- Definition of TC (why that name)
- Understanding of the responsibilities of the Trusted Committer (TC)
- Different ways to become TC
- TC lifecycle (bringing on successors, sunsetting)
- Useful skills/attitude/emotional maturity
- TC antipatterns
- Why is the TC role important for IS success
- Current TCs
- People who work/interface with TCs
- Contributors
- Potential future TCs
- Managers of TCs
- Contributor/Guest
- Responsible for "fitting in"/conforming to the host team and it's expectations/processes.
- Product Owner (distinction btw. Guest and Host PO)
- TC
- TC has rights to push code closer to production than a contributor
- also known as Host
- has privileges that an admin or Apache committer would have but it is a job, irrespective of the permissions.
- Maintainer/Owner (conflict with maintainer role in GitHub)
- Committer is not an IS term. Apache uses this term to denote a tech leadership role (TC++)
- The TC role is defined by its responsibilities, rather than by its privileges.
- Contributor/Guest
at PayPal, the discussion surrounding the name of the role was very challenging. i. e.: the name matters.
Tech oriented
- Keep SW development running smoothly
- Ensure quality and longevity of the SW at a strategic level
- Ensure that decisions regarding quality and longevity of the SW are enact/follow/implement/...
- Own decisions regarding the community/process/technology, even if they didn't make it themselves.
- Reviewing and accepting contributions (including making sure they conform to the guidelines)
- Responsible for communicating contribution guidelines (possibly also validating and setting guidelines)
- Responsible for making sure undocumented requirements will be documented (not necessarily do it herself)
Community oriented
- TC has to be aware of the communities needs
- TC has to advocate the communities interests
- Reducing the barriers for entry into the community
- Onboarding new contributors
- Making sure the new contributor is prepared/educated to make the next contribution
- Upleveling the capabilities of the community members to use and contribute to
the project
- Mentoring/Coaching during the process of contributors making a contribution
- Set up the right process for the community
- Fostering the community
- enforcing the code of conduct
- There might well be multiple TCs in one project
- Possibly two videos: one for being and one for becoming a TC
- The contributor learning path (LP) video should lay out what a contributor can expect from a/his TC
- Idea for a new LP: InnerSource careers