diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ede172fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# If you know it's a text file, don't use "=auto" because with that you're
+# letting Git decide whether it's text (and YOU already know it IS).
+*.css text
+*.csv text
+*.html text
+*.jpg binary
+*.js text
+*.json text
+*.md text
+*.pdf binary
+*.png binary
+*.py text
+*.rego text
+*.sh text eol=lf
+*.svg text
+*.txt text
+*.yaml text
+*.yml text
+.gitattributes text
+.gitignore text
+MANIFEST.in text
diff --git a/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-macos/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-macos/action.yml
index 8562f49d..a66ecb77 100644
--- a/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-macos/action.yml
+++ b/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-macos/action.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ inputs:
default: "macos"
required: true
- default: "0.60.0"
+ default: "v0.60.0"
required: true
@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ runs:
- name: Setup virtualenv
shell: bash
run: |
- pip install virtualenv
- virtualenv -p python .venv
+ python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- name: Install dependencies
shell: bash
run: |
@@ -30,5 +29,5 @@ runs:
- name: Download OPA executable
shell: bash
run: |
- python download_opa.py -v ${{ inputs.opa-version }} -os ${{ inputs.operating-system }}
- chmod +x opa_darwin_amd64
+ scubagoggles setup -m -nc -nd -d ~/scubagoggles -r ~/scubagoggles -c credentials.json
+ scubagoggles getopa -v ${{ inputs.opa-version }}
diff --git a/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-windows/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-windows/action.yml
index 5025e459..32ac1294 100644
--- a/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-windows/action.yml
+++ b/.github/actions/setup-dependencies-windows/action.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ inputs:
default: "windows"
required: true
- default: "0.60.0"
+ default: "v0.60.0"
required: true
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@ runs:
- name: Setup virtualenv
shell: powershell
run: |
- pip install virtualenv
python -m venv .venv
- .venv\Scripts\activate
+ .venv\Scripts\activate.ps1
- name: Install dependencies
shell: powershell
@@ -29,4 +28,6 @@ runs:
- name: Download OPA executable
shell: powershell
- run: python download_opa.py -v ${{ inputs.opa-version }} -os ${{ inputs.operating-system }}
+ run: |
+ scubagoggles setup -m -nc -nd -d ~/scubagoggles -r ~/scubagoggles -c credentials.json
+ scubagoggles getopa -v ${{ inputs.opa-version }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/get_opa_hash.yml b/.github/workflows/get_opa_hash.yml
index bd376d53..110b7249 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/get_opa_hash.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/get_opa_hash.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ jobs:
ref: main
- name: Get OPA Hash
run: |
- cd ./repo/utils
+ cd ./repo/scubagoggles/utils
chmod +x checkOPAHash.sh
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pylint.yml b/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
index 3422ac92..03df2711 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- python-version: ["3.9.2"]
+ python-version: ["3.9.19"]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install pylint==3.2.7 pytest selenium
+ pip install pylint pytest selenium
- name: Analysing the code with pylint
run: |
pylint -d R0913,R0914,R0915,R1702,W0718,W0719,R0801 $(git ls-files '*.py')
diff --git a/.github/workflows/run_opa_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/run_opa_tests.yml
index 66452086..e84cd271 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/run_opa_tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/run_opa_tests.yml
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ jobs:
version: latest
- name: Run OPA Check
- run: opa check rego Testing/RegoTests --strict
+ run: opa check scubagoggles/rego scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests --strict
- name: Run OPA Tests
- run: opa test rego/*.rego Testing/RegoTests/**/*.rego -v
+ run: opa test scubagoggles/rego/*.rego scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/**/*.rego -v
- name: Setup Regal
- uses: StyraInc/setup-regal@v0.2.0
+ uses: StyraInc/setup-regal@v1
- version: v0.15.0
+ version: 0.27.0
- name: Run Regal Lint
- run: regal lint --format github rego Testing
+ run: regal lint --format github scubagoggles/rego scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests
diff --git a/.github/workflows/run_release.yml b/.github/workflows/run_release.yml
index 4aa433ce..8032e9c7 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/run_release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/run_release.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -14,33 +14,42 @@ name: Build Release
- runs-on: windows-latest
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ inputs.version }}
contents: write
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- with:
- path: repo
- ref: main
- - name: Package Repo for release
- shell: pwsh
- run: |
- $PackageName = "scubagoggles"
- Remove-Item -Recurse -Force repo -Include .git*
- Move-Item -Path repo -Destination "${PackageName}-${env:RELEASE_VERSION}" -Force
- Compress-Archive -Path "${PackageName}-${env:RELEASE_VERSION}" -DestinationPath "${PackageName}-${env:RELEASE_VERSION}.zip"
- Get-ChildItem -Path . | Write-Output
- - name: release
- uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
- id: create_release
- with:
- draft: true
- prerelease: false
- name: v${{ inputs.releaseName }}
- tag_name: v${{ inputs.version }}
- files: scubagoggles-${{ inputs.version }}.zip
- generate_release_notes: true
- fail_on_unmatched_files: true
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v5
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
+ - name: Install Python dependencies
+ run: pip install -r requirements.txt
+ - name: Package Repo for release
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ reqv="${{ inputs.version }}"
+ reqv="${reqv//[[:space:]]/}"
+ [[ ! "$reqv" =~ ^[0-9]{1,2}(\.[0-9]{1,2}){2}$ ]] \
+ && echo "invalid request version: $reqv" && exit 1
+ sgv=$(grep -o '[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+' scubagoggles/__init__.py)
+ [[ "$reqv" == "$sgv" ]] \
+ || (echo "version mismatch - current: $sgv" && exit 1)
+ ./scubagoggles/utils/build.sh -r "$PWD" -t "$GITHUB_REF_NAME"
+ - name: release
+ uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
+ id: create_release
+ with:
+ draft: true
+ prerelease: false
+ name: v${{ inputs.releaseName }}
+ tag_name: v${{ inputs.version }}
+ files: |
+ scubagoggles-*-py3-none-any.whl
+ scubagoggles-*.tar.gz
+ generate_release_notes: true
+ fail_on_unmatched_files: true
diff --git a/.github/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml b/.github/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml
index eee99664..5cf2d67b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-name: Run Smoke Test
+name: Run Smoke Test
types: [opened, reopened]
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ on:
description: "Choose OPA version"
required: true
type: string
- default: "0.60.0"
+ default: "v0.60.0"
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ jobs:
- name: Setup Python v${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- with:
+ with:
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
cache: "pip"
cache-dependency-path: "requirements.txt"
- name: Setup Dependencies (Windows)
if: ${{ matrix.operating-system == 'windows-latest' }}
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-dependencies-windows
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ jobs:
operating-system: "windows"
opa-version: ${{ needs.configuration.outputs.opa-version }}
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Setup Dependencies (macOS)
if: ${{ matrix.operating-system == 'macos-latest' }}
uses: ./.github/actions/setup-dependencies-macos
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ jobs:
operating-system: "macos"
opa-version: ${{ needs.configuration.outputs.opa-version }}
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Setup credentials for service account
id: create-json
uses: jsdaniell/create-json@v1.2.3
- with:
+ with:
name: "credentials.json"
json: ${{ secrets.GWS_GITHUB_AUTOMATION_CREDS }}
- name: Run ScubaGoggles and check for correct output
- run: pytest ./Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/ -vvv --subjectemail="${{ secrets.GWS_SUBJECT_EMAIL }}" --customerdomain="${{ secrets.GWS_DOMAIN }}"
+ run: pytest ./scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/ -vvv --subjectemail="${{ secrets.GWS_SUBJECT_EMAIL }}" --customerdomain="${{ secrets.GWS_DOMAIN }}"
diff --git a/.regal/config.yaml b/.regal/config.yaml
index 04f267ab..ad7e3a4a 100644
--- a/.regal/config.yaml
+++ b/.regal/config.yaml
@@ -1,60 +1,91 @@
-# Regal linter configuration
-# All rules documented here:
-# https://docs.styra.com/regal/category/rules
- custom:
- naming-convention:
- # Codifying the conventions used in this project.
- # By all means, change this to be less restrictive
- # if you wish.
- level: error
- conventions:
- - pattern: '^[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$|^tests$|^test_|^check_'
- targets:
- - rule
- - pattern: '^[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'
- targets:
- - function
- - pattern: '^[a-z]+$'
- targets:
- - package
- idiomatic:
- no-defined-entrypoint:
- # This is a good practice for documentation, and
- # compilation to Wasm/IR, but not a requirement.
- # Safe to ignore.
- level: ignore
- imports:
- implicit-future-keywords:
- # This rule is on it's way out anyway, as future
- # versions of OPA will make these keywords standard.
- level: ignore
- style:
- external-reference:
- # This rule is quite opinionated / style preference
- # safe to ignore.
- level: ignore
- file-length:
- level: ignore
- no-whitespace-comment:
- # This repo is actually good about this, but frequently
- # uses '#--' as a delimeter of sorts. That should be OK,
- # and the next version of Regal will allow for exceptions
- # like this: https://github.com/StyraInc/regal/issues/379
- level: ignore
- opa-fmt:
- level: ignore
- prefer-snake-case:
- # This is the default style preference for Rego, but since
- # the style of this project better matches the domain it is
- # modeling, we'll ignore this rule in favor of the custom
- # naming-convention rule defined above.
- level: ignore
- rule-length:
- level: ignore
- todo-comment:
- level: ignore
- testing:
- test-outside-test-package:
- # This is just a style preference
- level: ignore
\ No newline at end of file
+# Regal linter configuration
+# All rules documented here:
+# https://docs.styra.com/regal/category/rules
+ custom:
+ naming-convention:
+ # Codifying the conventions used in this project.
+ # By all means, change this to be less restrictive
+ # if you wish.
+ level: error
+ conventions:
+ - pattern: '^[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$|^tests$|^test_|^check_'
+ targets:
+ - rule
+ - pattern: '^[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$'
+ targets:
+ - function
+ - pattern: '^[a-z]+$'
+ targets:
+ - package
+ idiomatic:
+ no-defined-entrypoint:
+ # This is a good practice for documentation, and
+ # compilation to Wasm/IR, but not a requirement.
+ # Safe to ignore.
+ level: ignore
+ directory-package-mismatch:
+ # Will prefixing the packages with "scubagoggles.rego" really
+ # be an improvement?
+ level: ignore
+ imports:
+ implicit-future-keywords:
+ # This rule is on it's way out anyway, as future
+ # versions of OPA will make these keywords standard.
+ level: ignore
+ prefer-package-imports:
+ # The following are used so often that there's no need
+ # for the "utils." prefix every single time they're used.
+ ignore-import-paths:
+ - data.utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue
+ - data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+ - data.utils.FailTestBothNonCompliant
+ - data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+ - data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+ - data.utils.FailTestNonCompliant
+ - data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+ - data.utils.PassTestResult
+ - data.utils.PassTestResultWithMessage
+ use-rego-v1:
+ # For now, anyway...
+ level: ignore
+ performance:
+ with-outside-test-context:
+ level: ignore
+ style:
+ external-reference:
+ # This rule is quite opinionated / style preference
+ # safe to ignore.
+ level: ignore
+ file-length:
+ level: ignore
+ messy-rule:
+ # This is all over the place with "tests", and the way we've
+ # done it (by baseline) makes sense.
+ level: ignore
+ no-whitespace-comment:
+ # This repo is actually good about this, but frequently
+ # uses '#--' as a delimeter of sorts. That should be OK,
+ # and the next version of Regal will allow for exceptions
+ # like this: https://github.com/StyraInc/regal/issues/379
+ level: ignore
+ opa-fmt:
+ level: ignore
+ pointless-reassignment:
+ # If this prevents duplicate strings all over the place,
+ # then it's worth it.
+ level: ignore
+ prefer-snake-case:
+ # This is the default style preference for Rego, but since
+ # the style of this project better matches the domain it is
+ # modeling, we'll ignore this rule in favor of the custom
+ # naming-convention rule defined above.
+ level: ignore
+ rule-length:
+ level: ignore
+ todo-comment:
+ level: ignore
+ testing:
+ test-outside-test-package:
+ # This is just a style preference
+ level: ignore
index 3a74b26e..7fbb446a 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Branching Structure
-The Branching Structure flow diagram describes the branching strategy implemented in the ScubaGoggles project.
+The Branching Structure flow diagram describes the branching strategy
+implemented in the ScubaGoggles project.
-
\ No newline at end of file
+
index 57d63d47..e83fdd37 100644
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ We adhere to [GitHub flow](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-github/g
There are exceptions to this, necessitated by the extensive review process the baseline documents themselves undergo, during which no baseline changes can be made.
To accommodate this, the development lifecycle on ScubaGoggles is as follows:
-
+
Baseline submission triggers a baseline freeze, at which point the following actions need to be performed:
diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0849d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This manifest is used to ensure that certain non-Python files are included
+# in the ScubaGoggles distribution. The following subdirectories (and their
+# contents) are included:
+graft scubagoggles/baselines
+graft scubagoggles/rego
+graft scubagoggles/reporter
+graft scubagoggles/sample-report
+graft scubagoggles/Testing
+graft scubagoggles/utils
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1cb2cc2d..488b099a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
-
+
- ScubaGoggles
+ ScubaGoggles
-GWS Secure Configuration Baseline Assessment Tool
+GWS Secure Configuration Baseline Assessment Tool
-Developed by CISA, ScubaGoggles is an assessment tool that verifies a Google Workspace (GWS) organization's configuration conforms to the policies described in the Secure Cloud Business Applications ([SCuBA](https://cisa.gov/scuba)) Secure Configuration Baseline [documents](/baselines/README.md).
+Developed by CISA, ScubaGoggles is an assessment tool that verifies a Google
+Workspace (GWS) organization's configuration conforms to the policies
+described in the Secure Cloud Business Applications
+([SCuBA](https://cisa.gov/scuba)) Secure Configuration
+Baseline [documents](scubagoggles/baselines/README.md).
For the Microsoft 365 (M365) rendition of this tool, see [ScubaGear](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGear).
@@ -28,43 +32,39 @@ We use a three-step process:
2. **Verify**. Compare the exported settings from the previous step with the configuration prescribed in the baselines. We do this using [OPA Rego](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/policy-language/#what-is-rego), a declarative query language for defining policy.
3. **Report**. Package the results as HTML and JSON.
-## Limitations of the tool
-The majority of the conformance checks done by ScubaGoggles rely on [GWS Admin log events](https://support.google.com/a/answer/4579579?hl=en). If there is no log event corresponding to a SCuBA baseline policy, ScubaGoggles will indicate that the setting currently can not be checked on its HTML report output. In this situation, we recommend you manually review your GWS security configurations with the SCuBA security baselines. See [Limitations](/docs/usage/Limitations.md) for more details.
## Table of Contents
### Installation
-- [Download and Python Install](/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md)
-- [Download the OPA Executable](/docs/installation/OPA.md)
+- [Download and Python Install](docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md)
+- [Download the OPA Executable](docs/installation/OPA.md)
### Prerequisites
-- [Permissions](/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#permissions)
-- [Create a Project](/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#create-a-project)
+- [Permissions](docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#permissions)
+- [Create a Project](docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#create-a-project)
### Authentication
-- [Authentication Methods](/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md)
-- [Using OAuth](/docs/authentication/OAuth.md)
-- [Using a Service Account](/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md)
+- [Authentication Methods](docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md)
+- [Using OAuth](docs/authentication/OAuth.md)
+- [Using a Service Account](docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md)
### Usage
-- [Usage: Parameters](/docs/usage/Parameters.md)
-- [Usage: Config File](/docs/usage/Config.md)
-- [Usage: Examples](/docs/usage/Examples.md)
-- [Reviewing Output](/docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md)
-- [Limitations](/docs/usage/Limitations.md)
-### Upgrading and Maintenance
-- [Upgrading ScubaGoggles](/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md#upgrading-scubagoggles)
-- [Upgrading OPA](/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md#upgrading-opa)
+- [Usage: Parameters](docs/usage/Parameters.md)
+- [Usage: Config File](docs/usage/Config.md)
+- [Usage: Examples](docs/usage/Examples.md)
+- [Reviewing Output](docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md)
+- [Limitations](docs/usage/Limitations.md)
### Troubleshooting
-- [Lots of Manual Checks](/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#lots-of-manual-checks)
-- [Not Authorized to Access This Resource](/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#not-authorized-to-access-this-resource)
-- [scubagoggles Not Found](/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#scubagoggles-not-found)
-- [Unable to view HTML report due to environment limitations](/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#unable-to-view-html-report-due-to-environment-limitations)
+- [Lots of Manual Checks](docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#lots-of-manual-checks)
+- [Not Authorized to Access This Resource](docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#not-authorized-to-access-this-resource)
+- [scubagoggles Not Found](docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#scubagoggles-not-found)
+- [Unable to view HTML report due to environment limitations](docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md#unable-to-view-html-report-due-to-environment-limitations)
## Project License
-Unless otherwise noted, this project is distributed under the Creative Commons Zero license. With developer approval, contributions may be submitted with an alternate compatible license. If accepted, those contributions will be listed herein with the appropriate license.
+Unless otherwise noted, this project is distributed under the Creative
+Commons Zero license. With developer approval, contributions may be
+submitted with an alternate compatible license. If accepted, those
+contributions will be listed herein with the appropriate license.
diff --git a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py b/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3774e20c..00000000
--- a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-smoke_test.py declares a SmokeTest class for ScubaGoggles automation testing.
-import subprocess
-import os
-import pytest
-from smoke_test_utils import (
- get_output_path,
- prepend_file_protocol,
- get_required_entries,
- verify_all_outputs_exist,
- verify_output_type,
- run_selenium,
- verify_scubaresults,
-SAMPLE_REPORT = "sample-report"
-SCUBA_RESULTS = "ScubaResults.json"
-BASELINE_REPORTS = "BaselineReports.html"
-class SmokeTest:
- """
- Pytest class to encapsulate the following test cases:
- - Generate the correct output files (BaselineReports.html, ScubaResults.json, etc)
- - Check the content of html files, verify href attributes are correct, etc
- - Check if ScubaResults.json contains errors in the summary. If errors exist, then
- either API calls or functions produced exceptions which need to be handled
- """
- def test_scubagoggles_output(self, subjectemail):
- """
- Test if the `scubagoggles gws` command generates correct output for all baselines.
- Args:
- subjectemail: The email address of a user for the service account
- """
- try:
- command: str = f"scubagoggles gws --subjectemail {subjectemail} --quiet"
- subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True)
- output_path: str = get_output_path()
- output: list = verify_output_type(output_path, [])
- required_entries = get_required_entries(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), SAMPLE_REPORT), [])
- verify_all_outputs_exist(output, required_entries)
- except (OSError, ValueError, Exception) as e:
- pytest.fail(f"An error occurred, {e}")
- def test_scubaresults(self):
- """
- Determine if ScubaResults.json contains API errors or exceptions.
- """
- try:
- output_path: str = get_output_path()
- scubaresults_path: str = os.path.join(output_path, SCUBA_RESULTS)
- with open(scubaresults_path, encoding="utf-8") as jsonfile:
- verify_scubaresults(jsonfile)
- except (ValueError, Exception) as e:
- pytest.fail(f"An error occurred, {e}")
- def test_scubagoggles_report(self, browser, customerdomain):
- """
- Test if the generated baseline reports are correct,
- i.e. BaselineReports.html, CalendarReport.html, ChatReport.html
- """
- try:
- output_path: str = get_output_path()
- report_path: str = prepend_file_protocol(os.path.join(output_path, BASELINE_REPORTS))
- browser.get(report_path)
- run_selenium(browser, customerdomain)
- except (ValueError, AssertionError, Exception) as e:
- browser.quit()
- pytest.fail(f"An error occurred, {e}")
diff --git a/baselines/README.md b/baselines/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d907ce..00000000
--- a/baselines/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Individual baselines can be visited directly at the links below:
-- [Common Controls](/baselines/commoncontrols.md)
-- [Gmail](/baselines/gmail.md)
-- [Google Calendar](/baselines/calendar.md)
-- [Google Chat](/baselines/chat.md)
-- [Google Classroom](/baselines/classroom.md)
-- [Google Drive and Docs](/baselines/drive.md)
-- [Google Meet](/baselines/meet.md)
-- [Google Sites](/baselines/sites.md)
-- [Groups for Business](/baselines/groups.md)
diff --git a/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md b/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md
index 867c060d..a8c60cdc 100644
--- a/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md
+++ b/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# Authentication Methods
-ScubaGoggles supports both OAuth and Service Accounts for authorization/authentication. See the following table for the tradeoffs between the two methods.
-| OAuth | Service Account |
-| -------- | ------- |
-| + Allows user consent to specific scopes | - Requires domain-wide delegation |
-| - Requires a browser for authentication | + Does not require a browser for authentication, allowing for more automation. |
-After determining which method is most appropriate for your organization, follow the instructions in either [Using OAuth](/docs/authentication/OAuth.md) or [Using a Service Account](/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md).
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Using OAuth](/docs/authentication/OAuth.md)
-- Continue to [Using a Service Account](/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+# Authentication Methods
+ScubaGoggles supports both OAuth and Service Accounts for authorization/authentication. See the following table for the tradeoffs between the two methods.
+| OAuth | Service Account |
+| -------- | ------- |
+| + Allows user consent to specific scopes | - Requires domain-wide delegation |
+| - Requires a browser for authentication | + Does not require a browser for authentication, allowing for more automation. |
+After determining which method is most appropriate for your organization, follow the instructions in either [Using OAuth](OAuth.md) or [Using a Service Account](ServiceAccount.md).
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Using OAuth](OAuth.md)
+- Continue to [Using a Service Account](ServiceAccount.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/authentication/OAuth.md b/docs/authentication/OAuth.md
index d1a79926..5a3a62a4 100644
--- a/docs/authentication/OAuth.md
+++ b/docs/authentication/OAuth.md
@@ -1,50 +1,62 @@
-# Using OAuth
-Only complete this section if not authenticating via [Service Account](/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md). See [Authentication Methods](/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md) for more details.
-## Create an OAuth credential
-1. Be signed into http://console.cloud.google.com/.
-1. From the hamburger menu on the left, select **APIs & Services** -> **OAuth consent screen**
-1. Select **Internal** for **User Type**
-1. Click **Create**
-1. Fill in your **App name** and **User support email**
-1. Scroll down to the **Authorized Domains** section
-1. Under **Authorized domains**, add the primary domain of your GWS organization.
-1. Add another email address for **Developer contact information**
-1. Do nothing on the **Scopes** screen, just click **SAVE AND CONTINUE**
-1. Review summary, then click **BACK TO DASHBOARD**
-1. Click **Credentials** from the menu on the left
-1. Select **Oauth client ID**
-1. Select **Web application** for **Application type**
-1. Give name as appropriate
-1. Under **Authorized redirect URIs**, click "ADD URI." Add `http://localhost` and `http://localhost:8080/`
-1. Click **CREATE**
-1. Click **DOWNLOAD JSON** from the resulting **OAuth client created** page
-1. Click **OK**
-1. Move the downloaded file (begins with `client_secret*.json`) to the root directory folder of this repo, rename to `credentials.json`
-1. Go back the menu on the left and click **Enabled API Services**
-1. In the center screen click **Enable APIS AND Services**
-1. Search for and enable the **Admin SDK API**
-1. Search for and enable the **Groups Settings API**
-1. During the first run of this tool your default web browser will open up a page to consent to the API scopes needed to run this tool. Sign in
-with an account with the necessary privileges and click allow.
-## Add the Oauth App to the allowlist
-If you've limited application access to Google's APIs in your organization, the [Common Controls: App Access to Google APIs](/baselines/commoncontrols.md#10-app-access-to-google-apis) baseline covers this topic, follow the directions below to allowlist the OAuth app.
-1. Login to https://console.cloud.google.com
-2. Navigate to the appropriate project
-3. Select **API's & Services** from the top left hamburger icon
-4. Select **Credentials**
-5. Copy your client ID under **OAuth 2.0 Client IDs**
-6. Now login to [admin.google.com](https://admin.google.com/) and navigate to **Security** -> **Access and Data Control** -> **API Controls** -> **Manage Third-Party App Access**
-7. Select **Add App** -> **Oauth App Name** or **Client ID**
-8. Search by your **OAuth client ID**
-9. Select the App
-10. Select your root organization as the domain
-11. Select **Trusted**
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Usage: Parameters](/docs/usage/Parameters.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+# Using OAuth
+Only complete this section if not authenticating via [Service Account](ServiceAccount.md). See [Authentication Methods](AuthenticationMethods.md) for more details.
+## Create an OAuth credential
+1. Sign in to your account at http://console.cloud.google.com/.
+1. Click the "hamburger" menu on the left (three horizontal
+bars on top of each other), and select **APIs & Services** -> **OAuth consent screen**
+1. Select **Internal** for **User Type**
+1. Click **Create**
+1. Fill in your **App name** and **User support email**
+1. Scroll down to the **Authorized Domains** section
+1. Under **Authorized domains**, add the primary domain of your GWS organization.
+1. Add another email address for **Developer contact information**
+1. Do nothing on the **Scopes** screen, just click **SAVE AND CONTINUE**
+1. Review summary, then click **BACK TO DASHBOARD**
+1. Click **Credentials** from the menu on the left
+1. Select **Oauth client ID**
+1. Select **Web application** for **Application type**
+1. Give name as appropriate
+1. Under **Authorized redirect URIs**, click "ADD URI." Add `http://localhost`
+ and `http://localhost:8080/`. **NOTE** the ending slash (`/`) in the *second*
+ URL is **necessary**. If the slash is missing, you will eventually get an
+ error when running ScubaGoggles (It will be an "access blocked" error on the
+ Google authentication webpage. You'll also see `Error 400:
+ redirect_uri_mismatch`).
+1. Click **CREATE**
+1. Click **DOWNLOAD JSON** from the resulting **OAuth client created** page
+1. Click **OK**
+1. Move the downloaded file (begins with `client_secret*.json`) to the
+ location and name you specified when you ran the
+ [ScubaGoggles setup utility](../installation/DownloadAndInstall.md#ScubaGoggles-Setup-Utility).
+ If you have not yet run the setup utility, you will specify this file as the
+ credentials file when prompted by the setup utility. You'll make it easier
+ on yourself if you rename the file to something simple, like
+ `credentials.json`.
+1. Go back the menu on the left and click **Enabled API Services**
+1. In the center screen click **Enabled APIs & Services**
+1. Search for and enable the **Admin SDK API**
+1. Search for and enable the **Groups Settings API**
+1. During the first run of this tool your default web browser will open up a page to consent to the API scopes needed to run this tool. Sign in
+with an account with the necessary privileges and click allow.
+## Add the Oauth App to the allowlist
+If you've limited application access to Google's APIs in your organization, the [Common Controls: App Access to Google APIs](../../scubagoggles/baselines/commoncontrols.md#10-app-access-to-google-apis) baseline covers this topic, follow the directions below to allowlist the OAuth app.
+1. Login to https://console.cloud.google.com
+2. Navigate to the appropriate project
+3. Select **API's & Services** from the top left hamburger icon
+4. Select **Credentials**
+5. Copy your client ID under **OAuth 2.0 Client IDs**
+6. Now login to [admin.google.com](https://admin.google.com/) and navigate to **Security** -> **Access and Data Control** -> **API Controls** -> **Manage Third-Party App Access**
+7. Select **Add App** -> **Oauth App Name** or **Client ID**
+8. Search by your **OAuth client ID**
+9. Select the App
+10. Select your root organization as the domain
+11. Select **Trusted**
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Usage: Parameters](../usage/Parameters.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md b/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md
index 6b9bb609..87e45a9d 100644
--- a/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md
+++ b/docs/authentication/ServiceAccount.md
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-# Using a Service Account
-Only complete this section if not authenticating via [OAuth](/docs/authentication/OAuth.md). See [Authentication Methods](/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md) for more details.
-> [!Important]
-> ScubaGoggles requires the service account to have [domain-wide delegation of authority](https://support.google.com/a/answer/162106?hl=en) to function.
-1. Login to https://console.cloud.google.com and navigate to your GCP project.
-1. From the hamburger menu, select **IAM & Admin** -> **Service Accounts**
-1. Select **CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT**. Fill out the id field and then select **DONE**
-1. Click on the newly created service account then click **KEYS** -> **ADD KEY** -> **Create new key** -> **JSON** -> **CREATE**
-1. Move the downloaded file (begins with `*.json`) to the root directory folder of this repo, rename to `credentials.json`
-1. Now login to [admin.google.com](https://admin.google.com/) and navigate to **Security** -> **Access and data control** -> **API controls**
-1. Select **Add new**
-1. Enter the `client_id` from the downloaded credentials (also visible after clicking on the created Service account under Details -> Unique ID)
-1. Enter each OAuth scope as listed in [Permissions](/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#permissions)
-1. Select **AUTHORIZE**
-1. Finally, run ScubaGoggles with the `--subjectemail` option set to the email of an admin with necessary permissions to run ScubaGoggles.
-> [!NOTE]
-> ScubaGoggles can be run using a service account in a different organization.
-> To do so, specify the `--customerid` argument with the customer ID of the target organization (found in [admin.google.com](https://admin.google.com/) under **Account** -> **Account settings**)
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Usage: Parameters](/docs/usage/Parameters.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+# Using a Service Account
+Only complete this section if not authenticating via [OAuth](OAuth.md). See [Authentication Methods](AuthenticationMethods.md) for more details.
+> [!Important]
+> ScubaGoggles requires the service account to have [domain-wide delegation of authority](https://support.google.com/a/answer/162106?hl=en) to function.
+1. Login to https://console.cloud.google.com and navigate to your GCP project.
+1. From the hamburger menu, select **IAM & Admin** -> **Service Accounts**
+1. Select **CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT**. Fill out the id field and then select **DONE**
+1. Click on the newly created service account then click **KEYS** -> **ADD KEY** -> **Create new key** -> **JSON** -> **CREATE**
+1. Move the downloaded file (begins with `*.json`) to the root directory folder of this repo, rename to `credentials.json`
+1. Now login to [admin.google.com](https://admin.google.com/) and navigate to **Security** -> **Access and data control** -> **API controls**
+1. Select **Add new**
+1. Enter the `client_id` from the downloaded credentials (also visible after clicking on the created Service account under Details -> Unique ID)
+1. Enter each OAuth scope as listed in [Permissions](../prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#permissions)
+1. Select **AUTHORIZE**
+1. Finally, run ScubaGoggles with the `--subjectemail` option set to the email of an admin with necessary permissions to run ScubaGoggles.
+> [!NOTE]
+> ScubaGoggles can be run using a service account in a different organization.
+> To do so, specify the `--customerid` argument with the customer ID of the target organization (found in [admin.google.com](https://admin.google.com/) under **Account** -> **Account settings**)
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Usage: Parameters](../usage/Parameters.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/development/release.md b/docs/development/release.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c57767c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/development/release.md
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+**NOTE** The following documentation is for ScubaGoggles
+# ScubaGoggles Release Procedure
+## Setting the Version
+Update the version in the code that matches the release version number, if this
+hasn't been done already. Use the `scubagoggles version --upgrade` command
+to set the version.
+Once changes in the repository have been frozen for the release, the release
+branch (`main`) is tagged with the version. Use an annotated tag to mark the
+git tag -a v1.0.0 -m 'ScubaGoggles version 1.0.0'
+git push origin v1.0.0
+## Building the Release
+ScubaGoggles uses the Python packaging process as described in the
+[Python Packaging User Guide](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/). The
+`build` package is required, and is included in the `requirements.txt` file.
+If `pip list` doesn't show that the `build` package is installed in your
+environment, run `pip install -r requirements.txt` when your current working
+directory is at the top-level directory of the ScubaGoggles repository (where
+`requirements.txt` resides).
+The `setuptools` backend is used to build the ScubaGoggles packages. The
+configuration (which was originally in `setup.py`) is in `pyproject.toml`.
+Because there are files other than Python code, such as Markdown and Rego files,
+the `MANIFEST.in` file is needed to ensure these other files are included with
+the ScubaGoggles package. These two configuration files, along with the
+LICENSE file, are located at the repository top-level directory.
+### Pre-release Review
+Before building the release packages, review the `classifiers`, `dependencies`,
+and `requires-python` configuration parameters in `pyproject.toml`. If any of
+the package dependencies change, the same changes must be reflected both in
+both the `pyproject.toml` and `requirements.txt` files.
+### Building ScubaGoggles Packages
+ScubaGoggles is distributed using a binary "wheel" format, and a source code
+version in a gzip-compressed "tar" format. General users will install the
+binary wheel package.
+To build the packages, use the `scubagoggles/utils/build.sh` Bash script.
+As it is written in Bash, it will require either Git or Cygwin on Windows.
+Since Git is required for development, Git Bash should already be available
+on a Windows system used for ScubaGoggles development. Because this script
+is written in Bash, it will work correctly on linux and macOS systems.
+The following is the script usage:
+$ scubagoggles/utils/build.sh -h
+script usage: build.sh [options]
+ -h: display usage and exit
+ -o : create package files in this directory
+ -r : ScubaGoggles Git repository specification
+ -t : checkout tag or branch for build
+ defaults to top of main branch
+The script creates a clean environment for building the packages. A Python
+virtual environment is created in your temporary directory and the ScubaGoggles
+Git repository is cloned into a subdirectory of your temporary directory. These
+temporary directories are cleaned up when the script exits.
+The `-t` option allows you to provide a branch or tag that the repository will
+be set to for the build. For normal releases, this tag should be the release
+tag (e.g., 'v1.0.0'). By default, the build is based on the HEAD of the main
+When the build process completes, the binary and source package files are
+copied to the current working directory when the script was run, or the
+directory specified by the `-o` option.
+This is an abbreviated example of running the build with its output to the
+$ scubagoggles/utils/build.sh
+{build>>>} Creating new Python virtual environment for build...
+{build>>>} Cloning Git repository...
+{build>>>} Activate Python virtual environment...
+{build>>>} Install requirements and editable ScubaGoggles...
+{build>>>} Build distribution files...
+Successfully built scubagoggles-x.x.x.tar.gz and scubagoggles-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl
+{build>>>} Copying /scubagoggles-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl to ./
+{build>>>} Copying /scubagoggles-x.x.x.tar.gz to ./
+{build>>>} Performing build cleanup...
diff --git a/docs/development/versioning.md b/docs/development/versioning.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/development/versioning.md
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+**NOTE** The following documentation is for ScubaGoggles
+# ScubaGoggles Version
+There is only **one** location for the "official" version
+number for ScubaGoggles. The version number resides in the
+`scubagoggles/__init__.py`, defined in the `__version__`
+The format of the version number is `..`,
+where `` is the major version number, `` is the
+minor version number, and `` is the build number.
+Each component is an integer.
+## The Version class
+The version number should be accessed in Python code
+by using the `Version` class implemented in
+These `Version` class attributes are available for accessing the version number:
+| Attribute Name | Type | Description | Example |
+| current | string | 'v' prefixed version | `'v1.0.0' ` |
+| number | string | version | `'1.0.0' ` |
+| with_name | string | product and version | `'ScubaGoggles v1.0.0'` |
+| major | integer | major version | `1` |
+| minor | integer | minor version | `0` |
+| build | integer | build number | `0` |
+| suffix | string | baseline version | `'v1.0'` |
+## Baseline Versioning
+Baseline policies in ScubaGoggles are identified by a policy
+identifier. The format of the policy ID is:
+`GWS...v`. The
+`` identifies the Google Workspace application
+as shown in the following table:
+| | Description |
+| CALENDAR | Calendar |
+| CHAT | Chat |
+| CLASSROOM | Classroom |
+| COMMONCONTROLS | Common Controls |
+| DRIVEDOCS | Drive and Docs |
+| GMAIL | Gmail |
+| GROUPS | Groups for Business |
+| MEET | Meet |
+| SITES | Sites |
+The `` has the format `.- `,
+where `` is the number of the section in the
+baseline for the application and `
- ` is the number of
+the specific requirement in the section.
+The `` is derived from the ScubaGoggles
+version number: `.`.
+### Policy Identifiers in Markdown
+Policy identifiers are used throughout the baseline
+Markdown documents. Because the identifiers contain
+the baseline version, the identifiers must be changed
+when the ScubaGoggles version number changes (except
+for the build number component).
+Changes to the policy identifiers due to the ScubaGoggles
+version number changing is handled by the
+`scubagoggles version` command (the functionality is
+implemented in the `Version` class). There is no
+manual editing necessary in the Markdown files when the
+ScubaGoggles version number changes.
+### Policy Identifiers in Rego Code
+Policy identifiers are also used in the Rego code as
+string values in variables. The `PolicyIdWithSuffix`
+function, defined in `utils.rego`, is used to avoid the
+necessity of making changes to all Rego files when the
+ScubaGoggles version number changes.
+The `PolicyIdWithSuffix` function takes a single string
+argument, which is the policy identifier without the
+baseline version. The function adds the current baseline
+version to the end of the string to form the complete
+policy identifier.
+This is an example of specifying a policy identifier in
+the Rego code:
+PolicyId := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.1.1")
+Don't specify the complete policy identifier in comments.
+There is no need to include the baseline version in the
+identifier if it's necessary to reference a policy in the
+comments. Including the baseline version requires a manual change
+if the ScubaGoggles version changes and opens the possibility of
+forgetting to make the changes.
+# No version suffix in the policy identifier comment:
+# Baseline GWS.CHAT.1.2
+The `scubagoggles version` command updates the single hard-coded
+baseline version number in the `PolicyIdWithSuffix` function definition
+in `utils.rego`.
+## Upgrading ScubaGoggles Version
+Upgrading the ScubaGoggles version is done entirely by running the
+`scubagoggles version` command with the `--upgrade` option. This sets the
+new version number and modifies all Markdown files and the `utils.rego` file
+to replace the baseline version numbers.
+The following example shows a version upgrade to 1.0.0 with debug
+logging enabled. The debug output shows the files read and indicates
+any changes by showing the line number and the new content of
+the line.
+> scubagoggles -log debug version --upgrade 1.0.0
+ScubaGoggles version upgrade (1.0.0)
+(INFO): changing ScubaGoggles version to 1.0.0
+(DEBUG): C:\scubaDev\scubagoggles\rego\Utils.rego
+(DEBUG): C:\scubaDev\scubagoggles\rego\Utils.rego:
+(DEBUG): 9) BaseVersionSuffix = "v1.0"
+(DEBUG): C:\scubaDev\scubagoggles\baselines\calendar.md
+After the version upgrade, the ScubaGoggles Git repository will indicate
+the modified files. To permanently include the version changes, the
+files must be committed to the repository.
+> git status
+Changes not staged for commit:
+ (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
+ (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)
+ modified: scubagoggles/__init__.py
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/calendar.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/chat.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/classroom.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/commoncontrols.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/drive.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/gmail.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/groups.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/meet.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/baselines/sites.md
+ modified: scubagoggles/rego/Utils.rego
+ ...
+> git add --update
+> git commit -m 'version upgrade to 1.0.0'
+## Checking Version Number Consistency
+When the `scubagoggles version` command is invoked with the `--check`
+option, all Markdown files and the `utils.rego` file are checked for
+version numbers consistent with the current ScubaGoggles version number
+defined in `scubagoggles/__init__.py`. If any inconsistencies are found,
+the file name and line(s) (with line number(s)) are displayed.
+> scubagoggles version --check
+ScubaGoggles version check
diff --git a/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md b/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md
index 42253951..0726ffda 100644
--- a/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md
+++ b/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md
@@ -1,56 +1,208 @@
-# Download and Python Install
-> [!NOTE]
-> Previously installed a different version of ScubaGoggles? See [Upgrading ScubaGoggles](/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md#upgrading-scubagoggles).
-## Downloading the Latest Release
-To download ScubaGoggles:
-1. Click [here](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/releases) to see the latest release.
-2. Click scubagoggles-[latest-version].zip to download the release.
-3. Extract the folder in the zip file.
-## Installing Python Dependencies
-As of ScubaGoggles v0.3.0, the minimum required Python version to run the tool is `3.10.x`. While it's possible that ScubaGoggles may work with different versions of Python, 3.10 is the version we've tested and ensured works with the versions of the modules listed in ScubaGoggles' [dependencies](../../requirements.txt).
-### Installing in a Virtual Environment
-The following commands are used to set up a python virtual environment (venv) to install the needed python dependencies.
-Inside the release or repo folder, open up a terminal and run the following commands based on your OS.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Depending on the Python installation and operating system, it might be necessary to use `pip3` and `python3` instead of `pip` and `python`.
-#### Windows
-pip install virtualenv
-python -m venv .venv
-#### macOS
-pip install virtualenv
-virtualenv -p python .venv
-source .venv/bin/activate
-Users can run the tool via the `scuba.py` script as a developer or by installing the `scubagoggles` package in a python venv.
-Choose either of these next steps to install the needed python dependencies in the `venv`.
-#### Installing dependencies for running scubagoggles directly
-In the root directory of the release/repo, install the `scubagoggles` package and dependencies with the following command.
-python -m pip install .
-#### Installing dependencies for running via scuba.py script
-In the root directory of the release/repo, install the the required dependencies with the following command.
-pip install -r requirements.txt
-> Users will need to rerun the `activate` script from the OS specific directions above in each new terminal session to reactivate the `venv` containing the dependencies.
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Download the OPA executable](/docs/installation/OPA.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Getting started
+> Use of this tool requires access to an internet browser for initial setup
+> and to view the html report output.
+Setting up to run ScubaGoggles for the first time involves the following steps:
+1. Install [Python 3](https://www.python.org/) on your system.
+2. (Optional) Create and activate a Python virtual environment.
+3. Install ScubaGoggles and dependencies into the Python environment.
+4. Run `scubagoggles setup` to specify the output directory, the location of the
+ OPA executable, and the credentials file. By default, the setup will
+ download the Open Policy Agent (OPA)
+ executable.
+5. Create a Google OAuth credential file, unless you'll be using a Google
+ service account.
+## Install Python 3
+Running ScubaGoggles requires Python 3.9 or higher. If Python is not installed
+in your environment, please visit the [Python website](https://www.python.org/)
+for instructions on how to download and install Python.
+A 64-bit operating system is required. While Python will run in a 32-bit
+environment, the Open Policy Agent (OPA) required for ScubaGoggles is only
+available on 64-bit platforms.
+Depending on the operating system, the command to invoke Python from the command
+line is either `python` (Windows) or `python3` (linux & macOS, for backward
+compatibilty with Python version 2). You will need access to a command line,
+via the command window or a PowerShell window for Windows, or a terminal window
+in linux & macOS.
+## Installing in a Python Virtual Environment
+A Python virtual environment dedicated to ScubaGoggles isn't strictly
+necessary, but it is recommended because it will allow you to isolate
+ScubaGoggles and its dependencies from other Python tools you may have running
+on your system. With a virtual environment, you create it only once, but you
+will need to "activate" it in a new window (i.e., process) prior to running
+ScubaGoggles. A virtual environment remains activated until the window is
+closed (unless you explicitly deactivate the virtual environment).
+The following commands are used to set up a python virtual environment using
+the `venv` Python module. Create a window where you may enter commands on your
+Use the `cd` (change directory) command to set the current working directory to
+the location where you want to create the virtual environment directory. In
+this example, the directory that will be created is called `scuba-env`, but
+you may use a different name.
+The following examples show both the command to create the virtual environment,
+followed by the command that activates the virtual environment in your current
+session. The commands differ slightly depending on the operating system and
+type of command window.
+**Note** the command that activates the virtual environment. You will need this
+command whenever you create a new session (i.e., terminal) where you will be
+running ScubaGoggles.
+### Windows
+#### Windows Command
+python -m venv scuba-env
+#### Windows PowerShell
+python -m venv scuba-env
+#### Windows Git Bash
+python -m venv scuba-env
+source scuba-env/Scripts/activate
+### linux and macOS
+python3 -m venv scuba-env
+source scuba-env/bin/activate
+## Downloading the Latest ScubaGoggles Release
+To download ScubaGoggles, click [here](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/releases)
+to display the download site in a browser. For installing ScubaGoggles as a
+user (and not a developer), you should download the file with the name ending
+in `.whl` (known as a Python "wheel" file), for example
+If you are a developer, you may alternatively download the "gzipped tar" file
+(file ending with `.tar.gz`), or zip file (file ending with `.zip`). You may
+also clone the GitHub repository. The instructions that follow focus on the
+installation for the general user.
+### Installing ScubaGoggles
+ScubaGoggles is installed as a Python package, whether you are using a virtual
+environment or the system's Python environment (if you have write access to it).
+Install ScubaGoggles using Python's `pip` utility. If you are using a virtual
+environment, make sure your current session has activated the virtual
+environment. Normally, the command you use is `pip` or `pip3`.
+pip install scubagoggles-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
+where you will replace `scubagoggles-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl` in the above
+command with the location and/or name of the ScubaGoggles wheel file you
+This command will install ScubaGoggles and all its dependencies. The system on
+which ScubaGoggles is installed must be able to access the internet so the
+dependencies may be downloaded.
+## Creating the ScubaGoggles Output Directory
+ScubaGoggles produces "Secure Baseline Conformance Reports", which are written
+to a directory on your system. In addition, ScubaGoggles requires the OPA
+executable and the Google credentials file. It is recommended that you create
+a directory that will contain these required files and serve as a location
+for the reports. You will run the ScubaGoggles setup utility to indicate the
+location of the output directory.
+## ScubaGoggles Setup Utility
+The ScubaGoggles setup utility lets you configure the data directory location,
+as well as the locations of the OPA executable and the Google credentials file.
+It is perfectly fine to locate the OPA executable and credentials files in the
+output directory you create. Unless you specify otherwise, the OPA executable
+will be downloaded to the location you specify.
+When you run the setup utility, it will create a configuration file in your
+top-level user directory called `.scubagoggles` (**Note** the leading dot (.)
+in the file name, which indicates a "hidden" file on linux and macOS operating
+The configuration file contains the following values used by ScubaGoggles when
+running the conformance assessments:
+| Name | Description |
+| credentials | Location and name of the Google credentials file. |
+| opa_dir | Location of the OPA executable. |
+| output_dir | Location of the ScubaGoggles output directory. |
+Run the setup utility with this command:
+scubagoggles setup
+You will be prompted to enter the output directory, location of the OPA
+executable, and the location and name of the Google credentials file. By
+default, the OPA executable will be downloaded into the directory you specify.
+You do not have to create the Google credentials file before running setup. If
+the credentials file doesn't exist, you will see a warning indicating that it is
+missing. You will need to have the credentials file before running the
+conformance assessment. See the [instructions for creating a credentials
+These are sample outputs from running the setup utility before the required
+files are available. Warnings are shown, but the `.scubagoggles` configuration
+file is still created.
+### Windows Example
+> scubagoggles setup
+Setup: output directory
+Scubagoggles output directory [C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles]?
+Create directory C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles [Yes/no]?
+ creating: C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles
+ C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles
+Setup: OPA executable directory
+(WARNING): OPA executable not found in PATH
+Location of OPA executable [C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles]?
+ downloading: opa_windows_amd64.exe
+ OPA executable: C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles\opa_windows_amd64.exe
+Setup: Google API credentials file
+Google credentials (JSON) file [C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles\credentials.json]?
+(WARNING): Google credentials file not found in C:\Users\userID\scubagoggles\credentials.json
+### Linux Example
+$ scubagoggles setup
+Setup: output directory
+Scubagoggles output directory [/home/userID/scubagoggles]?
+Create directory /home/userID/scubagoggles [Yes/no]?
+ creating: /home/userID/scubagoggles
+ /home/userID/scubagoggles
+Setup: OPA executable directory
+(WARNING): OPA executable not found in PATH
+Location of OPA executable [/home/userID/scubagoggles]?
+ downloading: opa_linux_amd64_static
+ OPA executable: /home/userID/scubagoggles/opa_linux_amd64_static
+Setup: Google API credentials file
+Google credentials (JSON) file [/home/userID/scubagoggles/credentials.json]?
+(WARNING): Google credentials file not found in /home/userID/scubagoggles/credentials.json
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Download the OPA executable](OPA.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/installation/OPA.md b/docs/installation/OPA.md
index bf2135ea..ed422e50 100644
--- a/docs/installation/OPA.md
+++ b/docs/installation/OPA.md
@@ -1,43 +1,66 @@
-# Download the OPA executable
-The tool makes use of [Open Policy Agent's Rego Policy language](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/policy-language/).
-An OPA executable is required to execute this tool and can be downloaded using our `download_opa.py` script.
-python download_opa.py --help
-usage: download_opa.py [-h] [-v] [-os]
-Download executable the OPA executable file required to run this SCuBA tool.
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -v {0.45.0,0.46.3,0.47.4,0.48.0,0.49.2,0.50.2,0.51.0,0.52.0,0.53.1,0.54.0,0.55.0,0.56.0,0.57.1,0.58.0,0.59.0,0.60.0}
- What version of OPA to download: Default version: 0.59.0
- -os {windows,macos,linux}
- Operating system version of OPA to download. Default os: windows
- --disablessl If there are proxy errors, try adding this switch to disable ssl verification
-# example
-python download_opa.py -v 0.60.0 -os macos
-1. If the above script can not execute for any reason or you would prefer to download OPA manually, go to the [Open Policy Agent website](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/#running-opa)
-2. Check the website for a compatible OPA version (Currently v0.45.0 and above) for ScubaGoggles and select the corresponding version on top left of the website
-3. Navigate to the menu on left side of the screen: `Introduction -> Running OPA -> Download OPA`
-4. Follow the instructions for downloading the respective OPA executable for your OS.
-> [!NOTE]
-> The following notes apply only for MAC and Linux users.
-- By default on MAC and Linux systems the OPA executable will be run with `sudo`.
-- Use the `scubagoggles gws --omitsudo` flag to omit running the executable with `sudo`.
-- MAC and Linux OS users should have their OPA executables named `opa_darwin_amd64` or `opa_linux_amd64_static` respectively for scubagoggles execution.
-- The OPA executable must also be given execute permissions
-- Run the following command to give the opa executable execute permissions:
-chmod +x opa_darwin_amd64
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Prerequisites](/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Download the OPA executable
+The tool makes use of [Open Policy Agent's Rego Policy language]
+(https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/policy-language/). By default,
+the `scubagoggles setup` command downloads the OPA executable. You will only
+need to download the OPA executable separately if you need a **specific**
+version. Otherwise, you may skip this step and continue to
+You may download the OPA executable, to either upgrade the version you
+currently have or use a specific version, using the `scubagoggles getopa`
+scubagoggles getopa --help
+usage: scubagoggles getopa [-h] [--nocheck] [--force] [--version ] [--opa_directory ]
+Download OPA executable
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --nocheck, -nc Do not check hash code after download
+ --force, -f Overwrite existing OPA executable
+ --version , -v
+ Version of OPA to download (default: latest version)
+ --opa_directory , -r
+ Directory containing OPA executable (default: location established by setup)
+# example
+scubagoggles getopa -v v0.60.0
+If you have run the [ScubaGoggles setup utility](DownloadAndInstall.md#ScubaGoggles-Setup-Utility),
+you will have specified the location of the OPA executable. This location is
+used by `getopa` when downloading the OPA executable. Optionally, you may
+download the executable to a location that is in the PATH environment variable.
+## Downloading the OPA Executable from the OPA Website
+1. If the above script can not execute for any reason or you would prefer to
+ download OPA manually, go to the [Open Policy Agent website]
+ (https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/#running-opa)
+2. Check the website for a compatible OPA version (Currently v0.45.0 and above)
+ for ScubaGoggles and select the corresponding version on top left of the
+ website.
+3. Navigate to the menu on left side of the screen:
+ `Introduction -> Running OPA -> Download OPA`
+4. Follow the instructions for downloading the respective OPA executable for
+ your OS.
+> [!NOTE]
+> For linux and macOS, you must make sure the OPA executable has execute
+> permission. If you downloaded the OPA executable either during the setup
+> process or using the `getopa`subcommand, the permission has already been set
+> correctly.
+# give the opa executable execute permissions
+chmod u+x opa
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Prerequisites](../prerequisites/Prerequisites.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md b/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md
index ebac8c70..d2465b75 100644
--- a/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md
+++ b/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
-# Prerequisites
-## Permissions
-The tool uses the following OAUTH API scopes:
-When running ScubaGoggles for the first time you will be prompted to consent to these API scopes. Users with the Super Admin role automatically have the privilege to consent to these scopes. A custom admin role can also be made with the minimum permissions to consent to these scopes. See this [Google Admin SDK Prerequisites guide](https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reports/v1/guides/prerequisites) for more information.
-## Create a Project
-1. If you already have a Google Cloud Project that you want to utilize skip to [Authentication Methods](/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md)
-2. Otherwise start by signing into http://console.cloud.google.com/.
-3. Follow the [directions outlined in this guide to create a project](https://developers.google.com/workspace/guides/create-project)
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Authentication Methods](/docs/authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+# Prerequisites
+## Permissions
+The tool uses the following OAUTH API scopes:
+When running ScubaGoggles for the first time you will be prompted to consent to
+these API scopes. Users with the Super Admin role automatically have the
+privilege to consent to these scopes. When running ScubaGoggles for the first
+time you will be prompted to consent to these API scopes.
+## Create a Project
+1. If you already have a Google Cloud Project that you want to utilize skip to [Authentication Methods](../authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md)
+2. Otherwise start by signing into http://console.cloud.google.com/.
+3. Follow the [directions outlined in this guide to create a project](https://developers.google.com/workspace/guides/create-project)
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Authentication Methods](../authentication/AuthenticationMethods.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md b/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md
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--- a/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md
+++ b/docs/troubleshooting/Troubleshooting.md
@@ -1,74 +1,85 @@
-# Troubleshooting
-## Lots of Manual Checks
-The report output by ScubaGoggles may indicate that many manual checks are needed (e.g., https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/issues/260). This is a symptom of ScubaGoggles' primary limitation. As the API calls to check most of the settings relevant to ScubaGoggles are have not been made public by Google, ScubaGoggles relies on [GWS Admin log events](https://support.google.com/a/answer/4579579?hl=en) to determine the current state. If there are no log events corresponding to a SCuBA baseline policy (e.g., because the setting hasn't been changed within the past 6 months), ScubaGoggles will indicate that the setting needs to be checked manually. See [Limitations](/docs/usage/Limitations.md) for more details.
-## Not Authorized to Access This Resource
-If an authorization error similar to the one below appears:
-/Users/scubagoggles/provider.py:463: RuntimeWarning: An exception was thrown trying to get the tenant info:
-Ensure that you consented to the following API scopes as a user with the proper [permissions to consent](/docs/prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#permissions) and have enabled the required [APIs and Services](/docs/authentication/OAuth.md).
-## Scubagoggles Not Found
-If an error similar to the one below appears:
-command not found: scubagoggles
-Ensure that you have properly [configured the virtual environment](/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md#installing-in-a-virtual-environment) and have activated the virtual environment using the OS appropriate commands.
-Alternatively, to run scubagoggles without installing it as a package, you can replace the `scubagoggles` command with `python scuba.py`.
-## Unable to view HTML report due to environment limitations
-If you are unable to view the HTML report in a browser window, the results of the conformance scan can be viewed in their raw JSON format.
-We recommend running the conformance report in quiet mode to stop the web browser from being opened automatically. This can be done with the `--quiet` parameter:
-```scubagoggles gws --quiet```
-Once the scan is complete, navigate to the output folder. Within the output folder, we can access the generated HTML reports, or view the results in JSON format.
-To view the results as JSON, open the `ScubaResults.json` file.
-The output will resemble the following:
- "Summary": {
- "Gmail": {
- "Manual": 26,
- "Passes": 9,
- "Errors": 0,
- "Failures": 6,
- "Warnings": 2
- },
- "Groups for Business": {
- "Manual": 0,
- "Passes": 6,
- "Errors": 0,
- "Failures": 0,
- "Warnings": 1
- }
- },
- "Results": {
- "Gmail": [
- {
- "GroupName": "Mail Delegation",
- "GroupNumber": "1",
- "Controls": [
- {
- "Control ID": "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.2",
- "Requirement": "Mail Delegation SHOULD be disabled.",
- "Result": "Pass",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "Details": "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
- }
- ...
-## Navigation
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Troubleshooting
+## Not Authorized to Access This Resource
+If an authorization error similar to the one below appears:
+RuntimeWarning: An exception was thrown trying to get the tenant data:
+Ensure that you consented to the following API scopes as a user with the proper
+[permissions to consent](../prerequisites/Prerequisites.md#permissions) and have
+enabled the required [APIs and Services](../authentication/OAuth.md).
+## Windows: WinError 10013: Permission Error
+When ScubaGoggles is run and it needs to re-authorize you using your Google
+credentials, it makes a connection using port 8080. If you receive a permission
+error with the text `An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden
+by its access permissions`, it is likely that another process on your system is
+using that port.
+The following PowerShell command, when run as an Adminstrator, may help to
+locate the process using the port. Once you've determined how the port is
+being used, you can evaluate whether something may be done to temporarily
+relinquish the port for ScubaGoggles use or whether you might need to try
+running ScubaGoggles on a system where the port is available.
+Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8080).OwningProcess
+## Unable to view HTML report due to environment limitations
+If you are unable to view the HTML report in a browser window, the results of
+the conformance scan can be viewed in their raw JSON format.
+We recommend running the conformance report in quiet mode to stop the web
+browser from being opened automatically. This can be done with the `--quiet`
+```scubagoggles gws --quiet```
+Once the scan is complete, navigate to the output folder. Within the output
+folder, you can access the generated HTML reports, or view the results in JSON
+To view the results as JSON, open the `ScubaResults.json` file.
+The output will resemble the following:
+ "Summary": {
+ "sites": {
+ "Manual": 0,
+ "Passes": 1,
+ "Errors": 0,
+ "Failures": 0,
+ "Warnings": 0,
+ "Omit": 0
+ }
+ },
+ "Results": {
+ "sites": [
+ {
+ "GroupName": "Sites Service Status",
+ "GroupNumber": "1",
+ "GroupReferenceURL": "https://github.com/cisagov...",
+ "Controls": [
+ {
+ "Control ID": "GWS.SITES.1.1",
+ "Requirement": "Sites Service SHOULD be disabled for all users.",
+ "Result": "Pass",
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "Details": "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },...
+## Navigation
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md b/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md
index 008ecb69..e594ee6d 100644
--- a/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md
+++ b/docs/upgrading/Upgrading.md
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
-# Upgrading and Maintenance
-## Upgrading ScubaGoggles
-Assuming you installed ScubaGoggles as described in [Download and Install](/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md), upgrading to the lastest version of ScubaGoggles should be as simple as:
-- Repeating the steps described in [Download and Install](/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md) with the new release.
-- Making the OPA executable available, by either:
- - downloading the executable again as described in [Download the OPA executable](/docs/installation/OPA.md),
- - copying the executable from the old release folder to the new release folder, or
- - using the `--opapath` parameter to tell ScubaGoggles where to look for the executable.
-- Making your credentials available, by either:
- - copying your `credentials.json` file to the new release folder or
- - using the `--credentials` parameter to tell ScubaGoggles where to look for your credentials.
-If instead you cloned the ScubaGoggles repo and wish to run ScubaGoggles on the latest code from main (only recommended for development purposes), be sure to run `python -m pip install .` inside the ScubaGoggles directory after pulling the latest code.
-## Upgrading OPA
-While new versions of OPA are periodically released, it is only necessary to upgrade OPA if the version you have locally is unsupported. Running `python download_opa.py --help` lists the supported OPA versions.
-Upgrading OPA is as simple as downloading the desired executable, which can be done by running the `download_opa.py` script again. See [Download the OPA executable](/docs/installation/OPA.md) for detailed instructions.
-## Navigation
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+# Upgrading and Maintenance
+## Upgrading ScubaGoggles
+To upgrade ScubaGoggles to a newer version, you simply download the latest
+[release package](../installation/DownloadAndInstall.md#downloading-the-latest-scubagoggles-release),
+and [install](../installation/DownloadAndInstall.md#installing-scubagoggles)
+it using Python's `pip` utility. If you are using a Python virtual environment, make sure you have activated the virtual
+environment before upgrading.
+## Upgrading OPA
+To upgrade the OPA executable, re-run the `scubagoggles getopa`
+command, which will download the latest version to the directory
+specified with `scubagoggles setup`. You may also download a
+particular version of OPA using the `--version` option. See
+[here](../installation/OPA.md) for details.
+## Navigation
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/usage/Config.md b/docs/usage/Config.md
index 44b87fa1..5c068f96 100644
--- a/docs/usage/Config.md
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@@ -1,39 +1,51 @@
-# Usage: Config File
-All ScubaGoggles [parameters](/docs/usage/Parameters.md) can be placed into a configuration file in order to made execution easier. The path of the file is specified by the `--config` parameter, and its contents are expected as YAML.
-> [!NOTE]
-> If a parameter is specified both on the command-line and in a configuration file, the command-line parameter has precedence over the config file.
-## Sample Configuration Files
-[Sample config files](/sample-config-files) are available in the repo and are discussed below. When executing ScubaGoggles, only a single config file can be read in; we recommend looking through the following examples and constructing a config file that best suits your use case.
-### Basic Usage
-The [basic use](/sample-config-files/basic_config.yaml) example config file specifies the `outpath`, `baselines`, and `quiet` parameters.
-ScubaGoggles can be invoked with this config file:
-scubagoggles gws --config basic_config.yaml
-It can also be invoked while overriding the `baselines` parameter.
-scubagoggles gws --config basic_config.yaml -b gmail chat
-### Omit Policies
-In some cases, it may be appropriate to omit specific policies from ScubaGoggles evaluation. For example:
-- When a policy is implemented by a third-party service that ScubaGoggles does not audit.
-- When a policy is not applicable to your organization (e.g., policy GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3, which is only applicable to federal, executive branch, departments and agencies).
-The `omitpolicy` top-level key, shown in this [example ScubaGoggles configuration file](/sample-config-files/omit_policies.yaml), allows the user to specify the policies that should be omitted from the ScubaGoggles report. Omitted policies will show up as "Omitted" in the HTML report and will be colored gray. Omitting policies must only be done if the omissions are approved within an organization's security risk management process. **Exercise care when omitting policies because this can inadvertently introduce blind spots when assessing your system.**
-For each omitted policy, the config file allows you to indicate the following:
-- `rationale`: The reason the policy should be omitted from the report. This value will be displayed in the "Details" column of the report. ScubaGoggles will output a warning if no rationale is provided.
-- `expiration`: Optional. A date after which the policy should no longer be omitted from the report. The expected format is yyyy-mm-dd.
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Usage: Examples](/docs/usage/Examples.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Usage: Config File
+All ScubaGoggles [parameters](Parameters.md) can be placed into a configuration file in order to made execution easier. The path of the file is specified by the `--config` parameter, and its contents are expected as YAML.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If a parameter is specified both on the command-line and in a configuration file, the command-line parameter has precedence over the config file.
+## Sample Configuration Files
+[Sample config files](../../scubagoggles/sample-config-files) are available in the
+repo and are discussed below. When executing ScubaGoggles, only a single config
+file can be read in; we recommend looking through the following examples and
+constructing a config file that best suits your use case.
+### Basic Usage
+The [basic use](../../scubagoggles/sample-config-files/basic_config.yaml) example
+config file specifies the `outpath`, `baselines`, and `quiet` parameters.
+ScubaGoggles can be invoked with this config file:
+scubagoggles gws --config basic_config.yaml
+It can also be invoked while overriding the `baselines` parameter.
+scubagoggles gws --config basic_config.yaml -b gmail chat
+### Omit Policies
+In some cases, it may be appropriate to omit specific policies from ScubaGoggles evaluation. For example:
+- When a policy is implemented by a third-party service that ScubaGoggles does not audit.
+- When a policy is not applicable to your organization (e.g., policy GWS.GMAIL.4.3, which is only applicable to federal, executive branch, departments and agencies).
+The `omitpolicy` top-level key, shown in this [example ScubaGoggles
+configuration file](../../scubagoggles/sample-config-files/omit_policies.yaml),
+allows the user to specify the policies that should be omitted from the
+ScubaGoggles report. Omitted policies will show up as "Omitted" in the HTML
+report and will be colored gray. Omitting policies must only be done if the
+omissions are approved within an organization's security risk management
+process. **Exercise care when omitting policies because this can inadvertently
+introduce blind spots when assessing your system.**
+For each omitted policy, the config file allows you to indicate the following:
+- `rationale`: The reason the policy should be omitted from the report. This value will be displayed in the "Details" column of the report. ScubaGoggles will output a warning if no rationale is provided.
+- `expiration`: Optional. A date after which the policy should no longer be omitted from the report. The expected format is yyyy-mm-dd.
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Usage: Examples](Examples.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/usage/Examples.md b/docs/usage/Examples.md
index 9245a6bd..292c1b9c 100644
--- a/docs/usage/Examples.md
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-# Usage: Examples
-> [!Note]
-> If you chose not install the `scubagoggles` package in a venv but do have the dependencies installed from `requirements.txt`, you may execute the tool using the `scuba.py` script located in the root directory of this repository. Replace any `scubagoggles` directions with `python scuba.py`
-## Example 1: Run an assessment against all GWS products
-scubagoggles gws
-## Example 2: Run an assessment against just Gmail and Google Calendar
-scubagoggles gws -b gmail calendar
-## Example 3: Run an assessment and store the results under a folder called output
-scubagoggles gws -b calendar gmail groups chat meet sites -o ./output
-## Example 4: Do a run cached assessment
-# skip authentication and provider export stage
-# used for running against a cached provider json
-scubagoggles gws --runcached --skipexport
-## Example 5: Run with a service account on a different tenant
-scubagoggles gws --customerid --subjectemail admin@example.com
-See the `help` options yourself
-scubagoggles gws -h
-## Example 6: Run with a config file
-scubagoggles gws --config sample-config-files/basic_config.yaml
-> [!NOTE]
-> In all the above examples, the html report should open automatically. If not, navigate to the output folder and open the `*.html` file using a browser of your choice. The json output will also be located in this folder.
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Reviewing Output](/docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Usage: Examples
+## Example 1: Run an assessment against all GWS products
+scubagoggles gws
+## Example 2: Run an assessment against just Gmail and Google Calendar
+scubagoggles gws -b gmail calendar
+## Example 3: Run an assessment and store the results under a folder called output
+scubagoggles gws -b calendar gmail groups chat meet sites -o ./output
+## Example 4: Do a run cached assessment
+# skip authentication and provider export stage
+# used for running against a cached provider json
+scubagoggles gws --runcached --skipexport
+## Example 5: Run with a service account on a different tenant
+scubagoggles gws --customerid --subjectemail admin@example.com
+See the `help` options yourself
+scubagoggles gws -h
+## Example 6: Run with a config file
+scubagoggles gws --config sample-config-files/basic_config.yaml
+> [!NOTE]
+> In all the above examples, the html report should open automatically. If not, navigate to the output folder and open the `*.html` file using a browser of your choice. The json output will also be located in this folder.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The following is intended for developers **ONLY**:
+> If you chose not install the `scubagoggles` package in a venv but do have the
+> dependencies installed from `requirements.txt`, you may execute the tool using
+> the `scuba.py` script located in the root directory of this repository.
+> Replace any `scubagoggles` directions with `python scuba.py`
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Reviewing Output](ReviewOutput.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/usage/Limitations.md b/docs/usage/Limitations.md
index 48f698cd..1cdcf694 100644
--- a/docs/usage/Limitations.md
+++ b/docs/usage/Limitations.md
@@ -1,11 +1,35 @@
-# Limitations
-The majority of the conformance checks done by ScubaGoggles rely on [GWS Admin log events](https://support.google.com/a/answer/4579579?hl=en). If there is no log event corresponding to a SCuBA baseline policy, ScubaGoggles will indicate that the setting currently can not be checked on its HTML report output. In this situation, we recommend you manually review your GWS security configurations with the SCuBA security baselines.
-Additionally, some events will not be visible due to data retention time limits, as the admin logs are only retained for 6 months (see [Data retention and lag times](https://support.google.com/a/answer/7061566)). However, if you wish to generate a log event for testing ScubaGoggles' capabilities, follow the implementation instructions in the [SCuBA GWS baseline documents](/baselines/README.md) to change your GWS configuration settings. Toggling certain settings, off and on will be enough to generate a log event. Other settings will require implementing more substantive configuration changes.
-Many controls can be scoped down to the organizaitonal unit (OU) or group level. ScubaGoggles is capable of checking settings applied at these levels. However, for any setting that can be scoped to specific OUs or groups, ScubaGoggles asserts that at least one event is present for the organization's top-level OU. If no event can be found for the top-level OU, ScubaGoggles will not display any results for that control and instead display a warning, such as the following:
-
-## Navigation
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Limitations
+While most of the conformance checks done by ScubaGoggles rely on Google's Policy
+API that provides direct access to your GWS settings, some settings are not
+available from this API. For a few comformance checks where the corresponding
+settings are not provided by the Policy API, we try to determine the settings
+using [GWS Admin log events](https://support.google.com/a/answer/4579579?hl=en).
+## Log Event Limitations
+For these cases, if there is no log event corresponding to a SCuBA baseline
+policy, ScubaGoggles will indicate that the setting currently can not be checked
+on its HTML report output. In this situation, we recommend you manually review
+your GWS security configurations with the SCuBA secure baselines.
+Additionally, some events will not be visible due to data retention time limits,
+as the admin logs are only retained for 6 months
+(see [Data retention and lag times](https://support.google.com/a/answer/7061566)).
+However, if you wish to generate a log event for testing ScubaGoggles'
+capabilities, follow the implementation instructions in the
+[SCuBA GWS baseline documents](../../scubagoggles/baselines/README.md) to change your GWS
+configuration settings. Toggling certain settings, off and on will be enough to
+generate a log event. Other settings will require implementing more substantive
+configuration changes.
+Many controls can be scoped down to the organizational unit (OU) or group level.
+ScubaGoggles is capable of checking settings applied at these levels. However,
+for any setting that can be scoped to specific OUs or groups, ScubaGoggles
+asserts that at least one event is present for the organization's top-level OU.
+If no event can be found for the top-level OU, ScubaGoggles will not display
+any results for that control and instead display a warning, such as the following:
+
+## Navigation
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/usage/Parameters.md b/docs/usage/Parameters.md
index 01080669..f461ddbc 100644
--- a/docs/usage/Parameters.md
+++ b/docs/usage/Parameters.md
@@ -1,58 +1,75 @@
-# Usage: Parameters
-Execute the ScubaGoggles tool using the `scubagoggles` command. For GWS, all commands will be under the `gws` subparser.
-scubagoggles gws -h
-usage: scubagoggles gws [-h] [-b [...]] [-o] [-c] [--subjectemail] [--customerid] [--opapath] [--regopath] [--documentpath]
- [--runcached] [--skipexport] [--outputfoldername] [--outputproviderfilename]
- [--outputregofilename] [--outputreportfilename] [--omitsudo] [--quiet] [--debug]
-optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -b [ ...], --baselines [ ...]
- A list of one or more abbreviated GWS baseline names that the tool will assess. Defaults to
- all baselines. Choices: gmail, calendar, groups, chat, drive, meet, sites, commoncontrols,
- rules, classroom
- -o , --outputpath The folder path where both the output JSON & HTML report will be created. Defaults to "./" The
- current directory.
- -c , --credentials The relative path and name of the OAuth / service account credentials json file. Defaults to
- "./credentials.json" which means the tool will look for the file named credentials.json in the
- current directory.
- --config Local file path to a YAML formatted configuration file. Configuration file parameters can be
- used in place of command-line parameters. Additional parameters and variables not available
- on the command line can also be included in the file that will be provided to the tool for
- use in specific tests.
- --outjsonfilename The name of the file that encapsulates all assessment output. Defaults to ScubaResults.
- --subjectemail Only applicable when using a service account. The email address of a user the service account
- should act on behalf of. This user must have the necessary privileges to run scubagoggles.
- --customerid The customer ID the tool should run on. Defaults to "my_customer" which will be the domain of
- the user / service account authenticating.
- --opapath The relative path to the directory containing the OPA executable. Defaults to "./" the current
- executing directory.
- --regopath The relative path to the directory contain the folder containing the rego files. Defaults to
- "./rego" the "rego" folder inside the current executing directory.
- --documentpath The relative path to the directory containing the SCuBA baseline documents. Defaults to
- "./baselines" the "baselines" folder inside the current executing directory.
- --runcached This switch when added will run in the tool in "RunCached mode". When combined with -sa allows
- to the user to skip authentication and provider export.
- --skipexport This switch when added will skip the provider export.To be used in conjunction with
- --runcached.
- --outputfoldername The name of the folder created in --outputpath where both the output JSON and the HTML report
- will be created. Defaults to GWSBaselineConformance. The client's local timestamp will be
- appended to this name.
- --outputproviderfilename
- The name of the Provider output json in --outputpath. Defaults to ProviderSettingsExport.
- --outputregofilename
- The name of the Rego output json in --outputpath. Defaults to TestResults.
- --outputreportfilename
- The name of the main html file homepage created in --outputpath. Defaults to BaselineReports.
- --omitsudo This switch prevents running the OPA executable with sudo.
- --quiet This switch suppresses automatically launching a web browser to open the html report output
- and the loading bar output.
- --debug This switch is used to print debugging information for OPA.
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Usage: Config File](/docs/usage/Config.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Usage: Parameters
+Execute the ScubaGoggles tool using the `scubagoggles` command. For GWS,
+all commands will be under the `gws` "subcommand".
+usage: scubagoggles gws [-h]
+ [--baselines [ ...]]
+ [--outputpath ]
+ [--outjsonfilename ]
+ [--credentials ]
+ [--config ]
+ [--subjectemail ]
+ [--customerid ]
+ [--opapath ]
+ [--regopath ]
+ [--documentpath ]
+ [--outputfoldername ]
+ [--outputproviderfilename ]
+ [--outputregofilename ]
+ [--outputreportfilename]
+ [--quiet]
+ [--debug]
+ [--runcached]
+ [--skipexport]
+SCuBA automated conformance check for Google Workspace (GWS) products
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --baselines [ ...], -b [ ...]
+ A list of one or more abbreviated GWS baseline names that the tool will assess. Defaults to all baselines. Choices: calendar, chat,
+ classroom, commoncontrols, drive, gmail, groups, meet, rules, sites
+ --outputpath , -o
+ The folder path where both the output JSON & HTML report will be created.
+ --outjsonfilename
+ The name of the file that encapsulates all assessment output. Defaults to ScubaResults.
+ --credentials , -c
+ The location and name of the OAuth / service account credentials json file.
+ --config
+ Local file path to a YAML formatted configuration file. Configuration file parameters can be used in place of command-line
+ parameters. Additional parameters and variables not available on the command line can also be included in the file that will be
+ provided to the tool for use in specific tests.
+ --subjectemail
+ Only applicable when using a service account. The email address of a user the service account should act on behalf of. This user
+ must have the necessary privileges to run scubagoggles.
+ --customerid
+ The customer ID the tool should run on. Defaults to "my_customer" which will be the domain of the user / service account
+ authenticating.
+ --opapath
+ The directory containing the OPA executable.
+ --regopath
+ The relative path to the directory contain the folder containing the rego files.
+ --documentpath
+ The relative path to the directory containing the SCuBA baseline documents.
+ --outputfoldername
+ The name of the folder created in --outputpath where both the output JSON and the HTML report will be created. Defaults to GWSBaselineConformance. The client's local timestamp will be appended to this name.
+ --outputproviderfilename
+ The name of the Provider output json in --outputpath. Defaults to ProviderSettingsExport.
+ --outputregofilename
+ The name of the Rego output json in --outputpath. Defaults to TestResults.
+ --outputreportfilename
+ The name of the main html file homepage created in --outputpath. Defaults to BaselineReports.
+ --quiet This switch suppresses automatically launching a web browser to open the html report output and the loading bar output.
+ --debug This switch is used to print debugging information for OPA.
+Cached Mode options:
+ --runcached This switch when added will run in the tool in "RunCached mode". When combined with --skipexport allows the user to skip
+ authentication and provider export.
+ --skipexport This switch when added will skip the provider export. To be used in conjunction with --runcached.
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Usage: Examples](Examples.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md b/docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md
index bc61a51e..cb6ecdb0 100644
--- a/docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md
+++ b/docs/usage/ReviewOutput.md
@@ -1,14 +1,43 @@
-# Review Output
-## Locating the Output
-By default, ScubaGoggles output will be saved in a folder within the current working directory named GWSBaselineConformance_[yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss], though both the location of the output and name of the folder can be configured via the `--outputpath` and `--outputfoldername` parameters, respectively.
-Unless run with the `--quiet` parameter, the HTML report will open automatically using the system's default browser.
-See [Usage: Parameters](/docs/usage/Parameters.md) for more details on these and other parameters.
-## Output Format
-The output will be saved in both HTML and json formats. See [Sample Report](/sample-report) for an example of the output.
-## Navigation
-- Continue to [Limitations](/docs/usage/Limitations.md)
-- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
+# Review Output
+## Locating the Output
+ScubaGoggles conformance reports are written to the output
+directory you established during the [setup](../installation/DownloadAndInstall.md#scubagoggles-setup-utility) installation
+step. For each `scubagoggles gws` run, a subdirectory is
+created, which is named in the following format:
+`GWSBaselineConformance_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss`, the suffix
+of which is based on the date & time the report was
+| Abbreviation | Description |
+| yyyy | Four digit year (e.g., 2025). |
+| mm | Two digit month. |
+| dd | Two digit day. |
+| hh | Two digit hour (24-hour time). |
+| mm | Two digit minute. |
+| ss | Two digit seconds. |
+Unless run with the `--quiet` parameter, the HTML report will open automatically using the system's default browser.
+See [Usage: Parameters](Parameters.md) for more details on these and other parameters.
+## Output Format
+The output will be saved in both HTML and json formats. See [Sample Report](../../scubagoggles/sample-report) for an example of the output.
+## Purging Older Report Directories
+Each time you run ScubaGoggles, a directory (folder) is created that contains
+the conformance report files. If you run ScubaGoggles often, these directories
+will accumulate. When you use the default output directory and directory name
+prefix (`GWSBaselineConformance`), you may use the `scubagoggles purge`
+command to remove older report directories. The `--expire` option deletes all
+report directories created earlier than the number of days specified. The
+`--keep` option ensures that the number of directories you specify will not be
+deleted. When given together, the keep count takes precedence over the expiry
+## Navigation
+- Continue to [Limitations](Limitations.md)
+- Return to [Documentation Home](/README.md)
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Calendar.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Calendar.csv
index b9e002c3..97e33aff 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Calendar.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Calendar.csv
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3,"External sharing options for secondary calendars SHALL be
GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3,External invitations warnings SHALL be enabled to prompt users before sending invitations.,Admin Log Event,Change Calendar Setting,ENABLE_EXTERNAL_GUEST_PROMPT,true,rules/00gjdgxs26jpj72,JK 07-28-23 @ 12:20
GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3,Calendar Interop SHOULD be disabled unless agency mission fulfillment requires collaboration between users internal and external to an organization who use both Microsoft Exchange and Google Calendar.,Admin Log Event,Change Calendar Setting,ENABLE_EWS_INTEROP,false,rules/00gjdgxs3yipjmt,JK 07-28-23 @ 14:42
GWS.CALENDAR.3.2v0.3,OAuth 2.0 SHALL be used in lieu of basic authentication to establish connectivity between tenants or organizations in cases where Calendar Interop is deemed necessary for agency mission fulfillment.,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,"Not able to create rule due to bug in rule wizard. Applicable log event exists, but is not selectable within rule wizard."
-GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3,Appointment Schedule with Payments SHALL be disabled.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,CalendarAppointmentSlotAdminSettingsProto payments_enabled,false,rules/00gjdgxs3oppjwl,JK 09-08-23 @ 10:47
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3,Appointment Schedule with Payments SHALL be disabled.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,CalendarAppointmentSlotAdminSettingsProto payments_enabled,false,rules/00gjdgxs3oppjwl,JK 09-08-23 @ 10:47
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Chat.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Chat.csv
index a6e24a5f..1e618121 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Chat.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Chat.csv
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3,External file sharing SHALL be disabled to protect sensitive in
GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3,Space history SHOULD be enabled for traceability of information.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,RoomOtrSettingsProto otr_state,"ALWAYS_ON_THE_RECORD
DEFAULT_ON_THE_RECORD",rules/00gjdgxs13kc3ei,JK 08-01-23 @ 11:58
-GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3(a),"External Chat messaging SHALL be restricted to allowlisted domains only.",Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,RestrictChatProto restrictChatToOrganization,false,rules/00gjdgxs3vz76ij,JK 08-01-23 @ 13:17
+GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3(a),External Chat messaging SHALL be restricted to allowlisted domains only.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,RestrictChatProto restrictChatToOrganization,false,rules/00gjdgxs3vz76ij,JK 08-01-23 @ 13:17
GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3(b),External Chat messaging SHALL be restricted to allowlisted domains only.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,RestrictChatProto externalChatRestriction,TRUSTED_DOMAINS,rules/00gjdgxs3exvv2u,JK 08-01-23 @ 13:27
-GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3,"Chat content reporting SHALL be enabled for all conversation types.",Admin Log Event,Create Application Setting,ContentReportingProto group_chat_reporting,CONTENT_REPORTING_STATE_ENABLED,N/A, MD @ 10-15-24 @ 16:47
-GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3,"All reporting message categories SHOULD be selected.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3,"Chat content reporting SHALL be enabled for all conversation types.",Admin Log Event,Create Application Setting,ContentReportingProto group_chat_reporting,CONTENT_REPORTING_STATE_ENABLED,N/A, MD @ 10-15-24 @ 16:47
+GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3,"All reporting message categories SHOULD be selected.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Classroom.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Classroom.csv
index df38ff38..2209a040 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Classroom.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Classroom.csv
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3,Which classes can users in your domain join SHALL be set t
GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3,Classroom API SHALL be disabled for users,Admin Log Events,Change Application Setting,ApiDataAccessSettingProto api_access_enabled,false,rules/00gjdgxs3aafl8p,JK 10-20-23 @ 13:31
GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3,Roster import with Clever SHOULD be turned off,Admin Log Events,Change Application Setting,RosterImportSettingsProto sis_integrator,SIS_INTEGRATOR_NONE,rules/00gjdgxs25t0l8g,JK 10-20-23 @ 13:42
GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3,Who can unenroll students from classes SHALL be set to Teachers Only,Admin Log Events,Change Application Setting,StudentUnenrollmentSettingsProto who_can_unenroll_students,ONLY_TEACHERS_CAN_UNENROLL_STUDENTS,rules/00gjdgxs44rgreu,JK 10-20-23 @ 13:50
-GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3,Class creation SHALL be restricted to verified teachers only.,Admin Log Events,Change Application Setting,TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class,rules/00gjdgxs4cfwumr,JK 06-21-24 @ 11:58
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3,Class creation SHALL be restricted to verified teachers only.,Admin Log Events,Change Application Setting,TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class,rules/00gjdgxs4cfwumr,JK 06-21-24 @ 11:58,
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Common Controls as of 11-14-23.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Common Controls as of 11-14-23.csv
index 500fb662..24571997 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Common Controls as of 11-14-23.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Common Controls as of 11-14-23.csv
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3,"The supplemental data storage region SHALL NOT be s
GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3,"Service status for Google services that do not have an individual control SHOULD be set to OFF for everyone.",Admin Log Event,Toggle Service Enabled,DISABLE_UNLISTED_SERVICES, true, N/A, MD 09-12-2024 @ 11:12
GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3,"Early Access Apps Service Status SHOULD be set to OFF for everyone.", Admin Log Event,Toggle Service Enabled,Early Access Apps, false, N/A, MD 09-12-2024 @ 11:16
GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3,"Require multi party approval for sensitive admin actions SHALL be enabled.", Admin Log Event, Change Application Setting, Multi Party Approval (MPA) Control Multi Party Approval Control, enabled, N/A, MD 09-12-2024 @ 11:20
-GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3,"A custom policy SHALL be configured for Google Drive to protect PII and sensitive information, as defined by the agency. At a minimum, credit card numbers, U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), and U.S. Social Security numbers (SSN) SHALL be blocked.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
+GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3,"A custom policy SHALL be configured for Google Drive to protect PII and sensitive information, as defined by the agency. At a minimum, credit card numbers, U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), and U.S. Social Security numbers (SSN) SHALL be blocked.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.2v0.3,"A custom policy SHALL be configured for Google Chat to protect PII and sensitive information, as defined by the agency. At a minimum, credit card numbers, U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), and U.S. Social Security numbers (SSN) SHALL be blocked.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.3v0.3,"A custom policy SHALL be configured for Gmail to protect PII and sensitive information, as defined by the agency. At a minimum, credit card numbers, U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), and U.S. Social Security numbers (SSN) SHALL be blocked.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
-GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3,"The action for the custom DLP policy SHOULD be set to block external sharing.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3,"The action for the custom DLP policy SHOULD be set to block external sharing.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable due to no specfic log event
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Gmail.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Gmail.csv
index 4ba35b5b..c6c95700 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Gmail.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Gmail.csv
@@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ GWS.GMAIL.17.1v0.3,Comprehensive mail storage SHOULD be enabled to ensure inform
GWS.GMAIL.18.1v0.3,Content filtering SHOULD be enabled within Gmail messages.,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable
GWS.GMAIL.18.2v0.3,Any third-party or outside application selected for advanced email content filtering SHOULD offer services comparable to those offered by Google Workspace.,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable
GWS.GMAIL.18.3v0.3,"Gmail or third-party applications SHALL be configured to protect PII and sensitive information as defined by the agency. At a minimum, credit card numbers, taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN), and Social Security Numbers (SSN) SHALL be blocked.",N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,Not Alertable
-GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3,"Domains SHALL NOT be added to lists that bypass spam filters.",Admin Log Event,Change Gmail Setting,SPAM_CONTROL,N/A,rules/00gjdgxs12jr6zt,JGK 04-11-24 @ 09:45
-GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3,"Domains SHALL NOT be added to lists that bypass spam filters and hide warnings.",Admin Log Event,Change Gmail Setting,SPAM_CONTROL,N/A,rules/00gjdgxs12jr6zt,JGK 04-11-24 @ 09:45
-GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3,"Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for all messages from internal and external senders SHALL NOT be enabled.",Admin Log Event,Change Gmail Setting,SPAM_CONTROL,N/A,rules/00gjdgxs12jr6zt,JGK 04-11-24 @ 09:45
+GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3,Domains SHALL NOT be added to lists that bypass spam filters.,Admin Log Event,Change Gmail Setting,SPAM_CONTROL,N/A,rules/00gjdgxs12jr6zt,JGK 04-11-24 @ 09:45
+GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3,Domains SHALL NOT be added to lists that bypass spam filters and hide warnings.,Admin Log Event,Change Gmail Setting,SPAM_CONTROL,N/A,rules/00gjdgxs12jr6zt,JGK 04-11-24 @ 09:45
+GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3,Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for all messages from internal and external senders SHALL NOT be enabled.,Admin Log Event,Change Gmail Setting,SPAM_CONTROL,N/A,rules/00gjdgxs12jr6zt,JGK 04-11-24 @ 09:45
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Groups.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Groups.csv
index 5b24586f..e7bcdf17 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Groups.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Groups.csv
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3,Group owners’ ability to add external members to groups SHO
GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3,"Group owners’ ability to allow posting to a group by an external, non-group member SHOULD be disabled unless necessary for agency mission fulfillment.",Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_incoming_mail_from_public,false,rules/00gjdgxs0lw54bd,JK 08-01-23 @ 14:52
GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3,Group creation SHOULD be restricted to admins within the organization unless necessary for agency mission fulfillment.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,GroupsSharingSettingsProto who_can_create_groups,ADMIN_ONLY,rules/00gjdgxs35vsmz6,JK 08-01-23 @ 15:06
GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3,The default permission to view conversations SHALL be set to All Group Members.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,GroupsSharingSettingsProto default_view_topics_access_level,MEMBERS,rules/00gjdgxs24dq6r2,JK 08-01-23 @ 15:14
-GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3,Group owners’ ability to hide groups from the directory SHOULD be disabled unless necessary for agency mission fulfillment.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups,false,rules/00gjdgxs0zbb0ae,JK 08-01-23 @ 15:22
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3,Group owners’ ability to hide groups from the directory SHOULD be disabled unless necessary for agency mission fulfillment.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups,false,rules/00gjdgxs0zbb0ae,JK 08-01-23 @ 15:22
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Meet.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Meet.csv
index 13632771..9e7630fd 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Meet.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Meet.csv
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3,Meeting access SHALL be restricted to users signed in with a Go
GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3,Meeting access SHALL be disabled for meetings created by users who are not members of any Google Workspace tenant or organization.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,SafetyAccessLockProto meetings_allowed_to_join,WORKSPACE_DOMAINS,rules/00gjdgxs0rw9s95,JK 08-02-23 @ 16:02
GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3,Host Management meeting features SHALL be enabled so that they are available by default when a host starts their meeting.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,SafetyModerationLockProto host_management_enabled,true,rules/00gjdgxs3bvxawy,JK 08-02-23 @ 16:05
GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3,Warn for external participants SHALL be enabled.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,Warn for external participants External or unidentified participants in a meeting are given a label,true,rules/00gjdgxs2yp7uet,JK 10-16-23 @ 07:32
-GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3,Users receive calls only from contacts and other users in the organization SHALL be selected.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type,CONTACTS_AND_SAME_DOMAIN,rules/00gjdgxs188dve6,MD 06-11-24 @ 12:30
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3,Users receive calls only from contacts and other users in the organization SHALL be selected.,Admin Log Event,Change Application Setting,Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type,CONTACTS_AND_SAME_DOMAIN,rules/00gjdgxs188dve6,MD 06-11-24 @ 12:30
diff --git a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Sites.csv b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Sites.csv
index e0c56726..f3375a46 100644
--- a/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Sites.csv
+++ b/drift-rules/GWS Drift Monitoring Rules - Sites.csv
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
PolicyId,Name,Data Source,Event (Is),Setting Name (Is),New Value (Is Not),Rule ID,Last Successful Test
-GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3,Sites Service SHOULD be disabled for all users.,Admin Log Event,Toggle Service Enabled,No Setting Name,FALSE,rules/00gjdgxs3gdgxe3,JK 07-28-23 @ 11:12
\ No newline at end of file
+GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3,Sites Service SHOULD be disabled for all users.,Admin Log Event,Toggle Service Enabled,No Setting Name,FALSE,rules/00gjdgxs3gdgxe3,JK 07-28-23 @ 11:12
diff --git a/docs/images/scubagoggles_branching_structure.svg b/images/scubagoggles_branching_structure.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/scubagoggles_branching_structure.svg
rename to images/scubagoggles_branching_structure.svg
diff --git a/docs/images/scubagoggles_lifecycle.svg b/images/scubagoggles_lifecycle.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/scubagoggles_lifecycle.svg
rename to images/scubagoggles_lifecycle.svg
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fe1fe8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+requires = ["setuptools"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+name = "scubagoggles"
+dynamic = ["version"]
+classifiers = ["Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
+ "Intended Audience :: Information Technology",
+ "Topic :: Security",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13"]
+dependencies = ["dnspython>=2.6.1",
+ "google-api-python-client>=2.142.0",
+ "google-auth-httplib2>=0.2.0",
+ "google-auth-oauthlib>=1.2.1",
+ "MarkupSafe>=2.1.5",
+ "pyyaml>=6.0.2",
+ "requests>=2.32.3",
+ "tqdm>=4.66.5"]
+requires-python = ">= 3.9"
+description='SCuBA security baseline assessment tool'
+authors = [{name = "CISA"}]
+license = {file = "LICENSE"}
+readme = "README.md"
+scubagoggles = "scubagoggles.main:dive"
+version = {attr = "scubagoggles.__version__"}
+where = ["."]
diff --git a/rego/Calendar.rego b/rego/Calendar.rego
deleted file mode 100644
index f3761a54..00000000
--- a/rego/Calendar.rego
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-package calendar
-import data.utils
-import future.keywords
-LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("calendar_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars" if {
-} else := "Share all information, and outsiders can change calendars" if {
-} else := "Share all information, and allow managing of calendars" if {
- Value == "MANAGE_ACCESS"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", Group)
- # Ignore Group without any events
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs.",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0}
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := "Secondary Calendars Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars." if {
-} else := "Share all information, and outsiders can change calendars." if {
-} else := "Share all information, and allow managing of calendars." if {
- Value == "MANAGE_ACCESS"
-} else := "Only free/busy information (hide event details)." if {
-} else := Value
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": concat("",[utils.ReportDetailsBoolean(Status), "
Highest Level of Sharing: ",
- GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue)]),
- "ActualValue": {LastEvent.Setting: LastEvent.NewValue},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- Status := LastEvent.NewValue == "SHOW_ONLY_FREE_BUSY_INFORMATION"
-# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled."
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EXTERNAL_GUEST_PROMPT", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
-NonCompliantGroups2_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled."
-} if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EXTERNAL_GUEST_PROMPT", Group)
- # Ignore groups without any events
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EXTERNAL_GUEST_PROMPT", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, NonCompliantGroups2_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EXTERNAL_GUEST_PROMPT", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_1) == 0}
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EWS_INTEROP")
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetailsBoolean(Status),
- "ActualValue": {LastEvent.Setting: LastEvent.NewValue},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EWS_INTEROP")
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- Status := LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
-# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.3.2v0.3
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.3.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
- "ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
- "ActualValue": "",
- "RequirementMet": false,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Paid calendar appointments are enabled."
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "CalendarAppointmentSlotAdminSettingsProto payments_enabled", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
-# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs.",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "CalendarAppointmentSlotAdminSettingsProto payments_enabled"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "CalendarAppointmentSlotAdminSettingsProto payments_enabled"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
diff --git a/rego/Classroom.rego b/rego/Classroom.rego
deleted file mode 100644
index bba3712d..00000000
--- a/rego/Classroom.rego
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-package classroom
-import data.utils
-import future.keywords
-LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("classroom_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "Users in your domain only" if {
- Value == "1"
-} else := "Users in allowlisted domains" if {
- Value == "2"
-} else := "Any Google Workspace user" if {
- Value == "3"
-} else := "Any user" if {
- Value == "4"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Who can join classes in your domain is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ClassMembershipSettingProto who_can_join_classes", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "1"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ClassMembershipSettingProto who_can_join_classes", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- # Empty list is for noncompliant groups as classroom settings can't be modified at the group level
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ClassMembershipSettingProto who_can_join_classes", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := "Classes in your domain only" if {
- Value == "1"
-} else := "Classes in allowlisted domains" if {
- Value == "2"
-} else := "Any Google Workspace class" if {
- Value == "3"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Which classes can users in your domain join is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ClassMembershipSettingProto which_classes_can_users_join", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "1"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "ClassMembershipSettingProto which_classes_can_users_join"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- # Empty list is for noncompliant groups as classroom settings can't be modified at the group level
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "ClassMembershipSettingProto which_classes_can_users_join"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_2) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) := "OFF" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := "ON" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Data access is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ApiDataAccessSettingProto api_access_enabled", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ApiDataAccessSettingProto api_access_enabled", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- # Empty list is for noncompliant groups as classroom settings can't be modified at the group level
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ApiDataAccessSettingProto api_access_enabled", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := "OFF" if {
-} else := "ON - CLEVER" if {
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Roster import is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RosterImportSettingsProto sis_integrator", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "SIS_INTEGRATOR_NONE"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RosterImportSettingsProto sis_integrator", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RosterImportSettingsProto sis_integrator", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) := "Students and teachers" if {
-} else := "Only teachers" if {
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "StudentUnenrollmentSettingsProto who_can_unenroll_students", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "StudentUnenrollmentSettingsProto who_can_unenroll_students"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "StudentUnenrollmentSettingsProto who_can_unenroll_students"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue5_1(Value) := "anyone in this domain" if {
- Value == "1"
-} else := "all pending and verified teachers" if {
- Value == "2"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Who can create classes is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue5_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "3"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0
diff --git a/rego/Drive.rego b/rego/Drive.rego
deleted file mode 100644
index a583d0d3..00000000
--- a/rego/Drive.rego
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1136 +0,0 @@
-package drive
-import data.utils
-import future.keywords
-LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("drive_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := concat("",
- ["Files owned by users or shared drives ",
- "can be shared with Google accounts in ",
- "compatible allowlisted domains"]) if {
- startswith(Value, "TRUSTED_DOMAINS")
-else := concat("", ["Files owned by users or shared drives can ",
- "be shared outside of the organization"]) if {
- startswith(Value, "SHARING_ALLOWED")
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEvents(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := "Users cannot recieve files outside the domain" if {
-else := "Users can recieve files outside the domain"
-NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue)
- }
- if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-NonCompliantGroups1_2 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue)
- }
- if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
- }
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, NonCompliantGroups1_2),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_2},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_2) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_2) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_3(Value, AcceptableValues) := "External Sharing Warning is Enabled" if {
- Value in AcceptableValues == true
-else := "External Sharing Warning is Disabled"
-NonCompliantOUs1_3 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_3(LastEvent.NewValue, AcceptableValues)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-NonCompliantGroups1_3 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_3(LastEvent.NewValue, AcceptableValues)
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_3, NonCompliantGroups1_3),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_3,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_3},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_3) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_3) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3
-NoSuchEvent1_4(TopLevelOU) := true if {
- Events_A := utils.FilterEvents(LogEvents, SettingName, TopLevelOU)
- count(Events_A) == 0
-NoSuchEvent1_4(TopLevelOU) := true if {
- Events_B := utils.FilterEvents(LogEvents, SettingName, TopLevelOU)
- count(Events_B) == 0
-default NoSuchEvent1_4(_) := false
-GetFriendlyValue1_4(Value_A, Value_B, AcceptableValues_A, AcceptableValues_B) :=
-"External Sharing is Disabled" if {
- Value_B in AcceptableValues_B
-} else := concat("", ["External sharing is enabled ",
- "but sharing items to non-google accounts is disabled"]) if {
- Value_A in AcceptableValues_A
-} else := "External sharing is enabled and items can be shared to non-google accounts"
-NonCompliantOUs1_4 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_4(LastEvent_A.NewValue,
- LastEvent_B.NewValue, AcceptableValues_A, AcceptableValues_B)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_INVITES_TO_NON_GOOGLE_ACCOUNTS", OU)
- count(Events_A) > 0
- LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
- Events_B := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", OU)
- count(Events_B) > 0
- LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
- AcceptableValues_A := {"NOT_ALLOWED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"}
- not LastEvent_A.NewValue in AcceptableValues_A
- not LastEvent_B.NewValue in AcceptableValues_B
-NonCompliantGroups1_4 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_4(LastEvent_A.NewValue, LastEvent_B.NewValue,
- AcceptableValues_A, AcceptableValues_B)
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events_A := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_INVITES_TO_NON_GOOGLE_ACCOUNTS", Group)
- count(Events_A) > 0
- LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
- Events_B := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_OUTSIDE_DOMAIN", Group)
- count(Events_B) > 0
- LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
- AcceptableValues_A := {"NOT_ALLOWED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"}
- not LastEvent_A.NewValue in AcceptableValues_A
- not LastEvent_B.NewValue in AcceptableValues_B
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- NoSuchEvent1_4(utils.TopLevelOU)
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_4, NonCompliantGroups1_4),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_4,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_4},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- not NoSuchEvent1_4(utils.TopLevelOU)
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_4) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_4) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs1_5 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Published web content can be made visible to anyone with a link"
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "PUBLISHING_TO_WEB", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("ALLOWED", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
-NonCompliantGroups1_5 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "Published web content can be made visible to anyone with a link"
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "PUBLISHING_TO_WEB", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("ALLOWED", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "PUBLISHING_TO_WEB", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_5, NonCompliantGroups1_5),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_5,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_5},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "PUBLISHING_TO_WEB", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_5) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_5) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_6(Value) :=
-"Recipients only, suggested target audience, or public (no Google account required)" if {
- Value == "ALL"
-} else := "Recipients only, or suggested target audience" if {
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_6 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["Access Checker allows users to share files to ",
- GetFriendlyValue1_6(LastEvent.NewValue)])
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_ACCESS_CHECKER_OPTIONS", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-NonCompliantGroups1_6 contains {
- "Name":Group,
- "Value": concat("", ["Access Checker allows users to share files to ",
- GetFriendlyValue1_6(LastEvent.NewValue)])
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_ACCESS_CHECKER_OPTIONS", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_ACCESS_CHECKER_OPTIONS",utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_6, NonCompliantGroups1_6),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_6,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_6},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_ACCESS_CHECKER_OPTIONS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_6) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_6) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_7(Value):= "Setting is compliant." if {
-} else := "Only users inside the organization can distribute content outside of the organization" if {
-} else := "Anyone can distribute content in the organization to outside the organization" if {
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_7 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_7(LastEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_TEAM_DRIVE_CROSS_DOMAIN_OPTIONS", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains(SettingValue, LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-NonCompliantGroups1_7 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_7(LastEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "SHARING_TEAM_DRIVE_CROSS_DOMAIN_OPTIONS", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains(SettingValue, LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_TEAM_DRIVE_CROSS_DOMAIN_OPTIONS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_7, NonCompliantGroups1_7),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_7, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_7},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SHARING_TEAM_DRIVE_CROSS_DOMAIN_OPTIONS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_7) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_7) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_8(Value):= "private to the owner." if {
- Value == "PRIVATE"
-} else := "The primary target audience can access the item if they have the link" if {
-} else := "The primary target audience can search and find the item." if {
- Value == "PUBLIC"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_8 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["When users create items, the default access is set to: ",
- GetFriendlyValue1_8(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "DEFAULT_LINK_SHARING_FOR_NEW_DOCS", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "PRIVATE"
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-NonCompliantGroups1_8 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": concat("", ["When users create items, the default access is set to: ",
- GetFriendlyValue1_8(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "DEFAULT_LINK_SHARING_FOR_NEW_DOCS", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "PRIVATE"
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "DEFAULT_LINK_SHARING_FOR_NEW_DOCS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_8, NonCompliantGroups1_8),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_8, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_8},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "DEFAULT_LINK_SHARING_FOR_NEW_DOCS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_8) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_8) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Members with manager access can override shared drive settings."
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_admin_only", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-NonCompliantGroups2_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "Members with manager access can override shared drive settings."
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_admin_only", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_admin_only", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, NonCompliantGroups2_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_admin_only", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_1) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs2_2 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Users outside the organization can access files in shared drives"
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_cross_domain_access", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-NonCompliantGroups2_2 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "Users outside the organization can access files in shared drives"
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_cross_domain_access", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_cross_domain_access"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_2, NonCompliantGroups2_2),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_2, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_2},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_cross_domain_access"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_2) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_2) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs2_3 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "People who aren't shared drive members can be added to files"
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_direct_access", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-NonCompliantGroups2_3 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "People who aren't shared drive members can be added to files"
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_direct_access", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_direct_access"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_3, NonCompliantGroups2_3),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_3,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_3},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_direct_access"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_3) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_3) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs2_4 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Viewers and commenters are allowed to download, print, and copy files"
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_download", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("false", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
-NonCompliantGroups2_4 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "Viewers and commenters are allowed to download, print, and copy files"
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_download", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- contains("false", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_download", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_4, NonCompliantGroups2_4),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_4,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_4},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_download", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_4) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_4) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3
-NoSuchEvent3_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
- # No such event...
- SettingName := "Link Security Update Settings allow_less_secure_link_user_restore"
- Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, TopLevelOU)
- count(Events_A) == 0
-NoSuchEvent3_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
- # No such event...
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Link Security Update Settings less_secure_link_option", TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-default NoSuchEvent3_1(_) := false
-GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value_B, Value_A) :=
-"The security update is removed from all impacted files" if {
-else := "Users are allowed to remove/apply the security update for files they own or manage" if {
- Value_A == "true"
-NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent_B.NewValue, LastEvent_A.NewValue)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Link Security Update Settings allow_less_secure_link_user_restore", OU)
- count(Events_A) > 0
- LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
- Events_B := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "Link Security Update Settings less_secure_link_option", OU)
- count(Events_B) > 0
- LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
- true in {
- LastEvent_A.NewValue != "false",
- LastEvent_B.NewValue != "REMOVE_LESS_SECURE_LINKS"
- }
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- NoSuchEvent3_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
- "ActualValue" : {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- not NoSuchEvent3_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Drive SDK is enabled"
-if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DRIVE_APPS", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-NonCompliantGroups4_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "Drive SDK is enabled"
-} if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DRIVE_APPS", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DRIVE_APPS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, NonCompliantGroups4_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups4_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DRIVE_APPS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups4_1) == 0}
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3
-NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": "Users can install Google Docs add-ons from add-ons store."
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DOCS_ADD_ONS", OU)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-NonCompliantGroups5_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": "Users can install Google Docs add-ons from add-ons store."
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DOCS_ADD_ONS", Group)
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
- LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DOCS_ADD_ONS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, NonCompliantGroups5_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1,
- "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups5_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_DOCS_ADD_ONS", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups5_1) == 0 }
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
-# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue6_1(CompanyOnly, DesktopEnabled) :=
- "Drive for Desktop is enabled and can be used on any device." if {
- CompanyOnly == "false"
- DesktopEnabled == "true"
- }
- else := "Drive for Desktop is disabled" if {
- DesktopEnabled == "false"
- }
- else := "Drive for Desktop is enabled but only on approved devices." if {
- CompanyOnly == "true"
- DesktopEnabled == "true"
- }
-default NoSuchEvent6_1(_) := true
-NoSuchEvent6_1(TopLevelOU) := false if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "DriveFsSettingsProto drive_fs_enabled", TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) != 0
-NoSuchEvent6_1(TopLevelOU) := false if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "DriveFsSettingsProto company_owned_only_enabled", TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) != 0
-NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue, LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- DriveEnabledEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "DriveFsSettingsProto drive_fs_enabled", OU)
- count(DriveEnabledEvents) > 0
- LastDriveEnabledEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(DriveEnabledEvents)
- LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
- CompanyOnlyEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "DriveFsSettingsProto company_owned_only_enabled", OU)
- count(CompanyOnlyEvents) > 0
- LastCompanyOnlyEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(CompanyOnlyEvents)
- LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
- LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue == "true"
- LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "true"
- }
-NonCompliantGroups6_1 contains {
- "Name": Group,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue, LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- DriveEnabledEvents := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents,
- "DriveFsSettingsProto drive_fs_enabled", Group)
- count(DriveEnabledEvents) > 0
- LastDriveEnabledEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(DriveEnabledEvents)
- LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
- CompanyOnlyEvents := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents,
- "DriveFsSettingsProto company_owned_only_enabled", Group)
- count(CompanyOnlyEvents) > 0
- LastCompanyOnlyEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(CompanyOnlyEvents)
- LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
- LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue == "true"
- LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "true"
- }
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- NoSuchEvent6_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_1, NonCompliantGroups6_1),
- "ActualValue" : {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups6_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- not NoSuchEvent6_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs6_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups6_1) == 0}
- Status := (false in Conditions) == false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rego/Groups.rego b/rego/Groups.rego
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad17ded..00000000
--- a/rego/Groups.rego
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-package groups
-import data.utils
-import future.keywords
-LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("groups_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) :=
-"disabled" if {
- Value == "CLOSED"
-} else := "enabled" if {
- Value == "OPEN"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["Group access from outside the organization is ",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto collaboration_policy", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "CLOSED"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto collaboration_policy", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto collaboration_policy", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) :=
-"Group owners have the ability to add external members to the group" if {
- Value != "false"
-} else := concat("", ["Group owners do not have the ability to ",
- "add external members to the group"]) if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_external_members"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_external_members"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs":NonCompliantOUs2_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_external_members"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := concat("", ["Group owners have the ability to allow an ",
- "external non-group member to post to the group"]) if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := concat("", ["Group owners do not have the ability to allow an ",
- "external non-group member to post to the group"]) if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_incoming_mail_from_public", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_incoming_mail_from_public"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_incoming_mail_from_public"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) :=
-"Anyone in the organization can create groups" if {
- Value == "USERS_IN_DOMAIN"
-} else := "Anyone on the internet can create groups" if {
- Value == "WORLD"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
-} if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto who_can_create_groups", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "ADMIN_ONLY"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails":utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto who_can_create_groups", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto who_can_create_groups", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3
-GetFriendlyValue5_1(Value) := "owners"
- if {
- Value == "OWNERS"
-} else := "managers" if {
- Value == "MANAGERS"
-} else := "domain users" if {
- Value == "DOMAIN_USERS"
-} else := "anyone on the internet" if {
- Value == "PUBLIC"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["Permission to view conversations is set to ", GetFriendlyValue5_1(LastEvent.NewValue)])
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto default_view_topics_access_level", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "MEMBERS"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto default_view_topics_access_level"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- SettingName := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto default_view_topics_access_level"
- Events := utils.FilterEvents(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3
-CheckGroups6_1Compliance(Events, OUs) := true if {
- Groups := utils.FilterEventsOU(Events, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Groups) > 0
- count(OUs) == 0
-else := false
-GetFriendlyValue6_1(Value) := "Groups can be hidden from the directory" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "Groups cannot be hidden from the directory" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
-NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
- "Name": OU,
- "Value": GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- } if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups", OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
- "ActualValue":"No relevant event in the current logs",
- "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-if {
- DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails":utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_1, []),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_1},
- "RequirementMet": Status,
- "NoSuchEvent": false
-if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Status := count(NonCompliantOUs6_1) == 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 721ead48..8c6fc23a 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+# This package is used for software development and is not needed by
+# the Scubagoggles users:
+# There are many Python versions for users to install for ScubaGoggles, and
+# because of this, it is too restrictive to limit versions of the dependent
+# packages to an exact version (using ==). One package version might not be
+# available in a version of Python, but a subsequent package version is
+# and will work just fine. We have already run into user support issues
+# because of this. By requiring a minimum version (using >=), we
+# are requiring a version that we support and any subsequent version - this
+# gives users much more flexibility in their Python environments.
+# Any changes to this package dependency list MUST also be reflected in the
+# pyproject.toml file.
+# These packages are the minimum required versions for running Scubagoggles:
diff --git a/scuba.py b/scuba.py
index 0cc13df9..19bacfbb 100644
--- a/scuba.py
+++ b/scuba.py
@@ -6,18 +6,7 @@
-# lets us import files from the scubagoggles folder
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(1, './scubagoggles')
-# However, pylint doesn't like this
-from scubagoggles.main import dive # pylint: disable=import-error wrong-import-position
-def main():
- """
- """
- dive()
+from scubagoggles.main import dive
if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ dive()
diff --git a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/README.md b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/README.md
similarity index 95%
rename from Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/README.md
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/README.md
index 268b6179..c1829a23 100644
--- a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/README.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/README.md
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ This README outlines the ScubaGoggles software test automation structure and its
- [Running Remotely via GitHub Actions](#running-remotely-via-github-actions)
- [Adding New Tests](#adding-new-tests)
-## Smoke Testing Prerequisites ##
+## Smoke Testing Prerequisites ##
Running the ScubaGoggles functional smoke tests requires a Windows, MacOS, or Linux computer or VM. The development environment should have Python v3.10.x installed at a minimum ([refer to our installing Python dependencies documentation if its not already installed](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/docs/installation/DownloadAndInstall.md#installing-python-dependencies)), Pytest, and Selenium installed locally.
-### Pytest and Selenium ###
+### Pytest and Selenium ###
Pytest is a Python testing framework which is commonly used for unit, integration, and functional testing. ([Pytest Get Started](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/getting-started.html))
Selenium supports automation of all the major browsers in the market through the use of WebDriver. ([Selenium Get Started](https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/getting_started/))
@@ -42,27 +42,27 @@ Take note of the `subjectemail`, the email used to authenticate with GWS that ha
## Functional Smoke Testing Structure ##
ScubaGoggles functional smoke testing has two main components: the smoke testing orchestrator and the automated workflow run via GitHub Actions.
-### Smoke Testing Classes and Methods ###
+### Smoke Testing Classes and Methods ###
The smoke testing orchestrator ([/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py)) executes each test declared inside the `SmokeTest` class. The tests currently cover:
- if the `scubagoggles gws` command generates valid output for all baselines
- if ScubaResults.json contains API errors or exceptions
-- if the generated baseline reports, i.e. BaselineReports.html, CalendarReport.html, ChatReport.html, etc., contain valid content and all links redirect accordingly
+- if the generated baseline reports, i.e. BaselineReports.html, CalendarReport.html, ChatReport.html, etc., contain valid content and all links redirect accordingly
The smoke testing utils ([/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py)) stores helper methods which perform various operations.
The Selenium Browser class ([/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py)) encapsulates the setup, usage, and teardown of Selenium WebDriver instances.
-The Pytest configuration methods ([/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/conftest.py](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/Testing/Functional/conftest.py)) declare various Pytest fixtures, allowing for the use of CLI arguments when invoking the Pytest command.
+The Pytest configuration methods ([/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/conftest.py](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/Testing/Functional/conftest.py)) declare various Pytest fixtures, allowing for the use of CLI arguments when invoking the Pytest command.
-### Automated Workflow via GitHub Actions ###
+### Automated Workflow via GitHub Actions ###
The automated workflow for running the functional smoke tests ([/.github/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/blob/main/.github/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml)) is triggered on `push` events to the main branch, `pull_request` events when a pull request is opened/reopened/reviewed, and manually with custom user input via workflow_dispatch.
-## Functional Smoke Testing Usage ##
+## Functional Smoke Testing Usage ##
After completing all of the prerequisite steps, the functional smoke tests can be run in a local development environment or remotely via GitHub Actions.
-### Running in a Local Development Environment ###
+### Running in a Local Development Environment ###
-> Ensure that you have correctly setup a Google service account and that the `credentials.json` stored at the root directory of the ScubaGoggles project is up to date. If you haven't already, please refer back to the [prerequisite step on Google Service Accounts](#google-service-account) for how to setup before proceeding.
+> Ensure that you have correctly setup a Google service account and that the `credentials.json` stored at the root directory of the ScubaGoggles project is up to date. If you haven't already, please refer back to the [prerequisite step on Google Service Accounts](#google-service-account) for how to setup before proceeding.
The following arguments are required when running the functional smoke tests:
- `--subjectemail="user@domain.com"` (the email used to authenticate with GWS, must have necessary administrator permissions)
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ Common Pytest parameters and their use cases:
Run `pytest -h` for a full list of CLI options or [learn more about Pytest usage here.](https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/usage.html)
-### Running Remotely via GitHub Actions ###
-Go to the [run_smoke_test.yml workflow](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/actions/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml) in the GitHub Actions tab, then click the "Run workflow" dropdown button.
+### Running Remotely via GitHub Actions ###
+Go to the [run_smoke_test.yml workflow](https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/actions/workflows/run_smoke_test.yml) in the GitHub Actions tab, then click the "Run workflow" dropdown button.
The default values are the following:
- ref branch: `main` but can be set to any branch
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ Feel free to play around with the inputs then click the "Run workflow" button wh
Some factors to consider:
- Each input is required so an empty string will fail validation. `[]`, `['']`, `['', ]` may also cause the workflow to error out, although this is expected behavior.
-- `ubuntu-latest` has not been tested as a value for operating system. Support can be added for this, although its dependent on if this is something we want to test for ScubaGoggles as a whole.
-- Python versions <3.10.x are not supported and will cause the smoke test workflow to fail.
+- `ubuntu-latest` has not been tested as a value for operating system. Support can be added for this, although its dependent on if this is something we want to test for ScubaGoggles as a whole.
+- Python versions <3.10.x are not supported and will cause the smoke test workflow to fail.
- [Due to the lack of an array input type from GitHub](https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/11692), the required format is an array of strings for the operating system and python version inputs. This is something to capture as a future todo once arrays are available.
## Adding New Tests ##
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class SmokeTest:
def test_scubagoggles_execution(self, subjectemail):
Test if the `scubagoggles gws` command succeeds or fails.
subjectemail: The email address of an admin user who created the service account
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/requirements.txt b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d48c27c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# These packages are only required for the functional smoke testing
diff --git a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py
similarity index 62%
rename from Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py
index d3ffbc74..528ad086 100644
--- a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/selenium_browser.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-selenium_browser.py declares a Browser class for use in ScubaGoggles testing.
+selenium_browser.py declares a Browser class for use in ScubaGoggles testing.
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
class Browser:
The Browser class encapsulates the setup, usage, and teardown of a
@@ -12,10 +13,10 @@ class Browser:
def __init__(self):
chrome_options = Options()
- chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")
- chrome_options.add_argument("--window-size=1200,800")
- chrome_options.add_argument("--no-sandbox")
- chrome_options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage")
+ chrome_options.add_argument('--headless')
+ chrome_options.add_argument('--window-size=1200,800')
+ chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox')
+ chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage')
self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
@@ -30,16 +31,16 @@ def get(self, url):
def quit(self):
- Quits the driver, closing every associated window.
+ Quits the driver, closing every associated window.
def find_element(self, by, value):
- Find the first WebElement using the given method.
- This method is affected by the 'implicit wait' times in force at the time and execution.
- The find_element(...) invocation will return a matching row, or try again repeatedly
- until the configured timeout is reached.
+ Find the first WebElement using the given method. This method is
+ affected by the 'implicit wait' times in force at the time and
+ execution. The find_element(...) invocation will return a matching
+ row, or try again repeatedly until the configured timeout is reached.
by: The locating mechanism to use, i.e. By.CLASS_NAME, By.TAG_NAME
@@ -52,23 +53,26 @@ def find_element(self, by, value):
def find_elements(self, by, value):
- Find all WebElements within the current page.
- This method is affected by the 'implicit wait' times in force at the time and execution.
- The find_elements(...) invocation will return as soon as there are more than 0 items in
- the found collection, or will return an empty list of the timeout is reached.
+ Find all WebElements within the current page. This method is affected
+ by the 'implicit wait' times in force at the time and execution. The
+ find_elements(...) invocation will return as soon as there are more
+ than 0 items in the found collection, or will return an empty list of
+ the timeout is reached.
by: The locating mechanism to use, i.e. By.CLASS_NAME, By.TAG_NAME
value: The locator, i.e. "h1", "header"
- WebElement: A list of all matching WebElements, or an empty list if nothing matches
+ WebElement: A list of all matching WebElements, or an empty list
+ if nothing matches
return self.driver.find_elements(by, value)
def current_url(self):
- Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at.
+ Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking
+ at.
The URL of the page currently loaded in the browser
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..296d6f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+smoke_test.py declares a SmokeTest class for ScubaGoggles automation testing.
+import subprocess
+import pytest
+from smoke_test_utils import (get_output_path,
+ get_required_entries,
+ run_selenium,
+ sample_report_dir,
+ top_report_url,
+ verify_all_outputs_exist,
+ verify_output_type,
+ verify_scubaresults)
+class SmokeTest:
+ """
+ Pytest class to encapsulate the following test cases:
+ - Generate the correct output files (BaselineReports.html,
+ ScubaResults.json, etc)
+ - Check the content of html files, verify href attributes are
+ correct, etc
+ - Check if ScubaResults.json contains errors in the summary. If errors
+ exist, then either API calls or functions produced exceptions which
+ need to be handled
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def test_scubagoggles_output(subjectemail: str):
+ """
+ Test if the `scubagoggles gws` command generates correct output for
+ all baselines.
+ Args:
+ subjectemail: The email address of a user for the service account.
+ If None (or the empty string), the user's OAuth credentials are
+ used instead.
+ """
+ svc_account_option = (f' --subjectemail {subjectemail}' if subjectemail
+ else '')
+ command = f'scubagoggles gws{svc_account_option} --quiet'
+ try:
+ subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True)
+ output_path = get_output_path()
+ output: list = verify_output_type(output_path, [])
+ report_dir = sample_report_dir()
+ required_entries = get_required_entries(report_dir, [])
+ verify_all_outputs_exist(output, required_entries)
+ except (OSError, ValueError, Exception) as e:
+ pytest.fail(f'An error occurred, {e}')
+ @staticmethod
+ def test_scubaresults():
+ """
+ Determine if ScubaResults.json contains API errors or exceptions.
+ """
+ try:
+ output_path = get_output_path()
+ verify_scubaresults(output_path)
+ except (ValueError, Exception) as e:
+ pytest.fail(f'An error occurred, {e}')
+ @staticmethod
+ def test_scubagoggles_report(browser, customerdomain):
+ """
+ Test if the generated baseline reports are correct,
+ i.e. BaselineReports.html, CalendarReport.html, ChatReport.html
+ """
+ try:
+ output_path = get_output_path()
+ report_path: str = top_report_url(output_path)
+ browser.get(report_path)
+ run_selenium(browser, customerdomain)
+ except (ValueError, AssertionError, Exception) as e:
+ browser.quit()
+ pytest.fail(f'An error occurred, {e}')
diff --git a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py
similarity index 52%
rename from Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py
index f90ed528..6cbfb75c 100644
--- a/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/SmokeTests/smoke_test_utils.py
@@ -1,21 +1,28 @@
-Helper methods for running the functional smoke tests.
+Helper methods for running the functional smoke tests.
import os
import json
+from operator import itemgetter
+from pathlib import Path
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions
from scubagoggles.orchestrator import Orchestrator
-from scubagoggles.utils import get_package_version
+from scubagoggles.config import UserConfig
+from scubagoggles.user_setup import default_file_names
+from scubagoggles.version import Version
+OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = 'GWSBaselineConformance'
+BASELINE_REPORT_H1 = 'SCuBA GWS Secure Configuration Baseline Reports'
+CISA_GOV_URL = 'https://www.cisa.gov/scuba'
+SCUBAGOGGLES_BASELINES_URL = 'https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/tree/main/baselines'
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "GWSBaselineConformance"
-BASELINE_REPORT_H1 = "SCuBA GWS Secure Configuration Baseline Reports"
-CISA_GOV_URL = "https://www.cisa.gov/scuba"
-SCUBAGOGGLES_BASELINES_URL = "https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGoggles/tree/main/baselines"
-def get_output_path() -> str:
+def get_output_path() -> Path:
Get the latest output directory created by `scubagoggles gws`.
The default name is "GWSBaselineConformance_.
@@ -23,12 +30,17 @@ def get_output_path() -> str:
str: The path to the latest output directory
- directories: list = [
- d for d in os.listdir()
- if os.path.isdir(d) and d.startswith(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
- ]
- directories.sort(key=os.path.getctime, reverse=True)
- return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), directories[0])
+ config = UserConfig()
+ output_dir = config.output_dir
+ dir_pattern = f'{default_file_names.output_folder_name}*'
+ directories = [(d, d.stat().st_ctime)
+ for d in output_dir.glob(dir_pattern)]
+ directories.sort(key = itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
+ return directories[0][0]
def prepend_file_protocol(path: str) -> str:
@@ -37,46 +49,81 @@ def prepend_file_protocol(path: str) -> str:
str: Path to a file with the local filesystem prepended
- if not path.startswith("file://"):
- path = "file://" + path
+ if not path.startswith('file://'):
+ path = 'file://' + path
return path
-def verify_output_type(output_path: str, output: list) -> list:
+def verify_output_type(output_path: Path, output: list) -> list:
Checks if the output generated from `scubagoggles` creates the correct output.
- Validate files/directories and catch invalid json.
+ Validate files/directories and catch invalid json.
output_path: The output path, i.e. "GWSBaselineConformance_"
output: Initialized as an empty list
list: All output file and directory names
- entries: list = os.listdir(output_path)
- for entry in entries:
+ for entry in output_path.iterdir():
# Check if entry is a valid directory or file
# If a valid directory, then recurse
- child_path: str = os.path.join(output_path, entry)
- if os.path.isdir(child_path):
+ if entry.is_dir():
assert True
- verify_output_type(child_path, output)
- elif os.path.isfile(child_path):
+ verify_output_type(entry, output)
+ elif os.path.isfile(entry):
# Check for valid json
- if child_path.endswith(".json"):
+ if entry.suffix.lower() == '.json':
- with open(child_path, encoding="utf-8") as jsonfile:
+ with entry.open(encoding = 'utf-8') as jsonfile:
except ValueError as e:
- raise ValueError(f"{child_path} contains invalid json") from e
+ raise ValueError(f'{entry} contains invalid json') from e
assert True
- raise OSError("Entry is not a directory or file (symlink, etc.)")
+ raise OSError('Entry is not a directory or file (symlink, etc.)')
return output
+def sample_report_dir() -> Path:
+ """Returns the location of the ScubaGoggles sample report directory. It's
+ assumed that this directory located up the directory hierarchy where this
+ script is located.
+ :return: Path pointing to the sample report directory.
+ """
+ current_dir = Path(__file__).parent
+ while current_dir.anchor != str(current_dir):
+ report_path = current_dir / 'sample-report'
+ if report_path.is_dir():
+ return report_path
+ current_dir = current_dir.parent
+ raise NotADirectoryError('? sample report directory missing')
+def top_report_url(output_path: Path) -> str:
+ """Returns the URL for the top-level HTML ScubaGoggles baseline report,
+ given the output directory from a conformance run.
+ :param Path output_path: ScubaGoggles output directory
+ :return: local (file://) URL for the top-level HTML report.
+ """
+ report_path = output_path / f'{default_file_names.report_output_name}.html'
+ return prepend_file_protocol(str(report_path))
def get_required_entries(sample_report, required_entries) -> list:
From the "sample-report" directory, add all file and directory names
@@ -86,17 +133,18 @@ def get_required_entries(sample_report, required_entries) -> list:
sample_report: Path where "sample-report" is located in the project
required_entries: Initialized as an empty list
list: All required file and directory names
- with os.scandir(sample_report) as entries:
- for entry in entries:
- required_entries.append(entry.name)
- if entry.is_dir():
- get_required_entries(entry.path, required_entries)
+ for entry in sample_report.iterdir():
+ required_entries.append(entry.name)
+ if entry.is_dir():
+ get_required_entries(entry, required_entries)
return required_entries
def verify_all_outputs_exist(output: list, required_entries: list):
Verify all files and directories are created after running `scubagoggles gws`.
@@ -105,25 +153,32 @@ def verify_all_outputs_exist(output: list, required_entries: list):
output: a list of all files and directories generated by `scubagoggles gws`
required_entries: a list of all required file and directory names
+ output_names = {entry.name for entry in output}
for required_entry in required_entries:
- if required_entry in output:
+ if required_entry in output_names:
assert True
- raise ValueError(f"{required_entry} was not found in the generated report")
+ raise ValueError(f'{required_entry} was not found in the generated report')
-def verify_scubaresults(jsonfile):
+def verify_scubaresults(output_path: Path):
Verify "ScubaResults.json" is valid, and check if any errors
are displayed in the reports.
- jsonfile: Path to a json file
+ output_path: ScubaGoggles output directory containing the results JSON
+ file.
- scubaresults = json.load(jsonfile)
- summaries = scubaresults["Summary"]
+ results_path = output_path / f'{default_file_names.json_output_name}.json'
+ with results_path.open(encoding = 'utf-8') as jsonfile:
+ scubaresults = json.load(jsonfile)
+ summaries = scubaresults['Summary']
for product, summary in summaries.items():
- if summary["Errors"] != 0:
- raise ValueError(f"{product} contains errors in the report")
+ if summary['Errors'] != 0:
+ raise ValueError(f'{product} contains errors in the report')
def run_selenium(browser, customerdomain):
@@ -134,13 +189,13 @@ def run_selenium(browser, customerdomain):
customerdomain: The customer domain
- h1 = browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "h1").text
+ h1 = browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'h1').text
assert h1 == BASELINE_REPORT_H1
gws_products = Orchestrator.gws_products()
products = {
- product: { "title": f"{product} Baseline Report" }
- for product in gws_products["prod_to_fullname"].values()
+ product: { 'title': f'{product} Baseline Report' }
+ for product in gws_products['prod_to_fullname'].values()
# Before entering loop check that we actually display 10 rows in table
@@ -154,61 +209,62 @@ def run_selenium(browser, customerdomain):
verify_tenant_table(browser, customerdomain, True)
reports_table = get_reports_table(browser)[i]
- baseline_report = reports_table.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")[0]
+ baseline_report = reports_table.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'td')[0]
product = baseline_report.text
assert product in products
- individual_report_anchor = baseline_report.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
- individual_report_anchor_href = individual_report_anchor.get_attribute("href")
+ individual_report_anchor = baseline_report.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'a')
+ individual_report_anchor_href = individual_report_anchor.get_attribute('href')
current_url = browser.current_url()
assert individual_report_anchor_href == current_url
# Check at the individual report level
- h1 = browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "h1").text
- assert h1 == products[product]["title"]
+ h1 = browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'h1').text
+ assert h1 == products[product]['title']
# Check if customerdomain and tool version are present in individual report
verify_tenant_table(browser, customerdomain, False)
- policy_tables = browser.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "table")
+ policy_tables = browser.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'table')
for table in policy_tables[1:]:
# Verify policy table headers are correct
headers = (
- table.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "thead")
- .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")[0]
- .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "th")
+ table.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'thead')
+ .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'tr')[0]
+ .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'th')
assert len(headers) == 5
- assert headers[0].text == "Control ID"
- assert headers[1].text in "Requirements" or headers[1].text in "Rule Name"
- assert headers[2].text == "Result"
- assert headers[3].text == "Criticality"
- assert headers[4].text in "Details" or headers[4].text in "Rule Description"
+ assert headers[0].text == 'Control ID'
+ assert headers[1].text in 'Requirements' or headers[1].text in 'Rule Name'
+ assert headers[2].text == 'Result'
+ assert headers[3].text == 'Criticality'
+ assert headers[4].text in 'Details' or headers[4].text in 'Rule Description'
# Verify policy table rows are populated
- tbody = table.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "tbody")
- rows = tbody.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")
+ tbody = table.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'tbody')
+ rows = tbody.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'tr')
assert len(rows) > 0
parent_report_anchor = (
- browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "header")
- .find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
+ browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'header')
+ .find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'a')
- parent_report_anchor_href = parent_report_anchor.get_attribute("href")
+ parent_report_anchor_href = parent_report_anchor.get_attribute('href')
current_url = browser.current_url()
assert parent_report_anchor_href == current_url
WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until(
- (By.TAG_NAME, "body")
+ (By.TAG_NAME, 'body')
- raise ValueError("Expected the reports table to have a length of 10")
+ raise ValueError('Expected the reports table to have a length of 10')
def verify_navigation_links(browser):
@@ -218,12 +274,13 @@ def verify_navigation_links(browser):
browser: A Selenium WebDriver instance
links = (
- browser.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "links")
- .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "a")
+ browser.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'links')
+ .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'a')
if len(links) == 2:
- assert links[0].get_attribute("href") == CISA_GOV_URL
- assert links[1].get_attribute("href") == SCUBAGOGGLES_BASELINES_URL
+ assert links[0].get_attribute('href') == CISA_GOV_URL
+ assert links[1].get_attribute('href') == SCUBAGOGGLES_BASELINES_URL
def get_reports_table(browser):
@@ -234,9 +291,9 @@ def get_reports_table(browser):
browser: A Selenium WebDriver instance
return (
- browser.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "table")[1]
- .find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "tbody")
- .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")
+ browser.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'table')[1]
+ .find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'tbody')
+ .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'tr')
def verify_tenant_table(browser, customerdomain, parent):
@@ -250,19 +307,18 @@ def verify_tenant_table(browser, customerdomain, parent):
parent: boolean to determine parent/individual reports
tenant_table_rows = (
- browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "table")
- .find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "tbody")
- .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "tr")
+ browser.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'table')
+ .find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'tbody')
+ .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'tr')
assert len(tenant_table_rows) == 2
- domain = tenant_table_rows[1].find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")[0].text
+ domain = tenant_table_rows[1].find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'td')[0].text
assert domain == customerdomain
if not parent:
# Check for correct tool version, e.g. 0.2.0
- version = get_package_version("scubagoggles")
- tool_version = tenant_table_rows[1].find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "td")[3].text
- assert version == tool_version
+ tool_version = tenant_table_rows[1].find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'td')[3].text
+ assert tool_version == Version.current
# Baseline version should also be checked in this method
# Add as an additional todo
diff --git a/Testing/Functional/conftest.py b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/conftest.py
similarity index 99%
rename from Testing/Functional/conftest.py
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/conftest.py
index f84c2a62..71746ba6 100644
--- a/Testing/Functional/conftest.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/Functional/conftest.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import pytest
from SmokeTests.selenium_browser import Browser
def pytest_addoption(parser):
Add custom cli arguments when running `pytest`.
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--subjectemail", action="store")
parser.addoption("--customerdomain", action="store")
def subjectemail(pytestconfig):
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ def subjectemail(pytestconfig):
return pytestconfig.getoption("subjectemail")
def customerdomain(pytestconfig):
@@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ def customerdomain(pytestconfig):
return pytestconfig.getoption("customerdomain")
def browser():
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar01_test.rego
similarity index 74%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar01_test.rego
index 444e0d8a..702e7cd7 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar01_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
package calendar
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestBothNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V1 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +33,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V2 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -66,16 +69,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V3 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -106,16 +105,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V4 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there's multiple OUs, and an older event is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -157,16 +152,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V5 if {
# Test external sharing for primary, inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -208,16 +199,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V6 if {
# Test group
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -249,16 +236,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Correct_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -278,20 +261,12 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -311,18 +286,14 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to ",
- "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -353,19 +324,15 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to ",
- "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when there is no event for the Top-level OU
# but there is one for a different OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -385,21 +352,13 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test external sharing for primary calendars when the Top-Level OU is compliant,
# but a secondary OU is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -430,18 +389,14 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to ",
- "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test: top-level OU is compliant but a group is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -473,18 +428,15 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following groups are non-compliant:- group1@example.com: ",
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to ",
- "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars
+ Value := "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars"
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group1@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(Value)}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V if {
# Test: top-level OU and a group are non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -516,25 +468,22 @@ test_ExtSharingPrimaryCal_Incorrect_V if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to ",
- "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars
- "The following groups are non-compliant:- group1@example.com: ",
- "External sharing options for primary calendars is set to ",
- "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars
+ Value := "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars"
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(Value)}]
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group1@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(Value)}]
+ FailTestBothNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU, failedGroup)
-# GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3
test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Correct_V1 if {
# Test external sharing for secondary calendars when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -554,19 +503,12 @@ test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "Requirement met.
- "Highest Level of Sharing: Only free/busy information (hide event details)."
- ])
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Correct_V2 if {
# Test external sharing for secondary calendars when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -597,19 +539,12 @@ test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "Requirement met.
- "Highest Level of Sharing: Only free/busy information (hide event details)."
- ])
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test external sharing for secondary calendars when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -629,20 +564,12 @@ test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test external sharing for secondary calendars when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -662,20 +589,14 @@ test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "Requirement not met.
- "Highest Level of Sharing: Secondary Calendars Share all information,",
- " but outsiders cannot change calendars."
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test external sharing for secondary calendars when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -706,15 +627,8 @@ test_ExtSharingSecondaryCal_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "Requirement not met.
- "Highest Level of Sharing: Secondary Calendars Share all information,",
- " but outsiders cannot change calendars."
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar02_test.rego
similarity index 75%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar02_test.rego
index 6a25aba8..b5e85b4f 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar02_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
package calendar
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestBothNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# Policy 1
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V1 if {
# Test external invitations warnings when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +32,12 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V2 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -66,16 +68,12 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V3 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -106,16 +104,12 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V4 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there's multiple OUs, and an older event is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -157,16 +151,12 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -186,20 +176,12 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -219,18 +201,14 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled.
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -261,19 +239,14 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- ",
- "Test Top-Level OU: External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled.
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test external invitations warning when there is no event for the Top-level OU but there is one for a different OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -293,20 +266,12 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test external invitations warning when the Top-Level OU is compliant, but a secondary OU is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -337,18 +302,14 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Secondary OU: ",
- "External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test ou and group
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -380,14 +341,10 @@ test_ExtInvitationsWarning_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("",["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled.
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- group1@example.com: ",
- "External Sharing Guest Prompt is disabled.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("disabled")}]
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group1@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestBothNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU, failedGroup)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar03_test.rego
similarity index 76%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar03_test.rego
index 0c50e688..fa01ac37 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar03_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package calendar
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# Policy 1
test_CalInteropMan_Correct_V1 if {
# Test calendar interop management when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,17 +31,12 @@ test_CalInteropMan_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "Requirement met."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CalInteropMan_Correct_V2 if {
# Test calendar interop management when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -68,17 +67,12 @@ test_CalInteropMan_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "Requirement met."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CalInteropMan_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test calendar interop management when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -98,20 +92,12 @@ test_CalInteropMan_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_CalInteropMan_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test calendar interop management when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -131,16 +117,14 @@ test_CalInteropMan_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement not met."
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CalInteropMan_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test calendar interop management when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -171,21 +155,19 @@ test_CalInteropMan_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement not met."
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.CALENDAR.3.2v0.3
test_OAuth_Correct_V1 if {
# Not-Implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.3.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_2
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -200,4 +182,4 @@ test_OAuth_Correct_V1 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar04_test.rego
similarity index 72%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar04_test.rego
index 6304847e..8d38c828 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar04_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package calendar
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +29,12 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +63,12 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,16 +97,12 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,20 +121,12 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,17 +145,14 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Paid calendar appointments are enabled.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -200,17 +181,14 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Paid calendar appointments are enabled.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -229,17 +207,14 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Paid calendar appointments are enabled.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Calendar Appointment Slot when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CALENDAR.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"calendar_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,11 +243,8 @@ test_CalendarAppointmentSlot_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Paid calendar appointments are enabled.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1feebde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package calendar
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCalendarApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_primary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing": {
+ "maxAllowedExternalSharing": "EXTERNAL_FREE_BUSY_ONLY"},
+ "calendar_secondary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing": {
+ "maxAllowedExternalSharing": "EXTERNAL_FREE_BUSY_ONLY"},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "calendar_primary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing": {
+ "maxAllowedExternalSharing": "EXTERNAL_ALL_INFO_READ_WRITE"},
+ "calendar_secondary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing": {
+ "maxAllowedExternalSharing": "EXTERNAL_ALL_INFO_READ_WRITE_MANAGE"},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCalendarApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_primary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing": {
+ "maxAllowedExternalSharing": "EXTERNAL_ALL_INFO_READ_WRITE"},
+ "calendar_secondary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing": {
+ "maxAllowedExternalSharing": "EXTERNAL_ALL_INFO_READ_WRITE_MANAGE"},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CalendarAPI_PrimaryShare_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCalendarApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CalendarAPI_PrimaryShare_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCalendarApi01
+ failedMsgValue := GetFriendlyValue1_1("EXTERNAL_ALL_INFO_READ_WRITE")
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(failedMsgValue)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_CalendarAPI_SecondaryShare_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCalendarApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CalendarAPI_SecondaryShare_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadCalendarApi01
+ failedMsgValue := GetFriendlyValue1_2("EXTERNAL_ALL_INFO_READ_WRITE_MANAGE")
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(failedMsgValue)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api02_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b1f46b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api02_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package calendar
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCalendarApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_external_invitations": {"warnOnInvite": true},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "calendar_external_invitations": {"warnOnInvite": false},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCalendarApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_external_invitations": {"warnOnInvite": false},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CalendarAPI_WarnExternal_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCalendarApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CalendarAPI_WarnExternal_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCalendarApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api03_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9dc04c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api03_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package calendar
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCalendarApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_interoperability": {"enableInteroperability": false},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "calendar_interoperability": {"enableInteroperability": true},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCalendarApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_interoperability": {"enableInteroperability": true},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CalendarAPI_Interoperability_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCalendarApi03
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CalendarAPI_Interoperability_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCalendarApi03
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..522174c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/calendar/calendar_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package calendar
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCalendarApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_appointment_schedules": {"enablePayments": false},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "calendar_appointment_schedules": {"enablePayments": true},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCalendarApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "calendar_appointment_schedules": {"enablePayments": true},
+ "calendar_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CalendarAPI_Payments_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCalendarApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CalendarAPI_Payments_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CalendarId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCalendarApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("enabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat01_test.rego
similarity index 74%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat01_test.rego
index 9298d433..3e419310 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat01_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package chat
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+# GWS.CHAT.1.1
test_History_Correct_V1 if {
# Test history setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,17 +29,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Correct_V2 if {
# Test history setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,16 +63,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Correct_V3 if {
# Test history setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -102,16 +97,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Correct_V4 if {
# Test history setting when there's multiple OUs and an older event non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -150,16 +141,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Correct_V5 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -198,16 +185,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test history setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -226,20 +209,12 @@ test_History_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_History_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test history setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -258,17 +233,14 @@ test_History_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Default conversation history is set to History is OFF
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_History_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test history setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -297,17 +269,14 @@ test_History_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Default conversation history is set to History is OFF
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_History_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test history setting when there is no event for the Top-level OU but there is one for a different OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -326,21 +295,13 @@ test_History_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_History_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test history setting when the Top-level OU is compliant but a secondary OU is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -369,21 +330,18 @@ test_History_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Default conversation history is set to History is OFF
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.1.2
test_Change_History_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -405,16 +363,12 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Change_History_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -449,16 +403,12 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Change_History_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -506,16 +456,12 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -534,20 +480,12 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -569,17 +507,14 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Allow users to change their history setting is set to true
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -614,18 +549,15 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Allow users to change their history setting is set to true
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -660,18 +592,15 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Allow users to change their history setting is set to true
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -693,14 +622,6 @@ test_Change_History_Setting_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat02_test.rego
similarity index 74%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat02_test.rego
index 5f47a282..edadfd01 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat02_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package chat
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.2.1
test_External_File_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test users are not allowed to share files externally when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -28,17 +32,13 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_File_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test users are not allowed to share files externally when there's multiple events
# and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,16 +73,12 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_File_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test OU inheriting from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -130,16 +126,12 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -158,20 +150,12 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test all allowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -193,17 +177,14 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External filesharing is set to Allow all files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Allow all files")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test images allowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -225,17 +206,14 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External filesharing is set to Images only
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Images only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing allowed when there are multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -270,17 +248,14 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External filesharing is set to Allow all files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Allow all files")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test allowing images, multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -315,17 +290,14 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External filesharing is set to Images only
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Images only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test there's one event for a secondary OU but none for the primary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -347,20 +319,12 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -395,11 +359,8 @@ test_External_File_Sharing_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Some other OU: ",
- "External filesharing is set to Allow all files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Some other OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Allow all files")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat03_test.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat03_test.rego
index eefc42a7..5f3800ca 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat03_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package chat
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.3.1
test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
# Test space history setting when there's only one event - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +29,12 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
# Test space history setting when there's only one event - use case #2
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -53,16 +53,12 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
# Test space history setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -91,16 +87,12 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V4 if {
# Test space history setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct - use case #2
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,16 +121,12 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test space history setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -157,20 +145,12 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test space history setting when there's only one event and it's wrong - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -189,17 +169,14 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Conversation history settings for spaces is set to History is ALWAYS OFF
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ALWAYS OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test space history setting when there's only one event and it's wrong - use case #2
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -218,17 +195,14 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Conversation history settings for spaces is set to History is OFF by default
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("OFF by default")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test space history setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -257,17 +231,14 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Conversation history settings for spaces is set to History is OFF by default
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("OFF by default")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test space history setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong - use case #2
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -296,17 +267,14 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Conversation history settings for spaces is set to History is ALWAYS OFF
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ALWAYS OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test there's an event for a secondary OU but not the top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -325,20 +293,12 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -367,14 +327,10 @@ test_Space_History_Setting_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Some other OU: Conversation history settings for spaces is set to History is ALWAYS OFF
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Conversation history settings for spaces is set to History is ALWAYS OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Some other OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ALWAYS OFF")},
+ {"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ALWAYS OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat04_test.rego
similarity index 80%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat04_test.rego
index b48e0696..e096e713 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat04_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package chat
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.4.1
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there's only one event - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,16 +39,12 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there's only one event - use case #2
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,16 +73,12 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -131,16 +127,12 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V4 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct - use case #2
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -189,16 +181,12 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -217,20 +205,12 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -259,17 +239,14 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External chat is enabled for all domains
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "External chat is enabled for all domains"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test external chat sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong - use case #1
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -318,17 +295,14 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External chat is enabled for all domains
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "External chat is enabled for all domains"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test there's an event for a secondary OU but not the top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -357,20 +331,12 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -420,14 +386,10 @@ test_External_Chat_Sharing_Setting_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Some other OU: External chat is enabled for all domains
- "- Test Top-Level OU: External chat is enabled for all domains
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Some other OU",
+ "Value": "External chat is enabled for all domains"},
+ {"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "External chat is enabled for all domains"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat05_test.rego
similarity index 98%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat05_test.rego
index da530162..1ff7ddb3 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat05_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package chat
import future.keywords
-# GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.5.1
test_Enable_Correct_V1 if {
# Test correct 1 OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ test_Enable_Correct_V1 if {
test_Enable_Correct_V2 if {
# Test correct 2 OUs, child OU overrides top-level settings
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ test_Enable_Correct_V2 if {
test_Enable_Correct_V3 if {
# Test correct 2 OUs, child OU inherits
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ test_Enable_Correct_V3 if {
test_Enable_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test incorrect 1 OU, one conversation type is disabled
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ test_Enable_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Enable_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test incorrect 1 OU, spaces restricted
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ test_Enable_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Enable_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test correct 2 OUs, child OU overrides top-level settings
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ test_Enable_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_Enable_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test incorrect 1 OU, one setting is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -541,11 +541,11 @@ test_Enable_Incorrect_V4 if {
-# GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.5.2
test_Categories_Correct_V1 if {
# Test correct 1 OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ test_Categories_Correct_V1 if {
test_Categories_Correct_V2 if {
# Test correct, 2 OUs, child OU overrides
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ test_Categories_Correct_V2 if {
test_Categories_Correct_V3 if {
# Test correct, 2 OUs, child OU inherits
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ test_Categories_Correct_V3 if {
test_Categories_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test incorrect 1 OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ test_Categories_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Categories_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test incorrect 2 OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ test_Categories_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Categories_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test incorrect no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ChatId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"chat_logs": {"items": [
@@ -796,4 +796,4 @@ test_Categories_Incorrect_V3 if {
"While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
"is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94a7a9f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package chat
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodChatApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_chat_history": {"allowUserModification": false,
+ "historyOnByDefault": true},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "chat_chat_history": {"allowUserModification": true,
+ "historyOnByDefault": false},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadChatApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_chat_history": {"allowUserModification": true,
+ "historyOnByDefault": false},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ChatAPI_History_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodChatApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ChatAPI_History_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("OFF")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ChatAPI_Change_History_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodChatApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ChatAPI_Change_History_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api02_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7116b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api02_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+package chat
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodChatApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_chat_file_sharing": {"externalFileSharing": "NO_FILES",
+ "internalFileSharing": "ALL_FILES"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "chat_chat_file_sharing": {"externalFileSharing": "IMAGES_ONLY",
+ "internalFileSharing": "ALL_FILES"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadChatApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_chat_file_sharing": {"externalFileSharing": "IMAGES_ONLY",
+ "internalFileSharing": "FILE_SHARING_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ChatAPI_External_Sharing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodChatApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ChatAPI_External_Sharing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Images only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api03_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80362e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api03_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package chat
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodChatApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "DEFAULT_HISTORY_ON"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "HISTORY_ALWAYS_ON"}
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadChatApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "DEFAULT_HISTORY_OFF"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadChatApi03a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "HISTORY_ALWAYS_ON"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "secondOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "HISTORY_ALWAYS_OFF"}
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "HISTORY_STATE_UNSPECIFIED"}
+ },
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ChatAPI_Space_History_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodChatApi03
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ChatAPI_Space_History_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi03
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("OFF by default")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ChatAPI_Space_History_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi03a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "secondOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ALWAYS OFF")},
+ {"Name": "thirdOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("Unspecified")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4099d4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/chat/chat_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package chat
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodChatApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_external_chat_restriction": {
+ "allowExternalChat": false,
+ "externalChatRestriction": "TRUSTED_DOMAINS"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "chat_external_chat_restriction": {
+ "allowExternalChat": true,
+ "externalChatRestriction": "TRUSTED_DOMAINS"}
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "chat_external_chat_restriction": {
+ "allowExternalChat": true,
+ "externalChatRestriction": "NO_RESTRICTION"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadChatApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_external_chat_restriction": {
+ "allowExternalChat": true,
+ "externalChatRestriction": "NO_RESTRICTION"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadChatApi04a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "chat_external_chat_restriction": {
+ "allowExternalChat": true,
+ "externalChatRestriction": "TRUSTED_DOMAINS"},
+ "chat_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "secondOU": {
+ "chat_external_chat_restriction": {
+ "allowExternalChat": true,
+ "externalChatRestriction": "RESTRICTION_UNSPECIFIED"},
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "chat_space_history": {"historyState": "HISTORY_STATE_UNSPECIFIED"}
+ },
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ChatAPI_External_Messages_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodChatApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ChatAPI_External_Messages_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("all domains")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ChatAPI_External_Messages_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := ChatId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadChatApi04a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "secondOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Unspecified")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom01_test.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom01_test.rego
index 52ad55b9..c73695f1 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom01_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package classroom
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3
test_JoinClassroom_Correct_V1 if {
# Test enforcing who can join classroom when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,17 +30,13 @@ test_JoinClassroom_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinClassroom_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -68,16 +67,12 @@ test_JoinClassroom_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test enforcing who can join classroom when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -97,20 +92,15 @@ test_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can join classes in your domain is set to Users in allowlisted domains
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Users in allowlisted domains")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test who can join classroom when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -141,20 +131,15 @@ test_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can join classes in your domain is set to Users in allowlisted domains
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Users in allowlisted domains")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test enforcing who can join classroom when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -173,26 +158,17 @@ test_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
-# GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3
test_WhichClasses_Correct_V1 if {
# Test enforcing which classes users can join when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -212,17 +188,13 @@ test_WhichClasses_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_WhichClasses_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing which classes users can join when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -253,16 +225,12 @@ test_WhichClasses_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_WhichClasses_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test enforcing which classes users can join when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -282,20 +250,15 @@ test_WhichClasses_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Which classes can users in your domain join is set to Classes in allowlisted domains
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Classes in allowlisted domains")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_WhichClasses_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test enforcing which classes users can join when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -325,20 +288,14 @@ test_WhichClasses_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Which classes can users in your domain join is set to Classes in allowlisted domains
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2("Classes in allowlisted domains")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_WhichClasses_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test enforcing which classes users can join when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -357,13 +314,5 @@ test_WhichClasses_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom02_test.rego
similarity index 72%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom02_test.rego
index eb54492f..f02229ca 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom02_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
package classroom
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3
test_APIAccess_Correct_V1 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,17 +29,13 @@ test_APIAccess_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_APIAccess_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing API Access is disabled when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -68,16 +66,12 @@ test_APIAccess_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_APIAccess_Correct_V3 if {
# Test enforcing API Access is disabled is correct when there are events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -106,16 +100,12 @@ test_APIAccess_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_APIAccess_Correct_V4 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -154,16 +144,12 @@ test_APIAccess_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -183,20 +169,15 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Data access is set to ON
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("true"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -227,20 +208,14 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Data access is set to ON
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("true"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -260,19 +235,12 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow API Access is disabled when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -301,20 +269,15 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Data access is set to ON
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("true"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -333,20 +296,12 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test API Access is disabled access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -365,19 +320,14 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Data access is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -406,19 +356,14 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Data access is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V8 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -447,20 +392,15 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Data access is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V9 if {
# Test API Access is disabled when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -479,14 +419,6 @@ test_APIAccess_Incorrect_V9 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom03_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom03_test.rego
index fa638df4..c4c19066 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom03_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
package classroom
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,17 +29,13 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing Clever Roster is disabled when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -68,16 +66,12 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V3 if {
# Test enforcing Clever Roster is disabled is correct when there are events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -106,16 +100,12 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -154,16 +144,12 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -183,20 +169,15 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Roster import is set to ON - CLEVER
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ON - CLEVER")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -227,20 +208,15 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Roster import is set to ON - CLEVER
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ON - CLEVER")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -260,19 +236,12 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow Clever Roster is disabled when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -301,20 +270,15 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Roster import is set to ON - CLEVER
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ON - CLEVER")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -333,20 +297,12 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -365,19 +321,14 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Roster import is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -406,19 +357,14 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Roster import is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V8 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -447,20 +393,15 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Roster import is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V9 if {
# Test Clever Roster is disabled when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -479,14 +420,6 @@ test_CleverRosterDisabled_Incorrect_V9 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom04_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom04_test.rego
index 1a0ed1b8..299e8203 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom04_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package classroom
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3
test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V1 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,17 +30,13 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing only teachers can unenroll students when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -68,16 +67,12 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V3 if {
# Test enforcing only teachers can unenroll students is correct when there are events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -106,16 +101,12 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V4 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -154,16 +145,12 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -183,20 +170,15 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to Students and teachers
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Students and teachers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -227,20 +209,15 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to Students and teachers
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Students and teachers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -260,19 +237,12 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow only teachers can unenroll students when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -301,20 +271,15 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to Students and teachers
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Students and teachers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -333,20 +298,12 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -365,19 +322,14 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -406,19 +358,14 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V8 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -447,20 +394,15 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Who can unenroll students from classes is set to SAME_DOMAIN
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("SAME_DOMAIN")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V9 if {
# Test only teachers can unenroll students when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"classroom_logs": {"items": [
@@ -479,14 +421,6 @@ test_UnenrollStudents_Incorrect_V9 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom05_test.rego
similarity index 69%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom05_test.rego
index e71cfb05..f1c4299e 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom05_test.rego
@@ -1,188 +1,164 @@
-package classroom
-import future.keywords
-# GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3
-test_ClassroomCreation_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test only teachers can unenroll students when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "classroom_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "3"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_ClassroomCreation_Correct_V2 if {
- # Test when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
- # correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "classroom_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "3"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2021-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "2"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-# No tests for multiple OUs, inheritance, groups, etc as this setting can't be controlled at the OU or group level
-test_ClassroomCreation_Incorrect_V1 if {
- # Test when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "classroom_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "1"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can create classes is set to anyone in this domain
- ])
-test_ClassroomCreation_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Test when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
- # incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "classroom_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "2"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2021-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "3"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can create classes is set to all pending and verified teachers
- ])
-test_ClassroomCreation_Incorrect_V3 if {
- # Test when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "classroom_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "something else"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+test_ClassroomCreation_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test only teachers can unenroll students when there's only one event
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "classroom_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "3"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomCreation_Correct_V2 if {
+ # Test when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
+ # correct but not last in json list
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "classroom_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "3"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2021-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "2"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+# No tests for multiple OUs, inheritance, groups, etc as this setting can't be controlled at the OU or group level
+test_ClassroomCreation_Incorrect_V1 if {
+ # Test when there's only one event and it's wrong
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "classroom_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "1"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("anyone in this domain")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ClassroomCreation_Incorrect_V2 if {
+ # Test when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
+ # incorrect but not last in json list
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "classroom_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "2"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2021-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "3"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("all pending and verified teachers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ClassroomCreation_Incorrect_V3 if {
+ # Test when there no applicable event
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "classroom_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name":"SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "something else"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d881bbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodClassroomApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANYONE_IN_DOMAIN",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_DOMAIN"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadClassroomApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANYONE_IN_DOMAIN",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANY_GOOGLE_WORKSPACE_USER",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"
+ },
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "12H"
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ClassroomAPI_JoinClassroom_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodClassroomApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomAPI_JoinClassroom_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadClassroomApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "thirdOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Any Google Workspace user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ClassroomAPI_JoinClasses_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodClassroomApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomAPI_JoinClasses_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadClassroomApi01
+ whichClasses := "Classes in allowlisted domains"
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "thirdOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(whichClasses)},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(whichClasses)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api02_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eee2addf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api02_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodClassroomApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_api_data_access": {
+ "enableApiAccess": false
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadClassroomApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_api_data_access": {
+ "enableApiAccess": false
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANY_GOOGLE_WORKSPACE_USER",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"
+ }
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {
+ "classroom_api_data_access": {
+ "enableApiAccess": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ClassroomAPI_DataAccess_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodClassroomApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomAPI_DataAccess_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadClassroomApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "fourthOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api03_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6feb29bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api03_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodClassroomApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_roster_import": {
+ "rosterImportOption": "OFF"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadClassroomApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_roster_import": {
+ "rosterImportOption": "OFF"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANY_GOOGLE_WORKSPACE_USER",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"
+ }
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {
+ "classroom_api_data_access": {
+ "enableApiAccess": true
+ },
+ "classroom_roster_import": {
+ "rosterImportOption": "ON_CLEVER"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ClassroomAPI_RosterImport_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodClassroomApi03
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomAPI_DataAccess_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadClassroomApi03
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "fourthOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("ON - CLEVER")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a0fac5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodClassroomApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_student_unenrollment": {
+ "whoCanUnenrollStudents": "TEACHERS_ONLY"
+ }
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadClassroomApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_student_unenrollment": {
+ "whoCanUnenrollStudents": "TEACHERS_ONLY"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANY_GOOGLE_WORKSPACE_USER",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"
+ },
+ "classroom_student_unenrollment": {
+ "whoCanUnenrollStudents": "STUDENTS_AND_TEACHERS"
+ }
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {
+ "classroom_roster_import": {
+ "rosterImportOption": "ON_CLEVER"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ClassroomAPI_Unenrollment_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodClassroomApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomAPI_Unenrollment_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadClassroomApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "thirdOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Students and teachers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api05_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64dc5f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/classroom/classroom_api05_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodClassroomApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_teacher_permissions": {
+ "whoCanCreateClasses": "VERIFIED_TEACHERS_ONLY"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadClassroomApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "classroom_teacher_permissions": {
+ "whoCanCreateClasses": "VERIFIED_TEACHERS_ONLY"
+ },
+ "classroom_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "classroom_class_membership": {
+ "whoCanJoinClasses": "ANY_GOOGLE_WORKSPACE_USER",
+ "whichClassesCanUsersJoin": "CLASSES_IN_ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"
+ },
+ "classroom_student_unenrollment": {
+ "whoCanUnenrollStudents": "STUDENTS_AND_TEACHERS"
+ }
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {
+ "classroom_teacher_permissions": {
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ClassroomAPI_Unenrollment_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodClassroomApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ClassroomAPI_Unenrollment_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := ClassroomId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadClassroomApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "fourthOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("all pending and verified teachers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols01_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols01_test.rego
index 68ad59ca..c689f1b5 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols01_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_EnforceMFA_Correct_V1 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Correct_V1 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Correct_V2 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's no enforce mfa event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's no change methods event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test, mfa not allowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V5 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test, mfa not phishing resistant
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V6 if {
test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test, mfa not phishing resistant
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -468,17 +468,17 @@ test_EnforceMFA_Incorrect_V7 if {
"The following groups are non-compliant:",
"- test@test.com: Allowed methods is set to Any except verification codes via text, phone call
- "
+ "",
test_Enforcement_Correct_V1 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ test_Enforcement_Correct_V1 if {
test_Enforcement_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ test_Enforcement_Correct_V2 if {
test_Enforcement_Correct_V3 if {
# Test enforcing MFA inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ test_Enforcement_Correct_V3 if {
test_Enforcement_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ test_Enforcement_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Enforcement_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ test_Enforcement_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Enforcement_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -701,11 +701,12 @@ test_Enforcement_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Correct_V1 if {
# Test disable trusted device when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -734,7 +735,7 @@ test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Correct_V1 if {
test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Correct_V2 if {
# Test disabled trusted device when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# correct but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -772,7 +773,7 @@ test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Correct_V2 if {
test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test disable trusted device when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -805,7 +806,7 @@ test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test disabled trusted device when there's multiple events, with the chronological latest
# incorrect but not last in json list
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -848,7 +849,7 @@ test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test disabled trusted device when there no applicable event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -881,12 +882,12 @@ test_Disable_Trusted_Device_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_NotPhone_Correct_V1 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event set to only key
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -914,7 +915,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Correct_V1 if {
test_NotPhone_Correct_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event set to any except phone
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -942,7 +943,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Correct_V2 if {
test_NotPhone_Correct_V3 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there are multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -980,7 +981,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Correct_V3 if {
test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's only one event set to any
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1012,7 +1013,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there's multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1054,7 +1055,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1077,7 +1078,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there are no relevant events for the top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1109,7 +1110,7 @@ test_NotPhone_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_NotPhone_Correct_V5 if {
# Test enforcing MFA when there are multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1148,4 +1149,4 @@ test_NotPhone_Correct_V5 if {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols02_test.rego
similarity index 94%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols02_test.rego
index 860b040c..704ec041 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols02_test.rego
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_CAA_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ test_CAA_Correct_V1 if {
test_CAA_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ test_CAA_Correct_V2 if {
test_CAA_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ test_CAA_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_CAA_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ test_CAA_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_CAA_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -150,4 +150,4 @@ test_CAA_Incorrect_V3 if {
"is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols03_test.rego
similarity index 71%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols03_test.rego
index c3039226..edb51d65 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols03_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_SSO_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,16 +31,12 @@ test_SSO_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SSO_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -67,16 +67,12 @@ test_SSO_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SSO_Correct_V3 if {
# Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -118,16 +114,12 @@ test_SSO_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SSO_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -147,20 +139,14 @@ test_SSO_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Post-SSO verification is disabled
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SSO_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -191,20 +177,14 @@ test_SSO_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Post-SSO verification is disabled
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SSO_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -214,20 +194,12 @@ test_SSO_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SSO_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in the top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -247,20 +219,12 @@ test_SSO_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SSO_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -291,15 +255,10 @@ test_SSO_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Post-SSO verification is disabled
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Post-SSO verification is disabled
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1},
+ {"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols04_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols04_test.rego
index c5d8fb7e..8da28392 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols04_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_Limit_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +30,12 @@ test_Limit_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Limit_Correct_V2 if {
# Test 1 event, smaller limit than needed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -55,16 +55,12 @@ test_Limit_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Limit_Correct_V3 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -95,16 +91,12 @@ test_Limit_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Limit_Correct_V4 if {
# Test 1 event, tenant_info["topLevelOU"] empty
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -130,16 +122,12 @@ test_Limit_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Limit_Correct_V5 if {
# Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -181,16 +169,12 @@ test_Limit_Correct_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Limit_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -210,20 +194,14 @@ test_Limit_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Web session duration is set to 24 hours
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(86400))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Limit_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -254,19 +232,14 @@ test_Limit_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Web session duration is set to 24 hours
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(86400))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Limit_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -297,20 +270,14 @@ test_Limit_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Web session duration is set to 24 hours
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(86400))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Limit_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -319,20 +286,12 @@ test_Limit_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Limit_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -352,14 +311,6 @@ test_Limit_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
\ No newline at end of file
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols05_test.rego
similarity index 69%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols05_test.rego
index fe2277e6..7b8bb728 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols05_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_Strength_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,16 +31,12 @@ test_Strength_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Strength_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -67,16 +67,12 @@ test_Strength_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Strength_Correct_V3 if {
# Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -118,16 +114,12 @@ test_Strength_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Strength_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -147,20 +139,14 @@ test_Strength_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Enforce strong password is OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce strong password is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Strength_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -191,20 +177,14 @@ test_Strength_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Enforce strong password is OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce strong password is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Strength_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -214,20 +194,12 @@ test_Strength_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Strength_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events for top-level ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -247,20 +219,12 @@ test_Strength_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Strength_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -291,25 +255,18 @@ test_Strength_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Enforce strong password is OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce strong password is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Length_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -329,16 +286,12 @@ test_Length_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Length_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -369,16 +322,12 @@ test_Length_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Length_Correct_V3 if {
# Test longer than needed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -398,16 +347,12 @@ test_Length_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Length_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -427,20 +372,14 @@ test_Length_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Minimum password length is set to 8
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(8)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Length_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -471,20 +410,14 @@ test_Length_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Minimum password length is set to 8
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(8)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Length_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -494,20 +427,12 @@ test_Length_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Length_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -527,20 +452,12 @@ test_Length_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Length_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -571,24 +488,19 @@ test_Length_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Minimum password length is set to 10
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(10)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Length15_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -608,16 +520,12 @@ test_Length15_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Length15_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -648,16 +556,12 @@ test_Length15_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Length15_Correct_V3 if {
# Test longer than needed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -677,16 +581,12 @@ test_Length15_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Length15_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -706,20 +606,14 @@ test_Length15_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Minimum password length is set to 12
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(12)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Length15_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -750,20 +644,14 @@ test_Length15_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Minimum password length is set to 12
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(12)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Length15_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -773,20 +661,12 @@ test_Length15_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Length15_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -806,20 +686,12 @@ test_Length15_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Length15_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -850,25 +722,18 @@ test_Length15_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Minimum password length is set to 12
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(12)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Enforce_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -891,16 +756,12 @@ test_Enforce_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Enforce_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -937,16 +798,12 @@ test_Enforce_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Enforce_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -969,20 +826,14 @@ test_Enforce_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Enforce_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1019,20 +870,14 @@ test_Enforce_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Enforce_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1042,20 +887,12 @@ test_Enforce_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Enforce_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1078,20 +915,12 @@ test_Enforce_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Enforce_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1128,25 +957,21 @@ test_Enforce_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"},
+ {"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Reuse_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1166,16 +991,12 @@ test_Reuse_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Reuse_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1206,16 +1027,12 @@ test_Reuse_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Reuse_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1235,20 +1052,14 @@ test_Reuse_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow password reuse is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow password reuse is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Reuse_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1279,20 +1090,14 @@ test_Reuse_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow password reuse is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow password reuse is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Reuse_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1302,20 +1107,12 @@ test_Reuse_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Reuse_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events for top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1335,20 +1132,12 @@ test_Reuse_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Reuse_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1379,25 +1168,19 @@ test_Reuse_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Allow password reuse is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow password reuse is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Expire_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1417,16 +1200,12 @@ test_Expire_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Expire_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1457,16 +1236,12 @@ test_Expire_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Expire_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1486,20 +1261,14 @@ test_Expire_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Password reset frequency is 1 days
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Password reset frequency is 1 days"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Expire_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1530,20 +1299,14 @@ test_Expire_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Password reset frequency is 1 days
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Password reset frequency is 1 days"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Expire_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1553,20 +1316,12 @@ test_Expire_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Expire_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1586,20 +1341,12 @@ test_Expire_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Expire_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1630,15 +1377,8 @@ test_Expire_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Password reset frequency is 1 days
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Password reset frequency is 1 days"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols06_test.rego
similarity index 95%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols06_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols06_test.rego
index 01eb0f68..cc4f0831 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols06_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols06_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_Separate_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ test_Separate_Correct_V1 if {
test_Count_Correct_V1 if {
# 2 super admins
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"super_admins": [
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ test_Count_Correct_V1 if {
test_Count_Correct_V2 if {
# 3 super admins
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"super_admins": [
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ test_Count_Correct_V2 if {
test_Count_Correct_V3 if {
# 8 super admins
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"super_admins": [
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ test_Count_Correct_V3 if {
test_Count_Incorrect_V1 if {
# 9 super admins
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"super_admins": [
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ test_Count_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Count_Incorrect_V2 if {
# 1 super admins
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"super_admins": [
@@ -222,4 +222,4 @@ test_Count_Incorrect_V2 if {
"though we are not able to account for this automatically."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols07_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols07_test.rego
similarity index 88%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols07_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols07_test.rego
index ce5fbb05..d782940b 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols07_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols07_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_Conflicting_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ test_Conflicting_Correct_V1 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols08_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols08_test.rego
similarity index 74%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols08_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols08_test.rego
index a80e0c3b..ce552538 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols08_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols08_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_SelfRecovery_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,16 +34,12 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SelfRecovery_Correct_V2 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -75,16 +76,12 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SelfRecovery_Correct_V3 if {
# Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -135,16 +132,12 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -167,20 +160,14 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow super admins to recover their account is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -217,20 +204,14 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow super admins to recover their account is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -240,20 +221,12 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in the top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -276,20 +249,12 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -326,21 +291,16 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Allow super admins to recover their account is ON
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow super admins to recover their account is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"},
+ {"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test group
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -378,14 +338,8 @@ test_SelfRecovery_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- test@test: Allow super admins to recover their account is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "test@test",
+ "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols09_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols09_test.rego
similarity index 87%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols09_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols09_test.rego
index fb3e39dd..9ce6cfcc 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols09_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols09_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_HighlyPriv_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId9_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ test_HighlyPriv_Correct_V1 if {
test_Sensitive_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId9_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ test_Sensitive_Correct_V1 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols10_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols10_test.rego
similarity index 79%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols10_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols10_test.rego
index 428b6b80..a5e4855a 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols10_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols10_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_AccessControl_Correct_V1 if {
# Test restricted when there is no _HIGH_RISK event present
# (not all services have a risk version, just Drive and Gmail)
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,7 +39,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Correct_V1 if {
test_AccessControl_Correct_V2 if {
# Test allowed with not high risk allowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Correct_V2 if {
test_AccessControl_Correct_V3 if {
# Test restricted with not high risk disallowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Correct_V3 if {
test_AccessControl_Correct_V4 if {
# Test multiple services
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -159,7 +163,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Correct_V4 if {
test_AccessControl_Correct_V5 if {
# Test multiple services, multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Correct_V5 if {
test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test unrestricted when there is no _HIGH_RISK event present
# (not all services have a risk version, just Drive and Gmail)
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -256,7 +260,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test unrestricted with not high risk disallowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -294,7 +298,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test unrestricted with no high risk version
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -322,7 +326,7 @@ test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -345,11 +349,11 @@ test_AccessControl_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_Consent_Correct_V1 if {
# Test disallow with no high risk version
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -377,7 +381,7 @@ test_Consent_Correct_V1 if {
test_Consent_Correct_V2 if {
# Test disallow with high risk version
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -415,7 +419,7 @@ test_Consent_Correct_V2 if {
test_Consent_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test allow with no high risk version
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -443,7 +447,7 @@ test_Consent_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Consent_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test allow with high risk version allowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -481,7 +485,7 @@ test_Consent_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Consent_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test allow with high risk version blocked
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -519,7 +523,7 @@ test_Consent_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_Consent_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -542,11 +546,11 @@ test_Consent_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_Internal_Correct_V1 if {
# Test basic
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -564,16 +568,12 @@ test_Internal_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Internal_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -600,16 +600,12 @@ test_Internal_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Internal_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test basic
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -627,20 +623,14 @@ test_Internal_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Trust internal apps is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Trust internal apps is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Internal_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -667,20 +657,14 @@ test_Internal_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Trust internal apps is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Trust internal apps is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Internal_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -690,24 +674,16 @@ test_Internal_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Unconfigured_Correct_V1 if {
# Test basic
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -725,16 +701,12 @@ test_Unconfigured_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Unconfigured_Correct_V2 if {
# Test basic multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -761,16 +733,12 @@ test_Unconfigured_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Unconfigured_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test unblock
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -788,21 +756,16 @@ test_Unconfigured_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Unconfigured third-party app access is set to ",
- "Allow users to access any third-party apps
- "
- ])
+ msg := sprintf("Unconfigured third-party app access is set to %s",
+ ["Allow users to access any third-party apps"])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": msg}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Unconfigured_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test signin only
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -820,21 +783,17 @@ test_Unconfigured_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Unconfigured third-party app access is set to ",
- "Allow users to access third-party apps that only request basic info needed for Sign in with Google.
- "
- ])
+ msg := sprintf("Unconfigured third-party app access is set to %s %s",
+ ["Allow users to access third-party apps that only",
+ "request basic info needed for Sign in with Google."])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": msg}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Unconfigured_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_4
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -844,25 +803,17 @@ test_Unconfigured_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Access_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -881,16 +832,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -919,16 +866,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -947,20 +890,14 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -989,20 +926,14 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1012,20 +943,12 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Access_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1044,20 +967,12 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Access_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1086,14 +1001,8 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps is ON
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols11_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols11_test.rego
similarity index 78%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols11_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols11_test.rego
index 4e697da2..08095fb7 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols11_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols11_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
package commoncontrols
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_Installation_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -42,16 +47,12 @@ test_Installation_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Installation_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -95,16 +96,12 @@ test_Installation_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Installation_Correct_V3 if {
# Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -159,16 +156,12 @@ test_Installation_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -201,20 +194,14 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can install and run any app from the Marketplace
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -258,20 +245,14 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can install and run any app from the Marketplace
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -281,21 +262,12 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no relevant events in top-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -315,21 +287,12 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, ",
- "Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -386,20 +349,14 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Users can install and run any app from the Marketplace
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Second-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test internal allowed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -432,20 +389,14 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can install and run any internal app, even if it's not allowlisted
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(false)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Installation_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test group
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -492,14 +443,8 @@ test_Installation_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- test@test: Users can install and run any internal app, even if it's not allowlisted
- "
- ])
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "test@test",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(false)}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols12_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols12_test.rego
similarity index 76%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols12_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols12_test.rego
index 93bba8a0..84be48dc 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols12_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols12_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_Takeout_Correct_V1 if {
# Test basic correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -37,16 +42,12 @@ test_Takeout_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Takeout_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test specifc apps allowed, ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -88,21 +89,14 @@ test_Takeout_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: The following apps with individual admin control have Takeout enabled: ",
- "Blogger, Google Maps
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(["Blogger", "Google Maps"])}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Takeout_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test nonspecific apps allowed, ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -133,20 +127,14 @@ test_Takeout_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Takeout is enabled for services without an individual admin control
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1a}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Takeout_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test nonspecific apps and specific apps allowed, ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -177,21 +165,16 @@ test_Takeout_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Takeout is enabled for services without an individual admin control
- "- Test Top-Level OU: The following apps with individual admin control have Takeout enabled: Blogger
- "
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1a},
+ {"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(["Blogger"])}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Takeout_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test nonspecific apps allowed, group
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -234,14 +217,8 @@ test_Takeout_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- test@test: Takeout is enabled for services without an individual admin control
- "
- ])
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "test@test",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1a}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols13_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols13_test.rego
similarity index 89%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols13_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols13_test.rego
index 4095d258..a264bc0e 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols13_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols13_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_Required_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ test_Required_Correct_V1 if {
"Results for GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13 are listed in the ",
"Rules Report."])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols14_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols14_test.rego
similarity index 87%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols14_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols14_test.rego
index 10947a50..6e359608 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols14_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols14_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_SEIM_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId14_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ test_SEIM_Correct_V1 if {
test_AccessControl_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId14_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols15_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols15_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols15_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols15_test.rego
index 842c013a..1702cf41 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols15_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols15_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_AccessControl_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ test_AccessControl_Correct_V1 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Correct_V1 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Correct_V2 if {
# Test inheritance with root and sub OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Correct_V2 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test incorrect root OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test incorrect second-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test for correct root OU but with an incorrect group event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test for correct root OU but with incorrect group events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_DataProcessing_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test for both incorrect OUs and group events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ test_DataProcessing_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_Logs_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ test_Logs_Correct_V1 if {
test_Logs_Correct_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ test_Logs_Correct_V2 if {
test_Logs_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ test_Logs_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Logs_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ test_Logs_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Logs_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test no relevent events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ test_Logs_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_Logs_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test multiple ous
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId15_3
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -543,4 +543,4 @@ test_Logs_Incorrect_V4 if {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols16_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols16_test.rego
similarity index 93%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols16_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols16_test.rego
index 6e015a3e..f251cf5c 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols16_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols16_test.rego
@@ -1,441 +1,441 @@
-package commoncontrols
-import future.keywords
-test_Unlisted_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_Unlisted_Correct_V2 if {
- # Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_Unlisted_Incorrect_V1 if {
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Access to additional services without individual control is turned on
- "
- ])
-test_Unlisted_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Test no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
- "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test 1 correct event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2024-10-15T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_V2 if {
- # Test inheritance with root and sub OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Incorrect_V1 if {
- # Test incorrect root OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2024-05-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Service status is ON
- "
- ])
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Test incorrect second-level OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Service status is ON
- "
- ])
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_Groups_Incorrect_V1 if {
- # Test for correct root OU but with an incorrect group event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 1"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Group 1: Service status is ON
- "
- ])
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_Groups_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Test for correct root OU but with incorrect group events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 1"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 2"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Group 1: Service status is ON
- "- Test Group 2: Service status is ON
- "
- ])
-test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V1 if {
- # Test for both incorrect OUs and group events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 1"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
- {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 2"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Service status is ON
- "
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Group 1: Service status is ON
- "- Test Group 2: Service status is ON
- "
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+test_Unlisted_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test 1 event
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_Unlisted_Correct_V2 if {
+ # Test inheritance
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_Unlisted_Incorrect_V1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Top-Level OU: Access to additional services without individual control is turned on
+ "
+ ])
+test_Unlisted_Incorrect_V2 if {
+ # Test no events
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. While we are unable ",
+ "to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
+ "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
+ ])
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test 1 correct event
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2024-10-15T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_V2 if {
+ # Test inheritance with root and sub OUs
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Incorrect_V1 if {
+ # Test incorrect root OU
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2024-05-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Top-Level OU: Service status is ON
+ "
+ ])
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Incorrect_V2 if {
+ # Test incorrect second-level OU
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Second-Level OU: Service status is ON
+ "
+ ])
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_Groups_Incorrect_V1 if {
+ # Test for correct root OU but with an incorrect group event
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 1"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following groups are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Group 1: Service status is ON
+ "
+ ])
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Correct_Groups_Incorrect_V2 if {
+ # Test for correct root OU but with incorrect group events
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "false"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 1"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 2"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following groups are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Group 1: Service status is ON
+ "- Test Group 2: Service status is ON
+ "
+ ])
+test_EarlyAccessApps_OUs_Groups_Incorrect_V1 if {
+ # Test for both incorrect OUs and group events
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId16_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 1"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SERVICE_NAME", "value": "Early Access Apps"},
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "true"},
+ {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "Test Group 2"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Top-Level OU: Service status is ON
+ "
+ "The following groups are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Group 1: Service status is ON
+ "- Test Group 2: Service status is ON
+ "
+ ])
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols17_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols17_test.rego
similarity index 94%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols17_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols17_test.rego
index f526c30b..4753534b 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols17_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols17_test.rego
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package commoncontrols
import future.keywords
test_MPA_Correct_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId17_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ test_MPA_Correct_V1 if {
test_MPA_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId17_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ test_MPA_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_MPA_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test no relevent events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId17_1
Output := tests with input as {
"commoncontrols_logs": {"items": [
@@ -95,4 +95,4 @@ test_MPA_Incorrect_V2 if {
"is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39c7d038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCaseInputApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "43200s"
+ },
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ },
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "12H"
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BaseCaseInputApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "43200s"
+ },
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "800m"
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CCAPI_ReAuth_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_ReAuth_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BaseCaseInputApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(800 * 60))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api05_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..024b2c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api05_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCaseInputApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_password": {
+ "allowedStrength": "STRONG",
+ "minimumLength": 15,
+ "maximumLength": 100,
+ "enforceRequirementsAtLogin": true,
+ "allowReuse": false,
+ "expirationDuration": "0s"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_password": {
+ "allowedStrength": "WEAK",
+ "minimumLength": 6,
+ "maximumLength": 100,
+ "enforceRequirementsAtLogin": false,
+ "allowReuse": true,
+ "expirationDuration": "10h"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi05a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_password": {
+ "allowedStrength": "STRONG",
+ "minimumLength": 15,
+ "maximumLength": 100,
+ "enforceRequirementsAtLogin": true,
+ "allowReuse": false,
+ "expirationDuration": "0s"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "security_password": {
+ "minimumLength": 13,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CCAPI_PwdStrength_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_PwdStrength_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Password strength is WEAK, not STRONG"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_CCAPI_PwdLength_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_PwdLength_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(6)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_CCAPI_PwdSuggestLength_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_PwdSuggestLength_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi05a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(13)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_CCAPI_PwdNextLogin_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_PwdNextLogin_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_CCAPI_PwdReuse_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_PwdReuse_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Allow password reuse is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_CCAPI_PwdResetFrequency_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_PwdResetFrequency_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId5_6
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Password reset frequency is 10h"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api08_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api08_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0cb0958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api08_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCaseInputApi08 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_super_admin_account_recovery": {
+ "enableAccountRecovery": false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi08 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_super_admin_account_recovery": {
+ "enableAccountRecovery": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_CCAPI_SAAcctRecovery_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi08
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_CCAPI_SAAcctRecovery_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId8_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi08
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api10_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api10_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6004759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api10_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCaseInputApi10 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_less_secure_apps": {"allowLessSecureApps": false}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi10 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "security_less_secure_apps": {"allowLessSecureApps": true}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_LessSecureApps_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi10
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_LessSecureApps_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId10_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi10
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api11_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api11_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..621124e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api11_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCaseInputApi11 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options": {
+ "accessLevel": "ALLOW_LISTED_APPS",
+ "allowAllInternalApps": false}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options": {
+ "accessLevel": "ALLOW_NONE",
+ "allowAllInternalApps": true}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi11 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options": {
+ "accessLevel": "ALLOW_ALL",
+ "allowAllInternalApps": true}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options": {
+ "accessLevel": "ALLOW_LISTED_APPS",
+ "allowAllInternalApps": true}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_MarketplaceApps_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi11
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_MarketplaceApps_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId11_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi11
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(false)},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api12_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api12_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..31a7eda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/commoncontrols/commoncontrols_api12_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package commoncontrols
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodCaseInputApi12 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "takeout_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"},
+ "blogger_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "books_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "location_history_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "maps_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "pay_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "photos_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "play_console_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "play_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "youtube_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "takeout_service_status": {"serviceState": "DISABLED"},
+ "blogger_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi12 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "takeout_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"},
+ "blogger_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "books_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "location_history_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "maps_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "pay_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "photos_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "play_console_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "play_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "youtube_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadCaseInputApi12a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "takeout_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"},
+ "blogger_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "books_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "location_history_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "maps_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "pay_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "photos_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "play_console_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "play_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"},
+ "youtube_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "location_history_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "play_console_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "youtube_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "blogger_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "maps_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "play_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "ENABLED"},
+ "youtube_user_takeout": {"takeoutStatus": "DISABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+TakeoutApps(keys) := [Takeout[key] | some key in keys]
+test_Takeout_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodCaseInputApi12
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_Takeout_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi12
+ EnabledApps := ["blogger",
+ "books",
+ "location_history",
+ "maps",
+ "pay",
+ "photos",
+ "play_console",
+ "play",
+ "youtube"]
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(TakeoutApps(EnabledApps))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_Takeout_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId12_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadCaseInputApi12a
+ EnabledApps1 := ["location_history", "play_console", "youtube"]
+ EnabledApps2 := ["blogger", "maps", "play"]
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(TakeoutApps(EnabledApps1))},
+ {"Name": "thirdOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(TakeoutApps(EnabledApps2))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive01_test.rego
similarity index 71%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive01_test.rego
index 3050979e..e9e36c50 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive01_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package drive
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3
test_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +29,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +63,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,16 +97,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,20 +121,12 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,19 +145,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Files owned by users or shared drives can ",
- "be shared outside of the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -202,19 +181,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Files owned by users or shared drives can ",
- "be shared outside of the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple OUs and secondary is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -243,19 +217,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Files owned by users or shared drives can ",
- "be shared outside of the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when the top OU is not present but there is another
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -274,24 +243,16 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3
test_Receiving_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -310,16 +271,12 @@ test_Receiving_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Receiving_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -348,16 +305,12 @@ test_Receiving_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Receiving_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -386,16 +339,12 @@ test_Receiving_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Receiving_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -414,20 +363,12 @@ test_Receiving_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Receiving_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -446,17 +387,14 @@ test_Receiving_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can recieve files outside the domain
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_2(EventGetFriendlyValue1_2("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Receiving_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -485,18 +423,14 @@ test_Receiving_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can recieve files outside the domain
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_2(EventGetFriendlyValue1_2("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Receiving_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple OUs, top OU is compliant but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -525,17 +459,14 @@ test_Receiving_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: Users can recieve files outside the domain
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_2(EventGetFriendlyValue1_2("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Receiving_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top level OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -554,23 +485,16 @@ test_Receiving_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3
test_Warnings_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -589,16 +513,12 @@ test_Warnings_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Warnings_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -627,16 +547,12 @@ test_Warnings_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Warnings_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -665,16 +581,12 @@ test_Warnings_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Warnings_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -693,20 +605,12 @@ test_Warnings_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Warnings_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -725,17 +629,14 @@ test_Warnings_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: External Sharing Warning is Disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_3(EventGetFriendlyValue1_3("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-test_Warningsr_Incorrect_V3 if {
+test_Warnings_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -764,17 +665,14 @@ test_Warningsr_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: External Sharing Warning is Disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_3(EventGetFriendlyValue1_3("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Warnings_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -803,17 +701,14 @@ test_Warnings_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: External Sharing Warning is Disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_3(EventGetFriendlyValue1_3("SHARING_ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Warnings_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -832,23 +727,16 @@ test_Warnings_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3
test_NonGoogle_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -877,16 +765,12 @@ test_NonGoogle_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_NonGoogle_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -925,16 +809,12 @@ test_NonGoogle_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_NonGoogle_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -983,16 +863,12 @@ test_NonGoogle_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1011,20 +887,12 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1053,19 +921,15 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External sharing is enabled and ",
- "items can be shared to non-google accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_4(EventGetFriendlyValue1_4("ANONYMOUS_PREVIEW",
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1089,7 +953,7 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V3 if {
- "id": {"time": "2021-13-23T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "id": {"time": "2021-13-23T00:02:28.672Z"}, # incorrect timestamp??
"events": [{
"parameters": [
@@ -1099,7 +963,7 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V3 if {
- "id": {"time": "2022-14-24T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "id": {"time": "2022-14-24T00:02:28.672Z"}, # incorrect timestamp??
"events": [{
"parameters": [
@@ -1114,19 +978,15 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "External sharing is enabled and ",
- "items can be shared to non-google accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_4(EventGetFriendlyValue1_4("ANONYMOUS_PREVIEW",
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1175,19 +1035,15 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "External sharing is enabled and ",
- "items can be shared to non-google accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_4(EventGetFriendlyValue1_4("ALLOWED",
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1218,11 +1074,12 @@ test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_V5 if {
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3
test_Link_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1241,16 +1098,12 @@ test_Link_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Link_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1279,16 +1132,12 @@ test_Link_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Link_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1317,16 +1166,12 @@ test_Link_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Link_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1345,20 +1190,12 @@ test_Link_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Link_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1377,16 +1214,14 @@ test_Link_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Published web content can be made visible to anyone with a link
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Link_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1415,17 +1250,14 @@ test_Link_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Published web content can be made visible to anyone with a link
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Link_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1454,17 +1286,14 @@ test_Link_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: Published web content can be made visible to anyone with a link
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Link_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1483,24 +1312,16 @@ test_Link_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3
test_SharingChecker_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1519,16 +1340,12 @@ test_SharingChecker_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SharingChecker_Correct_V2 if {
# Test setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1557,16 +1374,12 @@ test_SharingChecker_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SharingChecker_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1595,16 +1408,12 @@ test_SharingChecker_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1623,20 +1432,12 @@ test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1655,19 +1456,14 @@ test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Access Checker allows users to share ",
- "files to Recipients only, suggested target audience, or public (no Google account required)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1696,19 +1492,14 @@ test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Access Checker allows users to share ",
- "files to Recipients only, suggested target audience, or public (no Google account required)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1737,19 +1528,14 @@ test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Access Checker allows users to share ",
- "files to Recipients only, or suggested target audience
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6("DOMAIN_OR_NAMED_PARTIES"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1768,23 +1554,16 @@ test_SharingChecker_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3
test_CrossDomain_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1803,16 +1582,12 @@ test_CrossDomain_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CrossDomain_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1841,16 +1616,12 @@ test_CrossDomain_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CrossDomain_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1879,16 +1650,12 @@ test_CrossDomain_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1907,20 +1674,12 @@ test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1939,19 +1698,15 @@ test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Anyone can distribute content in the organization to outside the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7("Anyone")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and
- # the most recent is wrong, set to anyone can distribute content.
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ # the most recent is wrong, set to anyone can distribute content.
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1980,19 +1735,15 @@ test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Anyone can distribute content in the organization to outside the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7("Anyone")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU,
# which is set to Anyone in the Organization
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2021,19 +1772,14 @@ test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Anyone can distribute content in the organization to outside the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7("Anyone")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2052,21 +1798,13 @@ test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and
# the most recent event is wrong, set to only users in the organization
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2095,22 +1833,19 @@ test_CrossDomain_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Only users inside the organization can distribute content outside of the organization
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7("Only users inside the organization")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3
test_Default_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2129,16 +1864,12 @@ test_Default_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Default_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2167,16 +1898,12 @@ test_Default_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Default_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2205,16 +1932,12 @@ test_Default_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Default_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2233,20 +1956,12 @@ test_Default_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Default_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2265,21 +1980,14 @@ test_Default_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: When users create items, the default access is set to: ",
- "The primary target audience can search and find the item.
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8("PUBLIC"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Default_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2308,20 +2016,14 @@ test_Default_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: When users create items, the default access is set to: ",
- "The primary target audience can search and find the item.
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8("PUBLIC"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Default_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2350,21 +2052,14 @@ test_Default_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: When users create items, the default access is set to: ",
- "The primary target audience can search and find the item.
- ])
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8("PUBLIC"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Default_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is not present
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2383,20 +2078,12 @@ test_Default_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Default_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test sharing setting when Top OU is correct but not secondary OU
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2425,15 +2112,7 @@ test_Default_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: When users create items,",
- " the default access is set to: ",
- "The primary target audience can access the item if they have the link
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8("PEOPLE_WITH_LINK"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive02_test.rego
similarity index 71%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive02_test.rego
index 79919ad8..d05bef03 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive02_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
package drive
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3
test_Managers_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +30,12 @@ test_Managers_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Managers_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +64,12 @@ test_Managers_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Managers_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,16 +98,12 @@ test_Managers_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Managers_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,20 +122,12 @@ test_Managers_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Managers_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,17 +146,14 @@ test_Managers_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Members with manager access can override shared drive settings.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Managers_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -200,17 +182,14 @@ test_Managers_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Members with manager access can override shared drive settings.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Managers_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is correct but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -239,17 +218,14 @@ test_Managers_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: Members with manager access can override shared drive settings.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Managers_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,23 +244,16 @@ test_Managers_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3
test_Outside_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -306,16 +275,12 @@ test_Outside_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Outside_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -350,16 +315,12 @@ test_Outside_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Outside_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -394,16 +355,12 @@ test_Outside_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Outside_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -422,20 +379,12 @@ test_Outside_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Outside_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -457,17 +406,14 @@ test_Outside_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users outside the organization can access files in shared drives
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Outside_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -502,17 +448,14 @@ test_Outside_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users outside the organization can access files in shared drives
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Outside_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is correct but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -547,17 +490,14 @@ test_Outside_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: Users outside the organization can access files in shared drives
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Outside_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -579,23 +519,16 @@ test_Outside_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3
test_SharedDrive_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -617,16 +550,12 @@ test_SharedDrive_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SharedDrive_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -661,16 +590,12 @@ test_SharedDrive_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SharedDrive_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -705,16 +630,12 @@ test_SharedDrive_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -733,20 +654,12 @@ test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -768,17 +681,14 @@ test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: People who aren't shared drive members can be added to files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -813,18 +723,14 @@ test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: People who aren't shared drive members can be added to files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is correct but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -859,17 +765,14 @@ test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: People who aren't shared drive members can be added to files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -891,23 +794,16 @@ test_SharedDrive_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3
test_Viewers_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -926,16 +822,12 @@ test_Viewers_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Viewers_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -964,16 +856,12 @@ test_Viewers_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Viewers_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1002,16 +890,12 @@ test_Viewers_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Viewers_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1030,20 +914,12 @@ test_Viewers_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Viewers_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1062,17 +938,14 @@ test_Viewers_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Viewers and commenters are allowed to download, print, and copy files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Viewers_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1101,18 +974,14 @@ test_Viewers_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Viewers and commenters are allowed to download, print, and copy files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Viewers_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is correct but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1141,18 +1010,14 @@ test_Viewers_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Viewers and commenters are allowed to download, print, and copy files
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Viewers_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top OU is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1171,13 +1036,5 @@ test_Viewers_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive03_test.rego
similarity index 80%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive03_test.rego
index b49e9986..430d547e 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive03_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
package drive
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3
test_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -38,16 +43,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -92,16 +93,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -156,16 +153,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -184,20 +177,12 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -230,18 +215,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Users are allowed to remove/apply the security update for files they own or manage
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("", "true")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -286,18 +267,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Users are allowed to remove/apply the security update for files they own or manage
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("", "true")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when top level ou is correct but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -352,18 +329,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Users are allowed to remove/apply the security update for files they own or manage
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("", "true")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top level ou is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -395,13 +368,5 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive04_test.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive04_test.rego
index 7f8f0d5a..8c249e06 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive04_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
package drive
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3
test_Security_Correct_V1 if {
# Test security setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +30,12 @@ test_Security_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Security_Correct_V2 if {
# Test security setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +64,12 @@ test_Security_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Security_Correct_V3 if {
# Test security setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,16 +98,12 @@ test_Security_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Security_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test security setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,20 +122,12 @@ test_Security_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Security_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test security setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,17 +146,14 @@ test_Security_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Drive SDK is enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Security_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test security setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -200,17 +182,14 @@ test_Security_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Drive SDK is enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Security_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test security setting when top level OU is right but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -239,17 +218,14 @@ test_Security_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: Drive SDK is enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Security_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test security setting when top level OU is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,13 +244,5 @@ test_Security_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive05_test.rego
similarity index 69%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive05_test.rego
index bd7133d3..1c735152 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive05_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
package drive
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3
test_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +30,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +64,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,16 +98,12 @@ test_Sharing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,20 +122,12 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test sharing setting when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,17 +146,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can install Google Docs add-ons from add-ons store.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sharing setting when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -200,17 +182,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can install Google Docs add-ons from add-ons store.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sharing setting when top level OU is right but secondary isn't
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -239,17 +218,14 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Secondary OU: Users can install Google Docs add-ons from add-ons store.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sharing setting when top level OU is missing
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,13 +244,5 @@ test_Sharing_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive06_test.rego
similarity index 84%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive06_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive06_test.rego
index 2aac461b..b4fbdaa3 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive06_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive06_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package drive
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.DRIVE.6.1v0.3
+# GWS.DRIVE.6.1
test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's OU inhertitence setting
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -55,16 +59,12 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -103,16 +103,12 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's multiple events and inherited OU setting
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -171,16 +167,12 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -209,16 +201,12 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_DriveFs_Setting_InCorrect_V1 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -247,17 +235,14 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_InCorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Drive for Desktop is enabled and can be used on any device.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1("false", "true"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_DriveFs_Setting_InCorrect_V2 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -306,17 +291,14 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_InCorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Drive for Desktop is enabled and can be used on any device.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1("false", "true"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_DriveFs_Setting_InCorrect_V3 if {
# Test Drive setting when there's multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"drive_logs": {"items": [
@@ -385,10 +367,7 @@ test_DriveFs_Setting_InCorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Drive for Desktop is enabled and can be used on any device.
\ No newline at end of file
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1("false", "true"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0287a06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+package drive
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodDriveApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "accessCheckerSuggestions": "RECIPIENTS_ONLY",
+ "allowNonGoogleInvites": false,
+ "allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains": false,
+ "allowPublishingFiles": false,
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": false,
+ "allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true,
+ "allowedPartiesForDistributingContent": "NONE",
+ "externalSharingMode": "DISALLOWED",
+ "warnForExternalSharing": true,
+ "warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_general_access_default": {
+ "defaultFileAccess": "PRIVATE_TO_OWNER"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "allowNonGoogleInvites": true,
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "accessCheckerSuggestions": "RECIPIENTS_OR_AUDIENCE_OR_PUBLIC",
+ "allowNonGoogleInvites": true,
+ "allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains": false,
+ "allowPublishingFiles": true,
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": false,
+ "allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true,
+ "allowedPartiesForDistributingContent": "ALL_ELIGIBLE_USERS",
+ "externalSharingMode": "ALLOWED",
+ "warnForExternalSharing": false,
+ "warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_general_access_default": {
+ "defaultFileAccess": "PRIMARY_AUDIENCE_WITH_LINK"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "externalSharingMode": "ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS",
+ "warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains": false,
+ "allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains": true
+ }
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "warnForExternalSharing": true
+ }
+ },
+ "fourthOU": {"empty intentional?": "yes"}
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi01a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "accessCheckerSuggestions": "RECIPIENTS_ONLY",
+ "allowNonGoogleInvites": false,
+ "allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains": false,
+ "allowPublishingFiles": false,
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": false,
+ "allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true,
+ "allowedPartiesForDistributingContent": "NONE",
+ "externalSharingMode": "DISALLOWED",
+ "warnForExternalSharing": false,
+ "warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "accessCheckerSuggestions": "RECIPIENTS_OR_AUDIENCE",
+ "allowNonGoogleInvites": true,
+ "allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains": true,
+ "allowPublishingFiles": true,
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": false,
+ "allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true,
+ "allowedPartiesForDistributingContent": "ELIGIBLE_INTERNAL_USERS",
+ "externalSharingMode": "ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS",
+ "warnForExternalSharing": false,
+ "warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains": true
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_general_access_default": {
+ },
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ExtSharing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ExtSharing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"))},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ExtSharing_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ReceiveExt_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ReceiveExt_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetSharingValue("ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"))},
+ {"Name": "thirdOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetSharingValue("DISALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_UserExtSharing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_UserExtSharing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_3(GetSharingValue("ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"))},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_3(GetSharingValue("ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_NonGoogle_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_4(GetSharingValue("ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"))},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_4(GetSharingValue("ALLOWED"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_NonGoogle_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_4(GetSharingValue("ALLOWLISTED_DOMAINS"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AllowPublish_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_AllowPublish_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AllowPublish_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AccessCheck_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_AccessCheck_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6(value))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AccessCheck_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_6
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6(value))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_MoveContent_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_MoveContent_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7(GetFriendlyValue1_7(value))},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7(GetFriendlyValue1_7(value))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_MoveContent_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_7
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7(GetFriendlyValue1_7(value))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_DefaultAccess_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_DefaultAccess_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8(value))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_DefaultAccess_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId1_8
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi01a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8(value))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api02_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e48a9f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api02_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+package drive
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodDriveApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation": {
+ "allowExternalUserAccess": false,
+ "allowManagersToOverrideSettings": false,
+ "allowNonMemberAccess": true,
+ "allowedPartiesForDownloadPrintCopy": "EDITORS_ONLY"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_external_sharing": {
+ "allowNonGoogleInvites": true,
+ "allowReceivingExternalFiles": false
+ }
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation": {
+ "allowExternalUserAccess": true,
+ "allowManagersToOverrideSettings": true,
+ "allowNonMemberAccess": false,
+ "allowedPartiesForDownloadPrintCopy": "ALL"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi02a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation": {
+ "allowExternalUserAccess": false,
+ "allowManagersToOverrideSettings": false,
+ "allowNonMemberAccess": true,
+ "allowedPartiesForDownloadPrintCopy": "EDITORS_ONLY"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation": {
+ "allowExternalUserAccess": true,
+ "allowManagersToOverrideSettings": true,
+ "allowNonMemberAccess": false,
+ "allowedPartiesForDownloadPrintCopy": "ALL"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ManagerOverride_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ManagerOverride_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ManagerOverride_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ExternalAccess_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ExternalAccess_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ExternalAccess_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_NonMemberExternalAccess_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_NonMemberExternalAccess_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_NonMemberExternalAccess_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AllowPrint_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_AllowPrint_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AllowPrint_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId2_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi02a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api03_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..864e356d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api03_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+package drive
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodDriveApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_file_security_update": {
+ "allowUsersToManageUpdate": false,
+ "securityUpdate": "APPLY_TO_IMPACTED_FILES"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_file_security_update": {
+ "allowUsersToManageUpdate": true,
+ "securityUpdate": "APPLY_TO_IMPACTED_FILES"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_file_security_update": {
+ "allowUsersToManageUpdate": false,
+ "securityUpdate": "REMOVE_FROM_IMPACTED_FILES"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi03a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_file_security_update": {
+ "allowUsersToManageUpdate": false,
+ "securityUpdate": "REMOVE_FROM_IMPACTED_FILES"
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_file_security_update": {
+ "allowUsersToManageUpdate": true,
+ "securityUpdate": "APPLY_TO_IMPACTED_FILES"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_SecurityUpdate_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi03
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_SecurityUpdate_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi03
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("REMOVE_FROM_IMPACTED_FILES",
+ false)},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("", true)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_SecurityUpdate_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi03a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("", true)},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("REMOVE_FROM_IMPACTED_FILES",
+ false)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b342741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+package drive
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodDriveApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_sdk": {"enableDriveSdkApiAccess": false},
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_sdk": {"enableDriveSdkApiAccess": true},
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_sdk": {"enableDriveSdkApiAccess": false}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi04a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_sdk": {"enableDriveSdkApiAccess": false},
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_sdk": {"enableDriveSdkApiAccess": true}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_SecurityUpdate_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_SecurityUpdate_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_SecurityUpdate_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi04a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api06_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ba124e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/drive/drive_api06_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+package drive
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodDriveApi06 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop": {
+ "allowDriveForDesktop": false,
+ "restrictToAuthorizedDevices": true
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop": {
+ "allowDriveForDesktop": true,
+ "restrictToAuthorizedDevices": true
+ },
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop": {
+ "restrictToAuthorizedDevices": false
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi06 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop": {
+ "allowDriveForDesktop": true,
+ "restrictToAuthorizedDevices": false
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadDriveApi06a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop": {
+ "allowDriveForDesktop": false,
+ "restrictToAuthorizedDevices": false
+ },
+ "drive_and_docs_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop": {"allowDriveForDesktop": true}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_DriveDesktop_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodDriveApi06
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_DriveDesktop_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi06
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(false, true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_DriveDesktop_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := DriveId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadDriveApi06a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(false, true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail01_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail01_test.rego
index c4fc5f7b..cfb15db5 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail01_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.1.1
test_MailDelegation_Correct_V1 if {
# Test mail delegation when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Correct_V1 if {
test_MailDelegation_Correct_V2 if {
# Test mail delegation when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Correct_V2 if {
test_MailDelegation_Correct_V3 if {
# Test mail delegation when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Correct_V3 if {
test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test mail delegation when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test mail delegation when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test mail delegation when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test mail delegation when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test mail delegation when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -276,4 +275,4 @@ test_MailDelegation_Incorrect_V5 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
"Mail delegation is set to enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail02_test.rego
similarity index 94%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail02_test.rego
index fe2f341f..23a854b0 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail02_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.2.1
test_DKIM_Correct_V1 if {
# Test DKIM when there's only one domain
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dkim_records": [
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ test_DKIM_Correct_V1 if {
test_DKIM_Correct_V2 if {
# Test DKIM when there's multiple domains
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dkim_records": [
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ test_DKIM_Correct_V2 if {
test_DKIM_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test DKIM when there's multiple domains and only one is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dkim_records": [
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ test_DKIM_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DKIM_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test DKIM when there's only one domain and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dkim_records": [
@@ -92,4 +91,4 @@ test_DKIM_Incorrect_V2 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "1 of 1 agency domain(s) found in violation: test.name."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail03_test.rego
similarity index 93%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail03_test.rego
index 83aeae3c..8b93e711 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail03_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.3.1
test_SPF_Correct_V1 if {
# Test SPF when there's only one domain
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ test_SPF_Correct_V1 if {
test_SPF_Correct_V2 if {
# Test SPF when there's multiple domains
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ test_SPF_Correct_V2 if {
test_SPF_Correct_V3 if {
# Test SPF redirect
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ test_SPF_Correct_V3 if {
test_SPF_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test SPF when there's multiple domains and only one is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ test_SPF_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_SPF_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test SPF when there's only one domain and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ test_SPF_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_SPF_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test softfail
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ test_SPF_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_SPF_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test no "all" mechanism
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"spf_records": [
@@ -153,4 +152,4 @@ test_SPF_Incorrect_V4 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "1 of 1 agency domain(s) found in violation: test.name."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail04_test.rego
similarity index 94%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail04_test.rego
index 9086e231..307ff9de 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail04_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.4.1
test_DMARC_Correct_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ test_DMARC_Correct_V1 if {
test_DMARC_Correct_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ test_DMARC_Correct_V2 if {
test_DMARC_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains and only one is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ test_DMARC_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DMARC_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -102,12 +101,12 @@ test_DMARC_Incorrect_V2 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.4.2
test_DMARCMessageReject_Correct_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_2
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ test_DMARCMessageReject_Correct_V1 if {
test_DMARCMessageReject_Correct_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_2
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ test_DMARCMessageReject_Correct_V2 if {
test_DMARCMessageReject_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains and only one is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_2
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ test_DMARCMessageReject_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DMARCMessageReject_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_2
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -202,12 +201,12 @@ test_DMARCMessageReject_Incorrect_V2 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.4.3
test_DMARCAggregateReports_Correct_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_3
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -229,7 +228,7 @@ test_DMARCAggregateReports_Correct_V1 if {
test_DMARCAggregateReports_Correct_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_3
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ test_DMARCAggregateReports_Correct_V2 if {
test_DMARCAggregateReports_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains and only one is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_3
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -283,7 +282,7 @@ test_DMARCAggregateReports_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DMARCAggregateReports_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_3
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -302,12 +301,12 @@ test_DMARCAggregateReports_Incorrect_V2 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.4.4
test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Correct_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_4
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Correct_V1 if {
test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Correct_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_4
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -357,7 +356,7 @@ test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Correct_V2 if {
test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test DMARC when there's multiple domains and only one is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_4
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -383,7 +382,7 @@ test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test DMARC when there's only one domain and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId4_4
Output := tests with input as {
"dmarc_records": [
@@ -400,4 +399,4 @@ test_DMARCAgencyPOC_Incorrect_V2 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "1 of 1 agency domain(s) found in violation: test.name."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
similarity index 76%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
index 0496c0f4..45d3366b 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail05_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.5.1
test_Encrypted_Correct_V1 if {
# Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -58,17 +62,13 @@ test_Encrypted_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Encrypted_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -91,17 +91,14 @@ test_Encrypted_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protection against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Encrypted_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -138,21 +135,18 @@ test_Encrypted_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protection against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.5.2
test_Scripts_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -177,16 +171,12 @@ test_Scripts_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Scripts_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -227,16 +217,12 @@ test_Scripts_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Scripts_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -277,16 +263,12 @@ test_Scripts_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Scripts_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -305,20 +287,12 @@ test_Scripts_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_Scripts_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -343,17 +317,14 @@ test_Scripts_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protection against encrypted attachments with scripts from untrusted senders is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Scripts_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -394,21 +365,18 @@ test_Scripts_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protection against encrypted attachments with scripts from untrusted senders is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.5.3
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -430,16 +398,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -474,16 +438,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -518,16 +478,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -562,16 +518,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -590,20 +542,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -625,17 +569,14 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protection against anomalous attachment types in emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -670,17 +611,14 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protection against anomalous attachment types in emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -702,17 +640,14 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protection against anomalous attachment types in emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -747,21 +682,18 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionAnomalousAttachment_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protection against anomalous attachment types in emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.5.4
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -783,16 +715,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -827,16 +755,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -871,16 +795,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -915,16 +835,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -943,20 +859,12 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -978,17 +886,14 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Automatically enables all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1023,17 +928,14 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Automatically enables all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1055,17 +957,14 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Automatically enables all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Attachment Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1100,20 +999,17 @@ test_AttachmentProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Automatically enables all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.5.5
test_AttachmentSafety_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1161,16 +1057,12 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1218,24 +1110,14 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- concat("", [
- "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
- "
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders",
- "
- "
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue5_5("", "Show warning", "")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1283,24 +1165,14 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- concat("", [
- "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
- "
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- "Encrypted attachments from untrusted senders",
- "
- "
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue5_5("Show warning", "", "")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-test_AttachmentSafety_Inorrect_V3 if {
+test_AttachmentSafety_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when one setting is missing events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1336,21 +1208,13 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_Inorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_AttachmentSafety_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when all settings have no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1360,20 +1224,12 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1421,20 +1277,7 @@ test_AttachmentSafety_InCorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- concat("", [
- "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
- "
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- "Encrypted attachments from untrusted senders",
- "
- "- ",
- "Emails with attachments, with scripts from untrusted senders",
- "
- "
\ No newline at end of file
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue5_5("Show warning", "Show warning", "")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail06_test.rego
similarity index 77%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail06_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail06_test.rego
index 67e14c12..913aeccb 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail06_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail06_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package gmail
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.6.1
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,16 +32,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,16 +72,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -117,16 +112,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,16 +152,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -189,20 +176,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -224,17 +203,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Identify links behind shortened URLs is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -269,17 +245,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Identify links behind shortened URLs is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -301,17 +274,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Identify links behind shortened URLs is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -346,22 +316,19 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionIdentifyLinksURL_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Identify links behind shortened URLs is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.6.2
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -383,16 +350,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -427,16 +390,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -471,16 +430,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -515,16 +470,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -543,20 +494,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -578,17 +521,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Scan linked images is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -624,21 +564,18 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionScanLinkedImages_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Scan linked images is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.6.3
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -663,16 +600,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -713,16 +646,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -763,16 +692,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -791,20 +716,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -829,17 +746,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Show warning prompt for click on links to untrusted domains is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -878,17 +792,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Show warning prompt for click on links to untrusted domains is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -911,17 +822,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Show warning prompt for click on links to untrusted domains is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -960,21 +868,18 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionWarningLinksUntrustedDomains_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Show warning prompt for click on links to untrusted domains is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.6.4
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -999,16 +904,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1049,16 +950,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1099,16 +996,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1149,16 +1042,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1177,20 +1066,12 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1215,17 +1096,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Apply future recommended settings automatically is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1250,17 +1128,14 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Apply future recommended settings automatically is disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Links and External Images Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1301,10 +1176,7 @@ test_LinksExternalImagesProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Apply future recommended settings automatically is disabled
\ No newline at end of file
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
similarity index 79%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
index 1ac06fac..807fafd3 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail07_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package gmail
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.1
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -32,16 +36,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -82,16 +82,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -132,16 +128,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -182,16 +174,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -210,20 +198,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -248,17 +228,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against domain spoofing using similar domain names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -299,17 +276,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against domain spoofing using similar domain names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -334,17 +308,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against domain spoofing using similar domain names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -385,23 +356,19 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionSimilarDomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against domain spoofing using similar domain names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.2
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -424,16 +391,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -470,16 +433,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -516,16 +475,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -562,16 +517,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -590,20 +541,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -626,17 +569,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against spoofing of employee names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -673,17 +613,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against spoofing of employee names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -706,17 +643,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against spoofing of employee names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -753,21 +687,18 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionEmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against spoofing of employee names is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.3
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -792,16 +723,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -842,16 +769,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -892,16 +815,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -942,16 +861,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -970,20 +885,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V1 if
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1008,17 +915,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V2 if
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1059,17 +963,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V3 if
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1094,17 +995,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V4 if
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1145,22 +1043,18 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofing_Incorrect_V5 if
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.4
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1183,16 +1077,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1229,16 +1119,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1275,16 +1161,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1321,17 +1203,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1350,20 +1227,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1386,17 +1255,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against any unauthenticated emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1433,17 +1299,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect against any unauthenticated emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1466,17 +1329,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against any unauthenticated emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1513,21 +1373,18 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionUnauthenticatedEmail_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect against any unauthenticated emails is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.5
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1552,16 +1409,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V1
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1602,16 +1455,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V2
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1652,16 +1501,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V3
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1702,16 +1547,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Correct_V4
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1730,20 +1571,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1768,17 +1601,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1819,17 +1649,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1854,17 +1681,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -1905,20 +1729,18 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionInboundEmailDomainSpoofingGroups_Incorrect_
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.6
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_6
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2003,16 +1825,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_6
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2097,27 +1915,15 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- concat("", [
- "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
- "
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- "Inbound emails spoofing similar domain names",
- "
- "- ",
- "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups",
- "
- "
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue7_6("Show warning",
+ "", "", "", "Show warning")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_6
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2202,31 +2008,19 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtection_InCorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- concat("", [
- "The following email types are kept in the inbox:",
- "
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- "Inbound emails spoofing similar domain names",
- "
- "- ",
- "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups",
- "
- "
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue7_6("Show warning",
+ "", "", "", "Show warning")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.7.7
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2251,16 +2045,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2301,16 +2091,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2351,16 +2137,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2401,16 +2183,12 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2429,20 +2207,13 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when only one setting doesn't have enents
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ # Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when only one setting
+ # doesn't have events
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2505,28 +2276,20 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Note that "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your
- # domain action" is missing
+ # Note that "Spoofing and authentication safety Protect your Groups
+ # from inbound emails spoofing your domain action" is missing
"tenant_info": {
"topLevelOU": ""
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2551,17 +2314,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Automatically enable all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2602,17 +2362,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Automatically enable all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2637,17 +2394,14 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Automatically enable all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -2688,10 +2442,7 @@ test_SpoofingAuthenticationProtectionFutureRecommendedSettings_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Automatically enable all future added settings is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail08_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail08_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail08_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail08_test.rego
index bc200746..52bab032 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail08_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail08_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.8.1
test_UserEmailUploads_Correct_V1 if {
# Test User Email Uploads when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Correct_V1 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Correct_V2 if {
# Test User Email Uploads when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Correct_V2 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Correct_V3 if {
# Test User Email Uploads when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Correct_V3 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test User Email Uploads when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test User Email Uploads when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test User Email Uploads when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Spoofing and Authentication Protections when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId8_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -276,4 +275,4 @@ test_UserEmailUploads_Incorrect_V5 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
"User email uploads is set to enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail09_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail09_test.rego
similarity index 97%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail09_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail09_test.rego
index 95cfefc0..50a6638b 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail09_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail09_test.rego
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.9.1
test_ImapAccess_Correct_V1 if {
# Test IMAP and POP Access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId9_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ test_ImapAccess_Correct_V1 if {
test_ImapAccess_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test IMAP and POP Access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId9_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ test_ImapAccess_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_ImapAccess_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test IMAP and POP Access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId9_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ test_ImapAccess_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_ImapAccess_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test IMAP and POP Access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId9_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -180,4 +179,4 @@ test_ImapAccess_Incorrect_V3 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
"IMAP access is enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail10_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail10_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail10_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail10_test.rego
index 86cc5b07..6c5f3e76 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail10_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail10_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.10.1
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V1 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V2 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V3 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Correct_V4 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -317,11 +316,11 @@ test_GoogleWorkspaceSync_Incorrect_V5 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.10.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.10.2
test_May_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.10.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId10_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -336,4 +335,4 @@ test_May_Correct_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail11_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail11_test.rego
similarity index 72%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail11_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail11_test.rego
index 4167375b..dcb07ad7 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail11_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail11_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package gmail
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.11.1
test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +30,12 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,16 +64,12 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -102,16 +98,12 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -140,16 +132,12 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -168,20 +156,12 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -200,17 +180,14 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Automatically enable email autoforwarding is set to enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -239,17 +216,14 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Automatically enable email autoforwarding is set to enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,17 +242,14 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Automatically enable email autoforwarding is set to enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Automatic Forwarding when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -307,12 +278,9 @@ test_AutomaticForwarding_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Automatically enable email autoforwarding is set to enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail12_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail12_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail12_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail12_test.rego
index 572ab43e..ffdf175c 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail12_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail12_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.12.1
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Correct_V1 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Correct_V2 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Correct_V3 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Per-User Outbound Gateway when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId12_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -276,4 +275,4 @@ test_PerUserOutboundGateway_Incorrect_V5 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
"Allow per-user outbound gateways is set to enabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail13_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail13_test.rego
similarity index 97%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail13_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail13_test.rego
index 13b879bb..d8f64dec 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail13_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail13_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.13.1
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V1 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V2 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V3 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Correct_V4 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -234,7 +233,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Unintended External Reply Warning when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId13_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -353,4 +352,4 @@ test_ExternalReplyWarning_Incorrect_V5 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
"Warn for external participants is set to disabled
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail14_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail14_test.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail14_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail14_test.rego
index c13016f2..3086cd94 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail14_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail14_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package gmail
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResultWithMessage
-# GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.14.1
test_EmailAllowlist_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Email Allowlists when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,19 +30,14 @@ test_EmailAllowlist_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "Email allowlists are not enabled in ",
- "Test Top-Level Domain."
- ])
+ Message := NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1("true"),
+ "Test Top-Level Domain")
+ PassTestResultWithMessage(PolicyId, Output, Message)
test_EmailAllowlist_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Email Allowlists when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -67,18 +66,14 @@ test_EmailAllowlist_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "Email allowlists are not enabled in ",
- "Test Top-Level Domain."
- ])}
+ Message := NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1("true"),
+ "Test Top-Level Domain")
+ PassTestResultWithMessage(PolicyId, Output, Message)
test_EmailAllowlist_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Email Allowlists when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -97,20 +92,12 @@ test_EmailAllowlist_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, ",
- "the default setting is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level Domain", true)
test_EmailAllowlist_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Email Allowlists when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -129,16 +116,15 @@ test_EmailAllowlist_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Email allowlists are enabled in Test Top-Level Domain."
+ FailTestNonCompliant(PolicyId,
+ Output,
+ NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1("false"),
+ "Test Top-Level Domain"))
test_EmailAllowlist_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Email Allowlists when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -167,10 +153,9 @@ test_EmailAllowlist_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Email allowlists are enabled in Test Top-Level Domain."
+ FailTestNonCompliant(PolicyId,
+ Output,
+ NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1("false"),
+ "Test Top-Level Domain"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail15_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail15_test.rego
similarity index 76%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail15_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail15_test.rego
index 4aa16777..5cffbaee 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail15_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail15_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package gmail
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.15.1
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,16 +33,12 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,16 +73,12 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -117,16 +113,12 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there's correct events in multiple OUs and inherited setting
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -161,16 +153,12 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -189,19 +177,12 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -223,17 +204,14 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,17 +246,14 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -300,17 +275,14 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Enhanced Pre-Delivery Message Scanning when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -345,21 +317,19 @@ test_EnhancedPreDeliveryMessageScanning_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning is set to disabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-# GWS.GMAIL.15.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.15.2
test_Other_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.15.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -374,4 +344,4 @@ test_Other_Correct_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail16_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail16_test.rego
similarity index 96%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail16_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail16_test.rego
index ff2590bd..c52ca1c7 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail16_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail16_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.16.1
test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V1 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V2 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V2 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V3 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there's correct events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V3 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V4 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there's correct events in multiple OUs and setting is inherited
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Correct_V3 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V4 if {
test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test Security Sandbox when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -317,11 +316,11 @@ test_SecuritySandbox_Incorrect_V5 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.16.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.16.2
test_Other_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.16.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId16_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -336,4 +335,4 @@ test_Other_Correct_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail17_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail17_test.rego
similarity index 90%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail17_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail17_test.rego
index de38a18d..2cfa4fec 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail17_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail17_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.17.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.17.1
test_ComprehensiveMailStorage_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Comprehensive Mail Storage when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.17.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId17_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -22,4 +21,4 @@ test_ComprehensiveMailStorage_Correct_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail18_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail18_test.rego
similarity index 90%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail18_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail18_test.rego
index e279c7ac..873cbe45 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail18_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail18_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gmail
import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.18.1v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.18.1
test_AdvanvedEmailContentFitlering_Correct_V1 if {
# Test Advanced Email Content Filtering when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.18.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId18_1
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,11 +24,11 @@ test_AdvanvedEmailContentFitlering_Correct_V1 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.18.2v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.18.2
test_Other_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.18.2v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId18_2
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -47,11 +46,11 @@ test_Other_Correct_V1 if {
-# GWS.GMAIL.18.3v0.3
+# GWS.GMAIL.18.3
test_PII_Correct_V1 if {
# Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.18.3v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GmailId18_3
Output := tests with input as {
"gmail_logs": {"items": [
@@ -66,4 +65,4 @@ test_PII_Correct_V1 if {
not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail19_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail19_test.rego
similarity index 86%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail19_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail19_test.rego
index 32d645af..5702980b 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail19_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail19_test.rego
@@ -1,68 +1,69 @@
-package gmail
-import future.keywords
-# GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3
-test_Domains_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "gmail_logs": {"items": [
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
-# GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3
-test_HideWarnings_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "gmail_logs": {"items": [
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
-# GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3
-test_BypassAll_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test not implemented
- PolicyId := "GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "gmail_logs": {"items": [
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
\ No newline at end of file
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+# GWS.GMAIL.19.1
+test_Domains_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test not implemented
+ PolicyId := GmailId19_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "gmail_logs": {"items": [
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
+# GWS.GMAIL.19.2
+test_HideWarnings_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test not implemented
+ PolicyId := GmailId19_2
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "gmail_logs": {"items": [
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
+# GWS.GMAIL.19.3
+test_BypassAll_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test not implemented
+ PolicyId := GmailId19_3
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "gmail_logs": {"items": [
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check."
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api05_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c04f31f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api05_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGmailApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_email_attachment_safety": {
+ "applyFutureRecommendedSettingsAutomatically": true,
+ "enableAnomalousAttachmentProtection": true,
+ "enableAttachmentWithScriptsProtection": true,
+ "enableEncryptedAttachmentProtection": true,
+ "anomalousAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "SPAM_FOLDER",
+ "attachmentWithScriptsProtectionConsequence": "QUARANTINE",
+ "encryptedAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "QUARANTINE"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_email_attachment_safety": {
+ "applyFutureRecommendedSettingsAutomatically": false,
+ "enableAnomalousAttachmentProtection": false,
+ "enableAttachmentWithScriptsProtection": false,
+ "enableEncryptedAttachmentProtection": false,
+ "anomalousAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "attachmentWithScriptsProtectionConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "encryptedAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "WARNING"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi05a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_email_attachment_safety": {
+ "applyFutureRecommendedSettingsAutomatically": true,
+ "enableAnomalousAttachmentProtection": true,
+ "enableAttachmentWithScriptsProtection": true,
+ "enableEncryptedAttachmentProtection": true,
+ "anomalousAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "SPAM_FOLDER",
+ "attachmentWithScriptsProtectionConsequence": "QUARANTINE",
+ "encryptedAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "QUARANTINE"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "gmail_email_attachment_safety": {
+ "applyFutureRecommendedSettingsAutomatically": false,
+ "enableAnomalousAttachmentProtection": false,
+ "enableAttachmentWithScriptsProtection": false,
+ "enableEncryptedAttachmentProtection": false,
+ "anomalousAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "encryptedAttachmentProtectionConsequence": "WARNING"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_Encrypted_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_Encrypted_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_Encrypted_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_Scripts_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_Scripts_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_Scripts_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AnomalousAttach_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_AnomalousAttach_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AnomalousAttach_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_FutureSettings_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_FutureSettings_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_FutureSettings_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AttachConsequence_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_AttachConsequence_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05
+ types := ["anomalous type", "encrypted", "scripts"]
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_5(types)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_AttachConsequence_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId5_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi05a
+ types := ["anomalous type", "encrypted"]
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_5(types)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api06_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..786a258e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api06_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGmailApi06 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_links_and_external_images": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": true,
+ "enableAggressiveWarningsOnUntrustedLinks": true,
+ "enableExternalImageScanning": true,
+ "enableShortenerScanning": true
+ },
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi06 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_links_and_external_images": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": false,
+ "enableAggressiveWarningsOnUntrustedLinks": false,
+ "enableExternalImageScanning": false,
+ "enableShortenerScanning": false
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi06a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_links_and_external_images": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": true,
+ "enableAggressiveWarningsOnUntrustedLinks": true,
+ "enableExternalImageScanning": true,
+ "enableShortenerScanning": true
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "gmail_links_and_external_images": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": false,
+ "enableAggressiveWarningsOnUntrustedLinks": false,
+ "enableExternalImageScanning": false,
+ "enableShortenerScanning": false
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_ShortLinks_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi06
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ShortLinks_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ShortLinks_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ScanImages_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi06
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ScanImages_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ScanImages_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_WarnEnabled_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi06
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_WarnEnabled_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_WarnEnabled_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ApplyFuture_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi06
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_ApplyFuture_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_ApplyFuture_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId6_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi06a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api07_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api07_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d3007d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api07_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGmailApi07 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_spoofing_and_authentication": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": true,
+ "detectDomainNameSpoofing": true,
+ "detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders": true,
+ "detectEmployeeNameSpoofing": true,
+ "detectGroupsSpoofing": true,
+ "detectUnauthenticatedEmails": true,
+ "domainNameSpoofingConsequence": "SPAM_FOLDER",
+ "domainSpoofingConsequence": "SPAM_FOLDER",
+ "employeeNameSpoofingConsequence": "QUARANTINE",
+ "groupsSpoofingConsequence": "QUARANTINE",
+ "unauthenticatedEmailConsequence": "QUARANTINE"
+ },
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi07 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_spoofing_and_authentication": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": false,
+ "detectDomainNameSpoofing": false,
+ "detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders": false,
+ "detectEmployeeNameSpoofing": false,
+ "detectGroupsSpoofing": false,
+ "detectUnauthenticatedEmails": false,
+ "domainNameSpoofingConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "domainSpoofingConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "employeeNameSpoofingConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "groupsSpoofingConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "unauthenticatedEmailConsequence": "WARNING"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi07a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_spoofing_and_authentication": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": true,
+ "detectDomainNameSpoofing": true,
+ "detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders": true,
+ "detectEmployeeNameSpoofing": true,
+ "detectGroupsSpoofing": true,
+ "detectUnauthenticatedEmails": true,
+ "domainNameSpoofingConsequence": "QUARANTINE",
+ "domainSpoofingConsequence": "SPAM_FOLDER",
+ "employeeNameSpoofingConsequence": "QUARANTINE",
+ "groupsSpoofingConsequence": "SPAM_FOLDER",
+ "unauthenticatedEmailConsequence": "QUARANTINE"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "gmail_spoofing_and_authentication": {
+ "applyFutureSettingsAutomatically": false,
+ "detectDomainNameSpoofing": false,
+ "detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders": false,
+ "detectEmployeeNameSpoofing": false,
+ "detectGroupsSpoofing": false,
+ "detectUnauthenticatedEmails": false,
+ "domainNameSpoofingConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "domainSpoofingConsequence": "WARNING",
+ "unauthenticatedEmailConsequence": "WARNING"
+ },
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_DomainNameSpoofing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_DomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_DomainNameSpoofing_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_EmployeeNameSpoofing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_EmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_EmployeeNameSpoofing_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_2
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_DomainSpoofing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_DomainSpoofing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_DomainSpoofing_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_3
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_UnauthenticatedEmailSpoofing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_UnauthenticatedEmailSpoofing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_UnauthenticatedEmailSpoofing_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_4
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_GroupsSpoofing_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsSpoofing_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_GroupsSpoofing_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_5
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_SpoofConsequence_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_6
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_SpoofConsequence_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_6
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ types := ["domain", "domain name", "employee name", "groups",
+ "unauthenticated"]
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_6(types)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_SpoofConsequence_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_6
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ types := ["domain", "domain name", "unauthenticated"]
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_6(types)}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_FutureSettings_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi07
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_FutureSettings_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_FutureSettings_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId7_7
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi07a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api11_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api11_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9784024f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api11_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGmailApi11 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_auto_forwarding": {"enableAutoForwarding": false},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi11 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_auto_forwarding": {"enableAutoForwarding": true},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_Autoforward_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi11
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_Autoforward_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId11_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi11
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(true))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api14_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api14_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad935a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api14_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResultWithMessage
+GoodGmailApi14 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_email_spam_filter_ip_allowlist": {"allowedIpAddresses": []},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi14 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_email_spam_filter_ip_allowlist": {
+ "allowedIpAddresses": [""]},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_Allowlist_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi14
+ Message := NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1(false), "topOU")
+ PassTestResultWithMessage(PolicyId, Output, Message)
+test_Allowlist_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId14_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi14
+ FailTestNonCompliant(PolicyId,
+ Output,
+ NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1(true),
+ "topOU"))
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api15_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api15_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72a4bb02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/gmail/gmail_api15_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package gmail
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGmailApi15 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning": {
+ "enableImprovedSuspiciousContentDetection": true},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi15 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning": {
+ "enableImprovedSuspiciousContentDetection": false},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGmailApi15a := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "gmail_enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning": {
+ "enableImprovedSuspiciousContentDetection": true},
+ "gmail_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "gmail_enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning": {
+ "enableImprovedSuspiciousContentDetection": false},
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_PreScanning_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGmailApi15
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_PreScanning_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi15
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_PreScanning_Incorrect_2 if {
+ PolicyId := GmailId15_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGmailApi15a
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups01_test.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups01_test.rego
index 4e72cba2..0b2e2f12 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups01_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package groups
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
# Policy 1
test_GroupAccess_Correct_V1 if {
# Test group access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +29,12 @@ test_GroupAccess_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupAccess_Correct_V2 if {
# Test group access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,16 +63,12 @@ test_GroupAccess_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupsAccess_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test group access when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -92,21 +87,13 @@ test_GroupsAccess_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_GroupAccess_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test group access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -125,17 +112,14 @@ test_GroupAccess_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Group access from outside the organization is enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Any user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupAccess_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test group access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -164,11 +148,8 @@ test_GroupAccess_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Group access from outside the organization is enabled
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Any user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups02_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups02_test.rego
index b6ff1606..58fc25f8 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups02_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package groups
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
# Policy 1
test_GroupAddExternal_Correct_V1 if {
# Test group owners' ability to add external memebers when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,17 +32,13 @@ test_GroupAddExternal_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupAddExternal_Correct_V2 if {
# Test group owners' ability to add external memebers when there's
# multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -74,16 +73,12 @@ test_GroupAddExternal_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupAddExternal_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test group owners' ability to add external memebers when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -102,20 +97,12 @@ test_GroupAddExternal_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_GroupAddExternal_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test group owners' ability to add external memebers when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -137,17 +124,14 @@ test_GroupAddExternal_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Group owners have the ability to add external members to the group
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupAddExternal_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test group owners' ability to add external memebers when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -182,11 +166,8 @@ test_GroupAddExternal_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Group owners have the ability to add external members to the group
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups03_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups03_test.rego
index bc41feec..a5de1be4 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups03_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package groups
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
# Policy 1
test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Correct_V1 if {
# Test group owners' ability to allow incoming mail for posting group messages when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,17 +32,13 @@ test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Correct_V2 if {
# Test group owners' ability to allow incoming mail for posting group messages when
# there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -74,16 +73,12 @@ test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test group owners' ability to allow incoming mail for posting group messages when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -102,21 +97,13 @@ test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test group owners' ability to allow incoming mail for posting group messages when
# there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -138,19 +125,15 @@ test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Group owners have the ability to allow an ",
- "external non-group member to post to the group
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test group owners' ability to allow incoming mail for posting group messages
# when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -185,12 +168,8 @@ test_GroupIncomingMailPosting_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Group owners have the ability to allow an ",
- "external non-group member to post to the group
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups04_test.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups04_test.rego
index 0f3cf275..99a74fc6 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups04_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package groups
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
# Policy 1
test_GroupCreation_Correct_V1 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,15 +29,12 @@ test_GroupCreation_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupCreation_Correct_V2 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +63,12 @@ test_GroupCreation_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -91,20 +87,12 @@ test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -123,18 +111,14 @@ test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Anyone in the organization can create groups
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Users in your domain only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -163,19 +147,15 @@ test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Anyone in the organization can create groups
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Users in your domain only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -194,18 +174,14 @@ test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Anyone on the internet can create groups
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Any user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test group creation restrictions when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -234,12 +210,8 @@ test_GroupCreation_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Anyone on the internet can create groups
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Any user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups05_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups05_test.rego
index d2117a8e..96e6f84e 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups05_test.rego
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
package groups
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
@@ -7,7 +11,7 @@ import future.keywords
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Correct_V1 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,16 +33,12 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Correct_V2 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -73,16 +73,12 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails =="Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,20 +97,12 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -136,18 +124,14 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to domain users
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Users in your domain only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -169,18 +153,14 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to managers
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Managers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -202,18 +182,14 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to owners
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Owners")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -248,18 +224,14 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to domain users
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Users in your domain only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -294,18 +266,14 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to managers
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Managers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test group conversation view permissions when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -340,19 +308,16 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to owners
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Owners")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V8 if {
- # Test group conversation view permissions when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.5.1v0.3"
+ # Test group conversation view permissions when there are multiple events
+ # and the most recent is wrong
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -387,12 +352,8 @@ test_GroupConservationViewPermission_Incorrect_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Permission to view conversations is set to anyone on the internet
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Any user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups06_test.rego
similarity index 72%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups06_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups06_test.rego
index 1cb2df7e..6cf64e9a 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups06_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups06_test.rego
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
package groups
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
@@ -7,7 +11,7 @@ import future.keywords
test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Correct_V1 if {
# Test group owners' ability to hide groups when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +30,12 @@ test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Correct_V2 if {
# Test group owners' ability to hide groups when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,16 +64,12 @@ test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test group owners' ability to hide groups when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -92,20 +88,12 @@ test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test group owners' ability to hide groups when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -124,17 +112,14 @@ test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Groups can be hidden from the directory
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test group owners' ability to hide groups when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -163,16 +148,13 @@ test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Groups can be hidden from the directory
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V4 if {
- PolicyId := "GWS.GROUPS.6.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
Output := tests with input as {
"groups_logs": {"items": [
@@ -201,11 +183,8 @@ test_GroupOwnersHideGroups_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Groups can be hidden from the directory
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e92f6e92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGroupsApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "collaborationCapability": "DOMAIN_USERS_ONLY"
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGroupsApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "collaborationCapability": "ANYONE_CAN_ACCESS"
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_GroupsAPI_Collaboration_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGroupsApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsAPI_Collaboration_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGroupsApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1("Any user")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api02_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61c38263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api02_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGroupsApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "ownersCanAllowExternalMembers": false
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGroupsApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "ownersCanAllowExternalMembers": true
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_GroupsAPI_ExternalAccess_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGroupsApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsAPI_ExternalAccess_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGroupsApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api03_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1a05152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api03_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGroupsApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "ownersCanAllowIncomingMailFromPublic": false
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGroupsApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "ownersCanAllowIncomingMailFromPublic": true
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_GroupsAPI_ExternalEmail_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGroupsApi03
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsAPI_ExternalEmail_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGroupsApi03
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f24afc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGroupsApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "createGroupsAccessLevel": "ADMIN_ONLY"
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGroupsApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "createGroupsAccessLevel": "USERS_IN_DOMAIN"
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "createGroupsAccessLevel": "ANYONE_CAN_CREATE"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_GroupsAPI_Creator_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGroupsApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsAPI_Creator_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGroupsApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Any user")},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("Users in your domain only")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api05_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd6860d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api05_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGroupsApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel": "GROUP_MEMBERS"
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ },
+ "thirdOU": {
+ "security_session_controls": {
+ "webSessionDuration": "700m"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGroupsApi05 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel": "MANAGERS"
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel": "ANYONE_CAN_VIEW_TOPICS"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_GroupsAPI_ViewTopics_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGroupsApi05
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsAPI_ViewTopics_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGroupsApi05
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Any user")},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1("Managers")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api06_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api06_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43ffca93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/groups/groups_api06_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodGroupsApi06 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "ownersCanHideGroups": false
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadGroupsApi06 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "groups_for_business_groups_sharing": {
+ "ownersCanHideGroups": true
+ },
+ "groups_for_business_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_GroupsAPI_HiddenGroups_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodGroupsApi06
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_GroupsAPI_HiddenGroups_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := GroupsId6_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadGroupsApi06
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1("Yes")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet01_test.rego
similarity index 71%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet01_test.rego
index e8104739..89d918c9 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet01_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
package meet
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3
+# GWS.MEET.1.1
test_Access_Correct_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +31,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Correct_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,16 +65,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Correct_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there are events in multiple OUs
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -102,16 +99,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Correct_V4 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -150,16 +143,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -178,20 +167,12 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Access_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -210,17 +191,14 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can join meetings is set to all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -249,17 +227,14 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can join meetings is set to all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -288,18 +263,15 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Who can join meetings is set to all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -318,19 +290,12 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Access_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -349,17 +314,14 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can join meetings is set to all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test meeting access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -388,17 +350,14 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Who can join meetings is set to all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V8 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -427,18 +386,15 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Who can join meetings is set to all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Access_Incorrect_V9 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -457,20 +413,13 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V9 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])}
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Access_Incorrect_V10 if {
# Test group wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -505,14 +454,7 @@ test_Access_Incorrect_V10 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- group@example.com: Who can join meetings is set to all users ",
- "(including users not signed in with a Google account)
- "
- ])
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet02_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet02_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet02_test.rego
index 06d06b8c..6fa45fd4 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet02_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet02_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
package meet
-import future.keywords
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
# Baseline 2 - Policy 1
test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -26,16 +31,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -64,16 +65,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -102,16 +99,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Correct_V4 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -150,16 +143,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V5 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -178,16 +167,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V6 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -216,16 +201,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V7 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -254,16 +235,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Correct_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_History_Correct_V8 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -302,16 +279,12 @@ test_History_Correct_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -330,20 +303,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -362,19 +327,14 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].Criticality == "Shall"
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "What meetings can org users join is set to any meetings, ",
- "including meetings created with personal accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -403,18 +363,14 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "What meetings can org users join is set to any meetings, ",
- "including meetings created with personal accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -443,19 +399,15 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "What meetings can org users join is set to any meetings, ",
- "including meetings created with personal accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -474,20 +426,12 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -506,19 +450,14 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].Criticality == "Shall"
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "What meetings can org users join is set to any meetings, ",
- "including meetings created with personal accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test meeting access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -547,18 +486,14 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: ",
- "What meetings can org users join is set to any meetings, ",
- "including meetings created with personal accounts
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V8 if {
# Test group wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -593,14 +528,7 @@ test_JoinExternalPers_Incorrect_V8 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- group@example.com: What meetings can org users join is set to ",
- "any meetings, including meetings created with personal accounts
- "
- ])
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet03_test.rego
similarity index 73%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet03_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet03_test.rego
index 85ffacad..60558534 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet03_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet03_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
package meet
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3
+# GWS.MEET.3.1
test_HostMan_Correct_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -25,16 +31,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_HostMan_Correct_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -63,16 +65,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_HostMan_Correct_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -101,16 +99,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Access_Correct_V4 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -149,16 +143,12 @@ test_Access_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_HostMan_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -177,20 +167,12 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_HostMan_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -209,17 +191,14 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Host management when video calls start is set to off
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_HostMan_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -248,17 +227,14 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Host management when video calls start is set to off
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_HostMan_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -287,18 +263,15 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Host management when video calls start is set to off
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_HostMan_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -317,21 +290,13 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_HostMan_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test group wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -366,13 +331,7 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- group@example.com: Host management when video calls start is set to off
- "
- ])
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet04_test.rego
similarity index 74%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet04_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet04_test.rego
index 12367673..e73a29c8 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet04_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet04_test.rego
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
package meet
import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
-# GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3
+# GWS.MEET.4.1
-test_HostMan_Correct_V1 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Correct_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -29,16 +35,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
-test_HostMan_Correct_V2 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Correct_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -75,16 +77,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
-test_HostMan_Correct_V3 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Correct_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there's multiple events and the most most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -121,16 +119,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
-test_HostMan_Correct_V4 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Correct_V4 if {
# Test history setting when set to inherit from parent
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -181,16 +175,12 @@ test_HostMan_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
-test_HostMan_Incorrect_V1 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test meeting access when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -209,20 +199,12 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", true)
-test_HostMan_Incorrect_V2 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test meeting access when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -245,17 +227,14 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is set to no warning label
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-test_HostMan_Incorrect_V3 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test meeting access when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -292,17 +271,14 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: ",
- "Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is set to no warning label
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-test_HostMan_Incorrect_V4 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when there are multiple OU and a secondary OU is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -339,18 +315,15 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is set to no warning label
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-test_HostMan_Incorrect_V5 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test allow user to change history setting when the primary OU is missing but a different one is present
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -373,18 +346,15 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", ["The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Secondary OU: ",
- "Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is set to no warning label
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Secondary OU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
-test_HostMan_Incorrect_V6 if {
+test_ExternWarn_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test group wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
Output := tests with input as {
"meet_logs": {"items": [
@@ -421,14 +391,7 @@ test_HostMan_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- group@example.com: Warning label for external or unidentified ",
- "meeting participants is set to no warning label
- "
- ])
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group@example.com",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet05_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet05_test.rego
similarity index 94%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet05_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet05_test.rego
index 58ccfda5..876cd496 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet05_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet05_test.rego
@@ -1,288 +1,288 @@
-package meet
-import future.keywords
-# GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3
-test_Incoming_Correct_V1 if {
- # Test restricted to contacts
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "CONTACTS_AND_SAME_DOMAIN"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_Incoming_Correct_V2 if {
- # Test disabled
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_Incoming_Correct_V3 if {
- # Test inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2023-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {"name": "SETTING_NAME", "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
-test_Incoming_Incorrect_V1 if {
- # Test top-level OU wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can receive calls from anyone
- "
- ])
-test_Incoming_Incorrect_V2 if {
- # Test child OU wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "- Test Second-Level OU: Users can receive calls from anyone
- "
- ])
-test_Incoming_Incorrect_V3 if {
- # Test group wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- },
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
- {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "group@example.com"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "- group@example.com: Users can receive calls from anyone
- "
- ])
-test_Incoming_Incorrect_V4 if {
- # Test no events
- PolicyId := "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3"
- Output := tests with input as {
- "meet_logs": {"items": [
- {
- "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
- "events": [{
- "parameters": [
- {
- "name": "SETTING_NAME",
- "value": "something else"
- },
- {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
- {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
- ]
- }]
- }
- ]},
- "tenant_info": {
- "topLevelOU": ""
- }
- }
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting is compliant; ",
- "manual check recommended."
- ])
\ No newline at end of file
+package meet
+import future.keywords
+# GWS.MEET.5.1
+test_Incoming_Correct_V1 if {
+ # Test restricted to contacts
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "CONTACTS_AND_SAME_DOMAIN"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_Incoming_Correct_V2 if {
+ # Test disabled
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_Incoming_Correct_V3 if {
+ # Test inheritance
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2023-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "SETTING_NAME", "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+test_Incoming_Incorrect_V1 if {
+ # Test top-level OU wrong
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Top-Level OU: Users can receive calls from anyone
+ "
+ ])
+test_Incoming_Incorrect_V2 if {
+ # Test child OU wrong
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Second-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
+ "- Test Second-Level OU: Users can receive calls from anyone
+ "
+ ])
+test_Incoming_Incorrect_V3 if {
+ # Test group wrong
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "NO_ONE"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "Incoming call restrictions Allowed caller type"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
+ {"name": "GROUP_EMAIL", "value": "group@example.com"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "Test Top-Level OU"
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "The following groups are non-compliant:",
+ "- group@example.com: Users can receive calls from anyone
+ "
+ ])
+test_Incoming_Incorrect_V4 if {
+ # Test no events
+ PolicyId := MeetId5_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "meet_logs": {"items": [
+ {
+ "id": {"time": "2022-12-20T00:02:28.672Z"},
+ "events": [{
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "SETTING_NAME",
+ "value": "something else"
+ },
+ {"name": "NEW_VALUE", "value": "ALL"},
+ {"name": "ORG_UNIT_NAME", "value": "Test Top-Level OU"},
+ ]
+ }]
+ }
+ ]},
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": ""
+ }
+ }
+ RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RuleOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
+ RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
+ "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
+ "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting is compliant; ",
+ "manual check recommended."
+ ])
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a32a86e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package meet
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodMeetApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_domain": {"usersAllowedToJoin": "SAME_ORGANIZATION_ONLY"},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "meet_safety_domain": {"usersAllowedToJoin": "LOGGED_IN"},
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadMeetApi01 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_domain": {"usersAllowedToJoin": "ALL"},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_MeetAPI_UserJoin_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodMeetApi01
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_MeetAPI_UserJoin_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadMeetApi01
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api02_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api02_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a99f6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api02_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package meet
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodMeetApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_access": {"meetingsAllowedToJoin": "SAME_ORGANIZATION_ONLY"},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "meet_safety_access": {"meetingsAllowedToJoin": "ANY_WORKSPACE_ORGANIZATION"},
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadMeetApi02 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_access": {"meetingsAllowedToJoin": "ALL"},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_MeetAPI_MeetAccess_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodMeetApi02
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_MeetAPI_MeetAccess_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId2_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadMeetApi02
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1("ALL"))}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api03_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api03_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cc64404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api03_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package meet
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodMeetApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_host_management": {"enableHostManagement": true},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadMeetApi03 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_host_management": {"enableHostManagement": false},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_MeetAPI_HostMgt_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodMeetApi03
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_MeetAPI_HostMgt_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId3_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadMeetApi03
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api04_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api04_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e4de8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/meet/meet_api04_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package meet
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+GoodMeetApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_external_participants": {"enableExternalLabel": true},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+BadMeetApi04 := {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "meet_safety_external_participants": {"enableExternalLabel": false},
+ "meet_service_status": {"serviceState": "ENABLED"}
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+test_MeetAPI_ExtWarn_Correct_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as GoodMeetApi04
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_MeetAPI_ExtWarn_Incorrect_1 if {
+ PolicyId := MeetId4_1
+ Output := tests with input as BadMeetApi04
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1("disabled")}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/rules/rules01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/rules/rules01_test.rego
similarity index 97%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/rules/rules01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/rules/rules01_test.rego
index ddb2a33b..5ad56842 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/rules/rules01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/rules/rules01_test.rego
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import future.keywords
test_Alert_Correct_V1 if {
# 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "Government-backed attacks"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ test_Alert_Correct_V1 if {
test_Alert_Correct_V2 if {
# Just a status unchanged event, but rule is default-on
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "User-reported phishing"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ test_Alert_Correct_V2 if {
test_Alert_Correct_V3 if {
# Multiple events, but one is a "Status unchanged." event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "Government-backed attacks"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ test_Alert_Correct_V3 if {
test_Alert_Correct_V4 if {
# Multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "Government-backed attacks"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ test_Alert_Correct_V4 if {
test_Alert_Correct_V5 if {
# no events, but default on
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "User-reported phishing"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ test_Alert_Correct_V5 if {
test_Alert_Incorrect_V1 if {
# 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "Government-backed attacks"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ test_Alert_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Alert_Incorrect_V2 if {
# 1 status unchanged event, default is off
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "Government-backed attacks"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ test_Alert_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Alert_Incorrect_V3 if {
# No events, default is off
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "Government-backed attacks"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ test_Alert_Incorrect_V3 if {
test_Email_Correct_V1 if {
# 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ test_Email_Correct_V1 if {
test_Email_Correct_V2 if {
# Multiple events, but one is a "Status unchanged." event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ test_Email_Correct_V2 if {
test_Email_Correct_V3 if {
# Multiple events
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ test_Email_Correct_V3 if {
test_Email_Correct_V4 if {
# 1 event, receiver changed
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ test_Email_Correct_V4 if {
test_Email_Incorrect_V1 if {
# 1 event
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ test_Email_Incorrect_V1 if {
test_Email_Incorrect_V2 if {
# 1 status unchanged event, default is off
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ test_Email_Incorrect_V2 if {
test_Email_Incorrect_V3 if {
# No events, default is off
- PolicyId := "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := CommonControlsId13_1
Requirement := "TLS failure"
Output := tests with input as {
"rules_logs": {"items": [
@@ -630,4 +630,3 @@ test_Email_Incorrect_V3 if {
RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Messages requiring Transport Layer Security (TLS) can't be delivered."
diff --git a/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites01_test.rego
similarity index 78%
rename from Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites01_test.rego
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites01_test.rego
index fd4a6cd1..a67e3d36 100644
--- a/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites01_test.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites01_test.rego
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package sites
-import future.keywords
-# Baseline GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestNoEvent
+import data.utils.FailTestGroupNonCompliant
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V1 if {
# Test ensure Sites is disabled
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -27,16 +28,12 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V2 if {
# Test ensure sites is disabled when there's multiple events and the most recent is correct
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -67,16 +64,12 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V3 if {
# Test ensure sites is disabled when there are multiple OU's
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -107,16 +100,12 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V4 if {
# Test sites is disabled when there are multiple OU's and an older event is non-complaint
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -158,16 +147,12 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V5 if {
# Test Sites inheritance
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -209,16 +194,12 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Correct_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V1 if {
# Test sites is disabled when there is an event for a different service
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -249,17 +230,14 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V1 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: Service status for Sites is ON.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V2 if {
# Test Sites is disabled when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -279,17 +257,14 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V2 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: Service status for Sites is ON.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V3 if {
# Test sites is disabled when there are multiple events and the most recent is wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -320,17 +295,14 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V3 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: Service status for Sites is ON.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V4 if {
# Test sites is disabled when the Top-level OU is compliant but a secondary OU is non-compliant
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -361,17 +333,14 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V4 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Secondary OU: Service status for Sites is ON.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Secondary OU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V5 if {
# Test sites is disabled when there's only one event and it's wrong
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -391,17 +360,14 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V5 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:- Test Top-Level OU: Service status for Sites is ON.
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "Test Top-Level OU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V6 if {
# Test sites is disabled when there are no relevant events
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -421,20 +387,12 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V6 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails == concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs for the top-level OU, Test Top-Level OU. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, the default setting ",
- "is non-compliant; manual check recommended."
- ])
+ FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, "Test Top-Level OU", false)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V7 if {
# Test Sites enabled in a group
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -465,17 +423,14 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V7 if {
- RuleOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
- count(RuleOutput) == 1
- not RuleOutput[0].RequirementMet
- not RuleOutput[0].NoSuchEvent
- RuleOutput[0].ReportDetails ==
- "The following groups are non-compliant:- group@example.com: Service status for Sites is ON.
+ failedGroup := [{"Name": "group@example.com",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedGroup)
test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V8 if {
# Test Sites enabled in a group and an ou
- PolicyId := "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3"
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
Output := tests with input as {
"sites_logs": {"items": [
@@ -516,4 +471,4 @@ test_Sites_Disabled_Incorrect_V8 if {
"The following groups are non-compliant:- group@example.com: Service status for Sites is ON.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites_api01_test.rego b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites_api01_test.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c5c9f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/RegoTests/sites/sites_api01_test.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package sites
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils.FailTestOUNonCompliant
+import data.utils.PassTestResult
+test_SitesAPI_Comply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "sites_service_status": {
+ "serviceState": "DISABLED"
+ },
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "sites_service_status": {
+ # Case doesn't matter
+ "serviceState": "DisaBled"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+ }
+ PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output)
+test_SitesAPI_NonComply_1 if {
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "sites_service_status": {
+ "serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "nextOU": {
+ "sites_service_status": {
+ # Fail even if some unexpected value (not en/disabled)
+ "serviceState": "invalid"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+ }
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "nextOU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."},
+ {"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
+test_SitesAPI_NonComply_2 if {
+ PolicyId := SitesId1_1
+ Output := tests with input as {
+ "policies": {
+ "topOU": {
+ "sites_service_status": {
+ "serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ },
+ "topOU (group \"Even More Secret Group\")": {
+ "sites_service_status": {
+ "serviceState": "ENABLED"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "tenant_info": {
+ "topLevelOU": "topOU"
+ }
+ }
+ failedOU := [{"Name": "topOU",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."},
+ {"Name": "topOU (group \"Even More Secret Group\")",
+ "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."}]
+ FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, failedOU)
diff --git a/Testing/run_unit_tests.py b/scubagoggles/Testing/run_unit_tests.py
similarity index 69%
rename from Testing/run_unit_tests.py
rename to scubagoggles/Testing/run_unit_tests.py
index 481f6417..a8c5a69e 100644
--- a/Testing/run_unit_tests.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/Testing/run_unit_tests.py
@@ -5,8 +5,18 @@
import subprocess
import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
from sys import platform
+# pylint: skip-file
+# The location of the RegoTests directory is where this script is located.
+# The location of the Rego code is one level up.
+test_dir = Path(__file__).parent
+rego_dir = test_dir.parent / 'rego'
gws_baselines = [
@@ -38,16 +48,15 @@
default=[], help="Space-separated list of control group numbers to test within a specific baseline."
"Can only be used when a single baseline is specified. By default all are run.")
-parser.add_argument('-o', '--opapath', type=str, default='../', metavar='',
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--opapath', type=str, default='../..', metavar='',
help='The relative path to the directory containing the OPA executable. ' +
- 'Defaults to "../" the current executing directory.')
+ 'Defaults to "../.." the current executing directory.')
parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true',
help='Verbose flag, passed to opa, increases output.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args.baselines) > 1 and len(args.controls) > 0:
print('WARNING: "--controls" specified, '
'but multiple products are being tested. Ignoring "--controls" option.')
@@ -63,24 +72,30 @@
OPA_EXE = ""
command = []
if platform == 'win32':
- OPA_EXE = f"{opa_path}opa_windows_amd64.exe"
+ OPA_EXE = f'{opa_path}/opa_windows_amd64.exe'
elif platform == 'darwin':
- OPA_EXE = f"sudo {opa_path}opa_darwin_amd64"
+ OPA_EXE = f'{opa_path}/opa_darwin_amd64'
elif platform in ('linux', 'linux2'):
- OPA_EXE = f"sudo {opa_path}opa_linux_amd64_static"
- OPA_EXE = f"sudo {opa_path}opa"
+ OPA_EXE = f'{opa_path}opa_linux_amd64_static'
+if not OPA_EXE or not Path(OPA_EXE).exists():
+ OPA_EXE = f'{opa_path}/opa'
+if not Path(OPA_EXE).exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f'? {OPA_EXE}: OPA executable not found')
for b in args.baselines:
b = b.lower()
if len(args.controls) > 0:
for c in args.controls:
print(f"\n==== Testing {b} control {c} ====")
c = c.zfill(2)
- command = f"{OPA_EXE} test ../Rego/ ./RegoTests/{b}/{b}{c}_test.rego {V_FLAG}"
+ command = (f'{OPA_EXE} test {rego_dir} '
+ f'{test_dir}/RegoTests/{b}/{b}{c}_test.rego {V_FLAG}')
subprocess.run(command.split(), check=False)
print(f"\n==== Testing {b} ====")
- command = f"{OPA_EXE} test ../Rego/ ./RegoTests/{b} {V_FLAG}"
+ command = f'{OPA_EXE} test {rego_dir} {test_dir}/RegoTests/{b} {V_FLAG}'
subprocess.run(command.split(), check=False)
diff --git a/scubagoggles/__init__.py b/scubagoggles/__init__.py
index e69de29b..9d6f6c0c 100644
--- a/scubagoggles/__init__.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"""ScubaGoggles package module
+This file contains the OFFICIAL source of the ScubaGoggles version number.
+All other references to the version number are derived from this value.
+__version__ = '0.3.0'
diff --git a/scubagoggles/auth.py b/scubagoggles/auth.py
index c23a9dea..698f049c 100644
--- a/scubagoggles/auth.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/auth.py
@@ -4,54 +4,167 @@
This module uses a local credential.json file to authenticate to a GWS org
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os.path
+import json
from pathlib import Path
+from google.auth.credentials import TokenState
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
from google.oauth2.service_account import Credentials as SvcCredentials
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
-# If modifying these scopes, delete the file token.json.
-SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.reports.audit.readonly',
- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.domain.readonly",
- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.orgunit.readonly",
- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly",
- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.readonly",
- "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.groups.settings"]
+# The class is worth it just for the encapsulation. It allows the potential
+# of credential refresh multiple times, which may be beneficial during a
+# prolonged debugging session.
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-def gws_auth(cred_path:str, subject_email: str = None):
- """
- Generates an Oauth token for accessing Google's APIs
+class GwsAuth:
- :param cred_path: directory containing the credentials file
- :param subject_email: if set, assumes credentials are for service account and uses
- this email as the subject
+ """Generates an Oauth token for accessing Google's APIs
- cred_dir = Path(cred_path).parent
- creds = None
- if subject_email is not None:
- creds = SvcCredentials.from_service_account_file(cred_path, scopes=SCOPES,
- subject=subject_email)
- if not creds.valid:
- creds.refresh(Request())
- return creds
- oauth_token = (cred_dir / 'token.json').resolve()
- if os.path.exists(oauth_token):
- creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file(oauth_token, SCOPES)
- # If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in.
- if not creds or not creds.valid:
- if creds and creds.expired and creds.refresh_token:
- creds.refresh(Request())
- else:
- flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
- cred_path, SCOPES)
- # the prompt parameter forces the user to consent to the token
- creds = flow.run_local_server(port=8080, prompt='consent')
- # Save the credentials for the next run
- with open(oauth_token, mode='w', encoding='UTF-8') as token:
- token.write(creds.to_json())
- return creds
+ _base_auth_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth'
+ _scopes = (f'{_base_auth_url}/admin.reports.audit.readonly',
+ f'{_base_auth_url}/admin.directory.domain.readonly',
+ f'{_base_auth_url}/admin.directory.orgunit.readonly',
+ f'{_base_auth_url}/admin.directory.user.readonly',
+ f'{_base_auth_url}/admin.directory.group.readonly',
+ f'{_base_auth_url}/apps.groups.settings',
+ f'{_base_auth_url}/cloud-identity.policies.readonly')
+ def __init__(self, credentials_path: Path, svc_account_email: str = None):
+ """GwsAuth class initialization.
+ The Google credentials are established when the class instance is
+ created. This may involve the user interacting with the web browser
+ to authenticate for access to Google's API services.
+ :param credentials_path: path to the Google JSON-format
+ credentials file.
+ :param svc_account_email: (optional) email address for the service
+ account.
+ """
+ credentials_path = Path(credentials_path)
+ if not credentials_path.exists():
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f'{credentials_path} - credentials file '
+ 'not found')
+ credentials_dir = credentials_path.parent
+ self._credentials_path = credentials_path
+ self._svc_account_email = svc_account_email
+ if svc_account_email:
+ get_credentials = SvcCredentials.from_service_account_file
+ self._token = get_credentials(str(credentials_path),
+ scopes = self._scopes,
+ subject = svc_account_email)
+ return
+ # The token file is written to the same location as the given
+ # credentials file.
+ self._token_path = credentials_dir / 'token.json'
+ self._load_token()
+ if self._token:
+ return
+ # There is no existing token file, so the user will have to authenticate
+ # using a browser on the current system. There doesn't seem to be an
+ # alternative for users without access to a browser (there was a
+ # run_console() method that was removed in a prior release that may
+ # have worked when no browser was available).
+ credentials_file = str(self._credentials_path)
+ flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(credentials_file,
+ self._scopes)
+ try:
+ self._token = flow.run_local_server(timeout_seconds = 300)
+ except AttributeError as ae:
+ raise RuntimeError('Google authorization timeout') from ae
+ self._save_token()
+ @property
+ def credentials(self) -> Credentials:
+ """Returns the Google credentials, after a possible refresh if needed.
+ Token refresh doesn't apply to service accounts.
+ :return: valid Google credentials
+ """
+ if not self._svc_account_email:
+ self._refresh_token()
+ return self._token
+ def _check_scopes(self):
+ """Compares the list of scopes in the token file with those defined
+ in this class. If there is a mismatch, the token file is deleted.
+ It must be created if the scopes differ because operations that
+ require the token may fail.
+ """
+ if not self._token_path.exists():
+ return
+ with self._token_path.open() as in_stream:
+ token = json.load(in_stream)
+ token_scopes = frozenset(token['scopes'])
+ valid_scopes = frozenset(self._scopes)
+ # Delete the token file if its scopes don't match those defined in
+ # this class. The token file will be recreated in the constructor
+ # (with the user having to interact with the browser).
+ if token_scopes != valid_scopes:
+ self._token_path.unlink(missing_ok = True)
+ def _load_token(self):
+ """Loads and existing Google API token file, if it exists, and
+ refreshes the token if necessary.
+ This method is called during class instance initialization. The
+ "_token" attribute is defined for the instance, and is None if
+ the token file doesn't exist.
+ """
+ self._token = None
+ self._check_scopes()
+ if not self._token_path.exists():
+ return
+ # The token file exists and its scopes match those defined in this
+ # class. Create credentials using the token file and scopes, and
+ # refresh the token if it has expired.
+ token_file = str(self._token_path)
+ self._token = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file(token_file,
+ self._scopes)
+ self._refresh_token()
+ def _refresh_token(self):
+ """Refreshes the credentials token if needed and writes the
+ new credentials data to the token file.
+ """
+ if self._token.token_state != TokenState.FRESH:
+ self._token.refresh(Request())
+ self._save_token()
+ def _save_token(self):
+ """Writes the Google credentials to the token JSON file.
+ """
+ with self._token_path.open(mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as out:
+ out.write(self._token.to_json())
diff --git a/scubagoggles/baselines/README.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00d63a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Individual baselines can be visited directly at the links below:
+- [Common Controls](commoncontrols.md)
+- [Gmail](gmail.md)
+- [Google Calendar](calendar.md)
+- [Google Chat](chat.md)
+- [Google Classroom](classroom.md)
+- [Google Drive and Docs](drive.md)
+- [Google Meet](meet.md)
+- [Google Sites](sites.md)
+- [Groups for Business](groups.md)
diff --git a/baselines/calendar.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/calendar.md
similarity index 100%
rename from baselines/calendar.md
rename to scubagoggles/baselines/calendar.md
diff --git a/baselines/chat.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/chat.md
similarity index 99%
rename from baselines/chat.md
rename to scubagoggles/baselines/chat.md
index d05f6ff1..60f81729 100644
--- a/baselines/chat.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/chat.md
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ All reporting message categories SHOULD be selected.
2. Select **Menu** -> **Apps** -> **Google Workspace** -> **Google Chat**.
3. Click **Content Reporting**.
4. Ensure **Allow users to report content in Chat** is enabled.
-5. Ensure all conversation type checkboxes are selected.
+5. Ensure all conversation type checkboxes are selected.
6. Click **Save**.
#### GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3 Instructions
diff --git a/baselines/classroom.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/classroom.md
similarity index 99%
rename from baselines/classroom.md
rename to scubagoggles/baselines/classroom.md
index 5483fe05..15776303 100644
--- a/baselines/classroom.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/classroom.md
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "S
This section covers who has the ability to join classes and what classes the users in your domain can join.
-### Policy
+### Policies
#### GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1v0.3
Who can join classes in your domain SHALL be set to Users in your domain only.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ To configure the settings for Class Membership:
This section covers policies related to the Google Classroom API.
-### Policy
+### Policies
#### GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1v0.3
Users SHALL NOT be able to authorize apps to access their Google Classroom data.
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ To configure the settings for Classroom API:
This section covers policies related to importing rosters from Clever.
-### Policy
+### Policies
#### GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1v0.3
Roster import with Clever SHOULD be turned off.
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ To configure the settings for Roster Import:
This section covers policies related to unenrolling a student from a class.
-### Policy
+### Policies
#### GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1v0.3
Only teachers SHALL be allowed to unenroll students from classes.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ To configure the settings for Student Unenrollment:
The first time users sign in to Classroom, they self-identify as either a student or teacher. Users who identify as teachers will be marked as a pending teacher until an administrator verifies them. Google Classroom allows administrators to restrict class creation to only verified teachers.
-### Policy
+### Policies
#### GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1v0.3
Class creation SHALL be restricted to verified teachers only.
diff --git a/baselines/commoncontrols.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/commoncontrols.md
similarity index 99%
rename from baselines/commoncontrols.md
rename to scubagoggles/baselines/commoncontrols.md
index 0ed35d74..d3cd1d92 100644
--- a/baselines/commoncontrols.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/commoncontrols.md
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The following graphic illustrates the spectrum of MFA options and their relative
Please note there is a distinction between Google 2 Step Verification (2SV) and MFA as a general term. While FIDO Security Key and Phone as a Security Key are acceptable forms of Phishing-Resistant MFA which rely on Google 2SV as the underlying mechanism, the other forms listed in the "strongest" column do not use Google
2SV but are still acceptable forms of Phishing-Resistant MFA.
### Policies
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ Required system-defined alerting rules, as listed in the Policy group descriptio
Configure GWS to send critical logs to the agency's centralized Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) so that they can be audited and queried. Configure GWS to send logs to a storage account and retain them for when incident response is needed.
-### Policy
+### Policies
The following critical logs SHALL be sent to the agency's centralized SIEM.
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ Google Workspace administrators can choose to store data in a specific geographi
At the time of writing, data region policies cannot be applied to data types not specifically listed in documentation linked in the resources section. Notably, this includes logs and cached content.
-### Policy
+### Policies
The data storage region SHALL be set to be the United States for all users in the agency's GWS environment.
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ To configure Supplemental Data Storage per the policy:
Google Workspace considers some of its services "core services," including Gmail, Calendar, and Drive. Services outside of this core offering are controlled within the "Additional Google services" portion of the admin console. This section outlines requirements relating to those services.
-### Policy
+### Policies
Service status for Google services that do not have an individual control SHOULD be set to OFF for everyone.
@@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ User access to Early Access Apps SHOULD be disabled.
3. Click **Save**.
#### GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3 Instructions
-1. In the list of all services, scroll to and click on the **Early Access Apps** service.
+1. In the list of all services, scroll to and click on the **Early Access Apps** service.
2. Click on **Service status**.
3. Ensure **OFF for everyone** is checked.
4. Click **Save**.
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ User access to Early Access Apps SHOULD be disabled.
## 17. Multi-Party Approval
This section covers whether multiple super admins need to approve changes to specific admin console settings.
-### Policy
+### Policies
Require multi party approval for sensitive admin actions SHALL be enabled.
@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ DLP rules can use predefined content detectors to match PII (e.g., SSN), credent
There are several commercial DLP solutions available that document support for Google Workspace. Google itself offers DLP services. Agencies may select any service that fits their needs and meets the baseline requirements outlined in this policy group. The DLP solution selected by an agency should offer services comparable to those offered by Google.
-Though use of Google's DLP solution is not strictly required, guidance for configuring Google's DLP solution can be found in the instructions of this policy section.
+Though use of Google's DLP solution is not strictly required, guidance for configuring Google's DLP solution can be found in the instructions of this policy section.
### Policies
@@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ Drive DLP and Chat DLP are available to Cloud Identity Premium users with a Goog
#### GWS COMMONCONTROLS 18 Common Instructions
1. Sign in to the [Google Admin Console](https://admin.google.com).
2. Select **Menu -\> Security -\> Access and data control -\> Data protection**.
-3. Under **Data protection rules and detectors** click **Manage Rules**.
+3. Under **Data protection rules and detectors** click **Manage Rules**.
4. Click **Add rule** -\> **New rule**.
#### GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3 Instructions
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ Drive DLP and Chat DLP are available to Cloud Identity Premium users with a Goog
4. In the **Conditions** section:
1. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **Global - Credit card number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
2. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
- 3. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Social Security Number***. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
+ 3. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Social Security Number***. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
4. Configure other appropriate content and condition definition(s) based upon the agency's individual requirements and click **Continue**.
5. In the **Actions** section, select **Block external sharing** (per [GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3](#gwscommoncontrols184v03)).
6. In the **Alerting** section, choose a severity level, and optionally, check **Send to alert center to trigger notifications**.
@@ -1353,12 +1353,12 @@ Drive DLP and Chat DLP are available to Cloud Identity Premium users with a Goog
#### GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.2v0.3 Instructions
1. In the **Name** section, add the name and description of the rule.
-2. In the **Scope** section, apply this rule to the entire domain and click **Continue**.
+2. In the **Scope** section, apply this rule to the entire domain and click **Continue**.
3. In the **Apps** section, choose the trigger for **Google Chat, Message sent, File uploaded** then click **Continue**.
4. In the **Conditions** section:
1. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **Global - Credit card number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
- 2. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
- 3. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Social Security Number***. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
+ 2. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
+ 3. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Social Security Number***. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
4. Configure other appropriate content and condition definition(s) based upon the agency's individual requirements and click **Continue**.
5. In the **Actions** section, select **Block**. Under **Select when this action should apply**, select **External Conversations**, **Spaces**, **Group chats**, and **1:1 chats** (See [GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3](#gwscommoncontrols184v03)).
6. In the **Alerting** section, choose a severity level, and optionally, check **Send to alert center to trigger notifications**.
@@ -1366,12 +1366,12 @@ Drive DLP and Chat DLP are available to Cloud Identity Premium users with a Goog
#### GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.3v0.3 Instructions
1. In the **Name** section, add the name and description of the rule.
-2. In the **Scope** section, apply this rule to the entire domain and click **Continue**.
+2. In the **Scope** section, apply this rule to the entire domain and click **Continue**.
3. In the **Apps** section, choose the trigger for **Gmail, Message sent** then click **Continue**.
4. In the **Conditions** section:
1. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **Global - Credit card number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
- 2. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
- 3. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Social Security Number***. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
+ 2. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number**. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
+ 3. Click **Add Condition**. For **Content type to scan** select **All content**. For **What to scan for** select **Matches predefined data type**. For **Select data type** select **United States - Social Security Number***. Select the remaining condition properties according to agency need.
4. Configure other appropriate content and condition definition(s) based upon the agency's individual requirements and click **Continue**.
5. In the **Actions** section, select **Block message**. Under **Select when this action should apply**, check **Messages sent to external recipients** (See [GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3](#gwscommoncontrols184v03)).
6. In the **Alerting** section, choose a severity level, and optionally, check **Send to alert center to trigger notifications**.
diff --git a/baselines/drive.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/drive.md
similarity index 99%
rename from baselines/drive.md
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index 6d597599..44ff5532 100644
--- a/baselines/drive.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/drive.md
@@ -403,5 +403,3 @@ To limit Google Drive for Desktop to authorized devices:
6. Select Save.
Alternatively, [Context-Aware access policies](https://support.google.com/a/answer/9275380?hl=en) can be configured for more granular controls around authorized devices. The access level applied to Google Drive must have the "Apply to Google desktop and mobile apps" enabled to meet this requirement. For additional guidance, see the *Common Controls Minimum Viable Secure Baseline*, section "Context-Aware Access for All Devices that Connect to GWS SHOULD be Implemented."
diff --git a/baselines/gmail.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/gmail.md
similarity index 98%
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index 2cc39711..0cbbfb08 100644
--- a/baselines/gmail.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/gmail.md
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ An SPF policy SHALL be published for each domain that fails all non-approved sen
- _Rationale:_ Adversaries could potentially manipulate the 'FROM' field in an email to appear as a legitimate sender, increasing the risk of phishing attacks. By publishing an SPF policy for each domain that fails all non-approved senders, this risk can be reduced as it provides a means to detect and block such deceptive emails. Additionally, SPF is required for federal, executive branch, departments and agencies by Binding Operational Directive 18-01, "Enhance Email and Web Security."
- _Last modified:_ February 14, 2024
-- _Note:_ SPF defines two different "fail" mechanisms: fail (indicated by `-`, sometimes referred to as hardfail) and softail (indicated by `~`). Fail, as used in this baseline policy, refers to hardfail (i.e., `-`).
+- _Note:_ SPF defines two different "fail" mechanisms: fail (indicated by `-`, sometimes referred to as hardfail) and softail (indicated by `~`). Fail, as used in this baseline policy, refers to hardfail (i.e., `-`).
- [T1078: Valid Accounts](https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1078/)
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) works wi
#### GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3
A DMARC policy SHALL be published for every second-level domain.
-- _Rationale:_ Without proper authentication and a DMARC policy available for each domain, recipients may improperly handle SPF and DKIM failures, possibly enabling adversaries to send deceptive emails that appear to be from your domain. Publishing a DMARC policy for every second-level domain further reduces the risk posed by authentication failures.
+- _Rationale:_ Without proper authentication and a DMARC policy available for each domain, recipients may improperly handle SPF and DKIM failures, possibly enabling adversaries to send deceptive emails that appear to be from your domain. Publishing a DMARC policy for every second-level domain further reduces the risk posed by authentication failures.
- _Last modified:_ November 13, 2023
@@ -235,6 +235,9 @@ An agency point of contact SHOULD be included for aggregate and failure reports.
### Implementation
+[//]: # (Keep the version suffix out of the anchor.)
+[//]: # (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5319754/cross-reference-named-anchor-in-markdown)
#### GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3 Instructions
DMARC is not configured through the Google Admin Console, but rather via DNS records hosted by the agency's domain(s). As such, implementation varies depending on how an agency manages its DNS records. See [Add your DMARC record](https://support.google.com/a/answer/2466563) for Google guidance.
@@ -249,13 +252,13 @@ dig _dmarc.example.com txt
If DMARC is configured, a response resembling `v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=100; rua=mailto:reports@dmarc.cyber.dhs.gov, mailto:reports@example.com; ruf=mailto:reports@example.com` will be returned, though by necessity, the contents of the record will vary by agency. In this example, the policy indicates all emails failing the SPF/DKIM checks are to be rejected and aggregate reports sent to reports@dmarc.cyber.dhs.gov and reports@example.com. Failure reports will be sent to reports@example.com.
#### GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3 Instructions
-See [GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3](#gwsgmail41v03-instructions) instructions for an overview of how to publish and check a DMARC record. Ensure the record published includes `p=reject`.
+See [GWS.GMAIL.4.1 instructions](#gmail41-instructions) for an overview of how to publish and check a DMARC record. Ensure the record published includes `p=reject`.
#### GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3 Instructions
-See [GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3](#gwsgmail41v03-instructions) instructions for an overview of how to publish and check a DMARC record. Ensure the record published includes reports@dmarc.cyber.dhs.gov as one of the emails for the `rua` field.
+See [GWS.GMAIL.4.1 instructions](#gmail41-instructions) for an overview of how to publish and check a DMARC record. Ensure the record published includes reports@dmarc.cyber.dhs.gov as one of the emails for the `rua` field.
#### GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3 Instructions
-See [GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3](#gwsgmail41v03-instructions) instructions for an overview of how to publish and check a DMARC record. Ensure the record published includes a point of contact specific to your agency, in addition to reports@dmarc.cyber.dhs.gov, as one of the emails for the `rua` field and one or more agency-defined points of contact for the `ruf` field.
+See [GWS.GMAIL.4.1 instructions](#gmail41-instructions) for an overview of how to publish and check a DMARC record. Ensure the record published includes a point of contact specific to your agency, in addition to reports@dmarc.cyber.dhs.gov, as one of the emails for the `rua` field and one or more agency-defined points of contact for the `ruf` field.
## 5. Attachment Protections
@@ -1211,21 +1214,21 @@ To configure the settings for spam filtering:
1. Sign in to the [Google Admin Console](https://admin.google.com).
2. Select **Apps -\> Google Workspace -\> Gmail**.
3. Select **Spam, Phishing, and Malware**.
#### GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3 Instructions
For each rule listed under **Spam**:
1. Ensure that either:
* **Bypass spam filters for messages from senders or domains in selected lists** is not selected, or
* None of the lists shown under **Bypass spam filters for messages from senders or domains in selected lists** contain an entire domain. For example, the entire domain "example.com" is not acceptable, but the specific address, john.doe@example.com, would be.
2. Modify the rule or lists associated with the rule as needed, then select **Save.**
#### GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3 Instructions
For each rule listed under **Spam**:
1. Ensure that either:
* **Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for messages from senders or domains in selected lists** is not selected, or
* None of the lists shown under **Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for messages from senders or domains in selected lists** contain an entire domain. For example, the entire domain "example.com" is not acceptable, but the specific address, john.doe@example.com, would be.
2. Modify the rule or lists associated with the rule as needed, then select **Save.**
#### GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3 Instructions
For each rule listed under **Spam**:
1. Ensure that **Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for all messages from internal and external sender* is not selected.
diff --git a/baselines/groups.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/groups.md
similarity index 99%
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index bc9e4f64..4af5e0d5 100644
--- a/baselines/groups.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/groups.md
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ This control determines whether users outside of an agency's organization can vi
Note: Even with this setting configured, group owners can still explicitly add external POCs to a group ([Adding External Members](#2-adding-external-members)), or explicitly allow posting to a group by an external POC who has not been added to said group ([Allowing Posting by External Members](#3-allowing-posting-by-external-members)).
-### Baseline Policies
+### Policies
#### GWS.GROUPS.1.1v0.3
Group access from outside the organization SHALL be disabled unless explicitly granted by the group owner.
diff --git a/baselines/images/MFA.PNG b/scubagoggles/baselines/images/MFA.PNG
similarity index 100%
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similarity index 99%
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index 16ef8dcf..cf1fa3c3 100644
--- a/baselines/meet.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/meet.md
@@ -227,4 +227,4 @@ Incoming calls SHALL be restricted to contacts and other users in the organizati
3. Click **Meet safety settings**.
4. Click **Incoming call restrictions**.
5. Ensure **Users receive calls only from contacts and other users in the organization** or **Users can't receive calls** is selected.
-6. Click **Save**.
\ No newline at end of file
+6. Click **Save**.
diff --git a/baselines/sites.md b/scubagoggles/baselines/sites.md
similarity index 99%
rename from baselines/sites.md
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index 2a06b914..84c0b7d5 100644
--- a/baselines/sites.md
+++ b/scubagoggles/baselines/sites.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "S
This section covers whether users are able to access Google Sites.
-### Policy
+### Policies
#### GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3
Sites Service SHOULD be disabled for all users.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Sites Service SHOULD be disabled for all users.
To configure the settings for Site creation and editing:
-#### GWS.SITES.1.1v0.2 Instructions
+#### GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3 Instructions
1. Sign in to the [Google Admin Console](https://admin.google.com).
2. Select **Apps** -\> **Google Workspace** -\> **Sites**.
3. Select **Service Status**
diff --git a/scubagoggles/config.py b/scubagoggles/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5982d2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+"""ScubaGoggles User Configuration - The UserConfig class implementation
+manages the creation, modification, and use of the ScubaGoggles user
+configuration file.
+import os
+from typing import Iterable, Union
+from pathlib import Path
+from yaml import dump, Dumper, load, Loader
+class UserConfig:
+ """Implementation of user configuration for ScubaGoggles. Certain
+ settings, such as the directory for ScubaGoggles output, location of the
+ Google API credentials file, and the location of the OPA executable,
+ are managed by this class.
+ """
+ # FWIW, this was originally implemented using TOML (Tom's Obvious Minimal
+ # Language) (hence the reference to "_doc"), but was converted to use YAML
+ # for compatibilty with the other user configuration. For ScubaGoggles,
+ # the configuration file is named .scubagoggles (note the leading dot),
+ # located in the user's home directory.
+ _defaults = {'scubagoggles': {'opa_dir': None,
+ 'output_dir': '~/scubagoggles'}}
+ # This is the main key (TOML: table) in the configuration, and is used to
+ # continue defining the defaults. For example, we want the default
+ # credentials file default after the initial defaults dictionary has been
+ # defined (so we can access the output directory).
+ _main = _defaults['scubagoggles']
+ _defaults['scubagoggles']['credentials'] = (f'{_main["output_dir"]}/'
+ 'credentials.json')
+ _default_config_file = Path('~/.scubagoggles').expanduser()
+ def __init__(self, config_file: Union[str, os.PathLike] = None):
+ """UserConfig class initialization - this initializes the user
+ configuration stored in the class.
+ :param Path config_file: [optional] user configuration file. By
+ default, this is ~/.scubagoggles
+ """
+ self._config_file = (Path(os.path.expandvars(config_file))
+ if config_file else self._default_config_file)
+ self._config_file = self._config_file.expanduser()
+ self._check = True
+ if self._config_file.exists():
+ with self._config_file.open(encoding = 'utf-8') as in_stream:
+ self._doc = load(in_stream, Loader)
+ self._validate()
+ self._file_exists = True
+ else:
+ self._doc = dict(self._defaults)
+ self._file_exists = False
+ @property
+ def file_exists(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns True if the user's configuration file existed at the time
+ this instance was created. False is returned otherwise, including
+ if the file does exist but was written after this instance was
+ created. This property is being used to determine if a user's
+ "legacy" setup area should be looked for.
+ """
+ return self._file_exists
+ def _get_path_config(self, name: str) -> Union[Path, None]:
+ """Returns a Path value corresponding to the given configuration
+ variable name.
+ :param str name: name of the configuration value.
+ :return: configuration value as a Path.
+ """
+ value = (self._doc['scubagoggles'][name]
+ if name in self._doc['scubagoggles'] else None)
+ if value:
+ value = Path(os.path.expandvars(value)).expanduser()
+ return value
+ @property
+ def credentials_file(self) -> Union[Path, None]:
+ """Returns the Path to the Google API credentials file.
+ """
+ credentials = self._get_path_config('credentials')
+ if self._check and credentials and (not credentials.exists()
+ or not credentials.is_file()):
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f'? {credentials} - credentials not found')
+ return credentials
+ @credentials_file.setter
+ def credentials_file(self, value: Union[str, os.PathLike]):
+ """Sets the location of the Google API credentials file.
+ :param value: location of the credentials file.
+ """
+ self._doc['scubagoggles']['credentials'] = str(value)
+ @property
+ def opa_dir(self) -> Union[Path, None]:
+ """Returns the directory containing the OPA executable file.
+ """
+ return self._get_path_config('opa_dir')
+ @opa_dir.setter
+ def opa_dir(self, value: Union[str, os.PathLike]):
+ """Sets the directory containing the OPA executable file.
+ :param value: location of the OPA executable file.
+ """
+ opa_path = Path(os.path.expandvars(value)).expanduser()
+ if not opa_path.exists() or not opa_path.is_dir():
+ raise NotADirectoryError(f'? {opa_path} - directory not found')
+ # Purposely storing this as the given value, so it's stored in the
+ # file as given. For example, if '~/opa' is given, we check it above
+ # in expanded form, but still store it unexpanded.
+ self._doc['scubagoggles']['opa_dir'] = str(value)
+ @property
+ def output_dir(self) -> Union[Path, None]:
+ """Returns the user's directory used for ScubaGoggles output.
+ """
+ return self._get_path_config('output_dir')
+ @output_dir.setter
+ def output_dir(self, value: Union[str, os.PathLike]):
+ """Sets the user's ScubaGoggles output directory.
+ :param value: location of the output directory.
+ """
+ output_dir = Path(os.path.expandvars(value)).expanduser()
+ if not output_dir.exists() or not output_dir.is_dir():
+ raise NotADirectoryError(f'? {output_dir} - directory not found')
+ # Purposely storing this as the given value, so it's stored in the
+ # file as given. For example, if '~/scubagoggles' is given, we check
+ # it above in expanded form, but still store it unexpanded.
+ self._doc['scubagoggles']['output_dir'] = str(value)
+ def path_check(self, check: bool) -> None:
+ """Setter property that alters path checking behavior.
+ :param bool check: check valid paths and raise exceptions
+ if True. Should only be False during initial configuration when
+ directories/files may not yet exist.
+ """
+ self._check = check
+ path_check = property(fset = path_check)
+ def write(self):
+ """Writes the configuration document in YAML format.
+ """
+ with self._config_file.open('w', encoding = 'utf-8') as out_stream:
+ dump(self._doc, out_stream, Dumper)
+ def _validate(self, keys: Iterable = None) -> Union[list, None]:
+ """Validates the current configuration by checking the dictionary
+ keys to make sure they match the keys in the default configuration.
+ This is a recursive method, initially called without arguments.
+ :return: list of bad key names or None if configuration keys are
+ correct.
+ """
+ bad_keys = []
+ if not keys:
+ for key in self._doc:
+ bad_keys += self._validate((key,))
+ if bad_keys:
+ raise KeyError(f'? {", ".join(bad_keys)} key(s) not '
+ 'recognized')
+ return None
+ current_defaults = self._defaults
+ current_doc = self._doc
+ for key in keys:
+ current_defaults = current_defaults[key]
+ current_doc = current_doc[key]
+ if isinstance(current_doc, dict):
+ for key in current_doc:
+ bad_keys += self._validate([*keys, key])
+ return bad_keys
diff --git a/scubagoggles/getopa.py b/scubagoggles/getopa.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b09d45eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/getopa.py
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+"""Implementation of ScubaGoggles OPA executable dowload.
+import argparse
+import logging
+import platform
+import re
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from hashlib import sha256
+from pathlib import Path
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
+from urllib.error import HTTPError
+from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlsplit
+from urllib.request import Request, urlcleanup, urlopen, urlretrieve
+from scubagoggles.orchestrator import UserRuntimeError
+from scubagoggles.utils import prompt_boolean
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def getopa(arguments: argparse.Namespace):
+ """Main get OPA function - this calls other functions in this module.
+ :param arguments: arguments collected by the ArgumentParser.
+ """
+ log.info('ScubaGoggles OPA Download')
+ config = arguments.user_config
+ opa_dir = arguments.opa_directory or config.opa_dir
+ if opa_dir is None:
+ raise UserRuntimeError('No directory set for OPA executable - '
+ 'run "setup" first (see documentation)')
+ if not opa_dir.is_dir():
+ answer = prompt_boolean(f'Create directory {opa_dir}')
+ if not answer:
+ log.error('OPA directory required')
+ return
+ opa_dir.mkdir(exist_ok = True)
+ if arguments.opa_directory and not config.opa_dir:
+ config.opa_dir = arguments.opa_directory
+ config.write()
+ verify = not arguments.nocheck
+ force = arguments.force
+ version = arguments.version.lower() if arguments.version else None
+ download_opa(opa_dir, version, verify, force)
+def download_opa(opa_dir: Path,
+ version: str = None,
+ verify: bool = False,
+ force: bool = False):
+ """Download the OPA executable for the current operating system
+ environment.
+ :param Path opa_dir: directory where OPA executable will be located.
+ :param str version: [optional] version number of a specific OPA release
+ to download (version format vM.m.b). Downloads the latest OPA version
+ if not specified.
+ :param bool verify: [optional] if True, verifies the hash value of the
+ OPA executable with the expected value for the release.
+ :param bool force: [optional] if True, overwrites the OPA executable, if
+ it currently exists in the target download location.
+ :raises RuntimeError: for the case where the latest version number returned
+ by OPA does not look like a version (vM.m.b).
+ """
+ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+ if sys.maxsize <= 2 ** 32:
+ raise UserRuntimeError('64-bit operating environment required for OPA')
+ opa_base_url = 'https://github.com/open-policy-agent/opa/releases/'
+ version_re = re.compile(r'v\d+(?:\.\d+){2}')
+ if not version:
+ latest_version_url = urljoin(opa_base_url, 'latest')
+ log.debug('Querying latest version from OPA: %s', latest_version_url)
+ request = Request(latest_version_url)
+ with urlopen(request) as response:
+ version = urlsplit(response.url).path.split('/')[-1]
+ log.debug(' Version returned: %s', version)
+ if not version_re.match(version):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'? "{version}" - unrecognized version string '
+ 'returned as "latest" OPA version')
+ elif not version_re.match(version):
+ if not version_re.match(f'v{version}'):
+ raise UserRuntimeError(f'? "{version}" - unrecognized version '
+ 'string - expected "v.."')
+ version = f'v{version}'
+ file_name = opa_filespec()
+ log.debug('Downloading %s to %s', file_name, str(opa_dir))
+ download_url = urljoin(opa_base_url, f'download/{version}/{file_name}')
+ output_file = opa_dir / file_name
+ if output_file.exists():
+ if not force:
+ force = prompt_boolean(f'Overwrite existing file ({output_file})',
+ False)
+ if not force:
+ return
+ log.debug('Overwriting existing file: %s', str(output_file))
+ output_file.unlink()
+ log.debug('Download URL: %s', download_url)
+ try:
+ urlretrieve(download_url, output_file)
+ except HTTPError as http_error:
+ log.error('HTTP error %d returned trying to access %s',
+ http_error.code,
+ download_url)
+ if http_error.code == 404:
+ # I want the error I'm raising in this instance ONLY.
+ # pylint: disable-next=raise-missing-from
+ raise UserRuntimeError('Unable to download OPA executable for '
+ f'version {version} - check version')
+ raise UserRuntimeError('Failure downloading OPA executable') \
+ from http_error
+ finally:
+ urlcleanup()
+ mode = output_file.stat().st_mode
+ new_mode = mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IRUSR
+ if new_mode != mode:
+ log.debug(' Setting user execute/read permissions')
+ output_file.chmod(new_mode)
+ if verify:
+ download_ok = verify_opa(download_url, output_file)
+ if not download_ok:
+ log.error('Hash generated from downloaded file does NOT '
+ 'match expected value')
+ test_opa(output_file)
+def opa_filespec(opa_dir: Path = None):
+ """Returns the file name for the OPA executable that is EXPECTED to be
+ the default for the current operating environment. For example, on a
+ macOS system with the ARM architecture, the default executable should
+ be "opa_darwin_arm64_static", but the user may rename this to be
+ simply "opa" or download the AMD architecture executable, which will
+ run even in an ARM-based macOS environment. This function simply
+ returns the name of the expected executable.
+ :param opa_dir: [optional] expected location of the OPA executable.
+ :return: complete file specification (as a Path), if the OPA directory
+ is provided; otherwise, the expected OPA file name (as a str) for
+ the current environment.
+ :rtype: Path or str
+ """
+ os_type = platform.system().lower()
+ arch = platform.machine().lower()
+ if arch == 'x86_64':
+ arch = 'amd64'
+ elif arch.startswith('arm'):
+ arch = 'arm64'
+ file_name = f'opa_{os_type}_{arch}'
+ file_name += '.exe' if os_type == 'windows' else '_static'
+ return opa_dir / file_name if opa_dir else file_name
+def test_opa(opa_exe_file: Path):
+ """Runs the OPA "version" command to check that the downloaded OPA
+ successfully executes.
+ :param Path opa_exe_file: OPA executable file specification.
+ """
+ log.info('Test run OPA executable')
+ result = subprocess.run(f'{opa_exe_file} version'.split(),
+ capture_output = True,
+ check = False)
+ if result.returncode != 0:
+ log.error('Run OPA (%s) results in error: %d',
+ str(opa_exe_file),
+ result.returncode)
+ log.debug('Standard error output: \n%s', result.stderr.decode())
+ log.debug('OPA output: \n%s', result.stdout.decode())
+def verify_opa(download_url: str, opa_exe_file: Path):
+ """Verifies that the hash value of the downloaded OPA executable matches
+ the value provided by OPA release.
+ :param str download_url: URL for the OPA version release area.
+ :param Path opa_exe_file: OPA executable file specification.
+ :return: True if the hash value for the downloaded OPA executable matches
+ the expected value for the release; False otherwise.
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ log.info('Verifying downloaded OPA hash value')
+ hash_suffix = '.sha256'
+ hash_file_url = download_url + hash_suffix
+ contents = opa_exe_file.read_bytes()
+ file_hash_value = sha256(contents, usedforsecurity = False).hexdigest()
+ with TemporaryDirectory('_opa_sha') as temp_dir:
+ hash_file_name = opa_exe_file.name + hash_suffix
+ hash_file = Path(temp_dir, hash_file_name)
+ log.debug(' Downloading %s to %s', hash_file_name, temp_dir)
+ log.debug(' Download URL: %s', download_url)
+ try:
+ urlretrieve(hash_file_url, hash_file)
+ except HTTPError as http_error:
+ log.error('HTTP error %d returned trying to access %s',
+ http_error.code,
+ download_url)
+ raise UserRuntimeError('Failure downloading OPA hash file') \
+ from http_error
+ finally:
+ urlcleanup()
+ contents = hash_file.read_text(encoding = 'utf-8')
+ expected_value = contents.split()[0]
+ log.debug(' Expected hash value: %s', expected_value)
+ log.debug(' Actual hash value: %s', file_hash_value)
+ return file_hash_value == expected_value
diff --git a/scubagoggles/main.py b/scubagoggles/main.py
index d439f7ed..a33f7320 100644
--- a/scubagoggles/main.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/main.py
@@ -6,119 +6,390 @@
import argparse
-from scubagoggles.orchestrator import Orchestrator
+import logging
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from scubagoggles.config import UserConfig
+from scubagoggles.getopa import getopa
+from scubagoggles.orchestrator import Orchestrator, UserRuntimeError
+from scubagoggles.purge import purge_reports
+from scubagoggles.reporter.md_parser import MarkdownParserError
from scubagoggles.scuba_argument_parser import ScubaArgumentParser
+from scubagoggles.user_setup import default_file_names, find_legacy_dir, \
+ user_setup
+from scubagoggles.utils import path_parser
+from scubagoggles.version import Version
-def get_gws_args(parser):
- """
- Adds the arguments for the GWS parser
+def get_gws_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, user_config: UserConfig):
- :param parser: argparse object
+ """Adds the arguments for the GWS parser
+ :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: argparse object
+ :param UserConfig user_config: user configuration object
+ # This module is located in the scubagoggles subdirectory. The parent
+ # directory is where the rego and baselines subdirectories are also
+ # located - these are the default for the rego and baseline files,
+ # respectively. The instructions typically instruct the user to place
+ # both the OPA executable and the credentials JSON file in this
+ # directory.
+ scuba_path = Path(__file__).parent
+ user_dir = find_legacy_dir(user_config) or user_config.output_dir
+ opa_dir = user_config.opa_dir or user_dir
gws = Orchestrator.gws_products()
- gws_baselines = gws["gws_baselines"]
- default_file_output_names = {
- "provider_output_name": "ProviderSettingsExport",
- "rego_output_name": "TestResults",
- "report_output_name": "BaselineReports",
- "output_folder_name": "GWSBaselineConformance",
- "json_output_name": "ScubaResults"
- }
- parser.add_argument('-b', '--baselines',
- type = str, nargs="+", default=gws_baselines, choices=gws_baselines, metavar='',
- help='A list of one or more abbreviated GWS baseline names that the tool will assess.' +
- f' Defaults to all baselines. Choices: {(", ".join(gws_baselines))}')
- parser.add_argument('-o','--outputpath', type=str,default='./', metavar='',
- help="The folder path where both the output JSON & HTML report will be created." +
- ' Defaults to "./" The current directory. ')
- parser.add_argument('-c','--credentials', type=str,default='./credentials.json', metavar='',
- help='The relative path and name of the OAuth / service account credentials json file. ' +
- 'Defaults to "./credentials.json" which means the tool will look ' +
- 'for the file named credentials.json in the current directory.')
- parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, required=False, metavar='',
- help='Local file path to a YAML formatted configuration file. ' +
- 'Configuration file parameters can be used in place of command-line ' +
- 'parameters. Additional parameters and variables not available on the ' +
- 'command line can also be included in the file that will be provided to the ' +
- 'tool for use in specific tests.')
- parser.add_argument('--outjsonfilename', type=str,
- default=default_file_output_names['json_output_name'], metavar='',
- help='The name of the file that encapsulates all assessment output.' +
- f" Defaults to {default_file_output_names['json_output_name']}.")
- parser.add_argument('--subjectemail', type=str, default=None, metavar='',
- help='Only applicable when using a service account. ' +
- 'The email address of a user the service account should act on behalf of. ' +
- 'This user must have the necessary privileges to run scubagoggles.')
- parser.add_argument("--customerid", type=str, default="my_customer", metavar='',
- help='The customer ID the tool should run on. Defaults to "my_customer" which will be' +
- ' the domain of the user / service account authenticating.')
- parser.add_argument('--opapath', type=str, default='./', metavar='',
- help='The relative path to the directory containing the OPA executable. ' +
- 'Defaults to "./" the current executing directory.')
- parser.add_argument('--regopath', type=str, default='./rego', metavar='',
- help='The relative path to the directory contain the folder containing the rego files. ' +
- 'Defaults to "./rego" the "rego" folder inside the current executing directory.')
- parser.add_argument('--documentpath', type=str, default='./baselines', metavar='',
- help='The relative path to the directory containing the SCuBA baseline documents. ' +
- 'Defaults to "./baselines" the "baselines" folder inside the current executing directory.')
- parser.add_argument('--runcached', action='store_true',
- help='This switch when added will run in the tool in "RunCached mode". ' +
- 'When combined with -sa allows to the user to skip authentication and provider export.')
- parser.add_argument('--skipexport', action = 'store_true',
- help='This switch when added will skip the provider export.' +
- 'To be used in conjunction with --runcached.')
- parser.add_argument('--outputfoldername', type=str,
- default=default_file_output_names['output_folder_name'], metavar='',
- help='The name of the folder created in --outputpath where both the output JSON and' +
- ' the HTML report will be created.' +
- f" Defaults to {default_file_output_names['output_folder_name']}." +
- ' The client\'s local timestamp will be appended to this name.')
- parser.add_argument('--outputproviderfilename', type=str,
- default=default_file_output_names['provider_output_name'], metavar='',
- help='The name of the Provider output json in --outputpath.' +
- f" Defaults to {default_file_output_names['provider_output_name']}.")
- parser.add_argument('--outputregofilename', type=str,
- default=default_file_output_names['rego_output_name'], metavar='',
- help='The name of the Rego output json in --outputpath.' +
- f" Defaults to {default_file_output_names['rego_output_name']}.")
- parser.add_argument('--outputreportfilename', type=str,
- default=default_file_output_names['report_output_name'], metavar='',
- help='The name of the main html file homepage created in --outputpath.' +
- f" Defaults to {default_file_output_names['report_output_name']}.")
- parser.add_argument('--omitsudo', action = 'store_true',
- help='This switch prevents running the OPA executable with sudo.')
- parser.add_argument('--quiet', action = 'store_true',
- help='This switch suppresses automatically launching a web browser to open' +
- ' the html report output and the loading bar output.')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action = 'store_true',
- help='This switch is used to print debugging information for OPA.')
+ gws_baselines = tuple(sorted(gws['gws_baselines']))
-def dive():
+ def gws_dispatch(args):
+ Orchestrator(args).start_automation()
+ parser.set_defaults(dispatch = gws_dispatch)
+ help_msg = ('A list of one or more abbreviated GWS baseline names that the '
+ 'tool will assess. Defaults to all baselines. '
+ f'Choices: {(", ".join(gws_baselines))}')
+ parser.add_argument('--baselines',
+ '-b',
+ nargs = '+',
+ default = gws_baselines,
+ choices = gws_baselines,
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('The folder path where both the output JSON & HTML report will '
+ f'be created. Defaults to {user_dir}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--outputpath',
+ '-o',
+ default = user_dir,
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = help_msg)
+ default_json = default_file_names.json_output_name
+ help_msg = ('The name of the file that encapsulates all assessment output. '
+ f' Defaults to {default_json}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--outjsonfilename',
+ default = default_json,
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ try:
+ default_credentials = user_config.credentials_file
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ default_credentials = str(user_dir / 'credentials.json')
+ help_msg = ('The location and name of the OAuth / service account '
+ f'credentials json file. Defaults to "{default_credentials}".')
+ parser.add_argument('--credentials',
+ '-c',
+ default = Path(default_credentials),
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('Local file path to a YAML formatted configuration file. '
+ 'Configuration file parameters can be used in place of '
+ 'command-line parameters. Additional parameters and variables '
+ 'not available on the command line can also be included in '
+ 'the file that will be provided to the tool for use in '
+ 'specific tests.')
+ parser.add_argument('--config',
+ metavar='',
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('Only applicable when using a service account. The email '
+ 'address of a user the service account should act on '
+ 'behalf of. This user must have the necessary privileges '
+ 'to run scubagoggles.')
+ parser.add_argument('--subjectemail',
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('The customer ID the tool should run on. Defaults to '
+ '"my_customer" which will be the domain of the '
+ 'user / service account authenticating.')
+ parser.add_argument('--customerid',
+ default = 'my_customer',
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('The directory containing the OPA executable. '
+ f'Defaults to {opa_dir}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--opapath',
+ default = Path(opa_dir),
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = help_msg)
+ default_rego = scuba_path / 'rego'
+ help_msg = ('The relative path to the directory contain the folder '
+ f'containing the rego files. Defaults to {default_rego}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--regopath',
+ default = default_rego,
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = help_msg)
+ default_baselines = scuba_path / 'baselines'
+ help_msg = ('The relative path to the directory containing the SCuBA '
+ f'baseline documents. Defaults to {default_baselines}')
+ parser.add_argument('--documentpath',
+ default = default_baselines,
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = help_msg)
+ output_folder = default_file_names.output_folder_name
+ help_msg = ('The name of the folder created in --outputpath where both '
+ 'the output JSON and the HTML report will be created. '
+ f"Defaults to {output_folder}. The client's local timestamp "
+ 'will be appended to this name.')
+ parser.add_argument('--outputfoldername',
+ default = output_folder,
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ provider_filename = default_file_names.provider_output_name
+ help_msg = ('The name of the Provider output json in --outputpath. '
+ f'Defaults to {provider_filename}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--outputproviderfilename',
+ default = provider_filename,
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ rego_filename = default_file_names.rego_output_name
+ help_msg = ('The name of the Rego output json in --outputpath. '
+ f'Defaults to {rego_filename}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--outputregofilename',
+ default = rego_filename,
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ report_filename = default_file_names.report_output_name
+ help_msg = ('The name of the main html file homepage created in '
+ '--outputpath. Defaults to '
+ f'{report_filename}.')
+ parser.add_argument('--outputreportfilename',
+ default = report_filename,
+ metavar = '',
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('This switch suppresses automatically launching a web '
+ 'browser to open the html report output and the loading '
+ 'bar output.')
+ parser.add_argument('--quiet', action = 'store_true', help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = 'This switch is used to print debugging information for OPA.'
+ parser.add_argument('--debug', action = 'store_true', help = help_msg)
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('Cached Mode options')
+ help_msg = ('This switch when added will run in the tool in '
+ '"RunCached mode". When combined with --skipexport allows '
+ 'the user to skip authentication and provider export.')
+ group.add_argument('--runcached',
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = help_msg)
+ help_msg = ('This switch when added will skip the provider export. To be '
+ 'used in conjunction with --runcached.')
+ group.add_argument('--skipexport',
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = help_msg)
+def get_opa_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, user_config: UserConfig):
+ """Adds the arguments for the "get OPA" parser.
+ :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: argparse object
- Takes in the arguments need to run scubagoggles
+ parser.set_defaults(dispatch = getopa)
+ parser.set_defaults(user_config = user_config)
+ parser.add_argument('--nocheck',
+ '-nc',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Do not check hash code after download')
+ parser.add_argument('--force',
+ '-f',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Overwrite existing OPA executable')
+ parser.add_argument('--version',
+ '-v',
+ metavar = '',
+ help = 'Version of OPA to download (default: latest '
+ 'version)')
+ help_msg = 'Directory containing OPA executable'
+ if user_config.opa_dir:
+ help_msg += f' (default: {user_config.opa_dir})'
+ parser.add_argument('--opa_directory',
+ '-r',
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = help_msg)
+def get_setup_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, user_config: UserConfig):
+ """Adds the arguments for the setup parser
+ :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: argparse object
+ :param UserConfig user_config: user configuration object
+ """
+ parser.set_defaults(dispatch = user_setup)
+ parser.set_defaults(user_config = user_config)
+ parser.add_argument('--credentials',
+ '-c',
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = 'OAuth2 credentials file for Google APIs')
+ parser.add_argument('--mkdir',
+ '-m',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Create directory(ies), if needed')
+ parser.add_argument('--nocheck',
+ '-nc',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Do not check for directory or file existence')
+ parser.add_argument('--nodownload',
+ '-nd',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Do not download OPA executable when it does '
+ 'not exist')
+ parser.add_argument('--noprompt',
+ '-np',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Do not prompt for missing items')
+ parser.add_argument('--opa_directory',
+ '-r',
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = 'Directory containing OPA executable')
+ parser.add_argument('--work_directory',
+ '-d',
+ metavar = '',
+ type = path_parser,
+ help = 'Scubagoggles output directory')
+def get_purge_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, user_config: UserConfig):
+ """Adds the arguments for the purge parser
+ :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: argparse object
+ :param UserConfig user_config: user configuration object
- overall_description = """ SCuBA Security Baseline Conformance Automation Tool
+ parser.set_defaults(dispatch = purge_reports)
+ parser.set_defaults(user_config = user_config)
+ parser.add_argument('--expire',
+ '-e',
+ metavar = '',
+ type = int,
+ help = 'Days after which reports have expired')
+ keep_default = 1
+ parser.add_argument('--keep',
+ '-k',
+ metavar = '',
+ type = int,
+ default = keep_default,
+ help = 'Number of recent reports to keep (default: '
+ f'{keep_default})')
+def get_version_args(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ """Adds the arguments for the version parser
+ :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: argparse object
+ """
+ parser.set_defaults(dispatch = Version.command_dispatch)
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ pfx = '(developers)'
+ group.add_argument('--check',
+ '-c',
+ default = False,
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = f'{pfx} Check version number consistency in code')
+ group.add_argument('--upgrade',
+ '-u',
+ metavar = '',
+ help = f'{pfx} Upgrade code to new version number')
+def log_level(level):
+ """Normalizes a given log level string.
+ A complete upper-cased log level string is returned if the given string
+ uniquely identifies one of the log levels. The returned log level string
+ may be passed to the logger routines.
+ :param str level: abbreviation that uniquely identifies
+ a log level (e.g., 'd', 'info', 'crit').
+ :return: upper-cased log level string.
+ """
+ log_levels = ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
+ return_level = level.upper()
+ if return_level not in log_levels:
+ match_level = [x for x in log_levels if x.startswith(return_level)]
+ if not match_level:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'{level} - unrecognized log level')
+ return_level = match_level[0]
+ return return_level
+def dive():
+ """Takes in the arguments needed to run scubagoggles
+ """
+ overall_description = """SCuBA Security Baseline Conformance Automation Tool
# Examples
@@ -135,19 +406,93 @@ def dive():
scubagoggles gws -h
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True, description=overall_description,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+ helpFormatter = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = overall_description,
+ formatter_class = helpFormatter)
+ parser.set_defaults(dispatch = lambda _: parser.print_help())
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='scuba_cmd')
+ log_levels = ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical')
+ default_log_level = 'warning'
+ user_config = UserConfig()
+ parser.add_argument('--log',
+ '-l',
+ choices = ('d', 'i', 'w', 'e', 'c') + log_levels,
+ default = default_log_level,
+ help = 'Level for message log '
+ f'(default: {default_log_level})')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(description = 'valid subcommands:',
+ help = ' -h for help')
+ help_msg = ('SCuBA automated conformance check for '
+ 'Google Workspace (GWS) products')
+ gws_parser = subparsers.add_parser('gws',
+ description = help_msg,
+ help = help_msg)
+ get_gws_args(gws_parser, user_config)
+ help_msg = 'Download OPA executable'
+ getopa_parser = subparsers.add_parser('getopa',
+ description = help_msg,
+ help = help_msg)
+ get_opa_args(getopa_parser, user_config)
+ help_msg = 'Purge old ScubaGoggles reports'
+ purge_parser = subparsers.add_parser('purge',
+ description = help_msg,
+ help = help_msg)
+ get_purge_args(purge_parser, user_config)
+ help_msg = 'ScubaGoggles user setup'
+ setup_parser = subparsers.add_parser('setup',
+ description = help_msg,
+ help = help_msg)
+ get_setup_args(setup_parser, user_config)
+ help_msg = 'ScubaGoggles version'
+ setup_parser = subparsers.add_parser('version',
+ description = help_msg,
+ help = help_msg)
+ get_version_args(setup_parser)
- gws_parser_help = "Run the SCuBA automated conformance " \
- "check against one or more Google Workspace products"
- gws_parser = subparsers.add_parser('gws', help=gws_parser_help)
- get_gws_args(gws_parser)
scuba_parser = ScubaArgumentParser(parser)
args = scuba_parser.parse_args_with_config()
- if args.scuba_cmd == 'gws':
- Orchestrator(args).start_automation()
- else:
- raise Exception("Invalid subparser. Run scubagoggles -h to see a list of valid subparsers")
+ logging.basicConfig(format = '(%(levelname)s): %(message)s')
+ level = log_level(args.log)
+ log = logging.root
+ log.setLevel(level)
+ # When trapping exceptions to suppress tracebacks (which users don't need
+ # to see for obvious failures not related to the code), make sure the
+ # process exits with an error code.
+ error = False
+ try:
+ args.dispatch(args)
+ except NotADirectoryError as nad:
+ print(f'\n{nad}')
+ error = True
+ except FileNotFoundError as fnf:
+ print(f'\n{fnf}')
+ error = True
+ except MarkdownParserError as mpe:
+ print(f'\n{mpe}')
+ error = True
+ except UserRuntimeError as ure:
+ print(f'\n{ure}')
+ error = True
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('\nUser interrupt')
+ if error:
+ sys.exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dive()
diff --git a/scubagoggles/orchestrator.py b/scubagoggles/orchestrator.py
index b5b68931..f0e6fd80 100644
--- a/scubagoggles/orchestrator.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/orchestrator.py
@@ -2,23 +2,34 @@
orchestrator.py is the main module that starts and handles the output of the
provider, rego, and report modules of the SCuBA tool
import argparse
-import shutil
-import os
import json
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import shutil
import webbrowser
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
-from datetime import datetime
from tqdm import tqdm
-from googleapiclient.discovery import build
-from scubagoggles.auth import gws_auth
from scubagoggles.provider import Provider
-from scubagoggles.run_rego import opa_eval
-from scubagoggles.reporter import md_parser
+from scubagoggles.reporter.md_parser import MarkdownParser
from scubagoggles.reporter.reporter import Reporter
+from scubagoggles.run_rego import opa_eval, find_opa
from scubagoggles.utils import rel_abs_path
+from scubagoggles.version import Version
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class UserRuntimeError(RuntimeError):
+ """This exception class is for runtime errors (possibly caused by the
+ user) for which a traceback might not be appropriate (error has nothing
+ to do with the code).
+ """
class Orchestrator:
@@ -29,32 +40,33 @@ class Orchestrator:
# Dictionary of the SCuBA GWS baselines short names plus full names.
_gws_baselines = [
- "gmail",
- "calendar",
- "groups",
- "chat",
- "drive",
- "meet",
- "sites",
- "commoncontrols",
- "rules",
- "classroom"
+ 'gmail',
+ 'calendar',
+ 'groups',
+ 'chat',
+ 'drive',
+ 'meet',
+ 'sites',
+ 'commoncontrols',
+ 'rules',
+ 'classroom'
_prod_to_fullname = {
- "gmail": "Gmail",
- "calendar": "Google Calendar",
- "groups": "Groups for Business",
- "chat": "Google Chat",
- "drive": "Google Drive and Docs",
- "meet": "Google Meet",
- "sites": "Google Sites",
- "commoncontrols": "Common Controls",
- "rules": "Rules",
- "classroom": "Google Classroom"
+ 'gmail': 'Gmail',
+ 'calendar': 'Google Calendar',
+ 'groups': 'Groups for Business',
+ 'chat': 'Google Chat',
+ 'drive': 'Google Drive and Docs',
+ 'meet': 'Google Meet',
+ 'sites': 'Google Sites',
+ 'commoncontrols': 'Common Controls',
+ 'rules': 'Rules',
+ 'classroom': 'Google Classroom'
_gws = {
- "gws_baselines": _gws_baselines,
- "prod_to_fullname": _prod_to_fullname
+ 'gws_baselines': _gws_baselines,
+ 'prod_to_fullname': _prod_to_fullname
def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
@@ -75,26 +87,26 @@ def gws_products(cls) -> dict:
return cls._gws
- def _run_gws_providers(self, services: dict):
+ def _run_gws_providers(self):
Runs the provider scripts and outputs a json to path
- :param services: a dictionary of Google API service objects
args = self._args
products = args.baselines
- out_folder = args.outputpath
- provider = Provider(services, args.customerid)
- provider_dict = provider.call_gws_providers(products, args.quiet)
- provider_dict['successful_calls'] = list(provider.successful_calls)
- provider_dict['unsuccessful_calls'] = list(provider.unsuccessful_calls)
+ with Provider(args.customerid,
+ args.credentials,
+ args.subjectemail) as provider:
+ provider_dict = provider.call_gws_providers(products, args.quiet)
+ provider_dict['baseline_suffix'] = Version.suffix
+ provider_dict['successful_calls'] = list(provider.successful_calls)
+ provider_dict['unsuccessful_calls'] = list(provider.unsuccessful_calls)
- settings_json = json.dumps(provider_dict, indent = 4)
- out_path = out_folder + f'/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'
- with open(out_path, mode="w", encoding='UTF-8') as outfile:
- outfile.write(settings_json)
+ out_jsonfile = args.outputpath / args.outputproviderfilename
+ out_jsonfile = out_jsonfile.with_suffix('.json')
+ with out_jsonfile.open('w', encoding = 'utf-8') as out_stream:
+ json.dump(provider_dict, out_stream, indent = 4)
def _rego_eval(self):
@@ -105,32 +117,28 @@ def _rego_eval(self):
args = self._args
products = args.baselines
products_bar = tqdm(products, leave=False, disable=args.quiet)
- out_folder = args.outputpath
results = []
for product in products_bar:
product_name = product
- input_file = f'{out_folder}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'
+ input_file = args.outputpath / f'{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'
opa_path = args.opapath
rego_path = args.regopath
- products_bar.set_description(f"Running Rego verification for {product}...")
- product_tests = opa_eval(
- product_name=product_name,
- input_file=input_file,
- opa_path=opa_path,
- rego_path=rego_path,
- omit_sudo=args.omitsudo,
- debug=args.debug
- )
+ products_bar.set_description(f'Running Rego verification for {product}...')
+ product_tests = opa_eval(product_name,
+ input_file,
+ opa_path,
+ rego_path,
+ args.debug)
except Exception as exc:
- raise Exception("run_rego error") from exc
+ raise Exception('run_rego error') from exc
- settings_json = json.dumps(results,sort_keys=True ,indent = 4)
- out_path = out_folder + f'/{args.outputregofilename}.json'
- with open(out_path, mode="w", encoding='UTF-8') as outfile:
- outfile.write(settings_json)
+ out_jsonfile = args.outputpath / args.outputregofilename
+ out_jsonfile = out_jsonfile.with_suffix('.json')
+ with out_jsonfile.open('w', encoding = 'utf-8') as out_stream:
+ json.dump(results, out_stream, indent = 4)
def _pluralize(singular: str, plural: str, count: int) -> str:
@@ -141,24 +149,23 @@ def _pluralize(singular: str, plural: str, count: int) -> str:
:param plural: string value in plural tense
:param count: how many of string value
- if count == 1:
- return singular
- return plural
+ return singular if count == 1 else plural
def _generate_summary(cls, stats: dict) -> str:
Craft the html-formatted summary from the stats dictionary.
- n_success = stats["Passes"]
- n_warn = stats["Warnings"]
- n_fail = stats["Failures"]
- n_manual = stats["Manual"]
- n_error = stats["Errors"]
+ n_success = stats['Passes']
+ n_warn = stats['Warnings']
+ n_fail = stats['Failures']
+ n_manual = stats['Manual']
+ n_error = stats['Errors']
n_omit = stats['Omit']
pass_summary = (f"{n_success}"
- f" {cls._pluralize('pass', 'passes', n_success)}
+ f" {cls._pluralize('pass', 'passes', n_success)}")
# The warnings, failures, and manuals are only shown if they are
# greater than zero. Reserve the space for them here. They will
@@ -171,22 +178,26 @@ def _generate_summary(cls, stats: dict) -> str:
if n_warn > 0:
warning_summary = (f"{n_warn}"
- f" {cls._pluralize('warning', 'warnings', n_warn)}
+ f" {cls._pluralize('warning', 'warnings', n_warn)}"
+ '')
if n_fail > 0:
failure_summary = (f"{n_fail}"
- f" {cls._pluralize('failure', 'failures', n_fail)}
+ f" {cls._pluralize('failure', 'failures', n_fail)}"
+ '')
if n_manual > 0:
manual_summary = (f"{n_manual} manual"
- f" {cls._pluralize('check', 'checks', n_manual)}
+ f" {cls._pluralize('check', 'checks', n_manual)}"
+ '')
if n_error > 0:
error_summary = (f"{n_error}"
- f" {cls._pluralize('error', 'errors', n_error)}
+ f" {cls._pluralize('error', 'errors', n_error)}"
+ '')
if n_omit > 0:
omit_summary = (f"{n_omit}"
- " omitted
+ ' omitted')
- return f"{pass_summary}{warning_summary}{failure_summary}" \
- f"{manual_summary}{omit_summary}{error_summary}"
+ return (f'{pass_summary}{warning_summary}{failure_summary}'
+ f'{manual_summary}{omit_summary}{error_summary}')
def _run_reporter(self):
@@ -196,10 +207,9 @@ def _run_reporter(self):
# Make the report output folders
args = self._args
out_folder = args.outputpath
- individual_reports_path = out_folder + "/IndividualReports"
- reports_images_path = individual_reports_path + "/images"
- Path(individual_reports_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- Path(reports_images_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ individual_reports_path = out_folder / 'IndividualReports'
+ reports_images_path = individual_reports_path / 'images'
+ reports_images_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Copy the CISA logo to the repo folder so that it can be accessed
# from there
@@ -212,44 +222,37 @@ def _run_reporter(self):
# we should load the test results json here
products = args.baselines
prod_to_fullname = args.fullnamesdict
- test_results_json = out_folder + f'/{args.outputregofilename}.json'
- with open(test_results_json, mode='r', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
+ test_results_json = out_folder / f'{args.outputregofilename}.json'
+ with test_results_json.open(encoding='UTF-8') as file:
test_results_data = json.load(file)
# Get the successful/unsuccessful commands
- settings_name = f'{out_folder}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'
- with open(settings_name, mode='r', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
+ settings_name = out_folder / f'{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'
+ with settings_name.open(encoding='UTF-8') as file:
settings_data = json.load(file)
+ tenant_info = settings_data['tenant_info']
+ tenant_domain = tenant_info['domain']
successful_calls = set(settings_data['successful_calls'])
unsuccessful_calls = set(settings_data['unsuccessful_calls'])
- # baseline_path
- subset_prod_to_fullname = {
- key: prod_to_fullname[key]
- for key in args.baselines
- if key in prod_to_fullname
- }
+ md_products = set(args.baselines) - {'rules'}
+ md_parser = MarkdownParser(args.documentpath)
- baseline_policies = md_parser.read_baseline_docs(args.documentpath,
- subset_prod_to_fullname)
+ baseline_policies = md_parser.parse_baselines(md_products)
- if "rules" in args.baselines:
+ if 'rules' in args.baselines:
# There's no baseline specific to rules, so this case
# needs to be handled separately
- baseline_policies["rules"] = []
+ baseline_policies['rules'] = []
for group in baseline_policies['commoncontrols']:
if group['GroupName'] == 'System-defined Rules':
- baseline_policies["rules"].append(group)
+ baseline_policies['rules'].append(group)
- raise RuntimeError("Unable to process 'rules' as no policy group named "
- "'System-defined Rules' found in the Common Controls baseline.")
- # Load Org metadata from provider
- with open(f'{out_folder}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json',
- mode='r',encoding='UTF-8') as file:
- tenant_info = json.load(file)['tenant_info']
- tenant_domain = tenant_info['domain']
+ raise RuntimeError("Unable to process 'rules' as no policy "
+ "group named 'System-defined Rules' found "
+ 'in the Common Controls baseline.')
# Determine if any controls were omitted in the config file
omissions = {}
@@ -268,27 +271,28 @@ def _run_reporter(self):
product_abbreviation_mapping = {fullname: shortname for shortname,
fullname in prod_to_fullname.items()}
- timestamp_utc = datetime.utcnow()
+ timestamp_utc = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
timestamp_zulu = timestamp_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] + 'Z'
report_metadata = {
- "TenantId": None,
- "DisplayName": None,
- "DomainName": tenant_domain,
- "ProductSuite": "GWS",
- "ProductsAssessed": products_assessed,
- "ProductAbbreviationMapping": product_abbreviation_mapping,
- "Tool": "ScubaGoggles",
- "ToolVersion": "0.3.0",
- "TimeStampZulu": timestamp_zulu
+ 'TenantId': None,
+ 'DisplayName': None,
+ 'DomainName': tenant_domain,
+ 'ProductSuite': 'GWS',
+ 'ProductsAssessed': products_assessed,
+ 'ProductAbbreviationMapping': product_abbreviation_mapping,
+ 'Tool': 'ScubaGoggles',
+ 'ToolVersion': Version.number,
+ 'TimeStampZulu': timestamp_zulu
- total_output.update({"MetaData": report_metadata})
+ total_output.update({'MetaData': report_metadata})
main_report_name = args.outputreportfilename
products_bar = tqdm(products, leave=False, disable=args.quiet)
for product in products_bar:
- products_bar.set_description(f"Creating the HTML and JSON Report for {product}...")
+ products_bar.set_description('Creating the HTML and JSON Report '
+ f'for {product}...')
reporter = Reporter(product,
@@ -301,55 +305,64 @@ def _run_reporter(self):
stats_and_data[product] = \
- baseline_product_summary = {product:stats_and_data[product][0]}
- baseline_product_results_json = {product:stats_and_data[product][1]}
+ baseline_product_summary = {product: stats_and_data[product][0]}
+ baseline_product_results_json = {product: stats_and_data[product][1]}
- total_output.update({"Summary": summary})
- total_output.update({"Results": results})
+ total_output.update({'Summary': summary})
+ total_output.update({'Results': results})
# Create the ScubaResults files
- with open(f'{out_folder}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
+ scuba_results_file = out_folder / f'{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'
+ with scuba_results_file.open(encoding='UTF-8') as file:
raw_data = json.load(file)
- total_output.update({"Raw": raw_data})
- report = json.dumps(total_output, indent = 4)
- with open(f"{out_folder}/{out_jsonfile}.json", mode='w', encoding='UTF-8') as results_file:
- results_file.write(report)
+ total_output.update({'Raw': raw_data})
+ report_file = out_folder / f'{out_jsonfile}.json'
+ with report_file.open('w', encoding = 'utf-8') as results_file:
+ json.dump(total_output, results_file, indent = 4)
- # Delete the ProviderOutput file as it's now encapsulated in the ScubaResults file
- os.remove(f"{out_folder}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json")
+ # Delete the ProviderOutput file as it's now encapsulated in the
+ # ScubaResults file
+ scuba_results_file.unlink()
# Make the report front page
- report_path = out_folder + "/" + f'{args.outputreportfilename}.html'
- abs_report_path = os.path.abspath(report_path)
+ report_path = out_folder / f'{args.outputreportfilename}.html'
fragments = []
table_data = []
for product, stats in stats_and_data.items():
- ## Build the "Baseline Conformance Reports" column
+ # Build the "Baseline Conformance Reports" column
product_capitalize = product.capitalize()
full_name = prod_to_fullname[product]
- link_path = "./IndividualReports/" f"{product_capitalize}Report.html"
- link = f"{full_name}"
- table_data.append({
- "Baseline Conformance Reports": link,
- "Details": self._generate_summary(stats[0])
- })
+ link_path = f'./IndividualReports/{product_capitalize}Report.html'
+ link = f'{full_name}'
+ table_data.append({'Baseline Conformance Reports': link,
+ 'Details': self._generate_summary(stats[0])})
- with open(f"{report_path}", mode='w', encoding='UTF-8') as file:
- file.write(Reporter.build_front_page_html(fragments, tenant_info))
+ front_page_html = Reporter.build_front_page_html(fragments, tenant_info)
+ report_path.write_text(front_page_html, encoding = 'utf-8')
# suppress opening the report in the browser
if args.quiet:
# Open the report in the client's default web browser
- # pylint: disable=E1101
- if os.name == 'nt':
- os.startfile(abs_report_path)
+ if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
+ # Keep pylint from complaining when run on linux/macOS
+ # pylint: disable-next=no-member
+ os.startfile(report_path)
- report_path = "file:///" + abs_report_path
- webbrowser.get().open(report_path, new=2)
+ report_url = f'file:///{report_path}'
+ try:
+ webbrowser.get().open(report_url, new=2)
+ except webbrowser.Error:
+ # You get here when a user runs on a linux system,
+ # "ssh'd" to a terminal, in which case the user most likely
+ # expects there'll be no browser popping up (so there's no
+ # need to have the exception abort the run).
+ log.warning('No web browser available, report: %s',
+ str(report_path))
def _run_cached(self):
@@ -357,29 +370,26 @@ def _run_cached(self):
args = self._args
- args.outputpath = str(rel_abs_path(__file__,args.outputpath))
+ args.outputpath = str(rel_abs_path(__file__, args.outputpath))
Path(args.outputpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
args.outputpath = os.path.abspath(args.outputpath)
if not args.skipexport:
- creds = gws_auth(args.credentials)
- services = {}
- services['reports'] = build('admin', 'reports_v1', credentials=creds)
- services['directory'] = build('admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=creds)
- services['groups'] = build('groupssettings', 'v1', credentials=creds)
- self._run_gws_providers(services)
+ self._run_gws_providers()
if not os.path.exists(f'{args.outputpath}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json'):
- # When running run_cached, the provider output might not exist as a stand-alone
- # file depending what version of ScubaGoggles created the output. If the provider
- # output doesn't exist as a standalone file, create it from the scuba results
- # file so the other functions can execute as normal.
+ # When running run_cached, the provider output might not exist as
+ # a standalone file depending on what version of ScubaGoggles
+ # created the output. If the provider output doesn't exist as a
+ # standalone file, create it from the scuba results file so the
+ # other functions can execute as normal.
with open(f'{args.outputpath}/{args.outjsonfilename}.json', 'r',
- encoding='UTF-8') as scuba_results:
+ encoding='UTF-8') as scuba_results:
provider_output = json.load(scuba_results)['Raw']
- with open(f'{args.outputpath}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json', 'w',
- encoding='UTF-8') as provider_file:
+ with open(f'{args.outputpath}/{args.outputproviderfilename}.json',
+ 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as provider_file:
json.dump(provider_output, provider_file)
@@ -389,46 +399,57 @@ def start_automation(self):
args = self._args
- if "commoncontrols" in args.baselines and "rules" not in args.baselines:
- args.baselines.append("rules")
- if "rules" in args.baselines and "commoncontrols" not in args.baselines:
- args.baselines.append("commoncontrols")
+ args.baselines = list(args.baselines)
+ if 'commoncontrols' in args.baselines and 'rules' not in args.baselines:
+ args.baselines.append('rules')
+ if 'rules' in args.baselines and 'commoncontrols' not in args.baselines:
+ args.baselines.append('commoncontrols')
# get the absolute paths relative to this directory
- args.outputpath = (Path.cwd() / args.outputpath).resolve()
- args.credentials = (Path.cwd() / args.credentials).resolve()
- args.opapath = Path(args.opapath).resolve()
- args.regopath = Path(args.regopath).resolve()
- args.documentpath = Path(args.documentpath).resolve()
+ if not isinstance(args.outputpath, Path):
+ args.outputpath = Path(args.outputpath)
+ args.outputpath = args.outputpath.resolve()
+ args.credentials = args.credentials.resolve()
+ args.opapath = args.opapath.resolve()
+ args.regopath = args.regopath.resolve()
+ args.documentpath = args.documentpath.resolve()
+ see_docs = 'see ScubaGoggles setup documentation'
+ try:
+ find_opa(args.opapath)
+ except FileNotFoundError as fnf:
+ raise UserRuntimeError(f'? "{args.opapath}" - OPA executable '
+ f'missing - {see_docs}') from fnf
+ if not args.credentials.exists():
+ raise UserRuntimeError(f'? "{args.credentials}" - Google '
+ f'credentials file missing - {see_docs}')
# add any additional variables to args
gws_params = self.gws_products()
additional_args = vars(args)
- additional_args['fullnamesdict'] = gws_params["prod_to_fullname"]
+ additional_args['fullnamesdict'] = gws_params['prod_to_fullname']
if args.skipexport and not args.runcached:
- exc = 'Used --skipexport without --runcached' \
- 'please rerun scubagoggles with --runcached as well'
- raise Exception(exc)
+ message = ('Used --skipexport without --runcached please rerun '
+ 'scubagoggles with --runcached as well')
+ raise UserRuntimeError(message)
if not args.runcached:
# create a timestamped output folder
now = datetime.now()
- folder_time = now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
+ folder_time = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
timestamped_folder = f'{args.outputfoldername}_{folder_time}'
+ if not args.outputpath.exists():
+ log.warning('%s - parent directory for output subdirectories '
+ 'will be created',
+ args.outputpath)
args.outputpath = (args.outputpath / timestamped_folder).resolve()
- Path(args.outputpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- args.outputpath = os.path.abspath(args.outputpath)
- # authenticate
- creds = gws_auth(args.credentials, args.subjectemail)
- services = {}
- services['reports'] = build('admin', 'reports_v1', credentials=creds)
- services['directory'] = build('admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=creds)
- services['groups'] = build('groupssettings', 'v1', credentials=creds)
+ args.outputpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- self._run_gws_providers(services)
+ self._run_gws_providers()
diff --git a/scubagoggles/policy_api.py b/scubagoggles/policy_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0494ffd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/policy_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+"""Google Policy API class implementation
+import io
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+from collections import defaultdict
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from pathlib import Path
+from random import random
+from time import sleep
+from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
+from scubagoggles.auth import GwsAuth
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Not all lambdas are bad, you know (see below)...
+# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment
+class PolicyAPI:
+ """Implementation for accessing Google Policy API. It should be used as
+ a context manager (see 'with' statement) so the Google API resource is
+ closed when it's no longer needed.
+ """
+ # LAMBDAS! They're VOODOO to some, just like the "goto". The following
+ # are short functions that evaluate whether the Google API setting value
+ # is exactly or roughly what's expected. Using lambdas encapsulates the
+ # functionality within the class without the bother of making them
+ # static. They're simple and do the job, and they can be placed close
+ # to the policy settings where they're referenced.
+ isBool = lambda x: isinstance(x, bool)
+ # Google's "enum" type is essentially the string name for the enumeration
+ # member. It must be all alphanumeric characters with possible underscores.
+ isEnum = lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and re.match(r'^[A-Z0-9_]+$', x)
+ isInt = lambda x: isinstance(x, int)
+ isListStrings = lambda x: (isinstance(x, list)
+ and all(isinstance(e, str) for e in x))
+ isState = lambda x: x.lower() in ('disabled', 'enabled')
+ isString = lambda x: isinstance(x, str)
+ isDuration = lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and re.match(r'(?i)^\d+[hms]$', x)
+ # There may be duplicate policies returned for an orgunit/group and
+ # section. The policies must be "reduced" to single settings using
+ # a method. The default "reducer" method is to select the policy with the
+ # highest "sort order", and this is applied if a reducer is not specified
+ # in the expected policy settings below.
+ _merge_reducer = '_merge'
+ # This is the list of policy settings returned by Google that are relevant
+ # to the secure baselines. Settings that are not relevant are ignored
+ # (i.e., they are NOT included in this data structure - these are settings
+ # that are not referenced in any of our policy code). The key is the section
+ # (what Google calls "setting type") (NOTE that while Google returns a
+ # setting type with a period (.) delimiting the type (e.g.,
+ # "sites.service_status"), we convert the periods into underscores because
+ # Rego uses the period to delimit hierarchy). The setting is a dictionary
+ # containing the name of each setting and a function that will validate that
+ # the setting value is correct. Optionally, a reducer may be given if it
+ # differs from the default ("maximum sort order") - this is set using the
+ # "reducer" key.
+ #
+ # The entries are ordered alphabetically (not that they have to, but it
+ # does make finding them in this data structure easier). If you need to
+ # add a new entry, it may be easiest to copy a similar entry and update
+ # it with the correct section/setting names and verifier, and finally
+ # whether a reducer is needed.
+ _expectedPolicySettings = {
+ 'analytics_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'applied_digital_skills_service_status': {'settings': {
+ 'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'appsheet_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'blogger_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'blogger_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'books_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'calendar_appointment_schedules': {'settings': {
+ 'enablePayments': isBool}},
+ 'calendar_external_invitations': {'settings': {'warnOnInvite': isBool}},
+ 'calendar_interoperability': {'settings': {
+ 'enableExchangeRoomBooking': isBool,
+ 'enableFullEventDetails': isBool,
+ 'enableInteroperability': isBool}},
+ 'calendar_primary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing': {'settings': {
+ 'maxAllowedExternalSharing': isEnum}},
+ 'calendar_secondary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing': {
+ 'settings': {'maxAllowedExternalSharing': isEnum}},
+ 'calendar_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'chat_chat_file_sharing': {'settings': {
+ 'externalFileSharing': isEnum,
+ 'internalFileSharing': isEnum}},
+ 'chat_chat_history': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'allowUserModification': isBool,
+ 'historyOnByDefault': isBool}},
+ 'chat_external_chat_restriction': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'allowExternalChat': isBool,
+ 'externalChatRestriction': isEnum}},
+ 'chat_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'chat_space_history': {'settings': {'historyState': isEnum}},
+ 'chrome_canvas_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'classroom_api_data_access': {'settings': {'enableApiAccess': isBool}},
+ 'classroom_class_membership': {'settings': {
+ 'whoCanJoinClasses': isEnum,
+ 'whichClassesCanUsersJoin': isEnum}},
+ 'classroom_guardian_access': {'settings': {
+ 'allowAccess': isBool,
+ 'whoCanManageGuardianAccess': isEnum}},
+ 'classroom_roster_import': {'settings': {'rosterImportOption': isEnum}},
+ 'classroom_student_unenrollment': {'settings': {
+ 'whoCanUnenrollStudents': isEnum}},
+ 'classroom_teacher_permissions': {'settings': {
+ 'whoCanCreateClasses': isEnum}},
+ 'cloud_search_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop': {'settings': {
+ 'allowDriveForDesktop': isBool,
+ 'restrictToAuthorizedDevices': isBool}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_drive_sdk': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'enableDriveSdkApiAccess': isBool}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_external_sharing': {'settings': {
+ 'accessCheckerSuggestions': isEnum,
+ 'allowNonGoogleInvites': isBool,
+ 'allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains': isBool,
+ 'allowPublishingFiles': isBool,
+ 'allowReceivingExternalFiles': isBool,
+ 'allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains': isBool,
+ 'allowedPartiesForDistributingContent': isEnum,
+ 'externalSharingMode': isEnum,
+ 'warnForExternalSharing': isBool,
+ 'warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains': isBool}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_general_access_default': {'settings': {
+ 'defaultFileAccess': isEnum}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_service_status': {'settings': {
+ 'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation': {'settings': {
+ 'allowContentManagersToShareFolders': isBool,
+ 'allowExternalUserAccess': isBool,
+ 'allowManagersToOverrideSettings': isBool,
+ 'allowNonMemberAccess': isBool,
+ 'allowSharedDriveCreation': isBool,
+ 'allowedPartiesForDownloadPrintCopy': isEnum,
+ 'orgUnitForNewSharedDrives': isEnum}},
+ 'drive_and_docs_file_security_update': {'settings': {
+ 'allowUsersToManageUpdate': isBool,
+ 'securityUpdate': isEnum}},
+ 'enterprise_service_restrictions_service_status': {'settings': {
+ 'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'gmail_auto_forwarding': {'settings': {'enableAutoForwarding': isBool}},
+ 'gmail_email_attachment_safety': {'settings': {
+ 'anomalousAttachmentProtectionConsequence': isEnum,
+ 'applyFutureRecommendedSettingsAutomatically': isBool,
+ 'attachmentWithScriptsProtectionConsequence': isEnum,
+ 'enableAnomalousAttachmentProtection': isBool,
+ 'enableAttachmentWithScriptsProtection': isBool,
+ 'enableEncryptedAttachmentProtection': isBool,
+ 'encryptedAttachmentProtectionConsequence': isEnum}},
+ 'gmail_email_spam_filter_ip_allowlist': {'settings': {
+ 'allowedIpAddresses': isListStrings}},
+ 'gmail_enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning': {'settings': {
+ 'enableImprovedSuspiciousContentDetection': isBool}},
+ 'gmail_links_and_external_images': {'settings': {
+ 'applyFutureSettingsAutomatically': isBool,
+ 'enableAggressiveWarningsOnUntrustedLinks': isBool,
+ 'enableExternalImageScanning': isBool,
+ 'enableShortenerScanning': isBool}},
+ 'gmail_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'gmail_spoofing_and_authentication': {'settings': {
+ 'applyFutureSettingsAutomatically': isBool,
+ 'detectDomainNameSpoofing': isBool,
+ 'detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders': isBool,
+ 'detectEmployeeNameSpoofing': isBool,
+ 'detectGroupsSpoofing': isBool,
+ 'detectUnauthenticatedEmails': isBool,
+ 'domainNameSpoofingConsequence': isEnum,
+ 'domainSpoofingConsequence': isEnum,
+ 'employeeNameSpoofingConsequence': isEnum,
+ 'groupsSpoofingConsequence': isEnum,
+ 'unauthenticatedEmailConsequence': isEnum}},
+ 'groups_for_business_groups_sharing': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'collaborationCapability': isEnum,
+ 'createGroupsAccessLevel': isEnum,
+ 'newGroupsAreHidden': isBool,
+ 'ownersCanAllowExternalMembers': isBool,
+ 'ownersCanAllowIncomingMailFromPublic': isBool,
+ 'ownersCanHideGroups': isBool,
+ 'viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel': isEnum}},
+ 'groups_for_business_service_status': {'settings': {
+ 'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'jamboard_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'keep_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'location_history_user_takeout': {'settings': {
+ 'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'maps_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'meet_safety_access': {'settings': {'meetingsAllowedToJoin': isEnum}},
+ 'meet_safety_domain': {'settings': {'usersAllowedToJoin': isEnum}},
+ 'meet_safety_external_participants': {'settings': {
+ 'enableExternalLabel': isBool}},
+ 'meet_safety_host_management': {'settings': {
+ 'enableHostManagement': isBool}},
+ 'meet_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'meet_video_recording': {'settings': {'enableRecording': isBool}},
+ 'migrate_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'pay_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'photos_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'play_console_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'play_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}},
+ 'security_advanced_protection_program': {'settings': {
+ 'enableAdvancedProtectionSelfEnrollment': isBool,
+ 'securityCodeOption': isEnum}},
+ 'security_less_secure_apps': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'allowLessSecureApps': isBool}},
+ 'security_login_challenges': {'settings': {
+ 'enableEmployeeIdChallenge': isBool}},
+ 'security_password': {'settings': {
+ 'allowedStrength': isEnum,
+ 'allowReuse': isBool,
+ 'enforceRequirementsAtLogin': isBool,
+ 'expirationDuration': isDuration,
+ 'maximumLength': isInt,
+ 'minimumLength': isInt}},
+ 'security_session_controls': {'settings': {
+ 'webSessionDuration': isDuration}},
+ 'security_super_admin_account_recovery': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'enableAccountRecovery': isBool}},
+ 'security_user_account_recovery': {'reducer': _merge_reducer,
+ 'settings': {
+ 'enableAccountRecovery': isBool}},
+ 'sites_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'sites_sites_creation_and_modification': {'settings': {
+ 'allowSitesCreation': isBool,
+ 'allowSitesModification': isBool}},
+ 'takeout_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'tasks_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'vault_service_status': {'settings': {'serviceState': isState}},
+ 'workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options': {'settings': {
+ 'accessLevel': isEnum,
+ 'allowAllInternalApps': isBool}},
+ 'youtube_user_takeout': {'settings': {'takeoutStatus': isEnum}}}
+ # In this section of Google's Policy API documentation:
+ # https://cloud.google.com/identity/docs/concepts/policy-api-concepts
+ # #default_field_values
+ # there are a number of settings which may not be present in the top-level
+ # orgunit, and for these cases defaults must be applied. The following
+ # default values are taken directly from the documentation. Google claims
+ # that it would take an act of god to change these defaults, but since
+ # these are copied from an external source, there is a risk that one or
+ # more defaults may be changed. There is also no assurance that Google's
+ # documentation reflects the current default values (i.e., the
+ # documented defaults must be kept current with the implementation).
+ _defaults = {
+ 'chat_chat_history': {'allowUserModification': True,
+ 'historyOnByDefault': False},
+ 'chat_external_chat_restriction': {
+ 'allowExternalChat': False,
+ 'externalChatRestriction': 'NO_RESTRICTION'},
+ 'drive_and_docs_drive_sdk': {'enableDriveSdkApiAccess': True},
+ 'drive_and_docs_external_sharing': {
+ 'accessCheckerSuggestions': 'RECIPIENTS_OR_AUDIENCE_OR_PUBLIC',
+ 'allowNonGoogleInvites': True,
+ 'allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains': False,
+ 'allowPublishingFiles': True,
+ 'allowReceivingExternalFiles': True,
+ 'allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains': True,
+ 'allowedPartiesForDistributingContent': 'ALL_ELIGIBLE_USERS',
+ 'externalSharingMode': 'ALLOWED',
+ 'warnForExternalSharing': True,
+ 'warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains': True},
+ 'drive_and_docs_general_access_default': {
+ 'defaultFileAccess': 'LINK_SHARING_PRIVATE'},
+ 'gmail_workspace_sync_for_outlook': {
+ 'enableGoogleWorkspaceSyncForMicrosoftOutlook': True},
+ 'gmail_email_spam_filter_ip_allowlist': {
+ 'allowedIpAddresses': []},
+ 'groups_for_business_groups_sharing': {
+ 'collaborationCapability': 'DOMAIN_USERS_ONLY',
+ 'createGroupsAccessLevel': 'USERS_IN_DOMAIN',
+ 'newGroupsAreHidden': False,
+ 'ownersCanAllowExternalMembers': False,
+ 'ownersCanAllowIncomingMailFromPublic': True,
+ 'ownersCanHideGroups': False,
+ 'viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel': 'DOMAIN_USERS'},
+ 'security_less_secure_apps': {'allowLessSecureApps': False},
+ 'security_super_admin_account_recovery': {
+ 'enableAccountRecovery': False},
+ 'security_user_account_recovery': {'enableAccountRecovery': False},
+ 'workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options': {
+ 'accessLevel': 'ALLOW_ALL',
+ 'allowAllInternalApps': False},
+ }
+ # This is the URL to the Policies API.
+ _baseURL = 'https://cloudidentity.googleapis.com/v1beta1/policies'
+ _too_many_requests = 429
+ def __init__(self, gws_auth: GwsAuth, top_orgunit: str):
+ """PolicyAPI class instance initialization.
+ :param GwsAuth gws_auth: GWS credentials instance.
+ :param str top_orgunit: name of the top-level orgunit.
+ """
+ # Google's AuthorizedSession is currently being used because this
+ # API is not available in the Google API Client interface.
+ self._session = AuthorizedSession(gws_auth.credentials)
+ self._top_orgunit = top_orgunit
+ # This is a mapping of Google's org unit ids to names.
+ self._orgunit_id_map = self._get_ou()
+ self._group_id_map = self._get_groups()
+ # This is a dictionary that is used in reducing the policies returned
+ # by Google.
+ self._reduction_map = None
+ def __enter__(self):
+ # This class is implemented as a context manager - meaning that it's
+ # intended to be instantiated via the "with" statement. This ensures
+ # that the Google resource will be properly closed.
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ self.close()
+ def close(self):
+ """Closes Google's resource. This should be called when the instance
+ is no longer needed.
+ """
+ self._session.close()
+ def get_policies(self) -> dict:
+ """Query Google's Policy API and return the policy settings grouped
+ by org unit.
+ :return: dictionary of settings, with keys being the org unit names
+ and the values are dictionaries with name/value pairs for the
+ settings.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ # Google returns the policy settings in a dictionary. Each setting
+ # contains one or more values and is associated with an org unit.
+ policies = self._get_policies_list()
+ # If the following environment variable is defined, the policy data
+ # returned by Google, as well as the orgunit and group maps, will be
+ # written to the file name defined in the variable. If the value
+ # contains only whitespace, the data will be written to the standard
+ # output stream. This is intended for debugging.
+ dump_envname = 'SCUBAGOGGLES_DUMP_FILE'
+ if dump_envname in os.environ:
+ self._dump(policies, os.environ[dump_envname].strip())
+ self._reduce(policies)
+ result = defaultdict(dict)
+ for key, policy in self._reduction_map.items():
+ orgunit_name, section = key
+ result[orgunit_name][section] = self._settings(policy)
+ self._apply_defaults(result)
+ return result
+ def _get_ou(self) -> dict:
+ """Calls Google's Directory API to get all org units, and returns a
+ mapping of org unit id to name.
+ :return: dictionary with the Google org unit identifier as the key,
+ and the corresponding name as the value.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ # See comment above regarding the Policy API not currently included
+ # in Google's Client API. While the directory API is included in the
+ # Client API, it's easiest here to use the same mechanism as is used
+ # for the Policy API.
+ url = ('https://admin.googleapis.com/admin/directory/'
+ 'v1/customer/my_customer/orgunits')
+ params = {'orgUnitPath': '/',
+ 'type': 'all_including_parent'}
+ response = self._get(url, params)
+ # Based on the Client API, there should be no possibility of a next
+ # page when getting the org units, but this check is here just in
+ # case.
+ if 'nextPageToken' in response:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'{url} - unhandled next page token')
+ orgunit_id_map = {}
+ for orgunit_data in response['organizationUnits']:
+ orgunit_id = orgunit_data['orgUnitId'].removeprefix('id:')
+ orgunit_id_map[orgunit_id] = {'name': orgunit_data['name'],
+ 'path': orgunit_data['orgUnitPath']}
+ return orgunit_id_map
+ def _get_groups(self) -> dict:
+ """Calls Google's Directory API to get all groups in the root org unit,
+ and returns a mapping of group id to name.
+ :return: dictionary with the Google group identifier as the key,
+ and the corresponding name as the value.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ # See comment above regarding the Policy API not currently included
+ # in Google's Client API. While the directory API is included in the
+ # Client API, it's easiest here to use the same mechanism as is used
+ # for the Policy API.
+ url = 'https://admin.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/groups'
+ group_id_map = {}
+ params = {'customer': 'my_customer'}
+ while True:
+ response = self._get(url, params)
+ for group_data in response['groups']:
+ group_id = group_data['id']
+ group_id_map[group_id] = group_data['name']
+ if 'nextPageToken' not in response:
+ break
+ params['pageToken'] = response['nextPageToken']
+ return group_id_map
+ def _get_policies_list(self) -> list:
+ """Calls the Google Policy API and returns the results.
+ :return: list of dictionaries containing policy settings.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ policies = []
+ # The parameters will only be used if Google returns the policies in
+ # multiple pages. The following loop will iterate multiple times only
+ # if there's more than one page.
+ params = None
+ while True:
+ policies_result = self._get(self._baseURL, params)
+ # So far, only one page of actual content is being returned
+ # (with 2 blank pages, which is another issue). Merge each page's
+ # policies in with the result list.
+ if 'policies' in policies_result:
+ policies += policies_result['policies']
+ if 'nextPageToken' not in policies_result:
+ break
+ params = {'pageToken': policies_result['nextPageToken']}
+ return policies
+ def _get(self, url: str, params: dict = None) -> dict:
+ """Invokes a GET request using the given URL, returning the result.
+ :param str url: URL
+ :param dict params: [optional] parameters to be used in the request.
+ :return: dictionary result returned by the Google request.
+ :rtype: dict
+ """
+ response = None
+ start_time = time.time()
+ # Google will return the "too many requests" error if the requests come
+ # in without any delay between them. The total iterations is limited to
+ # 8 because the delay is exponential and after several iterations the
+ # delay becomes impractical if the error continues to be returned.
+ # In practice, with the API calls it sometimes takes seconds to get a
+ # response, and for those cases a subsequent request is made after a
+ # sufficient delay due to the time it took for the previous response.
+ for iter_count in range(1, 9):
+ response = self._session.get(url, params = params)
+ if response.status_code != self._too_many_requests:
+ break
+ # Back off the requests exponentially (adding up to a 10% random
+ # delay).
+ delay = (2 ** iter_count) / 10
+ delay += (delay * random())
+ log.debug('attempt %i - too many requests response: '
+ 'delay %.2f seconds', iter_count, delay)
+ sleep(delay)
+ end_time = time.time() - start_time
+ response_json = response.json()
+ if not response.ok:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'? {url} - {response_json["error"]["message"]}')
+ log.debug('URL: %s', url)
+ if params:
+ log.debug(' params: %s', params)
+ log.debug('Result length: %d', len(response.text))
+ log.debug('Elapsed time: %.2f seconds', end_time)
+ return response_json
+ def _reduce(self, policies: Iterable):
+ """Reduces the policies returned by Google to those that apply for
+ each orgunit and group.
+ This method populates the instance's "_reduction_map". It is a
+ dictionary where the key is a tuple containing the orgunit/group name
+ and section name. The value is a policy (dictionary). After the
+ reduction, there will be only one policy for each section in an
+ orgunit/group.
+ See https://cloud.google.com/identity/docs/concepts/policy-api-concepts
+ #reducers_for_settings
+ for Google's discussion of the "reduction process".
+ :param list policies: list of policies (dictionaries).
+ """
+ self._reduction_map = {}
+ # Sorting the policies by largest sort order first is KEY to getting
+ # the correct policies. This accomplishes the "max" reduction
+ # referred to by Google, and it also necessary for the "merge"
+ # reduction.
+ policies.sort(key = self._sort_order, reverse = True)
+ for policy in policies:
+ # For the current policy setting, use the returned org unit id
+ # to get the org unit name, which is used as the key for the
+ # result dictionary.
+ orgunit_id = policy['policyQuery']['orgUnit']
+ orgunit_id = orgunit_id.removeprefix('orgUnits/')
+ orgunit_name = self._orgunit_id_map[orgunit_id]['name']
+ if 'group' in policy['policyQuery']:
+ group_id = policy['policyQuery']['group']
+ group_id = group_id.removeprefix('groups/')
+ group_name = self._group_id_map[group_id]
+ orgunit_name += f' (group "{group_name}")'
+ # The setting has two layers in the policies dictionary. Depending
+ # on the setting, there may be one or multiple values - so the
+ # setting itself has a "type" (i.e., "name), and the value is a
+ # dictionary with one or more name/value pairs. The setting type
+ # is something like "settings/appsheet.service_status". We remove
+ # the "settings/" prefix and convert the dot to an underscore.
+ # This results in "appsheet_service_status", which is a format that
+ # can easily be used in Rego code.
+ policy_setting = policy['setting']
+ section = policy_setting['type'].removeprefix('settings/')
+ section = section.replace('.', '_')
+ key = (orgunit_name, section)
+ # This is where the dictionary is populated, with policies
+ # having the highest sort order for each orgunit/group and
+ # section. This is possible because of the initial sorting
+ # above.
+ if key not in self._reduction_map:
+ self._reduction_map[key] = policy
+ continue
+ expected_settings = self._expectedPolicySettings.get(section)
+ if not expected_settings:
+ # The section is not in the expected settings, which means
+ # it is not associated with a secure baseline.
+ continue
+ # If there is a reducer associated with this policy, it will
+ # be invoked.
+ reduce_name = expected_settings.get('reduce_method')
+ if reduce_name:
+ reduce_method = getattr(self, reduce_name)
+ reduce_method(key, policy)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _settings(policy: dict) -> dict:
+ """Given a policy (dictionary) from Google's response, returns the
+ name/value pairs, which are the setting values for a section.
+ :param policy: "raw" policy data dictionary returned by Google.
+ """
+ return policy['setting']['value']
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sort_order(policy: dict) -> float:
+ """Given a policy (dictionary) from Google's response, returns the
+ sort order value for the policy.
+ :param policy: "raw" policy data dictionary returned by Google.
+ """
+ return policy['policyQuery']['sortOrder']
+ def _merge(self, key: tuple, policy: dict):
+ """Peforms a merge reduction of the given policy with the current
+ policy (having the greatest sort order).
+ :param key: tuple containing the orgunit name and section name, used
+ for locating the corresponding policy in the reduction map.
+ :param policy: "raw" policy having a sort order below the policy
+ stored in the reduction map.
+ """
+ # Get the policy from the reduction map. The policies have already
+ # been sorted by largest sort order first, so this one is the
+ # in-effect policy for the given key.
+ current_policy = self._reduction_map[key]
+ current_settings = self._settings(current_policy)
+ # If any setting present in the given lower sort order policy is
+ # not present in the in-effect policy, add the setting to the
+ # current policy.
+ for setting, value in self._settings(policy).items():
+ if setting not in current_settings:
+ current_settings[setting] = value
+ def _apply_defaults(self, policies: dict):
+ """Applies Google's default setting values to the top orgunit policies.
+ See the discussion above where the default setting values are defined.
+ :param policies: the complete set of policies, formatted from the raw
+ data returned by Google.
+ """
+ if not self._top_orgunit:
+ log.debug('No top orgunit specified in PolicyAPI - '
+ 'skipping defaults')
+ return
+ # The defaults apply only to the top-level orgunit. The top orgunit
+ # must contain all settings, and the subordinate orgunits and groups
+ # only contain settings that have changed from the top orgunit's
+ # values. We'll keep track of the default settings actually applied
+ # so they can be reported in the log.
+ top_ou_policies = policies[self._top_orgunit]
+ applied = defaultdict(dict)
+ for section, settings in self._defaults.items():
+ if section not in top_ou_policies:
+ # Copy the section dictionary into the top OU policies as a
+ # precaution because the defaults are read-only.
+ top_ou_policies[section] = settings.copy()
+ applied[section] = settings
+ continue
+ for setting, value in settings.items():
+ if setting not in top_ou_policies[section]:
+ top_ou_policies[section][setting] = value
+ applied[section][setting] = value
+ if applied:
+ log.debug('Default value(s) applied to %s:', self._top_orgunit)
+ for section, settings in applied.items():
+ log.debug(' %s:', section)
+ for setting, value in settings.items():
+ log.debug(' %s: %s', setting, str(value))
+ def _dump(self, policies: Iterable, file_or_stream = sys.stdout):
+ """Writes the orgunit and group maps, and the given policies from
+ Google to the given I/O stream or file.
+ :param policies: sequence of policy data (dictionaries) returned by
+ Google's Policy API.
+ :param file_or_stream: [optional] file specification for the file
+ to be written, or an existing I/O stream. If not given or if
+ an empty string is provided, the standard output stream (stdout)
+ is used.
+ """
+ out_data = {'orgunits': self._orgunit_id_map,
+ 'groups': self._group_id_map,
+ 'policies': policies}
+ is_stream = not file_or_stream or isinstance(file_or_stream, io.IOBase)
+ # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
+ out_stream = (sys.stdout if not file_or_stream
+ else file_or_stream if is_stream
+ else Path(file_or_stream).open('wt', encoding = 'utf-8'))
+ try:
+ json.dump(out_data, out_stream, indent = 2)
+ finally:
+ if not is_stream:
+ out_stream.close()
+ def verify(self, policies: dict) -> bool:
+ """Verify that all expected policy settings (see above) are present
+ for the top-level orgunit, and that the values of each setting are the
+ correct type and/or format.
+ We do this verification because while Rego is good at checking for
+ policy requirements, it may yield incorrect results when expected
+ settings are missing or values are incorrect. This verification only
+ issues warnings. so we're not aborting if something is found to be
+ missing or incorrect. However, if warnings are issued, checks should be
+ done to determine what's wrong with the data returned by Google.
+ :param dict policies: policy settings returned by get_policies().
+ :return: True if all expected policy settings are found and the setting
+ values are correct types and format.
+ """
+ orgunit = self._top_orgunit
+ policies_ok = True
+ expected_policy_settings = self._expectedPolicySettings
+ orgunit_policies = policies.get(orgunit)
+ if not orgunit_policies:
+ log.warning('No policy settings found for orgunit: %s', orgunit)
+ return False
+ missing_settings = {n for n in expected_policy_settings
+ if n not in orgunit_policies}
+ if missing_settings:
+ log.warning('Setting(s) missing from %s orgunit: %s',
+ orgunit,
+ str(sorted(missing_settings)))
+ policies_ok = False
+ for section, section_data in expected_policy_settings.items():
+ expected_settings = section_data['settings']
+ settings = orgunit_policies.get(section)
+ if not settings:
+ continue
+ invalid_settings = []
+ for setting_name, verifier in expected_settings.items():
+ policy_value = settings.get(setting_name)
+ if policy_value is None or not verifier(policy_value):
+ invalid_settings.append(setting_name)
+ if invalid_settings:
+ log.warning('Settings missing or values invalid for '
+ 'orgunit %s, resource %s: %s',
+ orgunit,
+ section,
+ sorted(invalid_settings))
+ return policies_ok
diff --git a/scubagoggles/provider.py b/scubagoggles/provider.py
index 3d63e6d1..7d0c4c54 100644
--- a/scubagoggles/provider.py
+++ b/scubagoggles/provider.py
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
provider.py is where the GWS api calls are made.
import warnings
+from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
-from scubagoggles.utils import create_subset_inverted_dict, create_key_to_list, merge_dicts
+from googleapiclient.discovery import build
+from scubagoggles.auth import GwsAuth
+from scubagoggles.policy_api import PolicyAPI
+from scubagoggles.utils import create_subset_inverted_dict, \
+ create_key_to_list, merge_dicts
from scubagoggles.scuba_constants import ApiReference
from scubagoggles.robust_dns import RobustDNSClient
+# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
'calendar': [
@@ -75,7 +83,7 @@
-SELECTORS = ["google", "selector1", "selector2"]
+SELECTORS = ['google', 'selector1', 'selector2']
# For DKIM.
# Unfortunately, hard-coded. Ideally, we'd be able to use an API to get
# the selectors used programmatically, but it doesn't seem like there is
@@ -93,57 +101,114 @@
# beginning of the domain name up to the first period
class Provider:
- '''
+ """
Class for making the GWS api calls and tracking the results.
- '''
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ customer_id: str,
+ credentials_file: Path,
+ svc_account_email: str = None):
- def __init__(self, services : dict, customer_id : str):
- '''
- Initialize the Provider.
+ """Initialize the Provider.
- :param services: a dict of service objects.
:param customer_id: the ID of the customer to run against.
- '''
- self.services = services
- self.customer_id = customer_id
- self.successful_calls = set()
- self.unsuccessful_calls = set()
- self.dns_client = RobustDNSClient()
- self.domains = None
+ :param credentials_file: file specification of Google JSON-format
+ credentials.
+ :param svc_account_email: (optional) email address for the service
+ account.
+ """
+ self._gws_auth = GwsAuth(credentials_file, svc_account_email)
+ self._credentials = self._gws_auth.credentials
+ self._services = {}
+ self._customer_id = customer_id
+ self._successful_calls = set()
+ self._unsuccessful_calls = set()
+ self._dns_client = RobustDNSClient()
+ self._domains = None
+ self._initialize_services()
+ self._top_ou = self.get_toplevel_ou()
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ for resource in self._services.values():
+ resource.close()
+ @property
+ def successful_calls(self):
+ """Returns names of methods successfully called.
+ :rtype: set
+ """
+ return self._successful_calls
+ @property
+ def unsuccessful_calls(self):
+ """Returns names of methods unsuccessfully called.
+ :rtype: set
+ """
+ return self._unsuccessful_calls
+ def _initialize_services(self):
+ service_list = (('reports', 'admin', 'reports_v1'),
+ ('directory', 'admin', 'directory_v1'),
+ ('groups', 'groupssettings', 'v1'))
+ for service_data in service_list:
+ name, service_name, version = service_data
+ self._services[name] = build(service_name,
+ version,
+ cache_discovery = False,
+ credentials = self._credentials)
def list_domains(self) -> list:
- '''
+ """
Return the customer's domains. Ensures that the domains API is called only once and that
the domains used throughout the provider are consistent.
- '''
- if self.domains is None:
+ """
+ if self._domains is None:
- self.domains = self.services['directory'].domains().list(customer=self.customer_id)\
- .execute()['domains']
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_DOMAINS.value)
+ with self._services['directory'].domains() as domains:
+ self._domains = (domains.list(customer = self._customer_id)
+ .execute()['domains'])
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_DOMAINS.value)
except Exception as exc:
- self.domains = []
- warnings.warn(f"An exception was thrown by list_domains: {exc}", RuntimeWarning)
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_DOMAINS.value)
- return self.domains
+ self._domains = []
+ warnings.warn(f'An exception was thrown by list_domains: {exc}', RuntimeWarning)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_DOMAINS.value)
+ return self._domains
- def get_spf_records(self, domains: list) -> list:
- '''
+ def get_spf_records(self, domains: set) -> list:
+ """
Gets the SPF records for each domain in domains.
:param domains: The list of domain names (strings).
- '''
+ """
results = []
n_low_confidence = 0
for domain in domains:
- result = self.dns_client.query(domain)
+ result = self._dns_client.query(domain)
if not result['HighConfidence']:
n_low_confidence += 1
- "domain": domain,
- "rdata": result["Answers"],
- "log": result["LogEntries"]
+ 'domain': domain,
+ 'rdata': result['Answers'],
+ 'log': result['LogEntries']
if n_low_confidence > 0:
warnings.warn(f"get_spf_records: for {n_low_confidence} domain(s), \
@@ -153,19 +218,19 @@ def get_spf_records(self, domains: list) -> list:
See ProviderSettingsExport.json under 'spf_records' for more details.", RuntimeWarning)
return results
- def get_dkim_records(self, domains : list) -> list:
- '''
+ def get_dkim_records(self, domains: set) -> list:
+ """
Gets the DKIM records for each domain in domains.
:param domains: The list of domain names (strings).
- '''
+ """
results = []
n_low_confidence = 0
for domain in domains:
- qnames = [f"{selector}._domainkey.{domain}" for selector in SELECTORS]
+ qnames = [f'{selector}._domainkey.{domain}' for selector in SELECTORS]
log_entries = []
for qname in qnames:
- result = self.dns_client.query(qname)
+ result = self._dns_client.query(qname)
if len(result['Answers']) == 0:
# The DKIM record does not exist with this selector, we need to try again with
@@ -177,9 +242,9 @@ def get_dkim_records(self, domains : list) -> list:
if not result['HighConfidence']:
n_low_confidence += 1
- "domain": domain,
- "rdata": result["Answers"],
- "log": log_entries
+ 'domain': domain,
+ 'rdata': result['Answers'],
+ 'log': log_entries
if n_low_confidence > 0:
@@ -190,32 +255,32 @@ def get_dkim_records(self, domains : list) -> list:
See ProviderSettingsExport.json under 'dkim_records' for more details.", RuntimeWarning)
return results
- def get_dmarc_records(self, domains : list) -> list:
- '''
+ def get_dmarc_records(self, domains: set) -> list:
+ """
Gets the DMARC records for each domain in domains.
:param domains: The list of domain names (strings).
- '''
+ """
results = []
n_low_confidence = 0
for domain in domains:
log_entries = []
- qname = f"_dmarc.{domain}"
- result = self.dns_client.query(qname)
+ qname = f'_dmarc.{domain}'
+ result = self._dns_client.query(qname)
- if len(result["Answers"]) == 0:
+ if len(result['Answers']) == 0:
# The domain does not exist. If the record is not available at the full domain
# level, we need to check at the organizational domain level.
- labels = domain.split(".")
- org_domain = f"{labels[-2]}.{labels[-1]}"
- result = self.dns_client.query(f"_dmarc.{org_domain}")
+ labels = domain.split('.')
+ org_domain = f'{labels[-2]}.{labels[-1]}'
+ result = self._dns_client.query(f'_dmarc.{org_domain}')
if not result['HighConfidence']:
n_low_confidence += 1
- "domain": domain,
- "rdata": result["Answers"],
- "log": log_entries
+ 'domain': domain,
+ 'rdata': result['Answers'],
+ 'log': log_entries
if n_low_confidence > 0:
warnings.warn(f"get_dmarc_records: for {n_low_confidence} domain(s), \
@@ -226,92 +291,99 @@ def get_dmarc_records(self, domains : list) -> list:
return results
def get_dnsinfo(self):
- '''
+ """
Gets DNS Information for Gmail baseline
- '''
- output = {"domains": [], "spf_records": [], "dkim_records": [], "dmarc_records": []}
+ """
+ output = {'domains': [], 'spf_records': [], 'dkim_records': [], 'dmarc_records': []}
domains = {d['domainName'] for d in self.list_domains()}
if len(domains) == 0:
- warnings.warn("No domains found.", RuntimeWarning)
+ warnings.warn('No domains found.', RuntimeWarning)
return output
- output["domains"].extend(domains)
+ output['domains'].extend(domains)
- output["spf_records"] = self.get_spf_records(domains)
- self.successful_calls.add("get_spf_records")
+ output['spf_records'] = self.get_spf_records(domains)
+ self._successful_calls.add('get_spf_records')
except Exception as exc:
- output["spf_records"] = []
- warnings.warn(f"An exception was thrown by get_spf_records: {exc}", RuntimeWarning)
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add("get_spf_records")
+ output['spf_records'] = []
+ warnings.warn(f'An exception was thrown by get_spf_records: {exc}', RuntimeWarning)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add('get_spf_records')
- output["dkim_records"] = self.get_dkim_records(domains)
- self.successful_calls.add("get_dkim_records")
+ output['dkim_records'] = self.get_dkim_records(domains)
+ self._successful_calls.add('get_dkim_records')
except Exception as exc:
- output["dkim_records"] = []
- warnings.warn(f"An exception was thrown by get_dkim_records: {exc}", RuntimeWarning)
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add("get_dkim_records")
+ output['dkim_records'] = []
+ warnings.warn(f'An exception was thrown by get_dkim_records: {exc}', RuntimeWarning)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add('get_dkim_records')
- output["dmarc_records"] = self.get_dmarc_records(domains)
- self.successful_calls.add("get_dmarc_records")
+ output['dmarc_records'] = self.get_dmarc_records(domains)
+ self._successful_calls.add('get_dmarc_records')
except Exception as exc:
- output["dmarc_records"] = []
- warnings.warn(f"An exception was thrown by get_dmarc_records: {exc}", RuntimeWarning)
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add("get_dmarc_records")
+ output['dmarc_records'] = []
+ warnings.warn(f'An exception was thrown by get_dmarc_records: {exc}', RuntimeWarning)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add('get_dmarc_records')
return output
def get_super_admins(self) -> dict:
- '''
+ """
Gets the org unit/primary email of all super admins, using the directory API
- '''
+ """
- response = self.services['directory'].users()\
- .list(customer=self.customer_id, query="isAdmin=True").execute()
+ with self._services['directory'].users() as users:
+ user_list = self._get_list(users,
+ 'users',
+ customer = self._customer_id,
+ query = 'isAdmin=True')
admins = []
- for user in response['users']:
+ for user in user_list:
org_unit = user['orgUnitPath']
# strip out the leading '/'
org_unit = org_unit[1:] if org_unit.startswith('/') else org_unit
email = user['primaryEmail']
admins.append({'primaryEmail': email, 'orgUnitPath': org_unit})
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_USERS.value)
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_USERS.value)
return {'super_admins': admins}
except Exception as exc:
- f"Exception thrown while getting super admins; outputs will be incorrect: {exc}",
+ f'Exception thrown while getting super admins; outputs will be incorrect: {exc}',
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_USERS.value)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_USERS.value)
return {'super_admins': []}
def get_ous(self) -> dict:
- '''
+ """
Gets the organizational units using the directory API
- '''
+ """
- response = self.services['directory'].orgunits().list(customerId=self.customer_id)\
- .execute()
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
+ with self._services['directory'].orgunits() as orgunits:
+ response = orgunits.list(customerId=self._customer_id).execute()
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
if 'organizationUnits' not in response:
return {}
return response
except Exception as exc:
- f"Exception thrown while getting top level OU: {exc}",
+ f'Exception thrown while getting top level OU: {exc}',
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
return {}
def get_toplevel_ou(self) -> str:
- '''
+ """
Gets the tenant name using the directory API
- '''
+ """
- response = self.services['directory'].orgunits()\
- .list(customerId=self.customer_id, orgUnitPath='/', type='children').execute()
+ with self._services['directory'].orgunits() as orgunits:
+ response = orgunits.list(customerId = self._customer_id,
+ orgUnitPath = '/',
+ type = 'children').execute()
# Because we set orgUnitPath to / and type to children, the API call will only
# return the second-level OUs, meaning the parentOrgUnitId of any of the OUs returned
# will point us to OU of the entire organization
@@ -324,37 +396,37 @@ def get_toplevel_ou(self) -> str:
# need to check if a setting change was made at the top-level
# OU in the Rego; because no custom OUs have been created, any
# changes have to apply to the top-level OU.
- return ""
+ return ''
parent_ou = response['organizationUnits'][0]['parentOrgUnitId']
- response = self.services['directory'].orgunits()\
- .get(customerId=self.customer_id, orgUnitPath=parent_ou).execute()
+ with self._services['directory'].orgunits() as orgunits:
+ response = orgunits.get(customerId = self._customer_id,
+ orgUnitPath = parent_ou).execute()
ou_name = response['name']
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
return ou_name
except Exception as exc:
- f"Exception thrown while getting top level OU: {exc}",
+ f'Exception thrown while getting top level OU: {exc}',
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
- return "Error Retrieving"
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_OUS.value)
+ return 'Error Retrieving'
def get_tenant_info(self) -> dict:
- '''
+ """
Gets the high-level tenant info using the directory API
- '''
- primary_domain = "Error Retrieving"
+ """
+ primary_domain = 'Error Retrieving'
for domain in self.list_domains():
if domain['isPrimary']:
primary_domain = domain['domainName']
return {
'domain': primary_domain,
- 'topLevelOU': self.get_toplevel_ou()
+ 'topLevelOU': self._top_ou
def get_gws_logs(self, products: list, event: str) -> dict:
- '''
+ """
Gets the GWS admin audit logs with the specified event name.
This function will also some parsing and filtering to ensure that an appropriate
log event is matched to the appropriate product.
@@ -364,13 +436,14 @@ def get_gws_logs(self, products: list, event: str) -> dict:
:param products: a narrowed list of the products being invoked
authenticating in auth.py
:param event: the name of the specific event we are querying for.
- '''
- # Filter responses by org_unit id
- response = (self.services['reports'].activities().list(userKey='all',
- applicationName='admin',
- eventName=event).execute()).get('items', [])
+ """
+ with self._services['reports'].activities() as activities:
+ reports = self._get_list(activities,
+ 'items',
+ userKey = 'all',
+ applicationName = 'admin',
+ eventName = event)
# Used for filtering duplicate events
prod_to_app_name_values = {
@@ -418,7 +491,7 @@ def get_gws_logs(self, products: list, event: str) -> dict:
if event in dup_events:
- for report in response:
+ for report in reports:
for events in report['events']:
parameters = events.get('parameters', [])
for parameter in parameters:
@@ -427,65 +500,74 @@ def get_gws_logs(self, products: list, event: str) -> dict:
for prod, app_values in subset_prod_to_app_name.items():
if param_val in app_values:
- else: # no filtering append entire response to relevant product
+ else:
+ # no filtering append entire response to relevant product
for prod in products:
- products_to_logs[prod].extend(response)
+ products_to_logs[prod].extend(reports)
except Exception as exc:
- f"An exception was thrown while getting the logs; outputs will be incorrect: {exc}",
+ f'An exception was thrown while getting the logs; outputs will be incorrect: {exc}',
return products_to_logs
def get_group_settings(self) -> dict:
- '''
+ """
Gets all of the group info using the directory API and group settings API
- '''
+ """
- group_service = self.services['groups']
- directory_service = self.services['directory']
+ group_service = self._services['groups']
+ directory_service = self._services['directory']
domains = {d['domainName'] for d in self.list_domains() if d['verified']}
# get the group settings for each groups
group_settings = []
- for domain in domains:
- response = directory_service.groups().list(domain=domain).execute()
- for group in response.get('groups'):
- email = group.get('email')
- group_settings.append(group_service.groups().get(groupUniqueId=email).execute())
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_GROUPS.value)
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.GET_GROUP.value)
+ with (directory_service.groups() as ds_groups,
+ group_service.groups() as gs_groups):
+ for domain in domains:
+ group_list = self._get_list(ds_groups,
+ 'groups',
+ domain = domain)
+ group_settings = [gs_groups.get(groupUniqueId = group['email'])
+ .execute() for group in group_list]
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_GROUPS.value)
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.GET_GROUP.value)
return {'group_settings': group_settings}
except Exception as exc:
- f"Exception thrown while getting group settings; outputs will be incorrect: {exc}",
+ f'Exception thrown while getting group settings; outputs will be incorrect: {exc}',
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_GROUPS.value)
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.GET_GROUP.value)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_GROUPS.value)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.GET_GROUP.value)
return {'group_settings': []}
def call_gws_providers(self, products: list, quiet) -> dict:
- '''
+ """
Calls the relevant GWS APIs to get the data we need for the baselines.
Data such as the admin audit log, super admin users etc.
:param products: list of product names to check
:param quiet: suppress tqdm output
- '''
+ """
# create a inverse dictionary containing a mapping of event => list of products
events_to_products = create_subset_inverted_dict(EVENTS, products)
- events_to_products_bar = tqdm(events_to_products.items(), leave=False, disable=quiet)
+ events_to_products_bar = tqdm(events_to_products.items(),
+ leave = False,
+ disable = quiet)
# main aggregator dict
product_to_logs = create_key_to_list(products)
product_to_items = {}
ou_ids = set()
- ou_ids.add("") # certain settings have no OU
+ ou_ids.add('') # certain settings have no OU
# Add top level organization unit name
- ou_ids.add(self.get_toplevel_ou())
+ ou_ids.add(self._top_ou)
# get all organizational unit data
product_to_items['organizational_units'] = self.get_ous()
for orgunit in product_to_items['organizational_units']['organizationUnits']:
@@ -494,7 +576,7 @@ def call_gws_providers(self, products: list, quiet) -> dict:
product_to_items['organizational_unit_names'] = list(ou_ids)
except Exception as exc:
- f"Exception thrown while getting tenant data: {exc}",
+ f'Exception thrown while getting tenant data: {exc}',
@@ -502,36 +584,44 @@ def call_gws_providers(self, products: list, quiet) -> dict:
for event, product_list in events_to_products_bar:
products = ', '.join(product_list)
- bar_descr = f"Running Provider: Exporting {event} events for {products}..."
+ bar_descr = f'Running Provider: Exporting {event} events for {products}...'
# gets the GWS admin audit logs and merges them into product_to_logs
# aggregator dict
product_to_logs = merge_dicts(
- self.get_gws_logs(products=product_list, event=event)
+ self.get_gws_logs(products = product_list, event = event)
- self.successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_ACTIVITIES.value)
+ self._successful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_ACTIVITIES.value)
except Exception as exc:
- warnings.warn("Provider Exception thrown while getting the logs; "\
- f"outputs will be incorrect: {exc}", RuntimeWarning)
- self.unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_ACTIVITIES.value)
+ warnings.warn('Provider Exception thrown while getting the logs; '
+ f'outputs will be incorrect: {exc}', RuntimeWarning)
+ self._unsuccessful_calls.add(ApiReference.LIST_ACTIVITIES.value)
+ with PolicyAPI(self._gws_auth, self._top_ou) as policy_api:
+ policies = policy_api.get_policies()
+ policy_api.verify(policies)
+ product_to_items['policies'] = policies
# repacks the main aggregator into the original form
# that the api returns the data in; under an 'items' key.
# Then we put this key under a {product}_log key for the Rego code
for product, logs in product_to_logs.items():
- key_name = f"{product}_logs"
+ key_name = f'{product}_logs'
product_to_items[key_name] = {'items': logs}
# get tenant metadata for report front page header
product_to_items['tenant_info'] = self.get_tenant_info()
- if 'gmail' in product_to_logs: # add dns info if gmail is being run
+ if 'gmail' in product_to_logs:
+ # add dns info if gmail is being run
- if 'commoncontrols' in product_to_logs: # add list of super admins if CC is being run
+ if 'commoncontrols' in product_to_logs:
+ # add list of super admins if CC is being run
if 'groups' in product_to_logs:
@@ -539,7 +629,45 @@ def call_gws_providers(self, products: list, quiet) -> dict:
except Exception as exc:
- f"Uncaught Exception thrown while getting other data: {exc}",
+ f'Uncaught Exception thrown while getting other data: {exc}',
+ product_to_items['successful_calls'] = list(self._successful_calls)
+ product_to_items['unsuccessful_calls'] = list(self._unsuccessful_calls)
return product_to_items
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_list(resource, item: str, **list_args) -> list:
+ """Given a Google Resource and the name of an item to retrieve, with
+ possible criteria, this helper method returns a list of results.
+ The given Resource object must have both list() and list_next()
+ methods because the intention of this method is to handle the case
+ where the result is too large for Google to return in a single
+ request.
+ :param Resource resource: a Google resource instance.
+ :param str item: the name of the item to retrieve from the results.
+ This is a key in the returned dictionary.
+ :param list_args: optional, keyword/value arguments to be passed
+ to the list() method.
+ :return: list of requested items.
+ """
+ results = []
+ request = resource.list(**list_args)
+ while request is not None:
+ response = request.execute()
+ results += response.get(item, [])
+ # If all the results have been returned, list_next() will return
+ # None.
+ request = resource.list_next(request, response)
+ return results
diff --git a/scubagoggles/purge.py b/scubagoggles/purge.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d299c702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/purge.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+"""Implementation of ScubaGoggles conformance report directory purge.
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import logging
+import re
+import shutil
+import time
+from operator import itemgetter
+from pathlib import Path
+from scubagoggles.user_setup import default_file_names, find_legacy_dir
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def purge_reports(arguments: argparse.Namespace):
+ """Main purge reports function - this calls other functions in this module.
+ The arguments provide a keep count, and optionally the number of expiration
+ days. If the keep count is non-zero. the specified number of report
+ directories is kept. The remaining directories are deleted, unless the
+ number of expiration days is given. In that case, any remaining directory
+ newer than the expiration day count is excluded from being deleted.
+ NOTE: this only affects ScubaGoggles report output directories in the
+ user's output directory, and only those having names starting with
+ "GWSBaselineConformance" (the default output folder name (i.e., prefix)
+ and ending with a timestamp. Any directory not named in this way is
+ untouched.
+ :param arguments: arguments collected by the ArgumentParser.
+ """
+ log.info('GWS Conformance Report Directory Purge')
+ config = arguments.user_config
+ output_dir = find_legacy_dir(config) or config.output_dir
+ # Find all directories with generated names in the user's output directory.
+ # The returned directories are sorted by date (the oldest first).
+ report_dir_data = find_report_directories(output_dir)
+ dir_count = len(report_dir_data)
+ log.info(' Report directories: %d', dir_count)
+ expire_days = arguments.expire
+ keep_count = arguments.keep
+ # First, there's nothing to do if the number of directories is less or
+ # equal to the keep count. If there are more, we exclude the newest
+ # directories from consideration.
+ if keep_count is None or dir_count <= keep_count:
+ return
+ if keep_count < 0:
+ raise ValueError(f'? {keep_count} - negative keep count')
+ report_dir_data = report_dir_data[0:dir_count - keep_count]
+ if expire_days:
+ # The "expire days" value is the number of days back from the
+ # current date (i.e., now). Any older directory is considered
+ # "expired" and will be deleted (unless excluded by the keep
+ # count above).
+ if expire_days < 0:
+ raise ValueError(f'? {expire_days} - negative expire days')
+ days = datetime.timedelta(abs(expire_days))
+ expiration_date = datetime.datetime.now() - days
+ expiration_time = time.mktime(expiration_date.timetuple())
+ report_dir_data = [s for s in report_dir_data
+ if s[1] < expiration_time]
+ # What remains in the list are the directories to be deleted, after
+ # considering both the keep count and expire days values. We do not
+ # care if the directory could not be deleted for some reason - that
+ # is the user's issue.
+ delete_count = len(report_dir_data)
+ log.info(' Report directories to be deleted: %d', delete_count)
+ log.debug(' %s', output_dir)
+ for data in report_dir_data:
+ output_path = data[0]
+ log.debug(' %s', output_path.name)
+ shutil.rmtree(output_path, ignore_errors = True)
+ return
+def find_report_directories(user_directory: Path) -> list:
+ """Finds ScubaGoggles report directories with generated names, and
+ returns them as a list sorted by modification date (the oldest first).
+ Each element in the returned list contains the Path instance of the
+ directory and the modification time as a tuple.
+ :return: tuples containing the Path and modification time of each
+ directory found.
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ result = []
+ report_root = Path(user_directory)
+ if not report_root.exists():
+ return result
+ dir_prefix = default_file_names.output_folder_name
+ dirname_re = re.compile(f'(?i){dir_prefix}_' + r'\d{4}(?:_\d{2}){5}$')
+ for report_path in report_root.glob(f'{dir_prefix}*'):
+ if (not report_path.is_dir()
+ or not dirname_re.match(report_path.name)):
+ continue
+ dir_data = (report_path, report_path.stat().st_mtime)
+ result.append(dir_data)
+ result.sort(key = itemgetter(1))
+ return result
diff --git a/scubagoggles/rego/Calendar.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Calendar.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01a41e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Calendar.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+package calendar
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("calendar_logs")
+CalendarEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "calendar", orgunit)
+# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.1.1
+CalendarId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.1.1")
+Check1_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "Share all information, but outsiders cannot change calendars" if {
+} else := "Share all information, and outsiders can change calendars" if {
+} else := "Share all information, and allow managing of calendars" if {
+} else := Value
+SharingFmtMsg := "External sharing options for %s calendars is set to: %s"
+NonComplianceMessage1_1(value) := sprintf(SharingFmtMsg, ["primary", value])
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, Group)
+ # Ignore Group without any events
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(primaryShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CalendarEnabled(OU)
+ section := settings.calendar_primary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing
+ primaryShare := section.maxAllowedExternalSharing
+ primaryShare != "EXTERNAL_FREE_BUSY_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs.",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check1_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.1.2
+CalendarId1_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.1.2")
+Check1_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value)
+NonComplianceMessage1_2(value) := sprintf(SharingFmtMsg, ["secondary", value])
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": utils.TopLevelOU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetFriendlyValue1_2(secondaryShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CalendarEnabled(OU)
+ section := settings.calendar_secondary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing
+ secondaryShare := section.maxAllowedExternalSharing
+ secondaryShare != "EXTERNAL_FREE_BUSY_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId1_2,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_2_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId1_2,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_2_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_2) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.2.1
+CalendarId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.2.1")
+Check2_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_1(value) := sprintf("External Sharing Guest Prompt is %s",
+ [value])
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantGroups2_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, Group)
+ # Ignore groups without any events
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(extWarnPrompt))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CalendarEnabled(OU)
+ extWarnPrompt := settings.calendar_external_invitations.warnOnInvite
+ extWarnPrompt != true
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check2_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, NonCompliantGroups2_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_1) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.3.1
+CalendarId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1 := "ENABLE_EWS_INTEROP"
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check3_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage3_1(value) := sprintf("Calendar interoperation is %s",
+ [value])
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": utils.TopLevelOU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(interoperability))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CalendarEnabled(OU)
+ interoperability := settings.calendar_interoperability.enableInteroperability
+ interoperability != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check3_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check3_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.3.2
+CalendarId3_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.3.2")
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId3_2,
+ "Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
+ "ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
+ "ActualValue": "",
+ "RequirementMet": false,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+# Baseline GWS.CALENDAR.4.1
+CalendarId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CALENDAR.4.1")
+LogMessage4_1 := "CalendarAppointmentSlotAdminSettingsProto payments_enabled"
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage4_1(value) := sprintf("Paid calendar appointments are %s",
+ [value])
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue(payments))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CalendarEnabled(OU)
+ payments := settings.calendar_appointment_schedules.enablePayments
+ payments != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs.",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check4_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CalendarId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check4_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
diff --git a/rego/Chat.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Chat.rego
similarity index 70%
rename from rego/Chat.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Chat.rego
index 73bebfab..d16e2859 100644
--- a/rego/Chat.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Chat.rego
@@ -1,41 +1,71 @@
package chat
-import data.utils
import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("chat_logs")
+ChatEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "chat", orgunit)
# GWS.CHAT.1 #
-# Baseline GWS.CHAT.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.CHAT.1
-GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "History is OFF" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "History is ON" if {
- Value == "false"
+ChatId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.1.1")
+LogMessage1_1 := "ChatArchivingProto chatsDefaultToOffTheRecord"
+Check1_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+# This is a weird one - for logging, history is off if the value is
+# "true" (string), but for the policy API history is off if the value
+# is false (boolean).
+GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "OFF" if {
+ Value in {false, "true"}
+} else := "ON" if {
+ Value in {true, "false"}
} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage1_1(value) := sprintf("Default conversation history is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Default conversation history is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ChatArchivingProto chatsDefaultToOffTheRecord", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(chatHistory))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ChatEnabled(OU)
+ chatHistory := settings.chat_chat_history.historyOnByDefault
+ chatHistory == false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId1_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -43,47 +73,76 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ChatArchivingProto chatsDefaultToOffTheRecord", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check1_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId1_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
- # Empty list in next line for non compliant groups, as this setting can't be changed at the group level
+ # Empty list in next line for non compliant groups, as this setting can't
+ # be changed at the group level
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ChatArchivingProto chatsDefaultToOffTheRecord", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check1_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.CHAT.1.2
+ChatId1_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.1.2")
+LogMessage1_2 := "ChatArchivingProto allow_chat_archiving_setting_modification"
+Check1_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := "Yes" if {
+ Value in {true, "true"}
+} else := "No" if {
+ Value in {false, "false"}
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage1_2(value) := sprintf("Allow users to change their history setting is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Allow users to change their history setting is set to",
- LastEvent.NewValue
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ChatArchivingProto allow_chat_archiving_setting_modification", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetFriendlyValue1_2(changeHistory))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ChatEnabled(OU)
+ changeHistory := settings.chat_chat_history.allowUserModification
+ changeHistory != false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId1_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -91,14 +150,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "ChatArchivingProto allow_chat_archiving_setting_modification"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check1_2_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.1.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId1_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2},
@@ -106,45 +164,68 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "ChatArchivingProto allow_chat_archiving_setting_modification"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check1_2_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_2) == 0
# GWS.CHAT.2 #
-# Baseline GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.CHAT.2.1
+ChatId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.2.1")
+LogMessage2_1 := "DynamiteFileSharingSettingsProto external_file_sharing_setting"
+Check2_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) := "Allow all files" if {
Value == "ALL_FILES"
} else := "Images only" if {
Value == "IMAGES_ONLY"
+} else := "Unspecified" if {
} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage2_1(value) := sprintf("External file sharing is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "External filesharing is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "DynamiteFileSharingSettingsProto external_file_sharing_setting", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue != "NO_FILES"
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(allowSharing))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ChatEnabled(OU)
+ allowSharing := settings.chat_chat_file_sharing.externalFileSharing
+ allowSharing != "NO_FILES"
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId2_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -152,14 +233,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "DynamiteFileSharingSettingsProto external_file_sharing_setting"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check2_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId2_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1},
@@ -167,9 +247,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "DynamiteFileSharingSettingsProto external_file_sharing_setting"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check2_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0
@@ -179,30 +257,60 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.CHAT.3.1
-GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := "History is OFF by default" if {
-} else := "History is ALWAYS OFF" if {
+ChatId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1 := "RoomOtrSettingsProto otr_state"
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check3_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage3_1(value) := sprintf("Conversation history settings for spaces is set to: %s",
+ [value])
+GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := "OFF by default" if {
+} else := "ON by default" if {
+} else := "ALWAYS ON" if {
+} else := "Unspecified" if {
+} else := "ALWAYS OFF" if {
} else := Value
NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Conversation history settings for spaces is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RoomOtrSettingsProto otr_state", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
not contains("DEFAULT_ON_THE_RECORD ALWAYS_ON_THE_RECORD", LastEvent.NewValue)
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyValue3_1(spaceHistory))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ChatEnabled(OU)
+ spaceHistory := settings.chat_space_history.historyState
+ not spaceHistory in ["DEFAULT_HISTORY_ON", "HISTORY_ALWAYS_ON"]
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId3_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -210,13 +318,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RoomOtrSettingsProto otr_state", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check3_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId3_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
@@ -224,8 +332,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RoomOtrSettingsProto otr_state", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check3_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
@@ -235,27 +342,51 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.CHAT.4.1
+ChatId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.4.1")
+LogMessage4_1 := "RestrictChatProto restrictChatToOrganization"
default NoSuchEvent4_1(_) := false
NoSuchEvent4_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RestrictChatProto restrictChatToOrganization", TopLevelOU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
NoSuchEvent4_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RestrictChatProto externalChatRestriction", TopLevelOU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
+ "RestrictChatProto externalChatRestriction",
+ TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ not NoSuchEvent4_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) := "all domains" if {
+} else := "Unspecified" if {
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage4_1(value) := sprintf("Allow external chat within: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "External chat is enabled for all domains"
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "RestrictChatProto restrictChatToOrganization", OU)
+ Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
count(Events_A) > 0
LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
@@ -269,8 +400,20 @@ NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
LastEvent_B.NewValue != "TRUSTED_DOMAINS"
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(externalRestrict))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ChatEnabled(OU)
+ externalEnable := settings.chat_external_chat_restriction.allowExternalChat
+ externalEnable == true
+ externalRestrict := settings.chat_external_chat_restriction.externalChatRestriction
+ externalRestrict != "TRUSTED_DOMAINS"
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId4_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -278,12 +421,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- NoSuchEvent4_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
+ not Check4_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.4.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId4_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
@@ -291,7 +435,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- not NoSuchEvent4_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
+ Check4_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
@@ -319,9 +463,11 @@ Chat5Warning := concat("", [
-# GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.5.1
+ChatId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.5.1")
GetFriendlyValue5_1(NonCompBooleans) := Description if {
StatusMessages = [
"Content reporting for 1:1 direct messages is disabled.",
@@ -433,7 +579,7 @@ NoSuchEvent5_1 := true if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -446,7 +592,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": concat("
", [utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []), Chat5Warning]),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
@@ -460,8 +606,11 @@ if {
-# GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3
+# GWS.CHAT.5.2
+ChatId5_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CHAT.5.2")
AllReportingCategories := {
"system_violation: HARASSMENT",
"system_violation: DISCRIMINATION",
@@ -541,7 +690,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_2 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId5_2,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -555,7 +704,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.CHAT.5.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": ChatId5_2,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_2, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_2},
@@ -567,4 +716,4 @@ if {
count(Events) > 0
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_2) == 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/rego/Classroom.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Classroom.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86fcfbc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Classroom.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+package classroom
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("classroom_logs")
+ClassroomEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "classroom", orgunit)
+# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1
+ClassroomId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CLASSROOM.1.1")
+LogMessage1_1 := "ClassMembershipSettingProto who_can_join_classes"
+GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "Users in your domain only" if {
+ Value in {"1", "ANYONE_IN_DOMAIN"}
+} else := "Users in allowlisted domains" if {
+} else := "Any Google Workspace user" if {
+} else := "Any user" if {
+ Value in {"4", "ANYONE"}
+} else := Value
+Check1_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_1(value) := sprintf("Who can join classes in your domain is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "1"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(whoCanJoin))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ClassroomEnabled(OU)
+ whoCanJoin := settings.classroom_class_membership.whoCanJoinClasses
+ whoCanJoin != "ANYONE_IN_DOMAIN"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check1_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ # Empty list is for noncompliant groups as classroom settings can't be
+ # modified at the group level
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2
+ClassroomId1_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CLASSROOM.1.2")
+LogMessage1_2 := "ClassMembershipSettingProto which_classes_can_users_join"
+GetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := "Classes in your domain only" if {
+ Value in {"1", "CLASSES_IN_DOMAIN"}
+} else := "Classes in allowlisted domains" if {
+} else := "Any Google Workspace class" if {
+} else := Value
+Check1_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_2(value) := sprintf("Which classes can users in your domain join is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "1"
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetFriendlyValue1_2(whichClasses))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ClassroomEnabled(OU)
+ whichClasses := settings.classroom_class_membership.whichClassesCanUsersJoin
+ whichClasses != "CLASSES_IN_DOMAIN"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId1_2,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check1_2_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId1_2,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ # Empty list is for noncompliant groups as classroom settings can't be
+ # modified at the group level
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_2_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_2) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1
+ClassroomId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CLASSROOM.2.1")
+LogMessage2_1 := "ApiDataAccessSettingProto api_access_enabled"
+GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) := "unable" if {
+ Value in {"false", false}
+} else := "able" if {
+ Value in {"true", true}
+} else := Value
+Check2_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_1(value) := sprintf("Users %s to authorize apps to %s",
+ [value,
+ "access their Google Classroom data"])
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(dataAccessEnabled))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ClassroomEnabled(OU)
+ dataAccessEnabled := settings.classroom_api_data_access.enableApiAccess
+ dataAccessEnabled != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check2_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ # Empty list is for noncompliant groups as classroom settings can't be
+ # modified at the group level
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1
+ClassroomId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CLASSROOM.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1 := "RosterImportSettingsProto sis_integrator"
+GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := "OFF" if {
+} else := "ON - CLEVER" if {
+} else := Value
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check3_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage3_1(value) := sprintf("Roster import is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "SIS_INTEGRATOR_NONE"
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyValue3_1(rosterImportOption))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ClassroomEnabled(OU)
+ rosterImportOption := settings.classroom_roster_import.rosterImportOption
+ rosterImportOption != "OFF"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check3_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check3_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1
+ClassroomId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CLASSROOM.4.1")
+LogMessage4_1 := "StudentUnenrollmentSettingsProto who_can_unenroll_students"
+GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) := "Students and teachers" if {
+ startswith(Value, "STUDENTS_AND_TEACHERS") == true
+} else := "Only teachers" if {
+} else := Value
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage4_1(value) := sprintf("Who can unenroll students from classes is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(whoCanUnenroll))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ClassroomEnabled(OU)
+ whoCanUnenroll := settings.classroom_student_unenrollment.whoCanUnenrollStudents
+ whoCanUnenroll != "TEACHERS_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check4_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check4_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1
+ClassroomId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.CLASSROOM.5.1")
+LogMessage5_1 := "TeacherPermissionsSettingProto who_can_create_class"
+GetFriendlyValue5_1(Value) := "anyone in this domain" if {
+ Value in {"1", "ANYONE_IN_DOMAIN"}
+} else := "all pending and verified teachers" if {
+} else := Value
+Check5_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage5_1(value) := sprintf("Who can create classes is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1(GetFriendlyValue5_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "3"
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1(GetFriendlyValue5_1(whoCanCreate))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ ClassroomEnabled(OU)
+ whoCanCreate := settings.classroom_teacher_permissions.whoCanCreateClasses
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId5_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check5_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": ClassroomId5_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check5_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0
diff --git a/rego/Commoncontrols.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Commoncontrols.rego
similarity index 75%
rename from rego/Commoncontrols.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Commoncontrols.rego
index f333d029..eb4f54d7 100644
--- a/rego/Commoncontrols.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Commoncontrols.rego
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package commoncontrols
-import data.utils
import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
# Note that we need to implement custom FilterEvents and SettingChangeEvents
# rules here, instead of importing the standard ones from utils.
@@ -100,9 +101,11 @@ LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("commoncontrols_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1")
# For 1.1, we need to assert three different things:
# - MFA is allowed
# - MFA is enforced
@@ -111,6 +114,8 @@ LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("commoncontrols_logs")
# Custom NoSuchEvent function needed as we're checking
# three different settings simultaneously. No such event
# if any are missing
+default NoSuchEvent1_1 := false
NoSuchEvent1_1 := true if {
Events := FilterEventsOU("ALLOW_STRONG_AUTHENTICATION", utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
@@ -126,8 +131,6 @@ NoSuchEvent1_1 := true if {
count(Events) == 0
-default NoSuchEvent1_1 := false
GetFriendlyMethods(Value) := "Any" if {
Value == "ANY"
} else := "Any except verification codes via text, phone call" if {
@@ -141,7 +144,8 @@ GetFriendlyMethods(Value) := "Any" if {
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Allow users to turn on 2-Step Verification is OFF"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -155,7 +159,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "2-Step Verification Enforcement is OFF"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -169,7 +174,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat("", ["Allowed methods is set to ", GetFriendlyMethods(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -184,7 +190,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": "Allow users to turn on 2-Step Verification is Off"
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
Events := FilterEventsGroup("ALLOW_STRONG_AUTHENTICATION", Group)
# Ignore Groups without any events.
@@ -196,7 +203,8 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": "2-Step Verification Enforcement is Off"
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
Events := FilterEventsGroup("ENFORCE_STRONG_AUTHENTICATION", Group)
# Ignore Groups without any events.
@@ -208,7 +216,8 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": concat("", ["Allowed methods is set to ", GetFriendlyMethods(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
# Ignore Groups without any events.
@@ -219,7 +228,7 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -232,7 +241,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
@@ -247,13 +256,16 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId1_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2")
NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat("", ["New user enrollment period is set to ", LastEvent.NewValue])
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -268,7 +280,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_2 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": concat("", ["New user enrollment period is set to ", LastEvent.NewValue])
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
# Ignore groups without any events.
@@ -279,7 +292,7 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_2 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -293,7 +306,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, NonCompliantGroups1_2),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_2},
@@ -309,9 +322,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3
+CommonControlsId1_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3")
GetFriendlyValue1_3(Value) := "ON" if {
} else := Value
@@ -319,7 +334,8 @@ GetFriendlyValue1_3(Value) := "ON" if {
NonCompliantOUs1_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat("", ["Allow user to trust the device is ", GetFriendlyValue1_3(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -334,7 +350,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_3 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_3 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": concat("", ["Allow user to trust the device is ", GetFriendlyValue1_3(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
# Ignore groups without any events.
@@ -345,7 +362,7 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_3 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -359,7 +376,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_3, NonCompliantGroups1_3),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_3, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_3},
@@ -375,13 +392,16 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3
+CommonControlsId1_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4")
NonCompliantOUs1_4 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Allowed methods is set to Any"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -395,7 +415,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_4 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_4 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": "Allowed methods is set to Any"
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
# Ignore groups without any events.
@@ -405,7 +426,7 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_4 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -419,7 +440,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.1.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId1_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_4, NonCompliantGroups1_4),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_4, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_4},
@@ -437,15 +458,17 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1")
# This setting isn't controlled at the OU level, and in this case,
# the logs don't even list an OU for the events. So in this case,
# we just need to ensure the last event is compliant, we don't need
# to check each OU.
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId2_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": concat("", [
"No relevant event in the current logs. While we are unable ",
@@ -464,7 +487,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId2_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetailsBoolean(Status),
"ActualValue": {"TOGGLE_CAA_ENABLEMENT": LastEvent.NewValue},
@@ -484,17 +507,29 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1 := "SsoPolicyProto challenge_selection_behavior"
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+NonComplianceMessage3_1 := "Post Single Sign-on (SSO) verification is disabled."
# NOTE: this setting cannot be controlled at the group-level,
# so only a check at the OU-level is implemented here.
NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Post-SSO verification is disabled"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SsoPolicyProto challenge_selection_behavior", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -505,7 +540,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId3_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -514,12 +549,11 @@ tests contains {
if {
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SsoPolicyProto challenge_selection_behavior", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check3_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId3_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
# Empty list on the next line as this setting can't be set at the group level
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
@@ -528,19 +562,21 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SsoPolicyProto challenge_selection_behavior", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check3_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId3_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.2")
# TODO replace the following placeholder with actual implementation
# SsoPolicyProto sso_profile_challenge_selection_behavior appears to the appropriate log event
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.3.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId3_2,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -554,14 +590,26 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1")
# NOTE: this setting cannot be controlled at the group-level,
# so only a check at the OU-level is implemented here.
GoodLimits := {"3600", "14400", "28800", "43200"}
+LogMessage4_1 := "Session management settings - Session length in seconds"
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
IsGoodLimit(ActualLim) := true if {
count({GoodLim | some GoodLim in GoodLimits; GoodLim == ActualLim}) > 0
@@ -570,26 +618,31 @@ IsGoodLimit(ActualLim) := false if {
count({GoodLim | some GoodLim in GoodLimits; GoodLim == ActualLim}) == 0
+NonComplianceMessage4_1(Value) := sprintf("Web session duration: %s",
+ [Value])
GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) := "Session never expires" if {
- Value == "63072000"
+ Value == 63072000
} else := "30 days" if {
- Value == "2592000"
+ Value == 2592000
} else := "14 days" if {
- Value == "1209600"
+ Value == 1209600
} else := "7 days" if {
- Value == "604800"
+ Value == 604800
} else := "24 hours" if {
- Value == "86400"
+ Value == 86400
} else := "20 hours" if {
- Value == "72000"
-} else := concat(" ", [Value, "seconds"])
+ Value == 72000
+} else := sprintf("%d seconds", [Value])
NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["Web session duration is set to ", GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue)])
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(to_number(LastEvent.NewValue)))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Session management settings - Session length in seconds", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -599,8 +652,29 @@ NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
not IsGoodLimit(LastEvent.NewValue)
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3",
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(durationSeconds))
+if {
+ multipliers := {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600}
+ # This is the requirement limit for session duration:
+ webSessionMax := 12 * multipliers["h"]
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ duration := settings.security_session_controls.webSessionDuration
+ result := regex.find_all_string_submatch_n(`(?i)^(\d+)([hms])$`,
+ duration,
+ 1)
+ firstMatch := result[0]
+ value := to_number(firstMatch[1])
+ unit := firstMatch[2]
+ multiplier := multipliers[lower(unit)]
+ durationSeconds := value * multiplier
+ durationSeconds > webSessionMax
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId4_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -608,14 +682,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "Session management settings - Session length in seconds"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check4_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.4.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId4_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
@@ -623,9 +696,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Session management settings - Session length in seconds"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check4_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
@@ -638,15 +709,29 @@ if {
# so only checks at the OU-level are implemented here.
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1")
+LogMessage5_1 := "Password Management - Enforce strong password"
+PasswordStrength := "STRONG"
+Check5_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Enforce strong password is OFF"
-} if {
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enforce strong password", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -656,8 +741,19 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": sprintf("Password strength is %s, not %s",
+ [CurrentStrength, PasswordStrength])
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CurrentStrength := upper(settings.security_password.allowedStrength)
+ CurrentStrength != PasswordStrength
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -665,35 +761,55 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enforce strong password", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
-} if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enforce strong password", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+if {
+ Check5_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId5_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2")
+LogMessageMinPassword := "Password Management - Minimum password length"
+MinimumPasswordLength := 12
+Check5_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessageMinPassword, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+FormatMessage5_2 := "Minimum password length: %d, less than %d"
+NonComplianceMessage5_2(Value) := sprintf(FormatMessage5_2,
+ [Value, MinimumPasswordLength])
NonCompliantOUs5_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["Minimum password length is set to ", LastEvent.NewValue])
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(Minimum)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Minimum password length", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessageMinPassword, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -701,11 +817,21 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_2 contains {
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
Minimum := to_number(LastEvent.NewValue)
- Minimum < 12
+ Minimum < MinimumPasswordLength
+NonCompliantOUs5_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(CurrentLength)
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CurrentLength := settings.security_password.minimumLength
+ CurrentLength < MinimumPasswordLength
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -713,13 +839,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Minimum password length", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_2_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_2, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_2},
@@ -727,22 +853,39 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Minimum password length", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_2_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_2) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3
+CommonControlsId5_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3")
+SuggestedPasswordLength := 15
+Check5_3_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessageMinPassword, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_3_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+FormatMessage5_3 := "Minimum password length: %d, recommended is at least %d"
+NonComplianceMessage5_3(Value) := sprintf(FormatMessage5_3,
+ [Value, SuggestedPasswordLength])
NonCompliantOUs5_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", ["Minimum password length is set to ", LastEvent.NewValue])
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(Minimum)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Minimum password length", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessageMinPassword, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -750,11 +893,21 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_3 contains {
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
Minimum := to_number(LastEvent.NewValue)
- Minimum < 15
+ Minimum < SuggestedPasswordLength
+NonCompliantOUs5_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(CurrentLength)
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ CurrentLength := settings.security_password.minimumLength
+ CurrentLength < SuggestedPasswordLength
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_3,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -762,13 +915,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Minimum password length", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_3_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_3,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_3, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_3},
@@ -776,21 +929,35 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Minimum password length", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_3_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_3) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3
+CommonControlsId5_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4")
+LogMessage5_4 := "Password Management - Enforce password policy at next login"
+NonComplianceMessage5_4 := "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"
+Check5_4_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_4, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_4_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
NonCompliantOUs5_4 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Enforce password policy at next sign-in is OFF"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enforce password policy at next login", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_4, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -800,8 +967,17 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_4 contains {
+NonCompliantOUs5_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ settings.security_password.enforceRequirementsAtLogin != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -809,14 +985,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "Password Management - Enforce password policy at next login"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_4_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_4, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_4},
@@ -824,22 +999,35 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Password Management - Enforce password policy at next login"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_4_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_4) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3
+CommonControlsId5_5 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5")
+LogMessage5_5 := "Password Management - Enable password reuse"
+NonComplianceMessage5_5 := "Allow password reuse is ON"
+Check5_5_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_5, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_5_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Allow password reuse is ON"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_5
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enable password reuse", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_5, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -849,8 +1037,17 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
+NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_5
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ settings.security_password.allowReuse == true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -858,13 +1055,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enable password reuse", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_5_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_5, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_5},
@@ -872,21 +1069,34 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Enable password reuse", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_5_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_5) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3
+CommonControlsId5_6 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6")
+LogMessage5_6 := "Password Management - Password reset frequency"
+Check5_6_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_6, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_6_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
NonCompliantOUs5_6 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat(" ", ["Password reset frequency is", LastEvent.NewValue, "days"])
-} if {
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Password reset frequency", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_6, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -896,8 +1106,23 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_6 contains {
+NonCompliantOUs5_6 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": sprintf("Password reset frequency is %s", [passwordExpiration])
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ passwordExpiration := settings.security_password.expirationDuration
+ result := regex.find_all_string_submatch_n(`(?i)^(\d+)[hms]$`,
+ passwordExpiration,
+ -1)
+ firstMatch := result[0]
+ expirationValue := to_number(firstMatch[1])
+ expirationValue != 0
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_6,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -905,13 +1130,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Password reset frequency", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_6_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.5.6v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId5_6,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_6, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_6},
@@ -919,8 +1144,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Password Management - Password reset frequency", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_6_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_6) == 0
@@ -930,10 +1154,13 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId6_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId6_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -943,10 +1170,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId6_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.6.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId6_2,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/users/list"],
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": concat("", [
@@ -970,10 +1200,13 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.7.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId7_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.7.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.7.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId7_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -987,14 +1220,29 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId8_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1")
+LogMessage8_1 := "AdminAccountRecoverySettingsProto Enable admin account recovery"
+NonComplianceMessage8_1 := "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"
+Check8_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage8_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check8_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
NonCompliantOUs8_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage8_1
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- SettingName := "AdminAccountRecoverySettingsProto Enable admin account recovery"
+ SettingName := LogMessage8_1
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
@@ -1007,10 +1255,12 @@ NonCompliantOUs8_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups8_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": "Allow super admins to recover their account is ON"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage8_1
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- SettingName := "AdminAccountRecoverySettingsProto Enable admin account recovery"
+ SettingName := LogMessage8_1
Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, SettingName, Group)
# Ignore groups without any events.
count(Events) > 0
@@ -1019,8 +1269,17 @@ NonCompliantGroups8_1 contains {
+NonCompliantOUs8_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage8_1
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ settings.security_super_admin_account_recovery.enableAccountRecovery == true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId8_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1028,23 +1287,21 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "AdminAccountRecoverySettingsProto Enable admin account recovery"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check8_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.8.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId8_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs8_1, NonCompliantGroups8_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs8_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups8_1},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
-} if {
- SettingName := "AdminAccountRecoverySettingsProto Enable admin account recovery"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+if {
+ Check8_1_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs8_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups8_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -1055,10 +1312,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId9_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId9_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1068,10 +1328,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId9_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.2")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.9.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId9_2,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1085,9 +1348,11 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId10_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1")
# NOTE: App access cannot be controlled at the group/OU level
# Step 1: Get the set of services that have either an API access allow or API access block event
@@ -1155,11 +1420,11 @@ ReportDetails10_1(true) := "Requirement met."
ReportDetails10_1(false) := concat("", [
"The following services allow access: ",
- concat(", ", UnrestrictedServices10_2), "."
+ concat(", ", UnrestrictedServices10_1), "."
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": concat("", [
"No API Access Allowed/Blocked events in the current logs. ",
@@ -1177,7 +1442,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetails10_1(Status),
"RequirementMet": Status,
@@ -1195,8 +1460,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId10_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2")
# Identify services whose most recent event is an allow event
UnrestrictedServices10_2 contains Service if {
# Iterate through all services
@@ -1222,7 +1490,7 @@ ReportDetails10_2(false) := concat("", [
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_2,
"Criticality": "SHALL",
"ReportDetails": concat("", [
"No API Access Allowed/Blocked events in the current logs. ",
@@ -1240,7 +1508,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetails10_2(Status),
"RequirementMet": Status,
@@ -1254,9 +1522,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3
+CommonControlsId10_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3")
# NOTE: this setting cannot be set at the group level.
DomainOwnedAppAccessEvents contains {
@@ -1279,7 +1549,8 @@ if {
NonCompliantOUs10_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Trust internal apps is ON"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := {Event | some Event in DomainOwnedAppAccessEvents; Event.OrgUnit == OU}
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -1291,7 +1562,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs10_3 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1305,7 +1576,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs10_3, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs10_3},
@@ -1320,9 +1591,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3
+CommonControlsId10_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4")
# NOTE: this setting cannot be set at the group level.
UnconfiguredAppAccessEvents contains {
@@ -1352,7 +1625,8 @@ GetFriendlyValue10_4(Value) := "Allow users to access any third-party apps" if {
NonCompliantOUs10_4 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat("", ["Unconfigured third-party app access is set to ", GetFriendlyValue10_4(LastEvent.EventName)])
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := {Event | some Event in UnconfiguredAppAccessEvents; Event.OrgUnit == OU}
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -1364,7 +1638,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs10_4 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1378,7 +1652,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs10_4, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs10_4},
@@ -1393,14 +1667,31 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3
+CommonControlsId10_5 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5")
+Check10_5_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := FilterEventsOU(EventName10_5, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check10_5_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage10_5 := "Users are allowed to manage access to less secure apps."
NonCompliantOUs10_5 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps is ON"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := FilterEventsOU(EventName10_5, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -1418,10 +1709,12 @@ NonCompliantOUs10_5 contains {
NonCompliantGroups10_5 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": "Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps is ON"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := FilterEventsGroup(EventName10_5, Group)
# Ignore groups without any events.
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
@@ -1429,8 +1722,18 @@ NonCompliantGroups10_5 contains {
LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs10_5 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage10_5
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ lessSecure := settings.security_less_secure_apps.allowLessSecureApps
+ lessSecure != false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_5,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1438,13 +1741,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check10_5_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.10.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId10_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs10_5, NonCompliantGroups10_5),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs10_5, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups10_5},
@@ -1452,8 +1755,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check10_5_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs10_5) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups10_5) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -1464,33 +1766,55 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId11_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1")
+LogMessage11_1_A := "Apps Access Setting Allowlist access"
+LogMessage11_1_B := "Apps Access Setting allow_all_internal_apps"
+NonCompliancePrefix11_1 := "Users can install and run any"
+NonComplianceMessage11_1(anyApp) := sprintf("%s app from the Marketplace.",
+ [NonCompliancePrefix11_1]) if {
+ anyApp
+} else := sprintf("%s internal app, even if it's not allowlisted.",
+ [NonCompliancePrefix11_1])
# For 11.1, we need to assert two different things:
# - Users can only allow whitelisted apps
# - Exceptions aren't allowed for internal apps
# Custom NoSuchEvent function needed as we're checking
# two different settings simultaneously.
+default NoSuchEvent11_1 := false
NoSuchEvent11_1 := true if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Apps Access Setting Allowlist access", utils.TopLevelOU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1_A, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
NoSuchEvent11_1 := true if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Apps Access Setting allow_all_internal_apps", utils.TopLevelOU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1_B, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
-default NoSuchEvent11_1 := false
+Check11_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ not NoSuchEvent11_1
+Check11_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Users can install and run any app from the Marketplace"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Apps Access Setting Allowlist access", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1_A, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -1503,10 +1827,12 @@ NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups11_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": "Users can install and run any app from the Marketplace"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "Apps Access Setting Allowlist access", Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1_A, Group)
# Ignore groups without any events.
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
@@ -1516,10 +1842,12 @@ NonCompliantGroups11_1 contains {
NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Users can install and run any internal app, even if it's not allowlisted"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(false)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Apps Access Setting allow_all_internal_apps", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1_B, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -1531,10 +1859,12 @@ NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups11_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": "Users can install and run any internal app, even if it's not allowlisted"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(false)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "Apps Access Setting allow_all_internal_apps", Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1_B, Group)
# Ignore groups without any events.
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
@@ -1542,8 +1872,30 @@ NonCompliantGroups11_1 contains {
+NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(true)
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ access := settings.workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options.accessLevel
+ not access in {"ALLOW_LISTED_APPS", "ALLOW_NONE"}
+NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(false)
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ access := settings.workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options.accessLevel
+ allowInternal := settings.workspace_marketplace_apps_access_options.allowAllInternalApps
+ access == "ALLOW_LISTED_APPS"
+ allowInternal != false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId11_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1551,12 +1903,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- NoSuchEvent11_1 == true
+ not Check11_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.11.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId11_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs11_1, NonCompliantGroups11_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs11_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups11_1},
@@ -1564,7 +1917,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- NoSuchEvent11_1 == false
+ Check11_1_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs11_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups11_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -1574,6 +1927,12 @@ if {
+LogMessage12_1 := "UserTakeoutSettingsProto User Takeout "
+Msg12_1 := "The following apps with individual admin control have Takeout enabled: %s"
+NonComplianceMessage12_1(EnabledApps) := sprintf(Msg12_1,
+ [concat(", ", sort(EnabledApps))])
#### Part 1: detecting service toggle events for OUs/groups *without* an individual admin control
TakeoutServiceEnableEvents contains {
"Timestamp": time.parse_rfc3339_ns(Item.id.time),
@@ -1583,6 +1942,7 @@ TakeoutServiceEnableEvents contains {
"Group": Group
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Item in input.commoncontrols_logs.items
some Event in Item.events
@@ -1598,10 +1958,14 @@ if {
ServiceName == "Google Takeout"
+NonComplianceMessage12_1a := "Takeout is enabled for services without an individual admin control."
NonCompliantOUs12_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Takeout is enabled for services without an individual admin control"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1a
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := {
Event | some Event in TakeoutServiceEnableEvents;
@@ -1618,8 +1982,10 @@ NonCompliantOUs12_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups12_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": "Takeout is enabled for services without an individual admin control"
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1a
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
Events := {
Event | some Event in TakeoutServiceEnableEvents;
@@ -1636,7 +2002,8 @@ Apps := {"Blogger", "Google Books", "Google Maps", "Google Pay", "Google Photos"
"Google Play Console", "Timeline - Location History", "YouTube"}
AppsAllowingTakoutOU contains App if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, "UserTakeoutSettingsProto User Takeout ")
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, LogMessage12_1)
some App in Apps
Filtered := {Event | some Event in Events; Event.AppName == App; Event.OrgUnit == data.OrgUnit}
# Note the data.OrgUnit. This means this
@@ -1648,7 +2015,8 @@ AppsAllowingTakoutOU contains App if {
AppsAllowingTakoutGroup contains App if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, "UserTakeoutSettingsProto User Takeout ")
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, LogMessage12_1)
some App in Apps
Filtered := {Event | some Event in Events; Event.AppName == App; Event.Group == data.Group}
# Note the data.Group. This means this
@@ -1661,13 +2029,12 @@ AppsAllowingTakoutGroup contains App if {
NonCompliantOUs12_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat("", [
- "The following apps with individual admin control have Takeout enabled: ",
- concat(", ", EnabledApps)
- ])
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(EnabledApps)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "UserTakeoutSettingsProto User Takeout ", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage12_1, OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
# top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
# they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
@@ -1678,13 +2045,13 @@ NonCompliantOUs12_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups12_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": concat("", [
- "The following apps with individual admin control have Takeout enabled: ",
- concat(", ", EnabledApps)
- ])
-} if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(EnabledApps)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, "UserTakeoutSettingsProto User Takeout ", Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage12_1, Group)
# Ignore groups without any events.
count(Events) > 0
EnabledApps := AppsAllowingTakoutGroup with data.Group as Group
@@ -1692,11 +2059,13 @@ NonCompliantGroups12_1 contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3
+default NoSuchEvent12_1 := false
NoSuchEvent12_1 := true if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "UserTakeoutSettingsProto User Takeout ", utils.TopLevelOU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage12_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
@@ -1705,10 +2074,44 @@ NoSuchEvent12_1 := true if {
count(Events) == 0
-default NoSuchEvent12_1 := false
+CommonControlsId12_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1")
+Check12_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ not NoSuchEvent12_1
+Check12_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+Takeout := {"blogger": "Blogger",
+ "books": "Google Books",
+ "location_history": "Timeline - Location History",
+ "maps": "Google Maps",
+ "pay": "Google Pay",
+ "photos": "Google Photos",
+ "play": "Google Play",
+ "play_console": "Google Play Console",
+ "youtube": "YouTube"}
+NonCompliantOUs12_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage12_1(EnabledApps)
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "takeout", OU)
+ EnabledApps :=[value
+ | some key, value in Takeout
+ section := sprintf("%s_user_takeout", [key])
+ section in object.keys(settings)
+ state := settings[section].takeoutStatus
+ state != "DISABLED"]
+ count(EnabledApps) > 0
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId12_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1716,12 +2119,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- NoSuchEvent12_1 == true
+ not Check12_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.12.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId12_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs12_1, NonCompliantGroups12_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs12_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups12_1},
@@ -1729,7 +2133,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- NoSuchEvent12_1 == false
+ Check12_1_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs12_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups12_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -1740,10 +2144,13 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId13_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId13_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": concat("", [
"Results for GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13 are listed in the ",
@@ -1760,10 +2167,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId14_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId14_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1773,10 +2183,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId14_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.2")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.14.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId14_2,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1790,10 +2203,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId15_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId15_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1802,10 +2218,11 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId15_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2")
NonCompliantOUs15_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Data processing in the region selected for data at rest is set to OFF"
@@ -1834,7 +2251,7 @@ NonCompliantGroups15_2 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId15_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1849,7 +2266,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId15_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs15_2, NonCompliantGroups15_2),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs15_2, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups15_2},
@@ -1870,15 +2287,18 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3
+CommonControlsId15_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3")
# NOTE: This setting cannot be controlled at the group level
NonCompliantOUs15_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Supplemental data storage is set to Russian Federation"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "CHANGE_DATA_LOCALIZATION_FOR_RUSSIA", OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -1890,7 +2310,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs15_3 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId15_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1904,7 +2324,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.15.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId15_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs15_3, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs15_3},
@@ -1919,15 +2339,18 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId16_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1")
# NOTE: This setting cannot be controlled at the group level
NonCompliantOUs16_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Access to additional services without individual control is turned on"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Note that this setting requires the custom ToggleServiceEvents rule.
# Filter based on the service name of the event, otherwise all events are returned.
@@ -1945,7 +2368,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs16_1 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId16_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1964,7 +2387,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId16_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs16_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs16_1},
@@ -1984,13 +2407,16 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId16_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2")
NonCompliantOUs16_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Service status is ON"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
# Note that this setting requires the custom ToggleServiceEvents rule.
# Filter based on the service name of the event, otherwise all events are returned.
@@ -2013,7 +2439,8 @@ NonCompliantOUs16_2 contains {
NonCompliantGroups16_2 contains {
"Name": Group,
"Value": "Service status is ON"
-} if {
+if {
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
# Note that this setting requires the custom ToggleServiceEvents rule.
Events := {
@@ -2028,7 +2455,7 @@ NonCompliantGroups16_2 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId16_2,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -2047,13 +2474,14 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.16.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId16_2,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs16_2, NonCompliantGroups16_2),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs16_2, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups16_2},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
-} if {
+if {
# This rule should execute only when log events exist
Events := {
Event | some Event in ToggleServiceEvents;
@@ -2071,15 +2499,18 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId17_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1")
# NOTE: This setting cannot be controlled at the group level
NonCompliantOUs17_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Require multi party approval for sensitive admin actions is DISABLED"
-} if {
+if {
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Multi Party Approval (MPA) Control Multi Party Approval Control", OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -2091,7 +2522,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs17_1 contains {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId17_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -2106,7 +2537,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.17.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId17_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs17_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs17_1},
@@ -2128,23 +2559,13 @@ if {
# TODO access actual API capabilities for DLP, the following checks are placeholders.
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3
-tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3",
- "Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
- "ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
- "ActualValue": "",
- "RequirementMet": false,
- "NoSuchEvent": true
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3
+CommonControlsId18_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId18_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2154,10 +2575,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.2v0.3
+CommonControlsId18_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.2")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId18_2,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2167,10 +2591,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.3v0.3
+CommonControlsId18_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.3")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId18_3,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2180,14 +2607,17 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3
+CommonControlsId18_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.18.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId18_4,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
"RequirementMet": false,
"NoSuchEvent": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/rego/Drive.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Drive.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ecf7955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Drive.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,1693 @@
+package drive
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("drive_logs")
+DriveEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "drive_and_docs", orgunit)
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1
+DriveId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.1")
+Check1_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "with Google accounts in compatible allowlisted domains" if {
+} else := "outside of the organization" if {
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage1_1(value) := sprintf("Files owned by users or shared drives can be shared %s",
+ [value])
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
+NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
+# There are subsequent baselines that apply only if external sharing is
+# allowed. For a given OU, sharing is enabled if either it's enabled in
+# the top-level OU or it has been enabled explicitly in the OU. First,
+# we have to determine if the setting is even present in the OU. If it
+# is not present, the top-level OU setting is checked; otherwise the
+# OU setting takes precedence.
+ExternalSharingAllowed(OU) := true if {
+ externalSharing := utils.GetApiSettingValue("drive_and_docs_external_sharing",
+ "externalSharingMode",
+ OU)
+ externalSharing != "DISALLOWED"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(externalSharing))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ externalSharing := settings.drive_and_docs_external_sharing.externalSharingMode
+ externalSharing != "DISALLOWED"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0 }
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2
+DriveId1_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.2")
+Check1_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+EventGetFriendlyValue1_2(Value) := "cannot" if {
+} else := "can"
+EventNonComplianceMessage1_2(value) := sprintf("Users %s receive files outside the domain",
+ [value])
+GetSharingValue(ShareSetting) := "allowlisted" if {
+} else := "any" if {
+ ShareSetting == "ALLOWED"
+} else := "no" if {
+ ShareSetting == "DISALLOWED"
+} else := ShareSetting
+NonComplianceMessage1_2(Value) := sprintf("File sharing with %s domains, %s",
+ [Value, "receiving files permitted."])
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_2(EventGetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
+NonCompliantGroups1_2 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_2(EventGetFriendlyValue1_2(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_2, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
+ }
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetSharingValue("DISALLOWED"))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ not ExternalSharingAllowed(OU)
+ receiveExternal := settings.drive_and_docs_external_sharing.allowReceivingExternalFiles
+ receiveExternal != false
+NonCompliantOUs1_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_2(GetSharingValue(extShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ receiveSetting := "allowReceivingFilesOutsideAllowlistedDomains"
+ receiveExternal := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, receiveSetting, OU)
+ receiveExternal != false
+ receiveExternalSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, receiveSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, receiveExternalSet}
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_2,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_2_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_2,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_2, NonCompliantGroups1_2),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_2,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_2},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_2_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_2) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_2) == 0 }
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3
+DriveId1_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.3")
+Check1_3_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_3, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_3_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+AcceptableValues1_3 := {"SHARING_ALLOWED_WITH_WARNING",
+EventGetFriendlyValue1_3(Value) := "enabled" if {
+ Value in AcceptableValues1_3 == true
+} else := "disabled"
+EventNonComplianceMessage1_3(value) := sprintf("External Sharing Warning is %s",
+ [value])
+NonComplianceMessage1_3(Value) := sprintf("File sharing with %s domains, %s",
+ [Value, "without warnings."])
+NonCompliantOUs1_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_3(EventGetFriendlyValue1_3(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_3, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues1_3
+NonCompliantGroups1_3 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_3(EventGetFriendlyValue1_3(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_3, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues1_3
+NonCompliantOUs1_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_3(GetSharingValue(extShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ warnSetting := "warnForSharingOutsideAllowlistedDomains"
+ warnShared := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, warnSetting, OU)
+ warnShared != true
+ warnSharedSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, warnSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, warnSharedSet}
+NonCompliantOUs1_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_3(GetSharingValue(extShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShare == "ALLOWED"
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ warnSetting := "warnForExternalSharing"
+ warnShared := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, warnSetting, OU)
+ warnShared != true
+ warnSharedSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, warnSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, warnSharedSet}
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_3,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check1_3_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_3,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_3, NonCompliantGroups1_3),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_3,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_3},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_3_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_3) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_3) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4
+DriveId1_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.4")
+default NoSuchEvent1_4(_) := false
+NoSuchEvent1_4(TopLevelOU) := true if {
+ Events_A := utils.FilterEvents(LogEvents, LogMessage1_4_A, TopLevelOU)
+ count(Events_A) == 0
+NoSuchEvent1_4(TopLevelOU) := true if {
+ Events_B := utils.FilterEvents(LogEvents, LogMessage1_4_B, TopLevelOU)
+ count(Events_B) == 0
+Check1_4_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ not NoSuchEvent1_4(utils.TopLevelOU)
+Check1_4_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+AcceptableValues1_4_A := {"NOT_ALLOWED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT", true}
+EventGetFriendlyValue1_4(Value_A, Value_B) := "disabled" if {
+ Value_B in AcceptableValues1_4_B
+} else := "enabled but sharing items to non-google accounts is disabled" if {
+ Value_A in AcceptableValues1_4_A
+} else := "enabled and items can be shared to non-google accounts"
+EventNonComplianceMessage1_4(value) := sprintf("External Sharing is %s",
+ [value])
+NonComplianceMessage1_4(Value) := sprintf("File sharing with %s domains, %s",
+ [Value, "with non-Google users."])
+NonCompliantOUs1_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_4(EventGetFriendlyValue1_4(LastEvent_A.NewValue,
+ LastEvent_B.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_4_A, OU)
+ count(Events_A) > 0
+ LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
+ Events_B := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_4_B, OU)
+ count(Events_B) > 0
+ LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
+ not LastEvent_A.NewValue in AcceptableValues1_4_A
+ not LastEvent_B.NewValue in AcceptableValues1_4_B
+NonCompliantGroups1_4 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": EventNonComplianceMessage1_4(EventGetFriendlyValue1_4(LastEvent_A.NewValue,
+ LastEvent_B.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events_A := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_4_A, Group)
+ count(Events_A) > 0
+ LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
+ Events_B := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_4_B, Group)
+ count(Events_B) > 0
+ LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
+ not LastEvent_A.NewValue in AcceptableValues1_4_A
+ not LastEvent_B.NewValue in AcceptableValues1_4_B
+NonCompliantOUs1_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_4(GetSharingValue(extShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ nonGoogleSetting := "allowNonGoogleInvitesInAllowlistedDomains"
+ nonGoogle := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, nonGoogleSetting, OU)
+ nonGoogle != false
+ nonGoogleSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, nonGoogleSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, nonGoogleSet}
+NonCompliantOUs1_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_4(GetSharingValue(extShare))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShare == "ALLOWED"
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ nonGoogleSetting := "allowNonGoogleInvites"
+ nonGoogle := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, nonGoogleSetting, OU)
+ nonGoogle != false
+ nonGoogleSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, nonGoogleSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, nonGoogleSet}
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_4,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_4_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_4,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_4, NonCompliantGroups1_4),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_4,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_4},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_4_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_4) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_4) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5
+DriveId1_5 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.5")
+LogMessage1_5 := "PUBLISHING_TO_WEB"
+Check1_5_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_5, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_5_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_5 := "Published web content can be made visible to anyone with a link"
+NonCompliantOUs1_5 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_5, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("ALLOWED", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
+NonCompliantGroups1_5 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_5, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("ALLOWED", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
+NonCompliantOUs1_5 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_5
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShare != "DISALLOWED"
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ allowPublishSetting := "allowPublishingFiles"
+ allowPublish := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, allowPublishSetting, OU)
+ allowPublish != false
+ allowPublishSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, allowPublishSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, allowPublishSet}
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_5,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_5_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_5,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_5, NonCompliantGroups1_5),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_5,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_5},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_5_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_5) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_5) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6
+DriveId1_6 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.6")
+Check1_6_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_6, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_6_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_6(value) := sprintf("Access Checker allows users to share files to %s",
+ [value])
+GetFriendlyValue1_6(Value) :=
+"recipients only, suggested target audience, or public (no Google account required)" if {
+} else := "recipients only, or suggested target audience" if {
+} else := Value
+NonCompliantOUs1_6 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_6, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
+NonCompliantGroups1_6 contains {
+ "Name":Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_6, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ not LastEvent.NewValue in AcceptableValues
+NonCompliantOUs1_6 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_6(GetFriendlyValue1_6(accessCheck))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ accessCheck := settings.drive_and_docs_external_sharing.accessCheckerSuggestions
+ accessCheck != "RECIPIENTS_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_6,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_6_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_6,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_6, NonCompliantGroups1_6),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_6,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_6},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_6_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_6) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_6) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7
+DriveId1_7 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.7")
+Check1_7_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_7, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_7_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_7(value) := sprintf("%s can distribute content outside of the organization",
+ [value])
+GetFriendlyValue1_7(Value):= "Setting is compliant." if {
+} else := "Only users inside the organization" if {
+} else := "Anyone" if {
+} else := Value
+NonCompliantOUs1_7 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7(GetFriendlyValue1_7(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_7, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains(SettingValue, LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantGroups1_7 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": GetFriendlyValue1_7(LastEvent.NewValue)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_7, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains(SettingValue, LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantOUs1_7 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_7(GetFriendlyValue1_7(moveContent))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_external_sharing"
+ shareSetting := "externalSharingMode"
+ extShare := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ extShare != "DISALLOWED"
+ extShareSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, shareSetting, OU)
+ moveContentSetting := "allowedPartiesForDistributingContent"
+ moveContent := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, moveContentSetting, OU)
+ moveContent != "NONE"
+ moveContentSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, moveContentSetting, OU)
+ true in {extShareSet, moveContentSet}
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_7,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check1_7_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_7,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_7, NonCompliantGroups1_7),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_7, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_7},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_7_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_7) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_7) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8
+DriveId1_8 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.1.8")
+Check1_8_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_8, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_8_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_8(value) := sprintf("When users create items, the default access is set to: %s",
+ [value])
+GetFriendlyValue1_8(Value):= "private to the owner." if {
+} else := "the primary target audience can access the item if they have the link" if {
+} else := "the primary target audience can search and find the item." if {
+} else := Value
+NonCompliantOUs1_8 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_8, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "PRIVATE"
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantGroups1_8 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8(LastEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_8, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "PRIVATE"
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs1_8 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_8(GetFriendlyValue1_8(defaultAccess))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ defaultAccess := settings.drive_and_docs_general_access_default.defaultFileAccess
+ defaultAccess != "PRIVATE_TO_OWNER"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_8,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check1_8_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId1_8,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_8, NonCompliantGroups1_8),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_8, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_8},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_8_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_8) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_8) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1
+DriveId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.1")
+LogMessage2_1 := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_admin_only"
+Check2_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_1 := "Members with manager access can override shared drive settings."
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantGroups2_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ managerOverride := settings.drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation.allowManagersToOverrideSettings
+ managerOverride != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check2_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, NonCompliantGroups2_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_1) == 0 }
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2
+DriveId2_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.2")
+LogMessage2_2 := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_cross_domain_access"
+Check2_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_2 := "Users outside the organization can access files in shared drives."
+NonCompliantOUs2_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_2, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantGroups2_2 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage2_2, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantOUs2_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_2
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ externalAccess := settings.drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation.allowExternalUserAccess
+ externalAccess != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_2,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check2_2_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_2,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_2, NonCompliantGroups2_2),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_2, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_2},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_2_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_2) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_2) == 0 }
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3
+DriveId2_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.3")
+LogMessage2_3 := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_direct_access"
+Check2_3_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_3, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_3_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_3 := "Users who aren't shared drive members are not allowed to be added to files."
+NonCompliantOUs2_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_3, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantGroups2_3 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage2_3, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("true", LastEvent.NewValue) == false
+NonCompliantOUs2_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_3
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ nonMemberAccess := settings.drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation.allowNonMemberAccess
+ nonMemberAccess != true
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_3,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check2_3_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_3,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_3, NonCompliantGroups2_3),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_3,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_3},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_3_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_3) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_3) == 0 }
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4
+DriveId2_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.2.4")
+LogMessage2_4 := "Shared Drive Creation new_team_drive_restricts_download"
+Check2_4_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_4, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_4_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_4 := "Viewers and commenters are allowed to download, print, and copy files."
+NonCompliantOUs2_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_4, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("false", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
+NonCompliantGroups2_4 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage2_4, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ contains("false", LastEvent.NewValue) == true
+NonCompliantOUs2_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_4
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ allowPrint := settings.drive_and_docs_shared_drive_creation.allowedPartiesForDownloadPrintCopy
+ allowPrint != "EDITORS_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_4,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check2_4_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId2_4,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_4, NonCompliantGroups2_4),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_4,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_4},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_4_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_4) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_4) == 0 }
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1
+DriveId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1a := "Link Security Update Settings allow_less_secure_link_user_restore"
+LogMessage3_1b := "Link Security Update Settings less_secure_link_option"
+default NoSuchEvent3_1(_) := false
+NoSuchEvent3_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
+ Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1a, TopLevelOU)
+ count(Events_A) == 0
+NoSuchEvent3_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1b, TopLevelOU)
+ count(Events) == 0
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ not NoSuchEvent3_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
+Check3_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage3_1(securityUpdate, userUpdate) := "The security update is removed from all impacted files." if {
+else := "Users are allowed to remove/apply the security update for files they own or manage." if {
+ userUpdate in {"true", true}
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(LastEvent_B.NewValue, LastEvent_A.NewValue)
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events_A := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1a, OU)
+ count(Events_A) > 0
+ LastEvent_A := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_A)
+ Events_B := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1b, OU)
+ count(Events_B) > 0
+ LastEvent_B := utils.GetLastEvent(Events_B)
+ true in {
+ LastEvent_A.NewValue != "false",
+ LastEvent_B.NewValue != "REMOVE_LESS_SECURE_LINKS"
+ }
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(securityUpdate, userUpdate)
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ userUpdate := settings.drive_and_docs_file_security_update.allowUsersToManageUpdate
+ securityUpdate := settings.drive_and_docs_file_security_update.securityUpdate
+ true in {
+ userUpdate != false,
+ securityUpdate != "APPLY_TO_IMPACTED_FILES"
+ }
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check3_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
+ "ActualValue" : {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check3_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1
+DriveId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.4.1")
+LogMessage4_1 := "ENABLE_DRIVE_APPS"
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage4_1 := "Drive SDK is enabled."
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantGroups4_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ sdkAccess := settings.drive_and_docs_drive_sdk.enableDriveSdkApiAccess
+ sdkAccess != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check4_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, NonCompliantGroups4_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups4_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check4_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups4_1) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1
+DriveId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.5.1")
+LogMessage5_1 := "ENABLE_DOCS_ADD_ONS"
+Check5_1_OK if {
+ # not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+# Check5_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage5_1 := "Users can install Google Docs add-ons from add-ons store."
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1
+if {
+ # not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, OU)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantGroups5_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1
+if {
+ # not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, Group)
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+# NOT yet implemented in policy API
+#NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+# "Name": OU,
+# "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1
+#if {
+# some OU, settings in input.policies
+# DriveEnabled(OU)
+# addOns := settings.drive_and_docs_drive_sdk.enableDriveSdkApiAccess
+# addOns != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId5_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ # not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check5_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId5_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, NonCompliantGroups5_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups5_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check5_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups5_1) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
+# Baseline GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1
+DriveId6_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.DRIVEDOCS.6.1")
+LogMessage6_1 := "ENABLE_DOCS_ADD_ONS"
+LogMessage6_1a := "DriveFsSettingsProto drive_fs_enabled"
+LogMessage6_1b := "DriveFsSettingsProto company_owned_only_enabled"
+default NoSuchEvent6_1(_) := true
+NoSuchEvent6_1(TopLevelOU) := false if {
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1a, TopLevelOU)
+ count(Events) != 0
+NoSuchEvent6_1(TopLevelOU) := false if {
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1b, TopLevelOU)
+ count(Events) != 0
+Check6_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ not NoSuchEvent6_1(utils.TopLevelOU)
+Check6_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage6_1(Value) := sprintf("Drive for Desktop is %s.", [Value])
+GetFriendlyValue6_1(CompanyOnly, DesktopEnabled) := "enabled and can be used on any device" if {
+ CompanyOnly in {"false", false}
+ DesktopEnabled in {"true", true}
+ }
+ else := "disabled" if {
+ DesktopEnabled in {"false", false}
+ }
+ else := "enabled but only on approved devices" if {
+ CompanyOnly in {"true", true}
+ DesktopEnabled in {"true", true}
+ }
+NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue,
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ DriveEnabledEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1a, OU)
+ count(DriveEnabledEvents) > 0
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(DriveEnabledEvents)
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
+ CompanyOnlyEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1b, OU)
+ count(CompanyOnlyEvents) > 0
+ LastCompanyOnlyEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(CompanyOnlyEvents)
+ LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue == "true"
+ LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "true"
+ }
+NonCompliantGroups6_1 contains {
+ "Name": Group,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue,
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue))
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
+ DriveEnabledEvents := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1a, Group)
+ count(DriveEnabledEvents) > 0
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(DriveEnabledEvents)
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
+ CompanyOnlyEvents := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1b, Group)
+ count(CompanyOnlyEvents) > 0
+ LastCompanyOnlyEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(CompanyOnlyEvents)
+ LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "DELETE_APPLICATION_SETTING"
+ LastDriveEnabledEvent.NewValue == "true"
+ LastCompanyOnlyEvent.NewValue != "true"
+ }
+NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(allowAuthorized,
+ desktopEnabled))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ DriveEnabled(OU)
+ section := "drive_and_docs_drive_for_desktop"
+ desktopSetting := "allowDriveForDesktop"
+ desktopEnabled := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, desktopSetting, OU)
+ desktopEnabled
+ desktopSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, desktopSetting, OU)
+ authDevicesSetting := "restrictToAuthorizedDevices"
+ allowAuthorized := utils.GetApiSettingValue(section, authDevicesSetting, OU)
+ not allowAuthorized
+ authDevicesSet := utils.ApiSettingExists(section, authDevicesSetting, OU)
+ true in {desktopSet, authDevicesSet}
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId6_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check6_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": DriveId6_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_1, NonCompliantGroups6_1),
+ "ActualValue" : {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups6_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check6_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs6_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups6_1) == 0}
+ Status := (false in Conditions) == false
diff --git a/rego/Gmail.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Gmail.rego
similarity index 62%
rename from rego/Gmail.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Gmail.rego
index 8b63cb02..77307f25 100644
--- a/rego/Gmail.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Gmail.rego
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
package gmail
-import data.utils
import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+GmailEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "gmail", orgunit)
Format(Array) := format_int(count(Array), 10)
@@ -28,21 +32,18 @@ LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("gmail_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.1.1
+GmailId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.1.1")
# Cannot be controlled at group level
-GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat(" ", [
"Mail delegation is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
+ GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue)
if {
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId1_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId1_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1},
@@ -87,9 +88,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.2.1
+GmailId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.2.1")
# Not applicable at OU or Group level
DomainsWithDkim contains DkimRecord.domain if {
some DkimRecord in input.dkim_records
@@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ DomainsWithDkim contains DkimRecord.domain if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId2_1,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/domains/list", "get_dkim_records"],
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetailsArray(Status, DomainsWithoutDkim, AllDomains),
@@ -118,9 +121,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.3.1
+GmailId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.3.1")
# Not applicable at OU or Group level
DomainsWithSpf contains SpfRecord.domain if {
some SpfRecord in input.spf_records
@@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ DomainsWithSpf contains SpfRecord.domain if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId3_1,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/domains/list", "get_spf_records"],
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetailsArray(Status, DomainsWithoutSpf, AllDomains),
@@ -154,9 +159,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.1
+GmailId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.4.1")
# Not applicable at OU or Group level
DomainsWithDmarc contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
some DmarcRecord in input.dmarc_records
@@ -165,7 +172,7 @@ DomainsWithDmarc contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.4.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId4_1,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/domains/list", "get_dmarc_records"],
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetailsArray(Status, DomainsWithoutDmarc, AllDomains),
@@ -180,9 +187,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.2
+GmailId4_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.4.2")
# Not applicable at OU or Group level
DomainsWithPreject contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
some DmarcRecord in input.dmarc_records
@@ -191,7 +200,7 @@ DomainsWithPreject contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.4.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId4_2,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/domains/list", "get_dmarc_records"],
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetailsArray(Status, DomainsWithoutPreject, AllDomains),
@@ -206,9 +215,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.3
+GmailId4_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.4.3")
# Not applicable at OU or Group level
DomainsWithDHSContact contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
some DmarcRecord in input.dmarc_records
@@ -217,7 +228,7 @@ DomainsWithDHSContact contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.4.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId4_3,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/domains/list", "get_dmarc_records"],
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetailsArray(Status, DomainsWithoutDHSContact, AllDomains),
@@ -232,9 +243,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.4.4
+GmailId4_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.4.4")
# Not applicable at OU or Group level
DomainsWithAgencyContact contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
some DmarcRecord in input.dmarc_records
@@ -243,7 +256,7 @@ DomainsWithAgencyContact contains DmarcRecord.domain if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.4.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId4_4,
"Prerequisites": ["directory/v1/domains/list", "get_dmarc_records"],
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": ReportDetailsArray(Status, DomainsWithoutAgencyContact, AllDomains),
@@ -263,25 +276,35 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.1
# Cannot be controlled at group level
-GetFriendlyValue5_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.5.1")
+LogMessage5_1 := "Attachment safety Enable: protect against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders"
+Check5_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+# The following prefix applies to the next 2 baselines and is used to keep
+# string length from getting too long.
+ProtectionEncryptAttPrefix := "Protection against encrypted attachments"
+NonComplianceMessage5_1(value) := sprintf("%s from untrusted senders is set to: %s",
+ [ProtectionEncryptAttPrefix, value])
NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protection against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue5_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
concat("", ["Attachment safety Enable: ",
@@ -292,22 +315,31 @@ if {
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(noEncrypt))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ noEncrypt := settings.gmail_email_attachment_safety.enableEncryptedAttachmentProtection
+ noEncrypt != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
"RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
"NoSuchEvent": true
} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: protect against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
@@ -315,32 +347,37 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: protect against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.2
-GetFriendlyValue5_2(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId5_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.5.2")
+LogMessage5_2 := "Attachment safety Enable: protect against attachments with scripts from untrusted senders"
+Check5_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage5_2(value) := sprintf("%s with scripts from untrusted senders is set to: %s",
+ [ProtectionEncryptAttPrefix, value])
NonCompliantOUs5_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protection against encrypted attachments with scripts from untrusted senders is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue5_2(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
concat("", ["Attachment safety Enable: ",
"protect against attachments with scripts from untrusted senders"]), OU)
count(Events) > 0
@@ -349,8 +386,18 @@ if {
+NonCompliantOUs5_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_2(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(noEncrypt))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ noEncrypt := settings.gmail_email_attachment_safety.enableAttachmentWithScriptsProtection
+ noEncrypt != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -358,14 +405,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: protect against attachments with scripts from untrusted senders"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_2_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_2, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_2},
@@ -373,32 +419,37 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: protect against attachments with scripts from untrusted senders"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_2_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_2) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.3
-GetFriendlyValue5_3(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId5_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.5.3")
+LogMessage5_3 := "Attachment safety Enable: Protect against anomalous attachment types in emails"
+Check5_3_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_3, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_3_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage5_3(value) := sprintf("Protection against anomalous attachment types in emails is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs5_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protection against anomalous attachment types in emails is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue5_3(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
concat("", ["Attachment safety Enable: Protect against anomalous attachment types in emails"]), OU)
@@ -408,8 +459,18 @@ if {
+NonCompliantOUs5_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_3(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(protectAtt))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ protectAtt := settings.gmail_email_attachment_safety.enableAnomalousAttachmentProtection
+ protectAtt != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -417,14 +478,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: Protect against anomalous attachment types in emails"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_3_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_3, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_3},
@@ -432,31 +492,36 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: Protect against anomalous attachment types in emails"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_3_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_3) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.4
-GetFriendlyValue5_4(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId5_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.5.4")
+LogMessage5_4 := "Attachment safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
+Check5_4_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_4, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_4_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage5_4(value) := sprintf("Automatically enables all future added settings is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs5_4 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Automatically enables all future added settings is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue5_4(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, concat("", ["Attachment safety Enable: ",
"automatically enables all future added settings"]), OU)
@@ -466,8 +531,18 @@ if {
+NonCompliantOUs5_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_4(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(futureAtt))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ futureAtt := settings.gmail_email_attachment_safety.applyFutureRecommendedSettingsAutomatically
+ futureAtt != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_4,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -475,14 +550,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check5_4_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_4,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_4, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_4},
@@ -490,19 +564,25 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Attachment safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check5_4_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_4) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.5
+GmailId5_5 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.5.5")
+NonComplianceMessage5_5(types) := sprintf("%s attachment emails not removed from inbox",
+ [concat(", ", sort(types))])
default NoSuchEvent5_5 := false
-NoSuchEvent5_5 := true if {
+NoSuchEvent5_5 := false if {
+ PolicyApiInUse
+} else := true if {
SettingName := "Attachment safety Encrypted attachment protection setting action"
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
count(Events) == 0
@@ -527,7 +607,7 @@ AttachmentWithScriptsMessage(NewValueAttachmentWithScripts)
else := ""
- := "Emails with anamolous attachements"
+ := "Emails with anomalous attachments"
if { NewValueAnomalousAttachment == "Show warning" }
else := ""
@@ -568,6 +648,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
EncryptedAttachmentEvents := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
"Attachment safety Encrypted attachment protection setting action", OU)
@@ -592,8 +673,31 @@ NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
+AttachConfigs := [
+ {"type": "anomalous type",
+ "setting": "anomalousAttachmentProtectionConsequence"},
+ {"type": "encrypted",
+ "setting": "encryptedAttachmentProtectionConsequence"},
+ {"type": "scripts",
+ "setting": "attachmentWithScriptsProtectionConsequence"}
+NonCompliantOUs5_5 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_5(types)
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ types := [config.type |
+ some config in AttachConfigs
+ consequence = settings.gmail_email_attachment_safety[config.setting]
+ not consequence in ["SPAM_FOLDER", "QUARANTINE"]
+ ]
+ count(types) > 0
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -601,12 +705,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_5, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_5},
@@ -620,11 +725,14 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.6v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.5.6
# No implementation steps provided for this policy
+GmailId5_6 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.5.6")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.5.6v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId5_6,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please check manually.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -640,34 +748,49 @@ tests contains {
# Cannot be controlled at Group level
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.1
-GetFriendlyValue6_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId6_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.6.1")
+LogMessage6_1 := "Links and external images safety Enable: identify links behind shortened URLs"
+Check6_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check6_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage6_1(value) := sprintf("Identify links behind shortened URLs is: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Identify links behind shortened URLs is",
- GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
-if {
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- concat("", ["Links and external images safety Enable: identify links behind shortened URLs"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(shortLinks))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ shortLinks := settings.gmail_links_and_external_images.enableShortenerScanning
+ shortLinks != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -675,14 +798,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Links and external images safety Enable: identify links behind shortened URLs"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check6_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_1},
@@ -690,41 +812,56 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Links and external images safety Enable: identify links behind shortened URLs"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check6_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs6_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.2
-GetFriendlyValue6_2(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId6_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.6.2")
+LogMessage6_2 := "Links and external images safety Enable: scan linked images"
+Check6_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check6_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage6_2(value) := sprintf("Scan linked images is: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs6_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Scan linked images is",
- GetFriendlyValue6_2(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_2(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "Links and external images safety Enable: scan linked images", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_2, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs6_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_2(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(scanImages))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ scanImages := settings.gmail_links_and_external_images.enableExternalImageScanning
+ scanImages != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -732,14 +869,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Links and external images safety Enable: scan linked images"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check6_2_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_2, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_2},
@@ -747,42 +883,59 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Links and external images safety Enable: scan linked images"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check6_2_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs6_2) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.3
-GetFriendlyValue6_3(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId6_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.6.3")
+# NOTE: "unstrusted" really is the spelling the API uses:
+LogMessage6_3 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Links and external images safety Enable:",
+ "show warning prompt for click on links",
+ "to unstrusted domains"])
+Check6_3_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_3, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check6_3_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage6_3(value) := sprintf("Show warning prompt for click on links to untrusted domains is: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs6_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Show warning prompt for click on links to untrusted domains is",
- GetFriendlyValue6_3(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, concat("", ["Links and external images safety Enable: ",
- "show warning prompt for click on links to unstrusted domains"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_3, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs6_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_3(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(warnEnabled))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ warnEnabled := settings.gmail_links_and_external_images.enableAggressiveWarningsOnUntrustedLinks
+ warnEnabled != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -790,17 +943,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := concat("", [
- "Links and external images safety Enable: show warning prompt for click on links to ",
- "unstrusted domains" # NOTE: "unstrusted" really is the spelling the API uses
- ])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check6_3_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_3, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_3},
@@ -808,46 +957,58 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := concat("", [
- "Links and external images safety Enable: show warning prompt for click on links to ",
- "unstrusted domains" # NOTE: "unstrusted" really is the spelling the API uses
- ])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check6_3_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs6_3) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.4
-GetFriendlyValue6_4(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId6_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.6.4")
+LogMessage6_4 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Links and external images safety Enable:",
+ "automatically enables all future",
+ "added settings"])
+Check6_4_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_4, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check6_4_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage6_4(value) := sprintf("Apply future recommended settings automatically is: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs6_4 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Apply future recommended settings automatically is",
- GetFriendlyValue6_4(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- concat("", ["Links and external images safety Enable: ",
- "automatically enables all future added settings"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_4, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs6_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_4(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(applyFuture))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ applyFuture := settings.gmail_links_and_external_images.applyFutureSettingsAutomatically
+ applyFuture != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_4,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -855,14 +1016,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Links and external images safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check6_4_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_4,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_4, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_4},
@@ -870,19 +1030,20 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Links and external images safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check6_4_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs6_4) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.5v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.6.5
+GmailId6_5 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.6.5")
# No implementation steps provided for this policy
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.6.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId6_5,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -895,38 +1056,54 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.1
# No group level control
-GetFriendlyValue7_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId7_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.1")
+LogMessage7_1 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Spoofing and authentication safety",
+ "Enable: protect against domain spoofing",
+ "using similar domain names"])
+Check7_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check7_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage7_1(value) := sprintf("Protect against domain spoofing using similar domain names is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs7_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protect against domain spoofing using similar domain names is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue7_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, concat("", [
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against domain spoofing using ",
- "similar domain names"
- ]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs7_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(spoofProtect))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ spoofProtect := settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication.detectDomainNameSpoofing
+ spoofProtect != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -934,17 +1111,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := concat("", [
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against domain spoofing using ",
- "similar domain names"
- ])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check7_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_1},
@@ -952,46 +1125,58 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := concat("", [
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against domain spoofing using ",
- "similar domain names"
- ])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check7_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.2
-GetFriendlyValue7_2(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId7_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.2")
+LogMessage7_2 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Spoofing and authentication safety",
+ "Enable: protect against spoofing of",
+ "employee names"])
+Check7_2_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_2, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check7_2_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage7_2(value) := sprintf("Protect against spoofing of employee names is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs7_2 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protect against spoofing of employee names is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue7_2(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- concat("", ["Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: ",
- "protect against spoofing of employee names"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_2, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs7_2 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_2(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(spoofProtect))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ spoofProtect := settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication.detectEmployeeNameSpoofing
+ spoofProtect != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -999,15 +1184,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := concat("", ["Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: ",
- "protect against spoofing of employee names"])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check7_2_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_2,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_2, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_2},
@@ -1015,57 +1198,58 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := concat("", ["Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: ",
- "protect against spoofing of employee names"])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check7_2_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_2) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.3
-GetFriendlyValue7_3(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId7_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.3")
+LogMessage7_3 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Spoofing and authentication safety",
+ "Enable: protect against inbound emails",
+ "spoofing your domain"])
+Check7_3_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_3, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check7_3_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage7_3(value) := sprintf("Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs7_3 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue7_3(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- concat("", ["Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: ",
- "protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_3, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
-NonCompliantOUs7_3 contains OU if {
- some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, OU)
- # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
- # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
- # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
- count(Events) > 0
- LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
- LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs7_3 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_3(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(spoofProtect))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ spoofProtect := settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication.detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders
+ spoofProtect != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1073,14 +1257,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check7_3_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_3,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_3, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_3},
@@ -1088,43 +1271,58 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check7_3_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_3) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.4
-GetFriendlyValue7_4(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId7_4 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.4")
+LogMessage7_4 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Spoofing and authentication safety",
+ "Enable: protect against any",
+ "unauthenticated emails"])
+Check7_4_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_4, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check7_4_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage7_4(value) := sprintf("Protect against any unauthenticated emails is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs7_4 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protect against any unauthenticated emails is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue7_4(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- concat("", ["Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: ",
- "protect against any unauthenticated emails"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_4, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs7_4 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_4(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(unauthEmail))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ unauthEmail := settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication.detectUnauthenticatedEmails
+ unauthEmail != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1132,14 +1330,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against any unauthenticated emails"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check7_4_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.4v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_4,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_4, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_4},
@@ -1147,44 +1344,58 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect against any unauthenticated emails"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check7_4_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_4) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.5
-GetFriendlyValue7_5(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId7_5 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.5")
+LogMessage7_5 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Spoofing and authentication safety",
+ "Enable: protect your Groups from",
+ "inbound emails spoofing your domain"])
+Check7_5_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_5, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check7_5_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage7_5(value) := sprintf("Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs7_5 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue7_5(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, concat("", [
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect your Groups from inbound emails ",
- "spoofing your domain"
- ]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_5, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs7_5 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_5(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(detectSpoof))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ detectSpoof := settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication.detectDomainSpoofingFromUnauthenticatedSenders
+ detectSpoof != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1192,17 +1403,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName := concat("", [
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect your Groups from inbound emails ",
- "spoofing your domain"
- ])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check7_5_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.5v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_5,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_5, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_5},
@@ -1210,23 +1417,26 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := concat("", [
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: protect your Groups from inbound emails ",
- "spoofing your domain"
- ])
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check7_5_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_5) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.6
-# No such event is true if any of the revelant settings doesn't having any events
+GmailId7_6 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.6")
+NonComplianceMessage7_6(types) := sprintf("%s spoof emails not removed from inbox",
+ [concat(", ", sort(types))])
+# No such event is true if any of the relevant settings doesn't having any events
default NoSuchEvent7_6 := false
-NoSuchEvent7_6 := true if {
+NoSuchEvent7_6 := false if {
+ PolicyApiInUse
+} else := true if {
SettingName :=
"Spoofing and authentication safety Protect against domain spoofing based on similar domain names action"
Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
@@ -1269,7 +1479,7 @@ UnauthenticatedEmailsMessage(NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails) := "Unauthenticated
if { NewValueUnauthenticatedEmails in ["Show warning", "No action"] }
else := ""
-GroupEmailsMessage(NewValueGroupEmails) := "Inbound spoofing emails addresed to groups"
+GroupEmailsMessage(NewValueGroupEmails) := "Inbound spoofing emails addressed to groups"
if { NewValueGroupEmails == "Show warning" }
else := ""
@@ -1306,6 +1516,7 @@ NonCompliantOUs7_6 contains {
LastEventInboundEmails.NewValue, LastEventUnauthenticatedEmails.NewValue,
} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
DomainNamesSetting := concat("", [
@@ -1348,8 +1559,30 @@ NonCompliantOUs7_6 contains {
+SpoofConfigs := [
+ {"type": "domain", "setting": "domainSpoofingConsequence"},
+ {"type": "domain name", "setting": "domainNameSpoofingConsequence"},
+ {"type": "employee name", "setting": "employeeNameSpoofingConsequence"},
+ {"type": "groups", "setting": "groupsSpoofingConsequence"},
+ {"type": "unauthenticated", "setting": "unauthenticatedEmailConsequence"}
+NonCompliantOUs7_6 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_6(types)
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ types := [config.type |
+ some config in SpoofConfigs
+ consequence = settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication[config.setting]
+ not consequence in ["SPAM_FOLDER", "QUARANTINE"]
+ ]
+ count(types) > 0
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_6,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -1357,12 +1590,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.6v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_6,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_6, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_6},
@@ -1376,35 +1610,52 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.7
-GetFriendlyValue7_7(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId7_7 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.7")
+LogMessage7_7 := sprintf("%s %s %s", ["Spoofing and authentication safety",
+ "Enable: automatically enables all",
+ "future added settings"])
+Check7_7_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_7)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check7_7_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage7_7(value) := sprintf("Automatically enable all future added settings is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs7_7 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Automatically enable all future added settings is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue7_7(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents,
- concat("", ["Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: ",
- "automatically enables all future added settings"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage7_7, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs7_7 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage7_7(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(applyFuture))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ applyFuture := settings.gmail_spoofing_and_authentication.applyFutureSettingsAutomatically
+ applyFuture != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_7,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1412,15 +1663,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- SettingName :=
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, SettingName)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check7_7_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.7v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_7,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs7_7, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs7_7},
@@ -1428,20 +1677,20 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName :=
- "Spoofing and authentication safety Enable: automatically enables all future added settings"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsNoOU(LogEvents, SettingName)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check7_7_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs7_7) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.8v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.7.8
+GmailId7_8 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.7.8")
# No implementation steps provided for this policy
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.7.8v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId7_8,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1456,19 +1705,16 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.8.1
-GetFriendlyValue8_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId8_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.8.1")
NonCompliantOUs8_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat(" ", [
"User email uploads is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue8_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
+ GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue)
if {
@@ -1480,7 +1726,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId8_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1494,7 +1740,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.8.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId8_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs8_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs8_1},
@@ -1513,8 +1759,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.9.1
+GmailId9_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.9.1")
default NoSuchEvent9_1(_) := false
NoSuchEvent9_1(TopLevelOU) := true if {
@@ -1557,8 +1806,8 @@ if {
count(PopEvents) > 0
LastPopEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(PopEvents)
- ImapEnabled := (LastImapEvent.NewValue in ["DISABLED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"]) == false
- PopEnabled := (LastPopEvent.NewValue in ["false", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"]) == false
+ ImapEnabled := (LastImapEvent.NewValue in {"DISABLED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"}) == false
+ PopEnabled := (LastPopEvent.NewValue in {"false", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"}) == false
true in {
@@ -1580,8 +1829,8 @@ if {
count(PopEvents) > 0
LastPopEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(PopEvents)
- ImapEnabled := (LastImapEvent.NewValue in ["DISABLED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"]) == false
- PopEnabled := (LastPopEvent.NewValue in ["false", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"]) == false
+ ImapEnabled := (LastImapEvent.NewValue in {"DISABLED", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"}) == false
+ PopEnabled := (LastPopEvent.NewValue in {"false", "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"}) == false
true in {
@@ -1589,7 +1838,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId9_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1602,7 +1851,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.9.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId9_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs9_1, NonCompliantGroups9_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs9_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups9_1},
@@ -1622,20 +1871,16 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.10.1
-GetFriendlyValue10_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId10_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.10.1")
NonCompliantOUs10_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat(" ", [
"Automatically enable outlook sync is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue10_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
+ GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue)
if {
@@ -1648,7 +1893,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId10_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1662,7 +1907,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.10.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId10_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs10_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs10_1},
@@ -1677,11 +1922,14 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.10.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.10.2
+GmailId10_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.10.2")
# No implementation steps provided for this policy
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.10.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId10_2,
"Criticality": "May/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -1695,33 +1943,51 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.11.1
-GetFriendlyValue11_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId11_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.11.1")
+Check11_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check11_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage11_1(value) := sprintf("Automatic email forwarding is set to: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Automatically enable email autoforwarding is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue11_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EMAIL_AUTOFORWARDING", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage11_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs11_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage11_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(autoforward))
+if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ autoforward := settings.gmail_auto_forwarding.enableAutoForwarding
+ autoforward != false
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId11_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1729,13 +1995,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EMAIL_AUTOFORWARDING", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check11_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.11.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId11_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs11_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs11_1},
@@ -1743,8 +2009,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "ENABLE_EMAIL_AUTOFORWARDING", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check11_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs11_1) == 0
@@ -1755,20 +2020,16 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.12.1
-GetFriendlyValue12_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId12_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.12.1")
NonCompliantOUs12_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat(" ", [
"Allow per-user outbound gateways is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue12_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
+ GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue)
if {
@@ -1780,7 +2041,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId12_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1794,7 +2055,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.12.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId12_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs12_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs12_1},
@@ -1814,9 +2075,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.13.1
+GmailId13_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.13.1")
GetFriendlyValue13_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
Value == "false"
} else := "disabled" if {
@@ -1840,7 +2103,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId13_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1855,7 +2118,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId13_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs13_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs13_1},
@@ -1876,94 +2139,146 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3
-EmailAllowlistSettingDetailsStr(LastEvent) := Description if {
- LastEvent.NewValue != "true"
- Description := concat("", [
- "Email allowlists are enabled in ",
- utils.TopLevelOU,
- "."
- ])
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.14.1
-EmailAllowlistSettingDetailsStr(LastEvent) := Description if {
- LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
- Description := concat("", [
- "Email allowlists are not enabled in ",
- utils.TopLevelOU,
- "."
- ])
+GmailId14_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.14.1")
+LogMessage14_1 := "GmailIpWhitelistSpamFilteringProto is_empty"
+Check14_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage14_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check14_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage14_1(Value, OU) := sprintf("Email allowlists are %s in %s.",
+ [Value, OU])
+# Note that in the event logs, a STRING value of "false" means allowlists are
+# enabled, but policy API checks for a boolean true value.
+GetFriendlyValue14_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
+ Value in {true, "false"}
+} else := "disabled" if {
+ Value in {false, "true"}
+} else := Value
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId14_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": concat("", [
- "No relevant event in the current logs. ",
- "While we are unable to determine the state from the logs, ",
- "the default setting is compliant; manual check recommended."
- ]),
- "ActualValue": {"GmailIpWhitelistSpamFilteringProto is_empty": "No relevant event in the current logs"},
- "RequirementMet": true,
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": {LogMessage14_1: "No relevant event in the current logs"},
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GmailIpWhitelistSpamFilteringProto is_empty", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check14_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.14.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId14_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails": EmailAllowlistSettingDetailsStr(LastEvent),
+ "ReportDetails": NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1(LastEvent.NewValue),
+ utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": {LastEvent.Setting: LastEvent.NewValue},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "GmailIpWhitelistSpamFilteringProto is_empty", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage14_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
Status := LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
+# This test applies only to the policy API - it is NOT shared with the events
+# implementation. Similar to the above events implementation test, this test
+# always returns a result, even if gmail is disabled - see how this is
+# implemented by converting the enable status to 1/0 (whereas a false value
+# would fail the tests conditional).
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GmailId14_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": NonComplianceMessage14_1(GetFriendlyValue14_1(allowListCount > 0),
+ utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": {utils.TopLevelOU: allowList},
+ "RequirementMet": allowListCount == 0,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ PolicyApiInUse
+ enabled := to_number(GmailEnabled(utils.TopLevelOU))
+ settings := input.policies[utils.TopLevelOU]
+ allowList := settings.gmail_email_spam_filter_ip_allowlist.allowedIpAddresses
+ allowListCount := enabled * count(allowList)
# GWS.GMAIL.15 #
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.15.1
+GmailId15_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.15.1")
+LogMessage15_1 := "DelayedDeliverySettingsProto disable_delayed_delivery_for_suspicious_email"
+Check15_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage15_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check15_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage15_1(value) := sprintf("Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning is %s",
+ [value])
GetFriendlyValue15_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "false"
+ Value in {true, "false"}
} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "true"
+ Value in {false, "true"}
} else := Value
NonCompliantOUs15_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue15_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1(GetFriendlyValue15_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, concat("",
- ["DelayedDeliverySettingsProto disable_delayed_delivery_for_suspicious_email"]), OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage15_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "true"
+NonCompliantOUs15_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage15_1(GetFriendlyValue15_1(preScanning))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GmailEnabled(OU)
+ preDelivery := settings.gmail_enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning
+ preScanning := preDelivery.enableImprovedSuspiciousContentDetection
+ preScanning != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId15_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -1971,14 +2286,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "DelayedDeliverySettingsProto disable_delayed_delivery_for_suspicious_email"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check15_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.15.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId15_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs15_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs15_1},
@@ -1986,19 +2300,20 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "DelayedDeliverySettingsProto disable_delayed_delivery_for_suspicious_email"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check15_1_OK
Status := count(NonCompliantOUs15_1) == 0
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.15.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.15.2
+GmailId15_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.15.2")
# No implementation steps provided for this policy
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.15.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId15_2,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2012,20 +2327,16 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.16.1
-GetFriendlyValue16_1(Value) := "enabled" if {
- Value == "true"
-} else := "disabled" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+GmailId16_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.16.1")
NonCompliantOUs16_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": concat(" ", [
"Security sandbox is",
- GetFriendlyValue16_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
+ GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue)
if {
@@ -2038,7 +2349,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId16_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -2053,7 +2364,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.16.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId16_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs16_1, []),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs16_1},
@@ -2069,11 +2380,14 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.16.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.16.2
+GmailId16_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.16.2")
# No implementation steps provided for this policy
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.16.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId16_2,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2087,12 +2401,15 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.17.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.17.1
+GmailId17_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.17.1")
# At this time we are unable to test because settings are configured in the GWS Admin Console
# and not available within the generated logs
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.17.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId17_1,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2107,12 +2424,15 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.18.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.18.1
+GmailId18_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.18.1")
# At this time we are unable to test because settings are configured in the GWS Admin Console
# and not available within the generated logs
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.18.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId18_1,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2122,12 +2442,15 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.18.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.18.2
+GmailId18_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.18.2")
# At this time we are unable to test because settings are configured in the GWS Admin Console
# and not available within the generated logs
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.18.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId18_2,
"Criticality": "Should/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2137,12 +2460,15 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.18.3v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.18.3
+GmailId18_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.18.3")
# At this time we are unable to test because settings are configured in the GWS Admin Console
# and not available within the generated logs
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.18.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId18_3,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2156,12 +2482,15 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.19.1
+GmailId19_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.19.1")
# At this time we are unable to test because settings are configured in the GWS Admin Console
# and not available within the generated logs
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.19.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId19_1,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2171,10 +2500,13 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.19.2
+GmailId19_2 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.19.2")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.19.2v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId19_2,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
@@ -2184,14 +2516,17 @@ tests contains {
-# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.GMAIL.19.3
+GmailId19_3 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GMAIL.19.3")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.GMAIL.19.3v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": GmailId19_3,
"Criticality": "Shall/Not-Implemented",
"ReportDetails": "Currently not able to be tested automatically; please manually check.",
"ActualValue": "",
"RequirementMet": false,
"NoSuchEvent": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scubagoggles/rego/Groups.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Groups.rego
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03876922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Groups.rego
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+package groups
+import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("groups_logs")
+GroupsEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "groups_for_business", orgunit)
+# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.1.1
+GroupsId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GROUPS.1.1")
+LogMessage1_1 := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto collaboration_policy"
+Check1_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "Users in your domain only" if {
+} else := "Any user" if {
+ Value in {"OPEN", "ANYONE_CAN_ACCESS"}
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage1_1(value) := sprintf("Group access set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "CLOSED"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(whoCanShare))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GroupsEnabled(OU)
+ whoCanShare := settings.groups_for_business_groups_sharing.collaborationCapability
+ whoCanShare != "DOMAIN_USERS_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check1_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId1_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check1_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.2.1
+GroupsId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GROUPS.2.1")
+LogMessage2_1 := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_external_members"
+Check2_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) := "Yes" if {
+ Value in {true, "true"}
+} else := "No" if {
+ Value in {false, "false"}
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage2_1(value) := sprintf("Allowing external group members is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(allowExternal))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GroupsEnabled(OU)
+ allowExternal := settings.groups_for_business_groups_sharing.ownersCanAllowExternalMembers
+ allowExternal != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check2_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId2_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs":NonCompliantOUs2_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check2_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.3.1
+GroupsId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GROUPS.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1 := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto owners_can_allow_incoming_mail_from_public"
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check3_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := "Yes" if {
+ Value in {true, "true"}
+} else := "No" if {
+ Value in {false, "false"}
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage3_1(value) := sprintf("Allowing external email is set to: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyValue3_1(allowExternal))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GroupsEnabled(OU)
+ allowExternal := settings.groups_for_business_groups_sharing.ownersCanAllowIncomingMailFromPublic
+ allowExternal != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check3_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId3_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check3_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.4.1
+GroupsId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GROUPS.4.1")
+LogMessage4_1 := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto who_can_create_groups"
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) := "Administrators only" if {
+ Value == "ADMIN_ONLY"
+} else := "Users in your domain only" if {
+ Value == "USERS_IN_DOMAIN"
+} else := "Any user" if {
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage4_1(value) := sprintf("Groups can be created by: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "ADMIN_ONLY"
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyValue4_1(whoCreates))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GroupsEnabled(OU)
+ whoCreates := settings.groups_for_business_groups_sharing.createGroupsAccessLevel
+ whoCreates != "ADMIN_ONLY"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails":utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check4_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId4_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check4_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.5.1
+GroupsId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GROUPS.5.1")
+LogMessage5_1 := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto default_view_topics_access_level"
+Check5_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check5_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue5_1(Value) := "Owners" if {
+ Value == "OWNERS"
+} else := "Managers" if {
+ Value == "MANAGERS"
+} else := "Group members only" if {
+ Value == "GROUP_MEMBERS"
+} else := "Users in your domain only" if {
+ Value == "DOMAIN_USERS"
+} else := "Any user" if {
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage5_1(value) := sprintf("Group conversations can be viewed by: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1(GetFriendlyValue5_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage5_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "MEMBERS"
+NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage5_1(GetFriendlyValue5_1(whoCanView))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GroupsEnabled(OU)
+ whoCanView := settings.groups_for_business_groups_sharing.viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel
+ whoCanView != "GROUP_MEMBERS"
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId5_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := false
+ not Check5_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId5_1,
+ "Criticality": "Should",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check5_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs5_1) == 0
+# Baseline GWS.GROUPS.6.1
+GroupsId6_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.GROUPS.6.1")
+LogMessage6_1 := "GroupsSharingSettingsProto allow_unlisted_groups"
+Check6_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check6_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+GetFriendlyValue6_1(Value) := "Yes" if {
+ Value in {true, "true"}
+} else := "No" if {
+ Value in {false, "false"}
+} else := Value
+NonComplianceMessage6_1(value) := sprintf("Group may be hidden: %s", [value])
+NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
+} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage6_1, OU)
+ # Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
+ # top-level OU has at least one event; for all other OUs we assume
+ # they inherit from a parent OU if they have no events.
+ count(Events) > 0
+ LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
+ LastEvent.NewValue != "false"
+NonCompliantOUs6_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage6_1(GetFriendlyValue6_1(canHideGroups))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ GroupsEnabled(OU)
+ canHideGroups := settings.groups_for_business_groups_sharing.ownersCanHideGroups
+ canHideGroups != false
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId6_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
+ "ActualValue":"No relevant event in the current logs",
+ "RequirementMet": DefaultSafe,
+ "NoSuchEvent": true
+if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ DefaultSafe := true
+ not Check6_1_OK
+tests contains {
+ "PolicyId": GroupsId6_1,
+ "Criticality": "Shall",
+ "ReportDetails":utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs6_1, []),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs6_1},
+ "RequirementMet": Status,
+ "NoSuchEvent": false
+if {
+ Check6_1_OK
+ Status := count(NonCompliantOUs6_1) == 0
diff --git a/rego/Meet.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Meet.rego
similarity index 52%
rename from rego/Meet.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Meet.rego
index f0728c5b..9f6db45f 100644
--- a/rego/Meet.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Meet.rego
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
package meet
-import data.utils
import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.GetFriendlyEnabledValue
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+MeetEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "meet", orgunit)
LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("meet_logs")
@@ -10,22 +14,40 @@ LogEvents := utils.GetEvents("meet_logs")
-# Baseline GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.MEET.1.1
+MeetId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.MEET.1.1")
+LogMessage1_1 := "SafetyDomainLockProto users_allowed_to_join"
+Check1_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check1_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage1_1(value) := sprintf("Who can join meetings is set to: %s",
+ [value])
GetFriendlyValue1_1(Value) := "all users (including users not signed in with a Google account)" if {
Value == "ALL"
+} else := "users in the same organization" if {
+} else := "logged in users" if {
+ Value == "LOGGED_IN"
} else := Value
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Who can join meetings is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyDomainLockProto users_allowed_to_join", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "ALL"
@@ -34,23 +56,30 @@ if {
NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Who can join meetings is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- SettingName := "SafetyDomainLockProto users_allowed_to_join"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, SettingName, Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage1_1, Group)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "ALL"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage1_1(GetFriendlyValue1_1(meetAccess))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ MeetEnabled(OU)
+ meetAccess := settings.meet_safety_domain.usersAllowedToJoin
+ not meetAccess in ["SAME_ORGANIZATION_ONLY", "LOGGED_IN"]
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId1_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event for the top-level OU in the current logs",
@@ -58,13 +87,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyDomainLockProto users_allowed_to_join", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check1_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId1_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
@@ -72,8 +101,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyDomainLockProto users_allowed_to_join", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check1_1_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -84,22 +112,40 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.MEET.2.1
-GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) := "any meetings, including meetings created with personal accounts" if {
+MeetId2_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.MEET.2.1")
+LogMessage2_1 := "SafetyAccessLockProto meetings_allowed_to_join"
+Check2_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check2_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage2_1(value) := sprintf("What meetings can users join is set to: %s",
+ [value])
+GetFriendlyValue2_1(Value) := "any meetings (including meetings created with personal accounts)" if {
Value == "ALL"
+} else := "meetings hosted by the same organization" if {
+} else := "meetings hosted by any workspace organization" if {
} else := Value
NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "What meetings can org users join is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyAccessLockProto meetings_allowed_to_join", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "ALL"
@@ -108,23 +154,30 @@ if {
NonCompliantGroups2_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "What meetings can org users join is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- SettingName := "SafetyAccessLockProto meetings_allowed_to_join"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, SettingName, Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage2_1, Group)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "ALL"
+NonCompliantOUs2_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage2_1(GetFriendlyValue2_1(meetAccess))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ MeetEnabled(OU)
+ meetAccess := settings.meet_safety_access.meetingsAllowedToJoin
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId2_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -132,23 +185,24 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyAccessLockProto meetings_allowed_to_join", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check2_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.2.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId2_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs2_1, NonCompliantGroups2_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_1},
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs2_1,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups2_1},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyAccessLockProto meetings_allowed_to_join", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups2_1) == 0}
+ Check2_1_OK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs2_1) == 0,
+ count(NonCompliantGroups2_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -158,22 +212,32 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.MEET.3.1
-GetFriendlyValue3_1(Value) := "off" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+MeetId3_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.MEET.3.1")
+LogMessage3_1 := "SafetyModerationLockProto host_management_enabled"
+Check3_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check3_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage3_1(value) := sprintf("Host management when video calls start is: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Host management when video calls start is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyModerationLockProto host_management_enabled", OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
@@ -182,23 +246,30 @@ if {
NonCompliantGroups3_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Host management when video calls start is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue3_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- SettingName := "SafetyModerationLockProto host_management_enabled"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, SettingName, Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage3_1, Group)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs3_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage3_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(hostMgt))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ MeetEnabled(OU)
+ hostMgt := settings.meet_safety_host_management.enableHostManagement
+ hostMgt != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId3_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -206,22 +277,23 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyModerationLockProto host_management_enabled", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check3_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.3.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId3_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
- "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1, NonCompliantGroups3_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups3_1},
+ "ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs3_1,
+ NonCompliantGroups3_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs3_1,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups3_1},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, "SafetyModerationLockProto host_management_enabled", utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check3_1_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs3_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups3_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -232,23 +304,34 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.MEET.4.1
-GetFriendlyValue4_1(Value) := "no warning label" if {
- Value == "false"
-} else := Value
+MeetId4_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.MEET.4.1")
+LogMessage4_1 := concat("", ["Warn for external participants External or ",
+ "unidentified participants in a meeting are ",
+ "given a label"])
+Check4_1_OK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+Check4_1_OK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+NonComplianceMessage4_1(value) := sprintf("Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is: %s",
+ [value])
NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
- SettingName := "Warn for external participants External or unidentified participants in a meeting are given a label"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, OU)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, OU)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
@@ -257,23 +340,30 @@ if {
NonCompliantGroups4_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": concat(" ", [
- "Warning label for external or unidentified meeting participants is set to",
- GetFriendlyValue4_1(LastEvent.NewValue)
- ])
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(LastEvent.NewValue))
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
- SettingName := "Warn for external participants External or unidentified participants in a meeting are given a label"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, SettingName, Group)
+ Events := utils.FilterEventsGroup(LogEvents, LogMessage4_1, Group)
count(Events) > 0
LastEvent := utils.GetLastEvent(Events)
LastEvent.NewValue == "false"
+NonCompliantOUs4_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": NonComplianceMessage4_1(GetFriendlyEnabledValue(extWarn))
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ MeetEnabled(OU)
+ extWarn := settings.meet_safety_external_participants.enableExternalLabel
+ extWarn != true
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId4_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -281,14 +371,13 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := true
- SettingName := "Warn for external participants External or unidentified participants in a meeting are given a label"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not Check4_1_OK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.4.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId4_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs4_1, NonCompliantGroups4_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs4_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups4_1},
@@ -296,9 +385,7 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- SettingName := "Warn for external participants External or unidentified participants in a meeting are given a label"
- Events := utils.FilterEventsOU(LogEvents, SettingName, utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
+ Check4_1_OK
Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs4_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups4_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
@@ -309,8 +396,11 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.MEET.5.1
+MeetId5_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.MEET.5.1")
NonCompliantOUs5_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
"Value": "Users can receive calls from anyone"
@@ -338,7 +428,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -353,7 +443,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.MEET.5.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": MeetId5_1,
"Criticality": "Shall",
"ReportDetails": utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs5_1, NonCompliantGroups5_1),
"ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs5_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups5_1},
diff --git a/rego/Rules.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Rules.rego
similarity index 98%
rename from rego/Rules.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Rules.rego
index 9bc82cd8..eb85e395 100644
--- a/rego/Rules.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Rules.rego
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rules
import future.keywords
+import data.utils
FilterAlertsEvents(RuleName) := FilteredEvents if
@@ -344,9 +345,12 @@ EmailOnlyRules := {
# This pair of tests handles all of the above rules with alert center actions
+CommonControlsId13_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1")
tests contains {
"Requirement": Rule.RuleName,
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId13_1,
"Criticality": Rule.Criticality,
"ReportDetails": Rule.Details,
"ActualValue": Events,
@@ -361,7 +365,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
"Requirement": Rule.RuleName,
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId13_1,
"Criticality": Rule.Criticality,
"ReportDetails": Rule.Details,
"ActualValue": Events,
@@ -382,7 +386,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
"Requirement": Rule.RuleName,
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId13_1,
"Criticality": Rule.Criticality,
"ReportDetails": Rule.Details,
"ActualValue": Events,
@@ -397,7 +401,7 @@ if {
tests contains {
"Requirement": Rule.RuleName,
- "PolicyId": "GWS.COMMONCONTROLS.13.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": CommonControlsId13_1,
"Criticality": Rule.Criticality,
"ReportDetails": Rule.Details,
"ActualValue": Events,
@@ -414,4 +418,4 @@ if {
contains(LastEvent.Change, "receivers changed from NULL to")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rego/Sites.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Sites.rego
similarity index 72%
rename from rego/Sites.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Sites.rego
index 75f42a78..c9640e64 100644
--- a/rego/Sites.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Sites.rego
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package sites
-import data.utils
import future.keywords
+import data.utils
+import data.utils.PolicyApiInUse
+SitesEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "sites", orgunit)
FilterEventsOU(OrgUnit) := FilteredEvents if {
# If there exists at least the root OU and 1 more OU
@@ -70,12 +73,15 @@ if {
-# Baseline GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3
+# Baseline GWS.SITES.1.1
+ServiceStatusOnMessage := "Service status for Sites is ON."
NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
"Name": OU,
- "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."
+ "Value": ServiceStatusOnMessage
} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some OU in utils.OUsWithEvents
Events := FilterEventsOU(OU)
# Ignore OUs without any events. We're already asserting that the
@@ -89,8 +95,9 @@ NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
"Name": Group,
- "Value": "Service status for Sites is ON."
+ "Value": ServiceStatusOnMessage
} if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
some Group in utils.GroupsWithEvents
Events := FilterEventsGroup(Group)
# Ignore Groups without any events.
@@ -100,8 +107,29 @@ NonCompliantGroups1_1 contains {
LastEvent.NewValue != "INHERIT_FROM_PARENT"
+NonCompliantOUs1_1 contains {
+ "Name": OU,
+ "Value": ServiceStatusOnMessage
+} if {
+ some OU, settings in input.policies
+ SitesEnabled(OU)
+# This check is done a few times below. It's True if either the policy API
+# is in use or there is at least one event returned for the top-level orgunit.
+CheckOK if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
+ events := FilterEventsOU(utils.TopLevelOU)
+ count(events) > 0
+CheckOK if {PolicyApiInUse}
+SitesId1_1 := utils.PolicyIdWithSuffix("GWS.SITES.1.1")
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": SitesId1_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
"ReportDetails": utils.NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, utils.TopLevelOU),
"ActualValue": "No relevant event in the current logs",
@@ -109,23 +137,25 @@ tests contains {
"NoSuchEvent": true
if {
+ not PolicyApiInUse
DefaultSafe := false
- Events := FilterEventsOU(utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) == 0
+ not CheckOK
tests contains {
- "PolicyId": "GWS.SITES.1.1v0.3",
+ "PolicyId": SitesId1_1,
"Criticality": "Should",
- "ReportDetails":utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1, NonCompliantGroups1_1),
- "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1, "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
+ "ReportDetails":utils.ReportDetails(NonCompliantOUs1_1,
+ NonCompliantGroups1_1),
+ "ActualValue": {"NonCompliantOUs": NonCompliantOUs1_1,
+ "NonCompliantGroups": NonCompliantGroups1_1},
"RequirementMet": Status,
"NoSuchEvent": false
if {
- Events := FilterEventsOU(utils.TopLevelOU)
- count(Events) > 0
- Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0, count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0}
+ CheckOK
+ Conditions := {count(NonCompliantOUs1_1) == 0,
+ count(NonCompliantGroups1_1) == 0}
Status := (false in Conditions) == false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rego/Utils.rego b/scubagoggles/rego/Utils.rego
similarity index 63%
rename from rego/Utils.rego
rename to scubagoggles/rego/Utils.rego
index eb00bcbb..333a41b8 100644
--- a/rego/Utils.rego
+++ b/scubagoggles/rego/Utils.rego
@@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
package utils
import future.keywords
+# This is for use in versioning the baseline policy identifiers. Because all
+# policy identifiers have the same baseline version suffix, it makes sense
+# to define the version once here, so it only has to be changed once. The
+# policy identifiers are created with the PolicyIdWithSuffix() function.
+# The baseline version suffix value is included by the Orchestrator in the
+# input data for normal policy evaluation. For testing, the version suffix
+# is not required in the input data, as the default will be used and the
+# results are only processed by OPA (and not the Reporter, which WILL look
+# for matches between policy IDs in the Markdown and OPA results).
+default BaseVersionSuffix := "vM.m"
+BaseVersionSuffix := input.baseline_suffix if {
+ "baseline_suffix" in object.keys(input)}
+PolicyIdWithSuffix(PolicyIdPrefix) := sprintf("%s%s",
+ [PolicyIdPrefix,
+ BaseVersionSuffix])
NoSuchEventDetails(DefaultSafe, TopLevelOU) := Message if {
DefaultSafe == true
Message := concat("", [
@@ -47,39 +67,18 @@ ReportDetailsBoolean(true) := "Requirement met."
ReportDetailsBoolean(false) := "Requirement not met."
-ReportDetailsDetailedOU(_, NonCompOUs) := "Requirement met in all OUs." if {
- count(NonCompOUs) == 0
+EnumOUSettings(NonCompOUs) := NonCompliantMessage("OUs", NonCompOUs)
-# Create a html formatted list detailing the settings for each OU
-# - NonCompOUs: a set of dicts, each with a "Name" and "Value" fields
-EnumOUSettings(NonCompOUs) := concat("", [
- "The following OUs are non-compliant:",
- "",
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- OU.Name,
- ": ",
- OU.Value,
- "
- ]) | some OU in NonCompOUs]),
- "
-# Create a html formatted list detailing the settings for each group
-# - NonCompGroups: a set of dicts, each with a "Name" and "Value" fields
-EnumGroupSettings(NonCompGroups) := concat("", [
- "The following groups are non-compliant:",
- "",
- concat("", [concat("", [
- "- ",
- Group.Name,
- ": ",
- Group.Value,
- "
- ]) | some Group in NonCompGroups]),
- "
+EnumGroupSettings(NonCompGroups) := NonCompliantMessage("groups", NonCompGroups)
+# Create a html formatted list detailing the settings for each OU/group
+# - Listing: a set of dicts, each with a "Name" and "Value" fields
+NonCompliantMessage(GroupsOrOU, Listing) := message if {
+ items := [concat("", ["", item.Name, ": ", item.Value, ""])
+ | some item in Listing]
+ message := sprintf("The following %s are non-compliant:",
+ [GroupsOrOU, concat("", items)])
ReportDetails(NonCompOUs, NonCompGroups) := Description if {
count(NonCompOUs) > 0
@@ -102,10 +101,12 @@ ReportDetails(NonCompOUs, NonCompGroups) := Description if {
Description := EnumGroupSettings(NonCompGroups)
+RequirementsMetMessage := "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
ReportDetails(NonCompOUs, NonCompGroups) := Description if {
count(NonCompOUs) == 0
count(NonCompGroups) == 0
- Description := "Requirement met in all OUs and groups."
+ Description := RequirementsMetMessage
OUsWithEvents contains OrgUnit if {
@@ -416,4 +417,150 @@ GetEvents(LogName) := Events if {
# Returns all conditions that match passed value (true/false)
# Commonly used for OR/Any conditions
-FilterArray(Conditions, Boolean) := [Condition | some Condition in Conditions; Condition == Boolean]
\ No newline at end of file
+FilterArray(Conditions, Boolean) := [Condition | some Condition in Conditions; Condition == Boolean]
+# Use GetApiSettingValue() when you need to determine for a "sub" orgunit
+# (not the top-level orgunit) the current setting value. It may be set
+# explicitly in the orgunit, but it may be inherited from the top-level
+# orgunit. This function handles both cases. The ApiSettingExists() is
+# a helper function that indicates whether a setting is present in the given
+# orgunit. All settings MUST be present in the top-level orgunit.
+ApiSettingExists(Section, Setting, OU) := true if {
+ OUSettings := input.policies[OU]
+ Section in object.keys(OUSettings)
+ Setting in object.keys(OUSettings[Section])
+} else := false
+GetApiSettingValue(Section, Setting, OU) := Value if {
+ not ApiSettingExists(Section, Setting, OU)
+ topOUSettings := input.policies[TopLevelOU]
+ Value := topOUSettings[Section][Setting]
+GetApiSettingValue(Section, Setting, OU) := Value if {
+ OUSettings := input.policies[OU]
+ Value := OUSettings[Section][Setting]
+# The following functions are intended for use in testing the Scubagoggles
+# Rego modules.
+PassTestResult(PolicyId, Output) := TestResult(PolicyId,
+ Output,
+ RequirementsMetMessage,
+ true)
+PassTestResultWithMessage(PolicyId, Output, Message) := TestResult(PolicyId,
+ Output,
+ Message,
+ true)
+FailTestResult(PolicyId, Output, FailMessage) := TestResult(PolicyId,
+ Output,
+ FailMessage,
+ false)
+FailTestNoEvent(PolicyId, Output, TopOU, defaultOK) := true if {
+ RuleOutput := FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output)
+ RuleOutput.RequirementMet == defaultOK
+ RuleOutput.NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput.ReportDetails == NoSuchEventDetails(defaultOK, TopOU)
+} else := false
+FailTestGroupNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, Listing) if {
+ RuleOutput := FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output)
+ not RuleOutput.RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput.NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput.ReportDetails == EnumGroupSettings(Listing)
+} else := false
+FailTestOUNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, Listing) if {
+ RuleOutput := FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output)
+ not RuleOutput.RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput.NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput.ReportDetails == EnumOUSettings(Listing)
+} else := false
+FailTestNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, Message) if {
+ RuleOutput := FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output)
+ not RuleOutput.RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput.NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput.ReportDetails == Message
+} else := false
+FailTestBothNonCompliant(PolicyId, Output, OUListing, GroupListing) if {
+ RuleOutput := FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output)
+ not RuleOutput.RequirementMet
+ not RuleOutput.NoSuchEvent
+ RuleOutput.ReportDetails == sprintf("%s
+ [EnumOUSettings(OUListing),
+ EnumGroupSettings(GroupListing)])
+} else := false
+TestResult(PolicyId, Output, ReportDetailString, RequirementMet) := true if {
+ RuleOutput := FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output)
+ RuleOutput.RequirementMet == RequirementMet
+ EventsOK(RuleOutput)
+ RuleOutput.ReportDetails == ReportDetailString
+} else := false
+FindTestOutput(PolicyId, Output) := RuleOutput if {
+ RulesOutput := [Result | some Result in Output; Result.PolicyId == PolicyId]
+ count(RulesOutput) == 1
+ RuleOutput := RulesOutput[0]
+EventsOK(RuleOutput) if {
+ PolicyApiInUse
+} else if {
+ not RuleOutput.NoSuchEvent
+} else := false
+default PolicyApiInUse := false
+PolicyApiInUse if {"policies" in object.keys(input)}
+# The function you should use to determine the enabled state is AppEnabled().
+# AppDisabled() only checks whether the orgunit has an explicit disabled
+# state - if it doesn't have an explicit state setting, it'll inherit
+# the setting from the top orgunit. Use AppEnabled() and NOT AppDisabled()!
+# Use it like this, for example (with Chat):
+# ChatEnabled(orgunit) := utils.AppEnabled(input.policies, "chat", orgunit)
+# (you have to make sure the service status name is "chat_service_status" in
+# the policies input data).
+AppDisabled(policies, serviceStatusName, orgunit) if {
+ appState := policies[orgunit][serviceStatusName].serviceState
+ upper(appState) == "DISABLED"
+default AppEnabled(_, _, _) := false
+AppServiceStatusName(appName) := sprintf("%s_service_status", [appName])
+AppEnabled(policies, appName, orgunit) if {
+ serviceStatusName := AppServiceStatusName(appName)
+ appState := policies[orgunit][serviceStatusName].serviceState
+ upper(appState) == "ENABLED"
+AppEnabled(policies, appName, orgunit) if {
+ serviceStatusName := AppServiceStatusName(appName)
+ not AppDisabled(policies, serviceStatusName, orgunit)
+ appState := policies[TopLevelOU][serviceStatusName].serviceState
+ upper(appState) == "ENABLED"
+# There are a lot of policies that have enabled/disabled states. The states
+# (values) in the log events are strings ("true", "false), while the states
+# in the Policy API are booleans (true, false). This is a common function
+# to translate the states to "enabled"/"disabled".
+GetFriendlyEnabledValue(Value) := "enabled" if {
+ Value in {true, "true"}
+} else := "disabled" if {
+ Value in {false, "false"}
+} else := Value
diff --git a/scubagoggles/reporter/FrontPageReport/FrontPageReportTemplate.html b/scubagoggles/reporter/FrontPageReport/FrontPageReportTemplate.html
index 303a66ef..6667705c 100644
--- a/scubagoggles/reporter/FrontPageReport/FrontPageReportTemplate.html
+++ b/scubagoggles/reporter/FrontPageReport/FrontPageReportTemplate.html
@@ -17,12 +17,11 @@
SCuBA GWS Secure Configuration Baseline Reports