| 1 | +-- Version 1.1 |
| 2 | +2015/08/19 |
| 3 | +1. Add size limit to contig for annotation ( default 700bp) |
| 4 | +2. Display heatmap at community profiling section |
| 5 | +3. Add script to 1. convert newick tree to phyloxml 2. midpoint reroot 3. add annotation for url and descriptions |
| 6 | +4. Updated JBrowse to 1.11.6. |
| 7 | +5. Improved tree and tooltip visulization. |
| 8 | +6. Testing/documentate installation on CentOS 6, CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 |
| 9 | +7. Support fastq.gz input |
| 10 | +8. Added project managment functions/widget, resource monitor widget |
| 11 | +9. Added queuing function, auto start queued projects |
| 12 | +10. Update GOTTCHA module to 1.0b |
| 13 | +11. Update host removal script to output host fastq file and using similarity cutoff instead alignment score. |
| 14 | +12. Add selectmenu for choosing host, reference genomes ( Support multiple selection ) |
| 15 | +13. Update Virus Database of GOTTCHA |
| 16 | +14. Add paired reads check. If failed, will use them as single end reads |
| 17 | +15. Add buttons to add paired-end/single-end fasta input field in Advanced option |
| 18 | +16. Add Batch submit |
| 19 | +17. Reorganized output directory structure. |
| 20 | +18. Add RAxML tree builder |
| 21 | +19. Remove 0% coverd contigs |
| 22 | +20. Add Select (ref) genomes, SRA input function for SNP phylogeny |
| 23 | +21. Add input from NCBI SRA function and sratoolkit |
| 24 | +22. Add Contig classifictaion function by BWA. Remove Blast section of EDGE Gui |
| 25 | +23. Add LCA function to contig classifier |
| 26 | +24. Check duplicate input error |
| 27 | +25. Add rank switch to the summary of taxonomy classification. |
| 28 | +26. Add User Management System |
| 29 | +27. Replace GOTTCHA databases to xHUMAN3x databases. |
| 30 | +28. Update bwa version from 0.7.9 to 0.7.12. |
| 31 | +29. Add RATT annotation option on EDGE GUI |
| 32 | +30. Allow user to add other genomes in Phylogenomic analysis |
| 33 | +31. Correct INDEL count number in contigMapToRef |
| 34 | +32. Add all NCBI RefSeq to reference selecting menu. |
| 35 | +33. Server-side session implemented. Session expiration detection and deletion. |
| 36 | +34. Reference selection includes annotations. (NCBI_genomes.tar.gz) |
| 37 | +35. Add social network login function (Facebook, google, windows live, Linkedin) |
| 38 | +36. Add SPAdes 3.5 assembler (can input Pacbio/Nanoport for gap closure) and user provided contigs options to skip asssmebly |
| 39 | +37. Update prokka to 1.11 |
| 40 | +38. Add tooltip and Mission popup |
| 41 | +39. Add NextSeq platform check and automatically adjust opt_q to 15 if opt_q < 15 for QC module |
| 42 | +40. Add Upload Files Function. Max file size is '5gb'. Allowed File types are fastq, fasta and genbank and can be in gzip format. Files will be kept for 7 days. |
| 43 | +41. GOTTCHA with plasmid and read count |
| 44 | +42. Remove metaphyler-srv |
| 45 | +43. Multiple improvements and bugfixes |
| 46 | + |
| 47 | +-- Version 1.0 |
| 48 | +2014/08/26 |
| 49 | +1. * Jquery edge_ui implementation for input and output html |
| 50 | +2. Allow multiple host removal |
| 51 | +3. Several bugs fixs. |
| 52 | +4. Add SNP phylogeny |
| 53 | +5. Add primer Tm and length range to primer design |
| 54 | +6. Add lazyload to improve result page loading performance |
| 55 | +7. Manual created online at edge.rtfd.org |
| 56 | +8. Add Contig Blast result |
| 57 | +9. Remove Perl Tk GUI and package |
| 58 | +10. Bugs fixed. |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | +-- Version 0.5 |
| 61 | +2014/04/10 |
| 62 | +1. Add GOTTCHA profiling to |
| 63 | +2. Add JBrowse |
| 64 | +3. Add function to generate radar chart |
| 65 | +4. Add a python script for starting a local web host |
| 66 | +5. Update main script and gui to start the http localhost when job processed. |
| 67 | + and Auto lauch result html page when job finishd. |
| 68 | +6. Add script generating JBrowse tracks. |
| 69 | +7. Add "debug" option to microbial_profiling.pl. |
| 70 | +8. Allow most of modules to on/off switch |
| 71 | +9. Update bwa from 0.7.5a to 0.7.9 |
| 72 | +10. Update parallel version |
| 73 | +11. Update prokka from 1.7 to 1.9 |
| 74 | +12. Add barrnap for rRNA prediction |
| 75 | +13. Add adapter trimming and phiX filtering options for QC step |
| 76 | +14. Remove File::Tee dependency and fix program call path issue |
| 77 | +15. Update INSTALL script to more control options |
| 78 | +16. add Metascope, FastTree and RAxML tools |
| 79 | +17. add output HTML munger in runPipeline |
| 80 | + |
| 81 | +-- Version 0.4 |
| 82 | +2014/2/10 |
| 83 | +1. Update bwa from 0.7.5a to 0.7.7 |
| 84 | +2. Add Version into process log and bug fix on annotation flag |
| 85 | +3. Fix a major bug on gui when output directory is not existed3. |
| 86 | +4. Comment out MEGAN |
| 87 | +5. Remove redundant ktImportBWA script |
| 88 | + |
| 89 | +-- Version 0.32 |
| 90 | +2013/12/18 |
| 91 | +1. Replace MEGAN tree plot script with custom Perl scrips/modules. |
| 92 | +2. Add krona_portable.pl script to generate portable krona html and fix runReadsToGenome.pl when input non-alphanumeric reference name |
| 93 | +3. Add process log and error log into project output directory |
| 94 | +4. Fix bugs on phageFinder and pdf cat when there is no protein annotation result. |
| 95 | +5. Add annotation check box and function |
| 96 | +6. Add bwa mapping reads id to Taxonomy lookup text file (.classification) |
| 97 | +7. Add contig id to Taxonomy lookup text file (.classification) |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | +-- Version 0.31 |
| 100 | +2013/12/11 |
| 101 | +1. Improve primer Adjudication module with Tm calculation and sorting. |
| 102 | +2. Add kraken-0.10.2-beta thirdParty software for taxonomy classification |
| 103 | +3. Update the Perl GUI interface |
| 104 | +4. Add Annotation stats output |
| 105 | +5. Add existing output directory detection and warning. |
| 106 | +6. Add README.pdf documentation |
| 107 | +7. use bitbucket (git) for version control |
| 108 | + |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | +-- Version 0.3 -- |
| 111 | +2013/11/10 |
| 112 | +1.Improve primer Adjudication module for Novel pathgen |
| 113 | +2.Improve primer Validation module to allow checking multiple primer pairs in fasta |
| 114 | + and IUPAC degenerate base check |
| 115 | +3. Update the Perl GUI interface |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | +-- Version 0.2 -- |
| 118 | +2013/09/10 |
| 119 | +For EDGE use case 2: Extreme Symptom |
| 120 | +Adding modules |
| 121 | +1. Annotation: Prokka or RATT |
| 122 | +2. Phage finder |
| 123 | +3. Taxonomy analysis |
| 124 | +4. novel contigs/regions Analysis |
| 125 | +5. SNP/INDEL analysis |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +-- Version 0.1 -- |
| 128 | +2013/06/01 |
| 129 | +For EDGE use case I: Assay Failure detection |
| 130 | +Have modules: |
| 131 | +1. Data QC |
| 132 | +2. Host Removal QC |
| 133 | +3. IDBA Assembling |
| 134 | +4. Map Reads To Contig |
| 135 | +5. Map Reads To Reference Genomes |
| 136 | +6. Map Contigs To Reference Genomes |
| 137 | +7. PCR Assay Validation and Adjudication |
| 138 | + |
| 139 | + |
| 140 | + |
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