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laurentderu edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 3 revisions


The nvm_tool is a command line editor for the 6LBR configuration. It can be used to create or update a NVM configuration to be flashed on an Econotag based 6LBR or to update the configuration file of a Linux based 6LBR


tools/nvm_tool COMMAND [OPTIONS]...  []

	--help				 This help
	--new [OPTIONS]... 	 Create a new NVM file
	--print 		 Dump the content of the given NVM file
	--update [OPTIONS]...  []
					 Update the given NVM file, the source file is reused if no destination file is given

	--channel <11..26>		 802.15.4 channel ID
	--wsn-prefix 	 IPv6 prefix to generate global adresses on the WSN network
	--wsn-ip 		 IPv6 global address of the WSN interface
	--wsn-accept-ra <0|1>		 Use RA to configure WSN network
	--wsn-ip-autoconf <0|1>		 Use EUI-64 address to create global address

	--eth-prefix 	 IPv6 prefix to generate global adress on the Eth interface
	--eth-ip 		 IPv6 global address of the Eth interface
	--dft-router 	 IPv6 address of the default router
	--eth-ra-daemon <0|1>		 Activate RA daemon
	--eth-ip-autoconf <0|1>		 Use EUI-48 address to create global address

	--addr-rewrite <0|1>		 Rewrite outgoing local addresses
	--filter-rpl <0|1>		 Filter out RPL messages
	--filter-NDP <0|1>		 Filter out NDP RA/RS messages

	--rpl-version 		 Current RPL DODAG version ID

	--fit				 Size NVM output file to the actual size of the NVM data

Note that depending of the 6LBR mode used some parameters are not used


Create a new configuration with the rf channel set to 24 and the RA emission disabled :

 nvm_tool --new --channel 24 --eth-ra-daemon 0 nvm.dat 

Display the content of an existing NVM configuration :

nvm_tool --print nvm.dat
Channel: 24

WSN network prefix : aaaa::
WSN IP address : aaaa::100
WSN accept RA : True
WSN IP address autoconf : True

Eth network prefix : bbbb::
Eth IP address : bbbb::100
Eth default router : bbbb::1
Eth RA daemon : False
Eth IP address autoconf : False

Local address rewrite : True
Filter out RPL : True
Filter out NDP : True

RPL version_id : 240
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