Run the follow command to retrieve your environment config variables
firebase functions:config:get
To change the default admin token (default = chat21-secret-orgAa,) run with firebase functions :
firebase functions:config:set secret.token=MYSECRET
- With click_action parameter you can choose which page the browser open when a user click on a push nofification. Push notification is supported by chat21-ionic component.
Set the click_action parameter with:
firebase functions:config:set push.web.click_action=
for example:
firebase functions:config:set push.web.click_action=https://console.YOURDOMAIN.COM/chat
As default Chat21 server is deployed by Google Firebase in us-central1 location. Chat21 server is implemented using Firebase Cloud Functions and Firebase Realtime Database. If you want to change the location of the server to another region you must modify the location of the Firebase Cloud Functions using the property region of the file functions/config.js. After that you must redeploy your code with firebase deploy
You can find more info regarding the supported region of the Cloud Functions here.
Attention if you modify the Cloud Functions location it is recommended to modify also the location of the Firebase Realtime Database. To change the Realtime Database location follow this link. Here you can find an interesting post
- You can decide to send an email notification for each message sent to a recupient.
You can enable email notification with:
firebase functions:config:set email.enabled=true
- Configure the SMTP URI endpoint with :
firebase functions:config:set email.endpoint=smtp://<Username>:<password>
- Set email sender with:
firebase functions:config:set email.from=<sender_email>
- Configure SMTP with a Gmail account using the following properties:
firebase functions:config:set<EMAIL>
firebase functions:config:set<PASSWORD>
More info here and here
- Configure billing account to make external network call to web services
- Enable webhook with :
firebase functions:config:set webhook.enabled=true
- Set webhook endpoint with:
firebase functions:config:set webhook.url=https://<YOUR_TILEDESK_SERVER>/chat21/requests
For example:
firebase functions:config:set webhook.url=
- Enable Support features with:
firebase functions:config:set support.enabled=true
- Set Tiledesk-server endpoint with:
firebase functions:config:set support.api.url=https://<YOUR_TILEDESK_SERVER>
. For examplefirebase functions:config:set support.api.url=
- Create a Tiledesk user with
curl -v -X POST -d '[email protected]&password=123456'
- Set the api basic auth token for the new user with:
firebase functions:config:set support.api.authtoken='Basic BLABLA'
- Enable Firestore database under Firebase Console with Allow All permissions
- Disable the option "Automatically join the General Group on signup" with
firebase functions:config:set group.general.autojoin=false
- Create a bot user with the mobile app or web app. Ex: email:[email protected], firstname: Bot, lastname: Chat21,etc.
- Retrieve the bot user id (<BOT_UID>) from the profile tab of the mobile app or from firebase autentication tab
- Set the bot user id <BOT_UID> parameter with
firebase functions:config:set bot.uid=<BOT_UID>
Create an FB APP. More info here
Create a webhook with a URL like this<PROJECT_ID>.
Example: -
Enable FB webhook with
firebase functions:config:set fbwebhook.enabled=true
Set FB secret with
firebase functions:config:set fbwebhook.secret=<WEBHOOK FB SECRET>