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235 lines (193 loc) · 9.14 KB

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235 lines (193 loc) · 9.14 KB


Code for our EACL-2021 paper "Generating Syntactically Controlled Paraphrases without Using Annotated Parallel Pairs".

If you find that the code is useful in your research, please consider citing our paper.

    author    = {Kuan-Hao Huang and Kai-Wei Chang},
    title     = {Generating Syntactically Controlled Paraphrases without Using Annotated Parallel Pairs},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)},
    year      = {2021},


  • Python=3.7.10
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Pretrained Models


Docker Image

Add your AWS region and account to the .ENV file in the root directory and export the variables with the following command.

export $(cat .env | xargs)
# Authenticate Docker to an Amazon ECR registry
aws ecr get-login-password --region $REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $DOCKER_REG.dkr.ecr.$

# Loging to your private Amazon ECR registry
aws ecr get-login-password --region $REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$

Don't forget to create an access key for the AWC CLI.

Now build the Docker image and push it to the Amazon ECR registry.

docker build -t synpg .
# Create the AWS ECR repository
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name synpg

# Tag the image
docker tag synpg:latest $ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$

# Push the tagged image to the AWS ECR repository
docker push $ACCOUNT.dkr.ecr.$

Model Artifacts

Download pretrained SynPG or Pretrained SynPG-Large as well as pretrained parse generator, and put them to ./model

Run the following command to create a compressed file with the model artifacts and upload it to your Amazon S3 bucket.

tar -czvf artifacts/model.tar.gz code/ -C model/ .

This creates the file model.tar.gz with all the model artifacts from ./model and the ./code directory, which is the desired structure for SageMaker, then located in opt/ml/model/.

Make sure to create a role in the AWS Console, which has the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket and the SageMaker service. When creating the model in the AWS Console, specify the following tags:

Key Values for MXNet and PyTorch Values TensorFlow
SAGEMAKER_SUBMIT_DIRECTORY /opt/ml/model/code /opt/ml/model/code
MMS_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT 500 Leave this field blank

Replace <your region> with the appropriate region for your use case.

Deployment and Inference

To deploy the model, you can either use the AWS Console and create an Endpoint yourself or see check out the Jupyter Notebook synpg-aws-serverless-inference.ipynb in the notebooks directory.


python \
    --synpg_model_path ./model/ \
    --pg_model_path ./model/ \
    --input_path ./demo/input.txt \
    --output_path ./demo/output.txt \
    --bpe_codes_path ./data/ \
    --bpe_vocab_path ./data/vocab.txt \
    --bpe_vocab_thresh 50 \
    --dictionary_path ./data/dictionary.pkl \
    --max_sent_len 40 \
    --max_tmpl_len 100 \
    --max_synt_len 160 \
    --temp 0.5 \
    --seed 0


  • Download data and put them under ./data/
  • Download glove.840B.300d.txt and put it under ./data/
  • Run scripts/ or the following command to train SynPG
python \
    --model_dir ./model \
    --output_dir ./output \
    --bpe_codes_path ./data/ \
    --bpe_vocab_path ./data/vocab.txt \
    --bpe_vocab_thresh 50 \
    --dictionary_path ./data/dictionary.pkl \
    --train_data_path ./data/train_data.h5 \
    --valid_data_path ./data/valid_data.h5 \
    --emb_path ./data/glove.840B.300d.txt \
    --max_sent_len 40 \
    --max_synt_len 160 \
    --word_dropout 0.4 \
    --n_epoch 5 \
    --batch_size 64 \
    --lr 1e-4 \
    --weight_decay 1e-5 \
    --log_interval 250 \
    --gen_interval 5000 \
    --save_interval 10000 \
    --temp 0.5 \
    --seed 0
  • Run scripts/ or the following command to train the parse generator
python \
    --model_dir ./model \
    --output_dir ./output_pg \
    --dictionary_path ./data/dictionary.pkl \
    --train_data_path ./data/train_data.h5 \
    --valid_data_path ./data/valid_data.h5 \
    --max_sent_len 40 \
    --max_tmpl_len 100 \
    --max_synt_len 160 \
    --word_dropout 0.2 \
    --n_epoch 5 \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --lr 1e-4 \
    --weight_decay 1e-5 \
    --log_interval 250 \
    --gen_interval 5000 \
    --save_interval 10000 \
    --temp 0.5 \
    --seed 0


  • Download testing data and put them under ./data/
  • Run scripts/ or the following command to evaluate SynPG
python \
  --test_data ./data/test_data_mrpc.h5 \
  --dictionary_path ./data/dictionary.pkl \
  --model_path ./model/ \
  --output_dir ./eval/ \
  --bpe_codes ./data/ \
  --bpe_vocab ./data/vocab.txt \
  --bpe_vocab_thresh 50 \
  --max_sent_len 40 \
  --max_synt_len 160 \
  --word_dropout 0.0 \
  --batch_size 64 \
  --temp 0.5 \
  --seed 0 \

python --ref ./eval/target_sents.txt --input ./eval/outputs.txt

The BLEU scores should be similar to the following.

SynPG 26.2 27.3 33.2
SynPG-Large 36.2 27.1 34.7


One main advantage of SynPG is that SynPG learns the paraphrase generation model without using any paraphrase pairs. Therefore, it is possible to fine-tune SynPG with the texts (without using the ground truth paraphrases) in the target domain when those texts are available. This fine-tuning step would significantly improve the quality of paraphrase generation in the target domain, as shown in our paper.

  • Download testing data and put them under ./data/
  • Run scripts/ or the following command to finetune SynPG
python \
  --model_dir ./model_finetune \
  --model_path ./model/ \
  --output_dir ./output_finetune \
  --bpe_codes_path ./data/ \
  --bpe_vocab_path ./data/vocab.txt \
  --bpe_vocab_thresh 50 \
  --dictionary_path ./data/dictionary.pkl \
  --train_data_path ./data/test_data_mrpc.h5 \
  --valid_data_path ./data/test_data_mrpc.h5 \
  --max_sent_len 40 \
  --max_synt_len 160 \
  --word_dropout 0.4 \
  --n_epoch 50 \
  --batch_size 64 \
  --lr 1e-4 \
  --weight_decay 1e-5 \
  --log_interval 250 \
  --gen_interval 5000 \
  --save_interval 10000 \
  --temp 0.5 \
  --seed 0

We can observe the significant improvement on BLEU scores from the table below.

SynPG 26.2 27.3 33.2
SynPG-Large 36.2 27.1 34.7
SynPG-Fine-Tune 48.7 37.7 49.8


Kuan-Hao Huang / @ej0cl6