAreaNA = 0x6e
-ptgMemNoMemNA = 0x6f
-ptgFuncCEA = 0x78
-ptgNameXA = 0x79
-ptgRef3dA = 0x7a
-ptgArea3dA = 0x7b
-ptgRefErr3dA = 0x7c
-ptgAreaErr3dA = 0x7d
-PtgNames = {
- ptgExp : "ptgExp",
- ptgTbl : "ptgTbl",
- ptgAdd : "ptgAdd",
- ptgSub : "ptgSub",
- ptgMul : "ptgMul",
- ptgDiv : "ptgDiv",
- ptgPower : "ptgPower",
- ptgConcat : "ptgConcat",
- ptgLT : "ptgLT",
- ptgLE : "ptgLE",
- ptgEQ : "ptgEQ",
- ptgGE : "ptgGE",
- ptgGT : "ptgGT",
- ptgNE : "ptgNE",
- ptgIsect : "ptgIsect",
- ptgUnion : "ptgUnion",
- ptgRange : "ptgRange",
- ptgUplus : "ptgUplus",
- ptgUminus : "ptgUminus",
- ptgPercent : "ptgPercent",
- ptgParen : "ptgParen",
- ptgMissArg : "ptgMissArg",
- ptgStr : "ptgStr",
- ptgExtend : "ptgExtend",
- ptgAttr : "ptgAttr",
- ptgSheet : "ptgSheet",
- ptgEndSheet : "ptgEndSheet",
- ptgErr : "ptgErr",
- ptgBool : "ptgBool",
- ptgInt : "ptgInt",
- ptgNum : "ptgNum",
- ptgArrayR : "ptgArrayR",
- ptgFuncR : "ptgFuncR",
- ptgFuncVarR : "ptgFuncVarR",
- ptgNameR : "ptgNameR",
- ptgRefR : "ptgRefR",
- ptgAreaR : "ptgAreaR",
- ptgMemAreaR : "ptgMemAreaR",
- ptgMemErrR : "ptgMemErrR",
- ptgMemNoMemR : "ptgMemNoMemR",
- ptgMemFuncR : "ptgMemFuncR",
- ptgRefErrR : "ptgRefErrR",
- ptgAreaErrR : "ptgAreaErrR",
- ptgRefNR : "ptgRefNR",
- ptgAreaNR : "ptgAreaNR",
- ptgMemAreaNR : "ptgMemAreaNR",
- ptgMemNoMemNR : "ptgMemNoMemNR",
- ptgNameXR : "ptgNameXR",
- ptgRef3dR : "ptgRef3dR",
- ptgArea3dR : "ptgArea3dR",
- ptgRefErr3dR : "ptgRefErr3dR",
- ptgAreaErr3dR : "ptgAreaErr3dR",
- ptgArrayV : "ptgArrayV",
- ptgFuncV : "ptgFuncV",
- ptgFuncVarV : "ptgFuncVarV",
- ptgNameV : "ptgNameV",
- ptgRefV : "ptgRefV",
- ptgAreaV : "ptgAreaV",
- ptgMemAreaV : "ptgMemAreaV",
- ptgMemErrV : "ptgMemErrV",
- ptgMemNoMemV : "ptgMemNoMemV",
- ptgMemFuncV : "ptgMemFuncV",
- ptgRefErrV : "ptgRefErrV",
- ptgAreaErrV : "ptgAreaErrV",
- ptgRefNV : "ptgRefNV",
- ptgAreaNV : "ptgAreaNV",
- ptgMemAreaNV : "ptgMemAreaNV",
- ptgMemNoMemNV : "ptgMemNoMemNV",
- ptgFuncCEV : "ptgFuncCEV",
- ptgNameXV : "ptgNameXV",
- ptgRef3dV : "ptgRef3dV",
- ptgArea3dV : "ptgArea3dV",
- ptgRefErr3dV : "ptgRefErr3dV",
- ptgAreaErr3dV : "ptgAreaErr3dV",
- ptgArrayA : "ptgArrayA",
- ptgFuncA : "ptgFuncA",
- ptgFuncVarA : "ptgFuncVarA",
- ptgNameA : "ptgNameA",
- ptgRefA : "ptgRefA",
- ptgAreaA : "ptgAreaA",
- ptgMemAreaA : "ptgMemAreaA",
- ptgMemErrA : "ptgMemErrA",
- ptgMemNoMemA : "ptgMemNoMemA",
- ptgMemFuncA : "ptgMemFuncA",
- ptgRefErrA : "ptgRefErrA",
- ptgAreaErrA : "ptgAreaErrA",
- ptgRefNA : "ptgRefNA",
- ptgAreaNA : "ptgAreaNA",
- ptgMemAreaNA : "ptgMemAreaNA",
- ptgMemNoMemNA : "ptgMemNoMemNA",
- ptgFuncCEA : "ptgFuncCEA",
- ptgNameXA : "ptgNameXA",
- ptgRef3dA : "ptgRef3dA",
- ptgArea3dA : "ptgArea3dA",
- ptgRefErr3dA : "ptgRefErr3dA",
- ptgAreaErr3dA : "ptgAreaErr3dA"
-error_msg_by_code = {
- 0x00: "#NULL!", # intersection of two cell ranges is empty
- 0x07: "#DIV/0!", # division by zero
- 0x0F: "#VALUE!", # wrong type of operand
- 0x17: "#REF!", # illegal or deleted cell reference
- 0x1D: "#NAME?", # wrong function or range name
- 0x24: "#NUM!", # value range overflow
- 0x2A: "#N/A!" # argument or function not available
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index c92498b7..00000000
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@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-The XF record is able to store explicit cell formatting attributes or the
-attributes of a cell style. Explicit formatting includes the reference to
-a cell style XF record. This allows to extend a defined cell style with
-some explicit attributes. The formatting attributes are divided into
-6 groups:
-Group Attributes
-Number format Number format index (index to FORMAT record)
-Font Font index (index to FONT record)
-Alignment Horizontal and vertical alignment, text wrap, indentation,
- orientation/rotation, text direction
-Border Border line styles and colours
-Background Background area style and colours
-Protection Cell locked, formula hidden
-For each group a flag in the cell XF record specifies whether to use the
-attributes contained in that XF record or in the referenced style
-XF record. In style XF records, these flags specify whether the attributes
-will overwrite explicit cell formatting when the style is applied to
-a cell. Changing a cell style (without applying this style to a cell) will
-change all cells which already use that style and do not contain explicit
-cell attributes for the changed style attributes. If a cell XF record does
-not contain explicit attributes in a group (if the attribute group flag
-is not set), it repeats the attributes of its style XF record.
-from . import BIFFRecords
-class Font(object):
- FAMILY_NONE = 0x00
- def __init__(self):
- # twip = 1/20 of a point = 1/1440 of a inch
- # usually resolution == 96 pixels per 1 inch
- # (rarely 120 pixels per 1 inch or another one)
- self.height = 0x00C8 # 200: this is font with height 10 points
- self.italic = False
- self.struck_out = False
- self.outline = False
- self.shadow = False
- self.colour_index = 0x7FFF
- self.bold = False
- self._weight = 0x0190 # 0x02BC gives bold font
- self.escapement = self.ESCAPEMENT_NONE
- self.underline = self.UNDERLINE_NONE
- = self.FAMILY_NONE
- self.charset = self.CHARSET_SYS_DEFAULT
- = b'Arial'
- def get_biff_record(self):
- height = self.height
- options = 0x00
- if self.bold:
- options |= 0x01
- self._weight = 0x02BC
- if self.italic:
- options |= 0x02
- if self.underline != self.UNDERLINE_NONE:
- options |= 0x04
- if self.struck_out:
- options |= 0x08
- if self.outline:
- options |= 0x010
- if self.shadow:
- options |= 0x020
- colour_index = self.colour_index
- weight = self._weight
- escapement = self.escapement
- underline = self.underline
- family =
- charset = self.charset
- name =
- return BIFFRecords.FontRecord(height, options, colour_index, weight, escapement,
- underline, family, charset,
- name)
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.height,
- self.italic,
- self.struck_out,
- self.outline,
- self.shadow,
- self.colour_index,
- self.bold,
- self._weight,
- self.escapement,
- self.underline,
- self.charset,
- )
-class Alignment(object):
- HORZ_LEFT = 0x01
- HORZ_CENTER = 0x02
- HORZ_RIGHT = 0x03
- HORZ_FILLED = 0x04
- HORZ_CENTER_ACROSS_SEL = 0x06 # Centred across selection (BIFF4-BIFF8X)
- HORZ_DISTRIBUTED = 0x07 # Distributed (BIFF8X)
- VERT_TOP = 0x00
- VERT_CENTER = 0x01
- VERT_BOTTOM = 0x02
- VERT_JUSTIFIED = 0x03 # Justified (BIFF5-BIFF8X)
- VERT_DISTRIBUTED = 0x04 # Distributed (BIFF8X)
- ORIENTATION_90_CC = 0x02
- ORIENTATION_90_CW = 0x03
- WRAP_AT_RIGHT = 0x01
- SHRINK_TO_FIT = 0x01
- def __init__(self):
- self.horz = self.HORZ_GENERAL
- self.vert = self.VERT_BOTTOM
- self.dire = self.DIRECTION_GENERAL
- self.orie = self.ORIENTATION_NOT_ROTATED
- self.rota = self.ROTATION_0_ANGLE
- self.wrap = self.NOT_WRAP_AT_RIGHT
- self.shri = self.NOT_SHRINK_TO_FIT
- self.inde = 0
- self.merg = 0
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.horz, self.vert, self.dire, self.orie, self.rota,
- self.wrap, self.shri, self.inde, self.merg,
- )
-class Borders(object):
- NO_LINE = 0x00
- THIN = 0x01
- MEDIUM = 0x02
- DASHED = 0x03
- DOTTED = 0x04
- THICK = 0x05
- DOUBLE = 0x06
- HAIR = 0x07
- #The following for BIFF8
- NEED_DIAG1 = 0x01
- NEED_DIAG2 = 0x01
- NO_NEED_DIAG1 = 0x00
- NO_NEED_DIAG2 = 0x00
- def __init__(self):
- self.left = self.NO_LINE
- self.right = self.NO_LINE
- = self.NO_LINE
- self.bottom = self.NO_LINE
- self.diag = self.NO_LINE
- self.left_colour = 0x40
- self.right_colour = 0x40
- self.top_colour = 0x40
- self.bottom_colour = 0x40
- self.diag_colour = 0x40
- self.need_diag1 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG1
- self.need_diag2 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG2
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.left, self.right,, self.bottom, self.diag,
- self.left_colour, self.right_colour, self.top_colour,
- self.bottom_colour, self.diag_colour,
- self.need_diag1, self.need_diag2,
- )
-class Pattern(object):
- # patterns 0x00 - 0x12
- NO_PATTERN = 0x00
- def __init__(self):
- self.pattern = self.NO_PATTERN
- self.pattern_fore_colour = 0x40
- self.pattern_back_colour = 0x41
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.pattern,
- self.pattern_fore_colour,
- self.pattern_back_colour,
- )
-class Protection(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.cell_locked = 1
- self.formula_hidden = 0
- def _search_key(self):
- return (
- self.cell_locked,
- self.formula_hidden,
- )
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deleted file mode 100644
index 46447b8d..00000000
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@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-from . import BIFFRecords
-from . import Style
-from .Cell import StrCell, BlankCell, NumberCell, FormulaCell, MulBlankCell, BooleanCell, ErrorCell, \
- _get_cells_biff_data_mul
-from . import ExcelFormula
-import datetime as dt
- from decimal import Decimal
-except ImportError:
- # Python 2.3: decimal not supported; create dummy Decimal class
- class Decimal(object):
- pass
-class Row(object):
- __slots__ = [# private variables
- "__idx",
- "__parent",
- "__parent_wb",
- "__cells",
- "__min_col_idx",
- "__max_col_idx",
- "__xf_index",
- "__has_default_xf_index",
- "__height_in_pixels",
- # public variables
- "height",
- "has_default_height",
- "height_mismatch",
- "level",
- "collapse",
- "hidden",
- "space_above",
- "space_below"]
- def __init__(self, rowx, parent_sheet):
- if not (isinstance(rowx, int) and 0 <= rowx <= 65535):
- raise ValueError("row index (%r) not an int in range(65536)" % rowx)
- self.__idx = rowx
- self.__parent = parent_sheet
- self.__parent_wb = parent_sheet.get_parent()
- self.__cells = {}
- self.__min_col_idx = 0
- self.__max_col_idx = 0
- self.__xf_index = 0x0F
- self.__has_default_xf_index = 0
- self.__height_in_pixels = 0x11
- self.height = 0x00FF
- self.has_default_height = 0x00
- self.height_mismatch = 0
- self.level = 0
- self.collapse = 0
- self.hidden = 0
- self.space_above = 0
- self.space_below = 0
- def __adjust_height(self, style):
- twips = style.font.height
- points = float(twips)/20.0
- # Cell height in pixels can be calcuted by following approx. formula:
- # cell height in pixels = font height in points * 83/50 + 2/5
- # It works when screen resolution is 96 dpi
- pix = int(round(points*83.0/50.0 + 2.0/5.0))
- if pix > self.__height_in_pixels:
- self.__height_in_pixels = pix
- def __adjust_bound_col_idx(self, *args):
- for arg in args:
- iarg = int(arg)
- if not ((0 <= iarg <= 255) and arg == iarg):
- raise ValueError("column index (%r) not an int in range(256)" % arg)
- sheet = self.__parent
- if iarg < self.__min_col_idx:
- self.__min_col_idx = iarg
- if iarg > self.__max_col_idx:
- self.__max_col_idx = iarg
- if iarg < sheet.first_used_col:
- sheet.first_used_col = iarg
- if iarg > sheet.last_used_col:
- sheet.last_used_col = iarg
- def __excel_date_dt(self, date):
- if isinstance(date, and (not isinstance(date, dt.datetime)):
- epoch =, 12, 31)
- elif isinstance(date, dt.time):
- date = dt.datetime.combine(dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1), date)
- epoch = dt.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
- else:
- epoch = dt.datetime(1899, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0)
- delta = date - epoch
- xldate = delta.days + float(delta.seconds) / (24*60*60)
- # Add a day for Excel's missing leap day in 1900
- if xldate > 59:
- xldate += 1
- return xldate
- def get_height_in_pixels(self):
- return self.__height_in_pixels
- def set_style(self, style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.__has_default_xf_index = 1
- def get_xf_index(self):
- return self.__xf_index
- def get_cells_count(self):
- return len(self.__cells)
- def get_min_col(self):
- return self.__min_col_idx
- def get_max_col(self):
- return self.__max_col_idx
- def get_row_biff_data(self):
- height_options = (self.height & 0x07FFF)
- height_options |= (self.has_default_height & 0x01) << 15
- options = (self.level & 0x07) << 0
- options |= (self.collapse & 0x01) << 4
- options |= (self.hidden & 0x01) << 5
- options |= (self.height_mismatch & 0x01) << 6
- options |= (self.__has_default_xf_index & 0x01) << 7
- options |= (0x01 & 0x01) << 8
- options |= (self.__xf_index & 0x0FFF) << 16
- options |= (self.space_above & 1) << 28
- options |= (self.space_below & 1) << 29
- return BIFFRecords.RowRecord(self.__idx, self.__min_col_idx,
- self.__max_col_idx, height_options, options).get()
- def insert_cell(self, col_index, cell_obj):
- if col_index in self.__cells:
- if not self.__parent._cell_overwrite_ok:
- msg = "Attempt to overwrite cell: sheetname=%r rowx=%d colx=%d" \
- % (, self.__idx, col_index)
- raise Exception(msg)
- prev_cell_obj = self.__cells[col_index]
- sst_idx = getattr(prev_cell_obj, 'sst_idx', None)
- if sst_idx is not None:
- self.__parent_wb.del_str(sst_idx)
- self.__cells[col_index] = cell_obj
- def insert_mulcells(self, colx1, colx2, cell_obj):
- self.insert_cell(colx1, cell_obj)
- for col_index in range(colx1+1, colx2+1):
- self.insert_cell(col_index, None)
- def get_cells_biff_data(self):
- cell_items = [item for item in self.__cells.items() if item[1] is not None]
- cell_items.sort() # in column order
- return _get_cells_biff_data_mul(self.__idx, cell_items)
- # previously:
- # return ''.join([cell.get_biff_data() for colx, cell in cell_items])
- def get_index(self):
- return self.__idx
- def set_cell_text(self, colx, value, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, StrCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, self.__parent_wb.add_str(value)))
- def set_cell_blank(self, colx, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, BlankCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index))
- def set_cell_mulblanks(self, first_colx, last_colx, style=Style.default_style):
- assert 0 <= first_colx <= last_colx <= 255
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(first_colx, last_colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- # ncols = last_colx - first_colx + 1
- self.insert_mulcells(first_colx, last_colx, MulBlankCell(self.__idx, first_colx, last_colx, xf_index))
- def set_cell_number(self, colx, number, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, NumberCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, number))
- def set_cell_date(self, colx, datetime_obj, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx,
- NumberCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, self.__excel_date_dt(datetime_obj)))
- def set_cell_formula(self, colx, formula, style=Style.default_style, calc_flags=0):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.__parent_wb.add_sheet_reference(formula)
- self.insert_cell(colx, FormulaCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, formula, calc_flags=0))
- def set_cell_boolean(self, colx, value, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, BooleanCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, bool(value)))
- def set_cell_error(self, colx, error_string_or_code, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(colx)
- xf_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- self.insert_cell(colx, ErrorCell(self.__idx, colx, xf_index, error_string_or_code))
- def write(self, col, label, style=Style.default_style):
- self.__adjust_height(style)
- self.__adjust_bound_col_idx(col)
- style_index = self.__parent_wb.add_style(style)
- if isinstance(label, str):
- if len(label) > 0:
- self.insert_cell(col,
- StrCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, self.__parent_wb.add_str(label))
- )
- else:
- self.insert_cell(col, BlankCell(self.__idx, col, style_index))
- elif isinstance(label, bool): # bool is subclass of int; test bool first
- self.insert_cell(col, BooleanCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, label))
- elif isinstance(label, (float, int, Decimal)):
- self.insert_cell(col, NumberCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, label))
- elif isinstance(label, (dt.datetime,, dt.time)):
- date_number = self.__excel_date_dt(label)
- self.insert_cell(col, NumberCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, date_number))
- elif label is None:
- self.insert_cell(col, BlankCell(self.__idx, col, style_index))
- elif isinstance(label, ExcelFormula.Formula):
- self.__parent_wb.add_sheet_reference(label)
- self.insert_cell(col, FormulaCell(self.__idx, col, style_index, label))
- else:
- raise Exception("Unexpected data type %r" % type(label))
- write_blanks = set_cell_mulblanks
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index 182fc077..00000000
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-# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
-from . import Formatting
-from .BIFFRecords import *
-import collections
-class XFStyle(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.num_format_str = 'General'
- self.font = Formatting.Font()
- self.alignment = Formatting.Alignment()
- self.borders = Formatting.Borders()
- self.pattern = Formatting.Pattern()
- = Formatting.Protection()
-default_style = XFStyle()
-class StyleCollection(object):
- _std_num_fmt_list = [
- 'general',
- '0',
- '0.00',
- '#,##0',
- '#,##0.00',
- '"$"#,##0_);("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0_);[Red]("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0.00_);("$"#,##',
- '"$"#,##0.00_);[Red]("$"#,##',
- '0%',
- '0.00%',
- '0.00E+00',
- '# ?/?',
- '# ??/??',
- 'M/D/YY',
- 'D-MMM-YY',
- 'D-MMM',
- 'MMM-YY',
- 'h:mm AM/PM',
- 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
- 'h:mm',
- 'h:mm:ss',
- 'M/D/YY h:mm',
- '_(#,##0_);(#,##0)',
- '_(#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)',
- '_(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)',
- '_(#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)',
- '_("$"* #,##0_);_("$"* (#,##0);_("$"* "-"_);_(@_)',
- '_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)',
- '_("$"* #,##0.00_);_("$"* (#,##0.00);_("$"* "-"??_);_(@_)',
- '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)',
- 'mm:ss',
- '[h]:mm:ss',
- 'mm:ss.0',
- '##0.0E+0',
- '@'
- ]
- def __init__(self, style_compression=0):
- self.style_compression = style_compression
- self.stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- self._font_id2x = {}
- self._font_x2id = {}
- self._font_val2x = {}
- for x in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5): # The font with index 4 is omitted in all BIFF versions
- font = Formatting.Font()
- search_key = font._search_key()
- self._font_id2x[font] = x
- self._font_x2id[x] = font
- self._font_val2x[search_key] = x
- self._xf_id2x = {}
- self._xf_x2id = {}
- self._xf_val2x = {}
- self._num_formats = {}
- for fmtidx, fmtstr in zip(list(range(0, 23)), StyleCollection._std_num_fmt_list[0:23]):
- self._num_formats[fmtstr] = fmtidx
- for fmtidx, fmtstr in zip(list(range(37, 50)), StyleCollection._std_num_fmt_list[23:]):
- self._num_formats[fmtstr] = fmtidx
- self.default_style = XFStyle()
- self._default_xf = self._add_style(self.default_style)[0]
- def add(self, style):
- if style == None:
- return 0x10
- return self._add_style(style)[1]
- def _add_style(self, style):
- num_format_str = style.num_format_str
- if num_format_str in self._num_formats:
- num_format_idx = self._num_formats[num_format_str]
- else:
- num_format_idx = (
- + len(self._num_formats)
- - len(StyleCollection._std_num_fmt_list)
- )
- self._num_formats[num_format_str] = num_format_idx
- font = style.font
- if font in self._font_id2x:
- font_idx = self._font_id2x[font]
- self.stats[0] += 1
- elif self.style_compression:
- search_key = font._search_key()
- font_idx = self._font_val2x.get(search_key)
- if font_idx is not None:
- self._font_id2x[font] = font_idx
- self.stats[1] += 1
- else:
- font_idx = len(self._font_x2id) + 1 # Why plus 1? Font 4 is missing
- self._font_id2x[font] = font_idx
- self._font_val2x[search_key] = font_idx
- self._font_x2id[font_idx] = font
- self.stats[2] += 1
- else:
- font_idx = len(self._font_id2x) + 1
- self._font_id2x[font] = font_idx
- self.stats[2] += 1
- gof = (style.alignment, style.borders, style.pattern,
- xf = (font_idx, num_format_idx) + gof
- if xf in self._xf_id2x:
- xf_index = self._xf_id2x[xf]
- self.stats[3] += 1
- elif self.style_compression == 2:
- xf_key = (font_idx, num_format_idx) + tuple([obj._search_key() for obj in gof])
- xf_index = self._xf_val2x.get(xf_key)
- if xf_index is not None:
- self._xf_id2x[xf] = xf_index
- self.stats[4] += 1
- else:
- xf_index = 0x10 + len(self._xf_x2id)
- self._xf_id2x[xf] = xf_index
- self._xf_val2x[xf_key] = xf_index
- self._xf_x2id[xf_index] = xf
- self.stats[5] += 1
- else:
- xf_index = 0x10 + len(self._xf_id2x)
- self._xf_id2x[xf] = xf_index
- self.stats[5] += 1
- if xf_index >= 0xFFF:
- # 12 bits allowed, 0xFFF is a sentinel value
- raise ValueError("More than 4094 XFs (styles)")
- return xf, xf_index
- def get_biff_data(self):
- result = b''
- result += self._all_fonts()
- result += self._all_num_formats()
- result += self._all_cell_styles()
- result += self._all_styles()
- return result
- def _all_fonts(self):
- result = b''
- if self.style_compression:
- alist = list(self._font_x2id.items())
- else:
- alist = [(x, o) for o, x in list(self._font_id2x.items())]
- alist.sort()
- for font_idx, font in alist:
- result += font.get_biff_record().get()
- return result
- def _all_num_formats(self):
- result = b''
- alist = [
- (v, k)
- for k, v in list(self._num_formats.items())
- ]
- alist.sort()
- for fmtidx, fmtstr in alist:
- result += NumberFormatRecord(fmtidx, fmtstr).get()
- return result
- def _all_cell_styles(self):
- result = b''
- for i in range(0, 16):
- result += XFRecord(self._default_xf, 'style').get()
- if self.style_compression == 2:
- alist = list(self._xf_x2id.items())
- else:
- alist = [(x, o) for o, x in list(self._xf_id2x.items())]
- alist.sort()
- for xf_idx, xf in alist:
- result += XFRecord(xf).get()
- return result
- def _all_styles(self):
- return StyleRecord().get()
-# easyxf and its supporting objects ###################################
-class EasyXFException(Exception):
- pass
-class EasyXFCallerError(EasyXFException):
- pass
-class EasyXFAuthorError(EasyXFException):
- pass
-class IntULim(object):
- # If astring represents a valid unsigned integer ('123', '0xabcd', etc)
- # and it is <= limit, return the int value; otherwise return None.
- def __init__(self, limit):
- self.limit = limit
- def __call__(self, astring):
- try:
- value = int(astring, 0)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if not 0 <= value <= self.limit:
- return None
- return value
-bool_map = {
- # Text values for all Boolean attributes
- '1': 1, 'yes': 1, 'true': 1, 'on': 1,
- '0': 0, 'no': 0, 'false': 0, 'off': 0,
- }
-border_line_map = {
- # Text values for these borders attributes:
- # left, right, top, bottom and diag
- 'no_line': 0x00,
- 'thin': 0x01,
- 'medium': 0x02,
- 'dashed': 0x03,
- 'dotted': 0x04,
- 'thick': 0x05,
- 'double': 0x06,
- 'hair': 0x07,
- 'medium_dashed': 0x08,
- 'thin_dash_dotted': 0x09,
- 'medium_dash_dotted': 0x0a,
- 'thin_dash_dot_dotted': 0x0b,
- 'medium_dash_dot_dotted': 0x0c,
- 'slanted_medium_dash_dotted': 0x0d,
- }
-charset_map = {
- # Text values for font.charset
- 'ansi_latin': 0x00,
- 'sys_default': 0x01,
- 'symbol': 0x02,
- 'apple_roman': 0x4d,
- 'ansi_jap_shift_jis': 0x80,
- 'ansi_kor_hangul': 0x81,
- 'ansi_kor_johab': 0x82,
- 'ansi_chinese_gbk': 0x86,
- 'ansi_chinese_big5': 0x88,
- 'ansi_greek': 0xa1,
- 'ansi_turkish': 0xa2,
- 'ansi_vietnamese': 0xa3,
- 'ansi_hebrew': 0xb1,
- 'ansi_arabic': 0xb2,
- 'ansi_baltic': 0xba,
- 'ansi_cyrillic': 0xcc,
- 'ansi_thai': 0xde,
- 'ansi_latin_ii': 0xee,
- 'oem_latin_i': 0xff,
- }
-# Text values for colour indices. "grey" is a synonym of "gray".
-# The names are those given by Microsoft Excel 2003 to the colours
-# in the default palette. There is no great correspondence with
-# any W3C name-to-RGB mapping.
-_colour_map_text = """\
-aqua 0x31
-black 0x08
-blue 0x0C
-blue_gray 0x36
-bright_green 0x0B
-brown 0x3C
-coral 0x1D
-cyan_ega 0x0F
-dark_blue 0x12
-dark_blue_ega 0x12
-dark_green 0x3A
-dark_green_ega 0x11
-dark_purple 0x1C
-dark_red 0x10
-dark_red_ega 0x10
-dark_teal 0x38
-dark_yellow 0x13
-gold 0x33
-gray_ega 0x17
-gray25 0x16
-gray40 0x37
-gray50 0x17
-gray80 0x3F
-green 0x11
-ice_blue 0x1F
-indigo 0x3E
-ivory 0x1A
-lavender 0x2E
-light_blue 0x30
-light_green 0x2A
-light_orange 0x34
-light_turquoise 0x29
-light_yellow 0x2B
-lime 0x32
-magenta_ega 0x0E
-ocean_blue 0x1E
-olive_ega 0x13
-olive_green 0x3B
-orange 0x35
-pale_blue 0x2C
-periwinkle 0x18
-pink 0x0E
-plum 0x3D
-purple_ega 0x14
-red 0x0A
-rose 0x2D
-sea_green 0x39
-silver_ega 0x16
-sky_blue 0x28
-tan 0x2F
-teal 0x15
-teal_ega 0x15
-turquoise 0x0F
-violet 0x14
-white 0x09
-yellow 0x0D"""
-colour_map = {}
-for _line in _colour_map_text.splitlines():
- _name, _num = _line.split()
- _num = int(_num, 0)
- colour_map[_name] = _num
- if 'gray' in _name:
- colour_map[_name.replace('gray', 'grey')] = _num
-del _colour_map_text, _line, _name, _num
-pattern_map = {
- # Text values for pattern.pattern
- # xlwt/doc/pattern_examples.xls showcases all of these patterns.
- 'no_fill': 0,
- 'none': 0,
- 'solid': 1,
- 'solid_fill': 1,
- 'solid_pattern': 1,
- 'fine_dots': 2,
- 'alt_bars': 3,
- 'sparse_dots': 4,
- 'thick_horz_bands': 5,
- 'thick_vert_bands': 6,
- 'thick_backward_diag': 7,
- 'thick_forward_diag': 8,
- 'big_spots': 9,
- 'bricks': 10,
- 'thin_horz_bands': 11,
- 'thin_vert_bands': 12,
- 'thin_backward_diag': 13,
- 'thin_forward_diag': 14,
- 'squares': 15,
- 'diamonds': 16,
- }
-def any_str_func(s):
- return s.strip()
-def colour_index_func(s, maxval=0x7F):
- try:
- value = int(s, 0)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if not (0 <= value <= maxval):
- return None
- return value
-colour_index_func_7 = colour_index_func
-def colour_index_func_15(s):
- return colour_index_func(s, maxval=0x7FFF)
-def rotation_func(s):
- try:
- value = int(s, 0)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- if not (-90 <= value <= 90):
- raise EasyXFCallerError("rotation %d: should be -90 to +90 degrees" % value)
- if value < 0:
- value = 90 - value # encode as 91 to 180 (clockwise)
- return value
-xf_dict = {
- 'align': 'alignment', # synonym
- 'alignment': {
- 'dire': {
- 'general': 0,
- 'lr': 1,
- 'rl': 2,
- },
- 'direction': 'dire',
- 'horiz': 'horz',
- 'horizontal': 'horz',
- 'horz': {
- 'general': 0,
- 'left': 1,
- 'center': 2,
- 'centre': 2, # "align: horiz centre" means xf.alignment.horz is set to 2
- 'right': 3,
- 'filled': 4,
- 'justified': 5,
- 'center_across_selection': 6,
- 'centre_across_selection': 6,
- 'distributed': 7,
- },
- 'inde': IntULim(15), # restriction: 0 <= value <= 15
- 'indent': 'inde',
- 'rota': [{'stacked': 255, 'none': 0, }, rotation_func],
- 'rotation': 'rota',
- 'shri': bool_map,
- 'shrink': 'shri',
- 'shrink_to_fit': 'shri',
- 'vert': {
- 'top': 0,
- 'center': 1,
- 'centre': 1,
- 'bottom': 2,
- 'justified': 3,
- 'distributed': 4,
- },
- 'vertical': 'vert',
- 'wrap': bool_map,
- },
- 'border': 'borders',
- 'borders': {
- 'left': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'right': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'top': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'bottom': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'diag': [border_line_map, IntULim(0x0d)],
- 'top_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'bottom_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'left_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'right_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'diag_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'top_color': 'top_colour',
- 'bottom_color': 'bottom_colour',
- 'left_color': 'left_colour',
- 'right_color': 'right_colour',
- 'diag_color': 'diag-colour',
- 'need_diag_1': bool_map,
- 'need_diag_2': bool_map,
- },
- 'font': {
- 'bold': bool_map,
- 'charset': charset_map,
- 'color': 'colour_index',
- 'color_index': 'colour_index',
- 'colour': 'colour_index',
- 'colour_index': [colour_map, colour_index_func_15],
- 'escapement': {'none': 0, 'superscript': 1, 'subscript': 2},
- 'family': {'none': 0, 'roman': 1, 'swiss': 2, 'modern': 3, 'script': 4, 'decorative': 5, },
- 'height': IntULim(0xFFFF), # practical limits are much narrower e.g. 160 to 1440 (8pt to 72pt)
- 'italic': bool_map,
- 'name': any_str_func,
- 'outline': bool_map,
- 'shadow': bool_map,
- 'struck_out': bool_map,
- 'underline': [bool_map, {'none': 0, 'single': 1, 'single_acc': 0x21, 'double': 2, 'double_acc': 0x22, }],
- },
- 'pattern': {
- 'back_color': 'pattern_back_colour',
- 'back_colour': 'pattern_back_colour',
- 'fore_color': 'pattern_fore_colour',
- 'fore_colour': 'pattern_fore_colour',
- 'pattern': [pattern_map, IntULim(16)],
- 'pattern_back_color': 'pattern_back_colour',
- 'pattern_back_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- 'pattern_fore_color': 'pattern_fore_colour',
- 'pattern_fore_colour': [colour_map, colour_index_func_7],
- },
- 'protection': {
- 'cell_locked' : bool_map,
- 'formula_hidden': bool_map,
- },
- }
-def _esplit(s, split_char, esc_char="\\"):
- escaped = False
- olist = ['']
- for c in s:
- if escaped:
- olist[-1] += c
- escaped = False
- elif c == esc_char:
- escaped = True
- elif c == split_char:
- olist.append('')
- else:
- olist[-1] += c
- return olist
-def _parse_strg_to_obj(strg, obj, parse_dict,
- field_sep=",", line_sep=";", intro_sep=":", esc_char="\\", debug=False):
- for line in _esplit(strg, line_sep, esc_char):
- line = line.strip()
- if not line:
- break
- split_line = _esplit(line, intro_sep, esc_char)
- if len(split_line) != 2:
- raise EasyXFCallerError('line %r should have exactly 1 "%c"' % (line, intro_sep))
- section, item_str = split_line
- section = section.strip().lower()
- for counter in range(2):
- result = parse_dict.get(section)
- if result is None:
- raise EasyXFCallerError('section %r is unknown' % section)
- if isinstance(result, dict):
- break
- if not isinstance(result, str):
- raise EasyXFAuthorError(
- 'section %r should map to dict or str object; found %r' % (section, type(result)))
- # synonym
- old_section = section
- section = result
- else:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('Attempt to define synonym of synonym (%r: %r)' % (old_section, result))
- section_dict = result
- section_obj = getattr(obj, section, None)
- if section_obj is None:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('instance of %s class has no attribute named %s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, section))
- for kv_str in _esplit(item_str, field_sep, esc_char):
- guff = kv_str.split()
- if not guff:
- continue
- k = guff[0].lower().replace('-', '_')
- v = ' '.join(guff[1:])
- if not v:
- raise EasyXFCallerError("no value supplied for %s.%s" % (section, k))
- for counter in range(2):
- result = section_dict.get(k)
- if result is None:
- raise EasyXFCallerError('%s.%s is not a known attribute' % (section, k))
- if not isinstance(result, str):
- break
- # synonym
- old_k = k
- k = result
- else:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('Attempt to define synonym of synonym (%r: %r)' % (old_k, result))
- value_info = result
- if not isinstance(value_info, list):
- value_info = [value_info]
- for value_rule in value_info:
- if isinstance(value_rule, dict):
- # dict maps strings to integer field values
- vl = v.lower().replace('-', '_')
- if vl in value_rule:
- value = value_rule[vl]
- break
- elif isinstance(value_rule, collections.Callable):
- value = value_rule(v)
- if value is not None:
- break
- else:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError("unknown value rule for attribute %r: %r" % (k, value_rule))
- else:
- raise EasyXFCallerError("unexpected value %r for %s.%s" % (v, section, k))
- try:
- orig = getattr(section_obj, k)
- except AttributeError:
- raise EasyXFAuthorError('%s.%s in dictionary but not in supplied object' % (section, k))
- if debug: print("+++ %s.%s = %r # %s; was %r" % (section, k, value, v, orig))
- setattr(section_obj, k, value)
-def easyxf(strg_to_parse="", num_format_str=None,
- field_sep=",", line_sep=";", intro_sep=":", esc_char="\\", debug=False):
- xfobj = XFStyle()
- if num_format_str is not None:
- xfobj.num_format_str = num_format_str
- if strg_to_parse:
- _parse_strg_to_obj(strg_to_parse, xfobj, xf_dict,
- field_sep=field_sep, line_sep=line_sep, intro_sep=intro_sep, esc_char=esc_char, debug=debug)
- return xfobj
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index 204d13ce..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-From BIFF8 on, strings are always stored using UTF-16LE text encoding. The
-character array is a sequence of 16-bit values4. Additionally it is
-possible to use a compressed format, which omits the high bytes of all
-characters, if they are all zero.
-The following tables describe the standard format of the entire string, but
-in many records the strings differ from this format. This will be mentioned
-separately. It is possible (but not required) to store Rich-Text formatting
-information and Asian phonetic information inside a Unicode string. This
-results in four different ways to store a string. The character array
-is not zero-terminated.
-The string consists of the character count (as usual an 8-bit value or
-a 16-bit value), option flags, the character array and optional formatting
-information. If the string is empty, sometimes the option flags field will
-not occur. This is mentioned at the respective place.
-Offset Size Contents
-0 1 or 2 Length of the string (character count, ln)
-1 or 2 1 Option flags:
- Bit Mask Contents
- 0 01H Character compression (ccompr):
- 0 = Compressed (8-bit characters)
- 1 = Uncompressed (16-bit characters)
- 2 04H Asian phonetic settings (phonetic):
- 0 = Does not contain Asian phonetic settings
- 1 = Contains Asian phonetic settings
- 3 08H Rich-Text settings (richtext):
- 0 = Does not contain Rich-Text settings
- 1 = Contains Rich-Text settings
-[2 or 3] 2 (optional, only if richtext=1) Number of Rich-Text formatting runs (rt)
-[var.] 4 (optional, only if phonetic=1) Size of Asian phonetic settings block (in bytes, sz)
-var. ln or
- 2·ln Character array (8-bit characters or 16-bit characters, dependent on ccompr)
-[var.] 4·rt (optional, only if richtext=1) List of rt formatting runs
-[var.] sz (optional, only if phonetic=1) Asian Phonetic Settings Block
-from struct import pack
-def upack2(s, encoding='ascii'):
- # If not unicode, make it so.
- if isinstance(s, str):
- us = s
- else:
- us = str(s, encoding)
- # Limit is based on number of content characters
- # (not on number of bytes in packed result)
- len_us = len(us)
- if len_us > 65535:
- raise Exception('String longer than 65535 characters')
- try:
- encs = us.encode('latin1')
- # Success here means all chars are in U+0000 to U+00FF
- # inclusive, meaning that we can use "compressed format".
- flag = 0
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- encs = us.encode('utf_16_le')
- flag = 1
- return pack(' 255:
- raise Exception('String longer than 255 characters')
- try:
- encs = us.encode('latin1')
- flag = 0
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- encs = us.encode('utf_16_le')
- flag = 1
- return pack('
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2004 John McNamara (Perl Spreadsheet::WriteExcel)
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# This module was written/ported from PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module
-# The author of the PERL Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module is John McNamara
-# See the README.txt distributed with pyXLWriter for more details.
-# Portions are (C) Roman V. Kiseliov, 2005
-# Utilities for work with reference to cells and with sheetnames
-__rev_id__ = """$Id: 3844 2009-05-20 01:02:54Z sjmachin $"""
-import re
-from struct import pack
-from .ExcelMagic import MAX_ROW, MAX_COL
-_re_cell_ex = re.compile(r"(\$?)([A-I]?[A-Z])(\$?)(\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
-_re_row_range = re.compile(r"\$?(\d+):\$?(\d+)")
-_re_col_range = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z])", re.IGNORECASE)
-_re_cell_range = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+):\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
-_re_cell_ref = re.compile(r"\$?([A-I]?[A-Z]\$?\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
-def col_by_name(colname):
- """
- """
- col = 0
- pow = 1
- for i in range(len(colname)-1, -1, -1):
- ch = colname[i]
- col += (ord(ch) - ord('A') + 1) * pow
- pow *= 26
- return col - 1
-def cell_to_rowcol(cell):
- """Convert an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation
- to numeric row/col notation.
- Returns: row, col, row_abs, col_abs
- """
- m = _re_cell_ex.match(cell)
- if not m:
- raise Exception("Ill-formed single_cell reference: %s" % cell)
- col_abs, col, row_abs, row = m.groups()
- row_abs = bool(row_abs)
- col_abs = bool(col_abs)
- row = int(row) - 1
- col = col_by_name(col.upper())
- return row, col, row_abs, col_abs
-def cell_to_rowcol2(cell):
- """Convert an Excel cell reference string in A1 notation
- to numeric row/col notation.
- Returns: row, col
- """
- m = _re_cell_ex.match(cell)
- if not m:
- raise Exception("Error in cell format")
- col_abs, col, row_abs, row = m.groups()
- # Convert base26 column string to number
- # All your Base are belong to us.
- row = int(row) - 1
- col = col_by_name(col.upper())
- return row, col
-def rowcol_to_cell(row, col, row_abs=False, col_abs=False):
- """Convert numeric row/col notation to an Excel cell reference string in
- A1 notation.
- """
- assert 0 <= row < MAX_ROW # MAX_ROW counts from 1
- assert 0 <= col < MAX_COL # MAX_COL counts from 1
- d = col // 26
- m = col % 26
- chr1 = "" # Most significant character in AA1
- if row_abs:
- row_abs = '$'
- else:
- row_abs = ''
- if col_abs:
- col_abs = '$'
- else:
- col_abs = ''
- if d > 0:
- chr1 = chr(ord('A') + d - 1)
- chr2 = chr(ord('A') + m)
- # Zero index to 1-index
- return col_abs + chr1 + chr2 + row_abs + str(row + 1)
-def rowcol_pair_to_cellrange(row1, col1, row2, col2,
- row1_abs=False, col1_abs=False, row2_abs=False, col2_abs=False):
- """Convert two (row,column) pairs
- into a cell range string in A1:B2 notation.
- Returns: cell range string
- """
- assert row1 <= row2
- assert col1 <= col2
- return (
- rowcol_to_cell(row1, col1, row1_abs, col1_abs)
- + ":"
- + rowcol_to_cell(row2, col2, row2_abs, col2_abs)
- )
-def cellrange_to_rowcol_pair(cellrange):
- """Convert cell range string in A1 notation to numeric row/col
- pair.
- Returns: row1, col1, row2, col2
- """
- cellrange = cellrange.upper()
- # Convert a row range: '1:3'
- res = _re_row_range.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- row1 = int( - 1
- col1 = 0
- row2 = int( - 1
- col2 = -1
- return row1, col1, row2, col2
- # Convert a column range: 'A:A' or 'B:G'.
- # A range such as A:A is equivalent to A1:A16384, so add rows as required
- res = _re_col_range.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- col1 = col_by_name(
- row1 = 0
- col2 = col_by_name(
- row2 = -1
- return row1, col1, row2, col2
- # Convert a cell range: 'A1:B7'
- res = _re_cell_range.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- row1, col1 = cell_to_rowcol2(
- row2, col2 = cell_to_rowcol2(
- return row1, col1, row2, col2
- # Convert a cell reference: 'A1' or 'AD2000'
- res = _re_cell_ref.match(cellrange)
- if res:
- row1, col1 = cell_to_rowcol2(
- return row1, col1, row1, col1
- raise Exception("Unknown cell reference %s" % (cell))
-def cell_to_packed_rowcol(cell):
- """ pack row and column into the required 4 byte format """
- row, col, row_abs, col_abs = cell_to_rowcol(cell)
- if col >= MAX_COL:
- raise Exception("Column %s greater than IV in formula" % cell)
- if row >= MAX_ROW: # this for BIFF8. for BIFF7 available 2^14
- raise Exception("Row %s greater than %d in formula" % (cell, MAX_ROW))
- col |= int(not row_abs) << 15
- col |= int(not col_abs) << 14
- return row, col
-# === sheetname functions ===
-def valid_sheet_name(sheet_name):
- if sheet_name == "" or sheet_name[0] == "'" or len(sheet_name) > 31:
- return False
- for c in sheet_name:
- if c in "[]:\\?/*\x00":
- return False
- return True
-def quote_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name):
- if not valid_sheet_name(unquoted_sheet_name):
- raise Exception(
- 'attempt to quote an invalid worksheet name %r' % unquoted_sheet_name)
- return "'" + unquoted_sheet_name.replace("'", "''") + "'"
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba42e6b3..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,635 +0,0 @@
-Record Order in BIFF8
- Workbook Globals Substream
- BOF Type = workbook globals
- Interface Header
- Interface End
- Workbook Protection Block
- FONT +
- XF +
- ? Link Table
- ExtSST
-from . import BIFFRecords
-from . import Style
-class Workbook(object):
- #################################################################
- ## Constructor
- #################################################################
- def __init__(self, encoding='ascii', style_compression=0):
- self.encoding = encoding
- self.__owner = 'None'
- self.__country_code = None # 0x07 is Russia :-)
- self.__wnd_protect = 0
- self.__obj_protect = 0
- self.__protect = 0
- self.__backup_on_save = 0
- # for WINDOW1 record
- self.__hpos_twips = 0x01E0
- self.__vpos_twips = 0x005A
- self.__width_twips = 0x3FCF
- self.__height_twips = 0x2A4E
- self.__active_sheet = 0
- self.__first_tab_index = 0
- self.__selected_tabs = 0x01
- self.__tab_width_twips = 0x0258
- self.__wnd_hidden = 0
- self.__wnd_mini = 0
- self.__hscroll_visible = 1
- self.__vscroll_visible = 1
- self.__tabs_visible = 1
- self.__styles = Style.StyleCollection(style_compression)
- self.__dates_1904 = 0
- self.__use_cell_values = 1
- self.__sst = BIFFRecords.SharedStringTable(self.encoding)
- self.__worksheets = []
- self.__worksheet_idx_from_name = {}
- self.__sheet_refs = {}
- self._supbook_xref = {}
- self._xcall_xref = {}
- self._ownbook_supbookx = None
- self._ownbook_supbook_ref = None
- self._xcall_supbookx = None
- self._xcall_supbook_ref = None
- #################################################################
- ## Properties, "getters", "setters"
- #################################################################
- def get_style_stats(self):
- return self.__styles.stats[:]
- def set_owner(self, value):
- self.__owner = value
- def get_owner(self):
- return self.__owner
- owner = property(get_owner, set_owner)
- #################################################################
- def set_country_code(self, value):
- self.__country_code = value
- def get_country_code(self):
- return self.__country_code
- country_code = property(get_country_code, set_country_code)
- #################################################################
- def set_wnd_protect(self, value):
- self.__wnd_protect = int(value)
- def get_wnd_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__wnd_protect)
- wnd_protect = property(get_wnd_protect, set_wnd_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_obj_protect(self, value):
- self.__obj_protect = int(value)
- def get_obj_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__obj_protect)
- obj_protect = property(get_obj_protect, set_obj_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_protect(self, value):
- self.__protect = int(value)
- def get_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__protect)
- protect = property(get_protect, set_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_backup_on_save(self, value):
- self.__backup_on_save = int(value)
- def get_backup_on_save(self):
- return bool(self.__backup_on_save)
- backup_on_save = property(get_backup_on_save, set_backup_on_save)
- #################################################################
- def set_hpos(self, value):
- self.__hpos_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_hpos(self):
- return self.__hpos_twips
- hpos = property(get_hpos, set_hpos)
- #################################################################
- def set_vpos(self, value):
- self.__vpos_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_vpos(self):
- return self.__vpos_twips
- vpos = property(get_vpos, set_vpos)
- #################################################################
- def set_width(self, value):
- self.__width_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_width(self):
- return self.__width_twips
- width = property(get_width, set_width)
- #################################################################
- def set_height(self, value):
- self.__height_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_height(self):
- return self.__height_twips
- height = property(get_height, set_height)
- #################################################################
- def set_active_sheet(self, value):
- self.__active_sheet = value & 0xFFFF
- self.__first_tab_index = self.__active_sheet
- def get_active_sheet(self):
- return self.__active_sheet
- active_sheet = property(get_active_sheet, set_active_sheet)
- #################################################################
- def set_tab_width(self, value):
- self.__tab_width_twips = value & 0xFFFF
- def get_tab_width(self):
- return self.__tab_width_twips
- tab_width = property(get_tab_width, set_tab_width)
- #################################################################
- def set_wnd_visible(self, value):
- self.__wnd_hidden = int(not value)
- def get_wnd_visible(self):
- return not bool(self.__wnd_hidden)
- wnd_visible = property(get_wnd_visible, set_wnd_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_wnd_mini(self, value):
- self.__wnd_mini = int(value)
- def get_wnd_mini(self):
- return bool(self.__wnd_mini)
- wnd_mini = property(get_wnd_mini, set_wnd_mini)
- #################################################################
- def set_hscroll_visible(self, value):
- self.__hscroll_visible = int(value)
- def get_hscroll_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__hscroll_visible)
- hscroll_visible = property(get_hscroll_visible, set_hscroll_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_vscroll_visible(self, value):
- self.__vscroll_visible = int(value)
- def get_vscroll_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__vscroll_visible)
- vscroll_visible = property(get_vscroll_visible, set_vscroll_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_tabs_visible(self, value):
- self.__tabs_visible = int(value)
- def get_tabs_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__tabs_visible)
- tabs_visible = property(get_tabs_visible, set_tabs_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_dates_1904(self, value):
- self.__dates_1904 = int(value)
- def get_dates_1904(self):
- return bool(self.__dates_1904)
- dates_1904 = property(get_dates_1904, set_dates_1904)
- #################################################################
- def set_use_cell_values(self, value):
- self.__use_cell_values = int(value)
- def get_use_cell_values(self):
- return bool(self.__use_cell_values)
- use_cell_values = property(get_use_cell_values, set_use_cell_values)
- #################################################################
- def get_default_style(self):
- return self.__styles.default_style
- default_style = property(get_default_style)
- ##################################################################
- ## Methods
- ##################################################################
- def add_style(self, style):
- return self.__styles.add(style)
- def add_str(self, s):
- return self.__sst.add_str(s)
- def del_str(self, sst_idx):
- self.__sst.del_str(sst_idx)
- def str_index(self, s):
- return self.__sst.str_index(s)
- def add_sheet(self, sheetname, cell_overwrite_ok=False):
- from . import Worksheet, Utils
- if not isinstance(sheetname, str):
- sheetname = sheetname.decode(self.encoding)
- if not Utils.valid_sheet_name(sheetname):
- raise Exception("invalid worksheet name %r" % sheetname)
- lower_name = sheetname.lower()
- if lower_name in self.__worksheet_idx_from_name:
- raise Exception("duplicate worksheet name %r" % sheetname)
- self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[lower_name] = len(self.__worksheets)
- self.__worksheets.append(Worksheet(sheetname, self, cell_overwrite_ok))
- return self.__worksheets[-1]
- def get_sheet(self, sheetnum):
- return self.__worksheets[sheetnum]
- def raise_bad_sheetname(self, sheetname):
- raise Exception("Formula: unknown sheet name %s" % sheetname)
- def convert_sheetindex(self, strg_ref, n_sheets):
- idx = int(strg_ref)
- if 0 <= idx < n_sheets:
- return idx
- msg = "Formula: sheet index (%s) >= number of sheets (%d)" % (strg_ref, n_sheets)
- raise Exception(msg)
- def _get_supbook_index(self, tag):
- if tag in self._supbook_xref:
- return self._supbook_xref[tag]
- self._supbook_xref[tag] = idx = len(self._supbook_xref)
- return idx
- def setup_ownbook(self):
- self._ownbook_supbookx = self._get_supbook_index(('ownbook', 0))
- self._ownbook_supbook_ref = None
- reference = (self._ownbook_supbookx, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE)
- if reference in self.__sheet_refs:
- raise Exception("can't happen")
- self.__sheet_refs[reference] = self._ownbook_supbook_ref = len(self.__sheet_refs)
- def setup_xcall(self):
- self._xcall_supbookx = self._get_supbook_index(('xcall', 0))
- self._xcall_supbook_ref = None
- reference = (self._xcall_supbookx, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE)
- if reference in self.__sheet_refs:
- raise Exception("can't happen")
- self.__sheet_refs[reference] = self._xcall_supbook_ref = len(self.__sheet_refs)
- def add_sheet_reference(self, formula):
- patches = []
- n_sheets = len(self.__worksheets)
- sheet_refs, xcall_refs = formula.get_references()
- for ref0, ref1, offset in sheet_refs:
- if not ref0.isdigit():
- try:
- ref0n = self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[ref0.lower()]
- except KeyError:
- self.raise_bad_sheetname(ref0)
- else:
- ref0n = self.convert_sheetindex(ref0, n_sheets)
- if ref1 == ref0:
- ref1n = ref0n
- elif not ref1.isdigit():
- try:
- ref1n = self.__worksheet_idx_from_name[ref1.lower()]
- except KeyError:
- self.raise_bad_sheetname(ref1)
- else:
- ref1n = self.convert_sheetindex(ref1, n_sheets)
- if ref1n < ref0n:
- msg = "Formula: sheets out of order; %r:%r -> (%d, %d)" \
- % (ref0, ref1, ref0n, ref1n)
- raise Exception(msg)
- if self._ownbook_supbookx is None:
- self.setup_ownbook()
- reference = (self._ownbook_supbookx, ref0n, ref1n)
- if reference in self.__sheet_refs:
- patches.append((offset, self.__sheet_refs[reference]))
- else:
- nrefs = len(self.__sheet_refs)
- if nrefs > 65535:
- raise Exception('More than 65536 inter-sheet references')
- self.__sheet_refs[reference] = nrefs
- patches.append((offset, nrefs))
- for funcname, offset in xcall_refs:
- if self._ownbook_supbookx is None:
- self.setup_ownbook()
- if self._xcall_supbookx is None:
- self.setup_xcall()
- # print funcname, self._supbook_xref
- patches.append((offset, self._xcall_supbook_ref))
- if not isinstance(funcname, str):
- funcname = funcname.decode(self.encoding)
- if funcname in self._xcall_xref:
- idx = self._xcall_xref[funcname]
- else:
- self._xcall_xref[funcname] = idx = len(self._xcall_xref)
- patches.append((offset + 2, idx + 1))
- formula.patch_references(patches)
- ##################################################################
- ## BIFF records generation
- ##################################################################
- def __bof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord(BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord.BOOK_GLOBAL).get()
- def __eof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.EOFRecord().get()
- def __intf_hdr_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.InteraceHdrRecord().get()
- def __intf_end_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.InteraceEndRecord().get()
- def __intf_mms_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.MMSRecord().get()
- def __write_access_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.WriteAccessRecord(self.__owner).get()
- def __wnd_protect_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord(self.__wnd_protect).get()
- def __obj_protect_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord(self.__obj_protect).get()
- def __protect_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord(self.__protect).get()
- def __password_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord().get()
- def __prot4rev_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Prot4RevRecord().get()
- def __prot4rev_pass_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Prot4RevPassRecord().get()
- def __backup_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.BackupRecord(self.__backup_on_save).get()
- def __hide_obj_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.HideObjRecord().get()
- def __window1_rec(self):
- flags = 0
- flags |= (self.__wnd_hidden) << 0
- flags |= (self.__wnd_mini) << 1
- flags |= (self.__hscroll_visible) << 3
- flags |= (self.__vscroll_visible) << 4
- flags |= (self.__tabs_visible) << 5
- return BIFFRecords.Window1Record(self.__hpos_twips, self.__vpos_twips,
- self.__width_twips, self.__height_twips,
- flags,
- self.__active_sheet, self.__first_tab_index,
- self.__selected_tabs, self.__tab_width_twips).get()
- def __codepage_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.CodepageBiff8Record().get()
- def __country_rec(self):
- if not self.__country_code:
- return b''
- return BIFFRecords.CountryRecord(self.__country_code, self.__country_code).get()
- def __dsf_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.DSFRecord().get()
- def __tabid_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.TabIDRecord(len(self.__worksheets)).get()
- def __fngroupcount_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.FnGroupCountRecord().get()
- def __datemode_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.DateModeRecord(self.__dates_1904).get()
- def __precision_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.PrecisionRecord(self.__use_cell_values).get()
- def __refresh_all_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.RefreshAllRecord().get()
- def __bookbool_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.BookBoolRecord().get()
- def __all_fonts_num_formats_xf_styles_rec(self):
- return self.__styles.get_biff_data()
- def __palette_rec(self):
- result = b''
- return result
- def __useselfs_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.UseSelfsRecord().get()
- def __boundsheets_rec(self, data_len_before, data_len_after, sheet_biff_lens):
- # .................................
- # ..................................
- boundsheets_len = 0
- for sheet in self.__worksheets:
- boundsheets_len += len(BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord(
- 0x00, sheet.visibility,, self.encoding
- ).get())
- start = data_len_before + boundsheets_len + data_len_after
- result = b''
- for sheet_biff_len, sheet in zip(sheet_biff_lens, self.__worksheets):
- result += BIFFRecords.BoundSheetRecord(
- start, sheet.visibility,, self.encoding
- ).get()
- start += sheet_biff_len
- return result
- def __all_links_rec(self):
- pieces = []
- temp = [(idx, tag) for tag, idx in list(self._supbook_xref.items())]
- temp.sort()
- for idx, tag in temp:
- stype, snum = tag
- if stype == 'ownbook':
- rec = BIFFRecords.InternalReferenceSupBookRecord(len(self.__worksheets)).get()
- pieces.append(rec)
- elif stype == 'xcall':
- rec = BIFFRecords.XcallSupBookRecord().get()
- pieces.append(rec)
- temp = [(idx, name) for name, idx in list(self._xcall_xref.items())]
- temp.sort()
- for idx, name in temp:
- rec = BIFFRecords.ExternnameRecord(
- options=0, index=0, name=name, fmla='\x02\x00\x1c\x17').get()
- pieces.append(rec)
- else:
- raise Exception('unknown supbook stype %r' % stype)
- if len(self.__sheet_refs) > 0:
- # get references in index order
- temp = [(idx, ref) for ref, idx in list(self.__sheet_refs.items())]
- temp.sort()
- temp = [ref for idx, ref in temp]
- externsheet_record = BIFFRecords.ExternSheetRecord(temp).get()
- pieces.append(externsheet_record)
- return b''.join(pieces)
- def __sst_rec(self):
- return self.__sst.get_biff_record()
- def __ext_sst_rec(self, abs_stream_pos):
- return b''
- #return BIFFRecords.ExtSSTRecord(abs_stream_pos, self.sst_record.str_placement,
- #self.sst_record.portions_len).get()
- def get_biff_data(self):
- before = b''
- before += self.__bof_rec()
- before += self.__intf_hdr_rec()
- before += self.__intf_mms_rec()
- before += self.__intf_end_rec()
- before += self.__write_access_rec()
- before += self.__codepage_rec()
- before += self.__dsf_rec()
- before += self.__tabid_rec()
- before += self.__fngroupcount_rec()
- before += self.__wnd_protect_rec()
- before += self.__protect_rec()
- before += self.__obj_protect_rec()
- before += self.__password_rec()
- before += self.__prot4rev_rec()
- before += self.__prot4rev_pass_rec()
- before += self.__backup_rec()
- before += self.__hide_obj_rec()
- before += self.__window1_rec()
- before += self.__datemode_rec()
- before += self.__precision_rec()
- before += self.__refresh_all_rec()
- before += self.__bookbool_rec()
- before += self.__all_fonts_num_formats_xf_styles_rec()
- before += self.__palette_rec()
- before += self.__useselfs_rec()
- country = self.__country_rec()
- all_links = self.__all_links_rec()
- shared_str_table = self.__sst_rec()
- after = country + all_links + shared_str_table
- ext_sst = self.__ext_sst_rec(0) # need fake cause we need calc stream pos
- eof = self.__eof_rec()
- self.__worksheets[self.__active_sheet].selected = True
- sheets = b''
- sheet_biff_lens = []
- for sheet in self.__worksheets:
- data = sheet.get_biff_data()
- sheets += data
- sheet_biff_lens.append(len(data))
- bundlesheets = self.__boundsheets_rec(len(before), len(after)+len(ext_sst)+len(eof), sheet_biff_lens)
- sst_stream_pos = len(before) + len(bundlesheets) + len(country) + len(all_links)
- ext_sst = self.__ext_sst_rec(sst_stream_pos)
- return before + bundlesheets + after + ext_sst + eof + sheets
- def save(self, filename):
- from . import CompoundDoc
- doc = CompoundDoc.XlsDoc()
-, self.get_biff_data())
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index f358dd6a..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1296 +0,0 @@
- Calculation Settings Block
- Page Settings Block
- Worksheet Protection Block
- Row Blocks
- Conditional Formatting Table
- Hyperlink Table
- Data Validity Table
-from . import BIFFRecords
-from . import Bitmap
-from . import Formatting
-from . import Style
-import tempfile
-class Worksheet(object):
- from .Workbook import Workbook
- #################################################################
- ## Constructor
- #################################################################
- def __init__(self, sheetname, parent_book, cell_overwrite_ok=False):
- from . import Row
- self.Row = Row #(to_py3): Row.Row -> Row
- from . import Column
- self.Column = Column #(to_py3): Column.Column -> Column
- self.__name = sheetname
- self.__parent = parent_book
- self._cell_overwrite_ok = cell_overwrite_ok
- self.__rows = {}
- self.__cols = {}
- self.__merged_ranges = []
- self.__bmp_rec = b''
- self.__show_formulas = 0
- self.__show_grid = 1
- self.__show_headers = 1
- self.__panes_frozen = 0
- ### self.__show_empty_as_zero = 1 ### deprecated with extreme prejudice 2009-05-19
- self.show_zero_values = 1
- self.__auto_colour_grid = 1
- self.__cols_right_to_left = 0
- self.__show_outline = 1
- self.__remove_splits = 0
- self.__selected = 0
- # RED HERRING ALERT: "sheet_visible" is a clone of the "selected" attribute.
- # Typically a workbook created by the Excel UI will have one sheet
- # (the sheet that was selected when the user saved it)
- # with both bits set to 1, and all other sheets will have both
- # bits set to 0. The true visibility of the sheet is found in the "visibility"
- # attribute obtained from the BOUNDSHEET record.
- self.__sheet_visible = 0
- self.__page_preview = 0
- self.__first_visible_row = 0
- self.__first_visible_col = 0
- self.__grid_colour = 0x40
- self.__preview_magn = 60 # percent
- self.__normal_magn = 100 # percent
- self.visibility = 0 # from/to BOUNDSHEET record.
- self.__vert_split_pos = None
- self.__horz_split_pos = None
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = None
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = None
- self.__split_active_pane = None
- self.__row_gut_width = 0
- self.__col_gut_height = 0
- self.__show_auto_page_breaks = 1
- self.__dialogue_sheet = 0
- self.__auto_style_outline = 0
- self.__outline_below = 0
- self.__outline_right = 0
- self.__fit_num_pages = 0
- self.__show_row_outline = 1
- self.__show_col_outline = 1
- self.__alt_expr_eval = 0
- self.__alt_formula_entries = 0
- self.__row_default_height = 0x00FF
- self.row_default_height_mismatch = 0
- self.row_default_hidden = 0
- self.row_default_space_above = 0
- self.row_default_space_below = 0
- self.__col_default_width = 0x0008
- self.__calc_mode = 1
- self.__calc_count = 0x0064
- self.__RC_ref_mode = 1
- self.__iterations_on = 0
- self.__delta = 0.001
- self.__save_recalc = 0
- self.__print_headers = 0
- self.__print_grid = 0
- self.__grid_set = 1
- self.__vert_page_breaks = []
- self.__horz_page_breaks = []
- self.__header_str = '&P'
- self.__footer_str = '&F'
- self.__print_centered_vert = 0
- self.__print_centered_horz = 1
- self.__left_margin = 0.3 #0.5
- self.__right_margin = 0.3 #0.5
- self.__top_margin = 0.61 #1.0
- self.__bottom_margin = 0.37 #1.0
- self.__paper_size_code = 9 # A4
- self.__print_scaling = 100
- self.__start_page_number = 1
- self.__fit_width_to_pages = 1
- self.__fit_height_to_pages = 1
- self.__print_in_rows = 1
- self.__portrait = 1
- self.__print_not_colour = 0
- self.__print_draft = 0
- self.__print_notes = 0
- self.__print_notes_at_end = 0
- self.__print_omit_errors = 0
- self.__print_hres = 0x012C # 300 dpi
- self.__print_vres = 0x012C # 300 dpi
- self.__header_margin = 0.1
- self.__footer_margin = 0.1
- self.__copies_num = 1
- self.__wnd_protect = 0
- self.__obj_protect = 0
- self.__protect = 0
- self.__scen_protect = 0
- self.__password = b''
- self.last_used_row = 0
- self.first_used_row = 65535
- self.last_used_col = 0
- self.first_used_col = 255
- self.row_tempfile = None
- self.__flushed_rows = {}
- self.__row_visible_levels = 0
- #################################################################
- ## Properties, "getters", "setters"
- #################################################################
- def set_name(self, value):
- self.__name = value
- def get_name(self):
- return self.__name
- name = property(get_name, set_name)
- #################################################################
- def get_parent(self):
- return self.__parent
- parent = property(get_parent)
- #################################################################
- def get_rows(self):
- return self.__rows
- rows = property(get_rows)
- #################################################################
- def get_cols(self):
- return self.__cols
- cols = property(get_cols)
- #################################################################
- def get_merged_ranges(self):
- return self.__merged_ranges
- merged_ranges = property(get_merged_ranges)
- #################################################################
- def get_bmp_rec(self):
- return self.__bmp_rec
- bmp_rec = property(get_bmp_rec)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_formulas(self, value):
- self.__show_formulas = int(value)
- def get_show_formulas(self):
- return bool(self.__show_formulas)
- show_formulas = property(get_show_formulas, set_show_formulas)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_grid(self, value):
- self.__show_grid = int(value)
- def get_show_grid(self):
- return bool(self.__show_grid)
- show_grid = property(get_show_grid, set_show_grid)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_headers(self, value):
- self.__show_headers = int(value)
- def get_show_headers(self):
- return bool(self.__show_headers)
- show_headers = property(get_show_headers, set_show_headers)
- #################################################################
- def set_panes_frozen(self, value):
- self.__panes_frozen = int(value)
- def get_panes_frozen(self):
- return bool(self.__panes_frozen)
- panes_frozen = property(get_panes_frozen, set_panes_frozen)
- #################################################################
- ### def set_show_empty_as_zero(self, value):
- ### self.__show_empty_as_zero = int(value)
- ### def get_show_empty_as_zero(self):
- ### return bool(self.__show_empty_as_zero)
- ### show_empty_as_zero = property(get_show_empty_as_zero, set_show_empty_as_zero)
- #################################################################
- def set_auto_colour_grid(self, value):
- self.__auto_colour_grid = int(value)
- def get_auto_colour_grid(self):
- return bool(self.__auto_colour_grid)
- auto_colour_grid = property(get_auto_colour_grid, set_auto_colour_grid)
- #################################################################
- def set_cols_right_to_left(self, value):
- self.__cols_right_to_left = int(value)
- def get_cols_right_to_left(self):
- return bool(self.__cols_right_to_left)
- cols_right_to_left = property(get_cols_right_to_left, set_cols_right_to_left)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_outline(self, value):
- self.__show_outline = int(value)
- def get_show_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__show_outline)
- show_outline = property(get_show_outline, set_show_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_remove_splits(self, value):
- self.__remove_splits = int(value)
- def get_remove_splits(self):
- return bool(self.__remove_splits)
- remove_splits = property(get_remove_splits, set_remove_splits)
- #################################################################
- def set_selected(self, value):
- self.__selected = int(value)
- def get_selected(self):
- return bool(self.__selected)
- selected = property(get_selected, set_selected)
- #################################################################
- def set_sheet_visible(self, value):
- self.__sheet_visible = int(value)
- def get_sheet_visible(self):
- return bool(self.__sheet_visible)
- sheet_visible = property(get_sheet_visible, set_sheet_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_page_preview(self, value):
- self.__page_preview = int(value)
- def get_page_preview(self):
- return bool(self.__page_preview)
- page_preview = property(get_page_preview, set_page_preview)
- #################################################################
- def set_first_visible_row(self, value):
- self.__first_visible_row = value
- def get_first_visible_row(self):
- return self.__first_visible_row
- first_visible_row = property(get_first_visible_row, set_first_visible_row)
- #################################################################
- def set_first_visible_col(self, value):
- self.__first_visible_col = value
- def get_first_visible_col(self):
- return self.__first_visible_col
- first_visible_col = property(get_first_visible_col, set_first_visible_col)
- #################################################################
- def set_grid_colour(self, value):
- self.__grid_colour = value
- def get_grid_colour(self):
- return self.__grid_colour
- grid_colour = property(get_grid_colour, set_grid_colour)
- #################################################################
- def set_preview_magn(self, value):
- self.__preview_magn = value
- def get_preview_magn(self):
- return self.__preview_magn
- preview_magn = property(get_preview_magn, set_preview_magn)
- #################################################################
- def set_normal_magn(self, value):
- self.__normal_magn = value
- def get_normal_magn(self):
- return self.__normal_magn
- normal_magn = property(get_normal_magn, set_normal_magn)
- #################################################################
- def set_vert_split_pos(self, value):
- self.__vert_split_pos = abs(value)
- def get_vert_split_pos(self):
- return self.__vert_split_pos
- vert_split_pos = property(get_vert_split_pos, set_vert_split_pos)
- #################################################################
- def set_horz_split_pos(self, value):
- self.__horz_split_pos = abs(value)
- def get_horz_split_pos(self):
- return self.__horz_split_pos
- horz_split_pos = property(get_horz_split_pos, set_horz_split_pos)
- #################################################################
- def set_vert_split_first_visible(self, value):
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = abs(value)
- def get_vert_split_first_visible(self):
- return self.__vert_split_first_visible
- vert_split_first_visible = property(get_vert_split_first_visible, set_vert_split_first_visible)
- #################################################################
- def set_horz_split_first_visible(self, value):
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = abs(value)
- def get_horz_split_first_visible(self):
- return self.__horz_split_first_visible
- horz_split_first_visible = property(get_horz_split_first_visible, set_horz_split_first_visible)
- #################################################################
- #def set_split_active_pane(self, value):
- # self.__split_active_pane = abs(value) & 0x03
- #
- #def get_split_active_pane(self):
- # return self.__split_active_pane
- #
- #split_active_pane = property(get_split_active_pane, set_split_active_pane)
- #################################################################
- #def set_row_gut_width(self, value):
- # self.__row_gut_width = value
- #
- #def get_row_gut_width(self):
- # return self.__row_gut_width
- #
- #row_gut_width = property(get_row_gut_width, set_row_gut_width)
- #
- #################################################################
- #
- #def set_col_gut_height(self, value):
- # self.__col_gut_height = value
- #
- #def get_col_gut_height(self):
- # return self.__col_gut_height
- #
- #col_gut_height = property(get_col_gut_height, set_col_gut_height)
- #
- #################################################################
- def set_show_auto_page_breaks(self, value):
- self.__show_auto_page_breaks = int(value)
- def get_show_auto_page_breaks(self):
- return bool(self.__show_auto_page_breaks)
- show_auto_page_breaks = property(get_show_auto_page_breaks, set_show_auto_page_breaks)
- #################################################################
- def set_dialogue_sheet(self, value):
- self.__dialogue_sheet = int(value)
- def get_dialogue_sheet(self):
- return bool(self.__dialogue_sheet)
- dialogue_sheet = property(get_dialogue_sheet, set_dialogue_sheet)
- #################################################################
- def set_auto_style_outline(self, value):
- self.__auto_style_outline = int(value)
- def get_auto_style_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__auto_style_outline)
- auto_style_outline = property(get_auto_style_outline, set_auto_style_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_outline_below(self, value):
- self.__outline_below = int(value)
- def get_outline_below(self):
- return bool(self.__outline_below)
- outline_below = property(get_outline_below, set_outline_below)
- #################################################################
- def set_outline_right(self, value):
- self.__outline_right = int(value)
- def get_outline_right(self):
- return bool(self.__outline_right)
- outline_right = property(get_outline_right, set_outline_right)
- #################################################################
- def set_fit_num_pages(self, value):
- self.__fit_num_pages = value
- def get_fit_num_pages(self):
- return self.__fit_num_pages
- fit_num_pages = property(get_fit_num_pages, set_fit_num_pages)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_row_outline(self, value):
- self.__show_row_outline = int(value)
- def get_show_row_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__show_row_outline)
- show_row_outline = property(get_show_row_outline, set_show_row_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_show_col_outline(self, value):
- self.__show_col_outline = int(value)
- def get_show_col_outline(self):
- return bool(self.__show_col_outline)
- show_col_outline = property(get_show_col_outline, set_show_col_outline)
- #################################################################
- def set_alt_expr_eval(self, value):
- self.__alt_expr_eval = int(value)
- def get_alt_expr_eval(self):
- return bool(self.__alt_expr_eval)
- alt_expr_eval = property(get_alt_expr_eval, set_alt_expr_eval)
- #################################################################
- def set_alt_formula_entries(self, value):
- self.__alt_formula_entries = int(value)
- def get_alt_formula_entries(self):
- return bool(self.__alt_formula_entries)
- alt_formula_entries = property(get_alt_formula_entries, set_alt_formula_entries)
- #################################################################
- def set_row_default_height(self, value):
- self.__row_default_height = value
- def get_row_default_height(self):
- return self.__row_default_height
- row_default_height = property(get_row_default_height, set_row_default_height)
- #################################################################
- def set_col_default_width(self, value):
- self.__col_default_width = value
- def get_col_default_width(self):
- return self.__col_default_width
- col_default_width = property(get_col_default_width, set_col_default_width)
- #################################################################
- def set_calc_mode(self, value):
- self.__calc_mode = value & 0x03
- def get_calc_mode(self):
- return self.__calc_mode
- calc_mode = property(get_calc_mode, set_calc_mode)
- #################################################################
- def set_calc_count(self, value):
- self.__calc_count = value
- def get_calc_count(self):
- return self.__calc_count
- calc_count = property(get_calc_count, set_calc_count)
- #################################################################
- def set_RC_ref_mode(self, value):
- self.__RC_ref_mode = int(value)
- def get_RC_ref_mode(self):
- return bool(self.__RC_ref_mode)
- RC_ref_mode = property(get_RC_ref_mode, set_RC_ref_mode)
- #################################################################
- def set_iterations_on(self, value):
- self.__iterations_on = int(value)
- def get_iterations_on(self):
- return bool(self.__iterations_on)
- iterations_on = property(get_iterations_on, set_iterations_on)
- #################################################################
- def set_delta(self, value):
- self.__delta = value
- def get_delta(self):
- return self.__delta
- delta = property(get_delta, set_delta)
- #################################################################
- def set_save_recalc(self, value):
- self.__save_recalc = int(value)
- def get_save_recalc(self):
- return bool(self.__save_recalc)
- save_recalc = property(get_save_recalc, set_save_recalc)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_headers(self, value):
- self.__print_headers = int(value)
- def get_print_headers(self):
- return bool(self.__print_headers)
- print_headers = property(get_print_headers, set_print_headers)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_grid(self, value):
- self.__print_grid = int(value)
- def get_print_grid(self):
- return bool(self.__print_grid)
- print_grid = property(get_print_grid, set_print_grid)
- #################################################################
- #
- #def set_grid_set(self, value):
- # self.__grid_set = int(value)
- #
- #def get_grid_set(self):
- # return bool(self.__grid_set)
- #
- #grid_set = property(get_grid_set, set_grid_set)
- #
- #################################################################
- def set_vert_page_breaks(self, value):
- self.__vert_page_breaks = value
- def get_vert_page_breaks(self):
- return self.__vert_page_breaks
- vert_page_breaks = property(get_vert_page_breaks, set_vert_page_breaks)
- #################################################################
- def set_horz_page_breaks(self, value):
- self.__horz_page_breaks = value
- def get_horz_page_breaks(self):
- return self.__horz_page_breaks
- horz_page_breaks = property(get_horz_page_breaks, set_horz_page_breaks)
- #################################################################
- def set_header_str(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- value = str(value, self.__parent.encoding)
- self.__header_str = value
- def get_header_str(self):
- return self.__header_str
- header_str = property(get_header_str, set_header_str)
- #################################################################
- def set_footer_str(self, value):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- value = str(value, self.__parent.encoding)
- self.__footer_str = value
- def get_footer_str(self):
- return self.__footer_str
- footer_str = property(get_footer_str, set_footer_str)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_centered_vert(self, value):
- self.__print_centered_vert = int(value)
- def get_print_centered_vert(self):
- return bool(self.__print_centered_vert)
- print_centered_vert = property(get_print_centered_vert, set_print_centered_vert)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_centered_horz(self, value):
- self.__print_centered_horz = int(value)
- def get_print_centered_horz(self):
- return bool(self.__print_centered_horz)
- print_centered_horz = property(get_print_centered_horz, set_print_centered_horz)
- #################################################################
- def set_left_margin(self, value):
- self.__left_margin = value
- def get_left_margin(self):
- return self.__left_margin
- left_margin = property(get_left_margin, set_left_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_right_margin(self, value):
- self.__right_margin = value
- def get_right_margin(self):
- return self.__right_margin
- right_margin = property(get_right_margin, set_right_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_top_margin(self, value):
- self.__top_margin = value
- def get_top_margin(self):
- return self.__top_margin
- top_margin = property(get_top_margin, set_top_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_bottom_margin(self, value):
- self.__bottom_margin = value
- def get_bottom_margin(self):
- return self.__bottom_margin
- bottom_margin = property(get_bottom_margin, set_bottom_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_paper_size_code(self, value):
- self.__paper_size_code = value
- def get_paper_size_code(self):
- return self.__paper_size_code
- paper_size_code = property(get_paper_size_code, set_paper_size_code)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_scaling(self, value):
- self.__print_scaling = value
- def get_print_scaling(self):
- return self.__print_scaling
- print_scaling = property(get_print_scaling, set_print_scaling)
- #################################################################
- def set_start_page_number(self, value):
- self.__start_page_number = value
- def get_start_page_number(self):
- return self.__start_page_number
- start_page_number = property(get_start_page_number, set_start_page_number)
- #################################################################
- def set_fit_width_to_pages(self, value):
- self.__fit_width_to_pages = value
- def get_fit_width_to_pages(self):
- return self.__fit_width_to_pages
- fit_width_to_pages = property(get_fit_width_to_pages, set_fit_width_to_pages)
- #################################################################
- def set_fit_height_to_pages(self, value):
- self.__fit_height_to_pages = value
- def get_fit_height_to_pages(self):
- return self.__fit_height_to_pages
- fit_height_to_pages = property(get_fit_height_to_pages, set_fit_height_to_pages)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_in_rows(self, value):
- self.__print_in_rows = int(value)
- def get_print_in_rows(self):
- return bool(self.__print_in_rows)
- print_in_rows = property(get_print_in_rows, set_print_in_rows)
- #################################################################
- def set_portrait(self, value):
- self.__portrait = int(value)
- def get_portrait(self):
- return bool(self.__portrait)
- portrait = property(get_portrait, set_portrait)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_colour(self, value):
- self.__print_not_colour = int(not value)
- def get_print_colour(self):
- return not bool(self.__print_not_colour)
- print_colour = property(get_print_colour, set_print_colour)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_draft(self, value):
- self.__print_draft = int(value)
- def get_print_draft(self):
- return bool(self.__print_draft)
- print_draft = property(get_print_draft, set_print_draft)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_notes(self, value):
- self.__print_notes = int(value)
- def get_print_notes(self):
- return bool(self.__print_notes)
- print_notes = property(get_print_notes, set_print_notes)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_notes_at_end(self, value):
- self.__print_notes_at_end = int(value)
- def get_print_notes_at_end(self):
- return bool(self.__print_notes_at_end)
- print_notes_at_end = property(get_print_notes_at_end, set_print_notes_at_end)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_omit_errors(self, value):
- self.__print_omit_errors = int(value)
- def get_print_omit_errors(self):
- return bool(self.__print_omit_errors)
- print_omit_errors = property(get_print_omit_errors, set_print_omit_errors)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_hres(self, value):
- self.__print_hres = value
- def get_print_hres(self):
- return self.__print_hres
- print_hres = property(get_print_hres, set_print_hres)
- #################################################################
- def set_print_vres(self, value):
- self.__print_vres = value
- def get_print_vres(self):
- return self.__print_vres
- print_vres = property(get_print_vres, set_print_vres)
- #################################################################
- def set_header_margin(self, value):
- self.__header_margin = value
- def get_header_margin(self):
- return self.__header_margin
- header_margin = property(get_header_margin, set_header_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_footer_margin(self, value):
- self.__footer_margin = value
- def get_footer_margin(self):
- return self.__footer_margin
- footer_margin = property(get_footer_margin, set_footer_margin)
- #################################################################
- def set_copies_num(self, value):
- self.__copies_num = value
- def get_copies_num(self):
- return self.__copies_num
- copies_num = property(get_copies_num, set_copies_num)
- ##################################################################
- def set_wnd_protect(self, value):
- self.__wnd_protect = int(value)
- def get_wnd_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__wnd_protect)
- wnd_protect = property(get_wnd_protect, set_wnd_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_obj_protect(self, value):
- self.__obj_protect = int(value)
- def get_obj_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__obj_protect)
- obj_protect = property(get_obj_protect, set_obj_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_protect(self, value):
- self.__protect = int(value)
- def get_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__protect)
- protect = property(get_protect, set_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_scen_protect(self, value):
- self.__scen_protect = int(value)
- def get_scen_protect(self):
- return bool(self.__scen_protect)
- scen_protect = property(get_scen_protect, set_scen_protect)
- #################################################################
- def set_password(self, value):
- self.__password = value
- def get_password(self):
- return self.__password
- password = property(get_password, set_password)
- ##################################################################
- ## Methods
- ##################################################################
- def get_parent(self):
- return self.__parent
- def write(self, r, c, label=b"", style=Style.default_style):
- self.row(r).write(c, label, style)
- def merge(self, r1, r2, c1, c2, style=Style.default_style):
- # Stand-alone merge of previously written cells.
- # Problems: (1) style to be used should be existing style of
- # the top-left cell, not an arg.
- # (2) should ensure that any previous data value in
- # non-top-left cells is nobbled.
- # Note: if a cell is set by a data record then later
- # is referenced by a [MUL]BLANK record, Excel will blank
- # out the cell on the screen, but OOo & Gnu will not
- # blank it out. Need to do something better than writing
- # multiple records. In the meantime, avoid this method and use
- # write_merge() instead.
- if c2 > c1:
- self.row(r1).write_blanks(c1 + 1, c2, style)
- for r in range(r1+1, r2+1):
- self.row(r).write_blanks(c1, c2, style)
- self.__merged_ranges.append((r1, r2, c1, c2))
- def write_merge(self, r1, r2, c1, c2, label=b"", style=Style.default_style):
- assert 0 <= c1 <= c2 <= 255
- assert 0 <= r1 <= r2 <= 65535
- self.write(r1, c1, label, style)
- if c2 > c1:
- self.row(r1).write_blanks(c1 + 1, c2, style) # skip (r1, c1)
- for r in range(r1+1, r2+1):
- self.row(r).write_blanks(c1, c2, style)
- self.__merged_ranges.append((r1, r2, c1, c2))
- def insert_bitmap(self, filename, row, col, x = 0, y = 0, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1):
- bmp = Bitmap.ImDataBmpRecord(filename)
- obj = Bitmap.ObjBmpRecord(row, col, self, bmp, x, y, scale_x, scale_y)
- self.__bmp_rec += obj.get() + bmp.get()
- def col(self, indx):
- if indx not in self.__cols:
- self.__cols[indx] = self.Column(indx, self)
- return self.__cols[indx]
- def row(self, indx):
- if indx not in self.__rows:
- if indx in self.__flushed_rows:
- raise Exception("Attempt to reuse row index %d of sheet %r after flushing" % (indx, self.__name))
- self.__rows[indx] = self.Row(indx, self)
- if indx > self.last_used_row:
- self.last_used_row = indx
- if indx < self.first_used_row:
- self.first_used_row = indx
- return self.__rows[indx]
- def row_height(self, row): # in pixels
- if row in self.__rows:
- return self.__rows[row].get_height_in_pixels()
- else:
- return 17
- def col_width(self, col): # in pixels
- if col in self.__cols:
- return self.__cols[col].width_in_pixels()
- else:
- return 64
- ##################################################################
- ## BIFF records generation
- ##################################################################
- def __bof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord(BIFFRecords.Biff8BOFRecord.WORKSHEET).get()
- def __update_row_visible_levels(self):
- if self.__rows:
- temp = max([self.__rows[r].level for r in self.__rows]) + 1
- self.__row_visible_levels = max(temp, self.__row_visible_levels)
- def __guts_rec(self):
- self.__update_row_visible_levels()
- col_visible_levels = 0
- if len(self.__cols) != 0:
- col_visible_levels = max([self.__cols[c].level for c in self.__cols]) + 1
- return BIFFRecords.GutsRecord(
- self.__row_gut_width, self.__col_gut_height, self.__row_visible_levels, col_visible_levels).get()
- def __defaultrowheight_rec(self):
- options = 0x0000
- options |= (self.row_default_height_mismatch & 1) << 0
- options |= (self.row_default_hidden & 1) << 1
- options |= (self.row_default_space_above & 1) << 2
- options |= (self.row_default_space_below & 1) << 3
- defht = self.__row_default_height
- return BIFFRecords.DefaultRowHeightRecord(options, defht).get()
- def __wsbool_rec(self):
- options = 0x00
- options |= (self.__show_auto_page_breaks & 0x01) << 0
- options |= (self.__dialogue_sheet & 0x01) << 4
- options |= (self.__auto_style_outline & 0x01) << 5
- options |= (self.__outline_below & 0x01) << 6
- options |= (self.__outline_right & 0x01) << 7
- options |= (self.__fit_num_pages & 0x01) << 8
- options |= (self.__show_row_outline & 0x01) << 10
- options |= (self.__show_col_outline & 0x01) << 11
- options |= (self.__alt_expr_eval & 0x01) << 14
- options |= (self.__alt_formula_entries & 0x01) << 15
- return BIFFRecords.WSBoolRecord(options).get()
- def __eof_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.EOFRecord().get()
- def __colinfo_rec(self):
- result = b''
- for col in self.__cols:
- result += self.__cols[col].get_biff_record()
- return result
- def __dimensions_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.DimensionsRecord(
- self.first_used_row, self.last_used_row,
- self.first_used_col, self.last_used_col
- ).get()
- def __window2_rec(self):
- # Appends SCL record.
- options = 0
- options |= (self.__show_formulas & 0x01) << 0
- options |= (self.__show_grid & 0x01) << 1
- options |= (self.__show_headers & 0x01) << 2
- options |= (self.__panes_frozen & 0x01) << 3
- options |= (self.show_zero_values & 0x01) << 4
- options |= (self.__auto_colour_grid & 0x01) << 5
- options |= (self.__cols_right_to_left & 0x01) << 6
- options |= (self.__show_outline & 0x01) << 7
- options |= (self.__remove_splits & 0x01) << 8
- options |= (self.__selected & 0x01) << 9
- options |= (self.__sheet_visible & 0x01) << 10
- options |= (self.__page_preview & 0x01) << 11
- if self.__page_preview:
- scl_magn = self.__preview_magn
- else:
- scl_magn = self.__normal_magn
- return BIFFRecords.Window2Record(
- options, self.__first_visible_row, self.__first_visible_col,
- self.__grid_colour,
- self.__preview_magn, self.__normal_magn, scl_magn).get()
- def __panes_rec(self):
- if self.__vert_split_pos is None and self.__horz_split_pos is None:
- return b""
- if self.__vert_split_pos is None:
- self.__vert_split_pos = 0
- if self.__horz_split_pos is None:
- self.__horz_split_pos = 0
- if self.__panes_frozen:
- if self.__vert_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = self.__vert_split_pos
- if self.__horz_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = self.__horz_split_pos
- else:
- if self.__vert_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__vert_split_first_visible = 0
- if self.__horz_split_first_visible is None:
- self.__horz_split_first_visible = 0
- # inspired by pyXLWriter
- self.__horz_split_pos = 20*self.__horz_split_pos + 255
- self.__vert_split_pos = int(113.879*self.__vert_split_pos + 390)
- if self.__vert_split_pos > 0 and self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
- self.__split_active_pane = 0
- elif self.__vert_split_pos > 0 and self.__horz_split_pos == 0:
- self.__split_active_pane = 1
- elif self.__vert_split_pos == 0 and self.__horz_split_pos > 0:
- self.__split_active_pane = 2
- else:
- self.__split_active_pane = 3
- result = BIFFRecords.PanesRecord(self.__vert_split_pos,
- self.__horz_split_pos,
- self.__horz_split_first_visible,
- self.__vert_split_first_visible,
- self.__split_active_pane).get()
- return result
- def __row_blocks_rec(self):
- result = []
- for row in self.__rows.values():
- result.append(row.get_row_biff_data())
- result.append(row.get_cells_biff_data())
- return b''.join(result)
- def __merged_rec(self):
- return BIFFRecords.MergedCellsRecord(self.__merged_ranges).get()
- def __bitmaps_rec(self):
- return self.__bmp_rec
- def __calc_settings_rec(self):
- result = b''
- result += BIFFRecords.CalcModeRecord(self.__calc_mode & 0x01).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.CalcCountRecord(self.__calc_count & 0xFFFF).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.RefModeRecord(self.__RC_ref_mode & 0x01).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.IterationRecord(self.__iterations_on & 0x01).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.DeltaRecord(self.__delta).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.SaveRecalcRecord(self.__save_recalc & 0x01).get()
- return result
- def __print_settings_rec(self):
- result = b''
- result += BIFFRecords.PrintHeadersRecord(self.__print_headers).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.PrintGridLinesRecord(self.__print_grid).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.GridSetRecord(self.__grid_set).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.HorizontalPageBreaksRecord(self.__horz_page_breaks).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.VerticalPageBreaksRecord(self.__vert_page_breaks).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.HeaderRecord(self.__header_str).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.FooterRecord(self.__footer_str).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.HCenterRecord(self.__print_centered_horz).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.VCenterRecord(self.__print_centered_vert).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.LeftMarginRecord(self.__left_margin).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.RightMarginRecord(self.__right_margin).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.TopMarginRecord(self.__top_margin).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.BottomMarginRecord(self.__bottom_margin).get()
- setup_page_options = (self.__print_in_rows & 0x01) << 0
- setup_page_options |= (self.__portrait & 0x01) << 1
- setup_page_options |= (0x00 & 0x01) << 2
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_not_colour & 0x01) << 3
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_draft & 0x01) << 4
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_notes & 0x01) << 5
- setup_page_options |= (0x00 & 0x01) << 6
- setup_page_options |= (0x01 & 0x01) << 7
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_notes_at_end & 0x01) << 9
- setup_page_options |= (self.__print_omit_errors & 0x03) << 10
- result += BIFFRecords.SetupPageRecord(self.__paper_size_code,
- self.__print_scaling,
- self.__start_page_number,
- self.__fit_width_to_pages,
- self.__fit_height_to_pages,
- setup_page_options,
- self.__print_hres,
- self.__print_vres,
- self.__header_margin,
- self.__footer_margin,
- self.__copies_num).get()
- return result
- def __protection_rec(self):
- result = b''
- result += BIFFRecords.ProtectRecord(self.__protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.ScenProtectRecord(self.__scen_protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.WindowProtectRecord(self.__wnd_protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.ObjectProtectRecord(self.__obj_protect).get()
- result += BIFFRecords.PasswordRecord(self.__password).get()
- return result
- def get_biff_data(self):
- result = [
- self.__bof_rec(),
- self.__calc_settings_rec(),
- self.__guts_rec(),
- self.__defaultrowheight_rec(),
- self.__wsbool_rec(),
- self.__colinfo_rec(),
- self.__dimensions_rec(),
- self.__print_settings_rec(),
- self.__protection_rec(),
- ]
- if self.row_tempfile:
- self.row_tempfile.flush()
- result.append(
- result.extend([
- self.__row_blocks_rec(),
- self.__merged_rec(),
- self.__bitmaps_rec(),
- self.__window2_rec(),
- self.__panes_rec(),
- self.__eof_rec(),
- ])
- return b''.join(result)
- def flush_row_data(self):
- if self.row_tempfile is None:
- self.row_tempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
- self.row_tempfile.write(self.__row_blocks_rec())
- for rowx in self.__rows:
- self.__flushed_rows[rowx] = 1
- self.__update_row_visible_levels()
- self.__rows = {}
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8373ea..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from .Workbook import Workbook
-from .Worksheet import Worksheet
-from .Row import Row
-from .Column import Column
-from .Formatting import Font, Alignment, Borders, Pattern, Protection
-from .Style import XFStyle, easyxf
-from .ExcelFormula import *
diff --git a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/ b/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b50294..00000000
--- a/tablib/packages/xlwt3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2868 +0,0 @@
-## This file is part of PyANTLR. See LICENSE.txt for license
-## details..........Copyright (C) Wolfgang Haefelinger, 2004.
-## This file was copied for use with xlwt from the 2.7.7 ANTLR distribution. Yes, it
-## says 2.7.5 below. The 2.7.5 distribution version didn't have a
-## version in it.
-## Here is the contents of the ANTLR 2.7.7 LICENSE.txt referred to above.
-# ANTLR 1989-2006 Developed by Terence Parr
-# Partially supported by University of San Francisco &
-# We reserve no legal rights to the ANTLR--it is fully in the
-# public domain. An individual or company may do whatever
-# they wish with source code distributed with ANTLR or the
-# code generated by ANTLR, including the incorporation of
-# ANTLR, or its output, into commerical software.
-# We encourage users to develop software with ANTLR. However,
-# we do ask that credit is given to us for developing
-# ANTLR. By "credit", we mean that if you use ANTLR or
-# incorporate any source code into one of your programs
-# (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that
-# you acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation,
-# research report, etc... If you like ANTLR and have
-# developed a nice tool with the output, please mention that
-# you developed it using ANTLR. In addition, we ask that the
-# headers remain intact in our source code. As long as these
-# guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing this
-# system and expect to make other tools available as they are
-# completed.
-# The primary ANTLR guy:
-# Terence Parr
-## End of contents of the ANTLR 2.7.7 LICENSE.txt ########################
-## get sys module
-import sys
-### global symbols ###
-### ANTLR Standard Tokens
-SKIP = -1
-EOF = 1
-### ANTLR's EOF Symbol
-EOF_CHAR = ''
-### general functions ###
-## Version should be automatically derived from For now,
-## we need to bump it ourselfs. Don't remove the tags.
-def version():
- r = {
- 'major' : '2',
- 'minor' : '7',
- 'micro' : '5',
- 'patch' : '' ,
- 'version': '2.7.5'
- }
- return r
-def error(fmt,*args):
- if fmt:
- print("error: ", fmt % tuple(args))
-def ifelse(cond,_then,_else):
- if cond :
- r = _then
- else:
- r = _else
- return r
-def is_string_type(x):
- # return (isinstance(x,str) or isinstance(x,unicode))
- # Simplify; xlwt doesn't support Python < 2.3
- return isinstance(str)
-def assert_string_type(x):
- assert is_string_type(x)
- pass
-### ANTLR Exceptions ###
-class ANTLRException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- Exception.__init__(self, *args)
-class RecognitionException(ANTLRException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args)
- self.fileName = None
- self.line = -1
- self.column = -1
- if len(args) >= 2:
- self.fileName = args[1]
- if len(args) >= 3:
- self.line = args[2]
- if len(args) >= 4:
- self.column = args[3]
- def __str__(self):
- buf = ['']
- if self.fileName:
- buf.append(self.fileName + ":")
- if self.line != -1:
- if not self.fileName:
- buf.append("line ")
- buf.append(str(self.line))
- if self.column != -1:
- buf.append(":" + str(self.column))
- buf.append(":")
- buf.append(" ")
- return str('').join(buf)
- __repr__ = __str__
-class NoViableAltException(RecognitionException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, *args)
- self.token = None
- self.node = None
- if isinstance(args[0],AST):
- self.node = args[0]
- elif isinstance(args[0],Token):
- self.token = args[0]
- else:
- raise TypeError("NoViableAltException requires Token or AST argument")
- def __str__(self):
- if self.token:
- line = self.token.getLine()
- col = self.token.getColumn()
- text = self.token.getText()
- return "unexpected symbol at line %s (column %s): \"%s\"" % (line,col,text)
- if self.node == ASTNULL:
- return "unexpected end of subtree"
- assert self.node
- ### hackish, we assume that an AST contains method getText
- return "unexpected node: %s" % (self.node.getText())
- __repr__ = __str__
-class NoViableAltForCharException(RecognitionException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.foundChar = None
- if len(args) == 2:
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- scanner = args[1]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt",
- scanner.getFilename(),
- scanner.getLine(),
- scanner.getColumn())
- elif len(args) == 4:
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- fileName = args[1]
- line = args[2]
- column = args[3]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt",
- fileName, line, column)
- else:
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "NoViableAlt",
- '', -1, -1)
- def __str__(self):
- mesg = "unexpected char: "
- if self.foundChar >= ' ' and self.foundChar <= '~':
- mesg += "'" + self.foundChar + "'"
- elif self.foundChar:
- mesg += "0x" + hex(ord(self.foundChar)).upper()[2:]
- else:
- mesg += ""
- return mesg
- __repr__ = __str__
-class SemanticException(RecognitionException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, *args)
-class MismatchedCharException(RecognitionException):
- NONE = 0
- CHAR = 1
- NOT_CHAR = 2
- RANGE = 3
- SET = 5
- NOT_SET = 6
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.args = args
- if len(args) == 5:
- # Expected range / not range
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.RANGE
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[1]
- self.upper = args[2]
- self.scanner = args[4]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char range",
- self.scanner.getFilename(),
- self.scanner.getLine(),
- self.scanner.getColumn())
- elif len(args) == 4 and is_string_type(args[1]):
- # Expected char / not char
- if args[2]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_CHAR
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.CHAR
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[1]
- self.scanner = args[3]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char",
- self.scanner.getFilename(),
- self.scanner.getLine(),
- self.scanner.getColumn())
- elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[1], BitSet):
- # Expected BitSet / not BitSet
- if args[2]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.SET
- self.foundChar = args[0]
- self.set = args[1]
- self.scanner = args[3]
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char set",
- self.scanner.getFilename(),
- self.scanner.getLine(),
- self.scanner.getColumn())
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedCharException.NONE
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched char")
- ## Append a char to the msg buffer. If special,
- # then show escaped version
- #
- def appendCharName(self, sb, c):
- if not c or c == 65535:
- # 65535 = (char) -1 = EOF
- sb.append("''")
- elif c == '\n':
- sb.append("'\\n'")
- elif c == '\r':
- sb.append("'\\r'");
- elif c == '\t':
- sb.append("'\\t'")
- else:
- sb.append('\'' + c + '\'')
- ##
- # Returns an error message with line number/column information
- #
- def __str__(self):
- sb = ['']
- sb.append(RecognitionException.__str__(self))
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.CHAR:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append(", found ")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar)
- elif self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_CHAR:
- sb.append("expecting anything but '")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("'; got it anyway")
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedCharException.RANGE, MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE]:
- sb.append("expecting char ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_RANGE:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("in range: ")
- appendCharName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("..")
- appendCharName(sb, self.upper)
- sb.append(", found ")
- appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar)
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedCharException.SET, MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET]:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedCharException.NOT_SET:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("one of (")
- for i in range(len(self.set)):
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.set[i])
- sb.append("), found ")
- self.appendCharName(sb, self.foundChar)
- return str().join(sb).strip()
- __repr__ = __str__
-class MismatchedTokenException(RecognitionException):
- NONE = 0
- TOKEN = 1
- RANGE = 3
- SET = 5
- NOT_SET = 6
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.args = args
- self.tokenNames = []
- self.token = None
- self.tokenText = ''
- self.node = None
- if len(args) == 6:
- # Expected range / not range
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.RANGE
- self.tokenNames = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[2]
- self.upper = args[3]
- self.fileName = args[5]
- elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[2], int):
- # Expected token / not token
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_TOKEN
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.TOKEN
- self.tokenNames = args[0]
- self.expecting = args[2]
- elif len(args) == 4 and isinstance(args[2], BitSet):
- # Expected BitSet / not BitSet
- if args[3]:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.SET
- self.tokenNames = args[0]
- self.set = args[2]
- else:
- self.mismatchType = MismatchedTokenException.NONE
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token: expecting any AST node", "", -1, -1)
- if len(args) >= 2:
- if isinstance(args[1],Token):
- self.token = args[1]
- self.tokenText = self.token.getText()
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token",
- self.fileName,
- self.token.getLine(),
- self.token.getColumn())
- elif isinstance(args[1],AST):
- self.node = args[1]
- self.tokenText = str(self.node)
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token",
- "",
- self.node.getLine(),
- self.node.getColumn())
- else:
- self.tokenText = ""
- RecognitionException.__init__(self, "Mismatched Token",
- "", -1, -1)
- def appendTokenName(self, sb, tokenType):
- if tokenType == INVALID_TYPE:
- sb.append("")
- elif tokenType < 0 or tokenType >= len(self.tokenNames):
- sb.append("<" + str(tokenType) + ">")
- else:
- sb.append(self.tokenNames[tokenType])
- ##
- # Returns an error message with line number/column information
- #
- def __str__(self):
- sb = ['']
- sb.append(RecognitionException.__str__(self))
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.TOKEN:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append(", found " + self.tokenText)
- elif self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_TOKEN:
- sb.append("expecting anything but '")
- self.appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("'; got it anyway")
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedTokenException.RANGE, MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE]:
- sb.append("expecting token ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_RANGE:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("in range: ")
- appendTokenName(sb, self.expecting)
- sb.append("..")
- appendTokenName(sb, self.upper)
- sb.append(", found " + self.tokenText)
- elif self.mismatchType in [MismatchedTokenException.SET, MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET]:
- sb.append("expecting ")
- if self.mismatchType == MismatchedTokenException.NOT_SET:
- sb.append("NOT ")
- sb.append("one of (")
- for i in range(len(self.set)):
- self.appendTokenName(sb, self.set[i])
- sb.append("), found " + self.tokenText)
- return str().join(sb).strip()
- __repr__ = __str__
-class TokenStreamException(ANTLRException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args)
-# Wraps an Exception in a TokenStreamException
-class TokenStreamIOException(TokenStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception):
- io = args[0]
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, str(io))
- = io
- else:
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, *args)
- = self
-# Wraps a RecognitionException in a TokenStreamException
-class TokenStreamRecognitionException(TokenStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], RecognitionException):
- recog = args[0]
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, str(recog))
- self.recog = recog
- else:
- raise TypeError("TokenStreamRecognitionException requires RecognitionException argument")
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.recog)
- __repr__ = __str__
-class TokenStreamRetryException(TokenStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- TokenStreamException.__init__(self, *args)
-class CharStreamException(ANTLRException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- ANTLRException.__init__(self, *args)
-# Wraps an Exception in a CharStreamException
-class CharStreamIOException(CharStreamException):
- def __init__(self, *args):
- if args and isinstance(args[0], Exception):
- io = args[0]
- CharStreamException.__init__(self, str(io))
- = io
- else:
- CharStreamException.__init__(self, *args)
- = self
-class TryAgain(Exception):
- pass
-### Token ###
-class Token(object):
- SKIP = -1
- EOF_TYPE = 1
- EOF = 1
- def __init__(self,**argv):
- try:
- self.type = argv['type']
- except:
- self.type = INVALID_TYPE
- try:
- self.text = argv['text']
- except:
- self.text = ""
- def isEOF(self):
- return (self.type == EOF_TYPE)
- def getColumn(self):
- return 0
- def getLine(self):
- return 0
- def getFilename(self):
- return None
- def setFilename(self,name):
- return self
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- def setText(self,text):
- if is_string_type(text):
- pass
- else:
- raise TypeError("Token.setText requires string argument")
- return self
- def setColumn(self,column):
- return self
- def setLine(self,line):
- return self
- def getType(self):
- return self.type
- def setType(self,type):
- if isinstance(type,int):
- self.type = type
- else:
- raise TypeError("Token.setType requires integer argument")
- return self
- def toString(self):
- ## not optimal
- type_ = self.type
- if type_ == 3:
- elif type_ == 1:
- tval = 'EOF_TYPE'
- elif type_ == 0:
- tval = 'INVALID_TYPE'
- elif type_ == -1:
- tval = 'SKIP'
- else:
- tval = type_
- return '["%s",<%s>]' % (self.getText(),tval)
- __str__ = toString
- __repr__ = toString
-### static attribute ..
-Token.badToken = Token( type=INVALID_TYPE, text="")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("testing ..")
- T = Token.badToken
- print(T)
-### CommonToken ###
-class CommonToken(Token):
- def __init__(self,**argv):
- Token.__init__(self,**argv)
- self.line = 0
- self.col = 0
- try:
- self.line = argv['line']
- except:
- pass
- try:
- self.col = argv['col']
- except:
- pass
- def getLine(self):
- return self.line
- def getText(self):
- return self.text
- def getColumn(self):
- return self.col
- def setLine(self,line):
- self.line = line
- return self
- def setText(self,text):
- self.text = text
- return self
- def setColumn(self,col):
- self.col = col
- return self
- def toString(self):
- ## not optimal
- type_ = self.type
- if type_ == 3:
- elif type_ == 1:
- tval = 'EOF_TYPE'
- elif type_ == 0:
- tval = 'INVALID_TYPE'
- elif type_ == -1:
- tval = 'SKIP'
- else:
- tval = type_
- d = {
- 'text' : self.text,
- 'type' : tval,
- 'line' : self.line,
- 'colm' : self.col
- }
- fmt = '["%(text)s",<%(type)s>,line=%(line)s,col=%(colm)s]'
- return fmt % d
- __str__ = toString
- __repr__ = toString
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
- T = CommonToken()
- print(T)
- T = CommonToken(col=15,line=1,text="some text", type=5)
- print(T)
- T = CommonToken()
- T.setLine(1).setColumn(15).setText("some text").setType(5)
- print(T)
- print(T.getLine())
- print(T.getColumn())
- print(T.getText())
- print(T.getType())
-### CommonHiddenStreamToken ###
-class CommonHiddenStreamToken(CommonToken):
- def __init__(self,*args):
- CommonToken.__init__(self,*args)
- self.hiddenBefore = None
- self.hiddenAfter = None
- def getHiddenAfter(self):
- return self.hiddenAfter
- def getHiddenBefore(self):
- return self.hiddenBefore
- def setHiddenAfter(self,t):
- self.hiddenAfter = t
- def setHiddenBefore(self, t):
- self.hiddenBefore = t
-### Queue ###
-## Shall be a circular buffer on tokens ..
-class Queue(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.buffer = [] # empty list
- def append(self,item):
- self.buffer.append(item)
- def elementAt(self,index):
- return self.buffer[index]
- def reset(self):
- self.buffer = []
- def removeFirst(self):
- self.buffer.pop(0)
- def length(self):
- return len(self.buffer)
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.buffer)
-### InputBuffer ###
-class InputBuffer(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.nMarkers = 0
- self.markerOffset = 0
- self.numToConsume = 0
- self.queue = Queue()
- def __str__(self):
- return "(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (
- self.nMarkers,
- self.markerOffset,
- self.numToConsume,
- self.queue)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- def commit(self):
- self.nMarkers -= 1
- def consume(self) :
- self.numToConsume += 1
- ## probably better to return a list of items
- ## because of unicode. Or return a unicode
- ## string ..
- def getLAChars(self) :
- i = self.markerOffset
- n = self.queue.length()
- s = ''
- while i 0:
- if self.nMarkers > 0:
- # guess mode -- leave leading characters and bump offset.
- self.markerOffset += 1
- else:
- # normal mode -- remove first character
- self.queue.removeFirst()
- self.numToConsume -= 1
-### CharBuffer ###
-class CharBuffer(InputBuffer):
- def __init__(self,reader):
- ##assert isinstance(reader,file)
- super(CharBuffer,self).__init__()
- ## a reader is supposed to be anything that has
- ## a method 'read(int)'.
- self.input = reader
- def __str__(self):
- base = super(CharBuffer,self).__str__()
- return "CharBuffer{%s,%s" % (base,str(input))
- def fill(self,amount):
- try:
- self.syncConsume()
- while self.queue.length() < (amount + self.markerOffset) :
- ## retrieve just one char - what happend at end
- ## of input?
- c =
- ### python's behaviour is to return the empty string on
- ### EOF, ie. no exception whatsoever is thrown. An empty
- ### python string has the nice feature that it is of
- ### type 'str' and "not ''" would return true. Contrary,
- ### one can't do this: '' in 'abc'. This should return
- ### false, but all we get is then a TypeError as an
- ### empty string is not a character.
- ### Let's assure then that we have either seen a
- ### character or an empty string (EOF).
- assert len(c) == 0 or len(c) == 1
- ### And it shall be of type string (ASCII or UNICODE).
- assert is_string_type(c)
- ### Just append EOF char to buffer. Note that buffer may
- ### contain then just more than one EOF char ..
- ### use unicode chars instead of ASCII ..
- self.queue.append(c)
- except Exception as e:
- raise CharStreamIOException(e)
- ##except: # (mk) Cannot happen ...
- ##error ("unexpected exception caught ..")
- ##assert 0
-### LexerSharedInputState ###
-class LexerSharedInputState(object):
- def __init__(self,ibuf):
- assert isinstance(ibuf,InputBuffer)
- self.input = ibuf
- self.column = 1
- self.line = 1
- self.tokenStartColumn = 1
- self.tokenStartLine = 1
- self.guessing = 0
- self.filename = None
- def reset(self):
- self.column = 1
- self.line = 1
- self.tokenStartColumn = 1
- self.tokenStartLine = 1
- self.guessing = 0
- self.filename = None
- self.input.reset()
- def LA(self,k):
- return self.input.LA(k)
-### TokenStream ###
-class TokenStream(object):
- def nextToken(self):
- pass
- def __iter__(self):
- return TokenStreamIterator(self)
-### TokenStreamIterator ###
-class TokenStreamIterator(object):
- def __init__(self,inst):
- if isinstance(inst,TokenStream):
- self.inst = inst
- return
- raise TypeError("TokenStreamIterator requires TokenStream object")
- def __next__(self):
- assert self.inst
- item = self.inst.nextToken()
- if not item or item.isEOF():
- raise StopIteration()
- return item
-### TokenStreamSelector ###
-class TokenStreamSelector(TokenStream):
- def __init__(self):
- self._input = None
- self._stmap = {}
- self._stack = []
- def addInputStream(self,stream,key):
- self._stmap[key] = stream
- def getCurrentStream(self):
- return self._input
- def getStream(self,sname):
- try:
- stream = self._stmap[sname]
- except:
- raise ValueError("TokenStream " + sname + " not found");
- return stream;
- def nextToken(self):
- while 1:
- try:
- return self._input.nextToken()
- except TokenStreamRetryException as r:
- ### just retry "forever"
- pass
- def pop(self):
- stream = self._stack.pop();
- return stream;
- def push(self,arg):
- self._stack.append(self._input);
- def retry(self):
- raise TokenStreamRetryException()
- def select(self,arg):
- if isinstance(arg,TokenStream):
- self._input = arg
- return
- if is_string_type(arg):
- self._input = self.getStream(arg)
- return
- raise TypeError(" requires " +
- "TokenStream or string argument")
-### TokenStreamBasicFilter ###
-class TokenStreamBasicFilter(TokenStream):
- def __init__(self,input):
- self.input = input;
- self.discardMask = BitSet()
- def discard(self,arg):
- if isinstance(arg,int):
- self.discardMask.add(arg)
- return
- if isinstance(arg,BitSet):
- self.discardMark = arg
- return
- raise TypeError("TokenStreamBasicFilter.discard requires" +
- "integer or BitSet argument")
- def nextToken(self):
- tok = self.input.nextToken()
- while tok and self.discardMask.member(tok.getType()):
- tok = self.input.nextToken()
- return tok
-### TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter ###
-class TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter(TokenStreamBasicFilter):
- def __init__(self,input):
- TokenStreamBasicFilter.__init__(self,input)
- self.hideMask = BitSet()
- self.nextMonitoredToken = None
- self.lastHiddenToken = None
- self.firstHidden = None
- def consume(self):
- self.nextMonitoredToken = self.input.nextToken()
- def consumeFirst(self):
- self.consume()
- p = None;
- while self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()) or \
- self.discardMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- if self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- if not p:
- p = self.LA(1)
- else:
- p.setHiddenAfter(self.LA(1))
- self.LA(1).setHiddenBefore(p)
- p = self.LA(1)
- self.lastHiddenToken = p
- if not self.firstHidden:
- self.firstHidden = p
- self.consume()
- def getDiscardMask(self):
- return self.discardMask
- def getHiddenAfter(self,t):
- return t.getHiddenAfter()
- def getHiddenBefore(self,t):
- return t.getHiddenBefore()
- def getHideMask(self):
- return self.hideMask
- def getInitialHiddenToken(self):
- return self.firstHidden
- def hide(self,m):
- if isinstance(m,int):
- self.hideMask.add(m)
- return
- if isinstance(m.BitMask):
- self.hideMask = m
- return
- def LA(self,i):
- return self.nextMonitoredToken
- def nextToken(self):
- if not self.LA(1):
- self.consumeFirst()
- monitored = self.LA(1)
- monitored.setHiddenBefore(self.lastHiddenToken)
- self.lastHiddenToken = None
- self.consume()
- p = monitored
- while self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()) or \
- self.discardMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- if self.hideMask.member(self.LA(1).getType()):
- p.setHiddenAfter(self.LA(1))
- if p != monitored:
- self.LA(1).setHiddenBefore(p)
- p = self.lastHiddenToken = self.LA(1)
- self.consume()
- return monitored
-### StringBuffer ###
-class StringBuffer:
- def __init__(self,string=None):
- if string:
- self.text = list(string)
- else:
- self.text = []
- def setLength(self,sz):
- if not sz :
- self.text = []
- return
- assert sz>0
- if sz >= self.length():
- return
- ### just reset to empty buffer
- self.text = self.text[0:sz]
- def length(self):
- return len(self.text)
- def append(self,c):
- self.text.append(c)
- ### return buffer as string. Arg 'a' is used as index
- ## into the buffer and 2nd argument shall be the length.
- ## If 2nd args is absent, we return chars till end of
- ## buffer starting with 'a'.
- def getString(self,a=None,length=None):
- if not a :
- a = 0
- assert a>=0
- if a>= len(self.text) :
- return ""
- if not length:
- ## no second argument
- L = self.text[a:]
- else:
- assert (a+length) <= len(self.text)
- b = a + length
- L = self.text[a:b]
- s = ""
- for x in L : s += x
- return s
- toString = getString ## alias
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.text)
-### Reader ###
-## When reading Japanese chars, it happens that a stream returns a
-## 'char' of length 2. This looks like a bug in the appropriate
-## codecs - but I'm rather unsure about this. Anyway, if this is
-## the case, I'm going to split this string into a list of chars
-## and put them on hold, ie. on a buffer. Next time when called
-## we read from buffer until buffer is empty.
-## wh: nov, 25th -> problem does not appear in Python 2.4.0.c1.
-class Reader(object):
- def __init__(self,stream):
- self.cin = stream
- self.buf = []
- def read(self,num):
- assert num==1
- if len(self.buf):
- return self.buf.pop()
- ## Read a char - this may return a string.
- ## Is this a bug in codecs/Python?
- c =
- if not c or len(c)==1:
- return c
- L = list(c)
- L.reverse()
- for x in L:
- self.buf.append(x)
- ## read one char ..
- return
-### CharScanner ###
-class CharScanner(TokenStream):
- ## class members
- NO_CHAR = 0
- EOF_CHAR = '' ### EOF shall be the empty string.
- def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs):
- super(CharScanner, self).__init__()
- self.saveConsumedInput = True
- self.tokenClass = None
- self.caseSensitive = True
- self.caseSensitiveLiterals = True
- self.literals = None
- self.tabsize = 8
- self._returnToken = None
- self.commitToPath = False
- self.traceDepth = 0
- self.text = StringBuffer()
- self.hashString = hash(self)
- self.setTokenObjectClass(CommonToken)
- self.setInput(*argv)
- def __iter__(self):
- return CharScannerIterator(self)
- def setInput(self,*argv):
- ## case 1:
- ## if there's no arg we default to read from
- ## standard input
- if not argv:
- import sys
- self.setInput(sys.stdin)
- return
- ## get 1st argument
- arg1 = argv[0]
- ## case 2:
- ## if arg1 is a string, we assume it's a file name
- ## and open a stream using 2nd argument as open
- ## mode. If there's no 2nd argument we fall back to
- ## mode '+rb'.
- if is_string_type(arg1):
- f = open(arg1,"rb")
- self.setInput(f)
- self.setFilename(arg1)
- return
- ## case 3:
- ## if arg1 is a file we wrap it by a char buffer (
- ## some additional checks?? No, can't do this in
- ## general).
- if isinstance(arg1,file):
- self.setInput(CharBuffer(arg1))
- return
- ## case 4:
- ## if arg1 is of type SharedLexerInputState we use
- ## argument as is.
- if isinstance(arg1,LexerSharedInputState):
- self.inputState = arg1
- return
- ## case 5:
- ## check whether argument type is of type input
- ## buffer. If so create a SharedLexerInputState and
- ## go ahead.
- if isinstance(arg1,InputBuffer):
- self.setInput(LexerSharedInputState(arg1))
- return
- ## case 6:
- ## check whether argument type has a method read(int)
- ## If so create CharBuffer ...
- try:
- if
- rd = Reader(arg1)
- cb = CharBuffer(rd)
- ss = LexerSharedInputState(cb)
- self.inputState = ss
- return
- except:
- pass
- ## case 7:
- ## raise wrong argument exception
- raise TypeError(argv)
- def setTabSize(self,size) :
- self.tabsize = size
- def getTabSize(self) :
- return self.tabsize
- def setCaseSensitive(self,t) :
- self.caseSensitive = t
- def setCommitToPath(self,commit) :
- self.commitToPath = commit
- def setFilename(self,f) :
- self.inputState.filename = f
- def setLine(self,line) :
- self.inputState.line = line
- def setText(self,s) :
- self.resetText()
- self.text.append(s)
- def getCaseSensitive(self) :
- return self.caseSensitive
- def getCaseSensitiveLiterals(self) :
- return self.caseSensitiveLiterals
- def getColumn(self) :
- return self.inputState.column
- def setColumn(self,c) :
- self.inputState.column = c
- def getCommitToPath(self) :
- return self.commitToPath
- def getFilename(self) :
- return self.inputState.filename
- def getInputBuffer(self) :
- return self.inputState.input
- def getInputState(self) :
- return self.inputState
- def setInputState(self,state) :
- assert isinstance(state,LexerSharedInputState)
- self.inputState = state
- def getLine(self) :
- return self.inputState.line
- def getText(self) :
- return str(self.text)
- def getTokenObject(self) :
- return self._returnToken
- def LA(self,i) :
- c = self.inputState.input.LA(i)
- if not self.caseSensitive:
- ### E0006
- c = c.__class__.lower(c)
- return c
- def makeToken(self,type) :
- try:
- ## dynamically load a class
- assert self.tokenClass
- tok = self.tokenClass()
- tok.setType(type)
- tok.setColumn(self.inputState.tokenStartColumn)
- tok.setLine(self.inputState.tokenStartLine)
- return tok
- except:
- self.panic("unable to create new token")
- return Token.badToken
- def mark(self) :
- return self.inputState.input.mark()
- def _match_bitset(self,b) :
- if b.member(self.LA(1)):
- self.consume()
- else:
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), b, False, self)
- def _match_string(self,s) :
- for c in s:
- if self.LA(1) == c:
- self.consume()
- else:
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c, False, self)
- def match(self,item):
- if is_string_type(item):
- return self._match_string(item)
- else:
- return self._match_bitset(item)
- def matchNot(self,c) :
- if self.LA(1) != c:
- self.consume()
- else:
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c, True, self)
- def matchRange(self,c1,c2) :
- if self.LA(1) < c1 or self.LA(1) > c2 :
- raise MismatchedCharException(self.LA(1), c1, c2, False, self)
- else:
- self.consume()
- def newline(self) :
- self.inputState.line += 1
- self.inputState.column = 1
- def tab(self) :
- c = self.getColumn()
- nc = ( ((c-1)/self.tabsize) + 1) * self.tabsize + 1
- self.setColumn(nc)
- def panic(self,s='') :
- print("CharScanner: panic: " + s)
- sys.exit(1)
- def reportError(self,ex) :
- print(ex)
- def reportError(self,s) :
- if not self.getFilename():
- print("error: " + str(s))
- else:
- print(self.getFilename() + ": error: " + str(s))
- def reportWarning(self,s) :
- if not self.getFilename():
- print("warning: " + str(s))
- else:
- print(self.getFilename() + ": warning: " + str(s))
- def resetText(self) :
- self.text.setLength(0)
- self.inputState.tokenStartColumn = self.inputState.column
- self.inputState.tokenStartLine = self.inputState.line
- def rewind(self,pos) :
- self.inputState.input.rewind(pos)
- def setTokenObjectClass(self,cl):
- self.tokenClass = cl
- def testForLiteral(self,token):
- if not token:
- return
- assert isinstance(token,Token)
- _type = token.getType()
- ## special tokens can't be literals
- return
- _text = token.getText()
- if not _text:
- return
- assert is_string_type(_text)
- _type = self.testLiteralsTable(_text,_type)
- token.setType(_type)
- return _type
- def testLiteralsTable(self,*args):
- if is_string_type(args[0]):
- s = args[0]
- i = args[1]
- else:
- s = self.text.getString()
- i = args[0]
- ## check whether integer has been given
- if not isinstance(i,int):
- assert isinstance(i,int)
- ## check whether we have a dict
- assert isinstance(self.literals,dict)
- try:
- ## E0010
- if not self.caseSensitiveLiterals:
- s = s.__class__.lower(s)
- i = self.literals[s]
- except:
- pass
- return i
- def toLower(self,c):
- return c.__class__.lower()
- def traceIndent(self):
- print(' ' * self.traceDepth)
- def traceIn(self,rname):
- self.traceDepth += 1
- self.traceIndent()
- print("> lexer %s c== %s" % (rname,self.LA(1)))
- def traceOut(self,rname):
- self.traceIndent()
- print("< lexer %s c== %s" % (rname,self.LA(1)))
- self.traceDepth -= 1
- def uponEOF(self):
- pass
- def append(self,c):
- if self.saveConsumedInput :
- self.text.append(c)
- def commit(self):
- self.inputState.input.commit()
- def consume(self):
- if not self.inputState.guessing:
- c = self.LA(1)
- if self.caseSensitive:
- self.append(c)
- else:
- # use input.LA(), not LA(), to get original case
- # CharScanner.LA() would toLower it.
- c = self.inputState.input.LA(1)
- self.append(c)
- if c and c in "\t":
- else:
- self.inputState.column += 1
- self.inputState.input.consume()
- ## Consume chars until one matches the given char
- def consumeUntil_char(self,c):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_CHAR and self.LA(1) != c:
- self.consume()
- ## Consume chars until one matches the given set
- def consumeUntil_bitset(self,bitset):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_CHAR and not self.set.member(self.LA(1)):
- self.consume()
- ### If symbol seen is EOF then generate and set token, otherwise
- ### throw exception.
- def default(self,la1):
- if not la1 :
- self.uponEOF()
- self._returnToken = self.makeToken(EOF_TYPE)
- else:
- self.raise_NoViableAlt(la1)
- def filterdefault(self,la1,*args):
- if not la1:
- self.uponEOF()
- self._returnToken = self.makeToken(EOF_TYPE)
- return
- if not args:
- self.consume()
- raise TryAgain()
- else:
- ### apply filter object
- self.commit();
- try:
- func=args[0]
- args=args[1:]
- func(*args)
- except RecognitionException as e:
- ## catastrophic failure
- self.reportError(e);
- self.consume();
- raise TryAgain()
- def raise_NoViableAlt(self,la1=None):
- if not la1: la1 = self.LA(1)
- fname = self.getFilename()
- line = self.getLine()
- col = self.getColumn()
- raise NoViableAltForCharException(la1,fname,line,col)
- def set_return_token(self,_create,_token,_ttype,_offset):
- if _create and not _token and (not _ttype == SKIP):
- string = self.text.getString(_offset)
- _token = self.makeToken(_ttype)
- _token.setText(string)
- self._returnToken = _token
- return _token
-### CharScannerIterator ###
-class CharScannerIterator:
- def __init__(self,inst):
- if isinstance(inst,CharScanner):
- self.inst = inst
- return
- raise TypeError("CharScannerIterator requires CharScanner object")
- def __next__(self):
- assert self.inst
- item = self.inst.nextToken()
- if not item or item.isEOF():
- raise StopIteration()
- return item
-### BitSet ###
-### I'm assuming here that a long is 64bits. It appears however, that
-### a long is of any size. That means we can use a single long as the
-### bitset (!), ie. Python would do almost all the work (TBD).
-class BitSet(object):
- BITS = 64
- NIBBLE = 4
- LOG_BITS = 6
- def __init__(self,data=None):
- if not data:
- BitSet.__init__(self,[int(0)])
- return
- if isinstance(data,int):
- BitSet.__init__(self,[int(data)])
- return
- if isinstance(data,int):
- BitSet.__init__(self,[data])
- return
- if not isinstance(data,list):
- raise TypeError("BitSet requires integer, long, or " +
- "list argument")
- for x in data:
- if not isinstance(x,int):
- raise TypeError(self,"List argument item is " +
- "not a long: %s" % (x))
- = data
- def __str__(self):
- bits = len( * BitSet.BITS
- s = ""
- for i in range(0,bits):
- if
- s += "1"
- else:
- s += "o"
- if not ((i+1) % 10):
- s += '|%s|' % (i+1)
- return s
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
- def member(self,item):
- if not item:
- return False
- if isinstance(item,int):
- return
- if not is_string_type(item):
- raise TypeError(self,"char or unichar expected: %s" % (item))
- ## char is a (unicode) string with at most lenght 1, ie.
- ## a char.
- if len(item) != 1:
- raise TypeError(self,"char expected: %s" % (item))
- ### handle ASCII/UNICODE char
- num = ord(item)
- ### check whether position num is in bitset
- return
- def wordNumber(self,bit):
- return bit >> BitSet.LOG_BITS
- def bitMask(self,bit):
- pos = bit & BitSet.MOD_MASK ## bit mod BITS
- return (1 << pos)
- def set(self,bit,on=True):
- # grow bitset as required (use with care!)
- i = self.wordNumber(bit)
- mask = self.bitMask(bit)
- if i>=len(
- d = i - len( + 1
- for x in range(0,d):
- assert len( == i+1
- if on:
-[i] |= mask
- else:
-[i] &= (~mask)
- ### make add an alias for set
- add = set
- def off(self,bit,off=True):
- self.set(bit,not off)
- def at(self,bit):
- i = self.wordNumber(bit)
- v =[i]
- m = self.bitMask(bit)
- return v & m
-### some further funcs ###
-def illegalarg_ex(func):
- raise ValueError(
- "%s is only valid if parser is built for debugging" %
- (func.__name__))
-def runtime_ex(func):
- raise RuntimeException(
- "%s is only valid if parser is built for debugging" %
- (func.__name__))
-### TokenBuffer ###
-class TokenBuffer(object):
- def __init__(self,stream):
- self.input = stream
- self.nMarkers = 0
- self.markerOffset = 0
- self.numToConsume = 0
- self.queue = Queue()
- def reset(self) :
- self.nMarkers = 0
- self.markerOffset = 0
- self.numToConsume = 0
- self.queue.reset()
- def consume(self) :
- self.numToConsume += 1
- def fill(self, amount):
- self.syncConsume()
- while self.queue.length() < (amount + self.markerOffset):
- self.queue.append(self.input.nextToken())
- def getInput(self):
- return self.input
- def LA(self,k) :
- self.fill(k)
- return self.queue.elementAt(self.markerOffset + k - 1).type
- def LT(self,k) :
- self.fill(k)
- return self.queue.elementAt(self.markerOffset + k - 1)
- def mark(self) :
- self.syncConsume()
- self.nMarkers += 1
- return self.markerOffset
- def rewind(self,mark) :
- self.syncConsume()
- self.markerOffset = mark
- self.nMarkers -= 1
- def syncConsume(self) :
- while self.numToConsume > 0:
- if self.nMarkers > 0:
- # guess mode -- leave leading characters and bump offset.
- self.markerOffset += 1
- else:
- # normal mode -- remove first character
- self.queue.removeFirst()
- self.numToConsume -= 1
- def __str__(self):
- return "(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (
- self.input,
- self.nMarkers,
- self.markerOffset,
- self.numToConsume,
- self.queue)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
-### ParserSharedInputState ###
-class ParserSharedInputState(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.input = None
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- self.guessing = 0
- self.filename = None
- if self.input:
- self.input.reset()
-### Parser ###
-class Parser(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.tokenNames = None
- self.returnAST = None
- self.astFactory = None
- self.tokenTypeToASTClassMap = {}
- self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls = False
- self.traceDepth = 0
- if not args:
- self.inputState = ParserSharedInputState()
- return
- arg0 = args[0]
- assert isinstance(arg0,ParserSharedInputState)
- self.inputState = arg0
- return
- def getTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self):
- return self.tokenTypeToASTClassMap
- def addMessageListener(self, l):
- if not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls:
- illegalarg_ex(addMessageListener)
- def addParserListener(self,l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls) :
- illegalarg_ex(addParserListener)
- def addParserMatchListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls) :
- illegalarg_ex(addParserMatchListener)
- def addParserTokenListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addParserTokenListener)
- def addSemanticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addSemanticPredicateListener)
- def addSyntacticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addSyntacticPredicateListener)
- def addTraceListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- illegalarg_ex(addTraceListener)
- def consume(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _consumeUntil_type(self,tokenType):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_TYPE and self.LA(1) != tokenType:
- self.consume()
- def _consumeUntil_bitset(self, set):
- while self.LA(1) != EOF_TYPE and not set.member(self.LA(1)):
- self.consume()
- def consumeUntil(self,arg):
- if isinstance(arg,int):
- self._consumeUntil_type(arg)
- else:
- self._consumeUntil_bitset(arg)
- def defaultDebuggingSetup(self):
- pass
- def getAST(self) :
- return self.returnAST
- def getASTFactory(self) :
- return self.astFactory
- def getFilename(self) :
- return self.inputState.filename
- def getInputState(self) :
- return self.inputState
- def setInputState(self, state) :
- self.inputState = state
- def getTokenName(self,num) :
- return self.tokenNames[num]
- def getTokenNames(self) :
- return self.tokenNames
- def isDebugMode(self) :
- return self.false
- def LA(self, i):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def LT(self, i):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def mark(self):
- return self.inputState.input.mark()
- def _match_int(self,t):
- if (self.LA(1) != t):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(
- self.tokenNames, self.LT(1), t, False, self.getFilename())
- else:
- self.consume()
- def _match_set(self, b):
- if (not b.member(self.LA(1))):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(
- self.tokenNames,self.LT(1), b, False, self.getFilename())
- else:
- self.consume()
- def match(self,set) :
- if isinstance(set,int):
- self._match_int(set)
- return
- if isinstance(set,BitSet):
- self._match_set(set)
- return
- raise TypeError("Parser.match requires integer ot BitSet argument")
- def matchNot(self,t):
- if self.LA(1) == t:
- raise MismatchedTokenException(
- tokenNames, self.LT(1), t, True, self.getFilename())
- else:
- self.consume()
- def removeMessageListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeMessageListener)
- def removeParserListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeParserListener)
- def removeParserMatchListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeParserMatchListener)
- def removeParserTokenListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeParserTokenListener)
- def removeSemanticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeSemanticPredicateListener)
- def removeSyntacticPredicateListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeSyntacticPredicateListener)
- def removeTraceListener(self, l) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(removeTraceListener)
- def reportError(self,x) :
- fmt = "syntax error:"
- f = self.getFilename()
- if f:
- fmt = ("%s:" % f) + fmt
- if isinstance(x,Token):
- line = x.getColumn()
- col = x.getLine()
- text = x.getText()
- fmt = fmt + 'unexpected symbol at line %s (column %s) : "%s"'
- print(fmt % (line,col,text), file=sys.stderr)
- else:
- print(fmt,str(x), file=sys.stderr)
- def reportWarning(self,s):
- f = self.getFilename()
- if f:
- print("%s:warning: %s" % (f,str(x)))
- else:
- print("warning: %s" % (str(x)))
- def rewind(self, pos) :
- self.inputState.input.rewind(pos)
- def setASTFactory(self, f) :
- self.astFactory = f
- def setASTNodeClass(self, cl) :
- self.astFactory.setASTNodeType(cl)
- def setASTNodeType(self, nodeType) :
- self.setASTNodeClass(nodeType)
- def setDebugMode(self, debugMode) :
- if (not self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls):
- runtime_ex(setDebugMode)
- def setFilename(self, f) :
- self.inputState.filename = f
- def setIgnoreInvalidDebugCalls(self, value) :
- self.ignoreInvalidDebugCalls = value
- def setTokenBuffer(self, t) :
- self.inputState.input = t
- def traceIndent(self):
- print(" " * self.traceDepth)
- def traceIn(self,rname):
- self.traceDepth += 1
- self.trace("> ", rname)
- def traceOut(self,rname):
- self.trace("< ", rname)
- self.traceDepth -= 1
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to Parser
- def addASTChild(self,currentAST, child):
- if not child:
- return
- if not currentAST.root:
- currentAST.root = child
- elif not currentAST.child:
- currentAST.root.setFirstChild(child)
- else:
- currentAST.child.setNextSibling(child)
- currentAST.child = child
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to Parser
- def makeASTRoot(self,currentAST,root) :
- if root:
- ### Add the current root as a child of new root
- root.addChild(currentAST.root)
- ### The new current child is the last sibling of the old root
- currentAST.child = currentAST.root
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### Set the new root
- currentAST.root = root
-### LLkParser ###
-class LLkParser(Parser):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- arg1 = args[0]
- except:
- arg1 = 1
- if isinstance(arg1,int):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__()
- self.k = arg1
- return
- if isinstance(arg1,ParserSharedInputState):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__(arg1)
- self.set_k(1,*args)
- return
- if isinstance(arg1,TokenBuffer):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__()
- self.setTokenBuffer(arg1)
- self.set_k(1,*args)
- return
- if isinstance(arg1,TokenStream):
- super(LLkParser,self).__init__()
- tokenBuf = TokenBuffer(arg1)
- self.setTokenBuffer(tokenBuf)
- self.set_k(1,*args)
- return
- ### unknown argument
- raise TypeError("LLkParser requires integer, " +
- "ParserSharedInputStream or TokenStream argument")
- def consume(self):
- self.inputState.input.consume()
- def LA(self,i):
- return self.inputState.input.LA(i)
- def LT(self,i):
- return self.inputState.input.LT(i)
- def set_k(self,index,*args):
- try:
- self.k = args[index]
- except:
- self.k = 1
- def trace(self,ee,rname):
- print(type(self))
- self.traceIndent()
- guess = ""
- if self.inputState.guessing > 0:
- guess = " [guessing]"
- print((ee + rname + guess))
- for i in range(1,self.k+1):
- if i != 1:
- print(", ")
- if self.LT(i) :
- v = self.LT(i).getText()
- else:
- v = "null"
- print("LA(%s) == %s" % (i,v))
- print("\n")
- def traceIn(self,rname):
- self.traceDepth += 1;
- self.trace("> ", rname);
- def traceOut(self,rname):
- self.trace("< ", rname);
- self.traceDepth -= 1;
-### TreeParserSharedInputState ###
-class TreeParserSharedInputState(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.guessing = 0
-### TreeParser ###
-class TreeParser(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.inputState = TreeParserSharedInputState()
- self._retTree = None
- self.tokenNames = []
- self.returnAST = None
- self.astFactory = ASTFactory()
- self.traceDepth = 0
- def getAST(self):
- return self.returnAST
- def getASTFactory(self):
- return self.astFactory
- def getTokenName(self,num) :
- return self.tokenNames[num]
- def getTokenNames(self):
- return self.tokenNames
- def match(self,t,set) :
- assert isinstance(set,int) or isinstance(set,BitSet)
- if not t or t == ASTNULL:
- raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False)
- if isinstance(set,int) and t.getType() != set:
- raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False)
- if isinstance(set,BitSet) and not set.member(t.getType):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(self.getTokenNames(), t,set, False)
- def matchNot(self,t, ttype) :
- if not t or (t == ASTNULL) or (t.getType() == ttype):
- raise MismatchedTokenException(getTokenNames(), t, ttype, True)
- def reportError(self,ex):
- print("error:",ex, file=sys.stderr)
- def reportWarning(self, s):
- print("warning:",s)
- def setASTFactory(self,f):
- self.astFactory = f
- def setASTNodeType(self,nodeType):
- self.setASTNodeClass(nodeType)
- def setASTNodeClass(self,nodeType):
- self.astFactory.setASTNodeType(nodeType)
- def traceIndent(self):
- print(" " * self.traceDepth)
- def traceIn(self,rname,t):
- self.traceDepth += 1
- self.traceIndent()
- print(("> " + rname + "(" +
- ifelse(t,str(t),"null") + ")" +
- ifelse(self.inputState.guessing>0,"[guessing]","")))
- def traceOut(self,rname,t):
- self.traceIndent()
- print(("< " + rname + "(" +
- ifelse(t,str(t),"null") + ")" +
- ifelse(self.inputState.guessing>0,"[guessing]","")))
- self.traceDepth -= 1
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to TreeParser
- def addASTChild(self,currentAST, child):
- if not child:
- return
- if not currentAST.root:
- currentAST.root = child
- elif not currentAST.child:
- currentAST.root.setFirstChild(child)
- else:
- currentAST.child.setNextSibling(child)
- currentAST.child = child
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### wh: moved from ASTFactory to TreeParser
- def makeASTRoot(self,currentAST,root):
- if root:
- ### Add the current root as a child of new root
- root.addChild(currentAST.root)
- ### The new current child is the last sibling of the old root
- currentAST.child = currentAST.root
- currentAST.advanceChildToEnd()
- ### Set the new root
- currentAST.root = root
-### funcs to work on trees ###
-def rightmost(ast):
- if ast:
- while(ast.right):
- ast = ast.right
- return ast
-def cmptree(s,t,partial):
- while(s and t):
- ### as a quick optimization, check roots first.
- if not s.equals(t):
- return False
- ### if roots match, do full list match test on children.
- if not cmptree(s.getFirstChild(),t.getFirstChild(),partial):
- return False
- s = s.getNextSibling()
- t = t.getNextSibling()
- r = ifelse(partial,not t,not s and not t)
- return r
-### AST ###
-class AST(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def addChild(self, c):
- pass
- def equals(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsList(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsListPartial(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsTree(self, t):
- return False
- def equalsTreePartial(self, t):
- return False
- def findAll(self, tree):
- return None
- def findAllPartial(self, subtree):
- return None
- def getFirstChild(self):
- return self
- def getNextSibling(self):
- return self
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- def getType(self):
- def getLine(self):
- return 0
- def getColumn(self):
- return 0
- def getNumberOfChildren(self):
- return 0
- def initialize(self, t, txt):
- pass
- def initialize(self, t):
- pass
- def setFirstChild(self, c):
- pass
- def setNextSibling(self, n):
- pass
- def setText(self, text):
- pass
- def setType(self, ttype):
- pass
- def toString(self):
- self.getText()
- __str__ = toString
- def toStringList(self):
- return self.getText()
- def toStringTree(self):
- return self.getText()
-### ASTNULLType ###
-### There is only one instance of this class **/
-class ASTNULLType(AST):
- def __init__(self):
- AST.__init__(self)
- pass
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- def getType(self):
-### BaseAST ###
-class BaseAST(AST):
- verboseStringConversion = False
- tokenNames = None
- def __init__(self):
- self.down = None ## kid
- self.right = None ## sibling
- def addChild(self,node):
- if node:
- t = rightmost(self.down)
- if t:
- t.right = node
- else:
- assert not self.down
- self.down = node
- def getNumberOfChildren(self):
- t = self.down
- n = 0
- while t:
- n += 1
- t = t.right
- return n
- def doWorkForFindAll(self,v,target,partialMatch):
- sibling = self
- while sibling:
- c1 = partialMatch and sibling.equalsTreePartial(target)
- if c1:
- v.append(sibling)
- else:
- c2 = not partialMatch and sibling.equalsTree(target)
- if c2:
- v.append(sibling)
- ### regardless of match or not, check any children for matches
- if sibling.getFirstChild():
- sibling.getFirstChild().doWorkForFindAll(v,target,partialMatch)
- sibling = sibling.getNextSibling()
- ### Is node t equal to 'self' in terms of token type and text?
- def equals(self,t):
- if not t:
- return False
- return self.getText() == t.getText() and self.getType() == t.getType()
- ### Is t an exact structural and equals() match of this tree. The
- ### 'self' reference is considered the start of a sibling list.
- ###
- def equalsList(self, t):
- return cmptree(self, t, partial=False)
- ### Is 't' a subtree of this list?
- ### The siblings of the root are NOT ignored.
- ###
- def equalsListPartial(self,t):
- return cmptree(self,t,partial=True)
- ### Is tree rooted at 'self' equal to 't'? The siblings
- ### of 'self' are ignored.
- ###
- def equalsTree(self, t):
- return self.equals(t) and \
- cmptree(self.getFirstChild(), t.getFirstChild(), partial=False)
- ### Is 't' a subtree of the tree rooted at 'self'? The siblings
- ### of 'self' are ignored.
- ###
- def equalsTreePartial(self, t):
- if not t:
- return True
- return self.equals(t) and cmptree(
- self.getFirstChild(), t.getFirstChild(), partial=True)
- ### Walk the tree looking for all exact subtree matches. Return
- ### an ASTEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list
- ### of subtree roots found herein.
- def findAll(self,target):
- roots = []
- ### the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration
- if not target:
- return None
- # find all matches recursively
- self.doWorkForFindAll(roots, target, False)
- return roots
- ### Walk the tree looking for all subtrees. Return
- ### an ASTEnumerator that lets the caller walk the list
- ### of subtree roots found herein.
- def findAllPartial(self,sub):
- roots = []
- ### the empty tree cannot result in an enumeration
- if not sub:
- return None
- self.doWorkForFindAll(roots, sub, True) ### find all matches recursively
- return roots
- ### Get the first child of this node None if not children
- def getFirstChild(self):
- return self.down
- ### Get the next sibling in line after this one
- def getNextSibling(self):
- return self.right
- ### Get the token text for this node
- def getText(self):
- return ""
- ### Get the token type for this node
- def getType(self):
- return 0
- def getLine(self):
- return 0
- def getColumn(self):
- return 0
- ### Remove all children */
- def removeChildren(self):
- self.down = None
- def setFirstChild(self,c):
- self.down = c
- def setNextSibling(self, n):
- self.right = n
- ### Set the token text for this node
- def setText(self, text):
- pass
- ### Set the token type for this node
- def setType(self, ttype):
- pass
- ### static
- def setVerboseStringConversion(verbose,names):
- verboseStringConversion = verbose
- tokenNames = names
- setVerboseStringConversion = staticmethod(setVerboseStringConversion)
- ### Return an array of strings that maps token ID to it's text.
- ## @since 2.7.3
- def getTokenNames():
- return tokenNames
- def toString(self):
- return self.getText()
- ### return tree as lisp string - sibling included
- def toStringList(self):
- ts = self.toStringTree()
- sib = self.getNextSibling()
- if sib:
- ts += sib.toStringList()
- return ts
- __str__ = toStringList
- ### return tree as string - siblings ignored
- def toStringTree(self):
- ts = ""
- kid = self.getFirstChild()
- if kid:
- ts += " ("
- ts += " " + self.toString()
- if kid:
- ts += kid.toStringList()
- ts += " )"
- return ts
-### CommonAST ###
-### Common AST node implementation
-class CommonAST(BaseAST):
- def __init__(self,token=None):
- super(CommonAST,self).__init__()
- self.ttype = INVALID_TYPE
- self.text = ""
- self.line = 0
- self.column= 0
- self.initialize(token)
- #assert self.text
- ### Get the token text for this node
- def getText(self):
- return self.text
- ### Get the token type for this node
- def getType(self):
- return self.ttype
- ### Get the line for this node
- def getLine(self):
- return self.line
- ### Get the column for this node
- def getColumn(self):
- return self.column
- def initialize(self,*args):
- if not args:
- return
- arg0 = args[0]
- if isinstance(arg0,int):
- arg1 = args[1]
- self.setType(arg0)
- self.setText(arg1)
- return
- if isinstance(arg0,AST) or isinstance(arg0,Token):
- self.setText(arg0.getText())
- self.setType(arg0.getType())
- self.line = arg0.getLine()
- self.column = arg0.getColumn()
- return
- ### Set the token text for this node
- def setText(self,text_):
- assert is_string_type(text_)
- self.text = text_
- ### Set the token type for this node
- def setType(self,ttype_):
- assert isinstance(ttype_,int)
- self.ttype = ttype_
-### CommonASTWithHiddenTokens ###
-class CommonASTWithHiddenTokens(CommonAST):
- def __init__(self,*args):
- CommonAST.__init__(self,*args)
- self.hiddenBefore = None
- self.hiddenAfter = None
- def getHiddenAfter(self):
- return self.hiddenAfter
- def getHiddenBefore(self):
- return self.hiddenBefore
- def initialize(self,*args):
- CommonAST.initialize(self,*args)
- if args and isinstance(args[0],Token):
- assert isinstance(args[0],CommonHiddenStreamToken)
- self.hiddenBefore = args[0].getHiddenBefore()
- self.hiddenAfter = args[0].getHiddenAfter()
-### ASTPair ###
-class ASTPair(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.root = None ### current root of tree
- self.child = None ### current child to which siblings are added
- ### Make sure that child is the last sibling */
- def advanceChildToEnd(self):
- if self.child:
- while self.child.getNextSibling():
- self.child = self.child.getNextSibling()
- ### Copy an ASTPair. Don't call it clone() because we want type-safety */
- def copy(self):
- tmp = ASTPair()
- tmp.root = self.root
- tmp.child = self.child
- return tmp
- def toString(self):
- r = ifelse(not root,"null",self.root.getText())
- c = ifelse(not child,"null",self.child.getText())
- return "[%s,%s]" % (r,c)
- __str__ = toString
- __repr__ = toString
-### ASTFactory ###
-class ASTFactory(object):
- def __init__(self,table=None):
- self._class = None
- self._classmap = ifelse(table,table,None)
- def create(self,*args):
- if not args:
- return self.create(INVALID_TYPE)
- arg0 = args[0]
- arg1 = None
- arg2 = None
- try:
- arg1 = args[1]
- arg2 = args[2]
- except:
- pass
- # ctor(int)
- if isinstance(arg0,int) and not arg2:
- ### get class for 'self' type
- c = self.getASTNodeType(arg0)
- t = self.create(c)
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0, ifelse(arg1,arg1,""))
- return t
- # ctor(int,something)
- if isinstance(arg0,int) and arg2:
- t = self.create(arg2)
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0,arg1)
- return t
- # ctor(AST)
- if isinstance(arg0,AST):
- t = self.create(arg0.getType())
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0)
- return t
- # ctor(token)
- if isinstance(arg0,Token) and not arg1:
- ttype = arg0.getType()
- assert isinstance(ttype,int)
- t = self.create(ttype)
- if t:
- t.initialize(arg0)
- return t
- # ctor(token,class)
- if isinstance(arg0,Token) and arg1:
- assert isinstance(arg1,type)
- assert issubclass(arg1,AST)
- # this creates instance of 'arg1' using 'arg0' as
- # argument. Wow, that's magic!
- t = arg1(arg0)
- assert t and isinstance(t,AST)
- return t
- # ctor(class)
- if isinstance(arg0,type):
- ### next statement creates instance of type (!)
- t = arg0()
- assert isinstance(t,AST)
- return t
- def setASTNodeClass(self,className=None):
- if not className:
- return
- assert isinstance(className,type)
- assert issubclass(className,AST)
- self._class = className
- ### kind of misnomer - use setASTNodeClass instead.
- setASTNodeType = setASTNodeClass
- def getASTNodeClass(self):
- return self._class
- def getTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self):
- return self._classmap
- def setTokenTypeToASTClassMap(self,amap):
- self._classmap = amap
- def error(self, e):
- import sys
- print(e, file=sys.stderr)
- def setTokenTypeASTNodeType(self, tokenType, className):
- """
- Specify a mapping between a token type and a (AST) class.
- """
- if not self._classmap:
- self._classmap = {}
- if not className:
- try:
- del self._classmap[tokenType]
- except:
- pass
- else:
- ### here we should also perform actions to ensure that
- ### a. class can be loaded
- ### b. class is a subclass of AST
- ###
- assert isinstance(className,type)
- assert issubclass(className,AST) ## a & b
- ### enter the class
- self._classmap[tokenType] = className
- def getASTNodeType(self,tokenType):
- """
- For a given token type return the AST node type. First we
- lookup a mapping table, second we try _class
- and finally we resolve to "antlr.CommonAST".
- """
- # first
- if self._classmap:
- try:
- c = self._classmap[tokenType]
- if c:
- return c
- except:
- pass
- # second
- if self._class:
- return self._class
- # default
- return CommonAST
- ### methods that have been moved to file scope - just listed
- ### here to be somewhat consistent with original API
- def dup(self,t):
- return antlr.dup(t,self)
- def dupList(self,t):
- return antlr.dupList(t,self)
- def dupTree(self,t):
- return antlr.dupTree(t,self)
- ### methods moved to other classes
- ### 1. makeASTRoot -> Parser
- ### 2. addASTChild -> Parser
- ### non-standard: create alias for longish method name
- maptype = setTokenTypeASTNodeType
-### ASTVisitor ###
-class ASTVisitor(object):
- def __init__(self,*args):
- pass
- def visit(self,ast):
- pass
-### static methods and variables ###
-### wh: moved from ASTFactory as there's nothing ASTFactory-specific
-### in this method.
-def make(*nodes):
- if not nodes:
- return None
- for i in range(0,len(nodes)):
- node = nodes[i]
- if node:
- assert isinstance(node,AST)
- root = nodes[0]
- tail = None
- if root:
- root.setFirstChild(None)
- for i in range(1,len(nodes)):
- if not nodes[i]:
- continue
- if not root:
- root = tail = nodes[i]
- elif not tail:
- root.setFirstChild(nodes[i])
- tail = root.getFirstChild()
- else:
- tail.setNextSibling(nodes[i])
- tail = tail.getNextSibling()
- ### Chase tail to last sibling
- while tail.getNextSibling():
- tail = tail.getNextSibling()
- return root
-def dup(t,factory):
- if not t:
- return None
- if factory:
- dup_t = factory.create(t.__class__)
- else:
- raise TypeError("dup function requires ASTFactory argument")
- dup_t.initialize(t)
- return dup_t
-def dupList(t,factory):
- result = dupTree(t,factory)
- nt = result
- while t:
- ## for each sibling of the root
- t = t.getNextSibling()
- nt.setNextSibling(dupTree(t,factory))
- nt = nt.getNextSibling()
- return result
-def dupTree(t,factory):
- result = dup(t,factory)
- if t:
- result.setFirstChild(dupList(t.getFirstChild(),factory))
- return result
-### $Id: 3750 2009-02-13 00:13:04Z sjmachin $
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