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MMD Case | EDC - Find Buyers

Selling a property is a complex process, and EDC wants to make the process as easy as possible for their clients.

Getting Started

To get started, you can make a copy of this project, and deploy it directly to Vercel, with the "Deploy button" below:

Deploy with Vercel

Afterward, install the dependencies on your local machine:

npm install

Then run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

The task

The goal of this case is to help people who are thinking of selling their property (the seller) to get an idea of the market before they work with a real estate agent. This will help them understand the value of their property and the potential buyers in their area before beginning the process or engaging with an agent. If they find a potential buyer, EDC can start the process of contacting them and helping them sell their property.

Functional Requirements

  • Design and implement a Next.js application, that allows users to find potential buyers for their real estate property, and submit their details to EDC.
  • An API route, function, service, page, or a getServerSideProps function, that returns a list of potential buyers, based on the zip code, and other details, entered by the user.
    • See ./src/data/buyerProfiles.js for mock data.
  • An API route or a request that posts the user's details to a Supabase database
  • A dashboard page that displays the latest requests, from the Supabase database.


Find Buyers

You can combine these screens into a single page, or split them up into multiple depending on your design. The important thing is that the user can complete the 4 steps in an intuitive way.

Landing screen

Prompt the user to enter a few details about the property they want to sell. Submitting the form, should send the user to the next page.


Results screen

Display a list of potential buyers, based on the zip code, and other details, entered by the user.


Contact screen

Allow the user to fill in their contact details, so EDC can contact the potential buyers on their behalf.


Confirmation screen

Let the user know that their request was received successfully, and EDC will contact them shortly.


Employee Dashboard

The dashboard is intended to be used by EDC employees, to view the latest requests. For this task, it doesn't need to be secured with login. It should fetch the latest requests from the Supabase database, and display them in a list. It should present the relevant details from each request, to allow the EDC employee to take action.

  • It should be located at /dashboard.
  • Email and phone should be displayed as links, so the employee can click to call or email the user.
  • The list should be sorted by the date the request was created, with the most recent requests at the top.
  • You should be able to delete a request from the list, by clicking a delete button.



You are going to be working with the following sets of data.

Lookup details

To start with, the user should enter a few details about the property they want to sell, so we can find relevant buyers. Ideally we want the full address, but for this task you can decide to just get the zip code.

  • See ./src/pages/api/find-buyers.js for a simple example.

Relevant entries to filter potential buyers

Field Type Description
price number The price the person is willing to pay for the property
estateType string The id of the estate type. Compare this with values in ./src/data/estateTypes.js
size number The size of the property, in square meters
zip string The zip code of the property


  "price": 2000000,
  "estateType": "1",
  "size": 100,
  "zip": "2200"

Zip code lookup (optional)

Using the open Dawa API, you can validate a zipcode, and get back the city name. Use this to ensure the user entered a valid zipcode, before submitting the form.

Address lookup (optional)

If you want to go the extra mile, you can use the Dawa API to lookup the full address, and implement an autocomplete search. This is not required or expected, but a fun challenge. You'll need to implement a Combobox component, to enable this functionality. I'd recommend using Downshift useCombobox for this.

Buyer profile

A buyer profile contains the following information. You can add more fields, if they are relevant.

Field Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the buyer profile
estateType string The id of the estate type. Compare this with values in ./src/data/estateTypes.js
takeoverDate string The date the buyer wants to take over the property. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
adults number The number of adults
children number The number of children
description string A description of the buyer's situation
minSize number The minimum size of the property, in square meters
maxPrice number The maximum price the buyer is willing to pay, in Danish Kroner


  "id": "a3b8d425",
  "estateType": "1",
  "takeoverDate": "2023-06-31",
  "adults": 2,
  "children": 2,
  "description": "We are a family of 4, looking for a house in the suburbs.",
  "minSize": 100,
  "maxPrice": 2000000

Buyer contact details

The contact details that is submitted at the end, should combine the initial lookup data with the user's contact details and the chosen buyers.

Field Type Description
name string The name of the person
email string The email address of the person
phone string The phone number of the person
consent boolean Whether the person has consented to EDC contacting them with offers
buyers Array A list of buyer profiles id, that the person is interested in EDC contacting
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": "+4512345678",
  "consent": true,
  "buyers": ["a3b8d425", "b4c9e530"],
  "price": 2000000,
  "estateType": "1",
  "size": 100,
  "zip": "2200",
  "address": "Kongens Nytorv 1, 2200 København N"

Mock data

To get you started, the following mock data is provided under /src/data:

  • buyerProfiles.js - Generate a list of potential buyers, based on the zip code.
  • estateTypes.js - A fixed list of estate types with a id/name mapping. Import this file in the components/pages that need to reference it.


To get you started, this template already includes a few EDC assets to get you started:


  • ./src/assets/edc-logo.svg - The EDC logo
  • ./src/assets/icon-*.svg - A few icons from the EDC design system, that are useful for this task


EDC uses the Lato font family for all their web text. This has already been set as the default, with the following weights:

  • 400 - Regular
  • 700 - Bold
  • 900 - Black

In addition, the decorative Manus font family is used for decorative headings. Either for the entire h1 heading, or to highlight a word inside an h2 heading.


All the colors used in the EDC design system are available as CSS variables in ./src/styles/globals.css.

Intent of colors

  • --blue - The primary/default color. This has been set as the default text color.
  • --hover - The hover color for links and buttons.
  • --aqua - The secondary color. This can be used for alternative buttons, or other decorative elements.
  • --dusty-blue* - The dusty colors are subtle variations of blue and aqua color. These can be used background colors, input fields, borders, etc.
  • --yellow - An accent color. This can be used for decorative elements, or other elements that need to stand out.

Make sure to keep your color combinations contrast accessible.