The Menu Creation Application is a React-based web app that allows managers to generate weekly menus from a predetermined recipe database. Managers can filter recipes based on employee allergies, toggle days off, and export the generated menu as a PDF.
Menu Generation: Managers may click the "Generate Menu" button to create a weekly menu for a default of 90 days. A manager may instead select a start and end date to create a menu with a specific timeframe. Scheduled meals are saved in local storage and will be cleared if allergy information changes.
Allergy Preferences: Managers may use the pop-out module to exclude dishes containing selected employee allergens.
Day Toggle: Using a slider, managers may mark days off to prevent menu generation for those days. Calendar days that are marked as days off will have a solid background for easy visibility.
PDF Export: Print or save the generated menu as a PDF. Menu information such as dates, dish names, ingredients, and days off are organized in chronological order in list format.
Responsiveness: Our app is easy to navigate and is viewable on desktop, tablet, and mobile.
- React – Front-end framework
- JavaScript – Primary programming language
- HTML – Markup language for structure
- CSS - Vanilla CSS styling
- LocalStorageDB - Database framework
To run the application locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd menu-scheduler
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and go to
- Open the application.
- Click the "Generate" button to create a menu.
- (Optional) Open the allergy filter module and select allergens to exclude dishes.
- Toggle days off as needed.
- Click "Print PDF" to export the menu.
- Valerie Johnson (Primary Scrum Master): GitHub / LinkedIn
- Ayoum Soumah (Secondary Scrum Master): GitHub / LinkedIn
- William Kalish (Developer): GitHub / LinkedIn
- Ryan Nolan (Developer): GitHub / LinkedIn
- Abby Nyhof (UX/UI Designer): GitHub / LinkedIn
- Matthew Neie (Developer): GitHub / LinkedIn
- Guillermo Guevara (Developer): GitHub / LinkedIn