CSE 550 Group Project for Software Engineering
The Ship Predicament: Picture this you want to play Battleship but without the name Battleship. Boy do I have the game for you.
Usage: Game can be played via compiler with the Ship.py file or by running The Ship Preicament.exe in a directory with the asset files. To play download the zip file from this GitHub repo and unzip the folder. Then simply run The Ship Predicament.exe Use Arrow keys or mouse to navigate through menus. To apply options or settings, the ENTER key needs to be pressed in most cases. Options allow for volume of music change and color of text and background changes. GAME MODES: Players: 1-Player, 2-Player 1-Player AI Difficulties: Easy, Medium, Hard Grid Sizes: 7x7, 10x10, 15x15
Mouse is used for shot selection inside the Game grid. To make sure the game is running as intended the game should be completed on all ships being destroyed and pass to a end game menu. All gamemodes and options should be selectable inside the game as well.
Sound Effects:
Collection of effects: https://www.the3rdsequence.com/soundb/
Applause: https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/applause/
Fire: https://www.animatedimages.org/img-animated-fire-image-0377-49423.htm
Explosion: https://gifer.com/en/3IsK
Splash: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/YellowishLateAlligatorsnappingturtle.webp
Ship: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/warships-uss-new-jersey-bb-62-battleship-wallpaper-glaaz