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File metadata and controls

136 lines (102 loc) · 4.88 KB



  1. port:port? docker run -p [HOST_PORT]:[CONTAINER_PORT] [IMAGE] Ref:
    • After setting up port forwarding, any request sent to port 3000 on the host machine is automatically forwarded to port 3000 in the container.
    • Best Practices for Port Forwarding
      1. Choose Non-Standard Host Ports: Avoid using common ports on the host to reduce security risks and conflicts.
      2. Consistency in Development and Production: Keep port mappings consistent across development and production environments for simplicity.
      3. Document Port Mappings: Maintain clear documentation of which host ports map to which container ports.

Why does postgres need to set different ports?

  • 5432 in HOST_PORT has been mapped to postgres in local host.
  • So, if we keep using 5432, it will access to postgres in local machine when we use Postico.
  1. what does depends_on do? Doc:
    • docker-compose up starts services in dependency order. In the following example, db and redis are started before web.
    • docker-compose up SERVICE automatically includes SERVICE's dependencies. In the example below, docker-compose up web also creates and starts db and redis.
    • docker-compose stop stops services in dependency order. In the following example, web is stopped before db and redis.
  1. How to run & map multiple containers
  1. How to persist data when the container is killed. (Study volumes)

Scattered note

  • if you add the -d flag, it runs the containers in the background, detached from the terminal, and you won't see the container logs in your terminal.

Basic command

$ docker build . % docker image ls % docker build . --tag hero_api:latest

$ docker exec -it <container_name> bash

  • access into the container

% docker logs -ft <container_name>

  • check the log in the docker

$ docker system prune

  • delete all container

$ docker rm <container_name>

  • delete a container

About PostgreSQL in container

$ docker run --name postgres-123 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hahow_project -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=hahow_project -p 1311:5432 -d postgres:latest

% docker inspect -f '{{range .Config.Env}}{{println .}}{{end}}' <container_name>

  • Check the log in container

$ docker exec -it postgres-123 psql -U postgres

  • get into container and access to postgres server.

docker push

  1. tag the image
  • d tag hero_api-app chunhao1811/hero_api-app
  • d push chunhao1811/hero_api-app
  • docker tag firstimage YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME/firstimage
  • docker push YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME/firstimage

About K8S brew install minikube

minikube start minikube status

kubectl depends on minikube So, brew install minikube, it also downloads kubectl kubectl get node

  • db-config.yml

  • db-secret.yml

  • db.yml



  • It is a good practice to set the labels for the pods
    • { app: service_application_name }
  (base) c.huang@MAC-TW0024 k8s-in-1-hour % kubectl apply -f mongo-secret.yaml 
secret/mongo-secret created
(base) c.huang@MAC-TW0024 k8s-in-1-hour % kubectl apply -f mongo-config.yaml 
configmap/mongo-config created
(base) c.huang@MAC-TW0024 k8s-in-1-hour % kubectl apply -f mongo.yaml       
deployment.apps/mongo-deployment created
service/mongo-service created

service -> Pod Alt text

minikube cli: start up/delete the cluster kubectl cli: configure the Minikube cluster pod is the abstraction of container

In postgres pod k exec -it pod/postgres-6798dc8575-t5f5n -- /bin/bash psql -U c.huang -d hahow_project_dev

app-data-source.ts host should align to service name in postgres.yaml

Open the tunnel for the pod m service apiapp-service ref: