Get to know each other
Compare and contrast DynamoDB data modeling to relational data modeling
Describe the importance of partitioning in DynamoDB
Think of an online multiplayer game.
What are some "entities" involved? |
What are some access patterns? |
Suppose we want to query for all the usernames of users in a particular game.
Star Schema | Pros | Cons |
Entity | Partition Key (a.k.a. HASH) | Sort Key (a.k.a. RANGE) |
User |
Game |
UserGameMapping |
Query multiple entities in one request to one table
resp = dynamodb.query(
KeyConditionExpression="PK = :pk AND SK BETWEEN :placeholder AND :users",
":pk": { "S": "GAME#{}".format(game_id) },
":placeholder": { "S": "#PLACEHOLDER#{}".format(game_id) },
":users": { "S": "USER$" },
What are 3 things you learned?
What are 2 things you found interesting?
What’s 1 question you still have?
Get to know each other
Describe the importance of partitioning in DynamoDB
Compare and contrast DynamoDB data modeling to relational data modeling