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InnerSource Contributor Content Outline

The Contributor in InnerSource

  • Introduce the speaker.

  • Quick overview of the Contributor role.

  • Summary of the roles of InnerSource and how each relates to Contributor.

  • Summary of the upcoming segments and what each covers.

Outline for this section inspired by the Trusted Committer introduction video.

Becoming an InnerSource Contributor

  • A contributing mindset starts with a sharing mindset.

    • When you start adding new functionality to your project, ask yourself:

      • Does the new functionality reflect a general issue that needs a solution?

      • Does this new functionality have technical needs that are orthogonal to the domain of your project? If you can answer either question with "Yes", then look around to see if there is a shared solution that you can use or improve to fit your needs.

    • Briefly enumerate the benefits of using shared solutions.

  • Using shared solutions puts you in a position to become a Contributor.

    • There will be times when you wish that the shared solution has some new feature.

    • There will be times when you need a bug fix on your timeline to the shared solution for your usage scenario.

    • Don’t Wait it Out or Work Around; spend your time and energy to check back with project leads/maintainers on plans and then make the change directly in the shared project. Good communication will avoid duplicate efforts.

    • Briefly enumerate the benefits of contributing. This should be taken from the Benefits segment.

    • You may need to spend some time explaining these benefits to your management hierarchy in order for their support for the time you spend contributing.

    • An InnerSource Contributor knows that it doesn’t matter where the code goes as it’s in a well-run project that gives them the functionality they need.

  • The scope of contributions goes beyond "just code".

    • Opening issues.

    • Improving documentation.

    • Fixing builds.

    • Creating or fixing test cases that show a bug in the existing code base.

    • Nothing too small to contribute (e.g. documentation typo).

      • Here is one that I made to tensorflow/models. A simple label change in a graph.

The Contributor Ethos

  • Introduce the guest in a home analogy. A good guest:

    • Knocks at the door.

    • Anticipates and follows house rules.

    • Understands they are not the home owner and acts accordingly.

  • Let’s talk about how each of these ideas applies in InnerSource.

  • Getting in

    • In the real world their are several ways that guests are invited in.

      • An "open" sign lets them know they can walk right in without knocking.

      • Knock on the door unexpected.

      • Knock on the door only when invited.

    • With InnerSource projects there are several ways that code gets in.

      • Sometimes you just open a pull request.

      • At times you may need to get a feature request accepted before opening the pull request that fulfills it.

      • You may need to talk to the host team in person before interacting with the project digitally. In the same way that real-life hosts don’t always appreciate a stranger knocking on their door, some InnerSource hosts appreciate some heads-up before seeing a pull request get opened to their repo.

      • In all of these interactions, be prepared to "sell" your contribution to the host team.

        • Articulate the value that the contribution will bring to their ecosystem.

        • Offer to fulfill a 30-day warranty on your submission.

          • This can alleviate the host teams' fear of the contributors not being available for support with fixing bugs after the time on contribution.

    • Many InnerSource projects outline how they like to be approached by potential Contributors in their or files.

  • Following the rules

    • The or often not only contains information about how to approach the host team, but also guidelines throughout the contribution process. Be sure to understand and follow them.

    • If you are contributing the fix to an issue, be sure to follow all guidance and instruction documented in the issue.

    • You should understand the project well enough to know that your contribution makes sense overall and is not just your personal snowflake.

  • Understands they are not the home owner and acts accordingly.

    • Leave any sense of pride or entitlement at the door. Everyone is working together and doing their best. Be graceful, polite, open, and unassuming in all interaction with the host team.

    • Feedback from the host team is not any kind of personal criticism to you. Treat and value it as data to help your contribution become all the better.

    • If the host team decides not to accept a contribution, don’t take it personally. Work with them to understand their reasoning. Remember and respect that the host team has ultimate decision over the project. They’re the ones that are signing up to maintain it, after all! Try to collaborate on an aspect of the contribution that you all agree on, and look for another way to fill the rest of your needs.

Mechanics of Contributing

  • This section contains practical advice and gotchas to remember when making an InnerSource contribution.

  • Preparing to work.

    • Give yourself enough lead time. The development, review, and deployment process for your contribution will likely take longer than similar processes on your own team. Keep that in mind and plan to start early enough so that your work is available for you to leverage at the time you need it.

    • If the host team is in a different time zone then keep that in mind and plan for it when interacting with them.

    • For larger contributions, get agreement from the host team on the user/technical design of the contribution before submitting a pull request. This type of high-level, up-front agreement early will save time in rework or rejection of your pull request down the road.

    • Understand how the host team would like you to reach out for help and questions while you’re working.

  • Development

    • If you get stuck, first try to unblock yourself by reading the project documentation or looking at other parts of the code in the project.

    • After trying the above if you’re still stuck then reach out to the host team for help. It doesn’t do either side any good for you to spin forever on a problem that could be resolved in a few-minute conversation with someone more knowledgeable about the project. It’s OK to ask for help. You aren’t expected to be as knowledgeable and proficient as you might be on the full-time projects that your team owns. When asking for help prefer the project’s official communication channels: Having both, your question and the answer to it written down, archived, searchable and linkable means that future contributors can benefit from it.

    • Match the existing coding style, indentation, etc., even if it’s not what you would normally do and even if it is not specified in the A guest contribution for a feature or bug fix is not the time to introduce a new way of structuring or formatting project code.

  • Submitting the pull request

    • Add tests for your code contributions to help making the code maintainable over time.

    • Run the project build and validation before opening a pull request.

    • Test out your contribution before opening the pull request.

      • Ideally you can create a modified build of the shared project with your changes and try it out in your own project that consumes it.

    • Ensure that your pull request includes any documentation updates that are relevant to your changes.

    • Be sure that your pull request includes just the relevant changes for the issue you’re completing. Making pull requests too broad and large makes them more difficult to review and longer before they’re accepted.

Benefits of Contribution

  • Personally

    • Puts your development time into a place where others are also working. It’s not just up to you to maintain this area.

    • Get help and support from the host team in implementing your changes.

    • Your reputation and impact expands to outside your team.

    • Accelerate your personal growth by learning from engineers on the host team and their coding and working styles. This extra learning comes as part of your day job - no stretch or overtime assignment needed.

    • Varied, fun, and personally fulfilling.

  • Team

    • You can get improvements you need in other projects on a timeline that you can influence.

    • Opportunity to influence the development, progression, and ecosystem of projects that you depend on.

    • Reduced long-term burden of maintenance of your contributions. The host team maintains them as part of maintaining the overall project.

    • Key knowledge spread across multiple people and teams. Improves the bus factor.

    • Do the right thing for the company by putting your work into shared projects that others can use instead of your own one-offs.

  • Company

    • Improved cross-company collaboration.

    • More learning and knowledge sharing and thus more valuable employees.

    • Better overall product quality. Linus' Law: "With many eyes, all bugs are shallow"

    • Engineering efficiency. Code tends to get more modular and focuses on particular problem solutions. This typically makes the code more reusable, replaceable and secure.

    • Better alignment of shared projects to the needs of their internal consumers.

    • Improved and streamlined work environment retains more employees.

    • Shared development cost: Especially for components that address cross cutting concerns efficient collaboration across team boundaries can help save duplicate effort and thus development cost.


Review what we’ve learned/taught together.

  • Quick overview of the Contributor role.

  • Summary of these Contributor segments and what each covered.

  • Summary of the other sections in the learning path with invitation to watch.

  • Summary of the InnerSource Commons and invitation to join.

Outline for this section inspired by the Trusted Committer conclusion.