Below are the steps needed to successfully release new code to production:
- Plan Release: The Product Manager & Dev Lead collaboratively plan what issues will be included in the release
- The Dev team completes all issues in the planned release
- The Dev Lead creates a pull request that includes the scope of the release. Example: cityofaustin/vision-zero#496
- The Product Manager QAs the updates that are included in the pull request. The QA should occur in the Stage environment. Product Manager should visually QA all of the changes that are part of the release.
- The Product Manager should also complete smoke tests of that aim to ensure that the most important functions of the product or feature work as expected. Product Managers should have a list of smoke tests per product/project.
- Merge pull request (Product Manager)
- Notify #atd-dev that the pull request has been tested, approved, and merged (Product Manager)
- QA updates and smoke tests on Production environment (Product Manager)
- Send Release Notes to Stakeholders/Customers (Product Manager) Example: