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RFC: Improvements to the test bench interface #176

thoughtpolice opened this issue Sep 17, 2016 · 4 comments

RFC: Improvements to the test bench interface #176

thoughtpolice opened this issue Sep 17, 2016 · 4 comments


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Here's an example of a test bench I have for something I'm working on. This is actually only a single test bench, stressing one part of the design; I have other tests that stress other things. It simply tests that some examples of using the instruction decoder work.

My intent is to be able to test this:

  • In CLaSH, i.e. as a Haskell simulation.
  • In simulated Verilog, i.e. by simply using iverilog or verilator on the results of the CLaSH compiler. This works pretty great today with iverilog.
  • In a synthesized or a placed-and-routed netlist. With Yosys/Arachne-pnr/IceStorm, I can resynthesize a Verilog description of my circuit after Yosys performs synthesis for my board, or even later after place-and-routing that synthesized design with arachne-pnr, resulting in a description of the synthesized netlist. This is mostly a toolchain issue (.e.g getting the full netlist back, so you can plug it up to your test).
  • In hardware. This requires hooking up a clock source, generally to some onboard PLL, and writing some code specific to your board to exercise the test functionality (e.g. blink LED0 on port J3 every second when a failure occurs). Needless to say, you can basically get away with this by writing a new module with a new topEntity , specific to that board/hardware/test. CLaSH probably can't automate away anything more than it already does, here.

Together these all provide relatively high assurance that the design works on all fronts. This ticket is mostly about the first one, which is my primary line of testing as it's far less cumbersome and much more interactive.

OK, so here's my example.

module AAP.Test.Decoder16
  ( topEntity      -- :: Signal (BitVector 16) -> Signal Instr
  , testInput      -- :: Signal (BitVector 16)
  , expectedOutput -- :: Signal Instr -> Signal Bool
  , fullTest       -- :: [Bool]
  ) where
import CLaSH.Prelude

import AAP.Decoder

-- | Trivial circuit for testing the 16 bit instruction decoder.
topEntity :: Signal (BitVector 16) -> Signal Instr
topEntity = fmap decode16

-- | Input test values for @'topEntity'@.
testInput :: Signal (BitVector 16)
testInput = stimuliGenerator vals where
  vals = 0b0000000000000010
      :> 0b1110001100000101
      :> 0b1111100000000110
      :> Nil

-- | Output verifier: make sure that the results of @'topEntity'@ are
-- legitimate. The signal output is @'True'@ when all of the expected values
-- have been tested.
expectedOutput :: Signal Instr -> Signal Bool
expectedOutput = outputVerifier (map Instr16 vals) where
  vals = ADD16 0 0 0
      :> SUB16 7 4 3
      :> AND16 3 7 0
      :> Nil

fullSimulationTest :: [Bool]
fullSimulationTest = Prelude.takeWhile (== False) vals where
  vals = sample $ expectedOutput (topEntity testInput)

So I have this, and now there's the question.

How do I test it with CLaSH?

The CLaSH simulation can be tested, roughly, like this (with clash --interactive):

> fullSimulationTest
[False, False, False]

This output is expected, although it is unintuitive. expectedOutput returns False while it still has samples to verify, and returns True once it has verified the last sample. Thus, stopping at the first True value gives a list, the length of which is the length of the testInput signal (.e. length (toList testInput) == the number of tests in this test bench, basically).

However, if the test fails, this results in something like this:

cycle(system1000): 2, outputVerifier
expected value: Instr16 (AND16 (Reg 000) (Reg 111) (Reg 000)), not equal to actual value: Instr16 (AND16 (Reg 011) (Reg 111) (Reg 000))
cycle(system1000): 3, outputVerifier
expected value: Instr16 (AND16 (Reg 000) (Reg 111) (Reg 000)), not equal to actual value: Instr16 (AND16 (Reg 011) (Reg 111) (Reg 000))

This isn't really great. Essentially, there's some unsafePerformIO going on somewhere that throws an exception when some particular sampled result from topEntity isn't the expected result.

The reason for this interface is somewhat obvious, though: The CLaSH simulation can call trace or error, or $print or whatever in the iverilog test bench when something goes wrong, but that's an implementation detail of the test bench. That has nothing to do with the result of the compiler, or whether or not the actual functions testInput and expectedOutput can be synthesized. It is not exposed to the person writing the tests. The test itself being synthesizable in this way is desirable.

The problem is this makes running the CLaSH simulation tests is really weird, IMO, with this interface. Remember, I have multiple test benches like this one, each in a different module/file stressing multiple parts of the design (or intend to): instruction fetch, 32-bit decode, the register file, etc. So this is one among many.

My build system can, relatively trivially, simply find all these files and do its business. Let's say it runs clash --verilog path/to/Decode16.hs on each one (to generate the verilog), and then it could run something like clash -e AAP.Test.Decode16.fullSimulationTest path/to/Decode16.hs to run the simulation in the interpreter.

If the result of that command outputs [False, False, False] it passes, otherwise it fails. But this isn't great, because I have to do some weird hacky grep-like thing to determine test failure. Maybe I check that the exact string is output (but this is brittle). Or maybe I just check for any error messages (maybe less brittle). Or maybe I write some wrapper around the [Bool] output that does some crazy stuff to silently gobble results/exceptions from trace using some weird ancient unix voodoo or something, and then determine if evaluating the spine of the result gave out any impure behavior (god please no).

But this is Haskell! There should just be a type specifying what happened.

Hairbrained idea

Here's my suggestion: let the test bench for simulations have some kind of interface like this:

data SimulationTestResult
  = OK  -- Test passed
  | Done -- No more tests
  | Failed String -- Oops, one of the signal inputs didn't have the expected output

The problem is that String cannot be synthesized (re: implementation detail of the simulation). But that's fine!

While I originally thought that maybe this needs some hacking in the compiler, perhaps it does not. This interface can just be an extension of the current interface, and not break anything. For example, given the scheme in 0.6, this could be the exposed interface from my module

-- My functions

-- Circuit to test
topEntity :: Signal a -> Signal b

-- Test input
testInput :: Signal a

-- Output verifier function
expectedOutput :: Signal b -> Signal Bool -- Synthesizable

-- Output verifier function, run only for simulation.
simulatedOutput :: Signal b -> Signal SimulationTestResult -- Not synthesizable

-- CLaSH functions

outputVerifier ::  ...         -> Signal b -> Signal Bool
simulatedOutputVerifier :: ... -> Signal b -> Signal SimulationTestResult

simulatedOutput needs no special care from the compiler, it can just be completely ignored - and that's OK, because we only wanted to test it with simulation anyway!

The only change this would imply is the intrudction of simulatedOutputVerifier and SimulationTestResult.

If I had simulatedOutput exported from my module, then having a higher-level module export it would let me do something like:

-- drop the initial sample, just as an example, because maybe you're using blockRam# or something
decoderSamples = Prelude.drop 1 $ sample $ simulatedOutput (topEntity testInput)

-- the simulatedOutputVerifier outputs only a single 'Done' value, once it's tested every input
allTests = Prelude.takeWhile (!= Done) decoderSamples

numberOfTests = Prelude.length allTests
passedTests = length $ Prelude.filter (== OK) allTests

when ((numberOfTests - passedTests) > 0) $ do
  putStrLn $ "omg, some tests failed: " ++ ... some very informative message here ...

This would allow me to hook up this interface or abstract over it in a number of ways to a bigger, more complete test driver that tests multiple components.

Anyway, that's my basic complaint. Any thoughts?

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I've managed to quickly implement this myself and I'm pretty happy with the results!

First, the harness:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module AAP.Test.Fancy
  ( SimulatedTestResult(..) -- :: *
  , simulationTest          -- :: ...
  ) where

import GHC.TypeLits          (KnownNat)
import Prelude               hiding ((!!))

import CLaSH.Signal          (Signal, fromList, sampleN)
import CLaSH.Signal.Explicit (Signal', SClock, register', systemClock)
import CLaSH.Signal.Bundle   (unbundle')
import CLaSH.Sized.Index     (Index)
import CLaSH.Sized.Vector    (Vec, (!!), maxIndex)

import CLaSH.Promoted.Nat    (SNat, snat, snatToInteger)

import CLaSH.Prelude.Testbench (assert')

data SimulatedTestResult
  = TestOK            -- ^ Test passed
  | TestFailed String -- ^ Test failed
  | TestsDone         -- ^ No more tests
  deriving (Eq, Show)

simulatedOutputVerifier :: forall l a . (KnownNat l, Eq a, Show a)
                        => Vec l a
                        -- ^ Samples to compare with
                        -> Signal a
                        -- ^ Signal to verify
                        -> Signal SimulatedTestResult
                        -- ^ Output signal indicating test result
simulatedOutputVerifier = simulatedOutputVerifier' systemClock

simulatedOutputVerifier' :: forall l clk a . (KnownNat l, Eq a, Show a)
                => SClock clk
                -- ^ Clock to which the input signal is synchronized to
                -> Vec l a
                -- ^ Samples to compare with
                -> Signal' clk a
                -- ^ Signal to verify
                -> Signal' clk SimulatedTestResult
                -- ^ Indicator that all samples are verified
simulatedOutputVerifier' clk samples i =
    let (s,o) = unbundle' clk (genT <$> register' clk 0 s)
        (e,f) = unbundle' clk o
    in simulatedAssert' clk "outputVerifier" i e (register' clk TestOK f)
    genT :: Index l -> (Index l,(a, SimulatedTestResult))
    genT s = (s',(samples !! s,finished))
        maxI = toEnum (maxIndex samples)

        s' = if s < maxI
                then s + 1
                else s

        finished = if s == maxI then TestsDone else TestOK

simulatedAssert' :: (Eq a,Show a)
        => SClock t
        -> String      -- ^ Additional message
        -> Signal' t a -- ^ Checked value
        -> Signal' t a -- ^ Expected value
        -> Signal' t SimulatedTestResult
        -> Signal' t SimulatedTestResult
simulatedAssert' clk msg checked expected returned =
  (\c e cnt r ->
      if c == e
       then r
       else TestFailed (concat [ "\ncycle(" ++ show clk ++ "): "
                               , show cnt
                               , ", "
                               , msg
                               , "\nexpected value: "
                               , show e
                               , ", not equal to actual value: "
                               , show c
  <$> checked <*> expected <*> fromList [(0::Integer)..] <*> returned

-- | Run a test in simulation mode, and give a friendly report of the results.
-- __NB__: This function CANNOT be synthesized; it is merely a more
-- user-friendly test interface, meant so you can easily run your tests inside
-- of CLaSH. To create test benches which can be synthesized, see
-- @'CLaSH.Prelude.Testbench'@.
simulationTest :: forall a n. (Eq a, Show a, KnownNat n)
               => Vec n a  -- ^ Expected list of outputs from a given signal.
               -> Signal a -- ^ Input signal
               -> [SimulatedTestResult]
simulationTest out inp = sampleN n (simulatedOutputVerifier out inp)
  where n = fromIntegral (snatToInteger (snat :: SNat n))

Now my new tests can look like this:

module AAP.Test.Decoder16
  ( -- * Synthesis testing.
    topEntity        -- :: Signal (BitVector 16) -> Signal Instr
  , testInput        -- :: Signal (BitVector 16)
  , expectedOutput   -- :: Signal Instr -> Signal Bool

    -- * Simulation testing.
  , simulationOutput -- :: [SimulationTestResult]
  ) where
import CLaSH.Prelude

import AAP.Decoder
import AAP.Test.Fancy

-- Test description

-- | Trivial circuit for testing the 16 bit instruction decoder.
topEntity :: Signal (BitVector 16) -> Signal Instr
topEntity = fmap decode16

-- | The number of tests in this test bench.
type NumTests = (3 :: Nat)

-- | Inputs into the test bench; these are run through @'topEntity'@ and checked
-- against @'output'@.
input :: Vec NumTests (BitVector 16)
input = 0b0000000000000010
     :> 0b1110001100000101
     :> 0b1111100000000110
     :> Nil

-- | Expected outputs from running @'topEntity'@ on the test @'input'@.
output :: Vec NumTests Instr
output = map Instr16 vals where
  vals = ADD16 0 0 0
      :> SUB16 7 4 3
      :> AND16 3 7 0
      :> Nil

-- Synthesis test harness.

-- | Input value signal for synthesis tests.
testInput :: Signal (BitVector 16)
testInput = stimuliGenerator input

-- | Output verifier for synthesis tests.
expectedOutput :: Signal Instr -> Signal Bool
expectedOutput = outputVerifier output

-- Simulation test harness

-- | Results of running all the tests. __NB__: This is only meant for running
-- CLaSH simulation tests.
simulationOutput :: [SimulatedTestResult]
simulationOutput = simulationTest output (topEntity testInput)

Which I think is pretty good! I mean, the actual implementation could be simplified probably, but I just copy/pasted to make it as fast as possible.

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@thoughtpolice Thanks again for the write up. In general I really like the suggestion(s). I think something like this can be added to the 0.7 release of CLaSH.

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@christiaanb Sure, I have this module working, under the namespace CLaSH.Testbench.Fancy in an extras package. I'd be willing to port it to 0.7 in master and make a PR adding it, if you want, or something like it, since it looks like master will be 0.7.

I've actually slightly tweaked it since the post the other day, and probably will continue to tweak it slightly. For example, it'd probably be even nicer to have TestFailed contain the actual clock value, and expected/encountered values non-String-ified, if it doesn't make plumbing things around too ugly. Then you can make just make the current error formatter the Show instance or something.

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@thoughtpolice Yes, please submit a PR to master once you're done tweaking. If it isn't already done by me, perhaps in the process you can also refactor some of the duplicate definitions in the CLaSH.Testbench module: for example, both stimuliGenerator and outputVerifier use the same sample generator in their where clause.

@christiaanb christiaanb added this to the 1.1 milestone Dec 18, 2018
@christiaanb christiaanb modified the milestones: 1.1, 1.2 Jan 16, 2020
@martijnbastiaan martijnbastiaan removed this from the 1.4 milestone Jan 19, 2022
leonschoorl pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2023
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