diff --git a/packages/ckeditor5-undo/docs/_snippets/features/undo-redo.html b/packages/ckeditor5-undo/docs/_snippets/features/undo-redo.html index 62950b1781e..0f50ac71bd2 100644 --- a/packages/ckeditor5-undo/docs/_snippets/features/undo-redo.html +++ b/packages/ckeditor5-undo/docs/_snippets/features/undo-redo.html @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ -
In the days of images and icons, the written word has significantly lost its impact. Your potential readers suffer attention deficiency — they tend to omit writing longer than a glance. This is a tough situation for anyone as it invalidates the primary purpose of writing anything.
- -And the primary purpose of writing is to sell. Whatever you do, it is always about selling. Not only writing, but everything is about selling. Adverts sell. TV commercials sell. Facebook posts sell. Tweets sell. This may be a product, a service, a car, or a software bundle, but also your point of view, your opinion, or your image. Even your cosplay photos on Instagram sell some idea about yourself.
+This is even more obvious in the professional writing environment — we are here to sell. Whether we want to encourage people to try the new fancy frapuccinate grande turtleneck soda, convince them to exchange their old 2015 combi van model for the newest hybrid 2023 model, or want them to buy a book about the Silesian private eye — we all aim at selling.
+ +A steam locomotive is one that uses a steam engine as the prime source of power to move and pull cars.
+Steam locomotives are very popular today and can be seen working on all continents (with the exception of Antarctica, where the railway network is rather scarce). Being powerful and not requiring additional technical infrastructure like their younger siblings — the electric locomotives — steam engines are perfect for most types of tasks.
+Steam engines can pull passenger trains, boxcars with goods, tank cars, platform wagons with wood logs, you name it. If the conditions are tough or the load is too heavy for a single steam locomotive, a pair of engines can be used. And sometimes you can even see three or four of them if the job is exceptionally demanding.
+Most national and private railway companies nowadays own or lease a multitude of steam engines. They range from small, nimble ones used for maneuvering at railway stations to large, bulky machines utilized for the cross-continental trail.
+Steam engines also come in all shapes and colors, making up a happy useful bunch.