diff --git a/lib/Parser/rterrors.h b/lib/Parser/rterrors.h
index ca429352a64..98cfaa2b4c1 100755
--- a/lib/Parser/rterrors.h
+++ b/lib/Parser/rterrors.h
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_MissingCurrencyCode, 5123, "", "Currency code was not specifi
RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_InvalidDate, 5124, "", "Invalid Date", kjstRangeError, 0)
RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_IntlNotAvailable, 5125, "", "Intl is not available.", kjstTypeError, 0)
RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_IntlNotImplemented, 5126, "", "Intl operation '%s' is not implemented.", kjstTypeError, 0)
+RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_InvalidPrivateOrGrandfatheredTag, 5127, "", "The arguments provided to Intl.Locale form an invalid privateuse or grandfathered language tag", kjstRangeError, 0)
RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_ArgumentOutOfRange, 5130, "%s: argument out of range", "argument out of range", kjstRangeError, 0)
RT_ERROR_MSG(JSERR_ErrorOnNew, 5131, "", "Function is not a constructor", kjstTypeError, 0)
diff --git a/lib/Runtime/Base/JnDirectFields.h b/lib/Runtime/Base/JnDirectFields.h
index 8d9aef908b3..b716598e120 100644
--- a/lib/Runtime/Base/JnDirectFields.h
+++ b/lib/Runtime/Base/JnDirectFields.h
@@ -671,7 +671,6 @@ ENTRY(builtInJavascriptObjectEntryIsExtensible)
-ENTRY(builtInJavascriptRegExpEntryTest) // TODO(jahorto): is this needed?
@@ -708,6 +707,7 @@ ENTRY(raiseOptionValueOutOfRange_3)
// Promise (ChakraFull)
diff --git a/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj b/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj
index 2ad8484e353..dfb82b85d36 100644
--- a/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj
+++ b/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
@@ -326,4 +327,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj.filters b/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj.filters
index 40decfc9e0e..315b6fa5430 100644
--- a/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/lib/Runtime/Library/Chakra.Runtime.Library.vcxproj.filters
@@ -226,6 +226,9 @@
@@ -286,4 +289,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/Runtime/Library/EngineInterfaceObject.cpp b/lib/Runtime/Library/EngineInterfaceObject.cpp
index 344951a2b8b..6ce16f68f37 100644
--- a/lib/Runtime/Library/EngineInterfaceObject.cpp
+++ b/lib/Runtime/Library/EngineInterfaceObject.cpp
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ namespace Js
// to share the common APIs without requiring everyone to access EngineInterfaceObject.Common.
this->commonNativeInterfaces = DynamicObject::New(recycler,
DynamicType::New(scriptContext, TypeIds_Object, library->GetObjectPrototype(), nullptr,
- DeferredTypeHandler::GetDefaultInstance()));
+ DeferredTypeHandler::GetDefaultInstance()));
library->AddMember(this, Js::PropertyIds::Common, this->commonNativeInterfaces);
for (uint i = 0; i <= MaxEngineInterfaceExtensionKind; i++)
@@ -210,15 +210,9 @@ namespace Js
JavascriptLibrary* library = commonNativeInterfaces->GetScriptContext()->GetLibrary();
-#ifndef GlobalBuiltIn
-#define GlobalBuiltIn(global, method) \
- library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::builtIn##global##method, &EngineInterfaceObject::EntryInfo::BuiltIn_##global##_##method##, 1); \
+#define GlobalBuiltIn(global, method) library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::builtIn##global##method, &EngineInterfaceObject::EntryInfo::BuiltIn_##global##_##method##, 1);
#define GlobalBuiltInConstructor(global) SetPropertyOn(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::##global##, library->Get##global##Constructor());
-#define BuiltInRaiseException(exceptionType, exceptionID) \
- library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::raise##exceptionID, &EngineInterfaceObject::EntryInfo::BuiltIn_raise##exceptionID, 1); \
+#define BuiltInRaiseException(exceptionType, exceptionID) library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::raise##exceptionID, &EngineInterfaceObject::EntryInfo::BuiltIn_raise##exceptionID, 1);
#define BuiltInRaiseException1(exceptionType, exceptionID) BuiltInRaiseException(exceptionType, exceptionID)
#define BuiltInRaiseException2(exceptionType, exceptionID) BuiltInRaiseException(exceptionType, exceptionID)
#define BuiltInRaiseException3(exceptionType, exceptionID) BuiltInRaiseException(exceptionType, exceptionID##_3)
@@ -231,7 +225,7 @@ namespace Js
#undef BuiltInRaiseException3
#undef GlobalBuiltIn
#undef GlobalBuiltInConstructor
library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::builtInJavascriptObjectCreate, &JavascriptObject::EntryInfo::Create, 1);
library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::builtInJavascriptObjectPreventExtensions, &JavascriptObject::EntryInfo::PreventExtensions, 1);
library->AddFunctionToLibraryObject(commonNativeInterfaces, Js::PropertyIds::builtInJavascriptObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, &JavascriptObject::EntryInfo::GetOwnPropertyDescriptor, 1);
@@ -266,7 +260,7 @@ namespace Js
int hr = Js::JavascriptConversion::ToInt32(args[1], scriptContext);
int resourceId;
- switch(hr)
+ switch (hr)
case ASYNCERR_NoErrorInErrorState:
resourceId = 5200;
@@ -285,7 +279,7 @@ namespace Js
const int strLength = 1024;
OLECHAR errorString[strLength];
- if(FGetResourceString(resourceId, errorString, strLength))
+ if (FGetResourceString(resourceId, errorString, strLength))
return Js::JavascriptString::NewCopySz(errorString, scriptContext);
@@ -440,7 +434,7 @@ namespace Js
Var newVars[3];
Js::Arguments newArgs(callInfo, newVars);
- for (uint i = 0; i _.arrayIndexOf(array, v) === i); },
+ any(array, func) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (func(array[i], i)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ sort(array, sortCallback) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ for (let j = i; j < array.length; j++) {
+ const cond = sortCallback ? sortCallback(array[i], array[j]) : array[i] < array[j];
+ if (cond > 0) {
+ const temp = array[i];
+ array[i] = array[j];
+ array[j] = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
keys: platform.builtInJavascriptObjectEntryKeys,
hasOwnProperty(o, prop) { return callInstanceFunc(platform.builtInJavascriptObjectEntryHasOwnProperty, o, prop); },
@@ -719,10 +740,7 @@
const canonicalizedTag = platform.normalizeLanguageTag(tag);
- if (canonicalizedTag === undefined) {
- // See comment in platform.normalizeLanguageTag about when this happens
- platform.raiseLocaleNotWellFormed(tag);
- } else if (_.arrayIndexOf(seen, canonicalizedTag) === -1) {
+ if (_.arrayIndexOf(seen, canonicalizedTag) === -1) {
_.push(seen, canonicalizedTag);
@@ -2024,6 +2042,702 @@
return PluralRules;
+ if (InitType === "Intl") {
+ // Language Tag Syntax as described in RFC 5646 #section-2.1
+ // Note: All language tags are comprised only of ASCII characters (makes our job easy here)
+ // Note: Language tags in canonical form have case conventions, but language tags are case-insensitive for our purposes
+ // Note: The ABNF syntax used in RFC 5646 #section-2.1 uses the following numeric quantifier conventions:
+ // - (Parentheses) are used for grouping
+ // - #PRODUCTION => exactly # of PRODUCTION /(PRODUCTION){#}/
+ // - a*bPRODUCTION (where a and b are optional)
+ // - *PRODUCTION => any number of PRODUCTION /(PRODUCTION)*/
+ // - 1*PRODUCTION => 1 or more of PRODUCTION /(PRODUCTION)+/
+ // - #*PRODUCTION => # or more of PRODUCTION /(PRODUCTION){#,}/
+ // - *#PRODUCTION => 0 to # (inclusive) of PRODUCTION /(PRODUCTION){,#}/ or /(PRODUCTION){0,#}/
+ // - a*bPRODUCTION => a to b (inclusive) of PRODUCTION /(PRODUCTION){a,b}/
+ const ALPHA = "[A-Z]";
+ const DIGIT = "[0-9]";
+ const alphanum = `(?:${ALPHA}|${DIGIT})`;
+ const regularREString = "\\b(?:art-lojban|cel-gaulish|no-bok|no-nyn|zh-guoyu|zh-hakka|zh-min|zh-min-nan|zh-xiang)\\b";
+ const irregularREString = "\\b(?:en-GB-oed|i-ami|i-bnn|i-default|i-enochian|i-hak|i-klingon|i-lux|i-mingo" +
+ "|i-navajo|i-pwn|i-tao|i-tay|i-tsu|sgn-BE-FR|sgn-BE-NL|sgn-CH-DE)\\b";
+ const grandfatheredREString = `\\b(?:${regularREString}|${irregularREString})\\b`;
+ const privateuseREString = `\\b(?:x(?:-${alphanum}{1,8}\\b)+)\\b`; // privateuse = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
+ const singletonREString = `\\b(?:${DIGIT}|[A-WY-Z])\\b`; // singleton ~= alphanum except for 'x' ; (paraphrased)
+ const extensionREString = `\\b(?:${singletonREString}(?:-${alphanum}{2,8})+)\\b`; // extension = singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
+ const variantREString = `\\b(?:${alphanum}{5,8}|${DIGIT}${alphanum}{3})\\b`; // variant = 5*8alphanum / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
+ const regionREString = `\\b(?:${ALPHA}{2}|${DIGIT}{3})\\b`; // region = 2ALPHA / 3DIGIT
+ const scriptREString = `\\b(?:${ALPHA}{4})\\b`; // script = 4ALPHA
+ const extlangREString = `\\b(?:${ALPHA}{3}\\b(?:-${ALPHA}{3}){0,2})\\b`; // extlang = 3ALPHA *2("-" 3ALPHA)
+ const languageREString = '\\b(?:' + // language =
+ `${ALPHA}{2,3}` + // 2*3ALPHA ; shortest ISO 639 code
+ `\\b(?:-${extlangREString})?` + // ["-" extlang] ; sometimes followed by extended language subtags
+ // `|${ALPHA}{4}` + // / 4ALPHA ; or reserved for future use
+ // `|${ALPHA}{5,8}` + // / 5*8ALPHA ; or registered language subtag
+ `|${ALPHA}{4,8}` + // ~/ 4*8ALPHA ; (paraphrased: combined previous two lines)
+ ')\\b';
+ // Use matching groups only at the langtag level. This makes it clear what $1, $2, etc are when calling _.match
+ // NOTE: the leading "-" is matched for variant and extension, but not for any of the other groups.
+ const langtagREString = `\\b(${languageREString})\\b` + // langtag = language
+ `\\b(?:-(${scriptREString}))?\\b` + // ["-" script]
+ `\\b(?:-(${regionREString}))?\\b` + // ["-" region]
+ `\\b((?:-${variantREString})*)\\b` + // *("-" variant)
+ `\\b((?:-${extensionREString})*)\\b` + // *("-" extension)
+ `\\b(?:-(${privateuseREString}))?\\b` ; // ["-" privateuse]
+ // Use ^ and $ to enforce that the entire input string is a langtag
+ const langtagRE = new platform.RegExp(`^${langtagREString}$`, "i");
+ const grandfatheredRE = new platform.RegExp(`^${grandfatheredREString}$`, "i");
+ const privateuseRE = new platform.RegExp(`^${privateuseREString}$`, "i");
+ const grandfatheredOrPrivateuseRE = new platform.RegExp(`^(?:${grandfatheredREString}|${privateuseREString})$`, "i");
+ const languageOptionRE = new platform.RegExp(`^${languageREString}$`, "i");
+ const scriptOptionRE = new platform.RegExp(`^${scriptREString}$`, "i");
+ const regionOptionRE = new platform.RegExp(`^${regionREString}$`, "i");
+ const langtagToPartsCache = new IntlCache();
+ const langtagToParts = function (langtag) {
+ const cached = langtagToPartsCache.get(langtag);
+ if (cached) {
+ return cached;
+ }
+ const ret = _.create();
+ let parts = _.match(langtag, langtagRE);
+ if (!parts) {
+ parts = _.match(langtag, grandfatheredRE);
+ if (!parts) {
+ parts = _.match(langtag, privateuseRE);
+ if (!parts) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ ret.privateuseTag = langtag;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret.grandfatheredTag = langtag;
+ }
+ }
+ langtagToPartsCache.set(langtag, ret);
+ if (ret.privateuseTag || ret.grandfatheredTag) {
+ ret.isGrandfatheredOrPrivateuseTag = true;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret.language = parts[1];
+ ret.base = parts[1];
+ if (parts[2]) {
+ ret.script = parts[2];
+ ret.base += "-" + parts[2];
+ }
+ if (parts[3]) {
+ ret.region = parts[3];
+ ret.base += "-" + parts[3];
+ }
+ if (parts[4]) {
+ ret.variants = parts[4];
+ // leading "-" is already in parts[4]
+ ret.base += parts[4];
+ }
+ if (parts[5]) {
+ ret.extensions = parts[5];
+ // parse the extension to find the unicode (-u) extension
+ const extensionParts = _.split(parts[5], "-");
+ for (let unicodeExtensionStart = 0; unicodeExtensionStart < extensionParts.length; ++unicodeExtensionStart) {
+ if (extensionParts[unicodeExtensionStart] !== "u") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let unicodeExtensionsEnd;
+ for (unicodeExtensionsEnd = unicodeExtensionStart + 1; unicodeExtensionsEnd < extensionParts.length && extensionParts[unicodeExtensionsEnd].length > 1; unicodeExtensionsEnd++) {
+ // do nothing, we just want k to equal the index of the next element whose length is 1
+ // or to equal the length of extensionParts
+ // We could have done this with Array.prototype.findIndex too
+ }
+ if (unicodeExtensionsEnd > unicodeExtensionStart + 1) {
+ // this creates u-(keys and values)*, which is good enough for the UnicodeExtensionValue. UnicodeExtensionComponents, on the other hand,
+ // requires -u-keys-and-values with the leading -. UnicodeExtensionComponents knows to add "-" to the start if its missing.
+ ret.unicodeExtension = _.join(_.slice(extensionParts, unicodeExtensionStart, unicodeExtensionsEnd), "-");
+ }
+ // if we have gotten this far, we have found -u-{values}, so we can break
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts[6]) {
+ ret.privateuse = parts[6];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ // no cache because IntlCache requires keys to be === rather than structurally equal
+ const partsToLangtag = function (parts) {
+ if (parts.isGrandfatheredOrPrivateuseTag) {
+ return parts.privateuseTag || parts.grandfatheredTag;
+ }
+ let langtag = parts.language;
+ if (parts.script) {
+ langtag += `-${parts.script}`;
+ }
+ if (parts.region) {
+ langtag += `-${parts.region}`;
+ }
+ if (parts.variants) {
+ langtag += parts.variants;
+ }
+ if (parts.extensions) {
+ langtag += parts.extensions;
+ }
+ if (parts.privateuse) {
+ langtag += `-${parts.privateuse}`;
+ }
+ return langtag;
+ };
+ // Locale helper functions
+ const getAndValidateOption = function (options, key, productionRegex, productionName) {
+ productionName = productionName || key;
+ const value = GetOption(options, key, "string", undefined, undefined);
+ if (value !== undefined && _.match(value, productionRegex) === null) {
+ platform.raiseOptionValueOutOfRange_3(value, key, `RFC5646 ${productionName}`);
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ // see steps in #sec-Intl.Locale that look like
+ // "If calendar does not match the (3*8alphanum) *("-" (3*8alphanum)) sequence, throw a RangeError exception."
+ const extensionOptionRE = /^[a-z0-9]{3,8}(?:-[a-z0-9]{3,8})*$/i;
+ const getAndValidateExtensionOption = function (options, key) {
+ return getAndValidateOption(options, key, extensionOptionRE, "extension");
+ };
+ const getLocaleInternalsObject = function (loc, methodName) {
+ if (typeof loc !== "object") {
+ platform.raiseNeedObjectOfType(`Intl.Locale.prototype.${methodName}`, "Intl.Locale");
+ }
+ const locInternals = platform.getHiddenObject(loc);
+ if (typeof locInternals !== "object" || !locInternals.initializedLocale) {
+ platform.raiseNeedObjectOfType(`Intl.Locale.prototype.${methodName}`, "Intl.Locale");
+ }
+ return locInternals;
+ };
+ const minMaxImpl = function (loc, methodName) {
+ const locInternals = getLocaleInternalsObject(loc, methodName);
+ const minimaximal = platform[`${methodName}Locale`](locInternals);
+ return new Locale(minimaximal);
+ };
+ const generateUTS35Extension = function (attributes, keywords) {
+ _.sort(attributes);
+ _.sort(keywords, (l, r) => l.key < r.key ? -1 : l.key > r.key ? 1 : 0);
+ _.forEach(keywords, (keyword) => {
+ keyword.key = _.toLowerCase(keyword.key);
+ if (keyword.value === "true") {
+ keyword.value = undefined;
+ } else {
+ keyword.value = _.toLowerCase(keyword.value);
+ }
+ });
+ let extension = "";
+ _.forEach(attributes, (attr) => extension += `-${attr}`);
+ _.forEach(keywords, (kw) => {
+ extension += `-${kw.key}`;
+ if (kw.value) {
+ extension += `-${kw.value}`;
+ }
+ });
+ if (extension.length > 0) {
+ extension = `u${extension}`;
+ }
+ return extension;
+ };
+ // End helper functions, begin abstract operations
+ const ApplyOptionsToTag = function (tag, options) {
+ // 2. If IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(tag) is false, throw a RangeError exception.
+ if (!IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(tag)) {
+ platform.raiseLocaleNotWellFormed(tag);
+ }
+ // 3. Let language be ? GetOption(options, "language", "string", undefined, undefined).
+ // 4. If language is not undefined, then
+ // a. If language does not match the language production, throw a RangeError exception.
+ // b. If language matches the grandfathered production, throw a RangeError exception.
+ const language = getAndValidateOption(options, "language", languageOptionRE, "language");
+ if (language !== undefined && _.match(language, grandfatheredRE) !== null) {
+ platform.raiseInvalidPrivateOrGrandfatheredTag();
+ }
+ // 5. Let script be ? GetOption(options, "script", "string", undefined, undefined).
+ // 6. If script is not undefined, then
+ // a. If script does not match the script production, throw a RangeError exception.
+ // 7. Let region be ? GetOption(options, "region", "string", undefined, undefined).
+ // 8. If region is not undefined, then
+ // a. If region does not match the region production, throw a RangeError exception.
+ const script = getAndValidateOption(options, "script", scriptOptionRE, "script");
+ const region = getAndValidateOption(options, "region", regionOptionRE, "region");
+ // 9. If tag matches the grandfathered production,
+ // a. Set tag to CanonicalizeLanguageTag(tag).
+ if (langtagToParts(tag).grandfatheredTag) {
+ tag = platform.normalizeLanguageTag(tag);
+ }
+ // 10. If language is not undefined,
+ // a. If tag matches the privateuse or grandfathered production,
+ // i. Set tag to language.
+ // ii. If tag matches the grandfathered production,
+ // 1. Set tag to CanonicalizeLanguageTag(tag).
+ // b. Else,
+ // i. Assert: tag matches the langtag production.
+ // ii. Set tag to tag with the substring corresponding to the language production replaced by the string language.
+ if (language !== undefined) {
+ if (langtagToParts(tag).isGrandfatheredOrPrivateuseTag) {
+ tag = language;
+ if (langtagToParts(tag).grandfatheredTag) {
+ tag = platform.normalizeLanguageTag(tag);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const parts = langtagToParts(tag);
+ parts.language = language;
+ tag = partsToLangtag(parts);
+ }
+ }
+ // 11. If tag matches the privateuse or grandfathered production,
+ // a. If script is not undefined, or if region is not undefined, throw a RangeError exception.
+ // 12. Else,
+ // a. If script is not undefined, then
+ // i. If tag does not contain a script production, then
+ // 1. Set tag to the concatenation of the language production of tag, "-", script, and the rest of tag.
+ // ii. Else,
+ // 1. Set tag to tag with the substring corresponding to the script production replaced by the string script.
+ // b. If region is not undefined, then
+ // i. If tag does not contain a region production, then
+ // 1. Set tag to the concatenation of the language production of tag, the substring corresponding to the "-" script production if present, "-", region, and the rest of tag.
+ // ii. Else,
+ // 1. Set tag to tag with the substring corresponding to the region production replaced by the string region.
+ if (langtagToParts(tag).isGrandfatheredOrPrivateuseTag) {
+ if (script !== undefined || region !== undefined) {
+ platform.raiseInvalidPrivateOrGrandfatheredTag();
+ }
+ } else {
+ const langtagParts = langtagToParts(tag);
+ if (script !== undefined) {
+ langtagParts.script = script;
+ }
+ if (region !== undefined) {
+ langtagParts.region = region;
+ }
+ tag = partsToLangtag(langtagParts);
+ }
+ // 13. Return CanonicalizeLanguageTag(tag).
+ return platform.normalizeLanguageTag(tag);
+ };
+ const ApplyUnicodeExtensionToTag = function (tag, options, relevantExtensionKeys) {
+ const result = _.create();
+ // 2. If tag matches the privateuse or the grandfathered production, then
+ // a. Let result be a new Record.
+ // b. Repeat for each element key of relevantExtensionKeys in List order,
+ // i. Set result.[[]] to undefined.
+ // c. Set result.[[locale]] to tag.
+ // d. Return result.
+ if (langtagToParts(tag).isGrandfatheredOrPrivateuseTag) {
+ result.locale = tag;
+ return result;
+ }
+ // 4. If tag contains a substring that is a Unicode locale extension sequence, then
+ // a. Let extension be the String value consisting of the first substring of tag that is a Unicode locale extension sequence.
+ // b. Let components be ! UnicodeExtensionComponents(extension).
+ // c. Let attributes be components.[[Attributes]].
+ // d. Let keywords be components.[[Keywords]].
+ // 5. Else,
+ // a. Let attributes be the empty List.
+ // b. Let keywords be the empty List.
+ let attributes;
+ let keywords;
+ const unicodeExtension = langtagToParts(tag).unicodeExtension;
+ if (unicodeExtension !== undefined) {
+ const extension = unicodeExtension;
+ const components = UnicodeExtensionComponents(extension);
+ attributes = components.attributes;
+ keywords = components.keywords;
+ } else {
+ attributes = [];
+ keywords = [];
+ }
+ // 7. Repeat for each element key of relevantExtensionKeys in List order,
+ for (let i = 0; i < relevantExtensionKeys.length; i++) {
+ // a. Let value be undefined.
+ // b. If keywords contains an element whose [[Key]] is the same as key, then
+ // i. Let entry be the element of keywords whose [[Key]] is the same as key.
+ // ii. Let value be entry.[[Value]].
+ // c. Else
+ // i. Let entry be empty.
+ const key = relevantExtensionKeys[i];
+ let value;
+ let entry;
+ for (let k = 0; k < keywords.length; k++) {
+ const keyword = keywords[k];
+ if (keyword.key === key) {
+ entry = keyword;
+ value = keyword.value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // e. Let optionsValue be options.[[]].
+ // f. If optionsValue is not undefined, then
+ // i. Assert: Type(optionsValue) is String.
+ // ii. Let value be optionsValue.
+ // iii. If entry is not empty, then
+ // 1. Set entry.[[Value]] to value.
+ // iv. Else,
+ // 1. Append the Record{[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value} to keywords.
+ const optionsValue = options[key];
+ if (optionsValue !== undefined) {
+ value = optionsValue;
+ if (entry !== undefined) {
+ entry.value = value;
+ } else {
+ const newKeyword = _.create();
+ newKeyword.key = key;
+ newKeyword.value = value;
+ _.push(keywords, newKeyword);
+ }
+ }
+ // g. Set result.[[]] to value.
+ result[key] = value;
+ }
+ // 8. Let locale be the String value that is tag with all Unicode locale extension sequences removed.
+ const langtagParts = langtagToParts(tag);
+ const savedExtension = langtagParts.extensions;
+ langtagParts.extensions = langtagParts.unicodeExtension ? _.replace(savedExtension, "-" + langtagParts.unicodeExtension, "") : savedExtension;
+ let locale = partsToLangtag(langtagParts);
+ langtagParts.extensions = savedExtension;
+ // 9. Let newExtension be the canonicalized Unicode BCP 47 U Extension based on attributes and keywords as defined in UTS #35 section 3.6.
+ const newExtension = generateUTS35Extension(attributes, keywords);
+ // 10. If newExtension is not the empty String, then
+ // a. Let locale be ? InsertUnicodeExtension(locale, newExtension).
+ if (newExtension) {
+ locale = InsertUnicodeExtension(locale, newExtension);
+ }
+ // 11. Set result.[[locale]] to locale.
+ // 12. Return result.
+ result.locale = locale;
+ return result;
+ };
+ const UnicodeExtensionComponents = function (extension) {
+ // 1. Let attributes be the empty List.
+ // 2. Let keywords be the empty List.
+ // 3. Let isKeyword be false.
+ // 4. Let size be the number of elements in extension.
+ // 5. Let k be 3.
+ const attributes = [];
+ const keywords = [];
+ let isKeyword = false;
+ let size = extension.length;
+ let k = 3;
+ // by starting K at 3, this algorithm expects extension to match "-u-..." with the leading "-"
+ // parseLangtag/langtagToParts doesn't provide that by default because the existing algorithm used
+ // by the rest of the constructors, UnicodeExtensionValue, expects only "u-..."
+ // Normalize the behavior here.
+ if (size > 0 && extension[0] === "u") {
+ size++;
+ extension = "-" + extension;
+ }
+ let key;
+ let value;
+ // 6. Repeat, while k < size
+ while (k < size) {
+ // a. Let e be ! Call(%StringProto_indexOf%, extension, << "-", k >>).
+ const e = _.stringIndexOf(extension, "-", k);
+ // b. If e = -1, let len be size - k; else let len be e - k.
+ const len = e === -1 ? size - k : e - k;
+ // c. Let subtag the String value equal to the substring of extension consisting of the code units at indices k (inclusive) through k + len (exclusive).
+ const subtag = _.substring(extension, k, k + len);
+ // d. If isKeyword is false, then
+ // i. If len != 2 and subtag is not an element of attributes, then
+ // 1. Append subtag to attributes.
+ // e. Else,
+ if (!isKeyword) {
+ if (len !== 2 && _.arrayIndexOf(attributes, subtag) === -1) {
+ _.push(attributes, subtag);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // i. If len = 2, then
+ // 1. If keywords does not contain an element whose [[Key]] is the same as key, then
+ // a. Append the Record{[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value} to keywords.
+ // ii. Else,
+ // 1. If value is not the empty String, then
+ // a. Let value be the string-concatenation of value and "-".
+ // 2. Let value be the string-concatenation of value and subtag.
+ if (len === 2) {
+ if (!_.any(keywords, (kw) => kw.key === key)) {
+ const newKeyword = _.create();
+ newKeyword.key = key;
+ newKeyword.value = value;
+ _.push(keywords, newKeyword);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (value !== "") {
+ value = value + "-";
+ }
+ value = value + subtag;
+ }
+ }
+ // f. If len = 2, then
+ // i. Let isKeyword be true.
+ // ii. Let key be subtag.
+ // iii. Let value be the empty String.
+ if (len === 2) {
+ isKeyword = true;
+ key = subtag;
+ value = "";
+ }
+ // g. Let k be k + len + 1.
+ k = k + len + 1;
+ }
+ // 7. If isKeyword is true, then
+ // a. If keywords does not contain an element whose [[Key]] is the same as key, then
+ // i. Append the Record{[[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value} to keywords.
+ if (isKeyword) {
+ if (!_.any(keywords, (kw) => kw.key === key)) {
+ const newKeyword = _.create();
+ newKeyword.key = key;
+ newKeyword.value = value;
+ _.push(keywords, newKeyword);
+ }
+ }
+ // 8. Return the Record{[[Attributes]]: attributes, [[Keywords]]: keywords}.
+ const ret = _.create();
+ ret.attributes = attributes;
+ ret.keywords = keywords;
+ return ret;
+ };
+ const InsertUnicodeExtension = function (locale, extension) {
+ // 3. If locale matches the privateuse or the grandfathered production, throw a RangeError exception.
+ if (_.match(locale, grandfatheredOrPrivateuseRE) !== null) {
+ platform.raiseInvalidPrivateOrGrandfatheredTag();
+ }
+ // 4. Let privateIndex be ! Call(%StringProto_indexOf%, locale, << "-x-" >>).
+ const privateIndex = _.stringIndexOf(locale, "-x-");
+ // 5. If privateIndex = -1, then
+ // a. Let locale be the concatenation of locale and extension.
+ // 6. Else,
+ // a. Let preExtension be the substring of locale from position 0, inclusive, to position privateIndex, exclusive.
+ // b. Let postExtension be the substring of locale from position privateIndex to the end of the string.
+ // c. Let locale be the string-concatenation of preExtension, extension, and postExtension.
+ if (privateIndex === -1) {
+ locale = locale + "-" + extension;
+ } else {
+ const preExtension = _.substring(locale, 0, privateIndex);
+ const postExtension = _.substring(locale, privateIndex);
+ locale = preExtension + "-" + extension + postExtension;
+ }
+ // 8. Return ! CanonicalizeLanguageTag(locale).
+ return platform.normalizeLanguageTag(locale);
+ };
+ const LocalePrototype = {};
+ const Locale = tagPublicFunction("Intl.Locale", function Locale(tag, options = undefined) {
+ if (new.target === undefined) {
+ platform.raiseNeedObjectOfType("Intl.Locale", "Locale");
+ }
+ const relevantExtensionKeys = ["ca", "co", "nu", "hc", "kn", "kf"];
+ const locale = OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(new.target, LocalePrototype);
+ const localeInternals = _.create();
+ platform.setHiddenObject(locale, localeInternals);
+ if (typeof tag !== "string" && (typeof tag !== "object" || tag === null)) {
+ platform.raiseNeedObjectOrString("tag");
+ }
+ if (typeof tag === "object") {
+ const tagStateObject = platform.getHiddenObject(tag);
+ if (tagStateObject && tagStateObject.initializedLocale) {
+ tag = tagStateObject.locale;
+ } else {
+ tag = Internal.ToString(tag);
+ }
+ }
+ options = options === undefined ? _.create() : Internal.ToObject(options);
+ tag = ApplyOptionsToTag(tag, options);
+ const opt = _.create();
+ opt.ca = getAndValidateExtensionOption(options, "calendar");
+ opt.co = getAndValidateExtensionOption(options, "collation");
+ opt.hc = GetOption(options, "hourCycle", "string", ["h11", "h12", "h23", "h24"], undefined);
+ opt.kf = GetOption(options, "caseFirst", "string", ["upper", "lower", "false"], undefined);
+ const kn = GetOption(options, "numeric", "boolean", undefined, undefined);
+ opt.kn = kn === undefined ? kn : Internal.ToString(kn);
+ opt.nu = getAndValidateExtensionOption(options, "numberingSystem");
+ const r = ApplyUnicodeExtensionToTag(tag, opt, relevantExtensionKeys);
+ localeInternals.locale = r.locale;
+ localeInternals.calendar = r.ca;
+ localeInternals.collation = r.co;
+ localeInternals.hourCycle = r.hc;
+ localeInternals.caseFirst = r.kf;
+ localeInternals.numeric = r.kn;
+ localeInternals.numberingSystem = r.nu;
+ const localeParts = langtagToParts(r.locale);
+ localeInternals.language = localeParts.language;
+ localeInternals.script = localeParts.script;
+ localeInternals.region = localeParts.region;
+ localeInternals.baseName = localeParts.base;
+ localeInternals.initializedLocale = true;
+ return locale;
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(Locale, "prototype", {
+ value: LocalePrototype,
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: false,
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(LocalePrototype, "constructor", {
+ value: Locale,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(LocalePrototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {
+ value: "Intl.Locale",
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(LocalePrototype, "maximize", {
+ value: createPublicMethod("Intl.Locale.prototype.maximize", function maximize() {
+ return minMaxImpl(this, "maximize");
+ }),
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(LocalePrototype, "minimize", {
+ value: createPublicMethod("Intl.Locale.prototype.minimize", function minimize() {
+ return minMaxImpl(this, "minimize");
+ }),
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(LocalePrototype, "toString", {
+ value: createPublicMethod("Intl.Locale.prototype.toString", function toString() {
+ return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "toString").locale;
+ }),
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ });
+ const createGetter = function (key, uniqueFunctionDecl) {
+ const getKey = `get ${key}`;
+ const getter = createPublicMethod(getKey, uniqueFunctionDecl);
+ _.defineProperty(getter, "name", {
+ value: getKey,
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ });
+ _.defineProperty(LocalePrototype, key, {
+ get: getter,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ });
+ };
+ // duplicate the function for each rather than parameterizing the function in createGetter because of the displayName
+ // hacks we do in createPublicMethod (see explanation of Date.prototype.toLocale{Date|Time}String)
+ createGetter("calendar", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "calendar").calendar; });
+ createGetter("baseName", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "baseName").baseName; });
+ createGetter("collation", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "collation").collation; });
+ createGetter("hourCycle", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "hourCycle").hourCycle; });
+ createGetter("caseFirst", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "caseFirst").caseFirst; });
+ createGetter("numeric", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "numeric").numeric; });
+ createGetter("numberingSystem", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "numberingSystem").numberingSystem; });
+ createGetter("language", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "language").language; });
+ createGetter("script", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "script").script; });
+ createGetter("region", function () { return getLocaleInternalsObject(this, "region").region; });
+ _.defineProperty(Intl, "Locale", { value: Locale, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true });
+ }
// Initialize Intl properties only if needed
if (InitType === "Intl") {
_.defineProperty(Intl, "Collator", { value: Collator, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true });
diff --git a/lib/Runtime/Library/IntlEngineInterfaceExtensionObject.cpp b/lib/Runtime/Library/IntlEngineInterfaceExtensionObject.cpp
index 6c6c6905d81..9801de6cbeb 100644
--- a/lib/Runtime/Library/IntlEngineInterfaceExtensionObject.cpp
+++ b/lib/Runtime/Library/IntlEngineInterfaceExtensionObject.cpp
// of caution and say it is invalid.
// We also check for parsedLength < langtag->GetLength() because there are cases when status == U_ZERO_ERROR
// but the langtag was not valid, such as "en-tesTER-TESter" (OSS-Fuzz #6657).
- // NOTE: make sure we check for `undefined` at the platform.normalizeLanguageTag callsite.
- return scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetUndefined();
+ JavascriptError::ThrowRangeError(scriptContext, JSERR_LocaleNotWellFormed, langtag);
// forLangTagResultLength can be 0 if langtag is "und".
diff --git a/test/Intl/Locale.js b/test/Intl/Locale.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d8e0cd6ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Intl/Locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
+ {
+ name: "Basic functionality",
+ body() {
+ assert.areEqual("Locale", Intl.Locale.name);
+ const locale = new Intl.Locale("en");
+ assert.areEqual("en", locale.toString());
+ assert.areEqual("[object Intl.Locale]", Object.prototype.toString.call(locale));
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Applying options",
+ body() {
+ function test(expected, langtag, options) {
+ const locale = new Intl.Locale(langtag, options);
+ assert.areEqual(expected, locale.toString());
+ }
+ test("es", "es");
+ test("de", "en", { language: "de" });
+ test("de-Latn-DE-u-ca-chinese", "en", { language: "de", script: "Latn", region: "DE", calendar: "chinese" });
+ test("ar-u-co-unihan", "ar-u-co-unihan");
+ test("ar-u-co-unihan", "ar", { collation: "unihan" });
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Using an existing Locale object for the langtag argument",
+ body() {
+ const enUS = new Intl.Locale("en-US");
+ assert.areEqual("en", enUS.language);
+ assert.areEqual("US", enUS.region);
+ const enGB = new Intl.Locale(enUS, { region: "GB" });
+ assert.areEqual("en", enGB.language);
+ assert.areEqual("GB", enGB.region);
+ const deGB = new Intl.Locale(enGB, { language: "de" });
+ assert.areEqual("de", deGB.language);
+ assert.areEqual("GB", deGB.region);
+ const deLatnGB = new Intl.Locale(deGB, { script: "Latn" });
+ assert.areEqual("de", deLatnGB.language);
+ assert.areEqual("GB", deLatnGB.region);
+ assert.areEqual("Latn", deLatnGB.script);
+ const dePhonebk = new Intl.Locale("de-u-co-phonebk");
+ assert.areEqual("de", dePhonebk.language);
+ assert.areEqual("phonebk", dePhonebk.collation);
+ const deUnihan = new Intl.Locale(dePhonebk, { collation: "unihan" });
+ assert.areEqual("de", deUnihan.language);
+ assert.areEqual("unihan", deUnihan.collation);
+ esUnihanH24 = new Intl.Locale(deUnihan, { language: "es", hourCycle: "h24" });
+ assert.areEqual("es", esUnihanH24.language);
+ assert.areEqual("unihan", esUnihanH24.collation);
+ assert.areEqual("h24", esUnihanH24.hourCycle);
+ }
+ },
+], { verbose: false })
diff --git a/test/Intl/rlexe.xml b/test/Intl/rlexe.xml
index dd9502b4e4f..606de788dfb 100644
--- a/test/Intl/rlexe.xml
+++ b/test/Intl/rlexe.xml
@@ -118,6 +118,12 @@
+ Locale.js
+ Intl,exclude_windows