External contributors will be required to sign a Contributor's License Agreement. You can find this file here. Please sign, scan, and send to [email protected]. We look forward to collaborating with you!
- Create a new issue before starting your project so that we can keep track of what you are trying to add/fix. That way, we can also offer suggestions or let you know if there is already an effort in progress.
- Fork off this repository.
- Create a topic branch for the issue that you are trying to add. When possible, you should branch off the default branch.
- Edit the code in your fork.
- Send us a well documented pull request when you are done.
The GitHub pull requests should meet the following criteria:
- descriptive title
- brief summary
- @mention several relevant people to review the code
- add helpful GitHub comments on lines that you have questions / concerns about
We'll review your code, suggest any needed changes, and merge it in. Thank you.