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Point Cloud Filters
& Pipelines in PDAL

FOSS4G 2017, 18 August 2017

Bradley J Chambers, DigitalGlobe


  • Docker Images
  • Filter-only Pipelines
  • Status of PCL Filters
  • Python Package
  • Python Examples
  • Filter Roundup

Docker Images

Image Tag Size
pdal/dependencies 1.5 3.1GB
pdal/dependencies latest 3.31GB
pdal/pdal 1.5 3.67GB
pdal/pdal latest 3.67GB
  • Images building plugins on top of the PDAL base image can grow even larger |


Alpine Docker Image

  • Prototype Alpine image with ~80% of the plugins
Image Tag Size
pdal/dependencies alpine 1.07GB
pdal/pdal alpine 365MB

Filter-only Pipelines



@[3](Inferred reader) @[4-7](Filter with options) @[8](Inferred writer)


pdal pipeline pipeline.json


pdal pipeline pipeline.json --readers.las.filename=input.las --writers.las.filename=output.las

@[1](Override options from the CLI)




pdal translate input.las output.las --json pipeline.json

Status of PCL Filters


Old (PCL) New (PDAL)
filters.ground filters.pmf
filters.radiusoutlier filters.outlier
filters.statisticaloutlier filters.outlier
filters.height filters.hag
filters.dartsample filters.sample

Native PDAL variants of PCL Plugin filters


  "pipeline": [
      "type": "filters.pclblock", 
      "methods": [
          "setLeafSize": {
            "y": 2.0, 
            "x": 2.0, 
            "z": 2.0
          "name": "VoxelGrid"

@[5-14](PCL JSON specification bumped to v0.2 → easier to embed in PDAL JSON)





Python Package

  • The PDAL Python package can be installed via pip.

    pip install pdal
  • Once installed, simply

    import pdal

Python Examples

Note: The remainder of the presentation will present examples in the context of the PDAL Python package (though CLI samples will be provided as well).


Creating a Pipeline

>>> json = u'''
... {
...   "pipeline":[
...     "./data/isprs/samp11-utm.laz"
...   ]
... }'''

>>> p = pdal.Pipeline(json)

@[1-6](Define the pipeline JSON) @[9](Create the pipeline)


Validating & Executing the Pipeline

>>> print('Is pipeline valid? %s' % p.validate())
Is pipeline valid? True

>>> print('Pipeline processed %d points.' % p.execute())
Pipeline processed 38010 points.

>>> arr = p.arrays[0]
>>> print('Pipeline contains %d array(s).' % (len(p.arrays)))
Pipeline contains 1 array(s).

@[1-2](Check for a valid pipeline) @[5-6](Execute the pipeline) @[9-11](Check how many ndarrays were returned)


Use the ndarray

Print the first point record

>>> print(arr[0])
(512743.63, 5403547.33, 308.68, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0.0, 0, 0)


Print the first 10 X values

>>> print(arr['X'][:10])
[ 512743.63  512743.62  512743.61  512743.6   512743.6   512741.5   512741.5
  512741.49  512741.48  512741.47]


Print the mean of all Z values

>>> print(arr['Z'].mean())


Or Pandas!

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> samp11 = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['X','Y','Z'])
>>> samp11.head()
           X           Y       Z
0  512743.63  5403547.33  308.68
1  512743.62  5403547.33  308.70
2  512743.61  5403547.33  308.72
3  512743.60  5403547.34  308.68
4  512743.60  5403547.33  308.73


>>> samp11.describe()
                   X             Y             Z
count   38010.000000  3.801000e+04  38010.000000
mean   512767.010570  5.403708e+06    356.171434
std        38.570375  8.587360e+01     29.212680
min    512700.870000  5.403547e+06    295.250000
25%    512733.530000  5.403645e+06    329.060000
50%    512766.940000  5.403705e+06    356.865000
75%    512799.900000  5.403790e+06    385.860000
max    512834.760000  5.403850e+06    404.080000



>>> import seaborn as sns
>>> sns.kdeplot(samp11['Z'], cut=0, shade=True, vertical=True);



Searching Near a Point

Find the median point

>>> med = samp11.median()
>>> print(med)
X     512766.940
Y    5403705.460
Z        356.865
dtype: float64


Print the distance to the three nearest neighbors

>>> from scipy import spatial
>>> tree = spatial.cKDTree(samp11)
>>> dists, idx = tree.query(med, k=3)
>>> print(dists)
[ 0.6213091   1.37645378  1.51757207]


Print the point records of the three nearest neighbors

>>> samp11.iloc[idx]
               X           Y       Z
31897  512767.16  5403706.02  357.02
31881  512767.93  5403706.29  356.39
31972  512765.75  5403706.19  356.27



  • A DimRange is a
    • named dimension, and
    • range of values.
  • Bounds can be inclusive ([]) or exclusive (()).
  • Ranges can be negated (!).



@[3-6](Select all points with Z greater than or equal to 10) @[7-10](Select all points with classification of 2) @[11-14](Select points with red values less than or equal to 20 as well as those greater than 40) @[15-18](Reassign all classification values to 0)


Ignoring a DimRange

  • Available to filters.pmf and filters.smrf
  • Eliminates the need to completely remove points (e.g., noise)
  • Instead, points are ignored



@[1-11](Noise points are removed!)



@[1-8](Noise points are left intact, just ignored.)


Height Above Ground

  • filters.hag
  • Creates new HeightAboveGround dimension


  1. SMRF to segment ground and non-ground returns
  2. HAG to estimate the HeightAboveGround using the return information.


Recall the kernel density of raw elevations...




@[7-9](Now, consider the HeightAboveGround dimension)


>>> p = pdal.Pipeline(json)
>>> count = p.execute()
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(p.arrays[0])
>>> sns.kdeplot(df['HeightAboveGround'], cut=0, shade=True, vertical=True);



>>> df[['HeightAboveGround']].describe()
count       15607.000000
mean            5.467956
std             5.006438
min           -13.280000
25%             2.110000
50%             3.870000
75%             7.810000
max            63.700000



Filter Roundup



  • filters.assign
  • Assign a value to a DimRange
  • Handy for resetting classifications


Approximate Coplanar

  • filters.approximatecoplanar
  • Ratios of eigenvalues
  • Creates a new binary dimension called Coplanar










Extended Local Minimum

  • filters.elm
  • Extended Local Minimum seeks to identify outliers below the ground surface
  • Marks outliers with Classification value of 7


Estimate Rank

  • filters.estimaterank
  • Compute covariance of neighborhoods of points and estimate rank
  • Potentially useful for identifying linear features, planes, etc.
  • Creates new Rank dimension




rank scatter




rank scatter nonground



  • filters.groupby
  • Split the incoming PointView into separate PointViews by given criteria
  • Allows us to operate on each individually (e.g., find centroid of each cluster)


Head (and Tail)

  • filters.head and filters.tail
  • Pass only the specified number of points from beginning or ending of the PointView



  • filters.kdistance
  • Compute the distance to the k-th nearest neighbor
  • Creates new KDistance dimension


Local Outlier Factor

  • Local Outlier Factor
  • Creates three new dimensions
    • KDistance
    • LocalReachabilityDistance
    • LocalOutlierFactor













  • filters.locate
  • Find and return only the min or max point in the incoming PointView (e.g., of a cluster)


Median Absolute Deviation

  • filters.mad
  • Filter points by evaluating Median Absolute Deviation for a given dimension




Interquartile Rnage

  • filters.iqr
  • Filter points by evaluating Interquartile Range for a given dimension





  • filters.cluster
  • Cluster points by proximity (Euclidean distance)
  • Iterate over newly added points until no more points can be added
  • Creates a new integer dimension specifying the ClusterID





  • filters.eigenvalues
  • Filters like filters.approximatecoplanar use eigenvalues, but analysts may wish to precompute eigenvalues and operate directly on them
  • Creates three new dimensions
    • Eigenvalue0
    • Eigenvalue1
    • Eigenvalue2




Radial Density

  • filters.radialdensity
  • Return the number of points within sphere of given radius
  • Creates new RadialDensity dimension


Simple Morphological Filter

  • filters.smrf
  • New alternative to PMF, still uses morphological operators
  • Marks ground points as Classification value of 2 (else 1)


Voxel Methods

  • filters.voxelcenternearestneighbor and filters.voxelcentroidnearestneighbor
  • Eventual replacement of PCL filters.voxelgrid
  • Thins the point cloud to one point per voxel






Poisson Sampling

  • filters.sample
  • Poisson disk sampling
  • No two points can be closer than a given radius




Removing Noise

This tutorial is meant to walk through the use of and theory behind one of PDAL's outlier filters.


Statistical Outlier Filter

The basic idea of a statistical outlier removal has been implemented in both PCL and PDAL.


We begin by computing the mean distance $\mu_i$ to each of the $k$ nearest neighbors for each point.

$$\overline{\mu} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \mu_i$$

$$\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^N (\mu_i - \overline{\mu})^2}$$


A threshold is then formed by

$$\overline{\mu} + 3\sigma$$

Any point whose mean distance $\mu_i$ exceeds this threshold is then labeled as noise.


Let's begin by iterating through our DataFrame, keeping track of the mean distance to our eight nearest neighbors.

>>> dists = []
>>> for _, point in samp11[['X','Y','Z']].iterrows():
...     dist, _ = tree.query(point, k=9)
...     dists = np.append(dists, dist[1:].mean())


>>> sns.kdeplot(dists, cut=0, shade=True);

Mean Distances

KDE plot of mean distances.


Now, we compute the threshold as described.

>>> threshold = dists.mean() + 3 * dists.std()
>>> noise = dists[dists > threshold]
>>> signal = dists[dists <= threshold]
>>> print(noise.size, "points detected with a mean distance exceeding the global threshold of", threshold)
241 points detected with a mean distance exceeding the global threshold of 3.81763516967


>>> sns.kdeplot(signal, cut=0, shade=True);


Updated KDE plot after noise removal.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import spatial
def sor(ins, outs):
    df = pd.DataFrame(ins, columns=['X','Y','Z'])
    tree = spatial.cKDTree(df)
    for _, point in df.iterrows():
        dist, _ = tree.query(point, k=9)
        dists = np.append(dists, dist[1:].mean())
    threshold = dists.mean() + 3 * dists.std()
    outs['Mask'] = dists <= threshold
    return True




  "pipeline": [
      "type": "filters.smrf"
    }, {
      "type": "filters.hag"
    }, {
      "type": "filters.range", "limits": "HeightAboveGround[3:]"
    }, {
      "type": "filters.cluster", "tolerance": 3
    }, {
      "type": "filters.groupby", "dimension": "ClusterID"
    }, {
      "type": "filters.locate", "dimension": "HeightAboveGround", "minmax": "max"
    }, {
      "type": "filters.merge"
    }, {
      "type": "filters.range", "limits": "HeightAboveGround[20:]"


>>> p = pdal.Pipeline(json)
>>> count = p.execute()
>>> vo = pd.DataFrame(p.arrays[0], columns=['X','Y','Z','HeightAboveGround'])
>>> vo.describe()
                   X             Y           Z  HeightAboveGround
count      15.000000  1.500000e+01   15.000000          15.000000
mean   512799.513333  5.403632e+06  352.667333          38.212000
std        23.111817  4.812817e+01   22.661835          16.576486
min    512730.790000  5.403557e+06  317.300000          20.050000
25%    512795.435000  5.403623e+06  333.970000          21.895000
50%    512798.290000  5.403624e+06  354.110000          38.450000
75%    512813.460000  5.403626e+06  367.255000          54.255000
max    512831.280000  5.403739e+06  401.930000          63.700000


>>> vo
            X           Y       Z  HeightAboveGround
0   512794.22  5403576.38  317.30              21.99
1   512827.97  5403630.85  329.92              24.45
2   512786.89  5403626.56  366.60              58.15
3   512811.06  5403612.84  326.88              20.26
4   512792.11  5403626.03  368.89              59.78
5   512797.05  5403624.26  338.02              28.91
6   512796.65  5403624.90  350.39              41.28
7   512798.29  5403625.87  361.53              52.31
8   512797.34  5403623.67  347.56              38.45
9   512798.47  5403623.67  354.11              44.89
10  512798.73  5403624.20  365.42              56.20
11  512831.28  5403557.39  323.52              20.96
12  512815.86  5403621.44  370.03              63.70
13  512815.99  5403739.10  367.91              20.05
14  512730.79  5403738.80  401.93              21.80
