diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index db99c111..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-@description ReaClassical S-D Editing Tools
-@author chmaha
-@version 1.0pre0902
- Initial release of just the editing functions from ReaClassical
- [main] RCEditing_Add Destination IN marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Add Destination OUT Marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Add Source IN marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Add Source OUT marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Delete All S-D markers.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Prepare Takes.lua
- [main] RCEditing_S-D Edit.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Delete Leaving Silence.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Delete With Ripple.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Insert with timestretching.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Preferences.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Move to Destination IN marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Move to Destination OUT marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Move to Source IN marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Move to Source OUT marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Zoom to Destination IN marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Zoom to Destination OUT marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Zoom to Source IN marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Zoom to Source OUT marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_3-point Insert Edit.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Set Dest Project Marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Set Source Project Marker.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Source Markers to Item Edge.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Destination Markers to Item Edge.lua
- [main] RCEditing_Delete S-D Project Markers.lua
- These functions provide everything you need for professional source-destination editing in REAPER.
- For a more complete editing, mixing and mastering solution for classical and other acoustic music, please see https://reaclassical.org
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_3-point Insert Edit.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_3-point Insert Edit.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6310e2cb..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_3-point Insert Edit.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, select_matching_folder, split_at_dest_in, create_crossfades, clean_up
-local lock_items, unlock_items, ripple_lock_mode, create_dest_in, return_xfade_length, xfade
-local get_first_last_items, mark_as_edit
-local copy_source, move_to_project_tab, save_last_assembly_item
-local load_last_assembly_item, find_second_folder_track
-local check_overlapping_items, count_selected_media_items, get_selected_media_item_at
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- PreventUIRefresh(1)
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- Main_OnCommand(41121, 0) -- Options: Disable trim content behind media items when editing
- local group_state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if group_state ~= 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Enable item grouping
- end
- local proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, _, _, _, _, source_count, pos_table, _ = markers()
- if proj_marker_count == 1 then
- MB("Only one S-D project marker was found."
- .. "\nUse zero for regular single project S-D editing"
- .. "\nor use two for multi-tab S-D editing.", "Assembly Line Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- if proj_marker_count == -1 then
- MB(
- "Source or destination markers should be paired with the corresponding source " ..
- "or destination project marker.",
- "Multi-tab Assembly Line Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- ripple_lock_mode()
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- if dest_in == 1 and source_count == 2 then
- local last_saved_item = load_last_assembly_item()
- if last_saved_item then
- local item_start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(last_saved_item, "D_POSITION")
- local item_length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(last_saved_item, "D_LENGTH")
- local item_right_edge = item_start + item_length
- local dest_in_pos = pos_table[1]
- local threshold = 0.0001
- if math.abs(item_right_edge - dest_in_pos) > threshold then
- local input = MB(
- "The DEST-IN marker has been moved since the last assembly line edit.\n" ..
- "Do you want to start a new edit sequence?\n" ..
- "Answering \"No\" will move the DEST-IN marker back to the previous item edge.",
- "Assembly Line Edit", 3)
- if input == 2 then
- return
- elseif input == 7 then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, item_right_edge, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23, 203, 223) |
- 0x1000000)
- end
- end
- end
- lock_items()
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- local stored_view = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SAVEVIEW")
- Main_OnCommand(stored_view, 0)
- local stored_curpos = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_SAVE_CURSOR_POS_SLOT_1")
- Main_OnCommand(stored_curpos, 0)
- local _, is_selected = copy_source()
- if is_selected == false then
- clean_up(is_selected, proj_marker_count)
- return
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- Remove time selection
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- split_at_dest_in()
- if workflow == "Horizontal" then
- Main_OnCommand(40311, 0) -- Set ripple-all-tracks
- else
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Set ripple-per-track
- end
- local paste = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_AWPASTE")
- Main_OnCommand(paste, 0) -- SWS_AWPASTE
- mark_as_edit()
- unlock_items()
- local cur_pos, new_last_item = create_crossfades()
- save_last_assembly_item(new_last_item)
- clean_up(is_selected, proj_marker_count)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Toggle ripple editing per-track
- create_dest_in(cur_pos)
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- local restore_view = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_RESTOREVIEW")
- Main_OnCommand(restore_view, 0)
- local restore_curpos = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_RESTORE_CURSOR_POS_SLOT_1")
- Main_OnCommand(restore_curpos, 0)
- else
- MB(
- "Please add 3 valid source-destination markers: DEST-IN, SOURCE-IN and SOURCE-OUT"
- , "Assembly Line Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- Undo_EndBlock('VERTICAL One-Window S-D Editing', 0)
- PreventUIRefresh(-1)
- UpdateArrange()
- UpdateTimeline()
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function select_matching_folder()
- local cursor = GetCursorPosition()
- local marker_id, _ = GetLastMarkerAndCurRegion(0, cursor)
- local _, _, _, _, label, _, _ = EnumProjectMarkers3(0, marker_id)
- local folder_number = tonumber(string.match(label, "(%d*):SOURCE*"))
- for i = 0, CountTracks(0) - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") == folder_number then
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(track)
- break
- end
- end
-function copy_source()
- local is_selected = true
- local focus = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND")
- Main_OnCommand(focus, 0) -- BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND
- --Main_OnCommand(40311, 0) -- Set ripple-all-tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
- select_matching_folder()
- local left_overlap = check_overlapping_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
- local right_overlap = check_overlapping_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- local start_time, end_time = GetSet_LoopTimeRange2(0, false, false, 0, 0, false)
- local sel_length = end_time - start_time
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- local selected_items = count_selected_media_items()
- if left_overlap then
- local first_item = get_selected_media_item_at(0)
- SetMediaItemSelected(first_item, false)
- selected_items = selected_items - 1
- end
- if right_overlap then
- local last_item = get_selected_media_item_at(selected_items - 1)
- SetMediaItemSelected(last_item, false)
- selected_items = selected_items - 1
- end
- if selected_items == 0 then
- is_selected = false
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- Main_OnCommand(41383, 0) -- Edit: Copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- return sel_length, is_selected
-function split_at_dest_in()
- Main_OnCommand(40927, 0) -- Options: Enable auto-crossfade on split
- Main_OnCommand(40939, 0) -- Track: Select track 01
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- local selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- Main_OnCommand(40912, 0) -- Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split (OFF)
- if selected_items > 0 then
- Main_OnCommand(40186, 0) -- Item: Split items at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping)
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
-function create_crossfades()
- local first_sel_item, last_sel_item = get_first_last_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- SetMediaItemSelected(first_sel_item, true)
- Main_OnCommand(41173, 0) -- Item navigation: Move cursor to start of items
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- local xfade_len = return_xfade_length()
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.0001, false)
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- SetMediaItemSelected(last_sel_item, true)
- Main_OnCommand(41174, 0) -- Item navigation: Move cursor to end of items
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- Main_OnCommand(41311, 0) -- Item edit: Trim right edge of item to edit cursor
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.0001, false)
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40912, 0) -- Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split (OFF)
- return cur_pos, last_sel_item
-function clean_up(is_selected, proj_marker_count)
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- Time Selection: Remove time selection and loop point selection
- if is_selected then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- end
- if proj_marker_count ~= 2 then
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false)
- end
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false)
- i = i + 1
- end
- else
- unlock_items()
- MB("Please make sure there is material to copy between your source markers...",
- "Assembly Line Edit", 0)
- end
-function lock_items()
- local second_folder_track = find_second_folder_track()
- if second_folder_track == nil then
- return
- end
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for track_idx = second_folder_track, total_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- local num_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- for item_idx = 0, num_items - 1 do
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(track, item_idx)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 1)
- end
- end
-function unlock_items()
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 0)
- end
-function ripple_lock_mode()
- local _, original_ripple_lock_mode = get_config_var_string("ripplelockmode")
- original_ripple_lock_mode = tonumber(original_ripple_lock_mode)
- if original_ripple_lock_mode ~= 2 then
- SNM_SetIntConfigVar("ripplelockmode", 2)
- end
-function create_dest_in(cur_pos)
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos, false, false)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, cur_pos, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23, 203, 223) | 0x1000000)
-function return_xfade_length()
- local xfade_len = 0.035
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[1] then xfade_len = table[1] / 1000 end
- end
- return xfade_len
-function xfade(xfade_len)
- local select_items = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40916, 0) -- Item: Crossfade items within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove time selection
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
-function get_first_last_items()
- local num_of_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- local first_sel_item
- local last_sel_item
- for i = 0, num_of_items - 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- local track = GetMediaItem_Track(item)
- local track_num = GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- if track_num == 1 then
- if not first_sel_item then
- first_sel_item = item
- end
- last_sel_item = item
- end
- end
- return first_sel_item, last_sel_item
-function mark_as_edit()
- local selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, selected_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- GetSetMediaItemInfo_String(item, "P_EXT:SD", "y", 1)
- end
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
-function save_last_assembly_item(item)
- local item_guid = BR_GetMediaItemGUID(item)
- SetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "LastAssemblyItem", item_guid)
-function load_last_assembly_item()
- local _, item_guid = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "LastAssemblyItem")
- local item = BR_GetMediaItemByGUID(0, item_guid)
- return item
-function find_second_folder_track()
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- local folder_count = 0
- for track_idx = 0, total_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- local folder_depth = GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH")
- if folder_depth == 1 then
- folder_count = folder_count + 1
- if folder_count == 2 then
- return track_idx
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
-function check_overlapping_items()
- local track = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0)
- if not track then
- ShowMessageBox("No track selected!", "Error", 0)
- return
- end
- local cursor_pos = GetCursorPosition()
- local num_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- local overlapping = false
- for i = 0, num_items - 1 do
- local item1 = GetTrackMediaItem(track, i)
- local start1 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item1, "D_POSITION")
- local length1 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item1, "D_LENGTH")
- local end1 = start1 + length1
- if cursor_pos >= start1 and cursor_pos <= end1 then
- for j = i + 1, num_items - 1 do
- local item2 = GetTrackMediaItem(track, j)
- local start2 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item2, "D_POSITION")
- if start2 < end1 and cursor_pos >= start2 then
- overlapping = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if overlapping then break end
- end
- return overlapping
-function count_selected_media_items()
- local selected_count = 0
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- if IsMediaItemSelected(item) then
- selected_count = selected_count + 1
- end
- end
- return selected_count
-function get_selected_media_item_at(index)
- local selected_count = 0
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- if IsMediaItemSelected(item) then
- if selected_count == index then
- return item
- end
- selected_count = selected_count + 1
- end
- end
- return nil
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Destination IN marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Destination IN marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1657bdb8..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Destination IN marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, edge_check, return_check_length
-function main()
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- local sdmousehover = 0
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[3] then sdmousehover = tonumber(table[3]) or 0 end
- end
- local cur_pos
- if sdmousehover == 1 then
- _, _, cur_pos = BR_TrackAtMouseCursor()
- else
- cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- end
- if cur_pos ~= -1 then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- if edge_check(cur_pos) == true then
- local response = MB(
- "The marker you are trying to add would either be on or close " ..
- "to an item edge or existing crossfade. Continue?",
- "Add Dest-IN Marker", 4)
- if response ~= 6 then return end
- end
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, cur_pos, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- end
-function edge_check(cur_pos)
- local num_of_items = 0
- local check_length = return_check_length()
- local first_track = GetTrack(0, 0)
- if first_track then num_of_items = CountTrackMediaItems(first_track) end
- local clash = false
- for i = 0, num_of_items - 1 do
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(first_track, i)
- local item_start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
- local item_fadein_len = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_FADEINLEN")
- local item_fadein_end = item_start + item_fadein_len
- if cur_pos > item_start and cur_pos < item_fadein_end + check_length then
- clash = true
- break
- end
- local item_length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH")
- local item_end = item_start + item_length
- local item_fadeout_len = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_FADEOUTLEN")
- local item_fadeout_start = item_end - item_fadeout_len
- if cur_pos > item_fadeout_start - check_length and cur_pos < item_end then
- clash = true
- break
- end
- end
- return clash
-function return_check_length()
- local check_length = 0.5
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[2] then check_length = table[2] / 1000 end
- end
- return check_length
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Destination OUT Marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Destination OUT Marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a7dbe5c0..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Destination OUT Marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, edge_check, return_check_length
-function main()
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- local sdmousehover = 0
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[3] then sdmousehover = tonumber(table[3]) or 0 end
- end
- local cur_pos
- if sdmousehover == 1 then
- _, _, cur_pos = BR_TrackAtMouseCursor()
- else
- cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- end
- if cur_pos ~= -1 then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- if edge_check(cur_pos) == true then
- local response = MB(
- "The marker you are trying to add would either be on or close to an item edge or crossfade. Continue?",
- "Add Dest-OUT Marker", 4)
- if response ~= 6 then return end
- end
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, cur_pos, 0, "DEST-OUT", 997, ColorToNative(23, 203, 223) | 0x1000000)
- end
-function edge_check(cur_pos)
- local num_of_items = 0
- local check_length = return_check_length()
- local first_track = GetTrack(0, 0)
- if first_track then num_of_items = CountTrackMediaItems(first_track) end
- local clash = false
- for i = 0, num_of_items - 1 do
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(first_track, i)
- local item_start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
- local item_fadein_len = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_FADEINLEN")
- local item_fadein_end = item_start + item_fadein_len
- if cur_pos > item_start - check_length and cur_pos < item_fadein_end then
- clash = true
- break
- end
- local item_length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH")
- local item_end = item_start + item_length
- local item_fadeout_len = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_FADEOUTLEN")
- local item_fadeout_start = item_end - item_fadeout_len
- if cur_pos > item_fadeout_start - check_length and cur_pos < item_end then
- clash = true
- break
- end
- end
- return clash
-function return_check_length()
- local check_length = 0.5
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[2] then check_length = table[2] / 1000 end
- end
- return check_length
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Source IN marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Source IN marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d28fab2..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Source IN marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, folder_check, get_track_number
-function main()
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- local sdmousehover = 0
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[3] then sdmousehover = tonumber(table[3]) or 0 end
- end
- local cur_pos, track
- if sdmousehover == 1 then
- track, _, cur_pos = BR_TrackAtMouseCursor()
- else
- cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- end
- if cur_pos ~= -1 then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- local track_number = math.floor(get_track_number(track))
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, cur_pos, 0, track_number .. ":SOURCE-IN", 998, ColorToNative(23, 223, 143) | 0x1000000)
- end
-function folder_check()
- local folders = 0
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for i = 0, total_tracks - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- folders = folders + 1
- end
- end
- return folders
-function get_track_number(track)
- if not track then track = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0) end
- if folder_check() == 0 or track == nil then
- return 1
- elseif GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- return GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- else
- local folder = GetParentTrack(track)
- return GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(folder, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- end
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Source OUT marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Source OUT marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d15a2a8..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Add Source OUT marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, folder_check, get_track_number
-function main()
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- local sdmousehover = 0
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[3] then sdmousehover = tonumber(table[3]) or 0 end
- end
- local cur_pos, track
- if sdmousehover == 1 then
- track, _, cur_pos = BR_TrackAtMouseCursor()
- else
- cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- end
- if cur_pos ~= -1 then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- local track_number = math.floor(get_track_number(track))
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, cur_pos, 0, track_number .. ":SOURCE-OUT", 999, ColorToNative(23, 223, 143) | 0x1000000)
- end
-function folder_check()
- local folders = 0
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for i = 0, total_tracks - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- folders = folders + 1
- end
- end
- return folders
-function get_track_number(track)
- if not track then track = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0) end
- if folder_check() == 0 or track == nil then
- return 1
- elseif GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- return GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- else
- local folder = GetParentTrack(track)
- return GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(folder, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- end
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete All S-D markers.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete All S-D markers.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fa6c24dc..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete All S-D markers.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main
-function main()
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete Leaving Silence.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete Leaving Silence.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 40832389..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete Leaving Silence.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, source_markers, select_matching_folder
-function main()
- PreventUIRefresh(1)
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- local group_state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if group_state ~= 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Enable item grouping
- end
- if source_markers() == 2 then
- local focus = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND")
- Main_OnCommand(focus, 0) -- BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Set ripple per-track
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
- select_matching_folder()
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- Main_OnCommand(41990, 0) -- Toggle ripple per-track (off)
- local delete = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_TSADEL")
- Main_OnCommand(delete, 0) -- XENAKIOS_TSADEL
- Main_OnCommand(40630, 0) -- Go to start of time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- Time Selection: Remove time selection and loop point selection
- DeleteProjectMarker(NULL, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(NULL, 999, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- Main_OnCommand(41990, 0) -- Toggle ripple per-track (on)
- else
- MB("Please use SOURCE-IN and SOURCE-OUT markers", "Delete Leaving Silence", 0)
- end
- Undo_EndBlock('Cut and Ripple', 0)
- PreventUIRefresh(-1)
- UpdateArrange()
- UpdateTimeline()
-function source_markers()
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(0)
- local exists = 0
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, _, _, label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers(i)
- if string.match(label, "%d+:SOURCE[-]IN") or string.match(label, "%d+:SOURCE[-]OUT") then
- exists = exists + 1
- end
- end
- return exists
-function select_matching_folder()
- local cursor = GetCursorPosition()
- local marker_id, _ = GetLastMarkerAndCurRegion(0, cursor)
- local _, _, _, _, label, _, _ = EnumProjectMarkers3(0, marker_id)
- local folder_number = tonumber(string.match(label, "(%d*):SOURCE*"))
- for i = 0, CountTracks(0) - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") == folder_number then
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(track)
- break
- end
- end
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete S-D Project Markers.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete S-D Project Markers.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b4b46fe..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete S-D Project Markers.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main
-function main()
- local i = 0;
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 1000, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 1001, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete With Ripple.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete With Ripple.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fb4efa60..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Delete With Ripple.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, source_markers, select_matching_folder, lock_items
-local unlock_items, ripple_lock_mode, return_xfade_length, xfade
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- PreventUIRefresh(1)
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- Main_OnCommand(40927, 0) -- Options: Enable auto-crossfade on split
- Main_OnCommand(41121,0) -- Options: Disable trim content behind media items when editing
- local group_state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if group_state ~= 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Enable item grouping
- end
- if source_markers() == 2 then
- ripple_lock_mode()
- local focus = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND")
- Main_OnCommand(focus, 0) -- BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
- lock_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- local folder = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0)
- if workflow == "Vertical" and GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(folder, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") == 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Set ripple-per-track
- else
- Main_OnCommand(40311, 0) -- Set ripple-all-tracks
- end
- local delete = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_TSADEL")
- Main_OnCommand(delete, 0) -- XENAKIOS_TSADEL
- Main_OnCommand(40630, 0) -- Go to start of time selection
- unlock_items()
- local xfade_len = return_xfade_length()
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len * 2, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- Main_OnCommand(40630, 0) -- Go to start of time selection
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- Time Selection: Remove time selection and loop point selection
- DeleteProjectMarker(NULL, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(NULL, 999, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Ripple per-track
- else
- MB("Please use SOURCE-IN and SOURCE-OUT markers", "Delete With Ripple", 0)
- end
- Undo_EndBlock('Cut and Ripple', 0)
- PreventUIRefresh(-1)
- UpdateArrange()
- UpdateTimeline()
-function source_markers()
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(0)
- local exists = 0
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, _, _, label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers(i)
- if string.match(label, "%d+:SOURCE[-]IN") or string.match(label, "%d+:SOURCE[-]OUT") then
- exists = exists + 1
- end
- end
- return exists
-function select_matching_folder()
- local cursor = GetCursorPosition()
- local marker_id, _ = GetLastMarkerAndCurRegion(0, cursor)
- local _, _, _, _, label, _, _ = EnumProjectMarkers3(0, marker_id)
- local folder_number = tonumber(string.match(label, "(%d*):SOURCE*"))
- for i = 0, CountTracks(0) - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") == folder_number then
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(track)
- break
- end
- end
-function lock_items()
- select_matching_folder()
- Main_OnCommand(40182, 0) -- select all items
- local select_children = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SELCHILDREN2")
- Main_OnCommand(select_children, 0) -- select children of folder
- local unselect_items = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_UNSELONTRACKS")
- Main_OnCommand(unselect_items, 0) -- unselect items in folder
- local unselect_children = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_UNSELCHILDREN")
- Main_OnCommand(unselect_children, 0) -- unselect children of folder
- local total_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 1)
- end
-function unlock_items()
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 0)
- end
-function ripple_lock_mode()
- local _, original_ripple_lock_mode = get_config_var_string("ripplelockmode")
- original_ripple_lock_mode = tonumber(original_ripple_lock_mode)
- if original_ripple_lock_mode ~= 2 then
- SNM_SetIntConfigVar("ripplelockmode", 2)
- end
-function return_xfade_length()
- local xfade_len = 0.035
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[1] then xfade_len = table[1] / 1000 end
- end
- return xfade_len
-function xfade(xfade_len)
- local select_items = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40916, 0) -- Item: Crossfade items within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove time selection
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Destination Markers to Item Edge.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Destination Markers to Item Edge.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d1414f10..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Destination Markers to Item Edge.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main
-function main()
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- local left_pos, right_pos, selected
- local start_time, end_time = GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, false, 0, 0, false)
- if start_time ~= end_time then
- left_pos = start_time
- right_pos = end_time
- else
- local parent_track = GetTrack(0, 0)
- selected = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- if selected == 0 then
- MB(
- "Please select one or more consecutive media items " ..
- "in the first folder or make a time selection before running the function.",
- "Destination Markers to Item Edge / Time Selection: Error", 0)
- return
- end
- local folder_tracks = {}
- local num_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for i = 0, num_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if i == 0 or GetParentTrack(track) == parent_track then
- table.insert(folder_tracks, track)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- for i = 0, selected - 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- local item_track = GetMediaItem_Track(item)
- local found = false
- for _, folder_track in ipairs(folder_tracks) do
- if item_track == folder_track then
- found = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- MB("Any selected items should be in the first folder.", "Error", 0)
- return
- end
- end
- -- Set marker positions
- local first_item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, 0)
- left_pos = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(first_item, "D_POSITION")
- local last_item
- if selected > 1 then
- last_item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, selected - 1)
- local start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(last_item, "D_POSITION")
- local length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(last_item, "D_LENGTH")
- right_pos = start + length
- else
- local length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(first_item, "D_LENGTH")
- right_pos = left_pos + length
- end
- end
- -- Remove old markers
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- -- add new markers
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, left_pos, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, right_pos, 0, "DEST-OUT", 997, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- Undo_EndBlock("Destination Markers to Item Edge", 0)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Insert with timestretching.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Insert with timestretching.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8baea2a6..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Insert with timestretching.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, select_matching_folder, copy_source, split_at_dest_in
-local create_crossfades, clean_up, lock_items, unlock_items, ripple_lock_mode
-local return_xfade_length, xfade, get_first_last_items, markers
-local mark_as_edit, move_to_project_tab, find_second_folder_track
-local check_overlapping_items, count_selected_media_items, get_selected_media_item_at
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- PreventUIRefresh(1)
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- ripple_lock_mode()
- Main_OnCommand(41121, 0) -- Options: Disable trim content behind media items when editing
- local group_state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if group_state ~= 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Enable item grouping
- end
- local proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, _, _, dest_count, _, _, source_count, _, _ = markers()
- if proj_marker_count == 1 then
- MB("Only one S-D project marker was found."
- .. "\nUse zero for regular single project S-D editing"
- .. "\nor use two for multi-tab S-D editing.", "Source-Destination Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- if proj_marker_count == -1 then
- MB(
- "Source or destination markers should be paired with the " ..
- "corresponding source or destination project marker.",
- "Multi-tab Source-Destination Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- if dest_count + source_count == 4 then
- local selected_items = {}
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- local xfade_len = return_xfade_length()
- local total_selected, parent_selected = copy_source(xfade_len)
- if total_selected == 0 then
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- Time Selection: Remove time selection and loop point selection
- unlock_items()
- MB("Please make sure there is material to copy between your source markers.",
- "Insert with timestretching", 0)
- return
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- remove time selection
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- lock_items()
- split_at_dest_in()
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 997, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- Main_OnCommand(40630, 0) -- Go to start of time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40309, 0) -- ripple off
- local delete = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_TSADEL")
- Main_OnCommand(delete, 0) -- Adaptive Delete
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- local state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if state == 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Options: Toggle item grouping and track media/razor edit grouping
- end
- if parent_selected > 1 then
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len * 15, false) -- move cursor back xfade length
- end
- Main_OnCommand(42398, 0) -- Item: Paste items/tracks
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
- if parent_selected > 1 then
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len * 15, false) -- move cursor back xfade length
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- for i = 0, total_selected - 1, 1 do
- selected_items[i] = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- local first_item = selected_items[0]
- local item_color = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(first_item, "I_CUSTOMCOLOR")
- for _, v in pairs(selected_items) do
- SetMediaItemSelected(v, true)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(v, "C_LOCK", 0)
- end
- if parent_selected == 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(41206, 0) -- Item: Move and stretch items to fit time selection
- else
- Main_OnCommand(40362, 0) -- glue items
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40511, 0) -- trim items left of cursor
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- Main_OnCommand(41206, 0) -- Item: Move and stretch items to fit time selection
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40032, 0) -- group selected items
- mark_as_edit()
- local num_of_selected = CountSelectedMediaItems()
- for i = 0, num_of_selected - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "I_CUSTOMCOLOR", item_color)
- end
- state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if state == 0 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Options: Toggle item grouping and track media/razor edit grouping
- end
- unlock_items()
- create_crossfades(xfade_len)
- clean_up(proj_marker_count)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Toggle ripple editing per-track
- else
- MB("Please add 4 markers: DEST-IN, DEST-OUT, SOURCE-IN and SOURCE-OUT",
- "Insert with timestretching",
- 0)
- end
- Undo_EndBlock('Insert with timestretching', 0)
- PreventUIRefresh(-1)
- UpdateArrange()
- UpdateTimeline()
-function select_matching_folder()
- local cursor = GetCursorPosition()
- local marker_id, _ = GetLastMarkerAndCurRegion(0, cursor)
- local _, _, _, _, label, _, _ = EnumProjectMarkers3(0, marker_id)
- local folder_number = tonumber(string.match(label, "(%d*):SOURCE*"))
- for i = 0, CountTracks(0) - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") == folder_number then
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(track)
- break
- end
- end
-function copy_source(xfade_len)
- local focus = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND")
- Main_OnCommand(focus, 0) -- BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND
- Main_OnCommand(40311, 0) -- Set ripple-all-tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
- select_matching_folder()
- local left_overlap = check_overlapping_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
- local right_overlap = check_overlapping_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- local parent_track_selected_items = count_selected_media_items()
- if left_overlap then
- local first_item = get_selected_media_item_at(0)
- SetMediaItemSelected(first_item, false)
- parent_track_selected_items = parent_track_selected_items - 1
- end
- if right_overlap then
- local last_item = get_selected_media_item_at(parent_track_selected_items - 1)
- SetMediaItemSelected(last_item, false)
- parent_track_selected_items = parent_track_selected_items - 1
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- if parent_track_selected_items > 1 then
- local loop_start, loop_end = GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, false, 0, 0, false)
- local new_loop_start = loop_start - (xfade_len * 15)
- GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, new_loop_start, loop_end, false)
- end
- local total_selected_items = count_selected_media_items()
- Main_OnCommand(41383, 0) -- Edit: Copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- return total_selected_items, parent_track_selected_items
-function split_at_dest_in()
- Main_OnCommand(40927, 0) -- Options: Enable auto-crossfade on split
- Main_OnCommand(40939, 0) -- Track: Select track 01
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- local selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- Main_OnCommand(40912, 0) -- Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split (OFF)
- if selected_items > 0 then
- Main_OnCommand(40186, 0) -- Item: Split items at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping)
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
-function create_crossfades(xfade_len)
- local first_sel_item, last_sel_item = get_first_last_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- SetMediaItemSelected(first_sel_item, true)
- Main_OnCommand(41173, 0) -- Item navigation: Move cursor to start of items
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.0001, false)
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- SetMediaItemSelected(last_sel_item, true)
- Main_OnCommand(41174, 0) -- Item navigation: Move cursor to end of items
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- Main_OnCommand(41311, 0) -- Item edit: Trim right edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.0001, false)
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40912, 0) -- Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split (OFF)
-function clean_up(proj_marker_count)
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- end
- if proj_marker_count ~= 2 then
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false)
- end
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false)
- i = i + 1
- end
-function lock_items()
- local second_folder_track = find_second_folder_track()
- if second_folder_track == nil then
- return
- end
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for track_idx = second_folder_track, total_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- local num_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- for item_idx = 0, num_items - 1 do
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(track, item_idx)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 1)
- end
- end
-function unlock_items()
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 0)
- end
-function ripple_lock_mode()
- local _, original_ripple_lock_mode = get_config_var_string("ripplelockmode")
- original_ripple_lock_mode = tonumber(original_ripple_lock_mode)
- if original_ripple_lock_mode ~= 2 then
- SNM_SetIntConfigVar("ripplelockmode", 2)
- end
-function return_xfade_length()
- local xfade_len = 0.035
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[1] then xfade_len = table[1] / 1000 end
- end
- return xfade_len
-function xfade(xfade_len)
- local select_items = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40916, 0) -- Item: Crossfade items within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove time selection
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
-function get_first_last_items()
- local num_of_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- local first_sel_item
- local last_sel_item
- for i = 0, num_of_items - 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- local track = GetMediaItem_Track(item)
- local track_num = GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- if track_num == 1 then
- if not first_sel_item then
- first_sel_item = item
- end
- last_sel_item = item
- end
- end
- return first_sel_item, last_sel_item
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function mark_as_edit()
- local selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, selected_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- GetSetMediaItemInfo_String(item, "P_EXT:SD", "y", 1)
- end
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
-function find_second_folder_track()
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- local folder_count = 0
- for track_idx = 0, total_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- local folder_depth = GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH")
- if folder_depth == 1 then
- folder_count = folder_count + 1
- if folder_count == 2 then
- return track_idx
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
-function check_overlapping_items()
- local track = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0)
- if not track then
- ShowMessageBox("No track selected!", "Error", 0)
- return
- end
- local cursor_pos = GetCursorPosition()
- local num_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- local overlapping = false
- for i = 0, num_items - 1 do
- local item1 = GetTrackMediaItem(track, i)
- local start1 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item1, "D_POSITION")
- local length1 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item1, "D_LENGTH")
- local end1 = start1 + length1
- if cursor_pos >= start1 and cursor_pos <= end1 then
- for j = i + 1, num_items - 1 do
- local item2 = GetTrackMediaItem(track, j)
- local start2 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item2, "D_POSITION")
- if start2 < end1 and cursor_pos >= start2 then
- overlapping = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if overlapping then break end
- end
- return overlapping
-function count_selected_media_items()
- local selected_count = 0
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- if IsMediaItemSelected(item) then
- selected_count = selected_count + 1
- end
- end
- return selected_count
-function get_selected_media_item_at(index)
- local selected_count = 0
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- if IsMediaItemSelected(item) then
- if selected_count == index then
- return item
- end
- selected_count = selected_count + 1
- end
- end
- return nil
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Destination IN marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Destination IN marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1df6f6..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Destination IN marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab
-function main()
- local _, _, dest_proj = markers()
- if dest_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Destination OUT marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Destination OUT marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab6cd04..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Destination OUT marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab
-function main()
- local _, _, dest_proj = markers()
- if dest_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 997, false)
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Source IN marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Source IN marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f2a2079a..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Source IN marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab
-function main()
- local _, source_proj = markers()
- if source_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Source OUT marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Source OUT marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e24543..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Move to Source OUT marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab
-function main()
- local _, source_proj = markers()
- if source_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Preferences.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Preferences.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d2c9e3ac..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Preferences.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, display_prefs, load_prefs, save_prefs, pref_check
-local default_values = '35,500,0'
-local NUM_OF_ENTRIES = select(2, default_values:gsub(",", ",")) + 1
-local labels = {
- 'S-D Crossfade length (ms)',
- 'S-D Marker Check (ms)',
- 'Add S-D Markers at Mouse Hover'
-function main()
- local pass
- local input
- repeat
- local ret
- ret, input = display_prefs()
- if not ret then return end
- if ret then pass = pref_check(input) end
- until pass
- save_prefs(input)
-function display_prefs()
- local saved = load_prefs(NUM_OF_ENTRIES)
- local input_labels = table.concat(labels, ',')
- local ret, input = GetUserInputs('ReaClassical S-D Editing Preferences', NUM_OF_ENTRIES, input_labels, saved)
- return ret, input
-function load_prefs()
- local _, saved = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if saved == "" then return default_values end
- local saved_entries = {}
- for entry in saved:gmatch('([^,]+)') do
- saved_entries[#saved_entries + 1] = entry
- end
- if #saved_entries < NUM_OF_ENTRIES then
- local i = 1
- for entry in default_values:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
- if i == #saved_entries + 1 then
- saved_entries[i] = entry
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- elseif #saved_entries > NUM_OF_ENTRIES then
- local j = 1
- for entry in default_values:gmatch("([^,]+)") do
- saved_entries[j] = entry
- j = j + 1
- end
- end
- saved = table.concat(saved_entries, ',')
- return saved
-function save_prefs(input)
- SetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences", input)
-function pref_check(input)
- local pass = true
- local table = {}
- local invalid_msg = ""
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]*)') do
- table[#table + 1] = entry
- if entry == "" or tonumber(entry) == nil or tonumber(entry) < 0 then
- pass = false
- invalid_msg = "Entries should not be strings or left empty."
- end
- end
- local binary_error_msg = ""
- -- separate check for binary options
- if #table == NUM_OF_ENTRIES then
- local num_3 = tonumber(table[3])
- if (num_3 and num_3 > 1) then
- binary_error_msg = "Mouse Hover option must be set to 0 or 1.\n"
- pass = false
- end
- end
- local error_msg = binary_error_msg .. invalid_msg
- if not pass then
- MB(error_msg, "Error", 0)
- end
- return pass
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Prepare Takes.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Prepare Takes.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e731a9..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Prepare Takes.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, shift, vertical_razor, horizontal_group
-local vertical_group, horizontal, vertical, copy_track_items
-local tracks_per_folder, empty_items_check, folder_check
-local trackname_check
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- local group_state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if group_state ~= 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Enable item grouping
- end
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- local start_time, end_time = GetSet_ArrangeView2(0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- SetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "arrangestarttime", start_time)
- SetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "arrangeendtime", end_time)
- local num_of_project_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- if num_of_project_items == 0 then
- MB("Please add your takes before running...", "Prepare Takes", 0)
- return
- end
- local empty_count = empty_items_check(num_of_project_items)
- if empty_count > 0 then
- MB("Error: Empty items found. Delete them to continue.", "Prepare Takes", 0)
- return
- end
- PreventUIRefresh(1)
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- for track_idx = 0, reaper.CountTracks(0) - 1 do
- local track = reaper.GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- for item_idx = 0, reaper.CountTrackMediaItems(track) - 1 do
- local item = reaper.GetTrackMediaItem(track, item_idx)
- reaper.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "I_GROUPID", 0)
- end
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40769, 0) -- Unselect (clear selection of) all tracks/items/envelope points
- local folders, tracks_per_group = folder_check()
- local total_tracks = folders * tracks_per_group
- local empty = false
- for i = 0, total_tracks - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1.0 then
- local items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- if items == 0 then
- for j = i + 1, i + 1 + tracks_per_group, 1 do
- local child_track = GetTrack(0, j)
- local child_items = CountTrackMediaItems(child_track)
- if child_items > 0 then
- empty = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local first_item = GetMediaItem(0, 0)
- local position = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(first_item, "D_POSITION")
- if position == 0.0 then
- shift()
- end
- if empty then
- local folder_size = tracks_per_folder()
- copy_track_items(folder_size, total_tracks)
- end
- if folders == 0 or folders == 1 then
- horizontal()
- else
- vertical()
- end
- local _, prev_start_time = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "arrangestarttime")
- local _, prev_end_time = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "arrangeendtime")
- GetSet_ArrangeView2(0, true, 0, 0, prev_start_time, prev_end_time)
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos, 0, 0)
- local scroll_up = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_TVPAGEHOME")
- Main_OnCommand(scroll_up, 0)
- SetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "arrangestarttime", "")
- SetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "arrangeendtime", "")
- if empty then
- MB(
- "Some folder tracks are empty. If the folders are not completely empty, items " ..
- "from first child tracks were copied to folder tracks and muted to act as guide tracks."
- , "Guide Tracks Created", 0)
- end
- Undo_EndBlock('Prepare Takes', 0)
- PreventUIRefresh(-1)
- UpdateArrange()
- UpdateTimeline()
-function shift()
- Main_OnCommand(40182, 0) -- select all items
- local nudge_right = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_NUDGESAMPLERIGHT")
- Main_OnCommand(nudge_right, 0) -- shift items by 1 sample to the right
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- unselect all items
-function vertical_razor()
- Main_OnCommand(40042, 0) -- Transport: Go to start of project
- local select_children = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SELCHILDREN2")
- Main_OnCommand(select_children, 0) -- Select child tracks
- Main_OnCommand(42579, 0) -- Track: Remove selected tracks from all track media/razor editing groups
- Main_OnCommand(42578, 0) -- Track: Create new track media/razor editing group from selected tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40421, 0) -- Item: Select all items in track
-function horizontal_group(string, group)
- if string == "horizontal" then
- Main_OnCommand(40296, 0) -- Track: Select all tracks
- else
- local select_children = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SELCHILDREN2")
- Main_OnCommand(select_children, 0) -- Select child tracks
- end
- local selected = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, 0)
- local start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(selected, "D_POSITION")
- local length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(selected, "D_LENGTH")
- SetEditCurPos(start + (length / 2), false, false) -- move to middle of item
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0) -- XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX
- local num_selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, num_selected_items - 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- if item then
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "I_GROUPID", group)
- end
- end
-function vertical_group(length, group)
- local track = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0)
- local item = AddMediaItemToTrack(track)
- SetMediaItemPosition(item, length + 1, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40417, 0) -- Item navigation: Select and move to next item
- repeat
- local selected = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, 0)
- local start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(selected, "D_POSITION")
- local item_length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(selected, "D_LENGTH")
- SetEditCurPos(start + (item_length / 2), false, false) -- move to middle of item
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0) -- XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX
- local num_selected_items = reaper.CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, num_selected_items - 1 do
- local selected_item = reaper.GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- if selected_item then
- reaper.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(selected_item, "I_GROUPID", group)
- end
- end
- group = group + 1
- Main_OnCommand(40417, 0) -- Item navigation: Select and move to next item
- until IsMediaItemSelected(item) == true
- DeleteTrackMediaItem(track, item)
- return group
-function horizontal()
- local length = GetProjectLength(0)
- local first_track = GetTrack(0, 0)
- local new_item = AddMediaItemToTrack(first_track)
- SetMediaItemPosition(new_item, length + 1, false)
- if first_track then
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(first_track) -- Select only the first track
- end
- SetEditCurPos(0, false, false)
- local workflow = "horizontal"
- local group = 1
- Main_OnCommand(40417, 0) -- Item navigation: Select and move to next item
- repeat
- horizontal_group(workflow, group)
- group = group + 1
- Main_OnCommand(40417, 0) -- Item navigation: Select and move to next item
- until IsMediaItemSelected(new_item) == true
- DeleteTrackMediaItem(first_track, new_item)
- SelectAllMediaItems(0, false)
- Main_OnCommand(42579, 0) -- Track: Remove selected tracks from all track media/razor editing groups
- Main_OnCommand(42578, 0) -- Track: Create new track media/razor editing group from selected tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40297, 0) -- Track: Unselect (clear selection of) all tracks
- SetEditCurPos(0, false, false)
-function vertical()
- local select_all_folders = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SELALLPARENTS")
- Main_OnCommand(select_all_folders, 0) -- select all folders
- local num_of_folders = CountSelectedTracks(0)
- local length = GetProjectLength(0)
- local first_track = GetTrack(0, 0)
- local new_item = AddMediaItemToTrack(first_track)
- SetMediaItemPosition(new_item, length + 1, false)
- local group = 1
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(first_track)
- SetEditCurPos(0, false, false)
- local workflow = "vertical"
- Main_OnCommand(40417, 0) -- Item navigation: Select and move to next item
- repeat
- horizontal_group(workflow, group)
- group = group + 1
- Main_OnCommand(40417, 0) -- Item navigation: Select and move to next item
- until IsMediaItemSelected(new_item) == true
- DeleteTrackMediaItem(first_track, new_item)
- local next_folder = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SELNEXTFOLDER")
- local start = 1
- start = 2
- Main_OnCommand(next_folder, 0) -- select next folder
- for _ = start, num_of_folders, 1 do
- vertical_razor()
- local next_group = vertical_group(length, group)
- Main_OnCommand(next_folder, 0) -- select next folder
- group = next_group
- end
- SelectAllMediaItems(0, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40297, 0) -- Track: Unselect (clear selection of) all tracks
- SetEditCurPos(0, false, false)
-function copy_track_items(folder_size, total_tracks)
- local pos = 0;
- for i = 1, total_tracks - 1, folder_size do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- local previous_track = GetTrack(0, i - 1)
- local count_items = CountTrackMediaItems(previous_track)
- if count_items > 0 then goto continue end -- guard clause for populated folder
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(track)
- local num_of_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- if num_of_items == 0 then goto continue end -- guard clause for empty first child
- for j = 0, num_of_items - 1 do
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(track, j)
- if j == 0 then
- pos = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
- end
- SetMediaItemSelected(item, 1)
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40698, 0) -- Edit: Copy items
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(previous_track)
- SetEditCurPos(pos, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(42398, 0) -- Item: Paste items/tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40719, 0) -- Item properties: Mute
- Main_OnCommand(40769, 0) -- Unselect (clear selection of) all tracks/items/envelope points
- ::continue::
- end
-function tracks_per_folder()
- local first_track = GetTrack(0, 0)
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(first_track)
- local select_children = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_SELCHILDREN2")
- Main_OnCommand(select_children, 0) -- SWS: Select children of selected folder track(s)
- local selected_tracks = CountSelectedTracks(0)
- Main_OnCommand(40297, 0) -- Track: Unselect (clear selection of) all tracks
- return selected_tracks
-function empty_items_check(num_of_items)
- local count = 0
- for i = 0, num_of_items - 1, 1 do
- local current_item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- local take = GetActiveTake(current_item)
- if not take then
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- return count
-function folder_check()
- local folders = 0
- local tracks_per_group = 1
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for i = 0, total_tracks - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- local _, mixer_state = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_EXT:mixer", "", 0)
- local _, aux_state = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_EXT:aux", "", 0)
- local _, submix_state = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_EXT:submix", "", 0)
- local _, rt_state = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_EXT:roomtone", "", 0)
- local _, ref_state = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_EXT:rcref", "", 0)
- local _, rcmaster_state = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_EXT:rcmaster", "", 0)
- local special_states = mixer_state == "y" or aux_state == "y" or submix_state == "y"
- or rt_state == "y" or ref_state == "y" or rcmaster_state == "y"
- local special_names = trackname_check(track, "^M:") or trackname_check(track, "^RCMASTER")
- or trackname_check(track, "^@") or trackname_check(track, "^#") or trackname_check(track, "^RoomTone")
- or trackname_check(track, "^REF")
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- folders = folders + 1
- elseif folders == 1 and not (special_states or special_names) then
- tracks_per_group = tracks_per_group + 1
- end
- end
- return folders, tracks_per_group, total_tracks
-function trackname_check(track, string)
- local _, trackname = GetSetMediaTrackInfo_String(track, "P_NAME", "", false)
- return string.find(trackname, string)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_S-D Edit.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_S-D Edit.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0887b4ec..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_S-D Edit.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,643 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, add_source_marker
-local get_track_length, select_matching_folder, copy_source, split_at_dest_in
-local create_crossfades, clean_up, lock_items, unlock_items
-local ripple_lock_mode, return_xfade_length, xfade
-local get_first_last_items, mark_as_edit
-local move_to_project_tab, find_second_folder_track
-local check_overlapping_items, count_selected_media_items, get_selected_media_item_at
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- PreventUIRefresh(1)
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- Main_OnCommand(41121,0) -- Options: Disable trim content behind media items when editing
- local group_state = GetToggleCommandState(1156)
- if group_state ~= 1 then
- Main_OnCommand(1156, 0) -- Enable item grouping
- end
- local proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count, source_in,
- source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number = markers()
- if proj_marker_count == 1 then
- MB("Only one S-D project marker was found."
- .. "\nUse zero for regular single project S-D editing"
- .. "\nor use two for multi-tab S-D editing.", "Source-Destination Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- if proj_marker_count == -1 or proj_marker_count == 1 then
- MB(
- "Source or destination markers should be paired with " ..
- "the corresponding source or destination project marker.",
- "Multi-tab Source-Destination Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- ripple_lock_mode()
- if dest_count + source_count == 3 and pos_table ~= nil then -- add one extra marker for 3-point editing
- local distance
- local pos
- if dest_in == 0 then
- pos = pos_table[2]
- distance = pos_table[4] - pos_table[3]
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, pos - distance, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- elseif dest_out == 0 then
- pos = pos_table[1]
- distance = pos_table[4] - pos_table[3]
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, pos + distance, 0, "DEST-OUT", 997, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- elseif source_in == 0 then
- pos = pos_table[4]
- distance = pos_table[1] - pos_table[2]
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- add_source_marker(pos, distance, track_number, "SOURCE-IN", 998)
- elseif source_out == 0 then
- pos = pos_table[3]
- distance = pos_table[2] - pos_table[1]
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- add_source_marker(pos, distance, track_number, "SOURCE-OUT", 999)
- end
- elseif dest_count == 1 and source_count == 1 then -- add two extra markers 2-point editing
- if dest_in == 1 and source_in == 1 then
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- local source_end
- if proj_marker_count == 2 then
- source_end = GetProjectLength(0)
- else
- source_end = get_track_length(track_number)
- end
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- add_source_marker(source_end, 0, track_number, "SOURCE-OUT", 999)
- local dest_end = GetProjectLength(0)
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, dest_end, 0, "DEST-OUT", 997, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- elseif dest_out == 1 and source_out == 1 then
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- add_source_marker(0, 0, track_number, "SOURCE-IN", 998)
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, 0, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- elseif source_in == 1 and dest_out == 1 then
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- local source_end
- if proj_marker_count == 2 then
- source_end = GetProjectLength(0)
- else
- source_end = get_track_length(track_number)
- end
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- add_source_marker(source_end, 0, track_number, "SOURCE-OUT", 999)
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, 0, 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- elseif source_out == 1 and dest_in == 1 then
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- add_source_marker(0, 0, track_number, "SOURCE-IN", 998)
- local dest_end = GetProjectLength(0)
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, dest_end, 0, "DEST-OUT", 997, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- end
- elseif source_count == 2 and dest_count == 0 and pos_table ~= nil and proj_marker_count == 0 then
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, pos_table[3], 0, "DEST-IN", 996, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, pos_table[4], 0, "DEST-OUT", 997, ColorToNative(23,203,223) | 0x1000000)
- end
- local _, _, _, _, _, new_dest_count, _, _, new_source_count, _, _ = markers()
- if new_dest_count + new_source_count == 4 then -- final check we actually have 4 S-D markers
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- lock_items()
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- local _, is_selected = copy_source()
- if is_selected == false then
- clean_up(is_selected, proj_marker_count, source_count, source_in, source_out)
- return
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- remove time selection
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- split_at_dest_in()
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 997, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- Main_OnCommand(40630, 0) -- Go to start of time selection
- if workflow == "Horizontal" then
- Main_OnCommand(40311, 0) -- Set ripple-all-tracks
- else
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Set ripple-per-track
- end
- local delete = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_TSADEL")
- Main_OnCommand(delete, 0) -- Adaptive Delete
- local paste = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_AWPASTE")
- Main_OnCommand(paste, 0) -- SWS_AWPASTE
- mark_as_edit()
- unlock_items()
- create_crossfades()
- clean_up(is_selected, proj_marker_count, source_count, source_in, source_out)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- Main_OnCommand(40310, 0) -- Toggle ripple editing per-track
- else
- MB(
- "Please add at least 2 valid source-destination markers: \n" ..
- "2-point edit: Either 1 DEST and 1 SOURCE marker (any combination) " ..
- "or both SOURCE markers (when not in multi-tab mode)\n" ..
- "3-point edit: Any combination of 3 markers \n 4-point edit: DEST-IN, DEST-OUT, SOURCE-IN and SOURCE-OUT"
- , "Source-Destination Edit", 0)
- return
- end
- Undo_EndBlock('S-D Edit', 0)
- PreventUIRefresh(-1)
- UpdateArrange()
- UpdateTimeline()
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function add_source_marker(pos, distance, track_number, label, num)
- DeleteProjectMarker(NULL, num, false)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, pos + distance, 0, track_number .. ":" .. label, num, ColorToNative(23, 223, 143) | 0x1000000)
-function get_track_length(track_number)
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_number)
- local num_of_items = GetTrackNumMediaItems(track)
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(track, num_of_items - 1)
- local item_pos = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
- local item_length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH")
- local end_of_track = item_pos + item_length
- return end_of_track
-function select_matching_folder()
- local cursor = GetCursorPosition()
- local marker_id, _ = GetLastMarkerAndCurRegion(0, cursor)
- local _, _, _, _, label, _, _ = EnumProjectMarkers3(0, marker_id)
- local folder_number = tonumber(string.match(label, "(%d*):SOURCE*"))
- for i = 0, CountTracks(0) - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") == folder_number then
- SetOnlyTrackSelected(track)
- break
- end
- end
-function copy_source()
- local is_selected = true
- local focus = NamedCommandLookup("_BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND")
- Main_OnCommand(focus, 0) -- BR_FOCUS_ARRANGE_WND
- Main_OnCommand(40311, 0) -- Set ripple-all-tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
- select_matching_folder()
- local left_overlap = check_overlapping_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time Selection: Set start point
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
- local right_overlap = check_overlapping_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time Selection: Set end point
- local start_time, end_time = GetSet_LoopTimeRange2(0, false, false, 0, 0, false)
- local sel_length = end_time - start_time
- Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection
- local selected_items = count_selected_media_items()
- if left_overlap then
- local first_item = get_selected_media_item_at(0)
- SetMediaItemSelected(first_item, false)
- selected_items = selected_items - 1
- end
- if right_overlap then
- local last_item = get_selected_media_item_at(selected_items - 1)
- SetMediaItemSelected(last_item, false)
- selected_items = selected_items - 1
- end
- if selected_items == 0 then
- is_selected = false
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item Grouping: Select all items in group(s)
- Main_OnCommand(41383, 0) -- Edit: Copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- return sel_length, is_selected
-function split_at_dest_in()
- Main_OnCommand(40769, 0) -- unselect all items/tracks etc
- Main_OnCommand(40927, 0) -- Options: Enable auto-crossfade on split
- Main_OnCommand(40939, 0) -- Track: Select track 01
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- local selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- Main_OnCommand(40912, 0) -- Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split (OFF)
- if selected_items > 0 then
- Main_OnCommand(40186, 0) -- Item: Split items at edit or play cursor (ignoring grouping)
- end
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
-function create_crossfades()
- local first_sel_item, last_sel_item = get_first_last_items()
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- SetMediaItemSelected(first_sel_item, true)
- Main_OnCommand(41173, 0) -- Item navigation: Move cursor to start of items
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- local xfade_len = return_xfade_length()
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.0001, false)
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Item: Unselect all items
- SetMediaItemSelected(last_sel_item, true)
- Main_OnCommand(41174, 0) -- Item navigation: Move cursor to end of items
- Main_OnCommand(40034, 0) -- Item grouping: Select all items in groups
- Main_OnCommand(41311, 0) -- Item edit: Trim right edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- local select_under = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_under, 0)
- if CountSelectedMediaItems(0) == 0 then return end
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(41305, 0) -- Item edit: Trim left edge of item to edit cursor
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.0001, false)
- xfade(xfade_len)
- Main_OnCommand(40912, 0) -- Options: Toggle auto-crossfade on split (OFF)
-function clean_up(is_selected, proj_marker_count, source_count, source_in, source_out)
- Main_OnCommand(40020, 0) -- Time Selection: Remove time selection and loop point selection
- if is_selected then
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- end
- if proj_marker_count ~= 2 then
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false)
- else
- if source_count == 1 then
- if source_in == 0 then
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false) -- Delete SOURCE-IN marker
- elseif source_out == 0 then
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false) -- Delete SOURCE-OUT marker
- end
- end
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 996, false) -- Delete DEST-IN marker
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 997, false) -- Delete DEST-OUT marker
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- else
- unlock_items()
- MB("Please make sure there is material to copy between your source markers...",
- "Source-Destination Edit", 0)
- end
-function lock_items()
- local second_folder_track = find_second_folder_track()
- if second_folder_track == nil then
- return
- end
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for track_idx = second_folder_track, total_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- local num_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- for item_idx = 0, num_items - 1 do
- local item = GetTrackMediaItem(track, item_idx)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 1)
- end
- end
-function unlock_items()
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "C_LOCK", 0)
- end
-function ripple_lock_mode()
- local _, original_ripple_lock_mode = get_config_var_string("ripplelockmode")
- original_ripple_lock_mode = tonumber(original_ripple_lock_mode)
- if original_ripple_lock_mode ~= 2 then
- SNM_SetIntConfigVar("ripplelockmode", 2)
- end
-function return_xfade_length()
- local xfade_len = 0.035
- local _, input = GetProjExtState(0, "ReaClassical S-D Editing", "Preferences")
- if input ~= "" then
- local table = {}
- for entry in input:gmatch('([^,]+)') do table[#table + 1] = entry end
- if table[1] then xfade_len = table[1] / 1000 end
- end
- return xfade_len
-function xfade(xfade_len)
- local select_items = NamedCommandLookup("_XENAKIOS_SELITEMSUNDEDCURSELTX")
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0) -- Xenakios/SWS: Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
- MoveEditCursor(-xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- MoveEditCursor(xfade_len, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- Main_OnCommand(40916, 0) -- Item: Crossfade items within time selection
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove time selection
- MoveEditCursor(0.001, false)
- Main_OnCommand(select_items, 0)
- MoveEditCursor(-0.001, false)
-function get_first_last_items()
- local num_of_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- local first_sel_item
- local last_sel_item
- for i = 0, num_of_items - 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- local track = GetMediaItem_Track(item)
- local track_num = GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- if track_num == 1 then
- if not first_sel_item then
- first_sel_item = item
- end
- last_sel_item = item
- end
- end
- return first_sel_item, last_sel_item
-function mark_as_edit()
- local selected_items = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, selected_items - 1, 1 do
- local item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
- GetSetMediaItemInfo_String(item, "P_EXT:SD", "y", 1)
- end
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
-function find_second_folder_track()
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- local folder_count = 0
- for track_idx = 0, total_tracks - 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, track_idx)
- local folder_depth = GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH")
- if folder_depth == 1 then
- folder_count = folder_count + 1
- if folder_count == 2 then
- return track_idx
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
-function check_overlapping_items()
- local track = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0)
- if not track then
- ShowMessageBox("No track selected!", "Error", 0)
- return
- end
- local cursor_pos = GetCursorPosition()
- local num_items = CountTrackMediaItems(track)
- local overlapping = false
- for i = 0, num_items - 1 do
- local item1 = GetTrackMediaItem(track, i)
- local start1 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item1, "D_POSITION")
- local length1 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item1, "D_LENGTH")
- local end1 = start1 + length1
- if cursor_pos >= start1 and cursor_pos <= end1 then
- for j = i + 1, num_items - 1 do
- local item2 = GetTrackMediaItem(track, j)
- local start2 = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item2, "D_POSITION")
- if start2 < end1 and cursor_pos >= start2 then
- overlapping = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if overlapping then break end
- end
- return overlapping
-function count_selected_media_items()
- local selected_count = 0
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- if IsMediaItemSelected(item) then
- selected_count = selected_count + 1
- end
- end
- return selected_count
-function get_selected_media_item_at(index)
- local selected_count = 0
- local total_items = CountMediaItems(0)
- for i = 0, total_items - 1 do
- local item = GetMediaItem(0, i)
- if IsMediaItemSelected(item) then
- if selected_count == index then
- return item
- end
- selected_count = selected_count + 1
- end
- end
- return nil
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Set Dest Project Marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Set Dest Project Marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d17857..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Set Dest Project Marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main
-function main()
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- local i = 0;
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 1001, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- AddProjectMarker2(-1, false, cur_pos, 0, "DEST PROJECT", 1001, ColorToNative(183, 79, 105) | 0x1000000)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Set Source Project Marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Set Source Project Marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc5ceee..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Set Source Project Marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main
-function main()
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- local i = 0;
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 1000, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- AddProjectMarker2(-1, false, cur_pos, 0, "SOURCE PROJECT", 1000, ColorToNative(105, 79, 183) | 0x1000000)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Source Markers to Item Edge.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Source Markers to Item Edge.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e699b21b..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Source Markers to Item Edge.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, folder_check, get_track_number
-function main()
- Undo_BeginBlock()
- local left_pos, right_pos
- local start_time, end_time = GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, false, 0, 0, false)
- if start_time ~= end_time then
- left_pos = start_time
- right_pos = end_time
- else
- local num = CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
- if num == 0 then
- MB(
- "Please select one or more consecutive media items on a parent track " ..
- "or make a time selection before running the function.",
- "Source Markers to Item Edge or Time Selection: Error", 0)
- return
- end
- local first_item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, 0)
- left_pos = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(first_item, "D_POSITION")
- local last_item
- if num > 1 then
- last_item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, num - 1)
- local start = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(last_item, "D_POSITION")
- local length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(last_item, "D_LENGTH")
- right_pos = start + length
- else
- local length = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(first_item, "D_LENGTH")
- right_pos = left_pos + length
- end
- end
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local project, _ = EnumProjects(i)
- if project == nil then
- break
- else
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 998, false)
- DeleteProjectMarker(project, 999, false)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- local track_number = math.floor(get_track_number())
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, left_pos, 0, track_number .. ":SOURCE-IN", 998, ColorToNative(23, 223, 143) | 0x1000000)
- AddProjectMarker2(0, false, right_pos, 0, track_number .. ":SOURCE-OUT", 999, ColorToNative(23, 223, 143) | 0x1000000)
- Undo_EndBlock("Source Markers to Item Edge", 0)
-function folder_check()
- local folders = 0
- local total_tracks = CountTracks(0)
- for i = 0, total_tracks - 1, 1 do
- local track = GetTrack(0, i)
- if GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(track, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- folders = folders + 1
- end
- end
- return folders
-function get_track_number()
- local selected = GetSelectedTrack(0, 0)
- if folder_check() == 0 or selected == nil then
- return 1
- elseif GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(selected, "I_FOLDERDEPTH") == 1 then
- return GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(selected, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- else
- local folder = GetParentTrack(selected)
- return GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(folder, "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
- end
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Destination IN marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Destination IN marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee82bb9..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Destination IN marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab, zoom
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- local _, _, dest_proj = markers()
- if dest_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 996, false)
- zoom()
-function zoom()
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos - 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos + 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- local zoom_to_selection = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_ZOOMSIT")
- Main_OnCommand(zoom_to_selection, 0) -- SWS: Zoom to selected items or time selection
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(1012, 0) -- View: Zoom in horizontal
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove (unselect) time selection
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count, source_in,
- source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Destination OUT marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Destination OUT marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 68cf71a1..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Destination OUT marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab, zoom
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- local _, _, dest_proj = markers()
- if dest_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(dest_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 997, false)
- zoom()
-function zoom()
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos - 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos + 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- local zoom_to_selection = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_ZOOMSIT")
- Main_OnCommand(zoom_to_selection, 0) -- SWS: Zoom to selected items or time selection
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(1012, 0) -- View: Zoom in horizontal
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove (unselect) time selection
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count, source_in,
- source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Source IN marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Source IN marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e0d42ee..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Source IN marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab, zoom
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- local _, source_proj = markers()
- if source_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 998, false)
- zoom()
-function zoom()
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos - 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos + 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- local zoom_to_selection = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_ZOOMSIT")
- Main_OnCommand(zoom_to_selection, 0) -- SWS: Zoom to selected items or time selection
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(1012, 0) -- View: Zoom in horizontal
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove (unselect) time selection
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count, source_in, source_out,
- source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)
diff --git a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Source OUT marker.lua b/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Source OUT marker.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 85d62d6c..00000000
--- a/RCEditing/RCEditing_Zoom to Source OUT marker.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-This file is a part of "ReaClassical Editing" package.
-Copyright (C) 2022–2025 chmaha
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
--- luacheck: ignore 113
-for key in pairs(reaper) do _G[key] = reaper[key] end
-local main, markers, move_to_project_tab, zoom
-local SWS_exists = APIExists("CF_GetSWSVersion")
-if not SWS_exists then
- MB('Please install SWS/S&M extension before running this function', 'Error: Missing Extension', 0)
- return
-function main()
- local _, source_proj = markers()
- if source_proj then
- move_to_project_tab(source_proj)
- end
- GoToMarker(0, 999, false)
- zoom()
-function zoom()
- local cur_pos = (GetPlayState() == 0) and GetCursorPosition() or GetPlayPosition()
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos - 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40625, 0) -- Time selection: Set start point
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos + 3, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(40626, 0) -- Time selection: Set end point
- local zoom_to_selection = NamedCommandLookup("_SWS_ZOOMSIT")
- Main_OnCommand(zoom_to_selection, 0) -- SWS: Zoom to selected items or time selection
- SetEditCurPos(cur_pos, false, false)
- Main_OnCommand(1012, 0) -- View: Zoom in horizontal
- Main_OnCommand(40635, 0) -- Time selection: Remove (unselect) time selection
-function markers()
- local marker_labels = { "DEST-IN", "DEST-OUT", "SOURCE-IN", "SOURCE-OUT" }
- local sd_markers = {}
- for _, label in ipairs(marker_labels) do
- sd_markers[label] = { count = 0, proj = nil }
- end
- local num = 0
- local source_proj, dest_proj
- local proj_marker_count = 0
- local pos_table = {}
- local active_proj = EnumProjects(-1)
- local track_number = 1
- while true do
- local proj = EnumProjects(num)
- if proj == nil then
- break
- end
- local _, num_markers, num_regions = CountProjectMarkers(proj)
- for i = 0, num_markers + num_regions - 1, 1 do
- local _, _, pos, _, raw_label, _ = EnumProjectMarkers2(proj, i)
- local number = string.match(raw_label, "(%d+):.+")
- local label = string.match(raw_label, "%d*:?(.+)") or ""
- if label == "DEST-IN" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[1] = pos
- elseif label == "DEST-OUT" then
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[2] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-IN" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[3] = pos
- elseif label == "SOURCE-OUT" then
- track_number = number
- sd_markers[label].count = 1
- sd_markers[label].proj = proj
- pos_table[4] = pos
- elseif string.match(label, "SOURCE PROJECT") then
- source_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- elseif string.match(label, "DEST PROJECT") then
- dest_proj = proj
- proj_marker_count = proj_marker_count + 1
- end
- end
- num = num + 1
- end
- if proj_marker_count == 0 then
- for _, marker in pairs(sd_markers) do
- if marker.proj ~= active_proj then
- marker.count = 0
- end
- end
- end
- local source_in = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].count
- local source_out = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].count
- local dest_in = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].count
- local dest_out = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].count
- local sin = sd_markers["SOURCE-IN"].proj
- local sout = sd_markers["SOURCE-OUT"].proj
- local din = sd_markers["DEST-IN"].proj
- local dout = sd_markers["DEST-OUT"].proj
- local source_count = source_in + source_out
- local dest_count = dest_in + dest_out
- if (source_count == 2 and sin ~= sout) or (dest_count == 2 and din ~= dout) then proj_marker_count = -1 end
- if source_proj and ((sin and sin ~= source_proj) or (sout and sout ~= source_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- if dest_proj and ((din and din ~= dest_proj) or (dout and dout ~= dest_proj)) then
- proj_marker_count = -1
- end
- return proj_marker_count, source_proj, dest_proj, dest_in, dest_out, dest_count,
- source_in, source_out, source_count, pos_table, track_number
-function move_to_project_tab(proj_type)
- SelectProjectInstance(proj_type)