This file represents the text intended for the video proposal (as-described in Fill out Video Proposal).
The Contributor role is one the most central roles in InnerSource - without Contributors, there would not be anything to receive or discuss. There’s far more to it than just dumping some content in a branch or issue. This section teaches the mindset, the habits, technical approaches and other details around this role. It enables you to successfully contribute to the host teams work, foster good relationships and be a happy InnerSource contributor.
Introduction: What is an InnerSource Contributor and why is it important.
Becoming an InnerSource Contributor: Mindsets and habits that lead to becoming a contributor
The Contributor Ethos: Mindset to keep while acting as an InnerSource Contributor.
Mechanics of Contributing: More technical aspects of contribution to ensure success
Benefits of Contribution: What’s in it for me (the guest), the receiving team (the host) and our company?
Conclusion: Recap of this section and pointers to more content
You are a possible future Contributor to an InnerSource project and want to know what to expect
You are a host team member looking to open your work for outside contributors / inner sourcing and want to be prepared to know what being a contributor may be like
You are a product owner looking to support your TC or a (line) manager and want to know how the InnerSource approach is meant to work.
Please watch the Intro to InnerSource Video
Also watch the Introduction to the Trusted Committer role.
The Lowering the Barriers to Entry video of the Trusted Committer role can be a good addition to understand more of why the Trusted Committer might ask for different things.
Describe the level of difficulty for the material, so that we can segment the intended audience
Familiar with Git pull request workflow.