finding metrics for particular ESME
echo " Time,${METRIC_TYPE1} ,${METRIC_TYPE2} "
for FILE in $( dir) ; do
TIMEF=$( echo " ${FILE} " | sed ' s/\([0-9]\{4\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)_\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\(.*\)/\4:\5 \3-\2-\1/' )
MATCH1=$( grep -i ${ESME} ${FILE} | grep -i Counter | grep -i ApplicationAccessGroup | grep -i ${METRIC_TYPE1} )
MATCH1=$( echo ${MATCH1} | sed ' s/;$//' | cut -d" ," -f7)
MATCH2=$( grep -i ${ESME} ${FILE} | grep -i Counter | grep -i ApplicationAccessGroup | grep -i ${METRIC_TYPE2} )
MATCH2=$( echo ${MATCH2} | sed ' s/;$//' | cut -d" ," -f7)
echo " ${TIMEF} ,${MATCH1} ,${MATCH2} "
import plotly .offline as py
import plotly .graph_objs as go
#import plotly.figure_factory as FF
from plotly .tools import FigureFactory as FF
import pandas as pd
df = pd .read_csv ('/tmp/metric_parser_out.csv' , delimiter = ',' )
df .head ()
print (df )
metric1 = go .Scatter (
x = df ['Time' ],
y = df [METRIC_TYPE1 ],
mode = 'lines' , name = METRIC_TYPE1
metric2 = go .Scatter (
x = df ['Time' ],
y = df [METRIC_TYPE2 ],
mode = 'lines' , name = METRIC_TYPE2
layout = go .Layout (
title = 'AAG/XAG metrics plot' ,
yaxis = dict (title = 'count' ),
xaxis = dict (title = 'Time' )
fig = go .Figure (data = [metric1 , metric2 ], layout = layout )
url = py .plot (fig , filename = '/tmp/pandas_plot' )
set title " submit request rx : TIMOING"
set xlabel " Time"
set ylabel " MSG Count"
# set xdata time
# set timefmt "%H:%M %d-%m-%Y"
set xtics rotate
set terminal png size 1600 ,1000
plot data using 2 :xtic (1 ) with lines , ' ' using 1 with lines