- 16-bit big-endian architecture
- 32-bit instructions (16-bit opcode, 16-bit data); this means that every instruction is 4 bytes for easy alignment
- No direct ops on memory
- 16 general-purpose registers R1-R16
- Byte: 8-bit data object
- Word: 16-bit data object
- byte 0: opcode
- byte 1: register on which to operate
- bytes 2, 3: data/address
- Any unused bytes should be set to 0x00
- Comments started by ; and extend to end-of-line
- Multiline comments are therefore just a block of comment lines
- Comments may NOT occur on the same line as any code or label
- Labels
- Format: label_name ":" new_line
- Valid characters: [
] (corresponds to Python re's '\w
' sequence)
- Numerical base prefixes
- Decimal: no prefix (default)
- Ranges:
- Unsigned: 0--65535
- Signed: (-32768--+32767)
- Ranges:
- Binary: '0b' -> '0bnnnnnnnn' represents a byte in binary
- Hexadecimal: '0x' -> '0xhh' represents a byte in hex
- Hex values may be given as one byte (0xhh) or two (0xhhhh)
- Decimal: no prefix (default)
- Register names must be prefixed with 'R'
- e.g. R1 means register 1
- All registers are assumed to be given in decimal, i.e. tenth register (decimal) is R10, not RA; eleventh register is R11, not RB, etc.
- Flags register PS
- 8 bits: ---- NVZC
- N: Negative
- 1 if most-significant bit of destination register set by operation
- 0 if most-significant bit of destination register cleared by operation
- V: oVerflow
- Signed overflow occurred
- If we have A + B = C, V is set when:
- A < 0, B < 0, C > 0
- MSB of A set
- MSB of B set
- MSB of C cleared
- A > 0, B > 0, C < 0
- MSB of A cleared
- MSB of B cleared
- MSB of C set
- A < 0, B < 0, C > 0
- If we have A - B = C, V is set when:
- A > 0, B < 0, C < 0
- MSB of A cleared
- MSB of B set
- MSB of C set
- A < 0, B > 0, C > 0
- MSB of A set
- MSB of B cleared
- MSB of C cleared
- A > 0, B < 0, C < 0
- And cleared otherwise
- If we have A + B = C, V is set when:
- Signed overflow occurred
- Z: Zero
- 1 if last operation set destination register to zero
- 0 if last operation set destination register to non-zero
- C: Carry
- Unsigned overflow occurred
- ~C before operation: result is less than initial values
- C before operation: result
- Comparisons: destination register (first operand of pseudo-subtraction) greater than source (second operand of pseudo-subtraction)
- Unsigned overflow occurred
- N: Negative
- 8 bits: ---- NVZC
- Stack Pointer SP
- Stack: memory 0x0000--0x0200
- Begins at 0x0200 and grows towards 0x0000
- The contents of any GPR R1--R16 may be pushed onto the stack; stack values may likewise be popped off and stored in any of the GPRs
- Stack overflow exceptions cause immediate halt of emulator and dump of the machine state: registers, memory, flags
- 0x00: Load immediate word into register (LDI)
- Syntax: 0x00 <dest_reg>
- Example: LDI R1 4
- Load immediate 0x0004 into R1
- 0x01: Load word from register into register (LDR)
- Syntax: 0x01 <dest_reg> <src_reg>
- Example: LDR R1 R2
- Load the contents of R2 into R1
- 0x02: Load word from memory into register (LDM)
- Syntax: 0x02 <dest_reg>
- Example: LDM R1 0xbeef
- Load the word beginning at memory address 0xbeef into R1
- Example: LDM R1 [R2]
- Load into R1 the word beginning at the address stored in R2
- Address is given as the register number, for the machine to compute at runtime
- 0x03: Load byte from memory into register (LDBM)
- Syntax: 0x03 <dest_reg>
- Example: LDBM R1 0x0500
- Load the byte at 0x0500 into R1
- Example: LDBM R1 [R2]
- Load into R1 the byte at the address stored in R2
- 0x10: Store word from register into memory (ST)
- Syntax: 0x10 <src_reg>
- Example: ST R1 0xabcd
- Store the word in R1 at memory location 0xabcd
- 0x11: Store high byte from register into memory (STH)
- Syntax: 0x11 <src_reg>
- Example: STH R3 0x1234
- Store the high byte of R3 at memory location 0x1234
- 0x12: Store low byte from register into memory (STL)
- Syntax: 0x12 <src_reg>
- Example: STL R4 0x5678
- Store the low byte of R4 at memory location 0x5678
- 0x20: Compare register with register (CMR)
- Syntax: 0x20 <dest_reg> <src_reg>
- Example: CMR R1 R2
- Compare the contents of R1 with the contents of R2
- 0x21: Compare register with immediate word (CMI)
- Syntax: 0x21
- Example: CMI R1 5
- Compare the contents of R1 to 0x05
- All jump instructions may take a raw address or a label (see JZ examples)
- 0x30: Jump if zero (JZ)
- Syntax: 0x30
- Example 1: JZ 0x1234
- If the zero bit is 1, jump to memory location 0x1234 and continue execution
- Example 2: JZ done
- Assuming 'done' is a valid previously-defined label, if the zero bit is 1, jump to the memory location associated with the label 'done'
- 0x31: Jump if not zero (JNZ)
- Syntax: 0x31
- Example: JNZ 0x2400
- If the zero bit is 0, jump to memory location 0x2400 and continue execution
- 0x32: Jump if carry (JC)
- Syntax: 0x32
- Example 1: JC 0x2255
- If the carry bit is 1, jump to memory location 0x2255 and continue execution
- 0x33: Jump if no carry (JNC)
- Syntax: 0x33
- Example: JNC 0x57ab
- If the carry bit is 0, jump to memory location 0x57ab and continue execution
- 0x34: Jump if negative (JN)
- Syntax: 0x34
- Example: JN 0x7890
- If the sign bit is 1, jump to memory location 0x7890 and continue execution
- 0x35: Jump if positive (JP)
- Syntax: 0x35
- Example: JP 0x02ab
- If the sign bit is 0, jump to memory location 0x02ab and continue execution
- 0x36: Jump if overflow (JV)
- Syntax: 0x36
- Example: JV 0x1234
- If the overflow bit is 1, jump to memory location 0x1234 and continue execution
- 0x37: Jump if no overflow (JNV)
- Syntax: 0x37
- Example: JNV 0x0x0300
- If the overflow bit is 0, jump to memory location 0x0300 and continue execution
- 0x38: Jump always (JMP)
- Syntax: 0x38
- Example: JMP 0x1234
- Unconditionally jump to memory location 0x1234 and continue execution
- 0x39: Jump to Subroutine (JSR)
- Syntax: 0x39
- Example: JSR putchar
- Save to the stack the address of the instruction after the JSR, then jump to the subroutine named “putchar”
- 0x40: Add immediate word to register (ADDI)
- Syntax: 0x40 <dest_reg>
- Example: ADDI R1 0x0a
- Add 0xa to the contents of R1
- 0x41: Add register word to register (ADDR)
- Syntax: 0x41 <dest_reg> <src_reg>
- Example: ADDR R1 R2
- Add the contents of R2 to the contents of R1 and store in R1
- 0x42: Increment (INC)
- Syntax: 0x42
- Example: INC R3
- Increment (add one) to the value in R3
- 0x43: Subtract immediate word from register (SUBI)
- Syntax: 0x43
- Example: SUBI R3 5
- Subtract 0x5 from the value in R3
- 0x44: Subtract register word from register (SUBR)
- Syntax: 0x44 <dest_reg> <src_reg>
- Example: SUBR R3 R7
- Subtract the contents of R7 from the contents of R3 and store in R3
- 0x45: Decrement (DEC)
- Syntax: 0x45
- Example: DEC R8
- Decrement (subtract one from) the value in R8
- 0xE0: Push contents of a single register onto the stack (PUSH)
- Syntax: 0xE0 0x01 0x00 0x00
- Example: PUSH R1
- Push the contents of R1 onto the stack and decrement SP
- Raises “stack overflow” exception if SP == 0x0000 before PUSH
- 0xE1: Pop value off the stack and store in a register (POP)
- Syntax: 0xE1 0x03 0x00 0x00
- Example: POP R3
- Pop the top value V off the stack, store V in R3, and increment SP
- Raises “stack empty” exception if SP == 0x0200 before POP
- 0xE2: Return from Subroutine (RTS)
- Syntax: 0xE2 0x00 0x00 0x00
- Example: RTS
- Pop the top value off the stack, using it to set the program counter. Assumes the value on the top of the stack is the address of an instruction following a JSR. Fails if the top value is a value in the range [0x00000, 0x1ffe], which is stack space, or the value is not divisible by 4, which is a misaligned address for code.
- 0xFE: HALT
- Syntax: 0xFE 0xFF 0xFE 0xFF
- Example: HALT
- Stop program execution
- 0xFF: NOP
- Syntax: 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
- Example: NOP
- Do nothing until the next instruction cycle