Learn how to use the :MOVE Motor with radio control's to drive your buggy around (this will require two BBC micro:bit's). The code on the left editor will be for the controller (aka transmitter). The code on the right editor will be for the buggy (aka receiver). This tutorial will take a step-by-step guide of both sides of the code.
To start with, to help know which micro:bit is which, we will display a letter on the screen so we can identify which micro:bit is the transmitter and which the receiver. Add ||basic.show String||
and add the letter "T" into the ||basic.onStart||
. This will indicate this is the transmitter micro:bit.
micro:bit radio's talk in groups. We need to set the radio group the two micro:bit's are in, so that they wil communicate with each other. The group can be any number 1-255, in this example we will use 1. If there are several micro:bit radio pairs then each pair should use a different number.
From the radio section, place the ||radio:set Group||
into the ||basic.onStart||
block and set the group to 1.
We want to send a radio message to the :MOVE Motor to do something, such as drive forward on a button press. When sending any radio messages we will send a name and a value. The name acts as a 'key', so the reciever knows which value it has received.
Add ||input:onButtonA||
. To send the message, from the radio section add ||radio:send Value||
this will let us send a name and value to the :MOVE Motor.
The name will be a direction and the value will be our speed. Set the name to "Forward" and the value to 100.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
radio.sendValue("Forward", 100)
Now we have a basic controller to send a message to the :MOVE Motor to drive forward. Connect your BBC micro:bit and click |Download|
. Once programmed, power the BBC micro:bit and check a letter "T" appears on the screen.
Now we have a basic transmitter. Click the OK button on the right editor and start work on the receiver code. Once that tutorial is complete, come back and click OK to get to the next stage.
Now we have the :MOVE Motor driving forward, we can use the sensors on the transmitter BBC micro:bit to control the speed of the :MOVE Motor.
Let's create a variable called "pitch", place a ||variables:set pitch||
into the forever loop.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = 0
Now we need to set the "pitch" variable to get the its value from the micro:bit's accelerometer.
From the Input blocks in the "...more" section insert the ||input:rotation||
into the ||variables:set pitch||
Make sure the selection of the block is set to "pitch". The variable reads the accelerometer, and changes as you move the micro:bit
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
Pitch gives a number from -90 to 90. This represents angle of pitch of the micro:bit. To drive forward we will take the positive values. Below the variable set, add in an ||logic:if||
to check if variable pitch is greater than 0.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch > 0) {
As previously mentioned the pitch gives us a number upto 90, however, the motor speed goes upto 100. This is a great time to use a block called map. This allows us to map the range of a number to a new scale.
Create a new variable called "speed". Place a ||variables:set speed||
at the start of our ||logic:if||
bracket. From the Math section add the ||math:map||
into the ||variables:set speed||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(0, 0, 1023, 0, 4)
Now we need to input the range of numbers that we want to change. The first input needs to be the value we want to change, this will be "pitch". The next two number are the low and high numbers of the variable, this is 0 and 90. The last two entries will be the new scale we want our value to be changed to, this will match the motor speed range from 0 to 100.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
Move the ||radio:send Value||
from ||input:onButtonA||
to after the setting of "speed". Insert the variable "speed" into the ||radio:send Value||
where the speed (currently 100) is sent.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
Connect your transmitter BBC micro:bit and click |Download|
. Let's try the code and see how it controls the speed on the :MOVE Motor.
Did the :MOVE Motor only drive when the micro:bit was tilted backwards? Let's change this so that when the micro:bit is tilted forwards, the :MOVE Motor drives forwards. To do this we need to check if the variable "pitch" is a negative number.
Change the ||logic:if||
condition from greater than ||logic:>||
to less than ||logic:<||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
The speed values that we have been sending were positive numbers each time. Now we need to change the negative number to a range useful for the motors. This can be done by changing the map block numbers. Change the number 90 to -90
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
Click and |Download|
the code to the controller micro:bit and see if controls have reversed. When your code is working, let's move to the next section.
The controller can change the speed moving forward. Time to make the :MOVE Motor respond to driving in reverse.
Currently we are looking if the value of "pitch" is less than '0'. Now we need to look for it being greater than '0'. So, click the ||logic:+||
icon twice to add an ||logic:if else||
click on the ||logic:-||
next to the ||logic:else||
to remove the else condition.
In the ||logic:else if||
condition, check for pitch greater than '0'.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
} else if (pitch > 0) {
Duplicate the ||variables:set speed||
block and place into the bracket below. Duplicate the ||radio:send Value||
and place below the newly copied ||variables:set speed||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
} else if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
The values in these duplicate blocks are slightly wrong. Let's adjust these so they work to drive in reverse. Firstly change the text in the ||radio:send Value||
from "Forward" to "Reverse". As the pitch for reverse is a positive number change the newly copied map block from -90 to 90.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
} else if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Reverse", speed)
Click and |Download|
the code to the controller micro:bit.
We now have Transmitter code which can command forward and reverse. Next we need to adjust the reciever micro:bit code to accept the new commands sent over the radio. Click the OK button on the right editor and start work on the receiver code. Once that tutorial is complete, come back and click OK to get to the next stage.
The :MOVE Motor moves when the micro:bit is moved. This can be frustrating when you accidentally move the micro:bit and did not mean to. We can prevent this by adding what is called a "dead man's switch". This type of switch is designed to require the user to press it, or what ever is being controlled stops. They are often found on trains.
For the :MOVE motor we can wrap the "if pitch < 0" if statement inside another "if else" statement so that it is only active if the dead mans switch is activated.
Add an ||logic:if||
to below the ||variables:set pitch||
, and move the previous ||logic:if else||
into the top ||logic:if||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (true) {
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
} else if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Reverse", speed)
Add ||input:button A pressed||
to the top of the newly inserted if statement. Button A will become our Dead mans switch, and we will only send movement messages when button A is pressed.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
if (pitch < 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
} else if (pitch > 0) {
speed = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Reverse", speed)
When button A is not pressed, we want the :MOVE Motor to stop. Press the ||logic:+||
to add an else, then add another ||radio:send Value||
into the ||logic:else||
bracket To send the message "Stop" with a number '0'.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
if (pitch < 0) {
mappedDrive = Math.map(pitch, 0, -90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Forward", speed)
} else if (pitch > 0) {
mappedDrive = Math.map(pitch, 0, 90, 0, 100)
radio.sendValue("Reverse", speed)
else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
Click and |Download|
the code to the controller micro:bit. Lets test the code see if can only control the :MOVE Motor while button A is pressed. This will work because previously we added a default handler for messages we don't know, and this has the same safe characteristic of stopping the :MOVE motor.
Let's have a summary of what we have learnt so far.
- How to send and receive a radio message
- That a received message can be 'handled', and we can have a default handler for messages we dont know about.
- Reading sensory inputs for controls
- Sending required messages to control motors
- Implementing a dead man's switch
All this is just for going driving the :MOVE Motor forwards and backwards. Now its time to see how we can steer our buggy with only two wheels.
Well done on the code so far. Steering on the :MOVE Motor requires the motors to be driven at different speeds.
To allow smooth steering the left / right input will need to be combined with the forward / reverse input. This is known as blending.
Done correctly blending will give a full range of steering and direction driving for the :MOVE Motor.
Next section will add another sensor input to control the steering of the :MOVE Motor.
First remove all the code in the ||logic:if||
||input:button A pressed||
We still want the Dead mans switch, but we will be changing the code that sends the messages quite a lot.
Use the hint screen if you are unsure what your code should look like afterwards.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
Previously we used the pitch input from the sensors on the BBC micro:bit.
There is another input called "roll" which works the same way but on the Y-axis instead of the X-axis.
Create a variable call "roll", and insert a ||variables:set roll||
underneath the ||variables:set pitch||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = 0
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
From the Input blocks in the ||input:...more||
section insert the ||input:rotation||
into the ||variables:set roll||
Make sure the block is set to "roll" from the selection box.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
We now have 2 inputs from the controller. We will blend these together to give the different speeds for the motors. We will then need to send 2 messages, one for each motor speed, rather than a simple "Forwards" or "Reverse" command.
Previously we inverted the pitch value in the mapping to the motor range. Here we will invert it before we blend the inputs.
Add a ||Math:0-0||
block from the ||Math:Math||
section and take the pitch value from 0.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = 0 - input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
} else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
To blend the pitch and roll values we think about how the motor speeds should vary with the input values.
To turn left we want to roll the micro:bit to the left. This gives a negative roll value.
When turning left the left motor is on the inside, and so turns slower.
If we add the roll value to the motor value (from the pitch) this is what happens.
The right motor needs to turn faster, so we take the roll value from the motor value (take away a negative number is equivalent to adding it)
Create 2 variables, caled "left" and "right" for the blended values which will control each motor, then blend the pitch and roll into them using the ||math:+||
and ||math:-||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = 0 - input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
left = pitch + roll
right = pitch - roll
} else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
Now we have blended the inputs we can map them to the motor range.
We have input ranges from -90 to +90 and the motors take a speed from -100 to +100.
Create 2 variables for the motor speeds called "leftMotorSpeed" and "rightMotorSpeed" and use the ||math:map||
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = 0 - input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
left = pitch + roll
right = pitch - roll
leftMotorSpeed = Math.map(left, -90, 90, -100, 100)
rightMotorSpeed = Math.map(right, -90, 90, -100, 100)
} else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
The two motor speed value now can be sent over the radio link. From the radio section insert two ||radio:send Value||
after ||variables:set rightMotorSpeed||
We could use LeftMotor and RightMotor to identify the messages, but the radio link only allows 8 letters for the name, so let's use the names "LMotor" and "RMotor". Add these names into the radio blocks that have been inserted.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = 0 - input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
left = pitch + roll
right = pitch - roll
leftMotorSpeed = Math.map(left, -90, 90, -100, 100)
rightMotorSpeed = Math.map(right, -90, 90, -100, 100)
radio.sendValue("LMotor", 0)
} else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
The value we are going to be sending are the "leftMotorSpeed" and the "rightMotorSpeed". See if you can insert these variables into the correct radio blocks.
basic.forever(function () {
pitch = 0 - input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch)
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.Roll)
if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
left = pitch + roll
right = pitch - roll
leftMotorSpeed = Math.map(left, -90, 90, -100, 100)
rightMotorSpeed = Math.map(right, -90, 90, -100, 100)
radio.sendValue("lMotor", leftMotorSpeed)
radio.sendValue("rMotor", rightMotorSpeed)
} else {
radio.sendValue("Stop", 0)
Click and |Download|
the code to the controller micro:bit.
We have changed the radio messages quite a lot, so we now need to adjust the receiver code on the :MOVE Motor. Let's start making the adjustments.