Learn how to use the :MOVE Motor's Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to detect objects and stay a certain distance from them.
First, let's use the sensor to display the distance to an object.
Start by creating a variable called ||variables:distance||
and place the ||variables:set distance to||
block in the ||basic:forever||
Make ||variables:distance||
equal to ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure distance||
by dropping the block inside (this can be found in the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.Sensors||
section of the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.MOVE Motor||
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
Now add a ||basic:show number||
block below the set variable block.
Place the variable ||variables:distance||
inside the ||basic:show number||
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
If you have a @boardname@ connected, click |Download|
to transfer your code and switch on :MOVE Motor. Then move a box in front of the :MOVE Motor and see the micro:bit display show the distance to the box.
Now we know the distance to the box, we can use that to drive the motors and make the :MOVE Motor follow the box if it moves away.
Start by removing the ||basic:show number||
block, then add an ||logic:if||
statement, with ||variables:distance||
||logic:> 10||
as the test condition.
Inside the ||logic:if||
block, make the :MOVE Motor ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.move forward||
if the condition is met.
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
if (distance > 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Forward, 100)
If you have a @boardname@ connected, click |Download|
to transfer your code and switch on :MOVE Motor.
Place a box in front of the :MOVE Motor and, as you move it away, see the :MOVE Motor follow.
But there is a problem. We only start the motors!
This means the motors start as soon as the box is more than 10cm away, but they never stop, so the :MOVE motor will just keep going.
We need to stop when we are closer to the object.
So, click the ||logic:+||
icon to add an ||logic:else||
statement and place a ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.stop||
block inside.
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
if (distance > 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Forward, 100)
} else {
If you have a @boardname@ connected, click |Download|
to transfer your code and switch on :MOVE Motor.
As before, place a box in front of the :MOVE Motor and see it follow as the box is moved away, but this time, it stops when it gets within 10cm.
Currently, the code only allows the :MOVE Motor to follow the object if it moves away. If the object comes closer, we want to reverse the :MOVE Motor. To do this, we need another test condition to check whether the distance is less than 10cm. If it is, we reverse.
Click the ||logic:+||
icon on the ||logic:if else||
block to add an ||logic:else if||
Put in ||variables:distance||
||logic:< 10||
as the test condition, and make the :MOVE Motor ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.reverse||
if the condition is met.
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
if (distance > 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Forward, 100)
} else if (distance < 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Reverse, 100)
} else {
If you have a @boardname@ connected, click |Download|
to transfer your code and switch on :MOVE Motor.
Now try out making the :MOVE Motor drive forwards and backwards as you move the box.
Great! The :MOVE Motor can now move forwards and backwards, keeping the same distance from the box as you move it. But it can only move in a straight line. It would be much better if it could drive around by itself and not crash into things...
To turn :MOVE Motor into a free roaming robot, we just need to make a few changes to our code.
Begin by moving the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.stop||
block to the ||logic:else if||
section, above the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.reverse||
Then, click the ||logic:-||
icon on the ||logic:else||
statement to remove it.
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
if (distance > 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Forward, 100)
} else if (distance < 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Reverse, 100)
Next, add a 500ms ||basic:pause||
after the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.stop||
, and a 1 second ||basic:pause||
after the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.reverse||
We also want to slow :MOVE Motor down a bit when it's avoiding obstacles, so change the ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.reverse||
speed to 50.
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
if (distance > 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Forward, 100)
} else if (distance < 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Reverse, 50)
Finally, we need to make :MOVE Motor turn away from the obstacle it has detected.
Add a ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.spin left at speed 50||
block to the ||logic:else if||
section, followed by another 500ms ||basic:pause||
and a ||Kitronik_Move_Motor.stop||
let distance = 0
basic.forever(function () {
distance = Kitronik_Move_Motor.measure()
if (distance > 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Forward, 100)
} else if (distance < 10) {
Kitronik_Move_Motor.move(Kitronik_Move_Motor.DriveDirections.Reverse, 50)
Kitronik_Move_Motor.spin(Kitronik_Move_Motor.SpinDirections.Left, 50)
CODING COMPLETE! If you have a @boardname@ connected, click |Download|
to transfer your code and switch on :MOVE Motor.
Now put :MOVE Motor on the floor and watch it roam around avoiding obstacles.