Global Second-order Pooling Convolutional Networks |
CVPR19 |
GSoPNet |
将高阶和注意力机制在网络中部地方结合起来 |
Neural Architecture Search for Lightweight Non-Local Networks |
CVPR20 |
AutoNL |
NAS+LightNL |
Squeeze and Excitation Network |
CVPR18 |
SENet |
最经典的通道注意力 |
zhihu |
Selective Kernel Network |
CVPR19 |
SKNet |
SE+动态选择 |
zhihu |
Convolutional Block Attention Module |
ECCV18 |
串联空间+通道注意力 |
zhihu |
BottleNeck Attention Module |
BMVC18 |
并联空间+通道注意力 |
zhihu |
Concurrent Spatial and Channel ‘Squeeze & Excitation’ in Fully Convolutional Networks |
scSE |
并联空间+通道注意力 |
zhihu |
Non-local Neural Networks |
CVPR19 |
Non-Local(NL) |
self-attention |
zhihu |
GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond |
GCNet |
对NL进行改进 |
zhihu |
CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation |
ICCV19 |
CCNet |
对NL改进 |
SA-Net:shuffle attention for deep convolutional neural networks |
SANet |
SGE+channel shuffle |
zhihu |
ECA-Net: Efficient Channel Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks |
CVPR20 |
ECANet |
SE的改进 |
Spatial Group-wise Enhance: Improving Semantic Feature Learning in Convolutional Networks |
CoRR19 |
SGENet |
Group+spatial+channel |
FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks |
CoRR20 |
FcaNet |
频域上的SE操作 |
$A^2\text{-}Nets$: Double Attention Networks |
NeurIPS18 |
DANet |
NL的思想应用到空间和通道 |
Asymmetric Non-local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation |
ICCV19 |
spp+NL |
Efficient Attention: Attention with Linear Complexities |
CoRR18 |
EfficientAttention |
NL降低计算量 |
Image Restoration via Residual Non-local Attention Networks |
ICLR19 |
Exploring Self-attention for Image Recognition |
CVPR20 |
理论性很强,实现起来很简单 |
An Empirical Study of Spatial Attention Mechanisms in Deep Networks |
ICCV19 |
None |
MSRA综述self-attention |
Object-Contextual Representations for Semantic Segmentation |
ECCV20 |
OCRNet |
复杂的交互机制,效果确实好 |
IAUnet: Global Context-Aware Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification |
IAUNet |
引入时序信息 |
ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks |
CoRR20 |
ResNeSt |
SK+ResNeXt |
Gather-Excite: Exploiting Feature Context in Convolutional Neural Networks |
NeurIPS18 |
GENet |
SE续作 |
Improving Convolutional Networks with Self-calibrated Convolutions |
CVPR20 |
SCNet |
自校正卷积 |
Rotate to Attend: Convolutional Triplet Attention Module |
WACV21 |
TripletAttention |
CHW两两互相融合 |
Dual Attention Network for Scene Segmentation |
CVPR19 |
DANet |
self-attention |
Relation-Aware Global Attention for Person Re-identification |
CVPR20 |
RGANet |
用于reid |
Attentional Feature Fusion |
WACV21 |
特征融合的attention方法 |
An Attentive Survey of Attention Models |
CoRR19 |
None |
包括NLP/CV/推荐系统等方面的注意力机制 |
Stand-Alone Self-Attention in Vision Models |
NeurIPS19 |
FullAttention |
全部的卷积都替换为self-attention |
BiSeNet: Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation |
ECCV18 |
BiSeNet |
类似FPN的特征融合方法 |
zhihu |
DCANet: Learning Connected Attentions for Convolutional Neural Networks |
CoRR20 |
DCANet |
增强attention之间信息流动 |
An Empirical Study of Spatial Attention Mechanisms in Deep Networks |
ICCV19 |
None |
对空间注意力进行针对性分析 |
Look closer to see better: Recurrent attention convolutional neural network for fine-grained image recognition |
CVPR17 Oral |
细粒度识别 |
Guided Attention Network for Object Detection and Counting on Drones |
ACM MM20 |
GANet |
处理目标检测问题 |
Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks |
ICCV19 |
AANet |
多头+引入额外特征映射 |
ICLR21 |
新的全局注意力模块 |
Attention-Guided Hierarchical Structure Aggregation for Image Matting |
CVPR20 |
HAttMatting |
抠图方面的应用,高层使用通道注意力机制,然后再使用空间注意力机制指导低层。 |
Weight Excitation: Built-in Attention Mechanisms in Convolutional Neural Networks |
ECCV20 |
None |
与SE互补的权值激活机制 |
Expectation-Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation |
ICCV19 Oral |
EMANet |
EM+Attention |
Dense-and-implicit attention network |
AAAI 20 |
DIANet |
LSTM+全程SE注意力 |
Coordinate Attention for Efficient Mobile Network Design |
CVPR21 |
CoordAttention |
横向、竖向 |
Cross-channel Communication Networks |
NIPS19 |
C3Net |
Gated Convolutional Networks with Hybrid Connectivity for Image Classification |
AAAI20 |
HCGNet |
引入了LSTM的部分概念 |
Weighted Channel Dropout for Regularization of Deep Convolutional Neural Network |
AAAI19 |
None |
Dropout+SE |
BA^2M: A Batch Aware Attention Module for Image Classification |
CVPR21 |
None |
Batch之间建立attention |
EPSANet:An Efficient Pyramid Split Attention Block on Convolutional Neural Network |
CoRR21 |
多尺度 |
Stand-Alone Self-Attention in Vision Models |
NIPS19 |
Non-Local变体 |
ResT: An Efficient Transformer for Visual Recognition |
CoRR21 |
ResT |
self-attention变体 |
Spanet: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network for Enhanced Image Recognition |
ICME20 |
SPANet |
多个AAP组成金字塔 |
Space-time Mixing Attention for Video Transformer |
CoRR21 |
X-VIT Not release |
VIT+时空attention |
DMSANet: Dual Multi Scale Attention Network |
CoRR21 |
Not release yet |
两尺度+轻量 |
CompConv: A Compact Convolution Module for Efficient Feature Learning |
CoRR21 |
Not release yet |
res2net+ghostnet |
VOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual Recognition |
CoRR21 |
ViT上的Attention |
Interflow: Aggregating Multi-layer Featrue Mappings with Attention Mechanism |
CoRR21 |
Not release yet |
辅助头级别attention |
MUSE: Parallel Multi-Scale Attention for Sequence to Sequence Learning |
CoRR21 |
MUSE Attention |
NLP中对SA进行改进 |
Polarized Self-Attention: Towards High-quality Pixel-wise Regression |
CoRR21 |
Pixel-wise regression |
CA-Net: Comprehensive Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Explainable Medical Image Segmentation |
TMI21 |
CA-Net |
Spatial Attention |
BAM: A Lightweight and Efficient Balanced Attention Mechanism for Single Image Super Resolution |
CoRR21 |
Super resolution |
Attention as Activation |
CoRR21 |
activation + attention |
Region-based Non-local Operation for Video Classification |
CoRR21 |
video classification |
MSAF: Multimodal Split Attention Fusion |
CoRR21 |
MultiModal |
All-Attention Layer |
CoRR19 |
None |
Tranformer Layer |
Compact Global Descriptor |
CoRR20 |
add every two channel attention |
SimAM: A Simple, Parameter-Free Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks |
ICML21 |
SimAM |
类脑计算神经元能量 |
Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks With Octave Convolution |
ICCV19 |
OctConv |
从频率角度改进 |
Contextual Transformer Networks for Visual Recognition |
ICCV21 |
CoTNet |
虽然宣称Transformer改进,但实际上就是non-local非常接近 |
Residual Attention: A Simple but Effective Method for Multi-Label Recognition |
ICCV21 |
用于多标签图像识别任务 |
Self-supervised Equivariant Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation |
CVPR20 |
弱监督 |
An Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks |
ICCV2021 |
AW-Conv |
提升了SE部分的容量 |
Attentive Normalization |
Arxiv2020 |
None |
BN+Attention |
Person Re-identification via Attention Pyramid |
TIP21 |
APNet |
注意力金字塔+ReID |
Unifying Nonlocal Blocks for Neural Networks |
ICCV21 |
Non-Local + 引入图谱概念 |
Tiled Squeeze-and-Excite: Channel Attention With Local Spatial Context |
None |
Spatial+Channel |
PP-NAS: Searching for Plug-and-Play Blocks on Convolutional Neural Network |
搜索即插即用模块 |
Distilling Knowledge via Knowledge Review |
CVPR21 |
ReviewKD |
知识蒸馏+Spatial Attention |
Dynamic Region-Aware Convolution |
CVPR21 |
None |
动态生成卷积核 |
Encoder Fusion Network With Co-Attention Embedding for Referring Image Segmentation |
CVPR21 |
None |
Introvert: Human Trajectory Prediction via Conditional 3D Attention |
CVPR21 |
None |
3D Attention |
SSAN: Separable Self-Attention Network for Video Representation Learning |
CVPR21 |
None |
SSAN for video |
Delving Deep into Many-to-many Attention for Few-shot Video Object Segmentation |
CVPR21 |
DANet |
Few-Shot Video Segmentation |
A2 -FPN: Attention Aggregation based Feature Pyramid Network for Instance Segmentation |
CVPR21 |
None |
FPN+Attention |
Image Super-Resolution with Non-Local Sparse Attention |
CVPR21 |
None |
SR+Non local |
Keep your Eyes on the Lane: Real-time Attention-guided Lane Detection |
CVPR21 |
LaneATT |
Land Detection |
NAM: Normalization-based Attention Module |
CoRR21 |
Normal+Attention |
NAS-SCAM: Neural Architecture Search-Based Spatial and Channel Joint Attention Module for Nuclei Semantic Segmentation and Classification |
NASABN: A Neural Architecture Search Framework for Attention-Based Networks |
None |
Att-DARTS: Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Attention |
Att-Darts |
Darts+AttentionSearch |
On the Integration of Self-Attention and Convolution |
CoRR21 |
ACMix |
self attention+conv |
BoxeR: Box-Attention for 2D and 3D Transformers |
CoRR21 |
None |
目标检测+attention |
CoAtNet: Marrying Convolution and Attention for All Data Sizes |
NIPS21 |
coatnet |
Pay Attention to MLPs |
NIPS21 |
gmlp |
IC-Conv: Inception Convolution With Efficient Dilation Search |
CVPR21 Oral |
IC-Conv |
空洞率搜索 |
SRM : A Style-based Recalibration Module for Convolutional Neural Networks |
ICCV19 |
Style校准注意力 |
SPANet: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network for Enhanced Image Recognition |
ICME20 |
SPANet |
Competitive Inner-Imaging Squeeze and Excitation for Residual Network |
CoRR18 |
Competitive-SENet |
引入skip connection信息 |