This operator builds a publisher that wraps the upstream single publisher in a Foundation Operation:
let operationQueue = OperationQueue()
let upstreamPublisher = ... // some single publisher
let publisher = upstreamPublisher.asOperation(in: operationQueue)
let publisher = upstreamPublisher.asOperation(in: operationQueue, queuePriority: .normal)
See TraitPublishers.AsOperation.
Use these operators for internal sanity checks, when you want to make sure that a publisher follows the rules of the single, maybe, or immediate trait.
The returned publisher raises a fatal error, in both development/testing and shipping versions of code, whenever the upstream publisher fails to follow the rules.
For example:
/// Publishes exactly one name
func namePublisher() -> AnySinglePublisher<String, Error> {
See SinglePublisher, MaybePublisher, ImmediatePublisher.
Use these operators instead of eraseToAnyPublisher()
when you want to expose a single, maybe, or immediate guarantee.
For example:
/// Publishes exactly one name
func namePublisher() -> AnySinglePublisher<String, Error> {
/* some single publisher */.eraseToAnySinglePublisher()
/// Maybe publishes a name
func namePublisher() -> AnyMaybePublisher<String, Error> {O
/* some maybe publisher */.eraseToAnyMaybePublisher()
See SinglePublisher, MaybePublisher, ImmediatePublisher.
Those methods subscribe to a maybe or single publisher, and let it proceed to completion, but do not report eventual element or completion.
See TraitPublishers.PreventCancellation.
This operator creates a Foundation Operation that wraps an upstream publisher.
The publisher is subscribed when the operation starts, and the operation completes when the uptream publisher completes.
let publisher = ... // some single publisher
let operation = publisher.makeOperation()
let queue = OperationQueue()
This operator on a single or maybe publisher makes sure it proceeds to completion, even if a subscription is cancelled and its output is eventually ignored.
let upstreamPublisher = ... // some maybe or single publisher
let publisher = upstreamPublisher.preventCancellation()
See TraitPublishers.PreventCancellation.
Use this operator in order to turn a maybe publisher into a single publisher that fails when the upstream maybe is empty.
/// Maybe publishes a name
func nameMaybePublisher() -> AnyMaybePublisher<String, Never> { ... }
/// Publishes exactly one name, or an error
func nameSinglePublisher() -> AnySinglePublisher<String, Error> {
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.replaceEmpty(withError: MissingNameError())
See SinglePublisher, MaybePublisher.
Use these operators when you are sure that a publisher follows the rules of the single, maybe, or immediate trait.
For example:
// CORRECT: those publish exactly one value, or an error.
[1, 2].publisher.prefix(1).uncheckedSingle()
// WRONG: does not publish any value
// WRONG: publishes more than one value
[1, 2].publisher.uncheckedSingle()
// WRONG: does not publish exactly one value, or an error
// WARNING: may not publish exactly one value, or an error
The consequences of using those operators on a publisher that does not follow the rules are undefined.
See SinglePublisher, MaybePublisher, ImmediatePublisher.
This operator builds a single publisher out of a collection of single publishers:
let collection = [
let publisher = collection.zipSingle()