Using SpringBoot to retrieve files from FTP server, scheduled, configurable, and proxy friendly
this project is inspired by the SpringXD module
, which is using Spring Integration FTPinbound-apapter
. But the problem for this adapter is:
- it is using Apache Commons Net FTPClient, and this FTPCllient is not compatible with HTTP Proxy
- It is not a standalone application
- It is not well done with duplicate files
while this application:
- using FTPHTTPClient
- record every downloaded file with its name and last modified date
- using Spring Boot as deployment tool, thus is compatible with lots circumstances.
- Apache Commons Net FTPClient and FTPHTTPClient
- Spring Boot
- Spring Task
- Spring JDBC
- Maven (if you want, add gradle as you like)
- Apache Commons IO
- H2 database
- Apache commons IO FilenameUtils Wildcard match
this project added maven wrapper inside, but i haven't test it... I suggest you to install Maven locally
mvn install
to list all dependencies
mvn package
to get the runnable jar
file which is in target
whatever... I am not a maven expert...