- Support for quadratic 10-node tetrahedra elements (TETRA10)
- Support and document use of ParOSol solver
- Boundary tolerance parameter to mesh2tetrafe function
- plot field mid-planes with Paraview
- BCs as in Cox et. al 2022. “Heterogeneous Tissue Modulus Improved Prediction of Mechanical Behavior in Osteoporotic Vertebral Cancellous Bone.”
- voxel uFE with heterogeneous material mapping
- fix voxel and tetraFE models flippedlr
- packaging
- allow usage of ciclope as a script and as module:
- voxelFE: vol2ugrid (in meshio format!)
- voxelFE: mesh2voxelFE
- rerun jupyter notebooks
- upload LHDL reproduction dataset to Zenodo or github
- ethics LHDL dataset
- single trabecula test dataset upload Tests:
- preprocess.remove_unconnected
- voxelFE.vol2ugrid
- voxelFE.mesh2voxelfe
- tetraFE.shell_mesh
- tetraFE.cgal_mesh
- tetraFE.mesh2tetrafe
- everything with
- comment FULL notebooks
- Read The Docs page
sphinx-build -nW --keep-going -b html docs/ docs/_build/html
- import documentation
- clean API reference
- clean notebooks Examples
- usage
- FE model generation - analysis definition
- BCs
- FE model generation - material mapping
- add refs to material heterogeneity
- add E=f(GV) explanation and plotting
- as a module - ciclope.methods
- voxelFE: material mapping
- tetraFE: material mapping
- post-processing of results
- PARAVIEW plot midplanes
- as a script
- prefect flow
- FE model generation - analysis definition
- add package to ORMIR packages
- add picture of CT 2 FE
pipeline - Ex01 and Ex02 from JCW_2022 notebook pipelines (voxel and tetra)
- add installation notes 2 readme
- link to CalculiX examples
- add caps
- write midplanes images (.PNG)
- 3D dataset embedding
- analysis template write with parameter substitution (driving node coordinates)
- merge
- Center Of Mass
- periosteum mask
- purge_mesh
- endosteum contour
- cortical bone mask
- Field mid-planes plotting with PARAVIEW
- CalculiX postprocessing
- process CalculiX output with
- produce Force displacement plot with
- Paraview midplane plots
export PYTHONPATH="/home/gianthk/Applications/ParaView-5.9.0-RC1-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/lib:/home/gianthk/Applications/ParaView-5.9.0-RC1-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/lib/python3.8/site-packages"```
- convergence plots with
- process CalculiX output with
- ex01: material property mapping with voxel-uFE
- GV -> BMD -> E
- ex03: material property mapping with tetra-FE
- plot displacement field midplanes with paraview
- rescale U3 to reach 2 kN
- comment NB
- multi-material tetrahedra-FE (tooth+embedding)
- Example prefect pipeline
- launch pipeline from master CSV table
- ciclope voxelFE pipeline
- execute calculix
- multiple load configurations
- (comp, tens, shear, torsion, bending)
- read input_template params from table (e.g. different displ amplitude)
- Example postprocessing of results
- steel caps
- embedding
- check bone mass after material mapping vs ashing data