This is a sibling list of awesome-AutoHotkey. This list contains awesome-Autohotkey library distributions, scripts, tools and resources which are no longer up-to-date, discontinued but nonetheless historically valueable.
List of historical AutoHotkey libraries. Library is code that has some reusable functionality that can be combined with your own code in order to create new functionality.
- CMDret - A Dll file designed for retrieving output from console based applications and saving the output in a variable and/or redirecting to a control without displaying the console window or creating/using temporary files. Forum link
- AHKArray - AHKArray provides a way to store multiple variables, as one. It eliminates the necessity for using global variable arrays. Forum link
- SimpleArray - single variable list/array editing function library focused on speed and simplicity. Forum link
- Eval - by fincs - Evaluate AutoHotkey expressions and mathematical statements dynamically. Forum link
- Sparrow - AHK WebServer with AHK in HTML support. Forum [link](Forum
## Library Distributions *List of historical AutoHotkey library distributions. Library Distribution is a system that is made for distributing libraries.*
- ahklib - Uberi and infogulch's AutoHotkey library.
- ahkstdlib - Ahk Standard Library Collection by Tuncay. Forum thread: link.
- Salt - Standard AutoHotkey Library Transfer.
## Scripts *List of historical AutoHotkey scripts. Script is code that is intended to be used as standalone programs, and is not meant to be integrated with other code.*
- vic - by normand - A free text editor based on HiEdit control - Forum thread: link - AHK 1.0.48, 32bit
- Catena - by normand - Gui interface for AutoHotkey hotstrings
## Tools *List of historical AutoHotkey tools. Tools made for Autohotkey*
- Lilbuilder - advanced and feature rich GUI form creation tool. It supports custom controls and saving/loading projects. It can also make copy of windows from your existing GUI scripts to help you convert them to builder project files. Forum link
- Auto-Syntax-Tidy - Takes a AHK script and changes the indentation and case of commands according to syntax. Forum link
- Isense54 - command completition and parameter tracking script (intellisense). Forum link
- Embed Lisp ( - Forum thread: link - Website: link Readme (both
- Embed Python ( - Forum thread: link
## Tutorials *List of historical AutoHotkey tutorials.*
## Resources *List of historical AutoHotkey resources. Various websites, documentation, guides, videos and articles related to AutoHotkey.*
- - Documentation for AHK 1.0 in French
## License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.