diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e905ef302..23b0057d0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ are:
     phabricator      Fetch tasks from a Phabricator site
     pipermail        Fetch messages from a Pipermail archiver
     redmine          Fetch issues from a Redmine server
+    rocketchat       Fetch messages from a Rocket.Chat channel   
     rss              Fetch entries from a RSS feed server
     slack            Fetch messages from a Slack channel
     stackexchange    Fetch questions from StackExchange sites
@@ -321,6 +322,13 @@ $ perceval pipermail 'http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-dev/'
 $ perceval redmine 'https://www.redmine.org/' --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdefghijk
+### Rocket.Chat
+Rocket.Chat backend needs an API token and a User Id to authenticate to the server.
+$ perceval rocketchat -t 'abchdefghij' -u '1234abcd' --from-date '2020-05-02' https://open.rocket.chat general
 ### RSS
 $ perceval rss 'https://blog.bitergia.com/feed/'
diff --git a/bin/perceval b/bin/perceval
index bf223ddf1..98e9344ba 100755
--- a/bin/perceval
+++ b/bin/perceval
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ are:
     phabricator      Fetch tasks from a Phabricator site
     pipermail        Fetch messages from a Pipermail archiver
     redmine          Fetch issues from a Redmine server
+    rocketchat       Fetch messages from a Rocket.Chat channel
     rss              Fetch entries from a RSS feed server
     slack            Fetch messages from a Slack channel
     stackexchange    Fetch questions from StackExchange sites
diff --git a/perceval/backends/core/rocketchat.py b/perceval/backends/core/rocketchat.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1c890e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perceval/backends/core/rocketchat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Bitergia
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Authors:
+#     Aditya Prajapati <aditya10699@gmail.com>
+#     Animesh Kumar <animuz111@gmail.com>
+import logging
+import json
+from grimoirelab_toolkit.uris import urijoin
+from grimoirelab_toolkit.datetime import (datetime_utcnow,
+                                          datetime_to_utc,
+                                          str_to_datetime)
+from ...backend import (Backend,
+                        BackendCommand,
+                        BackendCommandArgumentParser)
+from ...client import HttpClient, RateLimitHandler
+from ...utils import DEFAULT_DATETIME
+API_EXTENSION = "/api/v1/"
+MAX_ITEMS = 100
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RocketChat(Backend):
+    """Rocket.Chat backend.
+    This class allows to fetch messages from a channel(room) on a Rocket.Chat server.
+    An API token and a User Id is required to access the server.
+    :param url: server url from where messages are to be fetched
+    :param channel: name of the channel from where data will be fetched
+    :param user_id: generated User Id using your Rocket.Chat account
+    :param api_token: token needed to use the API
+    :param max_items: maximum number of message requested on the same query
+    :param sleep_for_rate: sleep until rate limit is reset
+    :param min_rate_to_sleep: minimum rate needed to sleep until
+         it will be reset
+    :param tag: label used to mark the data
+    :param archive: archive to store/retrieve items
+    :param ssl_verify: enable/disable SSL verification
+    """
+    version = '0.1.0'
+        'channel_name': ['channel_info', 'name'],
+        'channel_id': ['channel_info', '_id']
+    }
+    def __init__(self, url, channel, user_id, api_token, max_items=MAX_ITEMS,
+                 sleep_for_rate=False, min_rate_to_sleep=MIN_RATE_LIMIT,
+                 tag=None, archive=None, ssl_verify=True):
+        origin = urijoin(url, channel)
+        super().__init__(origin, tag=tag, archive=archive, ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
+        self.url = url
+        self.channel = channel
+        self.user_id = user_id
+        self.api_token = api_token
+        self.max_items = max_items
+        self.sleep_for_rate = sleep_for_rate
+        self.min_rate_to_sleep = min_rate_to_sleep
+        self.client = None
+    def fetch(self, category=CATEGORY_MESSAGE, from_date=DEFAULT_DATETIME, filter_classified=False):
+        """Fetch the messages from the channel.
+        This method fetches the messages stored on the channel that were
+        sent since the given date.
+        :param category: the category of items to fetch
+        :param from_date: obtain messages sent since this date
+        :param filter_classified: remove classified fields from the resulting items
+        :returns: a generator of messages
+        """
+        if not from_date:
+            from_date = DEFAULT_DATETIME
+        from_date = datetime_to_utc(from_date)
+        kwargs = {'from_date': from_date}
+        items = super().fetch(category, **kwargs)
+        return items
+    def fetch_items(self, category, **kwargs):
+        """Fetch the messages.
+        :param category: the category of items to fetch
+        :param kwargs: backend arguments
+        :returns: a generator of items
+        """
+        from_date = kwargs['from_date']
+        logger.info("Fetching messages of channel: %s from date: %s",
+                    self.channel, from_date)
+        raw_channel_info = self.client.channel_info(self.channel)
+        channel_info = self.parse_channel_info(raw_channel_info)
+        fetching = True
+        nmsgs = 0
+        offset = 0
+        while fetching:
+            raw_messages = self.client.messages(self.channel, from_date, offset)
+            messages, total = self.parse_messages(raw_messages)
+            for message in messages:
+                message["channel_info"] = channel_info
+                nmsgs += 1
+                yield message
+            offset += len(messages)
+            if offset == total:
+                fetching = False
+        logger.info("Fetch process completed: %s message fetched", nmsgs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_messages(raw_messages):
+        """Parse a channel messages JSON stream.
+        This method parses a JSON stream, containing the
+        history of a channel. It returns a list of messages
+        and the total messages count in that channel.
+        :param raw_messages: JSON string to parse
+        :returns: a tuple with a list of dicts with the parsed messages
+            and a total messages count in the channel.
+        """
+        result = json.loads(raw_messages)
+        return result['messages'], result['total']
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_channel_info(raw_channel_info):
+        """Parse a channel's information JSON stream.
+        This method parses a JSON stream, containing the information
+        of the channel, and returns a dict with the parsed data.
+        :param raw_channel_info: JSON string to parse
+        :returns: a dict with the parsed channel's information
+        """
+        result = json.loads(raw_channel_info)
+        return result['channel']
+    @classmethod
+    def has_archiving(cls):
+        """Returns whether it supports archiving items on the fetch process.
+        :returns: this backend supports items archive
+        """
+        return True
+    @classmethod
+    def has_resuming(cls):
+        """Returns whether it supports to resume the fetch process.
+        :returns: this backend supports items resuming
+        """
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def metadata_id(item):
+        """Extracts the identifier from a Rocket.Chat item."""
+        return item["_id"]
+    @staticmethod
+    def metadata_updated_on(item):
+        """Extracts the update time from a Rocket.Chat item.
+        The timestamp is extracted from 'ts' field,
+        and then converted into a UNIX timestamp.
+        :param item: item generated by the backend
+        :returns: extracted timestamp
+        """
+        ts = str_to_datetime(item['_updatedAt']).timestamp()
+        return ts
+    @staticmethod
+    def metadata_category(item):
+        """Extracts the category from a Rocket.Chat item.
+        This backend only generates one type of item which is
+        'message'.
+        """
+        return CATEGORY_MESSAGE
+    def _init_client(self, from_archive=False):
+        """Init client"""
+        return RocketChatClient(self.url, self.user_id, self.api_token,
+                                self.max_items, self.sleep_for_rate,
+                                self.min_rate_to_sleep, from_archive, self.archive, self.ssl_verify)
+class RocketChatClient(HttpClient, RateLimitHandler):
+    """Rocket.Chat API client.
+    Client for fetching information from the Rocket.Chat server
+    using its REST API.
+    :param url: server url from where messages are to be fetched
+    :param user_id: generated User Id using your Rocket.Chat account
+    :param api_token: token needed to use the API
+    :param max_items: maximum number of message requested on the same query
+    :param sleep_for_rate: sleep until rate limit is reset
+    :param min_rate_to_sleep: minimum rate needed to sleep until
+         it will be reset
+    :param from_archive: it tells whether to write/read the archive
+    :param archive: archive to store/retrieve items
+    :param ssl_verify: enable/disable SSL verification
+    """
+    RCHANNEL_MESSAGES = 'channels.messages'
+    RCHANNEL_INFO = 'channels.info'
+    HAUTH_TOKEN = 'X-Auth-Token'
+    HUSER_ID = 'X-User-Id'
+    PCHANNEL_NAME = 'roomName'
+    PCOUNT = "count"
+    POLDEST = "oldest"
+    def __init__(self, url, user_id, api_token, max_items=MAX_ITEMS,
+                 sleep_for_rate=False, min_rate_to_sleep=MIN_RATE_LIMIT,
+                 from_archive=False, archive=None, ssl_verify=True):
+        base_url = urijoin(url, API_EXTENSION)
+        self.user_id = user_id
+        self.api_token = api_token
+        self.max_items = max_items
+        super().__init__(base_url, archive=archive, from_archive=from_archive,
+                         ssl_verify=ssl_verify)
+        super().setup_rate_limit_handler(sleep_for_rate=sleep_for_rate, min_rate_to_sleep=min_rate_to_sleep)
+    def calculate_time_to_reset(self):
+        """Number of seconds to wait. They are contained in the rate limit reset header."""
+        time_to_reset = self.rate_limit_reset_ts - (datetime_utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).timestamp() + 1) * 1000
+        time_to_reset /= 1000
+        if time_to_reset < 0:
+            time_to_reset = 0
+        return time_to_reset
+    def channel_info(self, channel):
+        """Fetch information about a channel."""
+        params = {
+            self.PCHANNEL_NAME: channel,
+        }
+        path = urijoin(self.base_url, self.RCHANNEL_INFO)
+        response = self.fetch(path, params)
+        return response
+    def messages(self, channel, from_date, offset):
+        """Fetch messages from a channel.
+        The messages are fetch in ascending order i.e. from the oldest
+        to the latest based on the time they were last updated. A query is
+        also passed as a param to fetch the messages from a given date.
+        """
+        query = '{"_updatedAt": {"$gte": {"$date": "%s"}}}' % from_date.isoformat()
+        # The 'sort' param accepts a field based on which the messages are sorted.
+        # The value of the field can be 1 for ascending order or -1 for descending order.
+        params = {
+            "roomName": channel,
+            "sort": '{"_updatedAt": 1}',
+            "count": self.max_items,
+            "offset": offset,
+            "query": query
+        }
+        path = urijoin(self.base_url, self.RCHANNEL_MESSAGES)
+        response = self.fetch(path, params)
+        return response
+    def fetch(self, url, payload=None, headers=None):
+        """Fetch the data from a given URL.
+        :param url: link to the resource
+        :param payload: payload of the request
+        :param headers: headers of the request
+        :returns a response object
+        """
+        headers = {
+            self.HAUTH_TOKEN: self.api_token,
+            self.HUSER_ID: self.user_id
+        }
+        logger.debug("Rocket.Chat client message request with params: %s", str(payload))
+        if not self.from_archive:
+            self.sleep_for_rate_limit()
+        response = super().fetch(url, payload, headers=headers)
+        if not self.from_archive:
+            self.update_rate_limit(response)
+        return response.text
+    @staticmethod
+    def sanitize_for_archive(url, headers, payload):
+        """Sanitize payload of a HTTP request by removing the token and
+         user id information before storing/retrieving archived items.
+        :param: url: HTTP url request
+        :param: headers: HTTP headers request
+        :param: payload: HTTP payload request
+        :returns: url, headers and the sanitized payload
+        """
+        if RocketChatClient.HAUTH_TOKEN in headers:
+            headers.pop(RocketChatClient.HAUTH_TOKEN)
+        if RocketChatClient.HUSER_ID in headers:
+            headers.pop(RocketChatClient.HUSER_ID)
+        return url, headers, payload
+class RocketChatCommand(BackendCommand):
+    """Class to run Rocket.Chat backend from the command line."""
+    BACKEND = RocketChat
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_cmd_parser(cls):
+        """Returns the Rocket.Chat argument parser."""
+        parser = BackendCommandArgumentParser(cls.BACKEND,
+                                              from_date=True,
+                                              token_auth=True,
+                                              archive=True,
+                                              ssl_verify=True)
+        # Backend token is required
+        action = parser.parser._option_string_actions['--api-token']
+        action.required = True
+        parser.parser.add_argument('-u', '--user-id', dest='user_id',
+                                   required=True,
+                                   help="User Id to fetch messages")
+        # Required positional arguments
+        parser.parser.add_argument('url',
+                                   help="URL of the Rocket.Chat server")
+        parser.parser.add_argument('channel',
+                                   help="Rocket.Chat channel(room) name")
+        # Rocket.Chat options
+        group = parser.parser.add_argument_group('Rocket.Chat arguments')
+        group.add_argument('--max-items', dest='max_items',
+                           type=int, default=MAX_ITEMS,
+                           help="Maximum number of items requested on the same query")
+        group.add_argument('--sleep-for-rate', dest='sleep_for_rate',
+                           action='store_true',
+                           help="sleep for getting more rate")
+        group.add_argument('--min-rate-to-sleep', dest='min_rate_to_sleep',
+                           default=MIN_RATE_LIMIT, type=int,
+                           help="sleep until reset when the rate limit reaches this value")
+        return parser
diff --git a/releases/unreleased/add-rocket.chat-backend.yml b/releases/unreleased/add-rocket.chat-backend.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe6a68aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releases/unreleased/add-rocket.chat-backend.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: Add Rocket.Chat backend
+category: added
+author: Animesh Kumar <animuz111@gmail.com>
+issue: 543
+notes: >
+  Added support to fetch messages from a Rocket.Chat
+  channel. The messages are fetched in an ascending
+  order based on time when they were last updated.
+  The channel information is also fetched.
+  The tests have been added accordingly.
+  The usage docs have been updated.
diff --git a/tests/data/rocketchat/channel_info.json b/tests/data/rocketchat/channel_info.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad44bcccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/rocketchat/channel_info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+  "channel": {
+    "_id": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+    "name": "testapichannel",
+    "fname": "testapichannel",
+    "t": "c",
+    "msgs": 3,
+    "usersCount": 2,
+    "u": {
+      "_id": "123user",
+      "username": "animesh_username1"
+    },
+    "customFields": {},
+    "broadcast": false,
+    "encrypted": false,
+    "ts": "2020-05-03T07:30:30.990Z",
+    "ro": false,
+    "default": false,
+    "sysMes": true,
+    "_updatedAt": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.594Z",
+    "lastMessage": {
+      "_id": "p5dQSb48W25EimhJK",
+      "rid": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+      "msg": "Test message 2",
+      "ts": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.571Z",
+      "u": {
+        "_id": "123user",
+        "username": "animeshk_username1",
+        "name": "Animesh Kumar"
+      },
+      "_updatedAt": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.587Z",
+      "mentions": [],
+      "channels": []
+    },
+    "lm": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.571Z"
+  },
+  "success": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/rocketchat/message_empty_2020_05_10.json b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_empty_2020_05_10.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf8a847e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_empty_2020_05_10.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  "messages": [],
+  "count": 0,
+  "offset": 0,
+  "total": 0,
+  "success": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_1.json b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_1.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..206a005cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+  "messages": [
+    {
+      "_id": "4AwA2eJQ7xBgPZ4mv",
+      "rid": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+      "msg": "Test message 1",
+      "ts": "2020-05-02T07:30:42.993Z",
+      "u": {
+        "_id": "123user",
+        "username": "animesh_username1",
+        "name": "Animesh Kumar"
+      },
+      "_updatedAt": "2020-05-02T07:31:26.164Z",
+      "mentions": [],
+      "channels": [],
+      "reactions": {
+        ":cool:": {
+          "usernames": [
+            "animesh_username2"
+          ]
+        },
+        ":wait:": {
+          "usernames": [
+            "animesh_username2"
+          ]
+        }
+      },
+      "starred": [],
+      "replies": [
+        "567user"
+      ],
+      "tcount": 1,
+      "tlm": "2020-05-02T07:31:26.007Z"
+    },
+    {
+      "_id": "zofFonHMq5M3tdGyu",
+      "rid": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+      "tmid": "4AwA2eJQ7xBgPZ4mv",
+      "msg": "Test reply 1",
+      "ts": "2020-05-02T07:31:26.007Z",
+      "u": {
+        "_id": "567user",
+        "username": "animesh_username2",
+        "name": "Animesh Kumar Singh"
+      },
+      "_updatedAt": "2020-05-02T07:31:56.711Z",
+      "mentions": [],
+      "channels": [],
+      "_hidden": true,
+      "parent": "WnWSwiD877xRpqcMb",
+      "editedAt": "2020-05-02T07:31:56.711Z",
+      "editedBy": {
+        "_id": "123user",
+        "username": "animesh_username1"
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "count": 2,
+  "offset": 0,
+  "total": 4,
+  "success": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_2.json b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_2.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..327e4daec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+  "messages": [
+    {
+      "_id": "WnWSwiD877xRpqcMb",
+      "rid": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+      "tmid": "4AwA2eJQ7xBgPZ4mv",
+      "msg": "Test reply 1 edited",
+      "ts": "2020-05-02T07:31:26.007Z",
+      "u": {
+        "_id": "567user",
+        "username": "animesh_username2",
+        "name": "Animesh Kumar Singh"
+      },
+      "_updatedAt": "2020-05-02T07:31:56.714Z",
+      "mentions": [],
+      "channels": [],
+      "editedAt": "2020-05-02T07:31:56.712Z",
+      "editedBy": {
+        "_id": "123user",
+        "username": "animesh_username1"
+      },
+      "urls": []
+    },
+    {
+      "_id": "p5dQSb48W25EimhJK",
+      "rid": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+      "msg": "Test message 2",
+      "ts": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.571Z",
+      "u": {
+        "_id": "123user",
+        "username": "animesh_username1",
+        "name": "Animesh Kumar"
+      },
+      "_updatedAt": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.587Z",
+      "mentions": [],
+      "channels": []
+    }
+  ],
+  "count": 2,
+  "offset": 2,
+  "total": 4,
+  "success": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_2020_05_03.json b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_2020_05_03.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f05dc3d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/rocketchat/message_page_2020_05_03.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  "messages": [
+    {
+      "_id": "p5dQSb48W25EimhJK",
+      "rid": "wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP",
+      "msg": "Test message 2",
+      "ts": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.571Z",
+      "u": {
+        "_id": "123user",
+        "username": "animesh_username1",
+        "name": "Animesh Kumar"
+      },
+      "_updatedAt": "2020-05-03T07:32:03.587Z",
+      "mentions": [],
+      "channels": []
+    }
+  ],
+  "count": 1,
+  "offset": 0,
+  "total": 1,
+  "success": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_rocketchat.py b/tests/test_rocketchat.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ac6f4094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_rocketchat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Bitergia
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Authors:
+#     Aditya Prajapati <aditya10699@gmail.com>
+#     Animesh Kumar <animuz111@gmail.com>
+import copy
+import datetime
+import httpretty
+import os
+import pkg_resources
+import unittest
+import unittest.mock
+import dateutil.tz
+import time
+import json
+from perceval.backend import BackendCommandArgumentParser
+from perceval.errors import RateLimitError
+from perceval.utils import DEFAULT_DATETIME
+from perceval.backends.core.rocketchat import (RocketChat,
+                                               RocketChatClient,
+                                               RocketChatCommand,
+                                               MIN_RATE_LIMIT,
+                                               MAX_ITEMS)
+from base import TestCaseBackendArchive
+ROCKETCHAT_SERVER_URL = 'https://open.rocket.chat'
+ROCKETCHAT_CHANNEL_NAME = 'testapichannel'
+def setup_http_server(no_message=False, rate_limit_headers=None, from_date=False):
+    """Setup a mock HTTP server"""
+    message_page_1 = read_file('data/rocketchat/message_page_1.json')
+    message_page_2 = read_file('data/rocketchat/message_page_2.json')
+    channel_info = read_file('data/rocketchat/channel_info.json')
+    message_empty_2020_5_10 = read_file('data/rocketchat/message_empty_2020_05_10.json')
+    message_page_2020_05_03 = read_file('data/rocketchat/message_page_2020_05_03.json')
+    if not rate_limit_headers:
+        rate_limit_headers = {}
+    httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET,
+                           ROCKETCHAT_CHANNEL_URL + '?roomName=testapichannel',
+                           body=channel_info,
+                           status=200,
+                           forcing_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+    roomName = '?roomName=testapichannel'
+    sort = '&sort={"_updatedAt": 1}'
+    count = '&count=2'
+    params = roomName + sort + count
+    if no_message:
+        query = '&q={"_updatedAt": {"$gte": {"$date": "2020-05-10T00:00:00+00:00"}}}'
+        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET,
+                               ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGE_URL + params + query + '&offset=0',
+                               body=message_empty_2020_5_10,
+                               status=200,
+                               forcing_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+    elif from_date:
+        query = '&q={"_updatedAt": {"$gte": {"$date": "2020-05-03T00:00:00+00:00"}}}'
+        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET,
+                               ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGE_URL + params + query + '&offset=0',
+                               body=message_page_2020_05_03,
+                               status=200,
+                               forcing_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+    else:
+        query = '&q={"_updatedAt": {"$gte": {"$date": "2020-05-02T00:00:00+00:00"}}}'
+        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET,
+                               ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGE_URL + params + query + '&offset=2',
+                               body=message_page_2,
+                               status=200,
+                               forcing_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET,
+                               ROCKETCHAT_MESSAGE_URL + params + query + '&offset=0',
+                               body=message_page_1,
+                               status=200,
+                               forcing_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+class MockedRocketChatClient(RocketChatClient):
+    """Mocked Rocket.Chat client for testing"""
+    def __init__(self, url, user_id, api_token, max_items=MAX_ITEMS, archive=None,
+                 sleep_for_rate=False, min_rate_to_sleep=MIN_RATE_LIMIT,
+                 from_archive=False, ssl_verify=True):
+        super().__init__(url, user_id, api_token, max_items=max_items,
+                         min_rate_to_sleep=min_rate_to_sleep,
+                         sleep_for_rate=sleep_for_rate,
+                         archive=archive,
+                         from_archive=from_archive,
+                         ssl_verify=ssl_verify
+                         )
+        self.rate_limit_reset_ts = -1
+def read_file(filename):
+    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), filename), 'rb') as f:
+        content = f.read()
+    return content
+class TestRocketChatBackend(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for Rocket.Chat backend class"""
+    def test_initialization(self):
+        """Test whether attributes are initialized"""
+        backend = RocketChat(url='https://chat.example.com', user_id='123user', api_token='aaa',
+                             channel='testapichannel', tag='test')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.url, 'https://chat.example.com')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.user_id, '123user')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.api_token, "aaa")
+        self.assertEqual(backend.channel, "testapichannel")
+        self.assertEqual(backend.min_rate_to_sleep, MIN_RATE_LIMIT)
+        self.assertIsNone(backend.client)
+        self.assertFalse(backend.sleep_for_rate)
+        self.assertTrue(backend.ssl_verify)
+        self.assertEqual(backend.origin, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.tag, 'test')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.max_items, MAX_ITEMS)
+        # When tag is empty or None it will be set to
+        # the value in URL
+        backend = RocketChat(url="https://chat.example.com", user_id="123user", api_token='aaa',
+                             channel='testapichannel', tag=None)
+        self.assertEqual(backend.origin, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.tag, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        backend = RocketChat(url="https://chat.example.com", user_id="123user", api_token='aaa',
+                             channel='testapichannel', tag='')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.origin, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.tag, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        backend = RocketChat(url='https://chat.example.com', user_id='123user', api_token='aaa',
+                             channel='testapichannel', tag='', sleep_for_rate=True,
+                             ssl_verify=False, max_items=20, min_rate_to_sleep=1)
+        self.assertEqual(backend.origin, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(backend.tag, 'https://chat.example.com/testapichannel')
+        self.assertFalse(backend.ssl_verify)
+        self.assertTrue(backend.sleep_for_rate)
+        self.assertEqual(backend.max_items, 20)
+        self.assertEqual(backend.min_rate_to_sleep, 1)
+    def test_has_archiving(self):
+        """Test if it returns True when has_archiving is called"""
+        self.assertEqual(RocketChat.has_archiving(), True)
+    def test_has_resuming(self):
+        """Test if it returns True when has_resuming is called"""
+        self.assertEqual(RocketChat.has_resuming(), True)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_fetch_messages(self):
+        """Test whether a list of messages is returned"""
+        setup_http_server()
+        backend = RocketChat(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                             api_token='aaa', channel='testapichannel')
+        messages = [m for m in backend.fetch()]
+        self.assertEqual(len(messages), 4)
+        message = messages[0]
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['_id'], '4AwA2eJQ7xBgPZ4mv')
+        self.assertEqual(message['origin'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['uuid'], '888b6c9a728c267435cee1d5fe8f5dbe446614a2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['updated_on'], 1588404686.164)
+        self.assertEqual(message['category'], 'message')
+        self.assertEqual(message['tag'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['msg'], 'Test message 1')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['username'], 'animesh_username1')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['name'], 'Animesh Kumar')
+        self.assertListEqual(message['data']['replies'], ["567user"])
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['lastMessage']['msg'], 'Test message 2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['usersCount'], 2)
+        message = messages[1]
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['_id'], 'zofFonHMq5M3tdGyu')
+        self.assertEqual(message['origin'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['uuid'], '6fa3f6a18491b9bcb3309f12e3a2b1cd654980c3')
+        self.assertEqual(message['updated_on'], 1588404716.711)
+        self.assertEqual(message['category'], 'message')
+        self.assertEqual(message['tag'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['msg'], 'Test reply 1')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['username'], 'animesh_username2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['name'], 'Animesh Kumar Singh')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['lastMessage']['msg'], 'Test message 2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['usersCount'], 2)
+        message = messages[2]
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['_id'], 'WnWSwiD877xRpqcMb')
+        self.assertEqual(message['origin'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['uuid'], '3b3afa62a63766ebeb70e3c8951c2c4b42f34767')
+        self.assertEqual(message['updated_on'], 1588404716.714)
+        self.assertEqual(message['category'], 'message')
+        self.assertEqual(message['tag'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['msg'], 'Test reply 1 edited')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['username'], 'animesh_username2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['name'], 'Animesh Kumar Singh')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['editedBy']['username'], 'animesh_username1')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['usersCount'], 2)
+        message = messages[3]
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['_id'], 'p5dQSb48W25EimhJK')
+        self.assertEqual(message['origin'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['uuid'], 'a3b2a4c195e8b6a155cf5eddb2b8f79a13f836dd')
+        self.assertEqual(message['updated_on'], 1588491123.587)
+        self.assertEqual(message['category'], 'message')
+        self.assertEqual(message['tag'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['msg'], 'Test message 2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['username'], 'animesh_username1')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['name'], 'Animesh Kumar')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['usersCount'], 2)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_fetch_from_date(self):
+        """Test when fetching messages from a given date"""
+        setup_http_server(from_date=True)
+        from_date = datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 3, 0, 0, tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        backend = RocketChat(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                             api_token='aaa', channel='testapichannel')
+        messages = [m for m in backend.fetch(from_date=from_date)]
+        self.assertEqual(len(messages), 1)
+        message = messages[0]
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['_id'], 'p5dQSb48W25EimhJK')
+        self.assertEqual(message['origin'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['uuid'], 'a3b2a4c195e8b6a155cf5eddb2b8f79a13f836dd')
+        self.assertEqual(message['updated_on'], 1588491123.587)
+        self.assertEqual(message['category'], 'message')
+        self.assertEqual(message['tag'], 'https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['msg'], 'Test message 2')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['username'], 'animesh_username1')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['u']['name'], 'Animesh Kumar')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(message['data']['channel_info']['usersCount'], 2)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_search_fields_messages(self):
+        """Test whether the search_fields is properly set"""
+        setup_http_server()
+        backend = RocketChat(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                             api_token='aaa', channel='testapichannel')
+        messages = [m for m in backend.fetch()]
+        message = messages[0]
+        self.assertEqual(message['search_fields']['item_id'], backend.metadata_id(message['data']))
+        self.assertEqual(message['search_fields']['channel_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(message['search_fields']['channel_name'], 'testapichannel')
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_fetch_empty(self):
+        """Test whether an empty list is returned when there are no messages"""
+        setup_http_server(no_message=True)
+        backend = RocketChat(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                             api_token='aaa', channel='testapichannel')
+        messages = [m for m in backend.fetch()]
+        self.assertListEqual(messages, [])
+class TestRocketChatBackendArchive(TestCaseBackendArchive):
+    """Rocket.Chat backend tests using an archive"""
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+        self.backend_write_archive = RocketChat(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                                api_token='aaa', channel='testapichannel',
+                                                max_items=5, archive=self.archive)
+        self.backend_read_archive = RocketChat(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                               api_token='aaa', channel='testapichannel',
+                                               max_items=5, archive=self.archive)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    @unittest.mock.patch('perceval.backends.core.rocketchat.datetime_utcnow')
+    def test_fetch_from_archive(self, mock_utcnow):
+        """Test if a list of messages is returned from archive"""
+        mock_utcnow.return_value = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1,
+                                                     tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        setup_http_server()
+        self._test_fetch_from_archive(from_date=None)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    @unittest.mock.patch('perceval.backends.core.rocketchat.datetime_utcnow')
+    def test_fetch_from_date_from_archive(self, mock_utcnow):
+        """Test whether a list of messages is returned from archive after a given date"""
+        mock_utcnow.return_value = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1,
+                                                     tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        setup_http_server()
+        from_date = datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 3, 18, 35, 40, 69,
+                                      tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        self._test_fetch_from_archive(from_date=from_date)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    @unittest.mock.patch('perceval.backends.core.rocketchat.datetime_utcnow')
+    def test_fetch_empty_from_archive(self, mock_utcnow):
+        """Test whether no messages are returned when the archive is empty"""
+        mock_utcnow.return_value = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1,
+                                                     tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        setup_http_server()
+        from_date = datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 3,
+                                      tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        self._test_fetch_from_archive(from_date=from_date)
+class TestRocketChatClient(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for RocketChatClient class"""
+    def test_init(self):
+        """Check attributes initialization"""
+        client = RocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                  api_token='aaa', ssl_verify=True)
+        self.assertIsInstance(client, RocketChatClient)
+        self.assertEqual(client.base_url, 'https://open.rocket.chat/api/v1')
+        self.assertEqual(client.user_id, '123user')
+        self.assertEqual(client.api_token, 'aaa')
+        self.assertTrue(client.ssl_verify)
+        self.assertFalse(client.sleep_for_rate)
+        self.assertEqual(client.min_rate_to_sleep, MIN_RATE_LIMIT)
+        client = RocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user', api_token='aaa',
+                                  sleep_for_rate=True, min_rate_to_sleep=1, ssl_verify=False)
+        self.assertIsInstance(client, RocketChatClient)
+        self.assertEqual(client.base_url, 'https://open.rocket.chat/api/v1')
+        self.assertEqual(client.user_id, '123user')
+        self.assertEqual(client.api_token, 'aaa')
+        self.assertFalse(client.ssl_verify)
+        self.assertTrue(client.sleep_for_rate)
+        self.assertEqual(client.min_rate_to_sleep, 1)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_messages(self):
+        """Test whether messages are fetched"""
+        setup_http_server()
+        client = RocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                  api_token='aaa', ssl_verify=True)
+        messages = client.messages('testapichannel', from_date=DEFAULT_DATETIME, offset=0)
+        messages = json.loads(messages)
+        self.assertEqual(len(messages['messages']), 2)
+        # Check requests
+        expected = {
+            'count': ['100'],
+            'offset': ['0'],
+            'query': ['{"_updatedAt": {"$gte": {"$date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00 00:00"}}}'],
+            'roomName': ['testapichannel'],
+            'sort': ['{"_updatedAt": 1}']
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().querystring, expected)
+        self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().headers[RocketChatClient.HAUTH_TOKEN], 'aaa')
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_channel_info(self):
+        """Test whether channel information is fetched"""
+        setup_http_server()
+        client = RocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                  api_token='aaa', ssl_verify=True)
+        channel = client.channel_info('testapichannel')
+        channel = json.loads(channel)
+        self.assertEqual(channel['channel']['_id'], 'wyJHNAtuPGnQCT5xP')
+        self.assertEqual(channel['channel']['name'], 'testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(channel['channel']['usersCount'], 2)
+        self.assertEqual(channel['channel']['msgs'], 3)
+        self.assertEqual(channel['channel']['lastMessage']['msg'], 'Test message 2')
+        # Check requests
+        expected = {
+            'roomName': ['testapichannel'],
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().querystring, expected)
+        self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().headers[RocketChatClient.HAUTH_TOKEN], 'aaa')
+    def test_calculate_time_to_reset(self):
+        """Test whether the time to reset is zero if the sleep time is negative"""
+        client = MockedRocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                        api_token='aaa', max_items=10, archive=None, from_archive=False,
+                                        min_rate_to_sleep=2, sleep_for_rate=True, ssl_verify=False)
+        time_to_reset = client.calculate_time_to_reset()
+        self.assertEqual(time_to_reset, 0)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_sleep_for_rate(self):
+        """Test if the clients sleeps when the rate limit is reached"""
+        wait = 10000
+        reset = int(time.time() * 1000 + wait)
+        rate_limit_headers = {'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '0',
+                              'X-RateLimit-Reset': reset}
+        setup_http_server(rate_limit_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+        client = RocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                  api_token='aaa', min_rate_to_sleep=5,
+                                  sleep_for_rate=True)
+        _ = client.channel_info('testapichannel')
+        after = float(time.time() * 1000)
+        self.assertTrue(reset >= after)
+    @httpretty.activate
+    def test_rate_limit_error(self):
+        """Test if a rate limit error is raised when rate is exhausted"""
+        wait = 2000
+        reset = int(time.time() * 1000 + wait)
+        rate_limit_headers = {'X-RateLimit-Remaining': '0',
+                              'X-RateLimit-Reset': reset}
+        setup_http_server(rate_limit_headers=rate_limit_headers)
+        client = RocketChatClient(url='https://open.rocket.chat', user_id='123user',
+                                  api_token='aaa', sleep_for_rate=False)
+        _ = client.channel_info('testapichannel')
+        with self.assertRaises(RateLimitError):
+            _ = client.messages('testapichannel', from_date=DEFAULT_DATETIME, offset=0)
+    def test_sanitize_for_archive(self):
+        """Test whether the sanitize method works properly"""
+        url = "https://open.rocket.chat/testapichannel"
+        headers = {
+            RocketChatClient.HAUTH_TOKEN: 'aaaa',
+            RocketChatClient.HUSER_ID: '123user'
+        }
+        payload = {
+            'count': 100,
+            'offset': 0,
+            'query': '{"_updatedAt": {"$gte": {"$date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00 00:00"}}}',
+            'roomName': 'testapichannel',
+            'sort': '{"_updatedAt": 1}'
+        }
+        s_url, s_headers, s_payload = RocketChatClient.sanitize_for_archive(url, copy.deepcopy(headers), payload)
+        headers.pop(RocketChatClient.HAUTH_TOKEN)
+        headers.pop(RocketChatClient.HUSER_ID)
+        self.assertEqual(url, s_url)
+        self.assertEqual(headers, s_headers)
+        self.assertEqual(payload, s_payload)
+class TestRocketChatCommand(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for RocketChatCommand class"""
+    def test_backend_class(self):
+        """Test if the backend class is RocketChat"""
+        self.assertIs(RocketChatCommand.BACKEND, RocketChat)
+    def test_setup_cmd_parser(self):
+        """Test if it parser object is correctly initialized"""
+        parser = RocketChatCommand.setup_cmd_parser()
+        self.assertIsInstance(parser, BackendCommandArgumentParser)
+        self.assertEqual(parser._backend, RocketChat)
+        args = ['-t', 'aaa',
+                '-u', '123user',
+                '--tag', 'test',
+                '--sleep-for-rate',
+                '--from-date', '1970-01-01',
+                'https://open.rocket.chat',
+                'testapichannel']
+        parsed_args = parser.parse(*args)
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.api_token, 'aaa')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.user_id, '123user')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.url, 'https://open.rocket.chat')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.channel, 'testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.tag, 'test')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.from_date, DEFAULT_DATETIME)
+        self.assertTrue(parsed_args.ssl_verify)
+        self.assertTrue(parsed_args.sleep_for_rate)
+        from_date = datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzutc())
+        args = ['-t', 'aaa',
+                '-u', '123user',
+                '--tag', 'test',
+                '--max-items', '10',
+                '--no-ssl-verify',
+                '--min-rate-to-sleep', '1',
+                '--from-date', '2020-03-01',
+                'https://open.rocket.chat',
+                'testapichannel']
+        parsed_args = parser.parse(*args)
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.api_token, 'aaa')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.user_id, '123user')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.url, 'https://open.rocket.chat')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.channel, 'testapichannel')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.tag, 'test')
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.from_date, from_date)
+        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.min_rate_to_sleep, 1)
+        self.assertFalse(parsed_args.ssl_verify)
+        self.assertFalse(parsed_args.sleep_for_rate)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(warnings='ignore')